Alper DURAK - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alper DURAK
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2010
Plant Nutrition, 2001
Knowledge of the spatial variability in soil available phosphorus content is essential in determi... more Knowledge of the spatial variability in soil available phosphorus content is essential in determining the local P needs of crops. This study was conducted to determine spatial variability in available P content of topsoils and subsoils on a 8.5 ha alluvial wheat field. Phosphorus values were more variable in topsoils than in subsoils since the topsoils have been frequently mixed with plowing activities and applied P fertiliser. Contour maps for available P contents further indicated that available P deposited differed in the subsoils.
TEZ764Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1989.Kaynakça (s. 223-229) var.xi, 231 s. : ... more TEZ764Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1989.Kaynakça (s. 223-229) var.xi, 231 s. : hrt. ; 30 cm.
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 1, 2001
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2006
Öz: Bu çalışmada Ankara ilinin yaklaşık 25 km güneyinde Gölbaşı ilçesi ve yakın çevresinde buluna... more Öz: Bu çalışmada Ankara ilinin yaklaşık 25 km güneyinde Gölbaşı ilçesi ve yakın çevresinde bulunan farklı fizyografik üniteler olan alçak ve yüksek seki, DII, DIII ve DIV plato düzlükleri üzerinde yer alan, Emir, Gölbaşı, Virancık gölselleri ve Laleli formasyonlarından etkilenmiş toprakların fiziksel kimyasal ve minerolojik özelliklerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla farklı her jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik ünite üzerinde 5 adet profil çukurları açılmış ve alınan örneklerde fiziksel, kimyasal ve minerolojik bileşimleri içinde XRD analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizlere göre, profiller arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur. DII plato düzlüğü ile alçak seki üzerinde açılan profiller (PI ve PIII) Entisol olup her ikisinde de baskın kil minerali az miktarda illit ve ayrıca kuvars, kalsit, klorit mineralleri yaygındır. DIII ve DIV plato düzlükleri üzerinde bulunan PII ve PV profilleri Inceptisol ordosunda sınıflandırılmalarına karşılık toprak oluşum olayları bakımından önemli farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Yüksek seki üzerinde açılan PIV profili ise Mollisol olup, diğer profillerden daha ileri bir toprak oluşum sürecine sahip ve kil mineralleri olarak illit, smektit, palygorskit ve kalsit, kuvars, klorit, feldspat minerallerde bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca güney kesimde bulunan topraklar kuzey kesimine göre profil gelişimi bakımından daha ileri seviyede bulunmakta ve bu profillerde toprak oluş olaylarından özellikle rubefaksiyon ve kalsifikasyon olayları belirlenmiştir.
Journal of Agronomy, 2005
GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1987
TEZ336Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s. 65-72) var.vii, 72 s... more TEZ336Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s. 65-72) var.vii, 72 s. : rnk. res. ; 30 cm.
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013
INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is an important tool in agriculture and soil evaluation, contributing... more INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is an important tool in agriculture and soil evaluation, contributing to the collection novel information as a non-destructive, quick and low-cost technique 1. Many conventional soil analytical techniques are used in an attempt to establish the relationship between soil physical and chemical properties and individual soil components, often disregarding their complex, multi-component interactions 2. Standard procedures for measuring soil properties being time-consuming and expensive, much attention is given to possible alternatives such as near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical technique for studying interactions between incident light and a material's surface 3. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a physical non-destructive, rapid, reproducible and low-cost method that characterizes materials according to their reflectance in the wavelength range between 350 and 2500 nm 2,4-7. Infrared spectroscopy in the near and mid-infrared ranges has been found to be useful in providing rapid, cheap and relatively accurate predictions for a number of soil properties 2,4-7 .
Journal of Agronomy, 2006
The aim of this study is to investigate physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of soils ... more The aim of this study is to investigate physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of soils formed on different geologic (Emir, Gölbaşı, Virancık gölselleri and Laleli formations) and physiographic units (low and high terraces, DII, DII, and DIV plateaus). The study area is approximately 25 km far from south of AnkaraGölbaşı and its near vicinity. For this aim, 5 profiles located on different geologic and physiographic units were investigated and soil samples taken from each horizons. Physical, chemical and XRD, determined distribution of mineralogical compositions analysis were done for each soil sample. According to analysis results, it was found that there are significantly differences among the profiles. Dominant clay mineral of PI and PIII profiles formed on DII plateau and on low terrace and classified as Entisol is low illite and they have also quartz, calsit, chlorite minerals. In addition, whereas PII and PV profiles formed on DIII and DIV plateaus were classified as I...
In this study, important physical, chemical and morphological properties of the soils of Sivas-Uz... more In this study, important physical, chemical and morphological properties of the soils of Sivas-Uzunyayla animal husbandry station were investigated and detail soil map was prepared. After survey and mapping of the area soils, different soil groups were determined and soil properties and problems were defined. The soil requirements of the plants that will be grown in the area were determined and suggestion about land use were made. This study was made according to Soil Taxonomy. While Yapi series was classified as Typic Torriorthent, Huykesen, Yol and Filindir series were classified as Typic Torrifluvent and genesis, properties and problems of these series were discussed.
Bu arastirma 2016 yilinda Inonu Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Uygulama arazisinde yurutulmustur. ... more Bu arastirma 2016 yilinda Inonu Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Uygulama arazisinde yurutulmustur. Calismada, tarim bor (%20 saf B) gubresinin arazi kosullarinda yetistirilen turp bitkisinde verim ve bitki ozellikleri uzerine etkisi arastirilmistir. Deneme uc farkli bor ( saf B) dozu; 0.5 kg da -1 , 1 kg da -1 , 1.5 kg da -1 ve kontrol olmak uzere tesaduf parselleri deneme deseni duzeninde ve uc tekerrurlu olarak kurulmustur. Arazi calismasi baslamadan once deneme topraklarinin, analiz sonucuna gore killi tin bunyeli, pH 7.14, tuz icerigi 398 µs/cm, kirec icerigi % 36.83, organik madde icerigi 1.76, azot icerigi % 0,143, fosfor % 0.004 ve potasyum icerigi % 0.042, bor icerigi ise 0,438 mg kg -1 oldugu belirlenmistir. Hasat sonrasi bitki analizleri ; Bor elementinin yaprak ve yumrularda doz artisina paralel olarak N, P, K ve B, Ca, Mg, Cu iceriklerini onemli duzeylerde arttigini ancak Fe, Mn ve Zn iceriklerinin azaldigini gostermistir. Bitkilerde verim ozelliklerinden yumru agirli...
The purposes of this study were to investigate the role of the soil forming factors in attaining ... more The purposes of this study were to investigate the role of the soil forming factors in attaining the soil properties, to organize and describe the morphological features of the soil horizons in different soils and to relate these features and horizons to the soil forming processes such as climate, organisms, landscape position, parent material and time. Six different soil series in different climatic zones were evaluated. The study areas were chosen under three climatic zones that rank from drier to wetter in WA, USA. The soils of the study areas are formed from windblown silty dust known as loess. Walla walla, Endicott and Pataha series formed under low precipitation, have calcic horizons and duripans of which depths are closely related to amount of precipitation. Climate, parent material and topography played had major effect in attaining the soil properties. Sweitberg, Southwick and Vassar soil series formed under high a precipitation. Therefore, these soil series have no calcic ...
The object of this research was to determine redox features, oxidation-reduction conditions of th... more The object of this research was to determine redox features, oxidation-reduction conditions of the hydromorphic soils in Tokat region, and the redox changes depending on these conditions. Two profiles were defined from hydromorphic soils in Camhbel and airport In Tokat region, and morphological, physical, chemical, redox features, and redox potential of these profiles were determined. Temperature regime of hydromorphic soil in airport was thermic, and moisture regime was aquic, and this soil was classified as typic epiaquent. In the same way, temperature regime of hydromorphic soil in Camlibel was mesic, and moisture regime was aquic, and this soil was classified as mollic endoaquent. In both soils, The important differences were observed in redox potential according to time, profile features, and place. Generally, redox potential increased from top soil to sub soil, from dry season to wet season.
In this study. Brown soils and Gray-Brown padsolic soils of Tokat region were classified accordin... more In this study. Brown soils and Gray-Brown padsolic soils of Tokat region were classified according to soil Taxonomy. Field works havebeen done considering the diagnostic critera of Soil Taxonomy to pepare the profile pits to make description for morphological pro parties. Physical, chemical and mineralogical analysis have been done on the disturbed and undisturbed soil: samples taken on the basis of horizon. According to Soil Taxonomy, Brown soils were placed in IN- CEPT1SOL order-usiochrept great group. Gray-Brown padsolic soils were placed in-MOLHSOL order-haplustoll great group.
Agrochimica, 2007
Different agricultural management systems affect some soil characteristics such as organic matter... more Different agricultural management systems affect some soil characteristics such as organic matter content, pH, CEC, structure, texture and trace metal concentrations. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of different soil management systems: orchard (Al), polyculture (A2), monoculture (A3) and native ecosystems (A4) on some soil properties and the concentrations of trace metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn). The comparisons between management systems showed that organic matter content (OM) was notably higher at Al site (1.84%). On the other hand, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and clay contents were greater at A2 site (35 cmol kg -1 , 56%) while A3 site contained elevated levels of sand (29%) and CaCO 3 (21%) due to variable soil surface erosion at different land use. The trace metal contents (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) were higher at Al and A2 sites, but A3 and A4 sites showed a gradual decrease. The higher Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn contents in Al and A2 sites could be attributed t...
Three rates of bentonite (0, 100 and 200 ppm) and four rates of nitrogeneons fertilizer as ammoni... more Three rates of bentonite (0, 100 and 200 ppm) and four rates of nitrogeneons fertilizer as ammonium nitrate and ammonium eitfphate(0, 50, 100 and 200 ppm N) were applied to noncalcareous brawn forest soil collected from Artova-Tokat, so as to see the effect of bentonite and nitrogenous fertilizers on the drymatter yieid and nit¬rogen conten of maize crop grown in greenhouse conditions.Bentonite and nitrogenous fertilizers (NH4N03and (NH^SOJ when applied at 100 ppm, together positively affected the growth of maize plant. Increased rates of nitrogen either as NH4NO3 or as a (NHOsSO^. increased the drymatter weight, total nitrogen content and NO3-N content of maize plant Bentonite with NH4NO3 decreased the total nitro¬gen content of mazie plant whereas bentonite with {NH^SC^ increased the total nitrogen content of maize. Total nitrogen centenT of soil after, harvest was affected by nitrogeneous fertilizers (except 50 ppm N as (NR^SO*. Increased rates of bentonite, with (NH^SO* in creas...
This research was carried out to evaluate the quality of the water from main and some secondary d... more This research was carried out to evaluate the quality of the water from main and some secondary drainage canals and of the the suitability for agricultural irrigation practices in Kazova plain of Tokat. In generally, the quality of the irrigation water of the main and some secondary drainage canals were found satisfactory. However, soil characteristics of irrigated areas must be taken into consideration. Waters from the secondary drainage canals at the entrance of TIGEM and between TIGEM and Cayli village can not be used on soils with poor drainage, but they may be used on other soils with special management programs for salinity and alkalinity controls.
In this study physical, chemical and morphological proporties of Tokat agricultural fa¬culty soil... more In this study physical, chemical and morphological proporties of Tokat agricultural fa¬culty soils were determined and soil map was prepared. On different three physiographic units; three soil series have been determined, described and mapped. This study Was made according to soil Taxonomy. Soil series were distinguished that are; Tasli Ciftlik, Kanal and Kampus. These series are classified into Entisol order. In addi¬tion to this soils properties and problems were also determined.
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2010
Plant Nutrition, 2001
Knowledge of the spatial variability in soil available phosphorus content is essential in determi... more Knowledge of the spatial variability in soil available phosphorus content is essential in determining the local P needs of crops. This study was conducted to determine spatial variability in available P content of topsoils and subsoils on a 8.5 ha alluvial wheat field. Phosphorus values were more variable in topsoils than in subsoils since the topsoils have been frequently mixed with plowing activities and applied P fertiliser. Contour maps for available P contents further indicated that available P deposited differed in the subsoils.
TEZ764Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1989.Kaynakça (s. 223-229) var.xi, 231 s. : ... more TEZ764Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1989.Kaynakça (s. 223-229) var.xi, 231 s. : hrt. ; 30 cm.
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 1, 2001
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2006
Öz: Bu çalışmada Ankara ilinin yaklaşık 25 km güneyinde Gölbaşı ilçesi ve yakın çevresinde buluna... more Öz: Bu çalışmada Ankara ilinin yaklaşık 25 km güneyinde Gölbaşı ilçesi ve yakın çevresinde bulunan farklı fizyografik üniteler olan alçak ve yüksek seki, DII, DIII ve DIV plato düzlükleri üzerinde yer alan, Emir, Gölbaşı, Virancık gölselleri ve Laleli formasyonlarından etkilenmiş toprakların fiziksel kimyasal ve minerolojik özelliklerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla farklı her jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik ünite üzerinde 5 adet profil çukurları açılmış ve alınan örneklerde fiziksel, kimyasal ve minerolojik bileşimleri içinde XRD analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizlere göre, profiller arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur. DII plato düzlüğü ile alçak seki üzerinde açılan profiller (PI ve PIII) Entisol olup her ikisinde de baskın kil minerali az miktarda illit ve ayrıca kuvars, kalsit, klorit mineralleri yaygındır. DIII ve DIV plato düzlükleri üzerinde bulunan PII ve PV profilleri Inceptisol ordosunda sınıflandırılmalarına karşılık toprak oluşum olayları bakımından önemli farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Yüksek seki üzerinde açılan PIV profili ise Mollisol olup, diğer profillerden daha ileri bir toprak oluşum sürecine sahip ve kil mineralleri olarak illit, smektit, palygorskit ve kalsit, kuvars, klorit, feldspat minerallerde bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca güney kesimde bulunan topraklar kuzey kesimine göre profil gelişimi bakımından daha ileri seviyede bulunmakta ve bu profillerde toprak oluş olaylarından özellikle rubefaksiyon ve kalsifikasyon olayları belirlenmiştir.
Journal of Agronomy, 2005
GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1987
TEZ336Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s. 65-72) var.vii, 72 s... more TEZ336Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s. 65-72) var.vii, 72 s. : rnk. res. ; 30 cm.
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013
INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is an important tool in agriculture and soil evaluation, contributing... more INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is an important tool in agriculture and soil evaluation, contributing to the collection novel information as a non-destructive, quick and low-cost technique 1. Many conventional soil analytical techniques are used in an attempt to establish the relationship between soil physical and chemical properties and individual soil components, often disregarding their complex, multi-component interactions 2. Standard procedures for measuring soil properties being time-consuming and expensive, much attention is given to possible alternatives such as near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical technique for studying interactions between incident light and a material's surface 3. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a physical non-destructive, rapid, reproducible and low-cost method that characterizes materials according to their reflectance in the wavelength range between 350 and 2500 nm 2,4-7. Infrared spectroscopy in the near and mid-infrared ranges has been found to be useful in providing rapid, cheap and relatively accurate predictions for a number of soil properties 2,4-7 .
Journal of Agronomy, 2006
The aim of this study is to investigate physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of soils ... more The aim of this study is to investigate physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of soils formed on different geologic (Emir, Gölbaşı, Virancık gölselleri and Laleli formations) and physiographic units (low and high terraces, DII, DII, and DIV plateaus). The study area is approximately 25 km far from south of AnkaraGölbaşı and its near vicinity. For this aim, 5 profiles located on different geologic and physiographic units were investigated and soil samples taken from each horizons. Physical, chemical and XRD, determined distribution of mineralogical compositions analysis were done for each soil sample. According to analysis results, it was found that there are significantly differences among the profiles. Dominant clay mineral of PI and PIII profiles formed on DII plateau and on low terrace and classified as Entisol is low illite and they have also quartz, calsit, chlorite minerals. In addition, whereas PII and PV profiles formed on DIII and DIV plateaus were classified as I...
In this study, important physical, chemical and morphological properties of the soils of Sivas-Uz... more In this study, important physical, chemical and morphological properties of the soils of Sivas-Uzunyayla animal husbandry station were investigated and detail soil map was prepared. After survey and mapping of the area soils, different soil groups were determined and soil properties and problems were defined. The soil requirements of the plants that will be grown in the area were determined and suggestion about land use were made. This study was made according to Soil Taxonomy. While Yapi series was classified as Typic Torriorthent, Huykesen, Yol and Filindir series were classified as Typic Torrifluvent and genesis, properties and problems of these series were discussed.
Bu arastirma 2016 yilinda Inonu Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Uygulama arazisinde yurutulmustur. ... more Bu arastirma 2016 yilinda Inonu Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Uygulama arazisinde yurutulmustur. Calismada, tarim bor (%20 saf B) gubresinin arazi kosullarinda yetistirilen turp bitkisinde verim ve bitki ozellikleri uzerine etkisi arastirilmistir. Deneme uc farkli bor ( saf B) dozu; 0.5 kg da -1 , 1 kg da -1 , 1.5 kg da -1 ve kontrol olmak uzere tesaduf parselleri deneme deseni duzeninde ve uc tekerrurlu olarak kurulmustur. Arazi calismasi baslamadan once deneme topraklarinin, analiz sonucuna gore killi tin bunyeli, pH 7.14, tuz icerigi 398 µs/cm, kirec icerigi % 36.83, organik madde icerigi 1.76, azot icerigi % 0,143, fosfor % 0.004 ve potasyum icerigi % 0.042, bor icerigi ise 0,438 mg kg -1 oldugu belirlenmistir. Hasat sonrasi bitki analizleri ; Bor elementinin yaprak ve yumrularda doz artisina paralel olarak N, P, K ve B, Ca, Mg, Cu iceriklerini onemli duzeylerde arttigini ancak Fe, Mn ve Zn iceriklerinin azaldigini gostermistir. Bitkilerde verim ozelliklerinden yumru agirli...
The purposes of this study were to investigate the role of the soil forming factors in attaining ... more The purposes of this study were to investigate the role of the soil forming factors in attaining the soil properties, to organize and describe the morphological features of the soil horizons in different soils and to relate these features and horizons to the soil forming processes such as climate, organisms, landscape position, parent material and time. Six different soil series in different climatic zones were evaluated. The study areas were chosen under three climatic zones that rank from drier to wetter in WA, USA. The soils of the study areas are formed from windblown silty dust known as loess. Walla walla, Endicott and Pataha series formed under low precipitation, have calcic horizons and duripans of which depths are closely related to amount of precipitation. Climate, parent material and topography played had major effect in attaining the soil properties. Sweitberg, Southwick and Vassar soil series formed under high a precipitation. Therefore, these soil series have no calcic ...
The object of this research was to determine redox features, oxidation-reduction conditions of th... more The object of this research was to determine redox features, oxidation-reduction conditions of the hydromorphic soils in Tokat region, and the redox changes depending on these conditions. Two profiles were defined from hydromorphic soils in Camhbel and airport In Tokat region, and morphological, physical, chemical, redox features, and redox potential of these profiles were determined. Temperature regime of hydromorphic soil in airport was thermic, and moisture regime was aquic, and this soil was classified as typic epiaquent. In the same way, temperature regime of hydromorphic soil in Camlibel was mesic, and moisture regime was aquic, and this soil was classified as mollic endoaquent. In both soils, The important differences were observed in redox potential according to time, profile features, and place. Generally, redox potential increased from top soil to sub soil, from dry season to wet season.
In this study. Brown soils and Gray-Brown padsolic soils of Tokat region were classified accordin... more In this study. Brown soils and Gray-Brown padsolic soils of Tokat region were classified according to soil Taxonomy. Field works havebeen done considering the diagnostic critera of Soil Taxonomy to pepare the profile pits to make description for morphological pro parties. Physical, chemical and mineralogical analysis have been done on the disturbed and undisturbed soil: samples taken on the basis of horizon. According to Soil Taxonomy, Brown soils were placed in IN- CEPT1SOL order-usiochrept great group. Gray-Brown padsolic soils were placed in-MOLHSOL order-haplustoll great group.
Agrochimica, 2007
Different agricultural management systems affect some soil characteristics such as organic matter... more Different agricultural management systems affect some soil characteristics such as organic matter content, pH, CEC, structure, texture and trace metal concentrations. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of different soil management systems: orchard (Al), polyculture (A2), monoculture (A3) and native ecosystems (A4) on some soil properties and the concentrations of trace metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn). The comparisons between management systems showed that organic matter content (OM) was notably higher at Al site (1.84%). On the other hand, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and clay contents were greater at A2 site (35 cmol kg -1 , 56%) while A3 site contained elevated levels of sand (29%) and CaCO 3 (21%) due to variable soil surface erosion at different land use. The trace metal contents (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) were higher at Al and A2 sites, but A3 and A4 sites showed a gradual decrease. The higher Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn contents in Al and A2 sites could be attributed t...
Three rates of bentonite (0, 100 and 200 ppm) and four rates of nitrogeneons fertilizer as ammoni... more Three rates of bentonite (0, 100 and 200 ppm) and four rates of nitrogeneons fertilizer as ammonium nitrate and ammonium eitfphate(0, 50, 100 and 200 ppm N) were applied to noncalcareous brawn forest soil collected from Artova-Tokat, so as to see the effect of bentonite and nitrogenous fertilizers on the drymatter yieid and nit¬rogen conten of maize crop grown in greenhouse conditions.Bentonite and nitrogenous fertilizers (NH4N03and (NH^SOJ when applied at 100 ppm, together positively affected the growth of maize plant. Increased rates of nitrogen either as NH4NO3 or as a (NHOsSO^. increased the drymatter weight, total nitrogen content and NO3-N content of maize plant Bentonite with NH4NO3 decreased the total nitro¬gen content of mazie plant whereas bentonite with {NH^SC^ increased the total nitrogen content of maize. Total nitrogen centenT of soil after, harvest was affected by nitrogeneous fertilizers (except 50 ppm N as (NR^SO*. Increased rates of bentonite, with (NH^SO* in creas...
This research was carried out to evaluate the quality of the water from main and some secondary d... more This research was carried out to evaluate the quality of the water from main and some secondary drainage canals and of the the suitability for agricultural irrigation practices in Kazova plain of Tokat. In generally, the quality of the irrigation water of the main and some secondary drainage canals were found satisfactory. However, soil characteristics of irrigated areas must be taken into consideration. Waters from the secondary drainage canals at the entrance of TIGEM and between TIGEM and Cayli village can not be used on soils with poor drainage, but they may be used on other soils with special management programs for salinity and alkalinity controls.
In this study physical, chemical and morphological proporties of Tokat agricultural fa¬culty soil... more In this study physical, chemical and morphological proporties of Tokat agricultural fa¬culty soils were determined and soil map was prepared. On different three physiographic units; three soil series have been determined, described and mapped. This study Was made according to soil Taxonomy. Soil series were distinguished that are; Tasli Ciftlik, Kanal and Kampus. These series are classified into Entisol order. In addi¬tion to this soils properties and problems were also determined.