RAHMAWATI DARUSSYAMSU - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Oryza: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Nov 6, 2023
The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model w... more The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model which requires students to be active in the learning process, the problems given are contextual problems. At present there are many problems that occur in the world of education, one of which is the learning model used by teachers that is not suitable for students so that it makes students passive and feel bored with learning biology. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning learning model in increasing the creativity and learning outcomes of class X high school students on ecosystem material. The method used in this research is Literature Review. The reading sources used are taken from national articles that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is carried out descriptively by analyzing and identifying the reading sources used, so that a summary is produced containing a number of information. Based on the results of the analysis of the review literature, it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning learning model can increase the creativity and learning outcomes of students in ecosystem material. Abstract explains the core of manuscript informatively and obviously including the subject matter proposed approach and solution and show key finding's and conclusions.
Oryza: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Nov 6, 2023
The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model w... more The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model which requires students to be active in the learning process, the problems given are contextual problems. At present there are many problems that occur in the world of education, one of which is the learning model used by teachers that is not suitable for students so that it makes students passive and feel bored with learning biology. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning learning model in increasing the creativity and learning outcomes of class X high school students on ecosystem material. The method used in this research is Literature Review. The reading sources used are taken from national articles that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is carried out descriptively by analyzing and identifying the reading sources used, so that a summary is produced containing a number of information. Based on the results of the analysis of the review literature, it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning learning model can increase the creativity and learning outcomes of students in ecosystem material. Abstract explains the core of manuscript informatively and obviously including the subject matter proposed approach and solution and show key finding's and conclusions.
Bioeducation Journal, 2018
LKPD Experiment based on Scientific Approach can guide students in developing a concept from the ... more LKPD Experiment based on Scientific Approach can guide students in developing a concept from the materials they have learned in lab work activity. Based on the matter, a study had done which aimed to produce LKPD experiment using Scientific Approach Based for the students grade XI at SMA/MA it was valid and practical.This study was an elaborated study which had three stages in conducting the research. There was known as 4D model which were define, design, develop. The data were collected by using validity questionnaire and practicality. The subject of this study were 2 biology lecturers, and 2 biology teachersas the validators, 2 biology teachers and 25 students grade XI Science at SMAN 1 Batusangkar, as the practicalitator. The data of this study was primary data which was validity and practical data. The result of this study showed that the LKPDexperiment based on scientific approach for the students grade XI 1st Semester SMA/MA was really valid and really practical.
Jurnal Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, 2019
Misconceptions is a concept that doesn’t suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconce... more Misconceptions is a concept that doesn’t suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconceptions whom occur in students’ selves prohibit the formed of relation with new concepts and disrupt the realization of learning process. Therefore, misconceptions needs to be known by teacher and folloed up early. The aim of this research is to identify the misconception on the concepts of food digestive system material in humans which experienced by second class at SMP 15 Padang. This research is a descriptive research which conducted at SMP 15 Padang. The populations of this research are 221 students of second class. The sample is 22,5% of 221 members of populations, which is 50 members.the tacking of sampling used simple random sampling technique. The data used are primary data which taking by two tier multiple choice and analyzed through quantitative technique analysis by percentage. Based on the results of the study, it seen that the highest misconception is the type of food...
Jurnal Atrium Pendidikan Biologi
The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of hum... more The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of human life, including in the field of education. One example of the use of technology in the learning process that is often used is the use of e-learning. E-learning is a system operation that utilizes information technology in learning. One of the e-learning media is edmodo. Edmodo is a social networking based learning platform intended for teachers, students and parents of student. This type of research is research and development (R & D) research with using the 4D Model. The object of this research is the edmodo based e-learning. The learning media is Kingdom Protist material for the X grade students of the SMA Adabiah Padang. The subject of this research were two lecturers Jurusan Biology FMIPA UNP and one teacher of SMA Adabiah Padang as the validator of using this e-learning. The result of validation show an average value of 90.98 with a very valid category. This shows of edmodo based...
Jurnal Perspektif Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to reveal the importance of guidance and counseling services in higher education ... more This study aims to reveal the importance of guidance and counseling services in higher education based on the views of biology education students. The research was conducted using in-depth interview techniques on three students with high, medium, and low abilities. Considering the health protocol during the Covid-19 pandemic, the interview was conducted by telephone. Research findings reveal that students are not aware of the existence of guidance and counseling services in universities. Knowledge about guidance and counseling that students have is derived from experience in senior high school and also from guidance and counseling lecture material which generally discusses guidance and counseling at school. All informants have a good perception of guidance and counseling services. In addition, informants agreed that students really need guidance and counseling service programs on campus, because various student problems cannot always be solved by telling stories to friends or academ...
Pelita Eksakta, 2019
ASI merupakan makanan bayi yang mengandung nutrisi tinggi yang sangat dibutuhkan bayi. World Heal... more ASI merupakan makanan bayi yang mengandung nutrisi tinggi yang sangat dibutuhkan bayi. World Health Organization (WHO) telah merekomendasikan agar bayi mendapat ASI eksklusif sampai usia 6 bulan. Data hasil wawancara di lapangan terhadap 12 orang ibu pekerja se lingkungan Universitas Negeri Padang yang sedang hamil dan mempunyai bayi 0-12 bulan, pada umumnya mereka gagal dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif 6 bulan dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan mereka bahwa ASI/ASIP (ASI Perah) bisa disimpan dan diberikan lagi pada saat mereka sedang berkerja. Keberhasilan pemberian ASI pada ibu pekerja sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan ibu, jam kerja ibu dan dukungan tempat kerja. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu pekerja se Lingkungan UNP tentang ASI eksklusif setelah cuti mereka habis, menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan adanya pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam manajemen ASI ekslusif ketika kembali bekerja. Oleh sebab itu, pelatihan dilakukan melalui kegiatan PK...
Jurnal Biolokus, Apr 28, 2022
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang pesat membuat banyak perubahan pada bidang pendi... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang pesat membuat banyak perubahan pada bidang pendidikan termasuk inovasi yang memudahkan guru dan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Salah satu inovasi dalam bidang pendidikan yaitu model pembelajaran blended learning. Model pembelajaran blended learning yang menggabungkan kelebihan pembelajaran tatap muka dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh agar kegiatan belajar menjadi lebih efektif. Salah satu platform yang dapat digunakan dalam blended learning adalah edmodo. Platform ini menggabungkan komunikasi sosial dengan pembelajaran sehingga kegiatan belajar juga dapat dimonitor dengan baik oleh orang tua peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh model pembelajaran blended learning menggunakan platform edmodo terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran biologi. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode analisis literatur secara sistematik yang dikenal dengan meta analisis. Data diperoleh dari 20 artikel dan diolah menggunakan rumus effect size. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan maka diperoleh hasil 1,01 dengan kategori tinggi. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan edmodo memiliki pengaruh tinggi terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran biologi.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Sep 29, 2020
Learning problems at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School are learning models that are less varied, an... more Learning problems at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School are learning models that are less varied, and low learning competencies of students from aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Efforts that can be made are applying the cooperative learning model type make a match with scientific literacy on the material of global warming at Payakumbuh 1 Public Middle School. The aim of the study was to determine the positive effect of the cooperative learning model type make a match with scientific literacy on the learning competencies of students in the subject of global warming at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with a randomized control group posttest only design study design. The study population was all class VII Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School registered in the 2018/2019 school year totaling nine classes. Sampling was done using purposive sampling technique, which was selected class VII.4 as the experimental class and class VII.3 as the control class. The instruments used were in the form of posttest questions for knowledge competencies, observation sheets for attitude and skills competencies. The research hypothesis was tested using the t-test. Based on the results of the study using the t-test it can be concluded that the knowledge competencies of the students are tcounts of 0,05> t table1,66, and in the skills competency of tcounts of >60> 1.66 t table. In attitude competency, the experimental class was 86% with a very good category while the control class was 73% with sufficient categories. This shows that the hypothesis is accepted in the competence of knowledge, attitudes and skills. The conclusion of the study is that the cooperative learning model type make a match with scientific literacy has a positive effect on students' learning competencies in the material of global warming at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 5, 2019
Misconceptions that occur in science learning especially Biology will have a negative impact on s... more Misconceptions that occur in science learning especially Biology will have a negative impact on students, both for learning outcomes or incompatibility in the process of application in the daily lives of students. This study discusses concepts and studies class VIII students of SMP 21 Padang in the academic year 2018/2019 which discusses misconceptions about the material systems of living motion. This research is a descriptive study conducted at SMP 21 Padang. The population of this research are 243 person students entering 2018/2019. The sample are 48 person was taken from 20% of the total participation. Sampling technique used cluster random sampling. The data used are primary data obtained through multiple choice tests obtained by Certainty Index Response (CRI) and analyzed quantitatively through percentages. Based on the results, the percentage of students' misconceptions regarding the structure and function of muscle system 23.96%, the concept of plants movement 22.91%, the concept of structure and joint function 20.83%, skeletal system 19.44%, disorders of system 18.75 %, the concept of animals movement 15.62%
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 5, 2019
Misconceptions is a concept that doesn't suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconce... more Misconceptions is a concept that doesn't suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconceptions whom occur in students' selves prohibit the formed of relation with new concepts and disrupt the realization of learning process. Therefore, misconceptions needs to be known by teacher and folloed up early. The aim of this research is to identify the misconception on the concepts of food digestive system material in humans which experienced by second class at SMP 15 Padang. This research is a descriptive research which conducted at SMP 15 Padang. The populations of this research are 221 students of second class. The sample is 22,5% of 221 members of populations, which is 50 members.the tacking of sampling used simple random sampling technique. The data used are primary data which taking by two tier multiple choice and analyzed through quantitative technique analysis by percentage. Based on the results of the study, it seen that the highest misconception is the type of food ingredients and its content by 38%, digestive organs (digestive glands and glands) by 49%, the structure and function of the digestive organs by 38%, the relationship between structure and bioprocess in digestive organs by 46.75%, indicator of mechanical and chemical digestion by 50%, disorders / diseases of the digestive system by 49%, and the Thus it can be concluded that there is a misconception in Class VIII students of SMP 15 Padang about the food digestive system material in humans with varying percentages.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Apr 30, 2020
Reproductive health is condition of physical, mental, and social as a whole, not merely the absen... more Reproductive health is condition of physical, mental, and social as a whole, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but in all aspects related to the reproductive processes functions and system at all stages of life. Knowledge of reproductive health have to know in early by the teenagers, but in the reality still have many teenagers not know reproductive. Based on the observation in SMPN 3 Pariaman shown case about reptoductive health. It is because teenagers don't know effect of their action. The research used is descriptive research to know the description of student and parents knowledge abaout adolescent reproductive health in SMPN 3 Pariaman. Population were all students at grade VII and VIII and parents of student from 14 class. The sample technique used is random sampling. Proportionate proportionate stratified random sampling type.The instrument is knowledge test about teenagers of reproductive health. Besed on this research, the knowlwdge level of the students at grade VII, VIII and parents is medium category, they are 55,5%, 54% and 70%. Another that, sex and parents educations is also influence on their knowledge about 20,5% and 33,5 they have relate between students knowledge and their parents in SMP Negeri 3 Pariaman.
Pelita Eksakta, Nov 30, 2021
Padang City is the epicenter of the spread of Covid-19 in West Sumatra. The government has issued... more Padang City is the epicenter of the spread of Covid-19 in West Sumatra. The government has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Covid-19 vaccine, but scholars in the city of Padang are still unsure about vaccination. Therefore, further efforts are needed to provide the right understanding to Padang city clerics about the importance of vaccination, along with its safety and halal. One of the efforts is through the implementation of this community service. This activity has conducted in June 2021, and was attended by 28 participants from 11 sub-district clerics in the city of Padang. The results of the evaluation of the activities show that there has been an increase in the knowledge of scholars about Covid-19 vaccination. In conclusion, this activity has been effectively carried out and can expand the vaccination program in order to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 and achieve herd immunity.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Sep 29, 2020
The learning process is an interaction between teachers and students in transferring and interpre... more The learning process is an interaction between teachers and students in transferring and interpreting experiences and knowledge they have in a new format. The process of transfer and interpretation of biology learning runs optimally supported by learning supplements. Learning media consists of LKS (student worksheet) and printed books based on Curriculum 2013 are available schools, but learning suplements are still rarely used in schools. This research is a development research that uses the Plomp model which consists of initial investigation phase (preliminary research), development of protitpe phase (development or prototyping phase), and assessment phase. Data are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In the booklet development phase validated by 3 evaluators. In assesment booklets phase a practical test was conducted by 1 teacher and 30 students of the XII Adabiah Padang class. From the results of expert review (validation), the validity value of 93.13% was obtained with very valid criteria. The results of the practicality test by the teacher show that the booklet has a value of 93.06% practicality and 93.80% by students with very practical criteria. The booklet developed has very valid criteria and is very practical.
Bioeducation Journal, Oct 31, 2019
Evolution as a subject in lecture is a material that has many concepts, theoretical, and hard to ... more Evolution as a subject in lecture is a material that has many concepts, theoretical, and hard to understand. Then it impacts some misconception on students. Misconception is a situation where the concept that students' get is different from what experts' mean. The purpose of this research is to know the evaluations' concepts that be misconception by biology' students of Padang state University who has been learning evolution subject and to know the percentage of misconception which had been happened. This research is a desriptive study. Subject of this research is the students of biology of Padang state University who has been learning evolution in second semester in academic year 2016/2017. Sample of this research is all subject that still active in college. Variable of this research is students' misconception toward concpets in evolution material. Instrument of this research is multiple choice test that be equipped with criteria of certainty of response index (CRI) have the form of numeral 1, 2 and 3 which be choosed based on level of conviction of the answer. Analysis of the data used quantitative with count percentage of students have misconception that is students who are choosen flase answer ans index 3 in CRI. Based on data analysis indicate students of biology of Padang University did misconception in evolution material after learning evolution subject with high percentage be found in basic material about definition and the scope of evolution is 39.52% and the low percentage of misconception be found in basic material about Darwin's evolution is 15.86%.
Journal of physics, Oct 1, 2019
Emotional and spiritual quotient (ESQ) reported as one factor that influence students' achievemen... more Emotional and spiritual quotient (ESQ) reported as one factor that influence students' achievement in learning. Therefore, integrating ESQ into particular topics of evolution learning material was one of our research focuses before. A biology module based on ESQ has been produced about evolution topic for grade XII students. This experimental study conducted to examine whether the module is effective or not to improve students' knowledge about evolution. As sample, 190 grade XII students were taken with purposive sampling from three chosen schools in Padang, West Sumatera. Post-test only design using objective paper test applied with two variables; biology module as dependent and evolution knowledge as the independent. It analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and Mann Whitney test with p-value 0.05. There was a significant influence of students' evolution knowledge in high and medium school at a significance level of 0.000 with F value 387.475 for SMAN 4 Padang and F value 63.727 for SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang. Meanwhile, for the lower school it influences did not significant based on Mann Whitney test asymptote Sig (2-tailed) 0.499. In conclusion, biology module based on ESQ about evolution topic is effective to use by students from high and medium ability.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 12, 2019
Learning styles are a combination of absorbing, regulating, and processing learning by students. ... more Learning styles are a combination of absorbing, regulating, and processing learning by students. There are three types of learning styles namely visual learning styles, auditory and kinesthetic. Based on the results of observations that the authors did at senior high school 7 Padang, it was revealed that the teacher still did not practice the relationship between the learning styles of students in their learning. This can lead to the learning styles are not synchronized with learning models, methods and media applied by teachers so that students' cognitive competency become low. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning styles and cognitive competency of students. This research is a descriptive research. This study uses a correlation study approach, namely the independent variable in the form of student learning styles and the dependent variable in the form of cognitive competency of students.To find out the relationship between variables stated with correlation coefficients used the Spearman-Rank correlation formula.Based on the research that has been done, it is found that the relationship between learning styles and cognitive competency of students does not mean and the correlation value is in the category of very weak to moderate. In the visual learning style for the second daily test there is a significant relationship and the correlation value is 0.75 with a strong correlation category. The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant relationship between learning styles and learners' cognitive competency.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 5, 2019
The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of hum... more The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of human life, including in the field of education. One example of the use of technology in the learning process that is often used is the use of elearning. E-learning is a system operation that utilizes information technology in learning. One of the e-learning media is edmodo. Edmodo is a social networking based learning platform intended for teachers, students and parents of student. This type of research is research and development (R & D) research with using the 4D Model. The object of this research is the edmodo based e-learning. The learning media is Kingdom Protist material for the X grade students of the SMA Adabiah Padang. The subject of this research were two lecturers JurusanBiology FMIPA UNP and one teacher of SMA Adabiah Padang as the validator of using this elearning. The result of validation show an average value of 90.98 with a very valid category. This shows of edmodo based e-learning developed is very valid among in terms of the feasibility aspects of content, language, presentation, and graphic aspects.
IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2018
The higher numbers of cases around sexual behavioral deviance on adolescence are significantly re... more The higher numbers of cases around sexual behavioral deviance on adolescence are significantly related to their knowledge level about the health of the reproduction system. Thus, teenagers, especially school-aged, have to receive the complete information which emphasizes on recognize promotion and prevention knowledge. This article aims to describe information about health promotion and prevention, which delivered by the teacher in Senior High School learning process on topic reproduction system. The data gained through focused observation using observation sheet and camera recorder. Further, data analyzed descriptively. The result show promotion and preventive approach have been inadequately presented. There are two reasons. Firstly, the promotion and preventive value are not technically requested in the final assessment. The second, the explanation tend to refer to consequences existed in the term of the social and religious norm rather than a scientific basis. It can be concluded suggestion to promote health reproduction and prevent the risk of health reproduction need to be implemented more practice with a scientific explanation which is included in a specific program for adolescence reproductive health improvement.
Oryza: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Nov 6, 2023
The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model w... more The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model which requires students to be active in the learning process, the problems given are contextual problems. At present there are many problems that occur in the world of education, one of which is the learning model used by teachers that is not suitable for students so that it makes students passive and feel bored with learning biology. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning learning model in increasing the creativity and learning outcomes of class X high school students on ecosystem material. The method used in this research is Literature Review. The reading sources used are taken from national articles that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is carried out descriptively by analyzing and identifying the reading sources used, so that a summary is produced containing a number of information. Based on the results of the analysis of the review literature, it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning learning model can increase the creativity and learning outcomes of students in ecosystem material. Abstract explains the core of manuscript informatively and obviously including the subject matter proposed approach and solution and show key finding's and conclusions.
Oryza: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Nov 6, 2023
The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model w... more The Problem Based Learning learning model is a problem-based and studentcentered learning model which requires students to be active in the learning process, the problems given are contextual problems. At present there are many problems that occur in the world of education, one of which is the learning model used by teachers that is not suitable for students so that it makes students passive and feel bored with learning biology. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning learning model in increasing the creativity and learning outcomes of class X high school students on ecosystem material. The method used in this research is Literature Review. The reading sources used are taken from national articles that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is carried out descriptively by analyzing and identifying the reading sources used, so that a summary is produced containing a number of information. Based on the results of the analysis of the review literature, it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning learning model can increase the creativity and learning outcomes of students in ecosystem material. Abstract explains the core of manuscript informatively and obviously including the subject matter proposed approach and solution and show key finding's and conclusions.
Bioeducation Journal, 2018
LKPD Experiment based on Scientific Approach can guide students in developing a concept from the ... more LKPD Experiment based on Scientific Approach can guide students in developing a concept from the materials they have learned in lab work activity. Based on the matter, a study had done which aimed to produce LKPD experiment using Scientific Approach Based for the students grade XI at SMA/MA it was valid and practical.This study was an elaborated study which had three stages in conducting the research. There was known as 4D model which were define, design, develop. The data were collected by using validity questionnaire and practicality. The subject of this study were 2 biology lecturers, and 2 biology teachersas the validators, 2 biology teachers and 25 students grade XI Science at SMAN 1 Batusangkar, as the practicalitator. The data of this study was primary data which was validity and practical data. The result of this study showed that the LKPDexperiment based on scientific approach for the students grade XI 1st Semester SMA/MA was really valid and really practical.
Jurnal Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, 2019
Misconceptions is a concept that doesn’t suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconce... more Misconceptions is a concept that doesn’t suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconceptions whom occur in students’ selves prohibit the formed of relation with new concepts and disrupt the realization of learning process. Therefore, misconceptions needs to be known by teacher and folloed up early. The aim of this research is to identify the misconception on the concepts of food digestive system material in humans which experienced by second class at SMP 15 Padang. This research is a descriptive research which conducted at SMP 15 Padang. The populations of this research are 221 students of second class. The sample is 22,5% of 221 members of populations, which is 50 members.the tacking of sampling used simple random sampling technique. The data used are primary data which taking by two tier multiple choice and analyzed through quantitative technique analysis by percentage. Based on the results of the study, it seen that the highest misconception is the type of food...
Jurnal Atrium Pendidikan Biologi
The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of hum... more The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of human life, including in the field of education. One example of the use of technology in the learning process that is often used is the use of e-learning. E-learning is a system operation that utilizes information technology in learning. One of the e-learning media is edmodo. Edmodo is a social networking based learning platform intended for teachers, students and parents of student. This type of research is research and development (R & D) research with using the 4D Model. The object of this research is the edmodo based e-learning. The learning media is Kingdom Protist material for the X grade students of the SMA Adabiah Padang. The subject of this research were two lecturers Jurusan Biology FMIPA UNP and one teacher of SMA Adabiah Padang as the validator of using this e-learning. The result of validation show an average value of 90.98 with a very valid category. This shows of edmodo based...
Jurnal Perspektif Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to reveal the importance of guidance and counseling services in higher education ... more This study aims to reveal the importance of guidance and counseling services in higher education based on the views of biology education students. The research was conducted using in-depth interview techniques on three students with high, medium, and low abilities. Considering the health protocol during the Covid-19 pandemic, the interview was conducted by telephone. Research findings reveal that students are not aware of the existence of guidance and counseling services in universities. Knowledge about guidance and counseling that students have is derived from experience in senior high school and also from guidance and counseling lecture material which generally discusses guidance and counseling at school. All informants have a good perception of guidance and counseling services. In addition, informants agreed that students really need guidance and counseling service programs on campus, because various student problems cannot always be solved by telling stories to friends or academ...
Pelita Eksakta, 2019
ASI merupakan makanan bayi yang mengandung nutrisi tinggi yang sangat dibutuhkan bayi. World Heal... more ASI merupakan makanan bayi yang mengandung nutrisi tinggi yang sangat dibutuhkan bayi. World Health Organization (WHO) telah merekomendasikan agar bayi mendapat ASI eksklusif sampai usia 6 bulan. Data hasil wawancara di lapangan terhadap 12 orang ibu pekerja se lingkungan Universitas Negeri Padang yang sedang hamil dan mempunyai bayi 0-12 bulan, pada umumnya mereka gagal dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif 6 bulan dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan mereka bahwa ASI/ASIP (ASI Perah) bisa disimpan dan diberikan lagi pada saat mereka sedang berkerja. Keberhasilan pemberian ASI pada ibu pekerja sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan ibu, jam kerja ibu dan dukungan tempat kerja. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu pekerja se Lingkungan UNP tentang ASI eksklusif setelah cuti mereka habis, menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan adanya pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam manajemen ASI ekslusif ketika kembali bekerja. Oleh sebab itu, pelatihan dilakukan melalui kegiatan PK...
Jurnal Biolokus, Apr 28, 2022
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang pesat membuat banyak perubahan pada bidang pendi... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang pesat membuat banyak perubahan pada bidang pendidikan termasuk inovasi yang memudahkan guru dan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Salah satu inovasi dalam bidang pendidikan yaitu model pembelajaran blended learning. Model pembelajaran blended learning yang menggabungkan kelebihan pembelajaran tatap muka dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh agar kegiatan belajar menjadi lebih efektif. Salah satu platform yang dapat digunakan dalam blended learning adalah edmodo. Platform ini menggabungkan komunikasi sosial dengan pembelajaran sehingga kegiatan belajar juga dapat dimonitor dengan baik oleh orang tua peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh model pembelajaran blended learning menggunakan platform edmodo terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran biologi. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode analisis literatur secara sistematik yang dikenal dengan meta analisis. Data diperoleh dari 20 artikel dan diolah menggunakan rumus effect size. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan maka diperoleh hasil 1,01 dengan kategori tinggi. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan edmodo memiliki pengaruh tinggi terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran biologi.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Sep 29, 2020
Learning problems at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School are learning models that are less varied, an... more Learning problems at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School are learning models that are less varied, and low learning competencies of students from aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Efforts that can be made are applying the cooperative learning model type make a match with scientific literacy on the material of global warming at Payakumbuh 1 Public Middle School. The aim of the study was to determine the positive effect of the cooperative learning model type make a match with scientific literacy on the learning competencies of students in the subject of global warming at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with a randomized control group posttest only design study design. The study population was all class VII Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School registered in the 2018/2019 school year totaling nine classes. Sampling was done using purposive sampling technique, which was selected class VII.4 as the experimental class and class VII.3 as the control class. The instruments used were in the form of posttest questions for knowledge competencies, observation sheets for attitude and skills competencies. The research hypothesis was tested using the t-test. Based on the results of the study using the t-test it can be concluded that the knowledge competencies of the students are tcounts of 0,05> t table1,66, and in the skills competency of tcounts of >60> 1.66 t table. In attitude competency, the experimental class was 86% with a very good category while the control class was 73% with sufficient categories. This shows that the hypothesis is accepted in the competence of knowledge, attitudes and skills. The conclusion of the study is that the cooperative learning model type make a match with scientific literacy has a positive effect on students' learning competencies in the material of global warming at Payakumbuh 1 Junior High School.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 5, 2019
Misconceptions that occur in science learning especially Biology will have a negative impact on s... more Misconceptions that occur in science learning especially Biology will have a negative impact on students, both for learning outcomes or incompatibility in the process of application in the daily lives of students. This study discusses concepts and studies class VIII students of SMP 21 Padang in the academic year 2018/2019 which discusses misconceptions about the material systems of living motion. This research is a descriptive study conducted at SMP 21 Padang. The population of this research are 243 person students entering 2018/2019. The sample are 48 person was taken from 20% of the total participation. Sampling technique used cluster random sampling. The data used are primary data obtained through multiple choice tests obtained by Certainty Index Response (CRI) and analyzed quantitatively through percentages. Based on the results, the percentage of students' misconceptions regarding the structure and function of muscle system 23.96%, the concept of plants movement 22.91%, the concept of structure and joint function 20.83%, skeletal system 19.44%, disorders of system 18.75 %, the concept of animals movement 15.62%
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 5, 2019
Misconceptions is a concept that doesn't suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconce... more Misconceptions is a concept that doesn't suitable with the concept recognized by expert. Misconceptions whom occur in students' selves prohibit the formed of relation with new concepts and disrupt the realization of learning process. Therefore, misconceptions needs to be known by teacher and folloed up early. The aim of this research is to identify the misconception on the concepts of food digestive system material in humans which experienced by second class at SMP 15 Padang. This research is a descriptive research which conducted at SMP 15 Padang. The populations of this research are 221 students of second class. The sample is 22,5% of 221 members of populations, which is 50 members.the tacking of sampling used simple random sampling technique. The data used are primary data which taking by two tier multiple choice and analyzed through quantitative technique analysis by percentage. Based on the results of the study, it seen that the highest misconception is the type of food ingredients and its content by 38%, digestive organs (digestive glands and glands) by 49%, the structure and function of the digestive organs by 38%, the relationship between structure and bioprocess in digestive organs by 46.75%, indicator of mechanical and chemical digestion by 50%, disorders / diseases of the digestive system by 49%, and the Thus it can be concluded that there is a misconception in Class VIII students of SMP 15 Padang about the food digestive system material in humans with varying percentages.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Apr 30, 2020
Reproductive health is condition of physical, mental, and social as a whole, not merely the absen... more Reproductive health is condition of physical, mental, and social as a whole, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but in all aspects related to the reproductive processes functions and system at all stages of life. Knowledge of reproductive health have to know in early by the teenagers, but in the reality still have many teenagers not know reproductive. Based on the observation in SMPN 3 Pariaman shown case about reptoductive health. It is because teenagers don't know effect of their action. The research used is descriptive research to know the description of student and parents knowledge abaout adolescent reproductive health in SMPN 3 Pariaman. Population were all students at grade VII and VIII and parents of student from 14 class. The sample technique used is random sampling. Proportionate proportionate stratified random sampling type.The instrument is knowledge test about teenagers of reproductive health. Besed on this research, the knowlwdge level of the students at grade VII, VIII and parents is medium category, they are 55,5%, 54% and 70%. Another that, sex and parents educations is also influence on their knowledge about 20,5% and 33,5 they have relate between students knowledge and their parents in SMP Negeri 3 Pariaman.
Pelita Eksakta, Nov 30, 2021
Padang City is the epicenter of the spread of Covid-19 in West Sumatra. The government has issued... more Padang City is the epicenter of the spread of Covid-19 in West Sumatra. The government has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Covid-19 vaccine, but scholars in the city of Padang are still unsure about vaccination. Therefore, further efforts are needed to provide the right understanding to Padang city clerics about the importance of vaccination, along with its safety and halal. One of the efforts is through the implementation of this community service. This activity has conducted in June 2021, and was attended by 28 participants from 11 sub-district clerics in the city of Padang. The results of the evaluation of the activities show that there has been an increase in the knowledge of scholars about Covid-19 vaccination. In conclusion, this activity has been effectively carried out and can expand the vaccination program in order to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 and achieve herd immunity.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Sep 29, 2020
The learning process is an interaction between teachers and students in transferring and interpre... more The learning process is an interaction between teachers and students in transferring and interpreting experiences and knowledge they have in a new format. The process of transfer and interpretation of biology learning runs optimally supported by learning supplements. Learning media consists of LKS (student worksheet) and printed books based on Curriculum 2013 are available schools, but learning suplements are still rarely used in schools. This research is a development research that uses the Plomp model which consists of initial investigation phase (preliminary research), development of protitpe phase (development or prototyping phase), and assessment phase. Data are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In the booklet development phase validated by 3 evaluators. In assesment booklets phase a practical test was conducted by 1 teacher and 30 students of the XII Adabiah Padang class. From the results of expert review (validation), the validity value of 93.13% was obtained with very valid criteria. The results of the practicality test by the teacher show that the booklet has a value of 93.06% practicality and 93.80% by students with very practical criteria. The booklet developed has very valid criteria and is very practical.
Bioeducation Journal, Oct 31, 2019
Evolution as a subject in lecture is a material that has many concepts, theoretical, and hard to ... more Evolution as a subject in lecture is a material that has many concepts, theoretical, and hard to understand. Then it impacts some misconception on students. Misconception is a situation where the concept that students' get is different from what experts' mean. The purpose of this research is to know the evaluations' concepts that be misconception by biology' students of Padang state University who has been learning evolution subject and to know the percentage of misconception which had been happened. This research is a desriptive study. Subject of this research is the students of biology of Padang state University who has been learning evolution in second semester in academic year 2016/2017. Sample of this research is all subject that still active in college. Variable of this research is students' misconception toward concpets in evolution material. Instrument of this research is multiple choice test that be equipped with criteria of certainty of response index (CRI) have the form of numeral 1, 2 and 3 which be choosed based on level of conviction of the answer. Analysis of the data used quantitative with count percentage of students have misconception that is students who are choosen flase answer ans index 3 in CRI. Based on data analysis indicate students of biology of Padang University did misconception in evolution material after learning evolution subject with high percentage be found in basic material about definition and the scope of evolution is 39.52% and the low percentage of misconception be found in basic material about Darwin's evolution is 15.86%.
Journal of physics, Oct 1, 2019
Emotional and spiritual quotient (ESQ) reported as one factor that influence students' achievemen... more Emotional and spiritual quotient (ESQ) reported as one factor that influence students' achievement in learning. Therefore, integrating ESQ into particular topics of evolution learning material was one of our research focuses before. A biology module based on ESQ has been produced about evolution topic for grade XII students. This experimental study conducted to examine whether the module is effective or not to improve students' knowledge about evolution. As sample, 190 grade XII students were taken with purposive sampling from three chosen schools in Padang, West Sumatera. Post-test only design using objective paper test applied with two variables; biology module as dependent and evolution knowledge as the independent. It analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and Mann Whitney test with p-value 0.05. There was a significant influence of students' evolution knowledge in high and medium school at a significance level of 0.000 with F value 387.475 for SMAN 4 Padang and F value 63.727 for SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang. Meanwhile, for the lower school it influences did not significant based on Mann Whitney test asymptote Sig (2-tailed) 0.499. In conclusion, biology module based on ESQ about evolution topic is effective to use by students from high and medium ability.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 12, 2019
Learning styles are a combination of absorbing, regulating, and processing learning by students. ... more Learning styles are a combination of absorbing, regulating, and processing learning by students. There are three types of learning styles namely visual learning styles, auditory and kinesthetic. Based on the results of observations that the authors did at senior high school 7 Padang, it was revealed that the teacher still did not practice the relationship between the learning styles of students in their learning. This can lead to the learning styles are not synchronized with learning models, methods and media applied by teachers so that students' cognitive competency become low. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning styles and cognitive competency of students. This research is a descriptive research. This study uses a correlation study approach, namely the independent variable in the form of student learning styles and the dependent variable in the form of cognitive competency of students.To find out the relationship between variables stated with correlation coefficients used the Spearman-Rank correlation formula.Based on the research that has been done, it is found that the relationship between learning styles and cognitive competency of students does not mean and the correlation value is in the category of very weak to moderate. In the visual learning style for the second daily test there is a significant relationship and the correlation value is 0.75 with a strong correlation category. The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant relationship between learning styles and learners' cognitive competency.
Atrium Pendidikan Biologi, Mar 5, 2019
The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of hum... more The development of Science and Technology has had a very significant impact on all aspects of human life, including in the field of education. One example of the use of technology in the learning process that is often used is the use of elearning. E-learning is a system operation that utilizes information technology in learning. One of the e-learning media is edmodo. Edmodo is a social networking based learning platform intended for teachers, students and parents of student. This type of research is research and development (R & D) research with using the 4D Model. The object of this research is the edmodo based e-learning. The learning media is Kingdom Protist material for the X grade students of the SMA Adabiah Padang. The subject of this research were two lecturers JurusanBiology FMIPA UNP and one teacher of SMA Adabiah Padang as the validator of using this elearning. The result of validation show an average value of 90.98 with a very valid category. This shows of edmodo based e-learning developed is very valid among in terms of the feasibility aspects of content, language, presentation, and graphic aspects.
IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2018
The higher numbers of cases around sexual behavioral deviance on adolescence are significantly re... more The higher numbers of cases around sexual behavioral deviance on adolescence are significantly related to their knowledge level about the health of the reproduction system. Thus, teenagers, especially school-aged, have to receive the complete information which emphasizes on recognize promotion and prevention knowledge. This article aims to describe information about health promotion and prevention, which delivered by the teacher in Senior High School learning process on topic reproduction system. The data gained through focused observation using observation sheet and camera recorder. Further, data analyzed descriptively. The result show promotion and preventive approach have been inadequately presented. There are two reasons. Firstly, the promotion and preventive value are not technically requested in the final assessment. The second, the explanation tend to refer to consequences existed in the term of the social and religious norm rather than a scientific basis. It can be concluded suggestion to promote health reproduction and prevent the risk of health reproduction need to be implemented more practice with a scientific explanation which is included in a specific program for adolescence reproductive health improvement.