Daniel Černý - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Daniel Černý
Slavica Slovaca, Jun 18, 2021
Slavica Slovaca, 2015
The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish... more The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish board of the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The article briefly narrates the history of the Slovak settlement in Lethbridge before the creation of the parish and continues with the years depicted on the pages of the book. Using the quotation from the copy of the manuscript book we are able to trace the efforts and life of this Slovak Greek Catholic Community from the very start until the outbreak of the WWII. The article continues with the history of the parish until the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980, when the parish was not any longer considered Slovak. Tento príspevok sa zameriava na kópiu rukopisnej knihy farskej zápisnice z farnosti sv. Petra a Pavla v Lethbridge, Alberta, Kanada. Článok v skratke vykresľuje dejiny sloveského osídlenia v Lethbridge pred vznikom samotnej farnosti a pokračuje udalosťami, ktoré zachytáva rukopisná kniha. Citujúc zápisy z rukopisnej knihy, môžeme sledovať život a námahy miestnej sloveskej gréckokatolíckej komunity od počiatkov po začiatok druhej svetovej vojny. Článok pokračuje opisom dejín farnosti až po vznik slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v roku 1980, kedy farnosť už nebola viac pokladaná za slovenskú.
The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish... more The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish board of the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The article briefly narrates the history of the Slovak settlement in Lethbridge before the creation of the parish and continues with the years depicted on the pages of the book. Using the quotation from the copy of the manuscript book we are able to trace the efforts and life of this Slovak Greek Catholic Community from the very start until the outbreak of the WWII. The article continues with the history of the parish until the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980, when the parish was not any longer considered Slovak. Tento príspevok sa zameriava na kópiu rukopisnej knihy farskej zápisnice z farnosti sv. Petra a Pavla v Lethbridge, Alberta, Kanada. Článok v skratke vykresľuje dejiny sloveského osídlenia v Lethbridge pred vznikom samotnej farnosti a pokračuje udalosťami, ktoré zachytáva rukopisná kniha. Citujúc zápisy z rukopisnej knihy, môžeme sledovať život a námahy miestnej sloveskej gréckokatolíckej komunity od počiatkov po začiatok druhej svetovej vojny. Článok pokračuje opisom dejín farnosti až po vznik slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v roku 1980, kedy farnosť už nebola viac pokladaná za slovenskú.
Daniel Černý (ed.): Prof. Michal Lacko SJ: 100 rokov od narodenia, 2020
This paper is based on unique correspondence of Fr. Michael Lacko SJ (1920 - 1982) with Bishop Mi... more This paper is based on unique correspondence of Fr. Michael Lacko SJ (1920 - 1982) with Bishop Michael Rusnak CSsR (1921 - 2003), kept in the archives of the Eparchy of Ss. Cyril and Methodius for the Slovaks of the Byzantine rite in Canada. It shows the dedication and guidance of the late Fr. Lacko in defending the Byzantine Catholic Church, especially its diaspora in Canada.
Tento príspevok je založený predovšetkým na korešpondencii o. Michala Lacka SJ (1920 - 1982) s biskupom Michalom Rusnákom CSsR (1921 - 2003), ktorá sa zachovala v archíve Eparchie sv. Cyrila a Metoda pre Slovákov byzantského obradu v Kanade. Ukazuje odhodlanie, obete a vedenie nebohého o. Lacka pri obrane práv Gréckokatolíkov, predvšetkým tých, ktorí sa zo Slovenska usadili v Kanade.
Peter Žeňuch (Ed.): Bohorodička v kultúrnych dejinách Slovenska - Slziaci klokočovský obraz Patrónky Zemplína , 2020
This paper focuses on the veneration of the miraculous weeping icon of Our Lady of Klokochov, tha... more This paper focuses on the veneration of the miraculous weeping icon of Our Lady of Klokochov, thanks to its copy, located in the Byzantine Slovak parish in Hamilton. It briefly narrates the history of the parish, which was originally founded in 1952 under the name of Ss. Peter and Paul, the acquisition of the icon and the change of the name of the parish. The success of this church was closely connected with the person of Rt. Rev. Francis J. Fuga, who served the parish in 1954 - 1987. The paper also shows the lesser known information about this icon shrine being not only a pilgrimage center for the Byzantine rite Slovaks, but for many years offering its hospitality also to the local Slovenian immigrants.
Tento príspevok sa zameriava na úctu k slziacej ikone Klokočovskej Bohorodičky, a to skrze kópiu jej obrazu, uloženú v slovenskom gréckokatolíckom chráme v Hamiltone. Stručne uvádza dejiny farnosti, ktorá bola založená v roku 1952 ako farnosť sv. Petra a Pavla, získanie ikony, ako aj zmenu patrocínia farnosti. Úspech farnosti súvisel s pôsobením o. mitráta Františka J. Fugu, ktorý vo farnosti pôsobil v rokoch 1954 - 1987. Príspevok približuje aj málo známu skutočnosť, že táto svätyňa neslúžila len gréckokatolíckym Slovákom, ale mnoho rokov aj miestnej diaspore Slovincov.
Šimon Marinčák (ed.): Jezuiti a východné cirkvi: vybrané perspektívy, 2015
The presented paper shows the relations of the Jesuit Order and the Byzantine Slovak community in... more The presented paper shows the relations of the Jesuit Order and the Byzantine Slovak community in Canada. After brief introduction it shows the interaction of four main characters: Michal Lacko SJ, Vincent Dančo SJ, Jozef Krafčík SJ and Ján Lešo SJ. It continues with interactions through print apostolate and popular missions, conducted by Jesuits across Canada. The story continues with the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980 and appointments of some of the Jesuits to the organs of the newly created bishopric. After list of some non-Slovak Jesuits, the paper shows how the Byzantine Slovaks supported the Slovak Jesuits in return. Summary of these interactions is proposed in the closing remarks.
Tento príspevok sa venuje vzťahom Jezuitov a slovenských gréckokatolíkov v Kanade. Po krátkom úvode sa príspevok obšírnejšie venuje štyrom hlavným postavám týchto vzájomných vzťahov, ktorými boli: Michal Lacko SJ, Vincent Dančo SJ, Jozef Krafčík SJ a Ján Lešo SJ. Práca pokračuje spoluprácou v tlačovom apoštoláte a ľudovými misiami, ktoré jezuiti viedli po celej Kanade. Následne sú uvedené menovania jezuitov pri vzniku slovenskej eparchie v roku 1980. Práca sa ďalej venuje vzťahom s neslovenskými jezuitmi, i tomu, ako slovenskí gréckokatolíci v Kanade podporovali jezuitov. Záver ponúka pokus o zhodnotenie tejto témy.
Slavica Slovaca, 2015
The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish... more The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish board of the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The article briefly narrates the history of the Slovak settlement in Lethbridge before the creation of the parish and continues with the years depicted on the pages of the book. Using the quotation from the copy of the manuscript book we are able to trace the efforts and life of this Slovak Greek Catholic Community from the very start until the outbreak of the WWII. The article continues with the history of the parish until the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980, when the parish was not any longer considered Slovak.
Tento príspevok sa zameriava na kópiu rukopisnej knihy farskej zápisnice z farnosti sv. Petra a Pavla v Lethbridge, Alberta, Kanada. Článok v skratke vykresľuje dejiny sloveského osídlenia v Lethbridge pred vznikom samotnej farnosti a pokračuje udalosťami, ktoré zachytáva rukopisná kniha. Citujúc zápisy z rukopisnej knihy, môžeme sledovať život a námahy miestnej sloveskej gréckokatolíckej komunity od počiatkov po začiatok druhej svetovej vojny. Článok pokračuje opisom dejín farnosti až po vznik slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v roku 1980, kedy farnosť už nebola viac pokladaná za slovenskú.
Život a dielo Františka Jozefa Fugu, 2023
Priest Francis J. Fuga (1923 - 1987) was an important figure among the Slovak immigrants. After h... more Priest Francis J. Fuga (1923 - 1987) was an important figure among the Slovak immigrants. After his studies in Italy, he came in 1954 to Canada to minister among the Slovaks of the Byzantine rite. He built there magnificent sanctuary in Hamilton, but was involved also with printing apostolate. After the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in Canada, he served as its Protosyncellus - Vicar General.
Kňaz František Fuga (1923 - 1987) bol významným predstaviteľom slovenskej emigrácie. Po štúdiách v Taliansku odišiel v roku 1954 pôsobiť medzi gréckokatolíckych Slovákov v Kanade. Tu vybudoval nielen sloveskú gréckokatolícku farnosť v Hamiltone, ale pomohol aj s rozvojom krajanskej a cirkevnej tlače. Po vzniku samostatého slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v Kanade bol jeho protosynkelom - generálnym vikárom.
Slovakia , 2017
The presented paper is divided into two main parts. The introduction narrates the overview of the... more The presented paper is divided into two main parts. The introduction narrates the overview of the history of the Slovaks of the Byzantine Rite in Canada until the creation of the Eparchy (now Exarchate) of Ss. Cyril and Methodius for the Slovaks of the Byzantine rite in Canada. This is followed by history of individual settlements / parishes, expressed in chronological order when the Byzantine Slovak parishes were created - Lethbridge, AB (1921); Montreal, QC (1930); Windsor, ON (1950); Toronto, ON (1951); Oshawa, ON (1952); Hamilton, ON (1952); Welland, ON (1953); Sudbury, ON (1954); Simcoe - Delhi, ON (1955); Kenaston, SK (1967). This list continues with missions, i. e. places with irregular services held for the Byzantine Slovaks: Edmonton, AB; Fernie, BC; New Westminster, BC; Unionville, ON; Winnipeg, MB and several small locations, where we only know about the Byzantine Slovak presence: Flin Flon, MB; Thunder Bay, ON. Conclusion summarizes findings and presents some patterns found during the research.
Slavica Slovaca, Jun 18, 2021
Slavica Slovaca, 2015
The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish... more The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish board of the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The article briefly narrates the history of the Slovak settlement in Lethbridge before the creation of the parish and continues with the years depicted on the pages of the book. Using the quotation from the copy of the manuscript book we are able to trace the efforts and life of this Slovak Greek Catholic Community from the very start until the outbreak of the WWII. The article continues with the history of the parish until the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980, when the parish was not any longer considered Slovak. Tento príspevok sa zameriava na kópiu rukopisnej knihy farskej zápisnice z farnosti sv. Petra a Pavla v Lethbridge, Alberta, Kanada. Článok v skratke vykresľuje dejiny sloveského osídlenia v Lethbridge pred vznikom samotnej farnosti a pokračuje udalosťami, ktoré zachytáva rukopisná kniha. Citujúc zápisy z rukopisnej knihy, môžeme sledovať život a námahy miestnej sloveskej gréckokatolíckej komunity od počiatkov po začiatok druhej svetovej vojny. Článok pokračuje opisom dejín farnosti až po vznik slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v roku 1980, kedy farnosť už nebola viac pokladaná za slovenskú.
The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish... more The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish board of the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The article briefly narrates the history of the Slovak settlement in Lethbridge before the creation of the parish and continues with the years depicted on the pages of the book. Using the quotation from the copy of the manuscript book we are able to trace the efforts and life of this Slovak Greek Catholic Community from the very start until the outbreak of the WWII. The article continues with the history of the parish until the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980, when the parish was not any longer considered Slovak. Tento príspevok sa zameriava na kópiu rukopisnej knihy farskej zápisnice z farnosti sv. Petra a Pavla v Lethbridge, Alberta, Kanada. Článok v skratke vykresľuje dejiny sloveského osídlenia v Lethbridge pred vznikom samotnej farnosti a pokračuje udalosťami, ktoré zachytáva rukopisná kniha. Citujúc zápisy z rukopisnej knihy, môžeme sledovať život a námahy miestnej sloveskej gréckokatolíckej komunity od počiatkov po začiatok druhej svetovej vojny. Článok pokračuje opisom dejín farnosti až po vznik slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v roku 1980, kedy farnosť už nebola viac pokladaná za slovenskú.
Daniel Černý (ed.): Prof. Michal Lacko SJ: 100 rokov od narodenia, 2020
This paper is based on unique correspondence of Fr. Michael Lacko SJ (1920 - 1982) with Bishop Mi... more This paper is based on unique correspondence of Fr. Michael Lacko SJ (1920 - 1982) with Bishop Michael Rusnak CSsR (1921 - 2003), kept in the archives of the Eparchy of Ss. Cyril and Methodius for the Slovaks of the Byzantine rite in Canada. It shows the dedication and guidance of the late Fr. Lacko in defending the Byzantine Catholic Church, especially its diaspora in Canada.
Tento príspevok je založený predovšetkým na korešpondencii o. Michala Lacka SJ (1920 - 1982) s biskupom Michalom Rusnákom CSsR (1921 - 2003), ktorá sa zachovala v archíve Eparchie sv. Cyrila a Metoda pre Slovákov byzantského obradu v Kanade. Ukazuje odhodlanie, obete a vedenie nebohého o. Lacka pri obrane práv Gréckokatolíkov, predvšetkým tých, ktorí sa zo Slovenska usadili v Kanade.
Peter Žeňuch (Ed.): Bohorodička v kultúrnych dejinách Slovenska - Slziaci klokočovský obraz Patrónky Zemplína , 2020
This paper focuses on the veneration of the miraculous weeping icon of Our Lady of Klokochov, tha... more This paper focuses on the veneration of the miraculous weeping icon of Our Lady of Klokochov, thanks to its copy, located in the Byzantine Slovak parish in Hamilton. It briefly narrates the history of the parish, which was originally founded in 1952 under the name of Ss. Peter and Paul, the acquisition of the icon and the change of the name of the parish. The success of this church was closely connected with the person of Rt. Rev. Francis J. Fuga, who served the parish in 1954 - 1987. The paper also shows the lesser known information about this icon shrine being not only a pilgrimage center for the Byzantine rite Slovaks, but for many years offering its hospitality also to the local Slovenian immigrants.
Tento príspevok sa zameriava na úctu k slziacej ikone Klokočovskej Bohorodičky, a to skrze kópiu jej obrazu, uloženú v slovenskom gréckokatolíckom chráme v Hamiltone. Stručne uvádza dejiny farnosti, ktorá bola založená v roku 1952 ako farnosť sv. Petra a Pavla, získanie ikony, ako aj zmenu patrocínia farnosti. Úspech farnosti súvisel s pôsobením o. mitráta Františka J. Fugu, ktorý vo farnosti pôsobil v rokoch 1954 - 1987. Príspevok približuje aj málo známu skutočnosť, že táto svätyňa neslúžila len gréckokatolíckym Slovákom, ale mnoho rokov aj miestnej diaspore Slovincov.
Šimon Marinčák (ed.): Jezuiti a východné cirkvi: vybrané perspektívy, 2015
The presented paper shows the relations of the Jesuit Order and the Byzantine Slovak community in... more The presented paper shows the relations of the Jesuit Order and the Byzantine Slovak community in Canada. After brief introduction it shows the interaction of four main characters: Michal Lacko SJ, Vincent Dančo SJ, Jozef Krafčík SJ and Ján Lešo SJ. It continues with interactions through print apostolate and popular missions, conducted by Jesuits across Canada. The story continues with the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980 and appointments of some of the Jesuits to the organs of the newly created bishopric. After list of some non-Slovak Jesuits, the paper shows how the Byzantine Slovaks supported the Slovak Jesuits in return. Summary of these interactions is proposed in the closing remarks.
Tento príspevok sa venuje vzťahom Jezuitov a slovenských gréckokatolíkov v Kanade. Po krátkom úvode sa príspevok obšírnejšie venuje štyrom hlavným postavám týchto vzájomných vzťahov, ktorými boli: Michal Lacko SJ, Vincent Dančo SJ, Jozef Krafčík SJ a Ján Lešo SJ. Práca pokračuje spoluprácou v tlačovom apoštoláte a ľudovými misiami, ktoré jezuiti viedli po celej Kanade. Následne sú uvedené menovania jezuitov pri vzniku slovenskej eparchie v roku 1980. Práca sa ďalej venuje vzťahom s neslovenskými jezuitmi, i tomu, ako slovenskí gréckokatolíci v Kanade podporovali jezuitov. Záver ponúka pokus o zhodnotenie tejto témy.
Slavica Slovaca, 2015
The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish... more The presented article focuses on a copy of a manuscript book of the meeting minutes of the Parish board of the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The article briefly narrates the history of the Slovak settlement in Lethbridge before the creation of the parish and continues with the years depicted on the pages of the book. Using the quotation from the copy of the manuscript book we are able to trace the efforts and life of this Slovak Greek Catholic Community from the very start until the outbreak of the WWII. The article continues with the history of the parish until the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in 1980, when the parish was not any longer considered Slovak.
Tento príspevok sa zameriava na kópiu rukopisnej knihy farskej zápisnice z farnosti sv. Petra a Pavla v Lethbridge, Alberta, Kanada. Článok v skratke vykresľuje dejiny sloveského osídlenia v Lethbridge pred vznikom samotnej farnosti a pokračuje udalosťami, ktoré zachytáva rukopisná kniha. Citujúc zápisy z rukopisnej knihy, môžeme sledovať život a námahy miestnej sloveskej gréckokatolíckej komunity od počiatkov po začiatok druhej svetovej vojny. Článok pokračuje opisom dejín farnosti až po vznik slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v roku 1980, kedy farnosť už nebola viac pokladaná za slovenskú.
Život a dielo Františka Jozefa Fugu, 2023
Priest Francis J. Fuga (1923 - 1987) was an important figure among the Slovak immigrants. After h... more Priest Francis J. Fuga (1923 - 1987) was an important figure among the Slovak immigrants. After his studies in Italy, he came in 1954 to Canada to minister among the Slovaks of the Byzantine rite. He built there magnificent sanctuary in Hamilton, but was involved also with printing apostolate. After the creation of the Slovak Eparchy in Canada, he served as its Protosyncellus - Vicar General.
Kňaz František Fuga (1923 - 1987) bol významným predstaviteľom slovenskej emigrácie. Po štúdiách v Taliansku odišiel v roku 1954 pôsobiť medzi gréckokatolíckych Slovákov v Kanade. Tu vybudoval nielen sloveskú gréckokatolícku farnosť v Hamiltone, ale pomohol aj s rozvojom krajanskej a cirkevnej tlače. Po vzniku samostatého slovenského gréckokatolíckeho biskupstva v Kanade bol jeho protosynkelom - generálnym vikárom.
Slovakia , 2017
The presented paper is divided into two main parts. The introduction narrates the overview of the... more The presented paper is divided into two main parts. The introduction narrates the overview of the history of the Slovaks of the Byzantine Rite in Canada until the creation of the Eparchy (now Exarchate) of Ss. Cyril and Methodius for the Slovaks of the Byzantine rite in Canada. This is followed by history of individual settlements / parishes, expressed in chronological order when the Byzantine Slovak parishes were created - Lethbridge, AB (1921); Montreal, QC (1930); Windsor, ON (1950); Toronto, ON (1951); Oshawa, ON (1952); Hamilton, ON (1952); Welland, ON (1953); Sudbury, ON (1954); Simcoe - Delhi, ON (1955); Kenaston, SK (1967). This list continues with missions, i. e. places with irregular services held for the Byzantine Slovaks: Edmonton, AB; Fernie, BC; New Westminster, BC; Unionville, ON; Winnipeg, MB and several small locations, where we only know about the Byzantine Slovak presence: Flin Flon, MB; Thunder Bay, ON. Conclusion summarizes findings and presents some patterns found during the research.