Domenico Campolo - (original) (raw)

Papers by Domenico Campolo

Research paper thumbnail of H-Man: A planar, H-shape cabled differential robotic manipulandum for experiments on human motor control

Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal sensor fusion for attitude estimation of micromechanical flying insects: A geometric approach

International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems - IROS, 2008

In this paper, we study sensor fusion for the attitude estimation of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)... more In this paper, we study sensor fusion for the attitude estimation of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), in particular mechanical flying insects. First, following a geometric approach, a dynamic observer is pro- posed which estimates attitude based on kinematic data available from different and redundant bio-inspired sensors such as halteres, ocelli, gravitometers, magnetic compass and light polarization compass. In particular, the

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Research paper thumbnail of A Lyapunov-based approach for the control of biomimetic robotic systems with periodic forcing inputs

Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005, 2005

Abstract: Bio-mimetic Robotics often deploys locomotion mechanisms (swimming, crawling, flying et... more Abstract: Bio-mimetic Robotics often deploys locomotion mechanisms (swimming, crawling, flying etc...) which rely on repetitive patterns for the actuation schemes. This directly translates into periodic forcing inputs for the dynamics of the mechanical system. Closed ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards the early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders: a novel technological approach

2008 International Conference on Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and assembling of a magneto-inertial wearable device for ecological behavioral analysis of infants

2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Ergonomic design of a wrist exoskeleton and its effects on natural motor strategies during redundant tasks

2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2013

"This work proposes a solution to design a comfortable wrist exoskeleton not mod... more "This work proposes a solution to design a comfortable wrist exoskeleton not modifying the natural coordination mechanisms in the redundant wrist. The human brain imposes kinematic constraints to solve the issue of redundancy in motor tasks. A 2-D wrist pointing task was used to develop an exoskeleton minimally affecting voluntary movement. Wrist orientation was observed during pointing tasks with an exoskeleton pointing tasks while the subject i) had perfect human-exo rotation alignment, ii) experienced varying degrees of misalignment, and iii) had near-perfect alignment while the PS axis was locked. The results exhibited a modification of the natural coordination mechanisms, as characterized by a subject-specific Koenderink shape index. Kruskal-Wallis pairwise analyses demonstrated a significant variation between test groups indicating a change of intrinsic constraints with misalignment and locked PS. The assessment methodologies presented can be used to test for ergonomic issues of neural origins and can guide the design of robotic systems operating under these kinematic constraints."

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Research paper thumbnail of A general model for guiding the design of biomechatronic systems implantable into the brain

The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006. BioRob 2006., 2006

In the last few years mechatronic implantable drug delivery systems have been found to be suitabl... more In the last few years mechatronic implantable drug delivery systems have been found to be suitable for a large variety of applications for the treatment of pathologies such as cancer, diabetes or neurological diseases. In particular, a large part of the aforementioned pathologies asks for direct drug delivery at brain level. Unfortunately, the field of biomechatronic systems fitted for a

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Research paper thumbnail of A Soft Electrochemical Actuator for Biomedical Robotics

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005

This paper presents a new biphasic electrofluidic rotary actuator relying on electrochemical mech... more This paper presents a new biphasic electrofluidic rotary actuator relying on electrochemical mechanisms. Gas (H2and O2) is generated at two platinum (Pt) electrodes, immersed in an electrolytic solution, when a low voltage, V, is applied to them. The generated gas pressurizes a closed elastomeric chamber, that deforms under the action of the applied pressure. The chamber is shaped so that

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Research paper thumbnail of A mechatronic system for in-plane ground-reaction-force measurement for tremor analysis in animal models

2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005

Movement and behavior analysis is a key research area in the domain of biomedical engineering and... more Movement and behavior analysis is a key research area in the domain of biomedical engineering and in many other medical research domains aiming at the understanding of physiological motor and cognitive basic mechanisms. The systematic application of robotic and mechatronic technologies to realize new tools and measurement methods for quantitatively assessing motor and cognitive functions in humans as well as

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Research paper thumbnail of On the kinematics of human wrist during pointing tasks with application to motor rehabilitation

2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008

In this work, the kinematics of the human wrist during pointing tasks is assessed and discussed, ... more In this work, the kinematics of the human wrist during pointing tasks is assessed and discussed, especially in relation to the use of wrist robots. First, the existence of intrinsic kinematics constraints (or Donders' law, similarly to oculomotor system) for the human wrist during pointing tasks is verified. To this end, a novel approach based on a hand-held device is

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Research paper thumbnail of Forearm orientation guidance with a vibrotactile feedback bracelet: On the directionality of tactile motor communication

2008 2nd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2008

User-teacher interaction during the learning and the execution of motor tasks requires the employ... more User-teacher interaction during the learning and the execution of motor tasks requires the employment of various sensory channels, of which the tactile is one of the most natural and effective. In this paper we present a wearable robotic teacher for predefined motor tasks, consisting of a localization system and a wearable stimulation unit. This unit embeds four vibrotactile stimulators which

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Research paper thumbnail of Inertial/Magnetic Sensors Based Orientation Tracking on the Group of Rigid Body Rotations with Application to Wearable Devices

2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of H-Man: Characterization of a novel, portable, inexpensive planar robot for arm rehabilitation

5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal Ecological Technology: From Child’s Social Behavior Assessment to Child-Robot Interaction Improvement

International Journal of Social Robotics, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and development of a miniaturized 2-axis force sensor for tremor analysis during locomotion in small-sized animal models

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2005

This work represents a first step towards the development of a sensorised environment for behavio... more This work represents a first step towards the development of a sensorised environment for behavioral phenotyping of animal models. In particular, this paper focuses on tremor analysis in reeler mice, an emerging potential animal model for anatomical and behavioral traits observed in autism. Ground Reaction Force (GRF) sensing is indeed the most direct means of measuring tremor. Although force platforms have extensively been used for large size animals, only few attempts have been made to measure GRF at a single paw for animals as small as mice or rats. Under the hypothesis that in-plane GRF components are directly connected to tremor, a small size, low-cost, 2-axis force sensor for measuring the in-plane components of GRF was designed and developed. Special care was paid to allow self-aligned assembly for repeatability and modularity for combining multiple platforms for a sensorised floor. Preliminarily testing was performed with both reeler and wildtype mice. Fourier analysis was d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper extremity proprioception in healthy aging and stroke populations, and the effects of therapist- and robot-based rehabilitation therapies on proprioceptive function

Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2015

The world's population is aging, with the number of people ages 65 or older expected to surpa... more The world's population is aging, with the number of people ages 65 or older expected to surpass 1.5 billion people, or 16% of the global total. As people age, there are notable declines in proprioception due to changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Moreover, the risk of stroke increases with age, with approximately two-thirds of stroke-related hospitalizations occurring in people over the age of 65. In this literature review, we first summarize behavioral studies investigating proprioceptive deficits in normally aging older adults and stroke patients, and discuss the differences in proprioceptive function between these populations. We then provide a state of the art review the literature regarding therapist- and robot-based rehabilitation of the upper extremity proprioceptive dysfunction in stroke populations and discuss avenues of future research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest editorial: special issue on Haptics in Rehabilitation and Neural Engineering

IEEE transactions on haptics

ABSTRACT The articles in this special section focus on broadening our understanding of the role o... more ABSTRACT The articles in this special section focus on broadening our understanding of the role of touch in sensorimotor coordination, including rehabilitation of motor deficits and use of advanced prostheses and orthoses. The articles presented in this issue confirm that the science and technology of haptics has great potential to affect the outcomes of rehabilitation and adoption of advanced prosthetic and orthotic devices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Motor adaptation during redundant tasks with the wrist

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2011

This study analyzes motor adaptation during a redundant tasks with the wrist. The goal is threefo... more This study analyzes motor adaptation during a redundant tasks with the wrist. The goal is threefold: (i) understanding if motor adaptation also occurs when CNS is involved in the solution of the redundancy problem; (ii) addressing whether motor strategies used to solve redundancy (i.e Donders' law) are disrupted or not during adaptation; (iii) verifying if motor strategies remain the same during adaptation and washout or they themselves adapt. First of all, our data confirm that CNS adapts its movements to the perturbation also when it is committed in the execution of a redundant task. Secondly, we showed that motor strategies used to solve redundancy (i.e Donders' law) are not disrupted during adaptation, since absolute values of thickness during the whole protocol remain in the range of physiological values. Lastly, analysis of the curvature of Donders' surfaces suggests that motor strategies, such as Donders' law, remain invariant during motor adaptation in redund...

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Research paper thumbnail of Block-box instrumented toy: a new platform for assessing spatial cognition in infants

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2009

This paper describes an interdisciplinary approach to the assessment on infants' behavior, wi... more This paper describes an interdisciplinary approach to the assessment on infants' behavior, with a focus on the technology. The goal is an objective, quantitative analysis of concurrent maturation of sensory, motor and cognitive abilities in young children, in relation to the achievement of developmental milestones. An instrumented block-box toy specifically developed to assess the ability to insert objects into holes is presented. The functional specifications are derived from experimental protocols devised by neuroscientists to assess spatial cognition skills. Technological choices are emphasized with respect to ecological requirements. An ad-hoc calibration procedure is also presented which is suitable to unstructured environments. Finally, preliminary tests carried out at a local day-care with 12-24 months old infants are presented which prove the in-field usability of the proposed technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of A novel technological approach towards the early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2008

In this work, a novel technological approach to the early diagnosis of neuro-developmental disord... more In this work, a novel technological approach to the early diagnosis of neuro-developmental disorders is presented. Disorders such as Autism are typically diagnosed after language development, i.e. after the 2-3 years of age. In this paper, three different typologies of instruments are presented which are designed to assess infants behavior in different perceptual and motor domains. The first is an instrumented toy embedding kinematic and force sensors for studying grasping and manipulation in infants as young as 6 months old. The second is a wearable device for sensing the kinematics of the upper and lower limbs of infants, designed to assess spontaneous movements in premature babies. The third is a multimodal audio-visuo-vestibular cap which was designed to assess infants orienting behaviors in social situations in response to audio and visual stimuli.

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Research paper thumbnail of H-Man: A planar, H-shape cabled differential robotic manipulandum for experiments on human motor control

Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal sensor fusion for attitude estimation of micromechanical flying insects: A geometric approach

International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems - IROS, 2008

In this paper, we study sensor fusion for the attitude estimation of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)... more In this paper, we study sensor fusion for the attitude estimation of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), in particular mechanical flying insects. First, following a geometric approach, a dynamic observer is pro- posed which estimates attitude based on kinematic data available from different and redundant bio-inspired sensors such as halteres, ocelli, gravitometers, magnetic compass and light polarization compass. In particular, the

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Research paper thumbnail of A Lyapunov-based approach for the control of biomimetic robotic systems with periodic forcing inputs

Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005, 2005

Abstract: Bio-mimetic Robotics often deploys locomotion mechanisms (swimming, crawling, flying et... more Abstract: Bio-mimetic Robotics often deploys locomotion mechanisms (swimming, crawling, flying etc...) which rely on repetitive patterns for the actuation schemes. This directly translates into periodic forcing inputs for the dynamics of the mechanical system. Closed ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards the early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders: a novel technological approach

2008 International Conference on Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and assembling of a magneto-inertial wearable device for ecological behavioral analysis of infants

2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Ergonomic design of a wrist exoskeleton and its effects on natural motor strategies during redundant tasks

2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2013

"This work proposes a solution to design a comfortable wrist exoskeleton not mod... more "This work proposes a solution to design a comfortable wrist exoskeleton not modifying the natural coordination mechanisms in the redundant wrist. The human brain imposes kinematic constraints to solve the issue of redundancy in motor tasks. A 2-D wrist pointing task was used to develop an exoskeleton minimally affecting voluntary movement. Wrist orientation was observed during pointing tasks with an exoskeleton pointing tasks while the subject i) had perfect human-exo rotation alignment, ii) experienced varying degrees of misalignment, and iii) had near-perfect alignment while the PS axis was locked. The results exhibited a modification of the natural coordination mechanisms, as characterized by a subject-specific Koenderink shape index. Kruskal-Wallis pairwise analyses demonstrated a significant variation between test groups indicating a change of intrinsic constraints with misalignment and locked PS. The assessment methodologies presented can be used to test for ergonomic issues of neural origins and can guide the design of robotic systems operating under these kinematic constraints."

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Research paper thumbnail of A general model for guiding the design of biomechatronic systems implantable into the brain

The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006. BioRob 2006., 2006

In the last few years mechatronic implantable drug delivery systems have been found to be suitabl... more In the last few years mechatronic implantable drug delivery systems have been found to be suitable for a large variety of applications for the treatment of pathologies such as cancer, diabetes or neurological diseases. In particular, a large part of the aforementioned pathologies asks for direct drug delivery at brain level. Unfortunately, the field of biomechatronic systems fitted for a

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Research paper thumbnail of A Soft Electrochemical Actuator for Biomedical Robotics

Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005

This paper presents a new biphasic electrofluidic rotary actuator relying on electrochemical mech... more This paper presents a new biphasic electrofluidic rotary actuator relying on electrochemical mechanisms. Gas (H2and O2) is generated at two platinum (Pt) electrodes, immersed in an electrolytic solution, when a low voltage, V, is applied to them. The generated gas pressurizes a closed elastomeric chamber, that deforms under the action of the applied pressure. The chamber is shaped so that

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Research paper thumbnail of A mechatronic system for in-plane ground-reaction-force measurement for tremor analysis in animal models

2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005

Movement and behavior analysis is a key research area in the domain of biomedical engineering and... more Movement and behavior analysis is a key research area in the domain of biomedical engineering and in many other medical research domains aiming at the understanding of physiological motor and cognitive basic mechanisms. The systematic application of robotic and mechatronic technologies to realize new tools and measurement methods for quantitatively assessing motor and cognitive functions in humans as well as

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Research paper thumbnail of On the kinematics of human wrist during pointing tasks with application to motor rehabilitation

2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008

In this work, the kinematics of the human wrist during pointing tasks is assessed and discussed, ... more In this work, the kinematics of the human wrist during pointing tasks is assessed and discussed, especially in relation to the use of wrist robots. First, the existence of intrinsic kinematics constraints (or Donders' law, similarly to oculomotor system) for the human wrist during pointing tasks is verified. To this end, a novel approach based on a hand-held device is

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Research paper thumbnail of Forearm orientation guidance with a vibrotactile feedback bracelet: On the directionality of tactile motor communication

2008 2nd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2008

User-teacher interaction during the learning and the execution of motor tasks requires the employ... more User-teacher interaction during the learning and the execution of motor tasks requires the employment of various sensory channels, of which the tactile is one of the most natural and effective. In this paper we present a wearable robotic teacher for predefined motor tasks, consisting of a localization system and a wearable stimulation unit. This unit embeds four vibrotactile stimulators which

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Research paper thumbnail of Inertial/Magnetic Sensors Based Orientation Tracking on the Group of Rigid Body Rotations with Application to Wearable Devices

2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of H-Man: Characterization of a novel, portable, inexpensive planar robot for arm rehabilitation

5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal Ecological Technology: From Child’s Social Behavior Assessment to Child-Robot Interaction Improvement

International Journal of Social Robotics, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and development of a miniaturized 2-axis force sensor for tremor analysis during locomotion in small-sized animal models

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2005

This work represents a first step towards the development of a sensorised environment for behavio... more This work represents a first step towards the development of a sensorised environment for behavioral phenotyping of animal models. In particular, this paper focuses on tremor analysis in reeler mice, an emerging potential animal model for anatomical and behavioral traits observed in autism. Ground Reaction Force (GRF) sensing is indeed the most direct means of measuring tremor. Although force platforms have extensively been used for large size animals, only few attempts have been made to measure GRF at a single paw for animals as small as mice or rats. Under the hypothesis that in-plane GRF components are directly connected to tremor, a small size, low-cost, 2-axis force sensor for measuring the in-plane components of GRF was designed and developed. Special care was paid to allow self-aligned assembly for repeatability and modularity for combining multiple platforms for a sensorised floor. Preliminarily testing was performed with both reeler and wildtype mice. Fourier analysis was d...

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Research paper thumbnail of Upper extremity proprioception in healthy aging and stroke populations, and the effects of therapist- and robot-based rehabilitation therapies on proprioceptive function

Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2015

The world's population is aging, with the number of people ages 65 or older expected to surpa... more The world's population is aging, with the number of people ages 65 or older expected to surpass 1.5 billion people, or 16% of the global total. As people age, there are notable declines in proprioception due to changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Moreover, the risk of stroke increases with age, with approximately two-thirds of stroke-related hospitalizations occurring in people over the age of 65. In this literature review, we first summarize behavioral studies investigating proprioceptive deficits in normally aging older adults and stroke patients, and discuss the differences in proprioceptive function between these populations. We then provide a state of the art review the literature regarding therapist- and robot-based rehabilitation of the upper extremity proprioceptive dysfunction in stroke populations and discuss avenues of future research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest editorial: special issue on Haptics in Rehabilitation and Neural Engineering

IEEE transactions on haptics

ABSTRACT The articles in this special section focus on broadening our understanding of the role o... more ABSTRACT The articles in this special section focus on broadening our understanding of the role of touch in sensorimotor coordination, including rehabilitation of motor deficits and use of advanced prostheses and orthoses. The articles presented in this issue confirm that the science and technology of haptics has great potential to affect the outcomes of rehabilitation and adoption of advanced prosthetic and orthotic devices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Motor adaptation during redundant tasks with the wrist

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2011

This study analyzes motor adaptation during a redundant tasks with the wrist. The goal is threefo... more This study analyzes motor adaptation during a redundant tasks with the wrist. The goal is threefold: (i) understanding if motor adaptation also occurs when CNS is involved in the solution of the redundancy problem; (ii) addressing whether motor strategies used to solve redundancy (i.e Donders' law) are disrupted or not during adaptation; (iii) verifying if motor strategies remain the same during adaptation and washout or they themselves adapt. First of all, our data confirm that CNS adapts its movements to the perturbation also when it is committed in the execution of a redundant task. Secondly, we showed that motor strategies used to solve redundancy (i.e Donders' law) are not disrupted during adaptation, since absolute values of thickness during the whole protocol remain in the range of physiological values. Lastly, analysis of the curvature of Donders' surfaces suggests that motor strategies, such as Donders' law, remain invariant during motor adaptation in redund...

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Research paper thumbnail of Block-box instrumented toy: a new platform for assessing spatial cognition in infants

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2009

This paper describes an interdisciplinary approach to the assessment on infants' behavior, wi... more This paper describes an interdisciplinary approach to the assessment on infants' behavior, with a focus on the technology. The goal is an objective, quantitative analysis of concurrent maturation of sensory, motor and cognitive abilities in young children, in relation to the achievement of developmental milestones. An instrumented block-box toy specifically developed to assess the ability to insert objects into holes is presented. The functional specifications are derived from experimental protocols devised by neuroscientists to assess spatial cognition skills. Technological choices are emphasized with respect to ecological requirements. An ad-hoc calibration procedure is also presented which is suitable to unstructured environments. Finally, preliminary tests carried out at a local day-care with 12-24 months old infants are presented which prove the in-field usability of the proposed technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of A novel technological approach towards the early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2008

In this work, a novel technological approach to the early diagnosis of neuro-developmental disord... more In this work, a novel technological approach to the early diagnosis of neuro-developmental disorders is presented. Disorders such as Autism are typically diagnosed after language development, i.e. after the 2-3 years of age. In this paper, three different typologies of instruments are presented which are designed to assess infants behavior in different perceptual and motor domains. The first is an instrumented toy embedding kinematic and force sensors for studying grasping and manipulation in infants as young as 6 months old. The second is a wearable device for sensing the kinematics of the upper and lower limbs of infants, designed to assess spontaneous movements in premature babies. The third is a multimodal audio-visuo-vestibular cap which was designed to assess infants orienting behaviors in social situations in response to audio and visual stimuli.

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