Cristina Soares Ribeiro Gomes Cavaco (original) (raw)
Papers by Cristina Soares Ribeiro Gomes Cavaco
Planning Practice & Research
Abstract Over the last decades, interim reuse has emerged as a possible solution for vacant land ... more Abstract Over the last decades, interim reuse has emerged as a possible solution for vacant land and abandoned spaces in cities. It is presented as an alternative to conventional regeneration projects, opening up new possibilities for the occupation of formerly derelict spaces. However, in addition to such opportunities, it also poses a number of risks which need to be mitigated, calling for new mechanisms that foster the consultation and participation of communities within the scope of urban planning. The present research seeks to fill this gap by introducing scenario-elicitation, an innovative participation methodology, which relies on new visualisation and communication techniques in planning. Application of the methodology to an abandoned industrial lot in Barreiro – a shrinking city in the suburban belt of Lisbon, Portugal – yielded the following conclusions: (i) scenario-elicitation constitutes a potential tool for the consultation of communities, as a complement to other visualisation and communication techniques in planning; (ii) interim reuse is embraced by communities as a useful device to respond to vacancy and urban abandonment situations; (iii) citizens' adherence to types of interim reuse is geared, primarily, towards collective space options linked to healthy living practices and the combination of different functional and spatial assets.
O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o conceito de urbanismo enquanto área disciplinar autónoma ... more O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o conceito de urbanismo enquanto área disciplinar autónoma e campo específico de política pública. Argumenta-se que a política pública de urbanismo tem vindo a enfrentar uma mudança de azimute associada à libertação da política urbana do primado morfológico e à sua reorientação para a problemática do desenvolvimento urbano, apelando a uma nova perspetiva estratégica, integrada e multidimensional. Entre outros aspetos, esta mudança traduz-se numa transmutação terminológica associada à emergência do conceito de política de cidades. Partindo de uma reflexão sobre as origens do urbanismo e sua evolução, e focando em especial o desenvolvimento da política de urbanismo em Portugal, o presente texto procura debater as mudanças e desdobramentos ocorridos. Assim, pretende contribuir, não só para a tão necessária reconfiguração de conceitos e de doutrina, mas também para ajudar a repensar o posicionamento do urbanismo e de uma política de cidades no quadr...
This land was the best in the world, but in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only... more This land was the best in the world, but in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body. All the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left. Plato 360 b.c. The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
The development of the coaching literature has often been protracted and modest. In recent years,... more The development of the coaching literature has often been protracted and modest. In recent years, few coaching texts provided a significant leap forward in our understanding of psychological dynamics of coaching. For this reason, Cox's Coaching Understood is a game changer. More thoroughly and systematically than ever before, this work gets under the bonnet of the coaching engine and explores the mechanics of the coaching process. For anyone wondering why coaching works, this book is your answer. Cox describes a dance between theory and practice and shows that one does not need to choose between rampant eclecticism and strict intellectual monogamy. While not being shy to draw upon best practice in other helping disciplines, she develops an understanding of coaching that is true to itself. Cox's is a pragmatic approach, but one that draws heavily on evidence-based theories. I would second her call for coaching-specific research to be conducted to collectively develop a rich base of researchsupported practice, which will take forward the entire discipline.
Within the universe of what has recently been called ‘modern ruins’, neoliberal ruins represent a... more Within the universe of what has recently been called ‘modern ruins’, neoliberal ruins represent a meaningful segment of these new forms of ruination that autograph contemporary urban landscapes. Imminently linked to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 and the subsequent burst of the property bubble, neoliberal ruins are usually materialized by unfinished real estates that can be either non-concluded buildings or suspended projects for urban and greenfield developments. Nonetheless, they represent a specific type of ruin that diverge in several aspects from what has been regarded as a traditional ruination dynamics. Premature abandonment is one of these aspects since neoliberal ruins become a ruin even before coming into being. Brito-Henriques (2017) refers that ”the idea of movement is essential in the ontology of the ruin”, mentioning that a ruin, as a physical geographically localized artefact, has been left behind by a certain social and economic change, namely the withdraw...
Reflecting on the idea that the rule and the model as two primary proceeding figures of urban spa... more Reflecting on the idea that the rule and the model as two primary proceeding figures of urban space and form can be set up as tools in th e important task of reading, understanding and anal yzing the urbanized landscaped city, this paper traces an an lytical retrospective upon the urban space of m odernity. With an eye to the legibility and the intelligibility of contemporary urban space and form, the paper highlights the importance of these two concepts – t he rule and the model – when it comes to the governability of the territory. At the end, some pr mises are drawn up focusing on the articulation of m dels and rules as a planning and a governance demand.
UK a complex palimpsest of developments ranging from the legacies of migratory networks to forgot... more UK a complex palimpsest of developments ranging from the legacies of migratory networks to forgotten traces of garden design. The imprint of the postcolonial transition, for instance, and its attendant theoretical articulations, is fundamental to grasping the complexity of Portuguese urban space. 4 These alternative geographies of the city point to an array of ideas and questions that have been neglected or overlooked within the Anglo-American academic sphere. The diverse investigations and critical reflections being generated by the NoVOID research programme are providing new opportunities for people to discover their own cities in all their fascinating complexity. The project is also building international connections that will have a lasting impact on the field of urban research and the need to take unusual or anomalous spaces seriously. 1 Eduardo Brito-Henriques, presentation given to the NoVOID workshop held at the University of Lisbon (21 September 2017).
Shaping Regional Futures, 2019
In the last decade, soft spaces and soft planning have emerged as new spatial planning and govern... more In the last decade, soft spaces and soft planning have emerged as new spatial planning and governance concepts, calling for a fresh approach to planning. The European Union has been partly responsible, not only by acting as a driver of soft planning, but also by encouraging the convergence and harmonisation of planning styles into a common European planning culture. However, soft planning does not replace statutory frameworks. Planning deals with both hard (mandatory and regulatory) and soft (non-statutory and non-binding) spaces, although this coexistence is not free of contention. Deviances and mismatches give rise to a number of ambiguities, inconsistencies and contradictions. This chapter examines the meeting ground between hard and soft planning, i.e. how EU-led, soft planning policy initiatives are accommodated and managed within statutory national planning systems, using the Portuguese system as a reference. The Portuguese administrative organisation and spatial planning syst...
Sob o lema construir no (e com o) construído, o grupo que trabalhou a Zona Oriental de Lisboa e o... more Sob o lema construir no (e com o) construído, o grupo que trabalhou a Zona Oriental de Lisboa e o Vale de Chelas, explorou potenciais reapropriações de um vasto património industrial abandonado, procurando desenhar novos futuros para o que já se chamou o Cemitério das Fábricas de Lisboa. 2.2. Valley of Chelas and the Oriental Area of Lisbon Build within (and with) the Built: The industrial heritage of Lisbon Under the motto of building within (and with) the built, the group that worked on the Eastern Lisbon Area and on Vale de Chelas explored potential reappropriations of a wide abandoned industrial IMG_007 Ó
This article reports on a new approach to urban planning known as soft planning and research into... more This article reports on a new approach to urban planning known as soft planning and research into one particular case: The Catalan Neighborhood Law. This law affects 830,000 people (11% of the Catalan population), 93 districts, and 76 towns and cities, and has overseen expenditure of 1 billion euros, and promoted more than 300 integrated urban intervention projects in five years, all with a single goal: The conversion of districts and urban areas into better and more sustainable places in which to live. We discuss the most significant impact of this law in Catalonia and its use as a soft planning tool.
Foregrounding Urban Agendas, 2019
This chapter claims that a Portuguese national urban agenda has been further consolidated and imp... more This chapter claims that a Portuguese national urban agenda has been further consolidated and improved since the 1990s, having the European Union as one of its major engine and drivers. After a first overview of the background on urban policies in Portugal, a number of policy programs were studied (Polis, Polis XXI and Portugal 2020, among others), focusing on cities and sustainable urban development during the last three European Union policy programming cycles. The analysis focuses, mainly, on the typology of interventions, including target areas and actors involved, their management, governance models and implementation tools, in order to discuss major tendencies and alignments with international urban agendas. Concepts such as sustainable development, place-based policy or integrated territorial development are at the core of the debate, along with the rhetorical mainstream developed at a European and international level. The chapter settles that, in the studied period, urban po...
European Planning Studies, 2017
ABSTRACT The research focuses on Portuguese West Coast tourism resorts and addresses the problem ... more ABSTRACT The research focuses on Portuguese West Coast tourism resorts and addresses the problem of unfinished estates as territorial liabilities left by the Global Financial Crisis on residential tourism and tourism-driven urbanization. After a significant expansion during the golden age, resorts have suffered drastic consequences under the crisis, financial imbalance and stagnation of the real estate market. This situation brings additional problems to land management and adequate responses have not been provided yet. Focusing on the municipality of Óbidos, this paper aims to describe the territorial changes induced by the development of resorts, criss-crossing a morphological analysis with the understanding of the context of the Global Financial Crisis and the assessment of the regulatory framework.
Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers, Jun 13, 2011
E ja lugar-comum referirmo-nos as paisagens da cidade contemporânea, nao-historica e nao-consolid... more E ja lugar-comum referirmo-nos as paisagens da cidade contemporânea, nao-historica e nao-consolidada, aos territorios perifericos e lugares ditos suburbanos, como espacos menores, carentes e desqualificados que poluem e deformam, de forma irreflectida e ordinaria, as referencias esteticas e espaciais que guardamos do que devera ser o nosso espaco de quotidiano. Na verdade, sentimos muitas vezes que os lugares onde habitamos sao pouco satisfatorios, sao espacos desconfortaveis, feios, monotonos, pouco eficazes em termos de economia de tempo e espaco, pobres de sentido e aquem das imagens apraziveis que povoam os nossos imaginarios. Mas servir-nos-a, esta imagem de fealdade, de caos e irracionalidade, para registar e qualificar, sem hesitacoes nem constrangimentos, o espaco urbano contemporâneo? Ou serao estas caracterizacoes e predicados uma especie de apreciacao, lesta mas rudimentar, talvez mesmo um subterfugio, para qualificar um espaco urbano que quotidianamente habitamos, e certo, mas que na verdade nao compreendemos? Centrados nesta problematica e na hipotese de que os territorios suburbanos nao sao, afinal, os tecidos caoticos e irracionais que normalmente consideramos, a presente comunicacao tem por principal objectivo discutir e escrutinar a ordem de razoes que estao na base da producao da forma e espaco urbano contemporâneos. Acreditando que a heterogeneidade, a fragmentacao e as descontinuidades que caracterizam as paisagens suburbanas nao sao simplesmente sinonimo de ausencia de ordem ou o resultado descomprometido de crescimentos empiricos de grande espontaneidade, mas antes o produto da aplicacao e da acumulacao de uma serie de regras e principios, e da reproducao e combinacao de determinados modelos formais e de espaco, e mesmo da sua transfiguracao ou transgressao, questionamo-nos sobre: Que narrativas contam estes diferentes fragmentos de cidade? Que diferentes formas de racionalidade estao subjacentes na genese destas varias configuracoes e padroes territoriais suburbanos? Tendo por base a investigacao para doutoramento realizada na Faculdade de Arquitectura UTL (2009), a apresentacao comeca por sistematizar a leitura e o entendimento da forma do territorio segundo a formula dos tres Ps – produto (artefacto), projecto (conceito) e processo (funcao) (A. Corboz, 1983) – procurando, a partir daqui, encontrar as diferentes ordens de razao e as narrativas que estruturam o espaco construido da contemporaneidade. Em funcao deste entendimento e tomando como referencia a obra de Francoise Choay (1980) - La Regle et le Modele – explora-se o argumento de que regra e modelo , enquanto figuras base do processamento do espaco edificado (tal como Choay as qualifica), podem constituir uma ferramenta morfologica importante, nao so no reconhecimento da legibilidade e inteligibilidade da forma e estrutura urbanas contemporâneas, mas tambem na constituicao de um quadro preliminar que sirva de base a criacao e transformacao do espaco urbano na contemporaneidade. Face a uma realidade urbanistica que a partida se apresenta tao desconcertante, a abordagem, em termos conceptuais e metodologicos, entronca necessariamente numa visao do espaco edificado essencialmente matricial. Neste sentido, a regra e o modelo, enquanto constantes ou matrizes estruturais do espaco construido , afiguram-se como instrumentos de valor no sentido de assimilar assimilar a natureza de um facto urbano complexo, segmentario, mutante e racionalmente intricado.
... Periferia e periferias na problemática da sociedade contemporânea. Authors: Cavaco, Cristina ... more ... Periferia e periferias na problemática da sociedade contemporânea. Authors: Cavaco, Cristina Soares Ribeiro Gomes. Advisor: Rodrigues, Maria João Varela de Sena Magalhães Madeira. Keywords: Arquitectura Cultura arquitectónica. Issue Date: Jul-2001. ...
Planning Theory
Over the last decade, soft planning has become an increasingly visible concept in planning litera... more Over the last decade, soft planning has become an increasingly visible concept in planning literature. Since the term soft spaces was firstly coined, soft planning has been used to describe a growing number of practices that occur at the margins of statutory planning systems. However, as soft planning-related literature proliferates, so does the diversity of approaches and planning practices it encompasses. Such diversity fuels long-standing questions about what can or cannot be considered as soft planning as well as about its usefulness for today’s planning theory and practice. To shed light on this still unclear conceptual outline, this article divides the soft planning debate into five contextual components (ethos; governance; politics; policies; spaces; and scale) while paying particular attention to the relationship between soft planning and strategic spatial planning. The aim is to foreground soft planning as a concept, and add clarity and awareness on the challenges, the risk...
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2016
At European level, the different methodologies used for the classification of urban areas rely on... more At European level, the different methodologies used for the classification of urban areas rely on the spatial allocation of population to 1 km2 grid cells, failing therefore to identify small-sized settlements that play an important role in urban systems mostly composed by small towns, such as the Portuguese. This paper reports the development of alternative methodologies which overcome the problem stated, successfully enabling the automated recognition and delimitation of small-sized urban settlements – the prime goal of this work. Two alternative methodologies (A and B) were developed and later compared. The settlements identified by A are clusters of census tracts, previously classified using an urban–rural typology proposed by the authors. In B an adaptation of the Urban Morphological Zones methodology published by the European Environment Agency was used, whereby settlements are clusters of specific Land Use/Land Cover classes combined with the urbanised areas defined by Munici...
Planning Practice & Research
Abstract Over the last decades, interim reuse has emerged as a possible solution for vacant land ... more Abstract Over the last decades, interim reuse has emerged as a possible solution for vacant land and abandoned spaces in cities. It is presented as an alternative to conventional regeneration projects, opening up new possibilities for the occupation of formerly derelict spaces. However, in addition to such opportunities, it also poses a number of risks which need to be mitigated, calling for new mechanisms that foster the consultation and participation of communities within the scope of urban planning. The present research seeks to fill this gap by introducing scenario-elicitation, an innovative participation methodology, which relies on new visualisation and communication techniques in planning. Application of the methodology to an abandoned industrial lot in Barreiro – a shrinking city in the suburban belt of Lisbon, Portugal – yielded the following conclusions: (i) scenario-elicitation constitutes a potential tool for the consultation of communities, as a complement to other visualisation and communication techniques in planning; (ii) interim reuse is embraced by communities as a useful device to respond to vacancy and urban abandonment situations; (iii) citizens' adherence to types of interim reuse is geared, primarily, towards collective space options linked to healthy living practices and the combination of different functional and spatial assets.
O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o conceito de urbanismo enquanto área disciplinar autónoma ... more O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o conceito de urbanismo enquanto área disciplinar autónoma e campo específico de política pública. Argumenta-se que a política pública de urbanismo tem vindo a enfrentar uma mudança de azimute associada à libertação da política urbana do primado morfológico e à sua reorientação para a problemática do desenvolvimento urbano, apelando a uma nova perspetiva estratégica, integrada e multidimensional. Entre outros aspetos, esta mudança traduz-se numa transmutação terminológica associada à emergência do conceito de política de cidades. Partindo de uma reflexão sobre as origens do urbanismo e sua evolução, e focando em especial o desenvolvimento da política de urbanismo em Portugal, o presente texto procura debater as mudanças e desdobramentos ocorridos. Assim, pretende contribuir, não só para a tão necessária reconfiguração de conceitos e de doutrina, mas também para ajudar a repensar o posicionamento do urbanismo e de uma política de cidades no quadr...
This land was the best in the world, but in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only... more This land was the best in the world, but in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body. All the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left. Plato 360 b.c. The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
The development of the coaching literature has often been protracted and modest. In recent years,... more The development of the coaching literature has often been protracted and modest. In recent years, few coaching texts provided a significant leap forward in our understanding of psychological dynamics of coaching. For this reason, Cox's Coaching Understood is a game changer. More thoroughly and systematically than ever before, this work gets under the bonnet of the coaching engine and explores the mechanics of the coaching process. For anyone wondering why coaching works, this book is your answer. Cox describes a dance between theory and practice and shows that one does not need to choose between rampant eclecticism and strict intellectual monogamy. While not being shy to draw upon best practice in other helping disciplines, she develops an understanding of coaching that is true to itself. Cox's is a pragmatic approach, but one that draws heavily on evidence-based theories. I would second her call for coaching-specific research to be conducted to collectively develop a rich base of researchsupported practice, which will take forward the entire discipline.
Within the universe of what has recently been called ‘modern ruins’, neoliberal ruins represent a... more Within the universe of what has recently been called ‘modern ruins’, neoliberal ruins represent a meaningful segment of these new forms of ruination that autograph contemporary urban landscapes. Imminently linked to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 and the subsequent burst of the property bubble, neoliberal ruins are usually materialized by unfinished real estates that can be either non-concluded buildings or suspended projects for urban and greenfield developments. Nonetheless, they represent a specific type of ruin that diverge in several aspects from what has been regarded as a traditional ruination dynamics. Premature abandonment is one of these aspects since neoliberal ruins become a ruin even before coming into being. Brito-Henriques (2017) refers that ”the idea of movement is essential in the ontology of the ruin”, mentioning that a ruin, as a physical geographically localized artefact, has been left behind by a certain social and economic change, namely the withdraw...
Reflecting on the idea that the rule and the model as two primary proceeding figures of urban spa... more Reflecting on the idea that the rule and the model as two primary proceeding figures of urban space and form can be set up as tools in th e important task of reading, understanding and anal yzing the urbanized landscaped city, this paper traces an an lytical retrospective upon the urban space of m odernity. With an eye to the legibility and the intelligibility of contemporary urban space and form, the paper highlights the importance of these two concepts – t he rule and the model – when it comes to the governability of the territory. At the end, some pr mises are drawn up focusing on the articulation of m dels and rules as a planning and a governance demand.
UK a complex palimpsest of developments ranging from the legacies of migratory networks to forgot... more UK a complex palimpsest of developments ranging from the legacies of migratory networks to forgotten traces of garden design. The imprint of the postcolonial transition, for instance, and its attendant theoretical articulations, is fundamental to grasping the complexity of Portuguese urban space. 4 These alternative geographies of the city point to an array of ideas and questions that have been neglected or overlooked within the Anglo-American academic sphere. The diverse investigations and critical reflections being generated by the NoVOID research programme are providing new opportunities for people to discover their own cities in all their fascinating complexity. The project is also building international connections that will have a lasting impact on the field of urban research and the need to take unusual or anomalous spaces seriously. 1 Eduardo Brito-Henriques, presentation given to the NoVOID workshop held at the University of Lisbon (21 September 2017).
Shaping Regional Futures, 2019
In the last decade, soft spaces and soft planning have emerged as new spatial planning and govern... more In the last decade, soft spaces and soft planning have emerged as new spatial planning and governance concepts, calling for a fresh approach to planning. The European Union has been partly responsible, not only by acting as a driver of soft planning, but also by encouraging the convergence and harmonisation of planning styles into a common European planning culture. However, soft planning does not replace statutory frameworks. Planning deals with both hard (mandatory and regulatory) and soft (non-statutory and non-binding) spaces, although this coexistence is not free of contention. Deviances and mismatches give rise to a number of ambiguities, inconsistencies and contradictions. This chapter examines the meeting ground between hard and soft planning, i.e. how EU-led, soft planning policy initiatives are accommodated and managed within statutory national planning systems, using the Portuguese system as a reference. The Portuguese administrative organisation and spatial planning syst...
Sob o lema construir no (e com o) construído, o grupo que trabalhou a Zona Oriental de Lisboa e o... more Sob o lema construir no (e com o) construído, o grupo que trabalhou a Zona Oriental de Lisboa e o Vale de Chelas, explorou potenciais reapropriações de um vasto património industrial abandonado, procurando desenhar novos futuros para o que já se chamou o Cemitério das Fábricas de Lisboa. 2.2. Valley of Chelas and the Oriental Area of Lisbon Build within (and with) the Built: The industrial heritage of Lisbon Under the motto of building within (and with) the built, the group that worked on the Eastern Lisbon Area and on Vale de Chelas explored potential reappropriations of a wide abandoned industrial IMG_007 Ó
This article reports on a new approach to urban planning known as soft planning and research into... more This article reports on a new approach to urban planning known as soft planning and research into one particular case: The Catalan Neighborhood Law. This law affects 830,000 people (11% of the Catalan population), 93 districts, and 76 towns and cities, and has overseen expenditure of 1 billion euros, and promoted more than 300 integrated urban intervention projects in five years, all with a single goal: The conversion of districts and urban areas into better and more sustainable places in which to live. We discuss the most significant impact of this law in Catalonia and its use as a soft planning tool.
Foregrounding Urban Agendas, 2019
This chapter claims that a Portuguese national urban agenda has been further consolidated and imp... more This chapter claims that a Portuguese national urban agenda has been further consolidated and improved since the 1990s, having the European Union as one of its major engine and drivers. After a first overview of the background on urban policies in Portugal, a number of policy programs were studied (Polis, Polis XXI and Portugal 2020, among others), focusing on cities and sustainable urban development during the last three European Union policy programming cycles. The analysis focuses, mainly, on the typology of interventions, including target areas and actors involved, their management, governance models and implementation tools, in order to discuss major tendencies and alignments with international urban agendas. Concepts such as sustainable development, place-based policy or integrated territorial development are at the core of the debate, along with the rhetorical mainstream developed at a European and international level. The chapter settles that, in the studied period, urban po...
European Planning Studies, 2017
ABSTRACT The research focuses on Portuguese West Coast tourism resorts and addresses the problem ... more ABSTRACT The research focuses on Portuguese West Coast tourism resorts and addresses the problem of unfinished estates as territorial liabilities left by the Global Financial Crisis on residential tourism and tourism-driven urbanization. After a significant expansion during the golden age, resorts have suffered drastic consequences under the crisis, financial imbalance and stagnation of the real estate market. This situation brings additional problems to land management and adequate responses have not been provided yet. Focusing on the municipality of Óbidos, this paper aims to describe the territorial changes induced by the development of resorts, criss-crossing a morphological analysis with the understanding of the context of the Global Financial Crisis and the assessment of the regulatory framework.
Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers, Jun 13, 2011
E ja lugar-comum referirmo-nos as paisagens da cidade contemporânea, nao-historica e nao-consolid... more E ja lugar-comum referirmo-nos as paisagens da cidade contemporânea, nao-historica e nao-consolidada, aos territorios perifericos e lugares ditos suburbanos, como espacos menores, carentes e desqualificados que poluem e deformam, de forma irreflectida e ordinaria, as referencias esteticas e espaciais que guardamos do que devera ser o nosso espaco de quotidiano. Na verdade, sentimos muitas vezes que os lugares onde habitamos sao pouco satisfatorios, sao espacos desconfortaveis, feios, monotonos, pouco eficazes em termos de economia de tempo e espaco, pobres de sentido e aquem das imagens apraziveis que povoam os nossos imaginarios. Mas servir-nos-a, esta imagem de fealdade, de caos e irracionalidade, para registar e qualificar, sem hesitacoes nem constrangimentos, o espaco urbano contemporâneo? Ou serao estas caracterizacoes e predicados uma especie de apreciacao, lesta mas rudimentar, talvez mesmo um subterfugio, para qualificar um espaco urbano que quotidianamente habitamos, e certo, mas que na verdade nao compreendemos? Centrados nesta problematica e na hipotese de que os territorios suburbanos nao sao, afinal, os tecidos caoticos e irracionais que normalmente consideramos, a presente comunicacao tem por principal objectivo discutir e escrutinar a ordem de razoes que estao na base da producao da forma e espaco urbano contemporâneos. Acreditando que a heterogeneidade, a fragmentacao e as descontinuidades que caracterizam as paisagens suburbanas nao sao simplesmente sinonimo de ausencia de ordem ou o resultado descomprometido de crescimentos empiricos de grande espontaneidade, mas antes o produto da aplicacao e da acumulacao de uma serie de regras e principios, e da reproducao e combinacao de determinados modelos formais e de espaco, e mesmo da sua transfiguracao ou transgressao, questionamo-nos sobre: Que narrativas contam estes diferentes fragmentos de cidade? Que diferentes formas de racionalidade estao subjacentes na genese destas varias configuracoes e padroes territoriais suburbanos? Tendo por base a investigacao para doutoramento realizada na Faculdade de Arquitectura UTL (2009), a apresentacao comeca por sistematizar a leitura e o entendimento da forma do territorio segundo a formula dos tres Ps – produto (artefacto), projecto (conceito) e processo (funcao) (A. Corboz, 1983) – procurando, a partir daqui, encontrar as diferentes ordens de razao e as narrativas que estruturam o espaco construido da contemporaneidade. Em funcao deste entendimento e tomando como referencia a obra de Francoise Choay (1980) - La Regle et le Modele – explora-se o argumento de que regra e modelo , enquanto figuras base do processamento do espaco edificado (tal como Choay as qualifica), podem constituir uma ferramenta morfologica importante, nao so no reconhecimento da legibilidade e inteligibilidade da forma e estrutura urbanas contemporâneas, mas tambem na constituicao de um quadro preliminar que sirva de base a criacao e transformacao do espaco urbano na contemporaneidade. Face a uma realidade urbanistica que a partida se apresenta tao desconcertante, a abordagem, em termos conceptuais e metodologicos, entronca necessariamente numa visao do espaco edificado essencialmente matricial. Neste sentido, a regra e o modelo, enquanto constantes ou matrizes estruturais do espaco construido , afiguram-se como instrumentos de valor no sentido de assimilar assimilar a natureza de um facto urbano complexo, segmentario, mutante e racionalmente intricado.
... Periferia e periferias na problemática da sociedade contemporânea. Authors: Cavaco, Cristina ... more ... Periferia e periferias na problemática da sociedade contemporânea. Authors: Cavaco, Cristina Soares Ribeiro Gomes. Advisor: Rodrigues, Maria João Varela de Sena Magalhães Madeira. Keywords: Arquitectura Cultura arquitectónica. Issue Date: Jul-2001. ...
Planning Theory
Over the last decade, soft planning has become an increasingly visible concept in planning litera... more Over the last decade, soft planning has become an increasingly visible concept in planning literature. Since the term soft spaces was firstly coined, soft planning has been used to describe a growing number of practices that occur at the margins of statutory planning systems. However, as soft planning-related literature proliferates, so does the diversity of approaches and planning practices it encompasses. Such diversity fuels long-standing questions about what can or cannot be considered as soft planning as well as about its usefulness for today’s planning theory and practice. To shed light on this still unclear conceptual outline, this article divides the soft planning debate into five contextual components (ethos; governance; politics; policies; spaces; and scale) while paying particular attention to the relationship between soft planning and strategic spatial planning. The aim is to foreground soft planning as a concept, and add clarity and awareness on the challenges, the risk...
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2016
At European level, the different methodologies used for the classification of urban areas rely on... more At European level, the different methodologies used for the classification of urban areas rely on the spatial allocation of population to 1 km2 grid cells, failing therefore to identify small-sized settlements that play an important role in urban systems mostly composed by small towns, such as the Portuguese. This paper reports the development of alternative methodologies which overcome the problem stated, successfully enabling the automated recognition and delimitation of small-sized urban settlements – the prime goal of this work. Two alternative methodologies (A and B) were developed and later compared. The settlements identified by A are clusters of census tracts, previously classified using an urban–rural typology proposed by the authors. In B an adaptation of the Urban Morphological Zones methodology published by the European Environment Agency was used, whereby settlements are clusters of specific Land Use/Land Cover classes combined with the urbanised areas defined by Munici...