Daniel Rodrigues de oliveira - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Daniel Rodrigues de oliveira
GEOFRONTER, Jul 28, 2021
Rahyan de Carvalho Alves 5 Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar as diversas p... more Rahyan de Carvalho Alves 5 Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar as diversas possibilidades de desenvolver os conhecimentos geográficos no jogo The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim e destacar a relevância do uso de jogos eletrônicos com ênfase no RPG (Rolling Playing Game) para um processo de aprendizagem. Buscamos contextualizar onde alguns temas e conceitos da geografia podem ser fundamentados diante da realidade dos jogos eletrônicos, com uma discussão sobre o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais e as formas de pensar a narrativa dos jogos eletrônicos no viés geográfico. Para tanto utilizou-se como metodologia revisão bibliográfica e análise do jogo eletrônico de RPG "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". O desenvolvimento tecnológico proporcionou uma diversidade de jogos que testam nossas capacidades sociais e intelectuais, podendo auxiliar no desenvolvimento do raciocínio dedutivo, elaboração de estratégias e em nossa capacidade da memória muscular e coordenação motora, além disso, também podem oferecer ganhos significativos em debates
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition), 2021
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Multimodal Analgesia (MMA) has shown promising results in postoperati... more INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Multimodal Analgesia (MMA) has shown promising results in postoperative outcomes across a broad spectrum of surgeries, including bariatric surgery. We compared the analgesic effect immediately after Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery (LBS) of the combined effect of MMA and methadone against two techniques that were based mainly on the use of high-potency medium-acting opioids. METHODS Two hundred seventy-one patients were retrospectively reviewed. The primary outcome was postoperative pain score > 3/10 measured by the Verbal Numeric Scale (VNS) during the Postanesthetic Care Unit (PACU) stay. The three protocols of intraoperative analgesia were: (P1) sufentanil at anesthetic induction followed by remifentanil infusion; (P2) sufentanil at induction followed by dexmedetomidine infusion; and (P3) remifentanil at induction followed by MMA including dexmedetomidine, magnesium, lidocaine, and methadone. Only P1 and P2 patients received morphine toward the end of surgery. Poisson regression was used to adjust confounding factors and calculate Prevalence Ratio (PR). RESULTS Postoperative VNS > 3 was recorded in 135 (49.81%) patients, of which 93 (68.89%) were subjected to P1, 25 (18.56%) to P2, and 17 (12.59%) to P3. In the final adjusted model, both anesthetic techniques (P3) (PR = 0.10; 95% CI [0.03-0.28]), and (P2) (PR = 0.42%; 95% CI [0.20-0.90]) were associated with lower occurrence of VNS > 3, whereas age range 20-29 was associated to higher occurrence of VNS > 3 (PR = 3.21; 95% CI [1.22-8.44]) in PACU. Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) was distributed as follows: (P1) 20.3%, (P2) 31.25% and (P3) 6.77%; (P3 < P1, P2; p < 0.05). Intraoperative hypotension occurred more often in P3 (39%) compared to P2 (20.31%) and P1 (17.46%) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION MMA + methadone was associated with higher incidence of intraoperative hypotension and lower incidence of moderate/severe pain in PACU after LBS.
The management of urban solid waste is a basic human need, and is also considered a right, alongs... more The management of urban solid waste is a basic human need, and is also considered a right, alongside the provision of drinking water, shelter, food, energy, transport and communications. The increase in the world population aggravates the production of solid urban waste, a broad problem for society and a challenge of great proportions for public managers. Deficiencies in the management of urban solid waste can cause damage to society and the natural environment, causing unwanted risks to communities, public health and social, aesthetic, economic and administrative problems. The main objective of the investigation was to analyze how the management of urban solid waste is carried out in the city of Manaus and whether it can be an integrated waste management that promotes sustainable development. To this end, a bibliographic investigation, field research, interviews, application of the Sustainability Indicator Matrix for the management of urban solid waste, measurement of the existing Sustainability Level, survey of the present problems, realization of a Focus Group with the participation of the main actors involved to validate the research and obtain suggestions for improvement to improve the management of solid urban waste in Manaus as integrated and that promotes sustainable development. The elements that characterize Integrated Management are present, however, it is necessary to implement measures that raise the level of existing sustainability, mainly regarding the non-generation of MSW, reduction, reuse and recycling. The Sustainability Indicators Matrix developed by Santiago and Dias (2012) proved to be feasible for assessing the sustainability of GRSU in the municipality of Manaus and to be used by managers as a strategic planning tool. The participatory methodology addressed the main concerns of key actors and reinforced the importance of including stakeholders in the formulation of public policies.
Circulation Research, 2014
Introduction: The effects of interleukins during development of coronary artery disease (CAD) hav... more Introduction: The effects of interleukins during development of coronary artery disease (CAD) have been studied by researchers and it may help to understand better this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate if there are differences of concentrations of the IL 17 A between men and women with stable CAD. Hypothesis: There are no differences of concentrations of the IL 17 A according to gender of the patients. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, prospective, analytical study, conducted from August to December 2012. We included 40 patients (24 men (MP) and 16 women (WP) with stable CAD, CCS III or IV, ischemic myocardial scintigraphy, who had not been subjected to any kind of myocardial revascularization and with coronary stenosis ≥ 50% according to current coronary angiography. There were 20 healthy volunteers (12 men (MC) and 8 women (WC), to take up comparison of concentrations of interleukins (IL). Interleukins were evaluated in serum of patients and after 48 hours of cells...
As maes que amamentam devem seguir alguns cuidados, sobretudo, se a mesma apresentar quadro sinto... more As maes que amamentam devem seguir alguns cuidados, sobretudo, se a mesma apresentar quadro sintomatologico de COVID-19. Apesar de nao haver evidencias que o coronavirus seja transmitido pelo leito materno, esse contagio pode acontecer por vias respiratorias. O objetivo deste estudo e relatar a vivencia de residentes em saude materno-infantil, quanto as praticas de educacao em saude sobre amamentacao no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19, em uma maternidade publica no Serido do RN/Brasil e trata-se de um estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiencia. A atuacao da equipe de residencia tem contribuido na promocao a saude e prevencao de doencas, a partir das recomendacoes sobre as questoes que envolvem o universo da amamentacao, a partir de uma abordagem biopsicossocial e interprofissional. Portanto, a experiencia e considerada enriquecedora no processo formativo dos residentes, viabilizando acoes de educacao em saude no cotidiano do servico em meio a um cenario de pandemia
O presente artigo busca identificar o nivel da inclusao digital na comunidade afrodescendente e o... more O presente artigo busca identificar o nivel da inclusao digital na comunidade afrodescendente e os avancos das politicas publicas a este respeito. Outro fator relevante e como o uso das tecnologias da informacao e comunicacoes utilizadas no cotidiano escolar podem propiciar aos afrodescendentes oportunidades de acesso a “era da informacao/informatizacao”. A inclusao digital esta diretamente ligada a exclusao socioeconomica, sendo assim junto com a educacao, ela e um dos pilares da sustentabilidade social. Observa-se que essa realidade esta presente nos paises do terceiro mundo, e no caso do Brasil onde as questoes raciais estao disfarcadas de democracia racial, fica mais dificil solucionar este problema, pois, na verdade, a populacao afrodescendente, de baixa renda e excluida da era digital. A partir dessas constatacoes, verifica-se que a inclusao digital nao compreende apenas o acesso a Internet, mas algo muito mais amplo, e que os direitos fundamentais a informacao e a comunicacao...
Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação, 2021
A Herpes Zoster é caracterizada como uma doença causada pela reativação do Vírus Varicela Zoster,... more A Herpes Zoster é caracterizada como uma doença causada pela reativação do Vírus Varicela Zoster, que se encontra latente em células dos nervos cranianos, raízes dorsais dos nervos e gânglios nervosos após um episódio de Varicela. Geralmente aparecem como um exantema vesicular doloroso localizado num dermátomo. É considerada uma patologia comum, em pessoas com mais de 50 anos, por conta da imunossenescência. O diagnóstico é feito de forma clínica, por profissional qualificado, existe a exceção em pacientes com manifestações atípicas ou com algumas complicações. O tratamento para herpes zoster geralmente é feito com o uso de antivirais, analgésicos para controlar a dor e o paciente deve manter cuidados com a pele para prevenir possível infecção bacteriana. Os antivirais usados, que geralmente são o Valaciclovir e o Famciclovir, devem ser iniciados com o tratamento dentro de 72 horas após o começo dos sintomas, desse modo os sintomas e dores são controlados de forma mais rápida para...
Revista Ciranda, 2021
O racismo estrutural exposto como a manutenção de ações racistas cotidianas que tornam normais a ... more O racismo estrutural exposto como a manutenção de ações racistas cotidianas que tornam normais a inferioridade, agressões policiais, baixo índice educacional entre outras diversas mazelas sofridas pela população negra. Na América Latina essa condição parte do período da colonização, e foi sendo estruturada nas diversas mudanças de nossa estrutura política e social, levando a essa condição atual onde se torna banal a morte constante de crianças e adolescentes negros nas favelas brasileiras e sua baixa perspectiva de futuro educacional e profissional acentuando nossos índices de criminalidade. Buscou-se nesse artigo analisar o contexto teórico referente ao racismo estrutural e por meio dos dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP), entre outros visando aprofundar uma discussão mais detalhada sobre a desigualdade racial, evasão escolar e abandono, dando origem a produção de tabelas e mapas que sustenta...
Revista Verde Grande: Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade, 2020
O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade - TDAH - é um transtorno neurobiológico de ... more O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade - TDAH - é um transtorno neurobiológico de causas genéticas, também podendo ser originado pelo ambiente de convívio da criança/jovem. Tem como características básicas a desatenção, agitação e impulsividade. Diante a importância dessa temática, o presente trabalho busca elucidar estratégias pedagógicas para maximizar o potencial de aprendizagem da criança/jovem com TDAH, medidas que a família pode adotar frente a comportamentos desafiadores e a contribuição do psicólogo neste contexto. Para tanto, utilizou-se como metodologia retrabalhamento bibliográfico, além da vivência e experiência a partir das aulas e da imersão no Estágio Curricular Supervisionado. Enfatizamos a importância do diagnóstico precoce para o encaminhamento a um tratamento adequado para melhorar o desempenho escolar e, consequentemente, amenizar os impactos emocionais, psicológicos e sociais na vida do indivíduo.
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2018
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Compare anesthesia techniques with sufentanil and intraoperative infus... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Compare anesthesia techniques with sufentanil and intraoperative infusion of remifentanil or dexmedetomidine, and to then analyze their associations with the incidence of pain and other complications in the post-anesthesia care unit. METHODS: A retrospective analytical observational study conducted in a reference center for bariatric surgery in São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil. Patients (n=120) included in the study were randomly selected using this site's anesthesia records for bariatric surgery. Four 30-patient groups were established: G1-induction with 0.5 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of remifentanil; G2-induction with 0.7 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of remifentanil; G3-induction with 0.5 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine; and G4-induction with 0.7 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine. Significance was set at p<0.05. RESULTS: The incidence of pain in the post-anesthesia care unit was 52.5% (n=63). It was considered intense in 36.11% of these cases. The incidence of pain in the post-anesthesia care unit was lower in patients receiving a continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine relative to those who received remifentanil infusion. Sufentanil dosage in anesthesia induction did not influence the incidence of pain (G1=G2>G3=G4; p<0.05). The occurrence of respiratory complications did not differ significantly between the groups. CONCLUSION: The use of dexmedetomidine proved to be better for analgesia in the post-anesthesia care unit, and it did not increase the risk of respiratory complications when compared to the continuous infusion of remifentanil, regardless of the sufentanil dose used for induction.
Software: Practice and Experience, 2015
In the theory of real‐time scheduling, tasks are described by mathematical variables, which are u... more In the theory of real‐time scheduling, tasks are described by mathematical variables, which are used in analytical models in order to prove schedulability of the system. On real‐time Linux, tasks are computer programs, and Linux developers try to lower the latencies caused by the Linux kernel, trying to achieve faster response for the highest‐priority task. Although both seek temporal correctness, they use different abstractions, which end up separating these efforts in two different worlds, making it hard for the Linux practitioners to understand and apply the formally proved models to the Linux kernel and for theoretical researchers to apply the restrictions imposed by Linux for the theoretical models. This paper traces a parallel between the theory of response‐time analysis and the abstractions used in the Linux kernel. The contribution of this paper is threefold. We first identify the PREEMPT RT Linux kernel mechanisms that impact the timing of real‐time tasks and map these impacts to the main abstractions used by the real‐time scheduling theory. Then, we describe a customized trace tool, based on the existing trace infrastructure of the Linux kernel, that allows the measurement of the delays associated with the main abstractions of the real‐time scheduling theory. Finally, we use this customized trace tool to characterize the timing lines resulting from the behavior of the PREEMPT RT Linux kernel. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015
Concentrations of 11 elements (P, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr and Al) were measured in lea... more Concentrations of 11 elements (P, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr and Al) were measured in leachate samples collected monthly from the municipal landfill in Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. P (0.943-23.8 mg L(-1)), Ca (19.90-129 mg L(-1)) and Fe (0.115-2.87 mg L(-1)) were found in the highest levels, while Cu (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;LOQ-0.230 mg L(-1)), Ni (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;LOQ-0.540 mg L(-1)), Co…
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2014
This study aimed to analyze time trends in complementary feeding practices among children under o... more This study aimed to analyze time trends in complementary feeding practices among children under one year of age in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1998 to 2008. Based on comparable questions on food consumption in five surveys conducted in representative randomized samples of children in 1998 (n = 3,762), 2000 (n = 3,670), 2003 (n = 4,305), 2006 (n = 3,686), and 2008 (n = 2,621), 16 complementary feeding indicators were constructed. The percentage frequency of all indicators was estimated for each year of the study. Linear trend analyses were also conducted by means of multivariate regression models. All indicators of early complementary feeding decreased from 1998 to 2008. In the 6-11.9 month age group, there was a significant downward trend in the proportion of children receiving food with adequate consistency for their age, consumption of iron-rich foods, and overall adequacy of the diet. A significant upward trend in fruit consumption was observed. There was a decrease ...
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2013
OBJECTIVE: to describe the quality of life of victims of traumatic brain injury six months after ... more OBJECTIVE: to describe the quality of life of victims of traumatic brain injury six months after the event and to show the relationship between the results observed and the clinical, sociodemographic and return to productivity data. METHOD: data were analyzed from 47 victims assisted in a trauma reference hospital in the municipality of Aracaju and monitored in an outpatient neurosurgery clinic. The data were obtained through analysis of the patient records and structured interviews, with the application of the World Health Organization Quality of Life, brief version, questionnaire. RESULTS: the victims presented positive perceptions of their quality of life, and the physical domain presented the highest mean value (68.4±22.9). Among the sociodemographic characteristics, a statistically significant correlation was found between marital status and the psychological domain. However, the return to productivity was related to all the domains. CONCLUSION: the return to productivity was a...
Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil), 2014
Objective To compare the level of vitamin D3 in cutaneous melanoma patients, with or without dise... more Objective To compare the level of vitamin D3 in cutaneous melanoma patients, with or without disease activity, with reference values and with patients from a general hospital. Methods The serum levels of vitamin D3 were measured in cutaneous melanoma patients, aged 20 to 88 years, both genders, from January 2010 to December 2013. The samples from the general group were processed at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (control group). Data analysis was performed using the Statistics software. Results A total of 100 patients were studied, 54 of them men, with mean age of 54.67 years, and 95 Caucasian. Out of these 100 patients, 17 had active disease. The average levels of vitamin D3 in the melanoma patients were lower than the level considered sufficient, but above the average of the control group. Both groups (with or without active disease) of patients showed a similar distribution of vitamin D3 deficiency. Conclusion Vitamin D3 levels in melanoma patients were higher than those of g...
Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 2012
De acordo com as Novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Graduação Médica (NDCN) e sua orienta... more De acordo com as Novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Graduação Médica (NDCN) e sua orientação para uma postura crítica e reflexiva do acadêmico realizou-se a oficina “Bases curriculares e Medicina de Família e Comunidade” durante o IV Congresso Mineiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (IVCMMFC), em Belo Horizonte - MG, 12 de junho de 2009. A oficina tratou sobre a inserção da especialidade, Medicina de Família e Comunidade (MFC), na graduação, discutindo os métodos de ensino médico: Aprendizado baseado em problematização (PBL), método integrado de ensino e método tradicional Flexneriano. A oficina foi dividida em três momentos. Primeiramente, foi proposta adequação de algumas definições da literatura médica: Atenção Primária à Saúde, Médico generalista, Médico sanitarista, Especialista em Clínica Médica e Médico de Família e Comunidade. Após, foram discutidas as Novas diretrizes curriculares; o Relatório Flexner e sua influência nos modelos de ensino existentes (tradiciona...
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2004
Com o objetivo de contribuir para especificar a origem das fontes de remuneração dos procedimento... more Com o objetivo de contribuir para especificar a origem das fontes de remuneração dos procedimentos de alto custo, relacionados com a assistência a doenças crônicas, o presente trabalho examina a utilização de procedimentos médicos selecionados por clientes vinculados a planos privados de saúde e pelos segmentos populacionais cobertos exclusivamente pelo SUS. O estudo se baseia na comparação entre taxas de utilização dos procedimentos selecionados, obtidos por meio de informações solicitadas a empresas de planos de saúde, consultas às fontes oficiais e estimativas fornecidas por informantes-chave. Apesar de possíveis problemas de classificação, as taxas de utilização dos clientes de planos privados de saúde para revascularização do miocárdio, angioplastia, artroplastia de quadril, e cirurgia de obesidade mórbida são mais elevadas do que as estimadas para os segmentos populacionais exclusivamente cobertos pelo SUS. Por outro lado, as proporções de transplantes hepáticos e terapias ren...
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2013
OBJETIVO: verificar se há alguma relação entre o estado histopatológico do linfonodo sentinela, a... more OBJETIVO: verificar se há alguma relação entre o estado histopatológico do linfonodo sentinela, a recorrência e a mortalidade decorrente do melanoma espesso em pacientes submetidos à BLS ao longo de um seguimento significante. MÉTODOS: Oitenta e seis pacientes portadores de melanoma espesso submetidos à BLS foram selecionados de um banco de dados prospectivo. A linfocintilografia, o mapeamento linfático e a detecção gama intraoperatória foram realizados em todos pacientes. O linfonodo sentinela (LS) foi analisado por HE e por imunoistoquímica. Linfadenectomia total foi indicada para os pacientes com LS positivo. O estado histopatológico do LS foi relacionado à taxa de recorrência e de mortalidade por melanoma. RESULTADOS: Cento e sessenta e seis LS foram retirados dos 86 pacientes. As idades variaram de 18 a 73 anos. Havia 47 mulheres e 39 homens. Micrometástases foram encontradas em 44 pacientes. Quarenta e dois pacientes foram submetidos à linfadenectomia total. Sete pacientes tiv...
Revista Dor, 2013
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative pain in obese patients is a noxious event for their reco... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative pain in obese patients is a noxious event for their recovery delaying hospital discharge and increasing the chance of complications. This study aimed at determining pain frequency in the post-anesthetic care unit and at investigating factors associated to moderate to severe pain in obese patients submitted to gastroplasty, relating them to potential complications. METHODS: This is an observational and prospective study including 84 patients submitted to general anesthesia with sevoflurane for laparoscopic gastroplasty. Patients were evaluated in the post-anesthetic care unit for pain intensity by the verbal and numerical scale (Ramsay scale), presence of nausea, vomiting and respiratory complications. Logistic regression model was used to determine pain-related independent variables. RESULTS: There has been no pain at admission to the post-anesthetic care unit in 61.63% of patients. In the multivariate analysis, fentanyl as compared to sufentanil was the only independent factor associated to pain (OR 3.07-IC95% 1.17-6.4). There has been no difference between the type of opioid used and the presence of nausea and vomiting (p>0.05). Ramsay scale scores were not different between opioids used in the intraoperative period (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The only independent factor associated to pain in the post-anesthetic care unit was the type of opioid used for anesthetic induction. Postoperative pain is still a frequent event affecting most patients, and analgesic protocols have to be implemented to minimize the effects that undertreated pain may induce.
Micron, 2006
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated and characterized in thoracic muscle, fat body, ... more Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated and characterized in thoracic muscle, fat body, whole digestive tract (stomach+intestine) and reproductive tract of adult male cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. Heparan sulfate (HS) was the predominant sulfated GAG species in the tissues analyzed, corresponding to more than 90% of the total sulfated GAG content. In both the thoracic muscle and fat body it was the only sulfated GAG species detected. We also determined the location of sulfated GAGs in most of these organs by histochemical analysis using 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue. In the thoracic muscle, sulfated GAG metachromatic staining was detected only in the connective tissue that surrounds the muscle bundles or fascicles. In the intestinal tract, metachromatic staining was observed in both epithelial and lining columnar cells. Only spermatozoa presented metachromatic material in the male reproductive tract. Since, HS corresponds to 90-100% of total sulfated GAGs in these tissues, the metachromatic staining specifically reflects the location of this particular sulfated GAG in these organs. In conclusion, the present study extends previous observations on the GAG composition in cockroaches providing new information on the tissue distribution and location of HS in several internal organs of adult males of the cockroach P. americana.
GEOFRONTER, Jul 28, 2021
Rahyan de Carvalho Alves 5 Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar as diversas p... more Rahyan de Carvalho Alves 5 Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar as diversas possibilidades de desenvolver os conhecimentos geográficos no jogo The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim e destacar a relevância do uso de jogos eletrônicos com ênfase no RPG (Rolling Playing Game) para um processo de aprendizagem. Buscamos contextualizar onde alguns temas e conceitos da geografia podem ser fundamentados diante da realidade dos jogos eletrônicos, com uma discussão sobre o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais e as formas de pensar a narrativa dos jogos eletrônicos no viés geográfico. Para tanto utilizou-se como metodologia revisão bibliográfica e análise do jogo eletrônico de RPG "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". O desenvolvimento tecnológico proporcionou uma diversidade de jogos que testam nossas capacidades sociais e intelectuais, podendo auxiliar no desenvolvimento do raciocínio dedutivo, elaboração de estratégias e em nossa capacidade da memória muscular e coordenação motora, além disso, também podem oferecer ganhos significativos em debates
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition), 2021
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Multimodal Analgesia (MMA) has shown promising results in postoperati... more INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES Multimodal Analgesia (MMA) has shown promising results in postoperative outcomes across a broad spectrum of surgeries, including bariatric surgery. We compared the analgesic effect immediately after Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery (LBS) of the combined effect of MMA and methadone against two techniques that were based mainly on the use of high-potency medium-acting opioids. METHODS Two hundred seventy-one patients were retrospectively reviewed. The primary outcome was postoperative pain score > 3/10 measured by the Verbal Numeric Scale (VNS) during the Postanesthetic Care Unit (PACU) stay. The three protocols of intraoperative analgesia were: (P1) sufentanil at anesthetic induction followed by remifentanil infusion; (P2) sufentanil at induction followed by dexmedetomidine infusion; and (P3) remifentanil at induction followed by MMA including dexmedetomidine, magnesium, lidocaine, and methadone. Only P1 and P2 patients received morphine toward the end of surgery. Poisson regression was used to adjust confounding factors and calculate Prevalence Ratio (PR). RESULTS Postoperative VNS > 3 was recorded in 135 (49.81%) patients, of which 93 (68.89%) were subjected to P1, 25 (18.56%) to P2, and 17 (12.59%) to P3. In the final adjusted model, both anesthetic techniques (P3) (PR = 0.10; 95% CI [0.03-0.28]), and (P2) (PR = 0.42%; 95% CI [0.20-0.90]) were associated with lower occurrence of VNS > 3, whereas age range 20-29 was associated to higher occurrence of VNS > 3 (PR = 3.21; 95% CI [1.22-8.44]) in PACU. Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) was distributed as follows: (P1) 20.3%, (P2) 31.25% and (P3) 6.77%; (P3 < P1, P2; p < 0.05). Intraoperative hypotension occurred more often in P3 (39%) compared to P2 (20.31%) and P1 (17.46%) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION MMA + methadone was associated with higher incidence of intraoperative hypotension and lower incidence of moderate/severe pain in PACU after LBS.
The management of urban solid waste is a basic human need, and is also considered a right, alongs... more The management of urban solid waste is a basic human need, and is also considered a right, alongside the provision of drinking water, shelter, food, energy, transport and communications. The increase in the world population aggravates the production of solid urban waste, a broad problem for society and a challenge of great proportions for public managers. Deficiencies in the management of urban solid waste can cause damage to society and the natural environment, causing unwanted risks to communities, public health and social, aesthetic, economic and administrative problems. The main objective of the investigation was to analyze how the management of urban solid waste is carried out in the city of Manaus and whether it can be an integrated waste management that promotes sustainable development. To this end, a bibliographic investigation, field research, interviews, application of the Sustainability Indicator Matrix for the management of urban solid waste, measurement of the existing Sustainability Level, survey of the present problems, realization of a Focus Group with the participation of the main actors involved to validate the research and obtain suggestions for improvement to improve the management of solid urban waste in Manaus as integrated and that promotes sustainable development. The elements that characterize Integrated Management are present, however, it is necessary to implement measures that raise the level of existing sustainability, mainly regarding the non-generation of MSW, reduction, reuse and recycling. The Sustainability Indicators Matrix developed by Santiago and Dias (2012) proved to be feasible for assessing the sustainability of GRSU in the municipality of Manaus and to be used by managers as a strategic planning tool. The participatory methodology addressed the main concerns of key actors and reinforced the importance of including stakeholders in the formulation of public policies.
Circulation Research, 2014
Introduction: The effects of interleukins during development of coronary artery disease (CAD) hav... more Introduction: The effects of interleukins during development of coronary artery disease (CAD) have been studied by researchers and it may help to understand better this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate if there are differences of concentrations of the IL 17 A between men and women with stable CAD. Hypothesis: There are no differences of concentrations of the IL 17 A according to gender of the patients. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, prospective, analytical study, conducted from August to December 2012. We included 40 patients (24 men (MP) and 16 women (WP) with stable CAD, CCS III or IV, ischemic myocardial scintigraphy, who had not been subjected to any kind of myocardial revascularization and with coronary stenosis ≥ 50% according to current coronary angiography. There were 20 healthy volunteers (12 men (MC) and 8 women (WC), to take up comparison of concentrations of interleukins (IL). Interleukins were evaluated in serum of patients and after 48 hours of cells...
As maes que amamentam devem seguir alguns cuidados, sobretudo, se a mesma apresentar quadro sinto... more As maes que amamentam devem seguir alguns cuidados, sobretudo, se a mesma apresentar quadro sintomatologico de COVID-19. Apesar de nao haver evidencias que o coronavirus seja transmitido pelo leito materno, esse contagio pode acontecer por vias respiratorias. O objetivo deste estudo e relatar a vivencia de residentes em saude materno-infantil, quanto as praticas de educacao em saude sobre amamentacao no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19, em uma maternidade publica no Serido do RN/Brasil e trata-se de um estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiencia. A atuacao da equipe de residencia tem contribuido na promocao a saude e prevencao de doencas, a partir das recomendacoes sobre as questoes que envolvem o universo da amamentacao, a partir de uma abordagem biopsicossocial e interprofissional. Portanto, a experiencia e considerada enriquecedora no processo formativo dos residentes, viabilizando acoes de educacao em saude no cotidiano do servico em meio a um cenario de pandemia
O presente artigo busca identificar o nivel da inclusao digital na comunidade afrodescendente e o... more O presente artigo busca identificar o nivel da inclusao digital na comunidade afrodescendente e os avancos das politicas publicas a este respeito. Outro fator relevante e como o uso das tecnologias da informacao e comunicacoes utilizadas no cotidiano escolar podem propiciar aos afrodescendentes oportunidades de acesso a “era da informacao/informatizacao”. A inclusao digital esta diretamente ligada a exclusao socioeconomica, sendo assim junto com a educacao, ela e um dos pilares da sustentabilidade social. Observa-se que essa realidade esta presente nos paises do terceiro mundo, e no caso do Brasil onde as questoes raciais estao disfarcadas de democracia racial, fica mais dificil solucionar este problema, pois, na verdade, a populacao afrodescendente, de baixa renda e excluida da era digital. A partir dessas constatacoes, verifica-se que a inclusao digital nao compreende apenas o acesso a Internet, mas algo muito mais amplo, e que os direitos fundamentais a informacao e a comunicacao...
Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação, 2021
A Herpes Zoster é caracterizada como uma doença causada pela reativação do Vírus Varicela Zoster,... more A Herpes Zoster é caracterizada como uma doença causada pela reativação do Vírus Varicela Zoster, que se encontra latente em células dos nervos cranianos, raízes dorsais dos nervos e gânglios nervosos após um episódio de Varicela. Geralmente aparecem como um exantema vesicular doloroso localizado num dermátomo. É considerada uma patologia comum, em pessoas com mais de 50 anos, por conta da imunossenescência. O diagnóstico é feito de forma clínica, por profissional qualificado, existe a exceção em pacientes com manifestações atípicas ou com algumas complicações. O tratamento para herpes zoster geralmente é feito com o uso de antivirais, analgésicos para controlar a dor e o paciente deve manter cuidados com a pele para prevenir possível infecção bacteriana. Os antivirais usados, que geralmente são o Valaciclovir e o Famciclovir, devem ser iniciados com o tratamento dentro de 72 horas após o começo dos sintomas, desse modo os sintomas e dores são controlados de forma mais rápida para...
Revista Ciranda, 2021
O racismo estrutural exposto como a manutenção de ações racistas cotidianas que tornam normais a ... more O racismo estrutural exposto como a manutenção de ações racistas cotidianas que tornam normais a inferioridade, agressões policiais, baixo índice educacional entre outras diversas mazelas sofridas pela população negra. Na América Latina essa condição parte do período da colonização, e foi sendo estruturada nas diversas mudanças de nossa estrutura política e social, levando a essa condição atual onde se torna banal a morte constante de crianças e adolescentes negros nas favelas brasileiras e sua baixa perspectiva de futuro educacional e profissional acentuando nossos índices de criminalidade. Buscou-se nesse artigo analisar o contexto teórico referente ao racismo estrutural e por meio dos dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP), entre outros visando aprofundar uma discussão mais detalhada sobre a desigualdade racial, evasão escolar e abandono, dando origem a produção de tabelas e mapas que sustenta...
Revista Verde Grande: Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade, 2020
O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade - TDAH - é um transtorno neurobiológico de ... more O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade - TDAH - é um transtorno neurobiológico de causas genéticas, também podendo ser originado pelo ambiente de convívio da criança/jovem. Tem como características básicas a desatenção, agitação e impulsividade. Diante a importância dessa temática, o presente trabalho busca elucidar estratégias pedagógicas para maximizar o potencial de aprendizagem da criança/jovem com TDAH, medidas que a família pode adotar frente a comportamentos desafiadores e a contribuição do psicólogo neste contexto. Para tanto, utilizou-se como metodologia retrabalhamento bibliográfico, além da vivência e experiência a partir das aulas e da imersão no Estágio Curricular Supervisionado. Enfatizamos a importância do diagnóstico precoce para o encaminhamento a um tratamento adequado para melhorar o desempenho escolar e, consequentemente, amenizar os impactos emocionais, psicológicos e sociais na vida do indivíduo.
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2018
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Compare anesthesia techniques with sufentanil and intraoperative infus... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Compare anesthesia techniques with sufentanil and intraoperative infusion of remifentanil or dexmedetomidine, and to then analyze their associations with the incidence of pain and other complications in the post-anesthesia care unit. METHODS: A retrospective analytical observational study conducted in a reference center for bariatric surgery in São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil. Patients (n=120) included in the study were randomly selected using this site's anesthesia records for bariatric surgery. Four 30-patient groups were established: G1-induction with 0.5 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of remifentanil; G2-induction with 0.7 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of remifentanil; G3-induction with 0.5 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine; and G4-induction with 0.7 µg.kg-1 sufentanil associated with the continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine. Significance was set at p<0.05. RESULTS: The incidence of pain in the post-anesthesia care unit was 52.5% (n=63). It was considered intense in 36.11% of these cases. The incidence of pain in the post-anesthesia care unit was lower in patients receiving a continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine relative to those who received remifentanil infusion. Sufentanil dosage in anesthesia induction did not influence the incidence of pain (G1=G2>G3=G4; p<0.05). The occurrence of respiratory complications did not differ significantly between the groups. CONCLUSION: The use of dexmedetomidine proved to be better for analgesia in the post-anesthesia care unit, and it did not increase the risk of respiratory complications when compared to the continuous infusion of remifentanil, regardless of the sufentanil dose used for induction.
Software: Practice and Experience, 2015
In the theory of real‐time scheduling, tasks are described by mathematical variables, which are u... more In the theory of real‐time scheduling, tasks are described by mathematical variables, which are used in analytical models in order to prove schedulability of the system. On real‐time Linux, tasks are computer programs, and Linux developers try to lower the latencies caused by the Linux kernel, trying to achieve faster response for the highest‐priority task. Although both seek temporal correctness, they use different abstractions, which end up separating these efforts in two different worlds, making it hard for the Linux practitioners to understand and apply the formally proved models to the Linux kernel and for theoretical researchers to apply the restrictions imposed by Linux for the theoretical models. This paper traces a parallel between the theory of response‐time analysis and the abstractions used in the Linux kernel. The contribution of this paper is threefold. We first identify the PREEMPT RT Linux kernel mechanisms that impact the timing of real‐time tasks and map these impacts to the main abstractions used by the real‐time scheduling theory. Then, we describe a customized trace tool, based on the existing trace infrastructure of the Linux kernel, that allows the measurement of the delays associated with the main abstractions of the real‐time scheduling theory. Finally, we use this customized trace tool to characterize the timing lines resulting from the behavior of the PREEMPT RT Linux kernel. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015
Concentrations of 11 elements (P, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr and Al) were measured in lea... more Concentrations of 11 elements (P, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr and Al) were measured in leachate samples collected monthly from the municipal landfill in Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. P (0.943-23.8 mg L(-1)), Ca (19.90-129 mg L(-1)) and Fe (0.115-2.87 mg L(-1)) were found in the highest levels, while Cu (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;LOQ-0.230 mg L(-1)), Ni (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;LOQ-0.540 mg L(-1)), Co…
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2014
This study aimed to analyze time trends in complementary feeding practices among children under o... more This study aimed to analyze time trends in complementary feeding practices among children under one year of age in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1998 to 2008. Based on comparable questions on food consumption in five surveys conducted in representative randomized samples of children in 1998 (n = 3,762), 2000 (n = 3,670), 2003 (n = 4,305), 2006 (n = 3,686), and 2008 (n = 2,621), 16 complementary feeding indicators were constructed. The percentage frequency of all indicators was estimated for each year of the study. Linear trend analyses were also conducted by means of multivariate regression models. All indicators of early complementary feeding decreased from 1998 to 2008. In the 6-11.9 month age group, there was a significant downward trend in the proportion of children receiving food with adequate consistency for their age, consumption of iron-rich foods, and overall adequacy of the diet. A significant upward trend in fruit consumption was observed. There was a decrease ...
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2013
OBJECTIVE: to describe the quality of life of victims of traumatic brain injury six months after ... more OBJECTIVE: to describe the quality of life of victims of traumatic brain injury six months after the event and to show the relationship between the results observed and the clinical, sociodemographic and return to productivity data. METHOD: data were analyzed from 47 victims assisted in a trauma reference hospital in the municipality of Aracaju and monitored in an outpatient neurosurgery clinic. The data were obtained through analysis of the patient records and structured interviews, with the application of the World Health Organization Quality of Life, brief version, questionnaire. RESULTS: the victims presented positive perceptions of their quality of life, and the physical domain presented the highest mean value (68.4±22.9). Among the sociodemographic characteristics, a statistically significant correlation was found between marital status and the psychological domain. However, the return to productivity was related to all the domains. CONCLUSION: the return to productivity was a...
Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil), 2014
Objective To compare the level of vitamin D3 in cutaneous melanoma patients, with or without dise... more Objective To compare the level of vitamin D3 in cutaneous melanoma patients, with or without disease activity, with reference values and with patients from a general hospital. Methods The serum levels of vitamin D3 were measured in cutaneous melanoma patients, aged 20 to 88 years, both genders, from January 2010 to December 2013. The samples from the general group were processed at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (control group). Data analysis was performed using the Statistics software. Results A total of 100 patients were studied, 54 of them men, with mean age of 54.67 years, and 95 Caucasian. Out of these 100 patients, 17 had active disease. The average levels of vitamin D3 in the melanoma patients were lower than the level considered sufficient, but above the average of the control group. Both groups (with or without active disease) of patients showed a similar distribution of vitamin D3 deficiency. Conclusion Vitamin D3 levels in melanoma patients were higher than those of g...
Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 2012
De acordo com as Novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Graduação Médica (NDCN) e sua orienta... more De acordo com as Novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Graduação Médica (NDCN) e sua orientação para uma postura crítica e reflexiva do acadêmico realizou-se a oficina “Bases curriculares e Medicina de Família e Comunidade” durante o IV Congresso Mineiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (IVCMMFC), em Belo Horizonte - MG, 12 de junho de 2009. A oficina tratou sobre a inserção da especialidade, Medicina de Família e Comunidade (MFC), na graduação, discutindo os métodos de ensino médico: Aprendizado baseado em problematização (PBL), método integrado de ensino e método tradicional Flexneriano. A oficina foi dividida em três momentos. Primeiramente, foi proposta adequação de algumas definições da literatura médica: Atenção Primária à Saúde, Médico generalista, Médico sanitarista, Especialista em Clínica Médica e Médico de Família e Comunidade. Após, foram discutidas as Novas diretrizes curriculares; o Relatório Flexner e sua influência nos modelos de ensino existentes (tradiciona...
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2004
Com o objetivo de contribuir para especificar a origem das fontes de remuneração dos procedimento... more Com o objetivo de contribuir para especificar a origem das fontes de remuneração dos procedimentos de alto custo, relacionados com a assistência a doenças crônicas, o presente trabalho examina a utilização de procedimentos médicos selecionados por clientes vinculados a planos privados de saúde e pelos segmentos populacionais cobertos exclusivamente pelo SUS. O estudo se baseia na comparação entre taxas de utilização dos procedimentos selecionados, obtidos por meio de informações solicitadas a empresas de planos de saúde, consultas às fontes oficiais e estimativas fornecidas por informantes-chave. Apesar de possíveis problemas de classificação, as taxas de utilização dos clientes de planos privados de saúde para revascularização do miocárdio, angioplastia, artroplastia de quadril, e cirurgia de obesidade mórbida são mais elevadas do que as estimadas para os segmentos populacionais exclusivamente cobertos pelo SUS. Por outro lado, as proporções de transplantes hepáticos e terapias ren...
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2013
OBJETIVO: verificar se há alguma relação entre o estado histopatológico do linfonodo sentinela, a... more OBJETIVO: verificar se há alguma relação entre o estado histopatológico do linfonodo sentinela, a recorrência e a mortalidade decorrente do melanoma espesso em pacientes submetidos à BLS ao longo de um seguimento significante. MÉTODOS: Oitenta e seis pacientes portadores de melanoma espesso submetidos à BLS foram selecionados de um banco de dados prospectivo. A linfocintilografia, o mapeamento linfático e a detecção gama intraoperatória foram realizados em todos pacientes. O linfonodo sentinela (LS) foi analisado por HE e por imunoistoquímica. Linfadenectomia total foi indicada para os pacientes com LS positivo. O estado histopatológico do LS foi relacionado à taxa de recorrência e de mortalidade por melanoma. RESULTADOS: Cento e sessenta e seis LS foram retirados dos 86 pacientes. As idades variaram de 18 a 73 anos. Havia 47 mulheres e 39 homens. Micrometástases foram encontradas em 44 pacientes. Quarenta e dois pacientes foram submetidos à linfadenectomia total. Sete pacientes tiv...
Revista Dor, 2013
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative pain in obese patients is a noxious event for their reco... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative pain in obese patients is a noxious event for their recovery delaying hospital discharge and increasing the chance of complications. This study aimed at determining pain frequency in the post-anesthetic care unit and at investigating factors associated to moderate to severe pain in obese patients submitted to gastroplasty, relating them to potential complications. METHODS: This is an observational and prospective study including 84 patients submitted to general anesthesia with sevoflurane for laparoscopic gastroplasty. Patients were evaluated in the post-anesthetic care unit for pain intensity by the verbal and numerical scale (Ramsay scale), presence of nausea, vomiting and respiratory complications. Logistic regression model was used to determine pain-related independent variables. RESULTS: There has been no pain at admission to the post-anesthetic care unit in 61.63% of patients. In the multivariate analysis, fentanyl as compared to sufentanil was the only independent factor associated to pain (OR 3.07-IC95% 1.17-6.4). There has been no difference between the type of opioid used and the presence of nausea and vomiting (p>0.05). Ramsay scale scores were not different between opioids used in the intraoperative period (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The only independent factor associated to pain in the post-anesthetic care unit was the type of opioid used for anesthetic induction. Postoperative pain is still a frequent event affecting most patients, and analgesic protocols have to be implemented to minimize the effects that undertreated pain may induce.
Micron, 2006
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated and characterized in thoracic muscle, fat body, ... more Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated and characterized in thoracic muscle, fat body, whole digestive tract (stomach+intestine) and reproductive tract of adult male cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. Heparan sulfate (HS) was the predominant sulfated GAG species in the tissues analyzed, corresponding to more than 90% of the total sulfated GAG content. In both the thoracic muscle and fat body it was the only sulfated GAG species detected. We also determined the location of sulfated GAGs in most of these organs by histochemical analysis using 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue. In the thoracic muscle, sulfated GAG metachromatic staining was detected only in the connective tissue that surrounds the muscle bundles or fascicles. In the intestinal tract, metachromatic staining was observed in both epithelial and lining columnar cells. Only spermatozoa presented metachromatic material in the male reproductive tract. Since, HS corresponds to 90-100% of total sulfated GAGs in these tissues, the metachromatic staining specifically reflects the location of this particular sulfated GAG in these organs. In conclusion, the present study extends previous observations on the GAG composition in cockroaches providing new information on the tissue distribution and location of HS in several internal organs of adult males of the cockroach P. americana.