Daniel Vargas - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Daniel Vargas
Circulation: Heart Failure, 2020
7 ...la lengua es solo un marcador de identidad entre otros. Descendencia, historia, cultura, rel... more 7 ...la lengua es solo un marcador de identidad entre otros. Descendencia, historia, cultura, religión y lengua son tratados como "una agrupación de rasgos". Su función identificativa implica separabilidad, discontinuidad natural en el mundo real. Estas discontinuidades son las "naciones" o los "pueblos", esto es, grupos naturales cuya percepción popular los conceptualiza de un modo bastante similar a las especies dentro del reino animal (Blommaert, 2012: 249). Com es veurà més endavant, aquests marcadors apareixen en l'estudi que faig de la filosofia romàntica, però ara mateix cal fer notar que aquests trets també funcionen a nivell individual, ja que són especialment operatius quan són reconeguts per un altre. En aquest sentit, la paradoxa que he enunciat anteriorment es fonamenta en el fet que una bona part del catalanisme ha ignorat uns trets de Candel, i n'ha subratllat uns altres. § Altrament, al voltant d'Els altres catalans s'ha estès un consens que no afecta només al seu valor social, sinó al seu contingut. En efecte, una percepció d'unanimitat, subratllada per la celebració del cinquantenari de la seva publicació, ha convertit aquesta obra en la primera i la darrera paraula sobre la immigració a Catalunya, així com el document que ha garantit, d'una banda, la integració dels immigrants, i, d'altra, la pervivència dels trets característics de Catalunya. Així ho confirmen, per exemple, les intervencions de Jaume Sobrequés, de Jordi Pujol, i de Salvador Cardús en l'acte d'homenatge esmentat, on tots tres oradors, representants insignes de la historiografia, de la política, i de la sociologia van coincidir a presentar Candel com una baula necessària en el procés que havia de conduir els immigrants espanyols a la plena integració en la societat catalana. Ara bé: des d'un punt de vista crític, aquest consens, afavorit institucionalment, ha d'actuar com a detonant d'una anàlisi profunda. Així doncs, el propòsit d'aquest treball és qüestionar aquesta unanimitat que envolta la tasca i la figura de Candel, provant de renovar la interpretació de les tesis principals d'Els altres catalans, tenint en compte que aquest llibre neix arran d'un article de l'any 1958 publicat amb el títol "Los otros catalanes". Aquesta interpretació, a més, establirà una relació orgànica entre totes les obres de cicle, en un trajecte cronològic que comença, doncs, l'any 1958, i que acaba el 2001. Consegüentment, malgrat utilitzar la versió no censurada d'Els altres catalans, atès que el component cronològic ha de tenir una presència constant, en les citacions corresponents a aquesta obra faré constar l'any d'edició original [1964]. 8 Igualment, aquest treball ha de servir per copsar els principis que estructuren el pensament de Candel, cosa que posarà de relleu la seva filiació filosòfica, i quin és l'encaix biogràfic d'aquesta filiació. En aquest sentit, he de justificar argumentalment la posició de l'obra de Candel en un context de rivalitat entre un catalanisme que defensa la concessió de la nacionalitat segons la transmissió d'uns valors, d'una banda, i un catalanisme que reconeix l'adscripció segons el lloc de naixement, de l'altra: és a dir, la lluita entre un catalanisme genealògic i un catalanisme geogràfic. Gràcies a la manifestació d'aquest camp de batalla, serà més fàcil comprendre que l'aparició de la veu immigrada de Candel havia de suposar un posicionament explícit en favor dels defensors del catalanisme geogràfic, i, per tant, l'establiment d'un lligam personal amb els seus representants més conspicus. Finalment, aquest treball es proposa escatir si, al segle XXI, encara perviu aquest enfrontament en el si del catalanisme, i si la seva persistència pot significar, inevitablement, la constatació del fracàs del projecte d'integració de Candel. 9 II. Corpus La gènesi de l'obra de Candel ha estat explicada a bastament. Ell mateix hi fa referència a l'obra Encara més sobre els altres catalans, el tema del qual és explícitament "el meu llibre i el seu impacte" (Candel, 1973: 10). Segons Candel, atesa la seva predilecció per la creació literària, "mai no havia ni somiat en l'assaig" (Candel, 1973: 35). En aquest sentit, explica que el text neix arran d'un encàrrec aliè a les seves pretensions artístiques. Malgrat aquesta causalitat externa, la petició va ser rebuda satisfactòriament per l'autor: Així, doncs, vaig acceptar l'encàrrec de seguida (...) sobretot perquè immediatament vaig veure la possibilitat d'esplaiar-me parlant-com així ho vaig fer-d'unes persones que eren els meus germans de classe i condició, que eren la meva família, que eren jo mateix (Candel, 1973: 37). Cal reconèixer, però, que l'encàrrec estava plenament justificat. L'any 1957, Candel va aconseguir un gran èxit amb l'escandalosa publicació de la novel•la Donde la ciudad cambia su nombre. Un any després va participar en el número doble que la revista
Revista Lasallista de Investigación, 2020
Introducción: la extracción de los polifenoles ha tomado un interés debido a la relación que tien... more Introducción: la extracción de los polifenoles ha tomado un interés debido a la relación que tiene con la prevención del estrés oxidativo y efectos benéficos sobre la salud en la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles; estos están comúnmente en algunas frutas por lo que su extracción se ha convertido en una tendencia para obtener productos de alto valor agregado. El ultrasonido es una técnica que puede disminuir el tiempo de extracción de estos biocomponentes. Objetivo: evaluar las condiciones de la extracción asistida por ultrasonido de polifenoles con actividad antioxidantes en cáscara de pitahaya amarilla deshidratada. Materiales y métodos: Se deshidrataron las cáscaras y construyó cinéticas de secado a 60ºC, con el fin de disminuir las reacciones de deterioro. Para la extracción, una solución de etanol al 96% (V/V) fue usada como disolvente, en una relación cáscaradisolvente 1:1. El proceso fue realizado a 25 ºC en un sistema de ultrasonido indirecto con una frecuencia de 3...
Seminars in Roentgenology, 2020
Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, 2007
In Chile the reimbursement/patient/year for chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) is US$14,654 and for... more In Chile the reimbursement/patient/year for chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) is US$14,654 and for chronic hemodialysis (HD) US$10,909. However, no study comparing global (direct plus indirect) costs has been performed in our country. Our research objective was to compare global costs and quality of life between the two therapies. Patients ( n = 159) from five selected dialysis units in Chile [57 patients on PD (50 on automated PD) and 102 on standard HD (3 x 4 hours weekly)] were retrospectively studied. No patient had previously received the alternate therapy. Items analyzed were quality of life, customer satisfaction, direct and indirect costs, annual global costs, and cost/utility index. Mean age on HD was 54.14 ± 16.01 years and on PD 49.76 ± 18.88 years ( p > 0.05). No differences in the distribution of diabetic patients between the therapies were found. Hemodialysis and PD groups did not have differences in the quality of life index, although there was better customer satis...
Current Pulmonology Reports, 2019
Purpose of Review The purpose of this article is to review the imaging findings and current imagi... more Purpose of Review The purpose of this article is to review the imaging findings and current imaging techniques of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) and chronic thromboembolic disease. Special considerations are also discussed, including pregnancy, congenital heart disease, lower extremity computed tomography (CT), and the isolated subsegmental PE. Recent Findings CT pulmonary angiography and planar ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) lung scintigraphy are the primary means of evaluating pulmonary embolic disease. Magnetic resonance angiography avoids ionizing radiation and iodinated contrast in select patients. V/Q SPECT/CT provides greater accuracy and fewer non-diagnostic exams than planar V/Q scans. Dual-energy CT may prove valuable in the diagnosis of and preoperative planning for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Summary Imaging plays a central role in identifying thromboembolic disease, but understanding the benefits and limitations when choosing the appropriate modality is imperative. Further research is needed to elucidate the role of emerging technologies in the assessment of thromboembolic disease.
The British journal of radiology, Jan 31, 2018
Congenital pulmonary artery anomalies represent a diverse group of abnormalities, ranging from as... more Congenital pulmonary artery anomalies represent a diverse group of abnormalities, ranging from asymptomatic incidental findings to causes of sudden cardiac death. While some may be recognized in childhood, others may be found incidentally in adulthood. We review the clinical and imaging findings in patients with congenital anomalies of the pulmonary arteries, including valvular and perivavular anomalies as well as abnormal narrowing, course and communications of the pulmonary arteries. We also discuss the role of various imaging modalities in the evaluation of these patients. It is vital to be aware of the key radiologic manifestations and associated haemodynamic consequences in these conditions in order to facilitate accurate diagnosis and prognostic stratification.
The British Journal of Radiology, 2017
Hamartomas are tumours composed of mesenchymal tissues such as cartilage, fat, connective tissue ... more Hamartomas are tumours composed of mesenchymal tissues such as cartilage, fat, connective tissue and smooth muscle and can be found in virtually any organ system. These masses commonly develop sporadically, but are also seen in certain syndromes such as tuberous sclerosis or Carney triad. While their imaging appearance varies depending on the organ they arise from, findings are usually unique and a diagnosis can be confidently made. Radiologists must be aware of the clinical and imaging presentations of these lesions with the particular goal of avoiding unnecessary studies or invasive procedures. Furthermore, knowledge of common syndromic entities is crucial, as the radiologist may be the first to suggest the diagnosis. SYSTEM-BY-SYSTEM REVIEW Central nervous system hamartomas Hypothalamic hamartomas Hypothalamic hamartomas are developmental malformations consisting of tumour-like masses containing heterotopic neurons and glia, located in the tuber cinereum of the hypothalamus. These non-neoplastic masses predominantly affect patients who are male in the first or second decades of life and manifest clinically as central precocious puberty or episodes of gelastic seizures. 4
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, 2016
A 36-year-old woman with a medical history of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) p... more A 36-year-old woman with a medical history of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) presented to our Emergency Department with chest pain and left arm numbness. The patient's vital signs, physical exam, ECG, chest radiograph, and laboratory work-up (including serum troponin levels) were all normal. Further evaluation with gated cardiac CT angiography
Investigacion Y Desarrollo, Jul 1, 2012
RESUMENEl artículo expone los resultados de una investigación sobre los flujos migratorios intern... more RESUMENEl artículo expone los resultados de una investigación sobre los flujos migratorios internacionales que han estado llegando a Colombia desde el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad. La metodología investigativa se fundamenta en la recolección y el análisis de datos (bibliográficos, estadísticas, etc.) derivados de investigaciones anteriores; lo que permite confrontar la visión teórica del problema inmigratorio en Colombia con los datos de la realidad. Los resultados de este ejercicio de recogida y análisis de información son significativos en la medida que presentan el estado de las migraciones en Colombia entre los siglos XVI y XIX y desde la primera mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Por un lado, engloban a la inmigración británica, jamaiquina y africana en las islas de San Andrés y Providencia; junto con la inmigración árabe, judía, alemana, francesa, italiana y gitana (o del pueblo Rom) en Colombia continental. Por otro, aluden a las migraciones japonesas, suramericanas (ecuatorianos, argentinos, venezuelanos, peruanos, mexicanos, brasileros, etc.), junto con los crecientes asentamientos de inmigrantes norteamericanos (sobre todo estadunidenses), europeos y las nuevas oleadas de migraciones asiáticas y africanas en Colombia. Todo ello lleva a aprehender la envergadura del papel jugado por Colombia como un país de destino de las migraciones internacionales, lo que contrasta con la imagen más conocida de Colombia como un país expulsor de emigrantes. DIRECCION DE CORRESPONDENCIA: Ciudad Universitaria. Avenida Carrera 30, N0 45-03. Edificio 210, Oficina 301. Bogotá – Colombia. Tel. 3165000 ext. 16459 Correo electrónico: mwabgou@unal.edu.com; maguew1@gmail.com The article presents the results of a research on international migration flows that have been arriving in Colombia since the 16th the present time. The methodology of the research is based on data collection and the data analysis (bibliographical, statistical, etc.) deriving from previous research works. The results of this exercise of data collection and analysis are significant inasmuch as they present the state of international migration flows in Colombia between the 16th and 19th and from the first half of the 20th Century up to now. On the one hand, they include the British, Jamaican and African immigrations in the islands of San Andres and Providence; along with Arab, Jewish, German, French, Italian and Gypsy migrations in continental Colombia. On the other, they refer to the Japanese, South American (Ecuadorian, Argentine, Venezuelan, Peruvian, Mexican, Brazilian, etc.) migrations, along with the increasing establishments of North American (mainly from the United States of America, European immigrants and the new flows of Asian and African migrations in Colombia. All this leads to apprehend the importance of the role played by Colombia as a pole of attraction for international migration flows; a situation that contrasts with the most well-known image of Colombia like a traditional country of emigration
Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2016
Zootecnia Tropical
Para estudiar el efecto que sobre la mortalidad embrionaria hasta el día 17 (M17) y entre los día... more Para estudiar el efecto que sobre la mortalidad embrionaria hasta el día 17 (M17) y entre los días 18 y 21 (M21) tienen el mes de postura (MP), peso del huevo (PH), color de la cáscara del huevo (CCH), brillo de la cáscara del huevo (BRH) y el tiempo de almacenamiento de estos (TA), se realizaron análisis de varianza asumiendo una distribución binomial de los datos. Se usaron 1.403 registros para M17 y 845 para M21 de 5 incubaciones de huevos recolectados de 120 codornices experimentales provenientes de la Sección-Laboratorio de Aves (UCV). Se ofreció agua y alimento ad libitum. Encontrándose promedios de 29,9% y 35,04% para M17 y M21, respectivamente. El mes de mayor (P<0,01) mortalidad fue abril (56,90% y 48,22%); mientras que la menor mortalidad ocurrió en mayo (20,95%) y junio (18,09%) para M17 y M21, respectivamente. Los huevos que presentaron mayor mortalidad (P<0,01) pesaron menos de 10 g. (41,94%), de cáscara brillante (38,71%) y almacenados por más de 8 días (40,48% y 60,35% para M17 y M21, respectivamente). En conclusión existe mayor sobrevivencia en aquellos huevos incubados en los meses lluviosos, con pesos superiores a 10 g, de cáscara mate y almacenados por menos de 8 días.
PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the spectrum of primary and secondary neoplasms involving the aorta and gre... more PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the spectrum of primary and secondary neoplasms involving the aorta and great vessels. 2. Illustrate and familiarize the reader with the imaging findings of these tumors. 3. Discuss the role of different diagnostic modalities in their evaluation. CONTENT ORGANIZATION Overview of Primary and Secondary Tumors of the Aorta, Pulmonary Artery and Vena Cava: Epidemiology Pathology Clinical presentation Review of imaging findings: Magnetic Resonance (MR) Computed Tomography (CT) Ultrasound Angiography Differential Diagnosis SUMMARY 1.Primary sarcomas of the great vessels are rare. However they are the most common primary tumor of these structures. 2. Metastatic tumors (renal, hepatic, adrenal, and pulmonary malignancies) are more common than primary sarcomas. 3. CTA and MRI are good imaging modalities for evaluating primary and secondary tumors of the aorta and great vessels. 4.Pulmonary artery sarcomas must be distinguished from chronic thromboembolic disease which h...
PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the most common genetic syndromes that present with associated congenital c... more PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the most common genetic syndromes that present with associated congenital cardiovascular anomalies. 2. Discuss the role of imaging in the initial evaluation and follow up of these patients. 3. Familiarize the radiologist with the most common management strategies and complications. CONTENT ORGANIZATION a. Down Syndrome b. Turner Syndrome c. Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion d. Williams-Beuren Syndrome e. Marfan Syndrome f. TGF-b Receptor Disorders (Loeys-Dietz, etc) g. Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia h. Holt-Oram Syndrome i. Noonan Syndrome j. Others SUMMARY The prevalence of patients with genetic syndromes who have a coexisting congenital cardiovascular abnormality has increased steadily over the last decades and will continue to do so allowing for improvements in their medical and surgical care. Imaging plays a key role in the initial diagnosis and long term care of these patients. The radiologist must be familiar with these genetic syndromes and the associat...
PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the classification of primary pericardial neoplasms. 2. Illustrate in a mul... more PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the classification of primary pericardial neoplasms. 2. Illustrate in a multi-modality fashion the imaging findings of primary pericardial neoplasms emphasizing on key imaging features that are helpful in establishing a diagnosis or narrowing the differential diagnoses. 3. Discuss the role of the radiologist in staging, aiding in surgical planning and recognizing potential associated complications. CONTENT ORGANIZATION I. Classification II. Imaging Findings a. Benign Primary Pericardial Neoplasms - Mesothelial cysts - Lipoma - Lipoblastoma - Teratoma - Myxoma b. Malignant Primary Pericardial Neoplasms - Sarcomas (fibrosarcoma, angiosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, spindle cell sarcoma, etc.) - Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) - Mesothelioma - Lymphoma III. Associated complications IV. Staging and surgical planning SUMMARY Upon reviewing this exhibit the viewer will become familiar with primary pericardial neoplasms and their key distinguishing features. These l...
Current Infectious Disease Reports, 2005
Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012
The complete and effective collection of data of malaria cases is essential to formulate operativ... more The complete and effective collection of data of malaria cases is essential to formulate operative plans, as well as to develop and apply policies for its prevention and control. However, in Colombia, not all of the identified cases are notified nor incorporated into the surveillance system. This underreport represents a serious problem for decision makers. To estimate the type and quantity of errors made during the completion of the malaria individual case reporting form and its digitization level, through the use and monitoring of the reporting form in ten municipalities of Nariño in 2009. A descriptive cross-sectional study with a non-probabilistic and convenience sample of diagnosis and treatment sites was carried out. Copies of the reporting forms from these sites and of the Public Health Surveillance System database were taken to compare them case-by-case. Proportions were calculated. In more than 60% of the 2,816 reporting forms of positive cases the information about municip...
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2003
ABSTRACT: Cryptosporidium parasites from a cross‐sectional study conducted in two national hospit... more ABSTRACT: Cryptosporidium parasites from a cross‐sectional study conducted in two national hospitals in Lima, Peru were genetically characterized to deteimine the diversity of Cryptosporidium spp. in HIV‐positive people. A total of 2,672 patients participated in this study and provided 13,937 specimens. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by microscopy in 354 (13.3%) of the patients. Analysis of 951 Cryptosporidium‐ positive specimens from 300 patients using a small subunit rRNA‐based PCR‐RFLP tool identified 6 genotypes; Cryptosporidium hominis was the species most frequently detected (67.5%), followed by C. meleagridis (12.6%) and C. parvum (11.3%). Cryptosporidium canis (4.0%), C. felis (3.3%), and Cryptosporidium pig genotype (0.5%) were also found. These findings indicate that C. hominis is the predominant species in Peruvian HIV‐positive persons, and that zoonotic Cryptosporidium spp. account for about 30% of cryptosporidiosis in these patients.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2003
ABSTRACT. A cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the genotype distribution of Enterocyt... more ABSTRACT. A cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the genotype distribution of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in HIV‐infected patients who visited two government hospitals in Lima, Peru from January 2000 through March 2003. Microsporidia were detected by microscopy in 105 (3.9%) of 2,672 patients. A total of 212 stool samples from 89 microsporidia‐positive patients were genotyped by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA gene. A 392‐bp fragment containing the complete ITS region was amplified and sequenced. Multiple alignments and phylogenetic analysis of these ITS sequences identified 11 distinct genotypes of E. bieneusi (Peru‐1 to Peru‐11), 6 of which were new genotypes not reported before. The remaining 5 genotypes had nucleotide sequences identical to those previously reported in humans, cats, pigs, and wild mammals. All the 11 E. bieneusi‐genotypes identified are genetically related, and members of the group have been previously found in...
Circulation: Heart Failure, 2020
7 ...la lengua es solo un marcador de identidad entre otros. Descendencia, historia, cultura, rel... more 7 ...la lengua es solo un marcador de identidad entre otros. Descendencia, historia, cultura, religión y lengua son tratados como "una agrupación de rasgos". Su función identificativa implica separabilidad, discontinuidad natural en el mundo real. Estas discontinuidades son las "naciones" o los "pueblos", esto es, grupos naturales cuya percepción popular los conceptualiza de un modo bastante similar a las especies dentro del reino animal (Blommaert, 2012: 249). Com es veurà més endavant, aquests marcadors apareixen en l'estudi que faig de la filosofia romàntica, però ara mateix cal fer notar que aquests trets també funcionen a nivell individual, ja que són especialment operatius quan són reconeguts per un altre. En aquest sentit, la paradoxa que he enunciat anteriorment es fonamenta en el fet que una bona part del catalanisme ha ignorat uns trets de Candel, i n'ha subratllat uns altres. § Altrament, al voltant d'Els altres catalans s'ha estès un consens que no afecta només al seu valor social, sinó al seu contingut. En efecte, una percepció d'unanimitat, subratllada per la celebració del cinquantenari de la seva publicació, ha convertit aquesta obra en la primera i la darrera paraula sobre la immigració a Catalunya, així com el document que ha garantit, d'una banda, la integració dels immigrants, i, d'altra, la pervivència dels trets característics de Catalunya. Així ho confirmen, per exemple, les intervencions de Jaume Sobrequés, de Jordi Pujol, i de Salvador Cardús en l'acte d'homenatge esmentat, on tots tres oradors, representants insignes de la historiografia, de la política, i de la sociologia van coincidir a presentar Candel com una baula necessària en el procés que havia de conduir els immigrants espanyols a la plena integració en la societat catalana. Ara bé: des d'un punt de vista crític, aquest consens, afavorit institucionalment, ha d'actuar com a detonant d'una anàlisi profunda. Així doncs, el propòsit d'aquest treball és qüestionar aquesta unanimitat que envolta la tasca i la figura de Candel, provant de renovar la interpretació de les tesis principals d'Els altres catalans, tenint en compte que aquest llibre neix arran d'un article de l'any 1958 publicat amb el títol "Los otros catalanes". Aquesta interpretació, a més, establirà una relació orgànica entre totes les obres de cicle, en un trajecte cronològic que comença, doncs, l'any 1958, i que acaba el 2001. Consegüentment, malgrat utilitzar la versió no censurada d'Els altres catalans, atès que el component cronològic ha de tenir una presència constant, en les citacions corresponents a aquesta obra faré constar l'any d'edició original [1964]. 8 Igualment, aquest treball ha de servir per copsar els principis que estructuren el pensament de Candel, cosa que posarà de relleu la seva filiació filosòfica, i quin és l'encaix biogràfic d'aquesta filiació. En aquest sentit, he de justificar argumentalment la posició de l'obra de Candel en un context de rivalitat entre un catalanisme que defensa la concessió de la nacionalitat segons la transmissió d'uns valors, d'una banda, i un catalanisme que reconeix l'adscripció segons el lloc de naixement, de l'altra: és a dir, la lluita entre un catalanisme genealògic i un catalanisme geogràfic. Gràcies a la manifestació d'aquest camp de batalla, serà més fàcil comprendre que l'aparició de la veu immigrada de Candel havia de suposar un posicionament explícit en favor dels defensors del catalanisme geogràfic, i, per tant, l'establiment d'un lligam personal amb els seus representants més conspicus. Finalment, aquest treball es proposa escatir si, al segle XXI, encara perviu aquest enfrontament en el si del catalanisme, i si la seva persistència pot significar, inevitablement, la constatació del fracàs del projecte d'integració de Candel. 9 II. Corpus La gènesi de l'obra de Candel ha estat explicada a bastament. Ell mateix hi fa referència a l'obra Encara més sobre els altres catalans, el tema del qual és explícitament "el meu llibre i el seu impacte" (Candel, 1973: 10). Segons Candel, atesa la seva predilecció per la creació literària, "mai no havia ni somiat en l'assaig" (Candel, 1973: 35). En aquest sentit, explica que el text neix arran d'un encàrrec aliè a les seves pretensions artístiques. Malgrat aquesta causalitat externa, la petició va ser rebuda satisfactòriament per l'autor: Així, doncs, vaig acceptar l'encàrrec de seguida (...) sobretot perquè immediatament vaig veure la possibilitat d'esplaiar-me parlant-com així ho vaig fer-d'unes persones que eren els meus germans de classe i condició, que eren la meva família, que eren jo mateix (Candel, 1973: 37). Cal reconèixer, però, que l'encàrrec estava plenament justificat. L'any 1957, Candel va aconseguir un gran èxit amb l'escandalosa publicació de la novel•la Donde la ciudad cambia su nombre. Un any després va participar en el número doble que la revista
Revista Lasallista de Investigación, 2020
Introducción: la extracción de los polifenoles ha tomado un interés debido a la relación que tien... more Introducción: la extracción de los polifenoles ha tomado un interés debido a la relación que tiene con la prevención del estrés oxidativo y efectos benéficos sobre la salud en la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles; estos están comúnmente en algunas frutas por lo que su extracción se ha convertido en una tendencia para obtener productos de alto valor agregado. El ultrasonido es una técnica que puede disminuir el tiempo de extracción de estos biocomponentes. Objetivo: evaluar las condiciones de la extracción asistida por ultrasonido de polifenoles con actividad antioxidantes en cáscara de pitahaya amarilla deshidratada. Materiales y métodos: Se deshidrataron las cáscaras y construyó cinéticas de secado a 60ºC, con el fin de disminuir las reacciones de deterioro. Para la extracción, una solución de etanol al 96% (V/V) fue usada como disolvente, en una relación cáscaradisolvente 1:1. El proceso fue realizado a 25 ºC en un sistema de ultrasonido indirecto con una frecuencia de 3...
Seminars in Roentgenology, 2020
Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, 2007
In Chile the reimbursement/patient/year for chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) is US$14,654 and for... more In Chile the reimbursement/patient/year for chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) is US$14,654 and for chronic hemodialysis (HD) US$10,909. However, no study comparing global (direct plus indirect) costs has been performed in our country. Our research objective was to compare global costs and quality of life between the two therapies. Patients ( n = 159) from five selected dialysis units in Chile [57 patients on PD (50 on automated PD) and 102 on standard HD (3 x 4 hours weekly)] were retrospectively studied. No patient had previously received the alternate therapy. Items analyzed were quality of life, customer satisfaction, direct and indirect costs, annual global costs, and cost/utility index. Mean age on HD was 54.14 ± 16.01 years and on PD 49.76 ± 18.88 years ( p > 0.05). No differences in the distribution of diabetic patients between the therapies were found. Hemodialysis and PD groups did not have differences in the quality of life index, although there was better customer satis...
Current Pulmonology Reports, 2019
Purpose of Review The purpose of this article is to review the imaging findings and current imagi... more Purpose of Review The purpose of this article is to review the imaging findings and current imaging techniques of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) and chronic thromboembolic disease. Special considerations are also discussed, including pregnancy, congenital heart disease, lower extremity computed tomography (CT), and the isolated subsegmental PE. Recent Findings CT pulmonary angiography and planar ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) lung scintigraphy are the primary means of evaluating pulmonary embolic disease. Magnetic resonance angiography avoids ionizing radiation and iodinated contrast in select patients. V/Q SPECT/CT provides greater accuracy and fewer non-diagnostic exams than planar V/Q scans. Dual-energy CT may prove valuable in the diagnosis of and preoperative planning for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Summary Imaging plays a central role in identifying thromboembolic disease, but understanding the benefits and limitations when choosing the appropriate modality is imperative. Further research is needed to elucidate the role of emerging technologies in the assessment of thromboembolic disease.
The British journal of radiology, Jan 31, 2018
Congenital pulmonary artery anomalies represent a diverse group of abnormalities, ranging from as... more Congenital pulmonary artery anomalies represent a diverse group of abnormalities, ranging from asymptomatic incidental findings to causes of sudden cardiac death. While some may be recognized in childhood, others may be found incidentally in adulthood. We review the clinical and imaging findings in patients with congenital anomalies of the pulmonary arteries, including valvular and perivavular anomalies as well as abnormal narrowing, course and communications of the pulmonary arteries. We also discuss the role of various imaging modalities in the evaluation of these patients. It is vital to be aware of the key radiologic manifestations and associated haemodynamic consequences in these conditions in order to facilitate accurate diagnosis and prognostic stratification.
The British Journal of Radiology, 2017
Hamartomas are tumours composed of mesenchymal tissues such as cartilage, fat, connective tissue ... more Hamartomas are tumours composed of mesenchymal tissues such as cartilage, fat, connective tissue and smooth muscle and can be found in virtually any organ system. These masses commonly develop sporadically, but are also seen in certain syndromes such as tuberous sclerosis or Carney triad. While their imaging appearance varies depending on the organ they arise from, findings are usually unique and a diagnosis can be confidently made. Radiologists must be aware of the clinical and imaging presentations of these lesions with the particular goal of avoiding unnecessary studies or invasive procedures. Furthermore, knowledge of common syndromic entities is crucial, as the radiologist may be the first to suggest the diagnosis. SYSTEM-BY-SYSTEM REVIEW Central nervous system hamartomas Hypothalamic hamartomas Hypothalamic hamartomas are developmental malformations consisting of tumour-like masses containing heterotopic neurons and glia, located in the tuber cinereum of the hypothalamus. These non-neoplastic masses predominantly affect patients who are male in the first or second decades of life and manifest clinically as central precocious puberty or episodes of gelastic seizures. 4
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, 2016
A 36-year-old woman with a medical history of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) p... more A 36-year-old woman with a medical history of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) presented to our Emergency Department with chest pain and left arm numbness. The patient's vital signs, physical exam, ECG, chest radiograph, and laboratory work-up (including serum troponin levels) were all normal. Further evaluation with gated cardiac CT angiography
Investigacion Y Desarrollo, Jul 1, 2012
RESUMENEl artículo expone los resultados de una investigación sobre los flujos migratorios intern... more RESUMENEl artículo expone los resultados de una investigación sobre los flujos migratorios internacionales que han estado llegando a Colombia desde el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad. La metodología investigativa se fundamenta en la recolección y el análisis de datos (bibliográficos, estadísticas, etc.) derivados de investigaciones anteriores; lo que permite confrontar la visión teórica del problema inmigratorio en Colombia con los datos de la realidad. Los resultados de este ejercicio de recogida y análisis de información son significativos en la medida que presentan el estado de las migraciones en Colombia entre los siglos XVI y XIX y desde la primera mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Por un lado, engloban a la inmigración británica, jamaiquina y africana en las islas de San Andrés y Providencia; junto con la inmigración árabe, judía, alemana, francesa, italiana y gitana (o del pueblo Rom) en Colombia continental. Por otro, aluden a las migraciones japonesas, suramericanas (ecuatorianos, argentinos, venezuelanos, peruanos, mexicanos, brasileros, etc.), junto con los crecientes asentamientos de inmigrantes norteamericanos (sobre todo estadunidenses), europeos y las nuevas oleadas de migraciones asiáticas y africanas en Colombia. Todo ello lleva a aprehender la envergadura del papel jugado por Colombia como un país de destino de las migraciones internacionales, lo que contrasta con la imagen más conocida de Colombia como un país expulsor de emigrantes. DIRECCION DE CORRESPONDENCIA: Ciudad Universitaria. Avenida Carrera 30, N0 45-03. Edificio 210, Oficina 301. Bogotá – Colombia. Tel. 3165000 ext. 16459 Correo electrónico: mwabgou@unal.edu.com; maguew1@gmail.com The article presents the results of a research on international migration flows that have been arriving in Colombia since the 16th the present time. The methodology of the research is based on data collection and the data analysis (bibliographical, statistical, etc.) deriving from previous research works. The results of this exercise of data collection and analysis are significant inasmuch as they present the state of international migration flows in Colombia between the 16th and 19th and from the first half of the 20th Century up to now. On the one hand, they include the British, Jamaican and African immigrations in the islands of San Andres and Providence; along with Arab, Jewish, German, French, Italian and Gypsy migrations in continental Colombia. On the other, they refer to the Japanese, South American (Ecuadorian, Argentine, Venezuelan, Peruvian, Mexican, Brazilian, etc.) migrations, along with the increasing establishments of North American (mainly from the United States of America, European immigrants and the new flows of Asian and African migrations in Colombia. All this leads to apprehend the importance of the role played by Colombia as a pole of attraction for international migration flows; a situation that contrasts with the most well-known image of Colombia like a traditional country of emigration
Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2016
Zootecnia Tropical
Para estudiar el efecto que sobre la mortalidad embrionaria hasta el día 17 (M17) y entre los día... more Para estudiar el efecto que sobre la mortalidad embrionaria hasta el día 17 (M17) y entre los días 18 y 21 (M21) tienen el mes de postura (MP), peso del huevo (PH), color de la cáscara del huevo (CCH), brillo de la cáscara del huevo (BRH) y el tiempo de almacenamiento de estos (TA), se realizaron análisis de varianza asumiendo una distribución binomial de los datos. Se usaron 1.403 registros para M17 y 845 para M21 de 5 incubaciones de huevos recolectados de 120 codornices experimentales provenientes de la Sección-Laboratorio de Aves (UCV). Se ofreció agua y alimento ad libitum. Encontrándose promedios de 29,9% y 35,04% para M17 y M21, respectivamente. El mes de mayor (P<0,01) mortalidad fue abril (56,90% y 48,22%); mientras que la menor mortalidad ocurrió en mayo (20,95%) y junio (18,09%) para M17 y M21, respectivamente. Los huevos que presentaron mayor mortalidad (P<0,01) pesaron menos de 10 g. (41,94%), de cáscara brillante (38,71%) y almacenados por más de 8 días (40,48% y 60,35% para M17 y M21, respectivamente). En conclusión existe mayor sobrevivencia en aquellos huevos incubados en los meses lluviosos, con pesos superiores a 10 g, de cáscara mate y almacenados por menos de 8 días.
PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the spectrum of primary and secondary neoplasms involving the aorta and gre... more PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the spectrum of primary and secondary neoplasms involving the aorta and great vessels. 2. Illustrate and familiarize the reader with the imaging findings of these tumors. 3. Discuss the role of different diagnostic modalities in their evaluation. CONTENT ORGANIZATION Overview of Primary and Secondary Tumors of the Aorta, Pulmonary Artery and Vena Cava: Epidemiology Pathology Clinical presentation Review of imaging findings: Magnetic Resonance (MR) Computed Tomography (CT) Ultrasound Angiography Differential Diagnosis SUMMARY 1.Primary sarcomas of the great vessels are rare. However they are the most common primary tumor of these structures. 2. Metastatic tumors (renal, hepatic, adrenal, and pulmonary malignancies) are more common than primary sarcomas. 3. CTA and MRI are good imaging modalities for evaluating primary and secondary tumors of the aorta and great vessels. 4.Pulmonary artery sarcomas must be distinguished from chronic thromboembolic disease which h...
PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the most common genetic syndromes that present with associated congenital c... more PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the most common genetic syndromes that present with associated congenital cardiovascular anomalies. 2. Discuss the role of imaging in the initial evaluation and follow up of these patients. 3. Familiarize the radiologist with the most common management strategies and complications. CONTENT ORGANIZATION a. Down Syndrome b. Turner Syndrome c. Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion d. Williams-Beuren Syndrome e. Marfan Syndrome f. TGF-b Receptor Disorders (Loeys-Dietz, etc) g. Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia h. Holt-Oram Syndrome i. Noonan Syndrome j. Others SUMMARY The prevalence of patients with genetic syndromes who have a coexisting congenital cardiovascular abnormality has increased steadily over the last decades and will continue to do so allowing for improvements in their medical and surgical care. Imaging plays a key role in the initial diagnosis and long term care of these patients. The radiologist must be familiar with these genetic syndromes and the associat...
PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the classification of primary pericardial neoplasms. 2. Illustrate in a mul... more PURPOSE/AIM 1. Review the classification of primary pericardial neoplasms. 2. Illustrate in a multi-modality fashion the imaging findings of primary pericardial neoplasms emphasizing on key imaging features that are helpful in establishing a diagnosis or narrowing the differential diagnoses. 3. Discuss the role of the radiologist in staging, aiding in surgical planning and recognizing potential associated complications. CONTENT ORGANIZATION I. Classification II. Imaging Findings a. Benign Primary Pericardial Neoplasms - Mesothelial cysts - Lipoma - Lipoblastoma - Teratoma - Myxoma b. Malignant Primary Pericardial Neoplasms - Sarcomas (fibrosarcoma, angiosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, spindle cell sarcoma, etc.) - Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) - Mesothelioma - Lymphoma III. Associated complications IV. Staging and surgical planning SUMMARY Upon reviewing this exhibit the viewer will become familiar with primary pericardial neoplasms and their key distinguishing features. These l...
Current Infectious Disease Reports, 2005
Biomédica : revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2012
The complete and effective collection of data of malaria cases is essential to formulate operativ... more The complete and effective collection of data of malaria cases is essential to formulate operative plans, as well as to develop and apply policies for its prevention and control. However, in Colombia, not all of the identified cases are notified nor incorporated into the surveillance system. This underreport represents a serious problem for decision makers. To estimate the type and quantity of errors made during the completion of the malaria individual case reporting form and its digitization level, through the use and monitoring of the reporting form in ten municipalities of Nariño in 2009. A descriptive cross-sectional study with a non-probabilistic and convenience sample of diagnosis and treatment sites was carried out. Copies of the reporting forms from these sites and of the Public Health Surveillance System database were taken to compare them case-by-case. Proportions were calculated. In more than 60% of the 2,816 reporting forms of positive cases the information about municip...
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2003
ABSTRACT: Cryptosporidium parasites from a cross‐sectional study conducted in two national hospit... more ABSTRACT: Cryptosporidium parasites from a cross‐sectional study conducted in two national hospitals in Lima, Peru were genetically characterized to deteimine the diversity of Cryptosporidium spp. in HIV‐positive people. A total of 2,672 patients participated in this study and provided 13,937 specimens. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by microscopy in 354 (13.3%) of the patients. Analysis of 951 Cryptosporidium‐ positive specimens from 300 patients using a small subunit rRNA‐based PCR‐RFLP tool identified 6 genotypes; Cryptosporidium hominis was the species most frequently detected (67.5%), followed by C. meleagridis (12.6%) and C. parvum (11.3%). Cryptosporidium canis (4.0%), C. felis (3.3%), and Cryptosporidium pig genotype (0.5%) were also found. These findings indicate that C. hominis is the predominant species in Peruvian HIV‐positive persons, and that zoonotic Cryptosporidium spp. account for about 30% of cryptosporidiosis in these patients.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2003
ABSTRACT. A cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the genotype distribution of Enterocyt... more ABSTRACT. A cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the genotype distribution of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in HIV‐infected patients who visited two government hospitals in Lima, Peru from January 2000 through March 2003. Microsporidia were detected by microscopy in 105 (3.9%) of 2,672 patients. A total of 212 stool samples from 89 microsporidia‐positive patients were genotyped by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA gene. A 392‐bp fragment containing the complete ITS region was amplified and sequenced. Multiple alignments and phylogenetic analysis of these ITS sequences identified 11 distinct genotypes of E. bieneusi (Peru‐1 to Peru‐11), 6 of which were new genotypes not reported before. The remaining 5 genotypes had nucleotide sequences identical to those previously reported in humans, cats, pigs, and wild mammals. All the 11 E. bieneusi‐genotypes identified are genetically related, and members of the group have been previously found in...