Dale A Ulrich - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Books by Dale A Ulrich
Erickson- Test e strumenti di valutazione scuola, 2023
Il volume, che propone la standardizzazione italiana del TGMD-3 effettuata su 8500 soggetti, si r... more Il volume, che propone la standardizzazione italiana del TGMD-3 effettuata su 8500 soggetti, si rivolge a insegnanti, educatori e a tutti i professionisti coinvolti in programmi di attività motorie di base. Il test consente di valutare il livello di sviluppo grosso-motorio in bambini/e dai 3 agli 11 anni, attraverso l’osservazione delle abilità di locomozione e di controllo della palla. Al manuale teorico sono allegati il protocollo di somministrazione — corredato di illustrazioni a colori — e il protocollo di notazione — per la registrazione dei dati e il calcolo e l’interpretazione dei punteggi — che guidano alla comprensione dei punti di forza e di debolezza dell’allievo/a. La misurazione dei livelli di padronanza delle abilità grosso-motorie ottenuta con il TGMD-3 aiuta nella progettazione di percorsi didattici personalizzati.
Papers by Dale A Ulrich
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Jul 1, 1987
Motor Skill Acquisition of the Mentally Handicapped is a collection of 11 papers and three reacti... more Motor Skill Acquisition of the Mentally Handicapped is a collection of 11 papers and three reactions presented at a 1985 conference on the development of coordination, control, and skill in the mentally handicapped. The list of authors is impressive, each scholar having made a significant research contribution in the literature on mental retardation. The chapters reflect the authors' current research and ideas within the general context of processes underlying motor skill acquisition. As the subtitle, Issues in Research and Training, implies, the volume is not designed to be an exhaustive review of all topics under motor skill acquisition, but rather of selected topics that represent ongoing research programs. The book is not a "how to" or physical activity resource book. Rather, editor Michael Wade has assembled a fine collection of reference papers that should be of interest to motor behavior scientists as well as those concerned primarily with the well-being of the mentally handicapped. Section 1, "Control and Coordination of Motor Skills," includes four papers and a reaction. The chapter by Berkson and Gallagher deals with the stereotypic behaviors that are common in mental retardation. The authors outline a series of studies from their lab which suggest that (a) one can distinguish between abnormal stereotyped behaviors and the normal repetitive behaviors of infancy, (b) self-stimulation has two components, stimulation and control, (c) sensory feedback associated with movements can be rewarding, and (d) stereotypic behaviors can be reduced in infancy. The paper by Davis reports research in which mentally handicapped persons profited from precise visual information on a ballistic throwing task. In the third chapter, Woollacott and Shurnway-Cook describe the postural and voluntary motor control patterns in Down syndrome subjects. Although gross muscular responses to postural sway in Down subjects were similar to those of nonhandicapped persons, the former were deemed more variable, slower, and developmentally delayed. Furthermore, the Down syndrome children had trouble maintaining postural stability when exposed to intersensory conflicts. The following chapter, by Maclean et al., reviews the role of primitive reflexes, postural adjustments, and stereotypic behavior in early motor development; it also presents data suggesting that rotational vestibular stimulation may aid the motor development of preambulatory children. Section 1 concludes with Newell's critique of the four papers. It is particularly effective, as are the other reactions in the volume. The authors bring
Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, Sep 20, 2017
Psychologists and researchers have increasingly advocated that nurturing positive personal attrib... more Psychologists and researchers have increasingly advocated that nurturing positive personal attributes and enhancing human strengths and virtues such as subjective well-being, gratitude, and hope play vital roles in determining physical and mental health Emmons & McCullough [5]; Gilman & Huebner [6]; Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi [3]; Snyder [7]. Health is referred to the overall state of a person's physical, mental, and social well-being and to the presence or absence of physical and mental illness or injury Fahey, Insel, Roth and Insel, [8]; World Health Organization [WHO]
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1984
This study was designed to investigate the reliability of classification decisions in the fundame... more This study was designed to investigate the reliability of classification decisions in the fundamental motor skill domain using the Objectives-Based Motor Skill Assessment Instrument. Nonhandicapped (n = 80) and mentally retarded (n = 40) students in the age range of 3 through 10 were assessed on two separate days. Two likely domain mastery criterion levels were used (85 and 70% of the total test score). The proportion of agreement (P) and Kappa (K) were the reliability indices employed. The reliability estimates for the nonhandicapped group were P = .89 and K = .78 using the 85% mastery criterion and P = .92 and K = .84 for the 70% criterion. The reliability estimates obtained for the mentally retarded group using an 85% criterion were P = .87 and K = .62 and for the 70% criterion P = .93 and K = .83. Based on these results the criterion-referenced test appears to consistently classify students on two occasions as masters or non-masters of fundamental motor skills using either cut-o...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2017
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1998
The unqualified use of statistical significance tests for interpreting the results of empirical r... more The unqualified use of statistical significance tests for interpreting the results of empirical research has been called into question by researchers in a number of behavioral disciplines. This paper reviews what statistical significance tells us and what it does not, with particular attention paid to criticisms of using the results of these tests as the sole basis for evaluating the overall significance of research findings. In addition, implications for adapted physical activity research are discussed. Based on the recent literature of other disciplines, several recommendations for evaluating and reporting research findings are made. They include calculating and reporting effect sizes, selecting an alpha level larger than the conventional .05 level, placing greater emphasis on replication of results, evaluating results in a sample size context, and employing simple research designs. Adapted physical activity researchers are encouraged to use specific modifiers when describing find...
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2013
Infants at risk for neuromotor delay (NMD) of non-genetic origin often display perinatal historie... more Infants at risk for neuromotor delay (NMD) of non-genetic origin often display perinatal histories significant for prematurity and other related factors, such as low birth weight, brain abnormalities, respiratory difficulties, and multiparity
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2017
Objective: Gross motor development in early childhood is important in fostering greater interacti... more Objective: Gross motor development in early childhood is important in fostering greater interaction with the environment. The purpose of this study is to describe gross motor skills among US children aged 3-5 years using the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2). Methods: We used 2012 NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey (NNYFS) data, which included TGMD-2 scores obtained according to an established protocol. Outcome measures included locomotor and object control raw and age-standardized scores. Means and standard errors were calculated for demographic and weight status with SUDAAN using sample weights to calculate nationally representative estimates, and survey design variables to account for the complex sampling methods. Results: The sample included 339 children aged 3-5 years. As expected, locomotor and object control raw scores increased with age. Overall mean standardized scores for locomotor and object control were similar to the mean value previously determined using a normative sample. Girls had a higher mean locomotor, but not mean object control, standardized score than boys (p < 0.05). However, the mean locomotor standardized scores for both boys and girls fell into the range categorized as "average." There were no other differences by age, race/ Hispanic origin, weight status, or income in either of the subtest standardized scores (p> 0.05). Conclusions: In a nationally representative sample of US children aged 3-5 years, TGMD-2 mean locomotor and object control standardized scores were similar to the established mean. These results suggest that standardized gross motor development among young children generally did not differ by demographic or weight status.
PALAESTRA, Jun 4, 2015
Behavioral interventions for children with ASD typically target disability specific behaviors suc... more Behavioral interventions for children with ASD typically target disability specific behaviors such as social skills and communication. There is a particular need for age-appro priate interventions/programs for school-aged children with ASD to teach age-appropriate behaviors (Dawson & Burner, 2011). Adapted physical activity appears to be an appropri ate means to help eliminate this disparity and teach age appropriate motor behaviors (Staples & Reid, 2010; Mac - Donald, Esposito & Ulrich, 2011; MacDonald, Lord & Ulrich, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to outline the behavior management strategies used in a two-wheeled bicycle riding intervention for children with autism, and provide examples of how these techniques can be transferred to the home environment. Examples are provided as to how parents or other family members can utilize these behavior modification techniques to increase two-wheeled bicycle riding frequency at home for school-aged children with ASD.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2017
Purpose: Knowing that motor skills will not develop to their full potential without opportunities... more Purpose: Knowing that motor skills will not develop to their full potential without opportunities to practice in environments that are stimulating and supportive, we evaluated the effect of a physical activity (PA)-based intervention targeting childcare providers on fundamental movement skills (FMS) in preschoolers attending childcare centers. Methods: In this two-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial, six licensed childcare centers in Ottawa, Canada, were randomly allocated into one of two groups (three controls, n = 43; three interventions, n = 40). Participants were between the ages of 3 and 5 yr. Childcare providers in the experimental condition received two 3-h workshops and a training manual at program initiation aimed at increasing PA through active play and several in-center ''booster'' sessions throughout the 6-month intervention. Control childcare centers implemented their standard curriculum. FMS were measured at baseline and 6 months using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2. Results: Groups did not differ on sociodemographic variables. Compared with control, children in the intervention group demonstrated significantly greater improvement in their standardized gross motor quotient (score, 5.70; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.74-10.67; P = 0.025 and gross motor quotient percentile, 13.33; 95% CI, 2.17-24.49; P = 0.020). Over the 6-month study period, the intervention group showed a significantly greater increase in locomotor skills score (1.20; 95% CI, 0.18-2.22; P = 0.022) than the control group. There was a significant decrease in the object control scores in the control group over the study period. Conclusions: A childcare provider-led PA-based intervention increased the FMS in preschoolers, driven by the change in locomotor skills. The childcare environment may represent a viable public health approach for promoting motor skill development to support future engagement in PA.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Aug 22, 2019
Background The prevalence of obesity in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) far exceeds that in t... more Background The prevalence of obesity in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) far exceeds that in the general population. Cortisol, an adrenal hormone, can be obesogenic when dysregulated. However, the diurnal patterns of this hormone have not been examined among individuals with DS. Variations in adiposity may also mediate cortisol regulation. This study sought to examine diurnal cortisol patterns in adolescents with DS as well as associations between cortisol function and obesity. Method A total of 32 adolescents, including 16 with DS and 16 controls with typical development (TD) of similar sex, age and Tanner pubertal stage (P > 0.05), participated in this preliminary study. Participants completed a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan to measure body composition and collected saliva samples for cortisol measurements in the morning, afternoon and night. Linear mixed models with random intercepts and repeated measures were used to examine the daily trajectory of log-transformed cortisol concentrations between adolescents with and without DS. A second model examined the interaction between DS and presence of elevated body fatness. Results Adolescents with DS had higher morning cortisol concentrations (intercept = 0.37 μg/dL), but this was not significantly different than in TD (0.35 μg/dL, P = 0.16). Cortisol significantly declined across hours (b = À0.026 μg/dL/h, P < 0.001), but this decline also did not differ from that observed in TD (b = À0.024 μg/dL/h, P = 0.43). While cortisol levels were slightly higher among adolescents with elevated body fatness, this difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05; d = 0.30). Conclusions This study is the first to examine diurnal cortisol in DS but is limited in sample size. These preliminary findings suggest that diurnal cortisol patterns are not significantly different between adolescents with DS and TD and that cortisol levels are not associated with adiposity in this population. Despite these non-significant differences, youth with DS continue to be an 'at-risk' population for paediatric obesity in need of clinical intervention.
Frontiers in Public Health, Sep 27, 2016
Background: Objective physical activity (PA) monitoring via accelerometry is both costly and time... more Background: Objective physical activity (PA) monitoring via accelerometry is both costly and time consuming. Furthermore, overall adherence to a monitoring protocol is often complicated by disability. Therefore, it is essential that strategies for supporting accelerometer wear for youth with disabilities are maximized. The purpose of this perspective was to provide researchers a set of efficacious PA monitoring strategies based on the retrospective examination of support methodology on adherence rates for youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Method: Accelerometer data were collected from 163 participants with ASD in three independent cohorts. Each cohort was provided a varying set of support strategies to help maximize adherence. Chi-square analysis was used to determine differences in adherence between each cohort. results: Adherence rates significantly increased from 51.9% in cohort 1 to 88.7% in cohort 2 [χ 2 (1) = 18.333, p < 0.001] and again from 88.7% in cohort 2 to 97.4% in cohort 3 [χ 2 (1) = 2.663, p = 0.103]. The greatest increase in adherence was observed from 51.9% in cohort 1 to 97.4% in cohort 3 [χ 2 (1) = 19.837, p < 0.001]. Support strategies associated with these increases included (1) social story, (2) incentive, (3) concealing techniques, and (4) 24 h/day wear instructions.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Oct 1, 1997
The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between perceived and actual physical c... more The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between perceived and actual physical competence in children with mild mental retardation (MMR). Participants were 54 males and 55 females, M age = 9.47. Pearson correlation indicated no significant relationship between perceived and actual physical competence in children with MMR. When the age factor was partialed out, the resulting partial correlations revealed a significant moderate relationship between the two variables for older children with MMR. A 6 × 2 (Age × Gender) MANOVA revealed a significant interaction between age and gender on perceived physical competence. No gender difference was found in younger children, whereas in older children, males had significantly higher perceived competence than females. A possible explanation for the nonsignificant correlation between perceived and actual physical competence in younger children may be insufficient cognitive functioning for making self-evaluations.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 1, 2015
Evidence has shown that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and physical activity (PA) are associated... more Evidence has shown that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and physical activity (PA) are associated with metabolic risk (MR) since young ages. The purpose of the present study was to analyze whether the association between CRF and MR was independent of sedentary behavior (SB) and moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA). METHODS: Participants were 413 Portuguese students (226 girls and 187 boys) aged 10-18 years old. Metabolic risk was defined from a clustering score including age-and-sex adjusted zscores for waist circumference, HDL-Cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose and mean arterial pressure. CRF was defined from the maximal oxygen uptake estimated from the 20m Shuttle Run Test. PA was objectively measured with accelerometers, during 7 consecutive days. Total PA was expressed as the average counts per minute. To determine the time spent in different PA intensities, the following counts intervals were considered: 0-99 for sedentary PA (SEDPA), 100-2295 for light PA (LIGPA), 2296-4011 for moderate PA and ≥4012 for vigorous PA. Tertiles were calculated for MR, CRF, SEDPA and MVPA. The first tertile of MR was set as the group at high metabolic risk (HMR), while the two remaining tertiles were defined as low metabolic risk. The first tertile of CRF and MVPA was defined as "low fit" and "less active", while the remaining two groups were set as "fit" and "active", respectively, for each variable. Logistic regression was carried out with HMR as the outcome and CRF, SEDPA and MVPA levels as the independent variables, with adjustments for age and sex. Significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: In the logistic regression model, no associations were found between MR and SEDPA (OR=1.060; 95%CI=0.668-1.682; P=0.804) or MVPA (OR=1.305; 95%CI=0.820-2.077; P=0.261). On the other hand, those who were low fit had an increased risk for being at HMR (OR=4.543; 95%CI=2.904-7.106; P<0.001), independently of age, sex, SEDPA and MVPA levels. CONCLUSIONS: In terms of public health, it seems critical that interventions with young populations should be focused in the enhancement of cardiorespiratory fitness, beyond calls for changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviors, to reduce metabolic risk.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 1, 1997
Adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were provided an opportuni... more Adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were provided an opportunity to gain independent bicycle riding skills and physiological outcomes were examined. Twenty-five adolescents with DS and ASD participated. Measures of leg extension/flexion strength, standing balance, and BMI percentile were measured at baseline and one-year later. Following the intervention, 16 participants were classified as riders and 9 as non-riders. Linear mixed-modeling revealed significantly improved leg extension and flexion strength, with meaningful improvements in balance and a decline in BMI percentile among riders. Time and age effects were observed. Bicycle riding is associated with improved physiological outcomes. Implications are discussed. Subscribe to Palaestra
BMJ Open, 2020
IntroductionData supports that motor skills are an underlying mechanism that influence physical a... more IntroductionData supports that motor skills are an underlying mechanism that influence physical activity along with perceived motor and physical competence, but the relationship between motor skills and physical activity during the early years is unclear. The goal of this study, Promoting Activity and Trajectories of Health (PATH) for Children, is to examine and compare the immediate (pre-test to post-test) and sustained (3-year follow-up) effect of an intervention on motor performance, physical activity and perceived physical competence to a control condition (ie, standard practice) in preschool-age children.Methods and analysisThe PATH study is a two-cohort, randomised cluster clinical trial. 300 children between the ages of>3.5 to 5 years of age will be randomised to the motor skill intervention (n=153) or control (n=147) condition. Each assessment involves a measure of motor skill performance; product and process, seven consecutive days of physical activity monitoring and per...
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2017
The purpose of this study was to examine the inter- and intrarater reliabilities of the Test of G... more The purpose of this study was to examine the inter- and intrarater reliabilities of the Test of Gross Motor Development—third edition (TGMD-3). The TGMD-3 was administered to 10 typically developing children. Five raters with experience using the Test of Gross Motor Development—second edition (TGMD-2) scored the digitally recorded performances and then rescored the same performances after a period of 2 weeks. Intraclass correlation (ICC) was used to examine both inter- and intrarater reliabilities of scores. Interrater reliability for the total score, locomotor subscale, and ball skills subscale (ICC: 0.92–0.96) were all excellent, while individual skills (ICC: 0.51–0.93) had fair-to-excellent reliability. Intrarater reliability across all raters was also excellent (ICC: 0.77–0.98) but varied widely for individual raters (ICC: 0.28–1.00) including multiple examples of poor reliability. While raters experienced with the TGMD-2 can produce consistent scores for TGMD-3 total scale and ...
Erickson- Test e strumenti di valutazione scuola, 2023
Il volume, che propone la standardizzazione italiana del TGMD-3 effettuata su 8500 soggetti, si r... more Il volume, che propone la standardizzazione italiana del TGMD-3 effettuata su 8500 soggetti, si rivolge a insegnanti, educatori e a tutti i professionisti coinvolti in programmi di attività motorie di base. Il test consente di valutare il livello di sviluppo grosso-motorio in bambini/e dai 3 agli 11 anni, attraverso l’osservazione delle abilità di locomozione e di controllo della palla. Al manuale teorico sono allegati il protocollo di somministrazione — corredato di illustrazioni a colori — e il protocollo di notazione — per la registrazione dei dati e il calcolo e l’interpretazione dei punteggi — che guidano alla comprensione dei punti di forza e di debolezza dell’allievo/a. La misurazione dei livelli di padronanza delle abilità grosso-motorie ottenuta con il TGMD-3 aiuta nella progettazione di percorsi didattici personalizzati.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Jul 1, 1987
Motor Skill Acquisition of the Mentally Handicapped is a collection of 11 papers and three reacti... more Motor Skill Acquisition of the Mentally Handicapped is a collection of 11 papers and three reactions presented at a 1985 conference on the development of coordination, control, and skill in the mentally handicapped. The list of authors is impressive, each scholar having made a significant research contribution in the literature on mental retardation. The chapters reflect the authors' current research and ideas within the general context of processes underlying motor skill acquisition. As the subtitle, Issues in Research and Training, implies, the volume is not designed to be an exhaustive review of all topics under motor skill acquisition, but rather of selected topics that represent ongoing research programs. The book is not a "how to" or physical activity resource book. Rather, editor Michael Wade has assembled a fine collection of reference papers that should be of interest to motor behavior scientists as well as those concerned primarily with the well-being of the mentally handicapped. Section 1, "Control and Coordination of Motor Skills," includes four papers and a reaction. The chapter by Berkson and Gallagher deals with the stereotypic behaviors that are common in mental retardation. The authors outline a series of studies from their lab which suggest that (a) one can distinguish between abnormal stereotyped behaviors and the normal repetitive behaviors of infancy, (b) self-stimulation has two components, stimulation and control, (c) sensory feedback associated with movements can be rewarding, and (d) stereotypic behaviors can be reduced in infancy. The paper by Davis reports research in which mentally handicapped persons profited from precise visual information on a ballistic throwing task. In the third chapter, Woollacott and Shurnway-Cook describe the postural and voluntary motor control patterns in Down syndrome subjects. Although gross muscular responses to postural sway in Down subjects were similar to those of nonhandicapped persons, the former were deemed more variable, slower, and developmentally delayed. Furthermore, the Down syndrome children had trouble maintaining postural stability when exposed to intersensory conflicts. The following chapter, by Maclean et al., reviews the role of primitive reflexes, postural adjustments, and stereotypic behavior in early motor development; it also presents data suggesting that rotational vestibular stimulation may aid the motor development of preambulatory children. Section 1 concludes with Newell's critique of the four papers. It is particularly effective, as are the other reactions in the volume. The authors bring
Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, Sep 20, 2017
Psychologists and researchers have increasingly advocated that nurturing positive personal attrib... more Psychologists and researchers have increasingly advocated that nurturing positive personal attributes and enhancing human strengths and virtues such as subjective well-being, gratitude, and hope play vital roles in determining physical and mental health Emmons & McCullough [5]; Gilman & Huebner [6]; Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi [3]; Snyder [7]. Health is referred to the overall state of a person's physical, mental, and social well-being and to the presence or absence of physical and mental illness or injury Fahey, Insel, Roth and Insel, [8]; World Health Organization [WHO]
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1984
This study was designed to investigate the reliability of classification decisions in the fundame... more This study was designed to investigate the reliability of classification decisions in the fundamental motor skill domain using the Objectives-Based Motor Skill Assessment Instrument. Nonhandicapped (n = 80) and mentally retarded (n = 40) students in the age range of 3 through 10 were assessed on two separate days. Two likely domain mastery criterion levels were used (85 and 70% of the total test score). The proportion of agreement (P) and Kappa (K) were the reliability indices employed. The reliability estimates for the nonhandicapped group were P = .89 and K = .78 using the 85% mastery criterion and P = .92 and K = .84 for the 70% criterion. The reliability estimates obtained for the mentally retarded group using an 85% criterion were P = .87 and K = .62 and for the 70% criterion P = .93 and K = .83. Based on these results the criterion-referenced test appears to consistently classify students on two occasions as masters or non-masters of fundamental motor skills using either cut-o...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2017
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1998
The unqualified use of statistical significance tests for interpreting the results of empirical r... more The unqualified use of statistical significance tests for interpreting the results of empirical research has been called into question by researchers in a number of behavioral disciplines. This paper reviews what statistical significance tells us and what it does not, with particular attention paid to criticisms of using the results of these tests as the sole basis for evaluating the overall significance of research findings. In addition, implications for adapted physical activity research are discussed. Based on the recent literature of other disciplines, several recommendations for evaluating and reporting research findings are made. They include calculating and reporting effect sizes, selecting an alpha level larger than the conventional .05 level, placing greater emphasis on replication of results, evaluating results in a sample size context, and employing simple research designs. Adapted physical activity researchers are encouraged to use specific modifiers when describing find...
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2013
Infants at risk for neuromotor delay (NMD) of non-genetic origin often display perinatal historie... more Infants at risk for neuromotor delay (NMD) of non-genetic origin often display perinatal histories significant for prematurity and other related factors, such as low birth weight, brain abnormalities, respiratory difficulties, and multiparity
Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2017
Objective: Gross motor development in early childhood is important in fostering greater interacti... more Objective: Gross motor development in early childhood is important in fostering greater interaction with the environment. The purpose of this study is to describe gross motor skills among US children aged 3-5 years using the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2). Methods: We used 2012 NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey (NNYFS) data, which included TGMD-2 scores obtained according to an established protocol. Outcome measures included locomotor and object control raw and age-standardized scores. Means and standard errors were calculated for demographic and weight status with SUDAAN using sample weights to calculate nationally representative estimates, and survey design variables to account for the complex sampling methods. Results: The sample included 339 children aged 3-5 years. As expected, locomotor and object control raw scores increased with age. Overall mean standardized scores for locomotor and object control were similar to the mean value previously determined using a normative sample. Girls had a higher mean locomotor, but not mean object control, standardized score than boys (p < 0.05). However, the mean locomotor standardized scores for both boys and girls fell into the range categorized as "average." There were no other differences by age, race/ Hispanic origin, weight status, or income in either of the subtest standardized scores (p> 0.05). Conclusions: In a nationally representative sample of US children aged 3-5 years, TGMD-2 mean locomotor and object control standardized scores were similar to the established mean. These results suggest that standardized gross motor development among young children generally did not differ by demographic or weight status.
PALAESTRA, Jun 4, 2015
Behavioral interventions for children with ASD typically target disability specific behaviors suc... more Behavioral interventions for children with ASD typically target disability specific behaviors such as social skills and communication. There is a particular need for age-appro priate interventions/programs for school-aged children with ASD to teach age-appropriate behaviors (Dawson & Burner, 2011). Adapted physical activity appears to be an appropri ate means to help eliminate this disparity and teach age appropriate motor behaviors (Staples & Reid, 2010; Mac - Donald, Esposito & Ulrich, 2011; MacDonald, Lord & Ulrich, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to outline the behavior management strategies used in a two-wheeled bicycle riding intervention for children with autism, and provide examples of how these techniques can be transferred to the home environment. Examples are provided as to how parents or other family members can utilize these behavior modification techniques to increase two-wheeled bicycle riding frequency at home for school-aged children with ASD.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2017
Purpose: Knowing that motor skills will not develop to their full potential without opportunities... more Purpose: Knowing that motor skills will not develop to their full potential without opportunities to practice in environments that are stimulating and supportive, we evaluated the effect of a physical activity (PA)-based intervention targeting childcare providers on fundamental movement skills (FMS) in preschoolers attending childcare centers. Methods: In this two-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial, six licensed childcare centers in Ottawa, Canada, were randomly allocated into one of two groups (three controls, n = 43; three interventions, n = 40). Participants were between the ages of 3 and 5 yr. Childcare providers in the experimental condition received two 3-h workshops and a training manual at program initiation aimed at increasing PA through active play and several in-center ''booster'' sessions throughout the 6-month intervention. Control childcare centers implemented their standard curriculum. FMS were measured at baseline and 6 months using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2. Results: Groups did not differ on sociodemographic variables. Compared with control, children in the intervention group demonstrated significantly greater improvement in their standardized gross motor quotient (score, 5.70; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.74-10.67; P = 0.025 and gross motor quotient percentile, 13.33; 95% CI, 2.17-24.49; P = 0.020). Over the 6-month study period, the intervention group showed a significantly greater increase in locomotor skills score (1.20; 95% CI, 0.18-2.22; P = 0.022) than the control group. There was a significant decrease in the object control scores in the control group over the study period. Conclusions: A childcare provider-led PA-based intervention increased the FMS in preschoolers, driven by the change in locomotor skills. The childcare environment may represent a viable public health approach for promoting motor skill development to support future engagement in PA.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Aug 22, 2019
Background The prevalence of obesity in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) far exceeds that in t... more Background The prevalence of obesity in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) far exceeds that in the general population. Cortisol, an adrenal hormone, can be obesogenic when dysregulated. However, the diurnal patterns of this hormone have not been examined among individuals with DS. Variations in adiposity may also mediate cortisol regulation. This study sought to examine diurnal cortisol patterns in adolescents with DS as well as associations between cortisol function and obesity. Method A total of 32 adolescents, including 16 with DS and 16 controls with typical development (TD) of similar sex, age and Tanner pubertal stage (P > 0.05), participated in this preliminary study. Participants completed a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan to measure body composition and collected saliva samples for cortisol measurements in the morning, afternoon and night. Linear mixed models with random intercepts and repeated measures were used to examine the daily trajectory of log-transformed cortisol concentrations between adolescents with and without DS. A second model examined the interaction between DS and presence of elevated body fatness. Results Adolescents with DS had higher morning cortisol concentrations (intercept = 0.37 μg/dL), but this was not significantly different than in TD (0.35 μg/dL, P = 0.16). Cortisol significantly declined across hours (b = À0.026 μg/dL/h, P < 0.001), but this decline also did not differ from that observed in TD (b = À0.024 μg/dL/h, P = 0.43). While cortisol levels were slightly higher among adolescents with elevated body fatness, this difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05; d = 0.30). Conclusions This study is the first to examine diurnal cortisol in DS but is limited in sample size. These preliminary findings suggest that diurnal cortisol patterns are not significantly different between adolescents with DS and TD and that cortisol levels are not associated with adiposity in this population. Despite these non-significant differences, youth with DS continue to be an 'at-risk' population for paediatric obesity in need of clinical intervention.
Frontiers in Public Health, Sep 27, 2016
Background: Objective physical activity (PA) monitoring via accelerometry is both costly and time... more Background: Objective physical activity (PA) monitoring via accelerometry is both costly and time consuming. Furthermore, overall adherence to a monitoring protocol is often complicated by disability. Therefore, it is essential that strategies for supporting accelerometer wear for youth with disabilities are maximized. The purpose of this perspective was to provide researchers a set of efficacious PA monitoring strategies based on the retrospective examination of support methodology on adherence rates for youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Method: Accelerometer data were collected from 163 participants with ASD in three independent cohorts. Each cohort was provided a varying set of support strategies to help maximize adherence. Chi-square analysis was used to determine differences in adherence between each cohort. results: Adherence rates significantly increased from 51.9% in cohort 1 to 88.7% in cohort 2 [χ 2 (1) = 18.333, p < 0.001] and again from 88.7% in cohort 2 to 97.4% in cohort 3 [χ 2 (1) = 2.663, p = 0.103]. The greatest increase in adherence was observed from 51.9% in cohort 1 to 97.4% in cohort 3 [χ 2 (1) = 19.837, p < 0.001]. Support strategies associated with these increases included (1) social story, (2) incentive, (3) concealing techniques, and (4) 24 h/day wear instructions.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Oct 1, 1997
The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between perceived and actual physical c... more The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between perceived and actual physical competence in children with mild mental retardation (MMR). Participants were 54 males and 55 females, M age = 9.47. Pearson correlation indicated no significant relationship between perceived and actual physical competence in children with MMR. When the age factor was partialed out, the resulting partial correlations revealed a significant moderate relationship between the two variables for older children with MMR. A 6 × 2 (Age × Gender) MANOVA revealed a significant interaction between age and gender on perceived physical competence. No gender difference was found in younger children, whereas in older children, males had significantly higher perceived competence than females. A possible explanation for the nonsignificant correlation between perceived and actual physical competence in younger children may be insufficient cognitive functioning for making self-evaluations.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 1, 2015
Evidence has shown that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and physical activity (PA) are associated... more Evidence has shown that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and physical activity (PA) are associated with metabolic risk (MR) since young ages. The purpose of the present study was to analyze whether the association between CRF and MR was independent of sedentary behavior (SB) and moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA). METHODS: Participants were 413 Portuguese students (226 girls and 187 boys) aged 10-18 years old. Metabolic risk was defined from a clustering score including age-and-sex adjusted zscores for waist circumference, HDL-Cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose and mean arterial pressure. CRF was defined from the maximal oxygen uptake estimated from the 20m Shuttle Run Test. PA was objectively measured with accelerometers, during 7 consecutive days. Total PA was expressed as the average counts per minute. To determine the time spent in different PA intensities, the following counts intervals were considered: 0-99 for sedentary PA (SEDPA), 100-2295 for light PA (LIGPA), 2296-4011 for moderate PA and ≥4012 for vigorous PA. Tertiles were calculated for MR, CRF, SEDPA and MVPA. The first tertile of MR was set as the group at high metabolic risk (HMR), while the two remaining tertiles were defined as low metabolic risk. The first tertile of CRF and MVPA was defined as "low fit" and "less active", while the remaining two groups were set as "fit" and "active", respectively, for each variable. Logistic regression was carried out with HMR as the outcome and CRF, SEDPA and MVPA levels as the independent variables, with adjustments for age and sex. Significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: In the logistic regression model, no associations were found between MR and SEDPA (OR=1.060; 95%CI=0.668-1.682; P=0.804) or MVPA (OR=1.305; 95%CI=0.820-2.077; P=0.261). On the other hand, those who were low fit had an increased risk for being at HMR (OR=4.543; 95%CI=2.904-7.106; P<0.001), independently of age, sex, SEDPA and MVPA levels. CONCLUSIONS: In terms of public health, it seems critical that interventions with young populations should be focused in the enhancement of cardiorespiratory fitness, beyond calls for changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviors, to reduce metabolic risk.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 1, 1997
Adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were provided an opportuni... more Adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were provided an opportunity to gain independent bicycle riding skills and physiological outcomes were examined. Twenty-five adolescents with DS and ASD participated. Measures of leg extension/flexion strength, standing balance, and BMI percentile were measured at baseline and one-year later. Following the intervention, 16 participants were classified as riders and 9 as non-riders. Linear mixed-modeling revealed significantly improved leg extension and flexion strength, with meaningful improvements in balance and a decline in BMI percentile among riders. Time and age effects were observed. Bicycle riding is associated with improved physiological outcomes. Implications are discussed. Subscribe to Palaestra
BMJ Open, 2020
IntroductionData supports that motor skills are an underlying mechanism that influence physical a... more IntroductionData supports that motor skills are an underlying mechanism that influence physical activity along with perceived motor and physical competence, but the relationship between motor skills and physical activity during the early years is unclear. The goal of this study, Promoting Activity and Trajectories of Health (PATH) for Children, is to examine and compare the immediate (pre-test to post-test) and sustained (3-year follow-up) effect of an intervention on motor performance, physical activity and perceived physical competence to a control condition (ie, standard practice) in preschool-age children.Methods and analysisThe PATH study is a two-cohort, randomised cluster clinical trial. 300 children between the ages of>3.5 to 5 years of age will be randomised to the motor skill intervention (n=153) or control (n=147) condition. Each assessment involves a measure of motor skill performance; product and process, seven consecutive days of physical activity monitoring and per...
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2017
The purpose of this study was to examine the inter- and intrarater reliabilities of the Test of G... more The purpose of this study was to examine the inter- and intrarater reliabilities of the Test of Gross Motor Development—third edition (TGMD-3). The TGMD-3 was administered to 10 typically developing children. Five raters with experience using the Test of Gross Motor Development—second edition (TGMD-2) scored the digitally recorded performances and then rescored the same performances after a period of 2 weeks. Intraclass correlation (ICC) was used to examine both inter- and intrarater reliabilities of scores. Interrater reliability for the total score, locomotor subscale, and ball skills subscale (ICC: 0.92–0.96) were all excellent, while individual skills (ICC: 0.51–0.93) had fair-to-excellent reliability. Intrarater reliability across all raters was also excellent (ICC: 0.77–0.98) but varied widely for individual raters (ICC: 0.28–1.00) including multiple examples of poor reliability. While raters experienced with the TGMD-2 can produce consistent scores for TGMD-3 total scale and ...
Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 2017
The Test of Gross Motor Development, 3rd Edition (TGMD-3) is a process-oriented fundamental movem... more The Test of Gross Motor Development, 3rd Edition (TGMD-3) is a process-oriented fundamental movement skill assessment to examine the movement patterns displayed by children between the ages of 3 and 10 years. Within this paper, results of a pilot study on the reliability, validity, and measurement invariance across gender of the TGMD-3 (German translation) are presented. In total, performances of 189 typically developing children (99 boys, 90 girls, 56 kindergarten children, 133 elementary school children, Mage = 7.15 ± 2.02 years) are analyzed. Results provide preliminary evidence for test-retest, interrater and intrarater reliability, internal consistency, age- and gender- specific performance trends, factorial validity, measurement invariance across gender, divergent validity, and ball skill–related concurrent and predictive validity of the TGMD-3 (German translation). Subsequent research should be focused on a verification of the present findings on a representative database to ...