Dag Atle Lysne - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dag Atle Lysne
327-339, Sep 14, 2021
Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are goo... more Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are good reasons why the work of designing various technological devices in technology should also be part of inquiry-based methods. If so, it requires that the teachers have an exploratory approach in communicat-ing with students. In this paper, we analyze the communication between teachers and students in six technology projects. The main pattern is that teachers act instructively to students or try to convince them to use a solution the teacher has planned in advance. Exploratory and moderating communication were less frequent. This is contrary to the intention of inquiry-based methods. However, discussion of conceptual topics seems to provide a more exploratory approach from teachers compared to procedural topics. Likewise, active students, who themselves try to come up with solutions to the challenges, seem to contribute to a more exploratory approach from the teachers. The same goes for tasks that are so open that teachers will not be able to plan for solutions in advance. No school scientific concepts in natural science were used in the discussions between teachers and students
Frontiers in Education
This study focuses on student motivation and ownership of learning in a team-based learning envir... more This study focuses on student motivation and ownership of learning in a team-based learning environment that is situated in a cross-campus and online context. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 12 students who participated in a joint international Master’s degree in Music, Communication and Technology programme between two large Nordic universities. The aim of the study was to identify factors that were most likely to impact student motivation and ownership in this cross-campus and online setting. Three main themes emerged from the analysis of data relating to student motivation and ownership. These three themes were autonomy, peer learning, and communication and social bonding. The study has the potential to contribute to the continued development of future learning environments, which will be physical as well as virtual, or a mix of those. The findings indicated that there is a need to focus on student tasks that should be flexible and open for student cho...
The research presented in this paper investigates how conceptual knowledge from mathematics and s... more The research presented in this paper investigates how conceptual knowledge from mathematics and science is addressed in four extensive cross-curricular teaching projects in different Norwegian schools (year 3-10). Classroom sessions related to the project were videotaped with two cameras recording selected groups of students and one recording the classroom as a whole. Recordings cover a total of ca 250 hours. Selected parts of the material were analysed with regards to communication between teacher and students and within student groups. Results indicate that conceptual knowledge from science is rarely addressed by teachers and students. With some interesting exceptions, this also applies to mathematics. Knowledge discussed by teachers and students was for the most part technological in nature and did to a low degree draw on or motivate for conceptual knowledge from science and mathematics. We interpret this finding as an effect of two matters: Firstly, technological tasks mainly re...
Nordic Studies in Science Education, Sep 14, 2021
Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are goo... more Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are good reasons why the work of designing various technological devices in technology should also be part of inquiry-based methods. If so, it requires that the teachers have an exploratory approach in communicat-ing with students. In this paper, we analyze the communication between teachers and students in six technology projects. The main pattern is that teachers act instructively to students or try to convince them to use a solution the teacher has planned in advance. Exploratory and moderating communication were less frequent. This is contrary to the intention of inquiry-based methods. However, discussion of conceptual topics seems to provide a more exploratory approach from teachers compared to procedural topics. Likewise, active students, who themselves try to come up with solutions to the challenges, seem to contribute to a more exploratory approach from the teachers. The same goes for tasks that are so open that teachers will not be able to plan for solutions in advance. No school scientific concepts in natural science were used in the discussions between teachers and students
INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022
In both Australia and Norway and through a number of Technology projects conducted since 2007, th... more In both Australia and Norway and through a number of Technology projects conducted since 2007, the authors – together and with other collaborators - have attempted to create positive learning environments supported by Web 2.0 communication tools. Through protected public sites and the oz-Teachernet [http://www.otn.edu.au], we have consistently chosen to use blogs to support the social construction of knowledge, that is, to allow students the opportunity to discuss, share and collaborate on their classroom activities and engagement with Technology artefacts and processes. Through comparisons with findings from a small-scale project in Norway and a large-scale project in Australia, this paper will argue for the potential of discussion through blogs but recommend that the purposeful use of scientific language in student communication will not occur without teacher intervention and scaffolding.
Internasjonal litteratur gir god dokumentasjon av hvilke faktorer som fremmer skoleutvikling. Kon... more Internasjonal litteratur gir god dokumentasjon av hvilke faktorer som fremmer skoleutvikling. Konteksten som læringsprosesser foregår i, er viktig for læringsutbytte, og norsk skole avviker på mange områder fra den skolen vi finner i mange andre land. Det er derfor god grunn til å stille spørsmål ved om internasjonal forskning alene kan brukes som grunnlag for utvikling av norsk skole. Den studien som presenteres her, omfatter tre skoler i Midt-Norge som deltok i piloteringen av kompetanseutviklingen på ungdomstrinnet i skoleåret 2012/2013. Funnene er hentet fra intervjuer med rektor og en gruppe av lærere på skolene. Skolene i studien var svært ulike. Likevel ser vi at det er stort samsvar mellom skolene i hvilke faktorer som er viktige for å gi utvikling. I tillegg ser vi stort samsvar med de faktorene som internasjonal litteratur legger vekt på at fremmer skoleutvikling. Det viser at det i hovedsak er de samme faktorene som fremmer skolebasert kompetanseutvikling lokalt i Norge som er beskrevet i internasjonale studier, og at lokale, regionale og nasjonale forhold spiller mindre rolle. I artikkelen diskuterer vi hvordan funnene i vår studie er koblet til funn i tidligere studier
I dette studiet undersokes hvordan elevenes tidligere erfaringer bidrar til progresjon i elevenes... more I dette studiet undersokes hvordan elevenes tidligere erfaringer bidrar til progresjon i elevenes arbeid med teknologiske problemstillinger. Og det vurderes hvilke erfaringer som blir brukt, om de er hentet fra elevenes arbeid med tradisjonelle skolefag, eller om de kommer fra elevenes liv utenfor skolen. Studiet baseres pa data fra fire elevprosjekter fra 3. til 10. klasse innenfor teknologi og design der elevenes arbeid i all hovedsak var av praktisk karakter. Resultatene tyder pa at elevene stoppet opp i utviklingen av de teknologiske modellene nar de manglet erfaringer fra tilsvarende konstruksjoner og losninger. Erfaringene som elevene brukte, var ervervet fra praktisk orienterte situasjoner utenfor skolen. Vi observerte ingen klare spor i elevenes arbeid med a utvikle de teknologiske modellene fra erfaringer knyttet til arbeid med tradisjonelle emner i naturfag.
Parasitology, 2002
Variation in host susceptibility causes significant differences in infection rates between hosts ... more Variation in host susceptibility causes significant differences in infection rates between hosts living in a semi-natural situation. Such knowledge has implications for population dynamics and evolutionary models of host–parasite interactions as well as for estimations of parasite abundance. Infection rates by Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) were measured through time and space on caged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). One group of hosts, identified by their infection history, developed significantly higher infection rates than the others. These were fish which had been infected previously, but had lost their infection. Differences between groups were consistent through both time and space. Two types of cod seem to have been present in the caged population; a small group of inherently susceptible fish, which were infected, and reinfected if the parasite was lost, and another group of resistant hosts with a small chance of becoming infected.
Parasitology, 1997
To study the infection dynamics of metacercariae of the digenean Cryptocotyle lingua, wild living... more To study the infection dynamics of metacercariae of the digenean Cryptocotyle lingua, wild living Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, were caged for 18 months close to the shore. Here they were exposed to naturally occurring transmission stages of the parasite. First, both the abundance and the variance to mean ratio of metacercariae increased, but during the second half of the study the abundance levelled out, and the variance to mean ratio showed a significant decrease. Host mortality was negligible throughout the study. Based on the relationship between pigment spots and metacercariae observed by skin digestion, there was no indication of density-dependent parasite mortality. We conclude that the infrapopulations of metacercariae on the caged cod probably were regulated by density-dependent host responses acting against the cercariae.
Journal of Fish Biology, 1994
ABSTRACT In caged Atlantic cod (>40cm), Cryptocotyle spp. metacereariae were concentrated ... more ABSTRACT In caged Atlantic cod (>40cm), Cryptocotyle spp. metacereariae were concentrated on the dorsal surface, but relatively scarce on the fins. Behaviour and mechanical forces probably affect this distribution.
Fisheries Research, 1993
Abstract Fish farmers have long suspected that farmed cod were less heavily infected with larvae ... more Abstract Fish farmers have long suspected that farmed cod were less heavily infected with larvae of ascaridoid worms than fish taken in the commercial fisheries. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was designed to compare the worm burdens of caged and wild-caught fish over a 2-year period. The results showed an increase in the worm burdens of the wild fish but not in the caged fish. It is suggested that the transmission of food-transmitted ascaridoid larvae is broken through artificial feeding, which prevents new infections from establishing in the caged fish. The life expectancy of these worms in cod is probably more than 2 years.
Fisheries Research, 1995
Fisheries Research, 1997
A total of 502 cod, Gadus morhua L., was taken during spring and autumn sampling from three diffe... more A total of 502 cod, Gadus morhua L., was taken during spring and autumn sampling from three different localities in northern Norway: the Barents Sea, a silled fjord (Balsfjord) and an open fjord (Malangen). Each cod was allocated, according to its otolith structure, to one of two types, coastal or Arcto-Norwegian, and was then examined for infections of four species of parasite: the myxosporeans Myxidium ouiforme and Zschokkella hildae, the digenean Hemiurus leuinseni, and the copepod Lemaeoceru brunchialis. Both types of cod were present at each locality, with coastal cod dominating in the fjords in both seasons and in the Barents Sea in spring, but with Arcto-Norwegian cod dominating in the Barents Sea in autumn. Differences in the proportions of the two types of cod and in parasite prevalences between seasons and localities were interpreted as indicating a migration of coastal cod from the Barents Sea sampling area into the fjords between March and October. We found no evidence that Arcto-Norwegian cod from the Barents Sea migrate into the fjords, but our results suggest that the fjords contain local resident populations of .&to-Norwegian cod. It is concluded that local parasite faunas are not greatly influenced by genetic differences between the two types of cod, but that their compositions are determined largely by variations in the abundance of intermediate hosts. 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Journal of Fish Biology, 2006
ABSTRACT Three hundred and sixty-nine cod Gadus morhua were individually marked and caged for 19 ... more ABSTRACT Three hundred and sixty-nine cod Gadus morhua were individually marked and caged for 19 months. During this period, each cod was inspected several times for Lernaeocera branchialis. Growth in four groups of cod, identified by their infection history, were compared. During the caging, 79% of the cod remained uninfected, 8·5% were infected, but lost the parasite, 8% were infected with one parasite and 4·5% were infected with more than one parasite. The infected fish either harboured the parasite at caging or were infected during the study period. The highest rate of increase, both in body mass and in standard length (LS), was recorded in the group of male fish infected with one parasite throughout the experimental period. Conversely, those males free from infection showed significantly lower growth. The observed differences in growth could not be explained by changes in variables related to reproductive strategies. The alternative explanation for these results is that resistance to L. branchialis was associated with costs in terms of reduced growth of body mass and LS.
Journal of Fish Biology, 1998
Frontiers in Education, 2021
The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has becom... more The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has become synonymous with transforming learning within Higher Education, particularly within post graduate courses. It can be argued that the recent push for transforming Higher Education aligns itself with the notion that postgraduate students need more flexible learning opportunities while still retaining access to high quality, engaging and collaborative pedagogical approaches. This paper reports on an exploratory case study that focuses on cross campus/university collaboration and flexible learning opportunities for students studying a masters level degree in the area of Music, Communication and Technology (MCT) within a Nordic context. The research question guiding the study is “What factors do educators in a hybrid cross-campus learning environment identify as essential for providing a supportive learning experience for students?” A pedagogy, space and technology (PST) framework underpins ...
Frontiers in Education
The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has becom... more The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has become synonymous with transforming learning within Higher Education, particularly within post graduate courses. It can be argued that the recent push for transforming Higher Education aligns itself with the notion that postgraduate students need more flexible learning opportunities while still retaining access to high quality, engaging and collaborative pedagogical approaches. This paper reports on an exploratory case study that focuses on cross campus/university collaboration and flexible learning opportunities for students studying a masters level degree in the area of Music, Communication and Technology (MCT) within a Nordic context. The research question guiding the study is “What factors do educators in a hybrid cross-campus learning environment identify as essential for providing a supportive learning experience for students?” A pedagogy, space and technology (PST) framework underpins ...
Due to a growing demand for flexible lifelong learning, many universities will need to transform ... more Due to a growing demand for flexible lifelong learning, many universities will need to transform their educational strategies to meet societal demands to stay in business in a market where global competition with new technological tools such as educational Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms can transform the industry. In this article, we discuss a future approach for courses in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), inspired by the Nordic welfare state model,and MOOC platform technology. Contrary to many earlier MOOC initiatives, where access was free of charge and open to all, we see a commercial freemium trend on MOOC platforms. Now we see a trend towards short, free, “teaser” courses that encourage learners to pay for a certificate and to undertake quality assured and accredited micro-master courses hidden behind paywalls. This trend aligns with the principle of paid access to courses on campus in Higher Education in many countries. In this paper, we argue that MOOC platf...
Acta Didactica Norden
Denne studien undersøker om uteskole i lærerutdanningen har betydning for nyutdan-nede læreres br... more Denne studien undersøker om uteskole i lærerutdanningen har betydning for nyutdan-nede læreres bruk av uteskole. Flere studier understreker nødvendigheten av at lærere utvikler ferdigheter, selvtillit og reflekterende praksis for å overkomme barrierer og utfordringer de møter når de skal gjennomføre uteskole. Det er ikke alltid lagt vekt på denne type undervisning i lærerutdanningene, og nyutdannede lærere kan derfor mangle kunnskaper og erfaringer med å planlegge og gjennomføre uteundervisning. Studien omfatter 22 PPU-studenter i naturfag og er en longitudinell aksjonsstudie der vi følger studentene gjennom PPU-studiet og deres første yrkesår. Lærerstudentene fikk først et teoretisk grunnlag om uteskole, ble deretter posisjonert som «elever» i et modellert undervisningsopplegg, og til slutt planla og gjennomførte de uteundervisning med elever. På slutten av deres første yrkesår ble fire av deltakerne intervjuet. Funnene indikerer at de nyutdannede lærerne har potensielle handlingsk...
327-339, Sep 14, 2021
Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are goo... more Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are good reasons why the work of designing various technological devices in technology should also be part of inquiry-based methods. If so, it requires that the teachers have an exploratory approach in communicat-ing with students. In this paper, we analyze the communication between teachers and students in six technology projects. The main pattern is that teachers act instructively to students or try to convince them to use a solution the teacher has planned in advance. Exploratory and moderating communication were less frequent. This is contrary to the intention of inquiry-based methods. However, discussion of conceptual topics seems to provide a more exploratory approach from teachers compared to procedural topics. Likewise, active students, who themselves try to come up with solutions to the challenges, seem to contribute to a more exploratory approach from the teachers. The same goes for tasks that are so open that teachers will not be able to plan for solutions in advance. No school scientific concepts in natural science were used in the discussions between teachers and students
Frontiers in Education
This study focuses on student motivation and ownership of learning in a team-based learning envir... more This study focuses on student motivation and ownership of learning in a team-based learning environment that is situated in a cross-campus and online context. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 12 students who participated in a joint international Master’s degree in Music, Communication and Technology programme between two large Nordic universities. The aim of the study was to identify factors that were most likely to impact student motivation and ownership in this cross-campus and online setting. Three main themes emerged from the analysis of data relating to student motivation and ownership. These three themes were autonomy, peer learning, and communication and social bonding. The study has the potential to contribute to the continued development of future learning environments, which will be physical as well as virtual, or a mix of those. The findings indicated that there is a need to focus on student tasks that should be flexible and open for student cho...
The research presented in this paper investigates how conceptual knowledge from mathematics and s... more The research presented in this paper investigates how conceptual knowledge from mathematics and science is addressed in four extensive cross-curricular teaching projects in different Norwegian schools (year 3-10). Classroom sessions related to the project were videotaped with two cameras recording selected groups of students and one recording the classroom as a whole. Recordings cover a total of ca 250 hours. Selected parts of the material were analysed with regards to communication between teacher and students and within student groups. Results indicate that conceptual knowledge from science is rarely addressed by teachers and students. With some interesting exceptions, this also applies to mathematics. Knowledge discussed by teachers and students was for the most part technological in nature and did to a low degree draw on or motivate for conceptual knowledge from science and mathematics. We interpret this finding as an effect of two matters: Firstly, technological tasks mainly re...
Nordic Studies in Science Education, Sep 14, 2021
Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are goo... more Inquiry-based methods have been seen as important for developing science in school. There are good reasons why the work of designing various technological devices in technology should also be part of inquiry-based methods. If so, it requires that the teachers have an exploratory approach in communicat-ing with students. In this paper, we analyze the communication between teachers and students in six technology projects. The main pattern is that teachers act instructively to students or try to convince them to use a solution the teacher has planned in advance. Exploratory and moderating communication were less frequent. This is contrary to the intention of inquiry-based methods. However, discussion of conceptual topics seems to provide a more exploratory approach from teachers compared to procedural topics. Likewise, active students, who themselves try to come up with solutions to the challenges, seem to contribute to a more exploratory approach from the teachers. The same goes for tasks that are so open that teachers will not be able to plan for solutions in advance. No school scientific concepts in natural science were used in the discussions between teachers and students
INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022
In both Australia and Norway and through a number of Technology projects conducted since 2007, th... more In both Australia and Norway and through a number of Technology projects conducted since 2007, the authors – together and with other collaborators - have attempted to create positive learning environments supported by Web 2.0 communication tools. Through protected public sites and the oz-Teachernet [http://www.otn.edu.au], we have consistently chosen to use blogs to support the social construction of knowledge, that is, to allow students the opportunity to discuss, share and collaborate on their classroom activities and engagement with Technology artefacts and processes. Through comparisons with findings from a small-scale project in Norway and a large-scale project in Australia, this paper will argue for the potential of discussion through blogs but recommend that the purposeful use of scientific language in student communication will not occur without teacher intervention and scaffolding.
Internasjonal litteratur gir god dokumentasjon av hvilke faktorer som fremmer skoleutvikling. Kon... more Internasjonal litteratur gir god dokumentasjon av hvilke faktorer som fremmer skoleutvikling. Konteksten som læringsprosesser foregår i, er viktig for læringsutbytte, og norsk skole avviker på mange områder fra den skolen vi finner i mange andre land. Det er derfor god grunn til å stille spørsmål ved om internasjonal forskning alene kan brukes som grunnlag for utvikling av norsk skole. Den studien som presenteres her, omfatter tre skoler i Midt-Norge som deltok i piloteringen av kompetanseutviklingen på ungdomstrinnet i skoleåret 2012/2013. Funnene er hentet fra intervjuer med rektor og en gruppe av lærere på skolene. Skolene i studien var svært ulike. Likevel ser vi at det er stort samsvar mellom skolene i hvilke faktorer som er viktige for å gi utvikling. I tillegg ser vi stort samsvar med de faktorene som internasjonal litteratur legger vekt på at fremmer skoleutvikling. Det viser at det i hovedsak er de samme faktorene som fremmer skolebasert kompetanseutvikling lokalt i Norge som er beskrevet i internasjonale studier, og at lokale, regionale og nasjonale forhold spiller mindre rolle. I artikkelen diskuterer vi hvordan funnene i vår studie er koblet til funn i tidligere studier
I dette studiet undersokes hvordan elevenes tidligere erfaringer bidrar til progresjon i elevenes... more I dette studiet undersokes hvordan elevenes tidligere erfaringer bidrar til progresjon i elevenes arbeid med teknologiske problemstillinger. Og det vurderes hvilke erfaringer som blir brukt, om de er hentet fra elevenes arbeid med tradisjonelle skolefag, eller om de kommer fra elevenes liv utenfor skolen. Studiet baseres pa data fra fire elevprosjekter fra 3. til 10. klasse innenfor teknologi og design der elevenes arbeid i all hovedsak var av praktisk karakter. Resultatene tyder pa at elevene stoppet opp i utviklingen av de teknologiske modellene nar de manglet erfaringer fra tilsvarende konstruksjoner og losninger. Erfaringene som elevene brukte, var ervervet fra praktisk orienterte situasjoner utenfor skolen. Vi observerte ingen klare spor i elevenes arbeid med a utvikle de teknologiske modellene fra erfaringer knyttet til arbeid med tradisjonelle emner i naturfag.
Parasitology, 2002
Variation in host susceptibility causes significant differences in infection rates between hosts ... more Variation in host susceptibility causes significant differences in infection rates between hosts living in a semi-natural situation. Such knowledge has implications for population dynamics and evolutionary models of host–parasite interactions as well as for estimations of parasite abundance. Infection rates by Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) were measured through time and space on caged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). One group of hosts, identified by their infection history, developed significantly higher infection rates than the others. These were fish which had been infected previously, but had lost their infection. Differences between groups were consistent through both time and space. Two types of cod seem to have been present in the caged population; a small group of inherently susceptible fish, which were infected, and reinfected if the parasite was lost, and another group of resistant hosts with a small chance of becoming infected.
Parasitology, 1997
To study the infection dynamics of metacercariae of the digenean Cryptocotyle lingua, wild living... more To study the infection dynamics of metacercariae of the digenean Cryptocotyle lingua, wild living Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, were caged for 18 months close to the shore. Here they were exposed to naturally occurring transmission stages of the parasite. First, both the abundance and the variance to mean ratio of metacercariae increased, but during the second half of the study the abundance levelled out, and the variance to mean ratio showed a significant decrease. Host mortality was negligible throughout the study. Based on the relationship between pigment spots and metacercariae observed by skin digestion, there was no indication of density-dependent parasite mortality. We conclude that the infrapopulations of metacercariae on the caged cod probably were regulated by density-dependent host responses acting against the cercariae.
Journal of Fish Biology, 1994
ABSTRACT In caged Atlantic cod (>40cm), Cryptocotyle spp. metacereariae were concentrated ... more ABSTRACT In caged Atlantic cod (>40cm), Cryptocotyle spp. metacereariae were concentrated on the dorsal surface, but relatively scarce on the fins. Behaviour and mechanical forces probably affect this distribution.
Fisheries Research, 1993
Abstract Fish farmers have long suspected that farmed cod were less heavily infected with larvae ... more Abstract Fish farmers have long suspected that farmed cod were less heavily infected with larvae of ascaridoid worms than fish taken in the commercial fisheries. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was designed to compare the worm burdens of caged and wild-caught fish over a 2-year period. The results showed an increase in the worm burdens of the wild fish but not in the caged fish. It is suggested that the transmission of food-transmitted ascaridoid larvae is broken through artificial feeding, which prevents new infections from establishing in the caged fish. The life expectancy of these worms in cod is probably more than 2 years.
Fisheries Research, 1995
Fisheries Research, 1997
A total of 502 cod, Gadus morhua L., was taken during spring and autumn sampling from three diffe... more A total of 502 cod, Gadus morhua L., was taken during spring and autumn sampling from three different localities in northern Norway: the Barents Sea, a silled fjord (Balsfjord) and an open fjord (Malangen). Each cod was allocated, according to its otolith structure, to one of two types, coastal or Arcto-Norwegian, and was then examined for infections of four species of parasite: the myxosporeans Myxidium ouiforme and Zschokkella hildae, the digenean Hemiurus leuinseni, and the copepod Lemaeoceru brunchialis. Both types of cod were present at each locality, with coastal cod dominating in the fjords in both seasons and in the Barents Sea in spring, but with Arcto-Norwegian cod dominating in the Barents Sea in autumn. Differences in the proportions of the two types of cod and in parasite prevalences between seasons and localities were interpreted as indicating a migration of coastal cod from the Barents Sea sampling area into the fjords between March and October. We found no evidence that Arcto-Norwegian cod from the Barents Sea migrate into the fjords, but our results suggest that the fjords contain local resident populations of .&to-Norwegian cod. It is concluded that local parasite faunas are not greatly influenced by genetic differences between the two types of cod, but that their compositions are determined largely by variations in the abundance of intermediate hosts. 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Journal of Fish Biology, 2006
ABSTRACT Three hundred and sixty-nine cod Gadus morhua were individually marked and caged for 19 ... more ABSTRACT Three hundred and sixty-nine cod Gadus morhua were individually marked and caged for 19 months. During this period, each cod was inspected several times for Lernaeocera branchialis. Growth in four groups of cod, identified by their infection history, were compared. During the caging, 79% of the cod remained uninfected, 8·5% were infected, but lost the parasite, 8% were infected with one parasite and 4·5% were infected with more than one parasite. The infected fish either harboured the parasite at caging or were infected during the study period. The highest rate of increase, both in body mass and in standard length (LS), was recorded in the group of male fish infected with one parasite throughout the experimental period. Conversely, those males free from infection showed significantly lower growth. The observed differences in growth could not be explained by changes in variables related to reproductive strategies. The alternative explanation for these results is that resistance to L. branchialis was associated with costs in terms of reduced growth of body mass and LS.
Journal of Fish Biology, 1998
Frontiers in Education, 2021
The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has becom... more The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has become synonymous with transforming learning within Higher Education, particularly within post graduate courses. It can be argued that the recent push for transforming Higher Education aligns itself with the notion that postgraduate students need more flexible learning opportunities while still retaining access to high quality, engaging and collaborative pedagogical approaches. This paper reports on an exploratory case study that focuses on cross campus/university collaboration and flexible learning opportunities for students studying a masters level degree in the area of Music, Communication and Technology (MCT) within a Nordic context. The research question guiding the study is “What factors do educators in a hybrid cross-campus learning environment identify as essential for providing a supportive learning experience for students?” A pedagogy, space and technology (PST) framework underpins ...
Frontiers in Education
The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has becom... more The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has become synonymous with transforming learning within Higher Education, particularly within post graduate courses. It can be argued that the recent push for transforming Higher Education aligns itself with the notion that postgraduate students need more flexible learning opportunities while still retaining access to high quality, engaging and collaborative pedagogical approaches. This paper reports on an exploratory case study that focuses on cross campus/university collaboration and flexible learning opportunities for students studying a masters level degree in the area of Music, Communication and Technology (MCT) within a Nordic context. The research question guiding the study is “What factors do educators in a hybrid cross-campus learning environment identify as essential for providing a supportive learning experience for students?” A pedagogy, space and technology (PST) framework underpins ...
Due to a growing demand for flexible lifelong learning, many universities will need to transform ... more Due to a growing demand for flexible lifelong learning, many universities will need to transform their educational strategies to meet societal demands to stay in business in a market where global competition with new technological tools such as educational Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms can transform the industry. In this article, we discuss a future approach for courses in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), inspired by the Nordic welfare state model,and MOOC platform technology. Contrary to many earlier MOOC initiatives, where access was free of charge and open to all, we see a commercial freemium trend on MOOC platforms. Now we see a trend towards short, free, “teaser” courses that encourage learners to pay for a certificate and to undertake quality assured and accredited micro-master courses hidden behind paywalls. This trend aligns with the principle of paid access to courses on campus in Higher Education in many countries. In this paper, we argue that MOOC platf...
Acta Didactica Norden
Denne studien undersøker om uteskole i lærerutdanningen har betydning for nyutdan-nede læreres br... more Denne studien undersøker om uteskole i lærerutdanningen har betydning for nyutdan-nede læreres bruk av uteskole. Flere studier understreker nødvendigheten av at lærere utvikler ferdigheter, selvtillit og reflekterende praksis for å overkomme barrierer og utfordringer de møter når de skal gjennomføre uteskole. Det er ikke alltid lagt vekt på denne type undervisning i lærerutdanningene, og nyutdannede lærere kan derfor mangle kunnskaper og erfaringer med å planlegge og gjennomføre uteundervisning. Studien omfatter 22 PPU-studenter i naturfag og er en longitudinell aksjonsstudie der vi følger studentene gjennom PPU-studiet og deres første yrkesår. Lærerstudentene fikk først et teoretisk grunnlag om uteskole, ble deretter posisjonert som «elever» i et modellert undervisningsopplegg, og til slutt planla og gjennomførte de uteundervisning med elever. På slutten av deres første yrkesår ble fire av deltakerne intervjuet. Funnene indikerer at de nyutdannede lærerne har potensielle handlingsk...