Daniel Rigo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Daniel Rigo

Research paper thumbnail of Comparativo de custos de implantação de pavimento convencional e pavimento permeável

Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento

Pavimentos permeáveis (PP) são sistemas que buscam minimizar o impacto gerado pela pavimentação, ... more Pavimentos permeáveis (PP) são sistemas que buscam minimizar o impacto gerado pela pavimentação, facilitando a infiltração de águas pluviais e reduzindo o escoamento superficial. Pode-se, ainda, acrescentar outras vantagens ao uso de PP, tais como: remoção de poluentes da água infiltrada, aumento da segurança da via, entre outros. Apesar das vantagens, o PP é uma solução pouco usada no Brasil. Sabe-se que o custo de implantação é um dos fatores que influenciam na escolha do tipo de pavimento, sendo assim, o presente estudo propôs comparar os custos de implantação de PP com bloco de concreto poroso (PPBCP) aos custos de implantação do pavimento convencional com bloco de concreto (PCBC). Projetou-se um loteamento residencial que foi utilizado como base para o dimensionamento dos dois tipos de pavimento, seguindo diretrizes da norma ABNT NBR 16.416/2015. Verificou-se que a implantação do PPBCP pode ser até 35,82% mais cara que a implantação do PCBC, mas pode ser até 2,4% mais barata, n...

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstituição das vazões naturais a jusante das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas Rio Bonito e Suíça : Rio Santa Maria da Vitória (ES)

The knowledge of the natural streamflow of rivers is relevant to, among many other reasons, evalu... more The knowledge of the natural streamflow of rivers is relevant to, among many other reasons, evaluate the anthropogenic impact in watersheds. Thus, it aims to create tools that contribute to an efficient management of water resources. Santa Maria da Vitória River (ES) is crucial for the socioeconomic development of the metropolitan region of Grande Vitória. Additionally, many ecosystems and agricultural communities are dependents of this river. Given that hydroelectric power generation is one of the most important uses of the Santa Maria da Vitória River, through the Small Hydroelectric Plants Rio Bonito and Suíça, this research aims to better understand the influence of these SHP`s on the natural streamflow of this river. Besides the analysis of streamflow time series and precipitation time series measured at the Santa Leopoldina gauge station, comparing the pre-dam with the post-dam period, the reconstruction of the natural daily mean streamflow and monthly mean streamflow was also carried out, using the MOVE.1 (type 1) extension method and using the streamflow time series measured at the Marechal Floriano gauge station, which is located at Jucu watershed. From the hydrometric data of Santa Leopoldina gauge station, the statistical analysis revealed a decrease of the 7, 30 and 90-day duration low flow for the post-dam period. The reconstructed 50, 90 and 95-percent duration streamflows and the reconstructed long-term monthly streamflows are smaller than the measured streamflows. Beyond of the existence of the SHP`s, changes on the land use can have influence on the results found. The streamflows measured at Santa Leopoldina gauge station, due to it`s measurement hour, may be an inaccurate way of showing the flow oscillating downstream of the SHP`s. Consequently, a continuous streamflow measurement downstream of SHP`s becomes necessary and a new reconstruction of the natural streamflow of Santa Maria da Vitória River is recommended through the water balance of the reservoirs, using the SHP`s operatives data.

Research paper thumbnail of Agrotóxicos no Estado do Espírito Santo: uma análise das questões legais e dos efeitos nas águas superficiais do Rio Jucu causados pelo herbicida glifosato

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Aug 1, 2018

A água é uma das vias pelas quais os agrotóxicos são transportados dos locais que foram aplicados... more A água é uma das vias pelas quais os agrotóxicos são transportados dos locais que foram aplicados para outras partes do meio ambiente, podendo gerar, como consequência, inúmeros impactos negativos. Em decorrência desse fator, a condição do seu uso e aplicação é regulamentada por atos normativos. Com o intuito de fazer um estudo interdisciplinar sob a perspectiva sustentável, utilizou-se como norteador do trabalho o método DPSIR-Driven, Pressure, State, Impact, Response, desenvolvido pela Agência Europeia do Meio Ambiente (EEA). A partir do panorama obtido por meio de aspectos legais e dados secundários, foi realizado, o diagnóstico do emprego de herbicidas no Estado do Espírito Santo e os possíveis agravos para a água de abastecimento público. Verificou-se a possibilidade do uso dos Softwares ARAquá e Agroscre como recurso eletrônico para a aplicação de modelos preditivos, estimou-se a vulnerabilidade a impactos do cenário em estudo e em seguida, a presença do Glifosato, herbicida mais consumido mundialmente, foi monitorado em águas superficiais do Braço Sul do Rio Jucu no Município de Marechal Floriano. Dentre os resultados, foram constatados que apenas 35,02% dos comerciantes prestaram contas da venda de agrotóxicos ao órgão que compete à fiscalização. O Munícipio que mais vendeu agrotóxicos no ano de 2016 foi São Gabriel da Palha (14%). Sendo que os princípios ativos que mais estavam presentes nas formulações comercializadas, tanto no Estado do Espírito

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização do ambiente marinho do Estado do Espírito Santo utilizando dados do banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Jul 11, 2016

Resumo O Banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos (BNDO), vinculado à Diretoria de Hidrografia e Na... more Resumo O Banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos (BNDO), vinculado à Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN) da Marinha do Brasil consiste num acervo de dados que podem ser disponibilizados ao público gratuitamente e com mínima burocracia. Entretanto, pouco se sabe da validade destes dados para a caracterização de extensas áreas marinhas. Neste sentido, foi escolhida a região marinha do Estado do Espírito Santo compreendida entre os paralelos 18°S e 20°S e meridianos 41°W e 37°W, para verificar tal hipótese. A aplicação de metodologias específicas no tratamento dos dados brutos de oceanografia física e geológica foi de suma importância para a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios. Os dados do BNDO mostraram-se válidos para caracterização do regime de ventos, identificação de massas d água, observação de diferenças sazonais em perfis de temperatura versus profundidade, análise harmônica de correntes marinhas e sua relação com as marés. Quanto os dados geológicos observaram-se certa limitação na utilização destes, devido principalmente a irregularidade espacial da distribuição das amostras, pois, se concentram em determinados locais e são ausentes em outros. Apesar de contar com dados quase sinópticos, que não possuem a mesma resolução temporal e espacial, verificou-se que os dados do BNDO colaboram de certo modo, na elaboração estudos de caracterização ambiental de regiões marinhas. Palavras-chave: caracterização marinha, banco de dados oceanográficos, BNDO.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulação hidrológica e hidrossedimentológica em uma bacia com reservatórios com o modelo Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Aug 1, 2018

G963s Simulação hidrológica e hidrossedimentológica em uma bacia com reservatórios com o modelo S... more G963s Simulação hidrológica e hidrossedimentológica em uma bacia com reservatórios com o modelo Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)/ Camila Fonseca Guimarães.-2016. 113 f. : il.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlação De Sedimentos e Eventos Chuvosos Em Um Trecho Do Rio Santa Maria Da Vitória, Es

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Dec 20, 2013

The Santa Maria da Vitória River basin presents sediment production resultant from the interactio... more The Santa Maria da Vitória River basin presents sediment production resultant from the interaction of many hydro-geological processes. This basin it is one of the most important basins for the Espírito Santo state because it supplies water for most of the its metropolitan region provision. The main objective of the dissertation is verify the existence of a correlation between suspended sediments transport and rains, campaigns in three different sections were realized between Rio Bonito and Suiça's reservoirs. The campaigns showed that low quantity of sediments remains in the deep of the reservoir and it has a bigger grain size. The results also proved that there is no correlation between the mean of rains in the basin and the sediments concentration, indicating that the great size of the basin contributes for the distribution of the values. The sediments, when related with stream flow in rainy days, presents high values and daily basis sediments collections and stream flow analysis demonstrated that rains may not be noticed immediately in the section. When the grain distribution is analyzed, they presented medium sizes, predominantly, in the deep samples and fine size, predominantly, in the suspended ones. The total discharge values of sediment were overestimated by using the Einstein method, modified by Colby. However, it can be noticed low solids discharges in the section located upstream hidroeletric Suíça, which can be related to the existence of the Rio Bonito dam that should occur sediments deposition from the water course.

Research paper thumbnail of Regionalização de vazões mínimas de referência Q7,10 e Q90

Research paper thumbnail of Computational Modelling of Mangrove Effects on the Hydrodynamics of Vitoria Bay , Espírito Santo-Brazil

The non-organized growth of cities on the coastal zones of Brazil has lead to land reclamation an... more The non-organized growth of cities on the coastal zones of Brazil has lead to land reclamation and occupation of mangrove areas. Besides, the Brazilian legislation considers the mangroves as a preservation area. The land reclamation produces a decrease of the water volume transported to these regions (due to the decrease in the tidal prism) and consequent modification of the hydrodynamics of adjacent water bodies. The surroundings of Vitória Island, on the State of Espírito Santo (Brazil), represent a typical case of the changes induced in the mangrove areas by land reclamation. These changes are well reported by (1989) and the main occupation is related with the construction of houses. Computational modelling is a very important tool for understanding the hydrodynamics of complex systems such as estuaries with mangrove swamps. (1980) proposed a depth average model, 2DSWAMP, to study the flow in mangrove areas. They show that currents induced by tide vary considerably in direction a...

Research paper thumbnail of Análise De Metodologias Para O Cálculo Da Descarga De Fundo, Aplicada Ao Rio Doce, Es

Knowledge of bedload transport is of primary importance in a number of aspects in watershed manag... more Knowledge of bedload transport is of primary importance in a number of aspects in watershed management, including fluvial geomorphology and ecology, stability of engineered structures and navigation condition. Despite the fundamental importance of bedload measurement, the amount of variables involved in the bedload transport mechanics, as well the complexity of the interactions among the physical processes, makes it difficult to establish a fully satisfactory criteria to determine the solid transport, thus there is not an accepted universal method. With recent advances, new methods have been proposed for measuring the bedload transport. Therewith, the aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of methodologies for bedload measurement on a reach of the Doce River, ES. For this were used traditional direct sampling method, with Helley Smith's sampler; formulas proposed by Einstein & Brown (1950), Engelund & Hansen (1967), Ackers & White (1973), Yang (1973) e Van Rijn (1984); bedform movement methods, considering velocity of bedform displacement and the difference between bed surfaces; and bedload velocity using an ADCP. Results indicated an unstable flow, with a bed composed primarily of fine and medium-sized sand, and bedforms in transition. Bedload values obtained by different methods showed variation of different orders of magnitude, and the highest estimates were provided by the equation of Yang (1973). The application of the bedform movement methods has been complicated by the bed condition at the site. However, the bedload measured from the velocity of bedform displacement has been quite consistent with the hydraulic conditions. The equations of Engelund & Hansen (1967) and Van Rijn (1984), and the bedload velocity method showed excellent performance, and the latter being a very promising alternative for the measurement of the bedload. To confirm the suitability of these methods in the Doce river (ES) is suggested to be carried out more measurements, in a uniform stretch, primarily using the bedload velocity and the bedform displacement methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelagem hidrodinâmica e do transporte de sedimentos da Baía de Vitória, ES : impacto do aprofundamento do canal estuarino do Porto de Vitória

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação de turfa em barreira reativa permeável para a remediação de meios porosos contaminados com Naftaleno e TEX

Research paper thumbnail of Mangroves as traps for environmental damage to metals: The case study of the Fundão Dam

Science of The Total Environment, 2021

This essay is a conceptual framework for testing the causal mechanisms of system degradation by m... more This essay is a conceptual framework for testing the causal mechanisms of system degradation by metals in the mangrove ecosystem. The Fundão Dam collapse caused massive damage to the marine environment on the Southern Atlantic and Brazilian coast, reaching various kilometers from its origin, becoming a source of contamination. Along this Brazilian coast are vast mangrove areas with high biodiversity, different geomorphology, and distinct ecological functioning. These mangroves support fisheries' productivity in the Tropical South Atlantic, in connection with Abrolhos Reef. Brazil does not have a protocol to monitor environmental damage in this ecosystem, and we proposed to develop a way to identify the impact and quantify it. Along the estuaries, to assess the damage, the plots were demarked in three regions: the upper, middle, and lower estuary, and in both types of forest: fridge and basin. Samples of sediment and leaves were collected bi-monthly to evaluate metal concentrations, especially iron and manganese, the most abundant metals in Fundão Dam. The monitoring also evaluated the forest structure, dynamics of the crabs' population, and flora productivity. First-year monitoring identifies a high concentration of iron or manganese in the sediment above the NOAAs' recommendation in all the estuaries. The concentration of Fe and Mn in sediment varies seasonally in magnitude, concentration, and types of metals between estuaries, sectors, and forests. The behavior of biological indicators in the presence of metals (type and concentration) differed between fauna and flora species. The monitoring recognized that the tailings mining from Fundão Dam impacted all estuaries by different magnitudes and persistence. These differences are due to geomorphology diversity, climate, and oceanographic influences.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of native vegetation recovery on soil loss

Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2020

Considering the economic and environmental damages caused by soil loss, it is clear the necessity... more Considering the economic and environmental damages caused by soil loss, it is clear the necessity of information about the effect that vegetation has on soil loss rate. The present paper uses the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation with the objective of investigating soil loss under a native vegetation recovery (Atlantic Forest) and present conditions in the Guandu river basin, located in the Southwest portion of Brazil. It was identified that reforesting 8.11% of the basin, it would promote 28.73% reduction in the mean annual soil loss compared to the actual land use. Although the paper uses a particular vegetation recovery situation (areas protected by the Brazilian Forest Code), the intention here was to clarify the role that any native vegetation protection exercises on soil loss.

Research paper thumbnail of Deforestation impact on discharge regime in the Doce River Basin

Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2019

The construction of scenarios using hydrological models can evaluate the hydrological response in... more The construction of scenarios using hydrological models can evaluate the hydrological response in watersheds, due to changes in the soil use. In this context, this study analyzed the consequences of deforestation in the hydrological behavior of the Doce River Basin, which has a drainage area of approximately 86.715 km². The basin presents problems regarding water availability, floods, indiscriminate deforestation and inadequate soil management. The Model of Large Basins (MGB-IPH) was selected, using daily data from 1990 to 2014, 11 fluviometric, 81 rainfall and 12 meteorological stations, numerical model of the land, soil maps, and use and land cover. Hydrological modeling was performed in the following steps: calibration of parameters (1990 and 2005), validation (2006 to 2014) and simulation of deforestation scenarios (2000 to 2014). It was observed that the replacement of forests by pasture caused reductions in the average annual flows, indicating a decrease in average flows in de...

Research paper thumbnail of Métodos de estimativa de descarga sólida em rios : análise comparativa

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of climate change on the extreme wave climate in Espírito Santo (Brazil). Implications to erosion in coastal protected areas

Research paper thumbnail of Large-scale analytical water quality model coupled with GIS for simulation of point sourced pollutant discharges

Environmental Modelling & Software, 2015

Mathematical modeling is an important tool for water quality studies, and the integration of wate... more Mathematical modeling is an important tool for water quality studies, and the integration of water quality models with geographic information systems (GIS) is very useful for information extraction and for results interpretation. In this context, this work presents the development of a water quality model coupled with GIS (MapWindow GIS) for representing impacts of point-sourced pollutants released with distinct durations under different flow scenarios, allowing a systemic view of the entire basin, and capable of being used with low data availability. The model is called SIAQUA-IPH and uses a pollutograph convolution scheme to represent multiple discharges and confluences in the basin, based on analytical solutions of the longitudinal advection-dispersion equation. Operational tests presented a full operational performance from all technical solutions adopted, and a representation of plumes considered satisfactory in comparison to observations. Additionally, a simple sensitivity analysis is presented, that gives useful insights about the model application.

Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy Group Decision Making for Management of Oil Spill Responses

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2009

The selection of combat strategy to oil spill when multi-criteria and multiperson are involved in... more The selection of combat strategy to oil spill when multi-criteria and multiperson are involved in the decision process is not an easy task. In case of oil spill, urgent decisions must be made so that the available options of responses are activated in such a way that the environmental, social and economic impacts are minimized. In this context, the decision agents involved in the decision process are the environmental agency, a non-governmental organization (NGO), and a company that get in conflict during the decision process because each one defends its own interests. So, a consensus to reach the best viable solution is desirable. The advantages and disadvantages of different types of combat strategy should be weighted, taking into account the preferences and the different point of view of the decision agents. In this context, the process to form a consensus and to elaborate the response strategies necessarily involves a process of decision making with multi-objectives and multi-person (decision agents) so that the importance of social, economic and environmental factors is considered. In this work, the fuzzy evaluationmethod is applied in order to automatically find the best combat response. The method is applied to evaluate combat response to oil spill in the south coast of the Espirito Santo state, Brazil. Simulation results show the viability of the method.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelo analitico de qualidade da agua acoplado com Sistema de Informacao Geografica para simulacao de lancamentos com duracao variada

Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2013

Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de qualidade da água acoplado com um softw... more Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de qualidade da água acoplado com um software livre de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para representação de impactos causados por lançamentos de poluentes em grande escala, com uma visão sistêmica de toda a bacia hidrográfica e com ferramentas simplificadas para lidar com as condições típicas de baixa disponibilidade de dados. No modelo proposto, denominado SIAQUA-IPH, é adotada uma metodologia baseada na solução analítica da equação de transporte de poluentes por meio de um esquema de sobreposição linear. São apresentados testes em que os resultados do modelo foram comparados com experimentos de lançamento de traçadores no Rio Paraíba do Sul, com resultados promissores, considerando-se as incertezas envolvidas.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnóstico e molhoria da eficiência hidráulica de uma bacia de sedimentaçâo por meio de estudos de traçadores

… de Ingeniería Sanitaria …, 1996

... Id: 50421. Autor: Teixeira, Edmilson Costa; Almeida, Mônica Maria Perim de; Siqueira, Renato ... more ... Id: 50421. Autor: Teixeira, Edmilson Costa; Almeida, Mônica Maria Perim de; Siqueira, Renato do Nascimento; Rigo, Daniel. Título: Diagnóstico e molhoria da eficiência hidráulica de uma bacia de sedimentaçâo por meio de estudos de traçadores. Fonte: In: AIDIS. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparativo de custos de implantação de pavimento convencional e pavimento permeável

Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento

Pavimentos permeáveis (PP) são sistemas que buscam minimizar o impacto gerado pela pavimentação, ... more Pavimentos permeáveis (PP) são sistemas que buscam minimizar o impacto gerado pela pavimentação, facilitando a infiltração de águas pluviais e reduzindo o escoamento superficial. Pode-se, ainda, acrescentar outras vantagens ao uso de PP, tais como: remoção de poluentes da água infiltrada, aumento da segurança da via, entre outros. Apesar das vantagens, o PP é uma solução pouco usada no Brasil. Sabe-se que o custo de implantação é um dos fatores que influenciam na escolha do tipo de pavimento, sendo assim, o presente estudo propôs comparar os custos de implantação de PP com bloco de concreto poroso (PPBCP) aos custos de implantação do pavimento convencional com bloco de concreto (PCBC). Projetou-se um loteamento residencial que foi utilizado como base para o dimensionamento dos dois tipos de pavimento, seguindo diretrizes da norma ABNT NBR 16.416/2015. Verificou-se que a implantação do PPBCP pode ser até 35,82% mais cara que a implantação do PCBC, mas pode ser até 2,4% mais barata, n...

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstituição das vazões naturais a jusante das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas Rio Bonito e Suíça : Rio Santa Maria da Vitória (ES)

The knowledge of the natural streamflow of rivers is relevant to, among many other reasons, evalu... more The knowledge of the natural streamflow of rivers is relevant to, among many other reasons, evaluate the anthropogenic impact in watersheds. Thus, it aims to create tools that contribute to an efficient management of water resources. Santa Maria da Vitória River (ES) is crucial for the socioeconomic development of the metropolitan region of Grande Vitória. Additionally, many ecosystems and agricultural communities are dependents of this river. Given that hydroelectric power generation is one of the most important uses of the Santa Maria da Vitória River, through the Small Hydroelectric Plants Rio Bonito and Suíça, this research aims to better understand the influence of these SHP`s on the natural streamflow of this river. Besides the analysis of streamflow time series and precipitation time series measured at the Santa Leopoldina gauge station, comparing the pre-dam with the post-dam period, the reconstruction of the natural daily mean streamflow and monthly mean streamflow was also carried out, using the MOVE.1 (type 1) extension method and using the streamflow time series measured at the Marechal Floriano gauge station, which is located at Jucu watershed. From the hydrometric data of Santa Leopoldina gauge station, the statistical analysis revealed a decrease of the 7, 30 and 90-day duration low flow for the post-dam period. The reconstructed 50, 90 and 95-percent duration streamflows and the reconstructed long-term monthly streamflows are smaller than the measured streamflows. Beyond of the existence of the SHP`s, changes on the land use can have influence on the results found. The streamflows measured at Santa Leopoldina gauge station, due to it`s measurement hour, may be an inaccurate way of showing the flow oscillating downstream of the SHP`s. Consequently, a continuous streamflow measurement downstream of SHP`s becomes necessary and a new reconstruction of the natural streamflow of Santa Maria da Vitória River is recommended through the water balance of the reservoirs, using the SHP`s operatives data.

Research paper thumbnail of Agrotóxicos no Estado do Espírito Santo: uma análise das questões legais e dos efeitos nas águas superficiais do Rio Jucu causados pelo herbicida glifosato

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Aug 1, 2018

A água é uma das vias pelas quais os agrotóxicos são transportados dos locais que foram aplicados... more A água é uma das vias pelas quais os agrotóxicos são transportados dos locais que foram aplicados para outras partes do meio ambiente, podendo gerar, como consequência, inúmeros impactos negativos. Em decorrência desse fator, a condição do seu uso e aplicação é regulamentada por atos normativos. Com o intuito de fazer um estudo interdisciplinar sob a perspectiva sustentável, utilizou-se como norteador do trabalho o método DPSIR-Driven, Pressure, State, Impact, Response, desenvolvido pela Agência Europeia do Meio Ambiente (EEA). A partir do panorama obtido por meio de aspectos legais e dados secundários, foi realizado, o diagnóstico do emprego de herbicidas no Estado do Espírito Santo e os possíveis agravos para a água de abastecimento público. Verificou-se a possibilidade do uso dos Softwares ARAquá e Agroscre como recurso eletrônico para a aplicação de modelos preditivos, estimou-se a vulnerabilidade a impactos do cenário em estudo e em seguida, a presença do Glifosato, herbicida mais consumido mundialmente, foi monitorado em águas superficiais do Braço Sul do Rio Jucu no Município de Marechal Floriano. Dentre os resultados, foram constatados que apenas 35,02% dos comerciantes prestaram contas da venda de agrotóxicos ao órgão que compete à fiscalização. O Munícipio que mais vendeu agrotóxicos no ano de 2016 foi São Gabriel da Palha (14%). Sendo que os princípios ativos que mais estavam presentes nas formulações comercializadas, tanto no Estado do Espírito

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterização do ambiente marinho do Estado do Espírito Santo utilizando dados do banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Jul 11, 2016

Resumo O Banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos (BNDO), vinculado à Diretoria de Hidrografia e Na... more Resumo O Banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos (BNDO), vinculado à Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN) da Marinha do Brasil consiste num acervo de dados que podem ser disponibilizados ao público gratuitamente e com mínima burocracia. Entretanto, pouco se sabe da validade destes dados para a caracterização de extensas áreas marinhas. Neste sentido, foi escolhida a região marinha do Estado do Espírito Santo compreendida entre os paralelos 18°S e 20°S e meridianos 41°W e 37°W, para verificar tal hipótese. A aplicação de metodologias específicas no tratamento dos dados brutos de oceanografia física e geológica foi de suma importância para a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios. Os dados do BNDO mostraram-se válidos para caracterização do regime de ventos, identificação de massas d água, observação de diferenças sazonais em perfis de temperatura versus profundidade, análise harmônica de correntes marinhas e sua relação com as marés. Quanto os dados geológicos observaram-se certa limitação na utilização destes, devido principalmente a irregularidade espacial da distribuição das amostras, pois, se concentram em determinados locais e são ausentes em outros. Apesar de contar com dados quase sinópticos, que não possuem a mesma resolução temporal e espacial, verificou-se que os dados do BNDO colaboram de certo modo, na elaboração estudos de caracterização ambiental de regiões marinhas. Palavras-chave: caracterização marinha, banco de dados oceanográficos, BNDO.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulação hidrológica e hidrossedimentológica em uma bacia com reservatórios com o modelo Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Aug 1, 2018

G963s Simulação hidrológica e hidrossedimentológica em uma bacia com reservatórios com o modelo S... more G963s Simulação hidrológica e hidrossedimentológica em uma bacia com reservatórios com o modelo Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)/ Camila Fonseca Guimarães.-2016. 113 f. : il.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlação De Sedimentos e Eventos Chuvosos Em Um Trecho Do Rio Santa Maria Da Vitória, Es

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Dec 20, 2013

The Santa Maria da Vitória River basin presents sediment production resultant from the interactio... more The Santa Maria da Vitória River basin presents sediment production resultant from the interaction of many hydro-geological processes. This basin it is one of the most important basins for the Espírito Santo state because it supplies water for most of the its metropolitan region provision. The main objective of the dissertation is verify the existence of a correlation between suspended sediments transport and rains, campaigns in three different sections were realized between Rio Bonito and Suiça's reservoirs. The campaigns showed that low quantity of sediments remains in the deep of the reservoir and it has a bigger grain size. The results also proved that there is no correlation between the mean of rains in the basin and the sediments concentration, indicating that the great size of the basin contributes for the distribution of the values. The sediments, when related with stream flow in rainy days, presents high values and daily basis sediments collections and stream flow analysis demonstrated that rains may not be noticed immediately in the section. When the grain distribution is analyzed, they presented medium sizes, predominantly, in the deep samples and fine size, predominantly, in the suspended ones. The total discharge values of sediment were overestimated by using the Einstein method, modified by Colby. However, it can be noticed low solids discharges in the section located upstream hidroeletric Suíça, which can be related to the existence of the Rio Bonito dam that should occur sediments deposition from the water course.

Research paper thumbnail of Regionalização de vazões mínimas de referência Q7,10 e Q90

Research paper thumbnail of Computational Modelling of Mangrove Effects on the Hydrodynamics of Vitoria Bay , Espírito Santo-Brazil

The non-organized growth of cities on the coastal zones of Brazil has lead to land reclamation an... more The non-organized growth of cities on the coastal zones of Brazil has lead to land reclamation and occupation of mangrove areas. Besides, the Brazilian legislation considers the mangroves as a preservation area. The land reclamation produces a decrease of the water volume transported to these regions (due to the decrease in the tidal prism) and consequent modification of the hydrodynamics of adjacent water bodies. The surroundings of Vitória Island, on the State of Espírito Santo (Brazil), represent a typical case of the changes induced in the mangrove areas by land reclamation. These changes are well reported by (1989) and the main occupation is related with the construction of houses. Computational modelling is a very important tool for understanding the hydrodynamics of complex systems such as estuaries with mangrove swamps. (1980) proposed a depth average model, 2DSWAMP, to study the flow in mangrove areas. They show that currents induced by tide vary considerably in direction a...

Research paper thumbnail of Análise De Metodologias Para O Cálculo Da Descarga De Fundo, Aplicada Ao Rio Doce, Es

Knowledge of bedload transport is of primary importance in a number of aspects in watershed manag... more Knowledge of bedload transport is of primary importance in a number of aspects in watershed management, including fluvial geomorphology and ecology, stability of engineered structures and navigation condition. Despite the fundamental importance of bedload measurement, the amount of variables involved in the bedload transport mechanics, as well the complexity of the interactions among the physical processes, makes it difficult to establish a fully satisfactory criteria to determine the solid transport, thus there is not an accepted universal method. With recent advances, new methods have been proposed for measuring the bedload transport. Therewith, the aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of methodologies for bedload measurement on a reach of the Doce River, ES. For this were used traditional direct sampling method, with Helley Smith's sampler; formulas proposed by Einstein & Brown (1950), Engelund & Hansen (1967), Ackers & White (1973), Yang (1973) e Van Rijn (1984); bedform movement methods, considering velocity of bedform displacement and the difference between bed surfaces; and bedload velocity using an ADCP. Results indicated an unstable flow, with a bed composed primarily of fine and medium-sized sand, and bedforms in transition. Bedload values obtained by different methods showed variation of different orders of magnitude, and the highest estimates were provided by the equation of Yang (1973). The application of the bedform movement methods has been complicated by the bed condition at the site. However, the bedload measured from the velocity of bedform displacement has been quite consistent with the hydraulic conditions. The equations of Engelund & Hansen (1967) and Van Rijn (1984), and the bedload velocity method showed excellent performance, and the latter being a very promising alternative for the measurement of the bedload. To confirm the suitability of these methods in the Doce river (ES) is suggested to be carried out more measurements, in a uniform stretch, primarily using the bedload velocity and the bedform displacement methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelagem hidrodinâmica e do transporte de sedimentos da Baía de Vitória, ES : impacto do aprofundamento do canal estuarino do Porto de Vitória

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação de turfa em barreira reativa permeável para a remediação de meios porosos contaminados com Naftaleno e TEX

Research paper thumbnail of Mangroves as traps for environmental damage to metals: The case study of the Fundão Dam

Science of The Total Environment, 2021

This essay is a conceptual framework for testing the causal mechanisms of system degradation by m... more This essay is a conceptual framework for testing the causal mechanisms of system degradation by metals in the mangrove ecosystem. The Fundão Dam collapse caused massive damage to the marine environment on the Southern Atlantic and Brazilian coast, reaching various kilometers from its origin, becoming a source of contamination. Along this Brazilian coast are vast mangrove areas with high biodiversity, different geomorphology, and distinct ecological functioning. These mangroves support fisheries' productivity in the Tropical South Atlantic, in connection with Abrolhos Reef. Brazil does not have a protocol to monitor environmental damage in this ecosystem, and we proposed to develop a way to identify the impact and quantify it. Along the estuaries, to assess the damage, the plots were demarked in three regions: the upper, middle, and lower estuary, and in both types of forest: fridge and basin. Samples of sediment and leaves were collected bi-monthly to evaluate metal concentrations, especially iron and manganese, the most abundant metals in Fundão Dam. The monitoring also evaluated the forest structure, dynamics of the crabs' population, and flora productivity. First-year monitoring identifies a high concentration of iron or manganese in the sediment above the NOAAs' recommendation in all the estuaries. The concentration of Fe and Mn in sediment varies seasonally in magnitude, concentration, and types of metals between estuaries, sectors, and forests. The behavior of biological indicators in the presence of metals (type and concentration) differed between fauna and flora species. The monitoring recognized that the tailings mining from Fundão Dam impacted all estuaries by different magnitudes and persistence. These differences are due to geomorphology diversity, climate, and oceanographic influences.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of native vegetation recovery on soil loss

Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2020

Considering the economic and environmental damages caused by soil loss, it is clear the necessity... more Considering the economic and environmental damages caused by soil loss, it is clear the necessity of information about the effect that vegetation has on soil loss rate. The present paper uses the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation with the objective of investigating soil loss under a native vegetation recovery (Atlantic Forest) and present conditions in the Guandu river basin, located in the Southwest portion of Brazil. It was identified that reforesting 8.11% of the basin, it would promote 28.73% reduction in the mean annual soil loss compared to the actual land use. Although the paper uses a particular vegetation recovery situation (areas protected by the Brazilian Forest Code), the intention here was to clarify the role that any native vegetation protection exercises on soil loss.

Research paper thumbnail of Deforestation impact on discharge regime in the Doce River Basin

Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2019

The construction of scenarios using hydrological models can evaluate the hydrological response in... more The construction of scenarios using hydrological models can evaluate the hydrological response in watersheds, due to changes in the soil use. In this context, this study analyzed the consequences of deforestation in the hydrological behavior of the Doce River Basin, which has a drainage area of approximately 86.715 km². The basin presents problems regarding water availability, floods, indiscriminate deforestation and inadequate soil management. The Model of Large Basins (MGB-IPH) was selected, using daily data from 1990 to 2014, 11 fluviometric, 81 rainfall and 12 meteorological stations, numerical model of the land, soil maps, and use and land cover. Hydrological modeling was performed in the following steps: calibration of parameters (1990 and 2005), validation (2006 to 2014) and simulation of deforestation scenarios (2000 to 2014). It was observed that the replacement of forests by pasture caused reductions in the average annual flows, indicating a decrease in average flows in de...

Research paper thumbnail of Métodos de estimativa de descarga sólida em rios : análise comparativa

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of climate change on the extreme wave climate in Espírito Santo (Brazil). Implications to erosion in coastal protected areas

Research paper thumbnail of Large-scale analytical water quality model coupled with GIS for simulation of point sourced pollutant discharges

Environmental Modelling & Software, 2015

Mathematical modeling is an important tool for water quality studies, and the integration of wate... more Mathematical modeling is an important tool for water quality studies, and the integration of water quality models with geographic information systems (GIS) is very useful for information extraction and for results interpretation. In this context, this work presents the development of a water quality model coupled with GIS (MapWindow GIS) for representing impacts of point-sourced pollutants released with distinct durations under different flow scenarios, allowing a systemic view of the entire basin, and capable of being used with low data availability. The model is called SIAQUA-IPH and uses a pollutograph convolution scheme to represent multiple discharges and confluences in the basin, based on analytical solutions of the longitudinal advection-dispersion equation. Operational tests presented a full operational performance from all technical solutions adopted, and a representation of plumes considered satisfactory in comparison to observations. Additionally, a simple sensitivity analysis is presented, that gives useful insights about the model application.

Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy Group Decision Making for Management of Oil Spill Responses

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2009

The selection of combat strategy to oil spill when multi-criteria and multiperson are involved in... more The selection of combat strategy to oil spill when multi-criteria and multiperson are involved in the decision process is not an easy task. In case of oil spill, urgent decisions must be made so that the available options of responses are activated in such a way that the environmental, social and economic impacts are minimized. In this context, the decision agents involved in the decision process are the environmental agency, a non-governmental organization (NGO), and a company that get in conflict during the decision process because each one defends its own interests. So, a consensus to reach the best viable solution is desirable. The advantages and disadvantages of different types of combat strategy should be weighted, taking into account the preferences and the different point of view of the decision agents. In this context, the process to form a consensus and to elaborate the response strategies necessarily involves a process of decision making with multi-objectives and multi-person (decision agents) so that the importance of social, economic and environmental factors is considered. In this work, the fuzzy evaluationmethod is applied in order to automatically find the best combat response. The method is applied to evaluate combat response to oil spill in the south coast of the Espirito Santo state, Brazil. Simulation results show the viability of the method.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelo analitico de qualidade da agua acoplado com Sistema de Informacao Geografica para simulacao de lancamentos com duracao variada

Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2013

Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de qualidade da água acoplado com um softw... more Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de qualidade da água acoplado com um software livre de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para representação de impactos causados por lançamentos de poluentes em grande escala, com uma visão sistêmica de toda a bacia hidrográfica e com ferramentas simplificadas para lidar com as condições típicas de baixa disponibilidade de dados. No modelo proposto, denominado SIAQUA-IPH, é adotada uma metodologia baseada na solução analítica da equação de transporte de poluentes por meio de um esquema de sobreposição linear. São apresentados testes em que os resultados do modelo foram comparados com experimentos de lançamento de traçadores no Rio Paraíba do Sul, com resultados promissores, considerando-se as incertezas envolvidas.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnóstico e molhoria da eficiência hidráulica de uma bacia de sedimentaçâo por meio de estudos de traçadores

… de Ingeniería Sanitaria …, 1996

... Id: 50421. Autor: Teixeira, Edmilson Costa; Almeida, Mônica Maria Perim de; Siqueira, Renato ... more ... Id: 50421. Autor: Teixeira, Edmilson Costa; Almeida, Mônica Maria Perim de; Siqueira, Renato do Nascimento; Rigo, Daniel. Título: Diagnóstico e molhoria da eficiência hidráulica de uma bacia de sedimentaçâo por meio de estudos de traçadores. Fonte: In: AIDIS. ...