Jørn Cruickshank - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Jørn Cruickshank

Research paper thumbnail of Power and knowledge

Applied Social Science Research in a Regional Knowledge System, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Styrer dispensasjoner byutviklingen?

Plan, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Stedsblind planlegging av lokalsamfunnet

Plan, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Planlegging ved pendelens yttergrense

Plan, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of En planleggingsteori for utkant-norge

Plan, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Kunstsiloen som ingen kunne målbinde

Plan, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Hva hindrer utvikling på små steder?

Plan, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Økonomiens Konstruksjon Av Den Norske Landsbygda

Plan, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Qualitative Interviews in Discourse Theory

In discourse theoretical studies the qualitative interview is scarcely treated as a method, but a... more In discourse theoretical studies the qualitative interview is scarcely treated as a method, but as empirical data. Some important methodological challenges for discourse theory are thereby being obscured. In this paper the role of the qualitative interview in discourse theory is therefore discussed. The paper outlines the roots of the discourse theoretical project and its approach to language as a reality-producing force. Furthermore, I discuss the role of the discourse theorist in the interview and the status that is assigned to actors and structure in the analysis of qualitative interviews. Discourse theoretical studies do not take advantage of the interview as a way to reveal social forces beyond the influence of language and discourse. It is therefore argued that further efforts should be made in order to reveal the limits to discourse theoretical studies, but then it is the necessary to be more explicit on the distinction between method and empirical data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kystopprøret 2017- interessekamp og samfunnskritikk

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Research paper thumbnail of Global capitalism guided by desire- Solvang, CA, as a “real” place

Journal of Rural Studies, 2021

Abstract How to deal with the transformation of place in the face of global capitalism is marked ... more Abstract How to deal with the transformation of place in the face of global capitalism is marked by many active debates. This paper dives into the transformation of the city of Solvang in California, from an agricultural village to a tourist destination. One way to analyse the process is to treat it as commodification, where values produced in places are being turned into exchangeable commodities. What results from such critical studies of capitalism too often result in apathy rather than positive action, it tends to deal less with ‘the real world’ than thought experiments about possible worlds. Another approach connects to the relational turn and the application of assemblage theory in studies of the dialectic process between economy and society. Critics question the ability of also assemblage theory to point us towards what should be done. We end up seeing assemblages everywhere, but then what? This paper makes the case for an alternative positive critical geography, inspired by Deleuze and Guattari (1972, 1987) and their conceptualization of desire as an active and positive force. Policies should depart from already existing subjectivities that have an interest in their social mileu and have a desire to make it even better. This is the appropriate ground for political engagement, the place to start if we want to contribute to a different future. An analytical scheme for a positive critical geography is presented and “tested out” in a case study of Solvang, where a “real” place continuously emerge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local hegemonies resisting a green shift and what to do about it: the introduction of a regional park in southern Norway

Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Is culture-led redevelopment relevant for rural planners? The risk of adopting urban theories in rural settings

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Forskning i Praksis : Teoretiske Perspektiv på Landsbygdsutvikling i Interreg prosjektet LISA

Interreg prosjektet Landsbygdsutvikling i Skandinavia (LISA) avsluttes i 2012 etter tre ars utvik... more Interreg prosjektet Landsbygdsutvikling i Skandinavia (LISA) avsluttes i 2012 etter tre ars utviklings og forskningsarbeid pa Landsbygden i Skandinavia. Prosjektet har skapt et samarbeid pa tvers a ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neoliberalism as ideology in regional development s trategies

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Research paper thumbnail of Political Conceptions of Second Home Mobility

Sociologia Ruralis, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Protest against centralisation in Norway: The evolvement of the goal for maintaining a dispersed settlement pattern

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Diskursens egenvekt i konstruksjonen av det rurale: om utviklingen av norsk distriktspolitikk

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Research paper thumbnail of The logic of the construction of rural politics: political discourses on rurality in norway

Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Lisa Kask: Rapport fra dialogseminar 21. juni 2010

... som kan oppnå mer ved å utnytte hverandres kompetanser ogressurser.Seminaret synligjorde også... more ... som kan oppnå mer ved å utnytte hverandres kompetanser ogressurser.Seminaret synligjorde også at LISA-KASK prosjektet begynner å sette sporute i bygdene, som et resultat av flere mobiliseringsaktiviteter, folkemøter,prosjektmøter og samlinger av ulikt slag. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Power and knowledge

Applied Social Science Research in a Regional Knowledge System, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Styrer dispensasjoner byutviklingen?

Plan, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Stedsblind planlegging av lokalsamfunnet

Plan, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Planlegging ved pendelens yttergrense

Plan, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of En planleggingsteori for utkant-norge

Plan, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Kunstsiloen som ingen kunne målbinde

Plan, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Hva hindrer utvikling på små steder?

Plan, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Økonomiens Konstruksjon Av Den Norske Landsbygda

Plan, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Qualitative Interviews in Discourse Theory

In discourse theoretical studies the qualitative interview is scarcely treated as a method, but a... more In discourse theoretical studies the qualitative interview is scarcely treated as a method, but as empirical data. Some important methodological challenges for discourse theory are thereby being obscured. In this paper the role of the qualitative interview in discourse theory is therefore discussed. The paper outlines the roots of the discourse theoretical project and its approach to language as a reality-producing force. Furthermore, I discuss the role of the discourse theorist in the interview and the status that is assigned to actors and structure in the analysis of qualitative interviews. Discourse theoretical studies do not take advantage of the interview as a way to reveal social forces beyond the influence of language and discourse. It is therefore argued that further efforts should be made in order to reveal the limits to discourse theoretical studies, but then it is the necessary to be more explicit on the distinction between method and empirical data.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kystopprøret 2017- interessekamp og samfunnskritikk

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Research paper thumbnail of Global capitalism guided by desire- Solvang, CA, as a “real” place

Journal of Rural Studies, 2021

Abstract How to deal with the transformation of place in the face of global capitalism is marked ... more Abstract How to deal with the transformation of place in the face of global capitalism is marked by many active debates. This paper dives into the transformation of the city of Solvang in California, from an agricultural village to a tourist destination. One way to analyse the process is to treat it as commodification, where values produced in places are being turned into exchangeable commodities. What results from such critical studies of capitalism too often result in apathy rather than positive action, it tends to deal less with ‘the real world’ than thought experiments about possible worlds. Another approach connects to the relational turn and the application of assemblage theory in studies of the dialectic process between economy and society. Critics question the ability of also assemblage theory to point us towards what should be done. We end up seeing assemblages everywhere, but then what? This paper makes the case for an alternative positive critical geography, inspired by Deleuze and Guattari (1972, 1987) and their conceptualization of desire as an active and positive force. Policies should depart from already existing subjectivities that have an interest in their social mileu and have a desire to make it even better. This is the appropriate ground for political engagement, the place to start if we want to contribute to a different future. An analytical scheme for a positive critical geography is presented and “tested out” in a case study of Solvang, where a “real” place continuously emerge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local hegemonies resisting a green shift and what to do about it: the introduction of a regional park in southern Norway

Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Is culture-led redevelopment relevant for rural planners? The risk of adopting urban theories in rural settings

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Forskning i Praksis : Teoretiske Perspektiv på Landsbygdsutvikling i Interreg prosjektet LISA

Interreg prosjektet Landsbygdsutvikling i Skandinavia (LISA) avsluttes i 2012 etter tre ars utvik... more Interreg prosjektet Landsbygdsutvikling i Skandinavia (LISA) avsluttes i 2012 etter tre ars utviklings og forskningsarbeid pa Landsbygden i Skandinavia. Prosjektet har skapt et samarbeid pa tvers a ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neoliberalism as ideology in regional development s trategies

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Research paper thumbnail of Political Conceptions of Second Home Mobility

Sociologia Ruralis, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Protest against centralisation in Norway: The evolvement of the goal for maintaining a dispersed settlement pattern

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Diskursens egenvekt i konstruksjonen av det rurale: om utviklingen av norsk distriktspolitikk

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Research paper thumbnail of The logic of the construction of rural politics: political discourses on rurality in norway

Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Lisa Kask: Rapport fra dialogseminar 21. juni 2010

... som kan oppnå mer ved å utnytte hverandres kompetanser ogressurser.Seminaret synligjorde også... more ... som kan oppnå mer ved å utnytte hverandres kompetanser ogressurser.Seminaret synligjorde også at LISA-KASK prosjektet begynner å sette sporute i bygdene, som et resultat av flere mobiliseringsaktiviteter, folkemøter,prosjektmøter og samlinger av ulikt slag. ...

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