Daniela Rodrigues - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Daniela Rodrigues
Neotropical Entomology, 2005
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) a... more Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) are distributed in southern Brazil and belong to the poorly studied tribe Anisoscelini. Preliminary observations indicate an ample coexistence of these species in terms of host-plant use. There is also a strong similarity regarding egg and nymph morphology. We characterized and compared their ontogenetic trajectories by means of growth curves and multivariate ontogenetic allometry, since the only apparent difference between these species is a remarkable growth in the hind tibia of A. foliacea marginella. Because their hind tibia is similar in the early instars, the shape variation of this structure was quantified by the thin plate splines function with the relaxed algorithm for semilandmarks. H. clavigera was significantly larger than A. foliacea marginella in all stages. Their ontogenetic trajectories were significantly different, and the allometric vectors did not present a significant correlation. Hind tibia shape was not statistically different in the first instar, but was different in the second instar. In the third instar, this difference became visually apparent. Thus, although these bugs are almost morphologically identical in the immature stages, their growth patterns and general size are different. We found size to be a useful parameter for species differentiation at these stages.
Annals of The Entomological Society of America, 2007
... Daniela Rodrigues 1 , 2 , Diana S. Sampaio 3 , Rosy MDO S S. Isaias 4 , and Gilson RP Moreira... more ... Daniela Rodrigues 1 , 2 , Diana S. Sampaio 3 , Rosy MDO S S. Isaias 4 , and Gilson RP Moreira 1 , 5. ... The long stylets of the Aradidae once were considered an adaptation for feeding on fungi under tree bark (Weber 1930, Schuh and Slater 1995). ...
Oecologia, 2010
The underlying mechanisms mediating the use of multiple host plants were investigated in Parrhasi... more The underlying mechanisms mediating the use of multiple host plants were investigated in Parrhasius polibetes (Lycaenidae), a florivorous and facultative myrmecophilous butterfly. Plant traits such as presence of ant–treehopper associations as a source of enemy-free space, flower bud dimensions, toughness, thickness, trichomes, and the corresponding performance and wear of P. polibetes mandibles were examined for three natural hosts: Schefflera vinosa (Araliaceae), Pyrostegia venusta (Bignoniaceae) and Luehea grandiflora (Malvaceae). Parasitism levels of larvae found on the three hosts were also determined. Almost all Luehea had ant–treehopper associations, and all larvae found on this host were non-parasitized. Parasitism was low in larvae found on Schefflera, half of which hosted ant–treehopper associations. No ant–treehopper association was found on Pyrostegia, where parasitism was significantly higher compared to other hosts. In the laboratory, P. polibetes performed well on Schefflera, followed by Pyrostegia. No larvae survived when fed with Luehea. Flower buds of Luehea were thicker and tougher than those of Schefflera and Pyrostegia. Indeed, mandibles of larvae reared on Luehea showed substantial wear, whereas those reared either on Schefflera or Pyrostegia presented no significant damage. Additionally, we suggest that co-occurrence with ant–treehopper associations on a plant provides parasitoid-free space for P. polibetes larvae. Our results support the hypothesis that ecological trade-offs among host plants (i.e., food quality and enemy-free space) promote polyphagy in natural populations of P. polibetes. Host morphological traits seem to play a relevant role in P. polibetes performance. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the costs of polyphagy in a myrmecophilous butterfly.
Australian Journal of Ecology, 2004
Adult body size, a key life history component, varies strongly within and between Heliconius erat... more Adult body size, a key life history component, varies strongly within and between Heliconius erato phyllis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) populations. In the present study, we determined whether seasonal variation in adult body size is temperature related and/or determined by seasonal changes of host plants (Passifloraceae) used by the larval stage. A population of H. erato phyllis located in a Eucalyptus plantation (Barba Negra Forest, Barra do Ribeiro County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil) was sampled every 45 days from March 1997 to October 1998 to quantify seasonal variation in adult body size and use of larval host plants. In the laboratory, the effects of the following factors on adult body size were quantified: (i) host plant species ( Passiflora misera or Passiflora suberosa ); (ii) food quantity consumed by larvae (experimentally manipulated for each passion vine species); (iii) winter and summer temperatures (15 and 25 Њ C, respectively); and (iv) the interaction between host plant species and temperature. Adults emerging during summer were larger than those emerging in other seasons. Female butterflies oviposited selectively on P. misera even when the dominant passion vine was P. suberosa . They only switched from using P. misera to P. suberosa during later autumn and winter, when P. misera vines were completely defoliated. The laboratory feeding trials with both passion vines showed a strong positive association between food quantity consumed by larvae and adult size. They also confirmed that adults are larger when their larvae are reared on P. misera than on P. suberosa . Temperature during larval development had no effect on H. erato phyllis adult size. Thus, seasonal variation of H. erato phyllis adult size in a given place is primarily determined by the availability and quality of host plant species used by the larval stage.
Physiological Entomology, 2011
Trophobiont butterfly larvae offer caloric rewards to ants through specialised glands and, in ret... more Trophobiont butterfly larvae offer caloric rewards to ants through specialised glands and, in return, gain ant-derived protection from natural enemies. Thus, from the larva's perspective, the major cost of myrmecophily comprises the reward production. Larvae of the butterfly Parrhasius polibetes (Stoll) (Lycaenidae) are facultatively tended by several ant species, which might differ in the intensity of tending behaviour. The performance costs (development time, survival, pupal mass and adult dry mass) of P. polibetes are examined when tended by two ant species differing in size and foraging strategies (Camponotus melanoticus Emery and Camponotus crassus Mayr), along with the corresponding intensity of tending behaviour towards late instars. Untended larvae serve as controls. Larvae tended by C. melanoticus take longer to pupate compared with both C. crassus and control larvae. By contrast, pupae whose larvae are tended by C. crassus are lighter than control larvae but do not differ from those tended by C. melanoticus. No differences are found in the adult stage, indicating compensation in all cases. Both at short-and long-term scales, C. melanoticus tends larvae of P. polibetes more intensely than C. crassus. The increase in tending activity of C. melanoticus presumably delays the development time of larvae tended by this ant species. The results of the present study show that tending intensity varies depending on the ant species, and that P. polibetes has compensatory mechanisms to minimise myrmecophily costs, regardless of tending intensity. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence that intensity of ant-tending behaviour is species-specific and affects performance in a trophobiont insect.
Naturwissenschaften, 2013
Interspecific competition in herbivorous insects remains a controversial issue. To date, many stu... more Interspecific competition in herbivorous insects remains a controversial issue. To date, many studied systems have not met assumptions of the traditional competition theory, and a new paradigm has been emerging. We examined the behavioral and life-history consequences of common host plant use of Heliconius erato and Dryas iulia (Nymphalidae) in relation to Passiflora suberosa (Passifloraceae). Larvae of the former use the apical portion of this host; the latter is presumably able to explore all plant parts. We assessed host use pattern in relation to leaf age, when reared either alone (D. iulia) or together (D. iulia and H. erato ). Larval feeding choice tests with respect to leaf age were performed, and performance was recorded. Observations were made to assess antagonistic behavior of H. erato and D. iulia towards each other, if any. Similarly to H. erato, D. iulia fed on the young leaves significantly more than the mature ones; larvae were not induced to prefer mature leaves. First instars of H. erato used only the apical parts of P. suberosa and displayed aggressive behavior towards D. iulia, which moved to the lower shoot portions. Larval mortality and development time of both species significantly increased when reared together; such performance costs were more pronounced in D. iulia than H. erato.
Journal of Natural History, 2012
Natural history and immature stage morphology of the facultative myrmecophilous butterfly Parrhas... more Natural history and immature stage morphology of the facultative myrmecophilous butterfly Parrhasius polibetes (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) are described and illustrated through both light and scanning electron microscopy. Larvae underwent four instars. At the third instar, the dorsal nectar organ became present and functional, and larvae were facultatively tended by several ant species, those also tending plants bearing extrafloral nectaries and honeydew-producing hemipterans. Larvae were florivorous and polyphagous at the species level, using at least 44 species of plants in 19 families. Most host plants (∼ 89%) had some type of ant-attractive features, such as extrafloral nectaries or ant-tended treehoppers. The host range of this butterfly species allows the use of floral resources throughout the year. Food sources that promote ant visitation, flower bud morphology and phenology appear to be related to the evolution and maintenance of polyphagy in this butterfly species.
Journal of Insect Behavior, 2011
The mechanisms mediating the use of flowers in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis (Nymphalida... more The mechanisms mediating the use of flowers in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis (Nymphalidae) are poorly understood. Availability of nectar and pollen, nectar concentration, and abundance of Stachytarpheta cayennensis and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), two flower species commonly used by H. erato phyllis in the Neotropics, as well as flower use by this butterfly species in the field were examined in southern Brazil. Under insectary conditions, the preference of H. erato phyllis for different sucrose concentrations (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80%) and the ability to associate sucrose concentrations with preferred and non-preferred flower colors were evaluated through choice tests. Lantana camara inflorescences were less abundant, but contained larger amounts of pollen and nectar than S. cayennensis, and H. erato phyllis utilized the flowers of the former species with higher frequency compared to the latter. In the choice tests, butterflies fed more intensely on 20 and 40% sucrose solutions, an interval in which the nectars of L. camara and S. cayennensis are situated, and were able to associate preferred sucrose concentrations with flower color efficiently within the color spectrum of L. camara flowers (i.e., preferred colors), but not within that of S. cayennensis (non-preferred colors). Thus, the greater use of L. camara flowers by H. erato phyllis is related to the plant’s superior floral rewards and not flower abundance, and to the cognitive abilities of these butterflies to adjust their feeding to the availability of pollen and nectar. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing sucrose preferences in a butterfly species.
Ethology, 2010
Learning ability allows insects to respond to a variable environment, and to adjust their behavio... more Learning ability allows insects to respond to a variable environment, and to adjust their behaviors in response to positive or negative experiences. Pollinating insects readily learn to associate floral characteristics, such as color, shape, or pattern, with appetitive stimuli, such as the presence of a nectar reward. However, in nature pollinators may also encounter flowers that contain distasteful or toxic nectar, or offer highly variable nectar volumes, providing opportunities for aversive learning or risk-averse foraging behavior. Whereas some bees learn to avoid flowers with unpalatable or unreliable nectar rewards, little is known about how Lepidoptera respond to such stimuli. We used a reversal learning paradigm to establish that monarch butterflies learn to discriminate against colored artificial flowers that contain salt solution, decreasing both number of probes and probing time on flowers of a preferred color and altogether avoiding artificial flowers of a non-preferred color. In addition, when we offered butterflies artificial flowers of two different colors, both of which contained the same mean nectar volume but which differed in variance, the monarchs exhibited risk-averse foraging: they probed the constant flowers significantly more than the variable ones, regardless of flower color or butterfly sex. Our results add to our understanding of butterfly foraging behavior, as they demonstrate that monarchs can respond to aversive as well as appetitive stimuli, and can also adjust their foraging behavior to avoid floral resources with high variance rewards.
Ecological Entomology, 2000
2. The present study tested the hypothesis that sabotaging behaviour changes during the ontogeny ... more 2. The present study tested the hypothesis that sabotaging behaviour changes during the ontogeny of D. erippus and recorded latex outflow of A. curassavica during sabotaging and feeding. Larvae displayed vein-cutting behaviour, which was initially observed in the second instar, ...
Brazilian Journal of Biology, Feb 1, 2007
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae: A... more Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae: Anisoscelini) are distributed in southern Brazil and use various passion vine species (Passifloraceae) as host-plants. Preliminary observations indicate a high coexistence of these species in terms of host-plant use; in addition, there is a strong similarity regarding egg and nymph morphology. In this study, the most suitable feeding sites for nymph performance on wild (Passiflora suberosa Linnaeus and Passiflora misera Humbold, Bonpland et Kunth) and cultivated (Passiflora edulis Sims) hosts were determined by rearing them on each host and on the combination of hosts. Performance was determined by evaluating nymph development and survivorship, and adult size at emergence. Plant parts used were also recorded. For both species, P. suberosa was the most suitable host plant. First instar nymphs of both species fed on terminal buds more frequently when compared to other plant parts. Second instar nymphs switched to green fruits, whose behavior was more pronounced for H. clavigera. Thus, H. clavigera and A. foliacea marginella immatures are extremely similar in terms of host-plant use and consequences for performance, in addition to their morphological similarity. We suggest that these coreids may have evolved through several processes, including parsimony between the immature stages after speciation, evolutionary convergence, mimicry or genetic drift.
Neotropical Entomology, 2005
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) a... more Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) are distributed in southern Brazil and belong to the poorly studied tribe Anisoscelini. Preliminary observations indicate an ample coexistence of these species in terms of host-plant use. There is also a strong similarity regarding egg and nymph morphology. We characterized and compared their ontogenetic trajectories by means of growth curves and multivariate ontogenetic allometry, since the only apparent difference between these species is a remarkable growth in the hind tibia of A. foliacea marginella. Because their hind tibia is similar in the early instars, the shape variation of this structure was quantified by the thin plate splines function with the relaxed algorithm for semilandmarks. H. clavigera was significantly larger than A. foliacea marginella in all stages. Their ontogenetic trajectories were significantly different, and the allometric vectors did not present a significant correlation. Hind tibia shape was not statistically different in the first instar, but was different in the second instar. In the third instar, this difference became visually apparent. Thus, although these bugs are almost morphologically identical in the immature stages, their growth patterns and general size are different. We found size to be a useful parameter for species differentiation at these stages.
Annals of The Entomological Society of America, 2007
... Daniela Rodrigues 1 , 2 , Diana S. Sampaio 3 , Rosy MDO S S. Isaias 4 , and Gilson RP Moreira... more ... Daniela Rodrigues 1 , 2 , Diana S. Sampaio 3 , Rosy MDO S S. Isaias 4 , and Gilson RP Moreira 1 , 5. ... The long stylets of the Aradidae once were considered an adaptation for feeding on fungi under tree bark (Weber 1930, Schuh and Slater 1995). ...
Oecologia, 2010
The underlying mechanisms mediating the use of multiple host plants were investigated in Parrhasi... more The underlying mechanisms mediating the use of multiple host plants were investigated in Parrhasius polibetes (Lycaenidae), a florivorous and facultative myrmecophilous butterfly. Plant traits such as presence of ant–treehopper associations as a source of enemy-free space, flower bud dimensions, toughness, thickness, trichomes, and the corresponding performance and wear of P. polibetes mandibles were examined for three natural hosts: Schefflera vinosa (Araliaceae), Pyrostegia venusta (Bignoniaceae) and Luehea grandiflora (Malvaceae). Parasitism levels of larvae found on the three hosts were also determined. Almost all Luehea had ant–treehopper associations, and all larvae found on this host were non-parasitized. Parasitism was low in larvae found on Schefflera, half of which hosted ant–treehopper associations. No ant–treehopper association was found on Pyrostegia, where parasitism was significantly higher compared to other hosts. In the laboratory, P. polibetes performed well on Schefflera, followed by Pyrostegia. No larvae survived when fed with Luehea. Flower buds of Luehea were thicker and tougher than those of Schefflera and Pyrostegia. Indeed, mandibles of larvae reared on Luehea showed substantial wear, whereas those reared either on Schefflera or Pyrostegia presented no significant damage. Additionally, we suggest that co-occurrence with ant–treehopper associations on a plant provides parasitoid-free space for P. polibetes larvae. Our results support the hypothesis that ecological trade-offs among host plants (i.e., food quality and enemy-free space) promote polyphagy in natural populations of P. polibetes. Host morphological traits seem to play a relevant role in P. polibetes performance. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the costs of polyphagy in a myrmecophilous butterfly.
Australian Journal of Ecology, 2004
Adult body size, a key life history component, varies strongly within and between Heliconius erat... more Adult body size, a key life history component, varies strongly within and between Heliconius erato phyllis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) populations. In the present study, we determined whether seasonal variation in adult body size is temperature related and/or determined by seasonal changes of host plants (Passifloraceae) used by the larval stage. A population of H. erato phyllis located in a Eucalyptus plantation (Barba Negra Forest, Barra do Ribeiro County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil) was sampled every 45 days from March 1997 to October 1998 to quantify seasonal variation in adult body size and use of larval host plants. In the laboratory, the effects of the following factors on adult body size were quantified: (i) host plant species ( Passiflora misera or Passiflora suberosa ); (ii) food quantity consumed by larvae (experimentally manipulated for each passion vine species); (iii) winter and summer temperatures (15 and 25 Њ C, respectively); and (iv) the interaction between host plant species and temperature. Adults emerging during summer were larger than those emerging in other seasons. Female butterflies oviposited selectively on P. misera even when the dominant passion vine was P. suberosa . They only switched from using P. misera to P. suberosa during later autumn and winter, when P. misera vines were completely defoliated. The laboratory feeding trials with both passion vines showed a strong positive association between food quantity consumed by larvae and adult size. They also confirmed that adults are larger when their larvae are reared on P. misera than on P. suberosa . Temperature during larval development had no effect on H. erato phyllis adult size. Thus, seasonal variation of H. erato phyllis adult size in a given place is primarily determined by the availability and quality of host plant species used by the larval stage.
Physiological Entomology, 2011
Trophobiont butterfly larvae offer caloric rewards to ants through specialised glands and, in ret... more Trophobiont butterfly larvae offer caloric rewards to ants through specialised glands and, in return, gain ant-derived protection from natural enemies. Thus, from the larva's perspective, the major cost of myrmecophily comprises the reward production. Larvae of the butterfly Parrhasius polibetes (Stoll) (Lycaenidae) are facultatively tended by several ant species, which might differ in the intensity of tending behaviour. The performance costs (development time, survival, pupal mass and adult dry mass) of P. polibetes are examined when tended by two ant species differing in size and foraging strategies (Camponotus melanoticus Emery and Camponotus crassus Mayr), along with the corresponding intensity of tending behaviour towards late instars. Untended larvae serve as controls. Larvae tended by C. melanoticus take longer to pupate compared with both C. crassus and control larvae. By contrast, pupae whose larvae are tended by C. crassus are lighter than control larvae but do not differ from those tended by C. melanoticus. No differences are found in the adult stage, indicating compensation in all cases. Both at short-and long-term scales, C. melanoticus tends larvae of P. polibetes more intensely than C. crassus. The increase in tending activity of C. melanoticus presumably delays the development time of larvae tended by this ant species. The results of the present study show that tending intensity varies depending on the ant species, and that P. polibetes has compensatory mechanisms to minimise myrmecophily costs, regardless of tending intensity. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence that intensity of ant-tending behaviour is species-specific and affects performance in a trophobiont insect.
Naturwissenschaften, 2013
Interspecific competition in herbivorous insects remains a controversial issue. To date, many stu... more Interspecific competition in herbivorous insects remains a controversial issue. To date, many studied systems have not met assumptions of the traditional competition theory, and a new paradigm has been emerging. We examined the behavioral and life-history consequences of common host plant use of Heliconius erato and Dryas iulia (Nymphalidae) in relation to Passiflora suberosa (Passifloraceae). Larvae of the former use the apical portion of this host; the latter is presumably able to explore all plant parts. We assessed host use pattern in relation to leaf age, when reared either alone (D. iulia) or together (D. iulia and H. erato ). Larval feeding choice tests with respect to leaf age were performed, and performance was recorded. Observations were made to assess antagonistic behavior of H. erato and D. iulia towards each other, if any. Similarly to H. erato, D. iulia fed on the young leaves significantly more than the mature ones; larvae were not induced to prefer mature leaves. First instars of H. erato used only the apical parts of P. suberosa and displayed aggressive behavior towards D. iulia, which moved to the lower shoot portions. Larval mortality and development time of both species significantly increased when reared together; such performance costs were more pronounced in D. iulia than H. erato.
Journal of Natural History, 2012
Natural history and immature stage morphology of the facultative myrmecophilous butterfly Parrhas... more Natural history and immature stage morphology of the facultative myrmecophilous butterfly Parrhasius polibetes (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) are described and illustrated through both light and scanning electron microscopy. Larvae underwent four instars. At the third instar, the dorsal nectar organ became present and functional, and larvae were facultatively tended by several ant species, those also tending plants bearing extrafloral nectaries and honeydew-producing hemipterans. Larvae were florivorous and polyphagous at the species level, using at least 44 species of plants in 19 families. Most host plants (∼ 89%) had some type of ant-attractive features, such as extrafloral nectaries or ant-tended treehoppers. The host range of this butterfly species allows the use of floral resources throughout the year. Food sources that promote ant visitation, flower bud morphology and phenology appear to be related to the evolution and maintenance of polyphagy in this butterfly species.
Journal of Insect Behavior, 2011
The mechanisms mediating the use of flowers in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis (Nymphalida... more The mechanisms mediating the use of flowers in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis (Nymphalidae) are poorly understood. Availability of nectar and pollen, nectar concentration, and abundance of Stachytarpheta cayennensis and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), two flower species commonly used by H. erato phyllis in the Neotropics, as well as flower use by this butterfly species in the field were examined in southern Brazil. Under insectary conditions, the preference of H. erato phyllis for different sucrose concentrations (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80%) and the ability to associate sucrose concentrations with preferred and non-preferred flower colors were evaluated through choice tests. Lantana camara inflorescences were less abundant, but contained larger amounts of pollen and nectar than S. cayennensis, and H. erato phyllis utilized the flowers of the former species with higher frequency compared to the latter. In the choice tests, butterflies fed more intensely on 20 and 40% sucrose solutions, an interval in which the nectars of L. camara and S. cayennensis are situated, and were able to associate preferred sucrose concentrations with flower color efficiently within the color spectrum of L. camara flowers (i.e., preferred colors), but not within that of S. cayennensis (non-preferred colors). Thus, the greater use of L. camara flowers by H. erato phyllis is related to the plant’s superior floral rewards and not flower abundance, and to the cognitive abilities of these butterflies to adjust their feeding to the availability of pollen and nectar. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing sucrose preferences in a butterfly species.
Ethology, 2010
Learning ability allows insects to respond to a variable environment, and to adjust their behavio... more Learning ability allows insects to respond to a variable environment, and to adjust their behaviors in response to positive or negative experiences. Pollinating insects readily learn to associate floral characteristics, such as color, shape, or pattern, with appetitive stimuli, such as the presence of a nectar reward. However, in nature pollinators may also encounter flowers that contain distasteful or toxic nectar, or offer highly variable nectar volumes, providing opportunities for aversive learning or risk-averse foraging behavior. Whereas some bees learn to avoid flowers with unpalatable or unreliable nectar rewards, little is known about how Lepidoptera respond to such stimuli. We used a reversal learning paradigm to establish that monarch butterflies learn to discriminate against colored artificial flowers that contain salt solution, decreasing both number of probes and probing time on flowers of a preferred color and altogether avoiding artificial flowers of a non-preferred color. In addition, when we offered butterflies artificial flowers of two different colors, both of which contained the same mean nectar volume but which differed in variance, the monarchs exhibited risk-averse foraging: they probed the constant flowers significantly more than the variable ones, regardless of flower color or butterfly sex. Our results add to our understanding of butterfly foraging behavior, as they demonstrate that monarchs can respond to aversive as well as appetitive stimuli, and can also adjust their foraging behavior to avoid floral resources with high variance rewards.
Ecological Entomology, 2000
2. The present study tested the hypothesis that sabotaging behaviour changes during the ontogeny ... more 2. The present study tested the hypothesis that sabotaging behaviour changes during the ontogeny of D. erippus and recorded latex outflow of A. curassavica during sabotaging and feeding. Larvae displayed vein-cutting behaviour, which was initially observed in the second instar, ...
Brazilian Journal of Biology, Feb 1, 2007
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae: A... more Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae: Anisoscelini) are distributed in southern Brazil and use various passion vine species (Passifloraceae) as host-plants. Preliminary observations indicate a high coexistence of these species in terms of host-plant use; in addition, there is a strong similarity regarding egg and nymph morphology. In this study, the most suitable feeding sites for nymph performance on wild (Passiflora suberosa Linnaeus and Passiflora misera Humbold, Bonpland et Kunth) and cultivated (Passiflora edulis Sims) hosts were determined by rearing them on each host and on the combination of hosts. Performance was determined by evaluating nymph development and survivorship, and adult size at emergence. Plant parts used were also recorded. For both species, P. suberosa was the most suitable host plant. First instar nymphs of both species fed on terminal buds more frequently when compared to other plant parts. Second instar nymphs switched to green fruits, whose behavior was more pronounced for H. clavigera. Thus, H. clavigera and A. foliacea marginella immatures are extremely similar in terms of host-plant use and consequences for performance, in addition to their morphological similarity. We suggest that these coreids may have evolved through several processes, including parsimony between the immature stages after speciation, evolutionary convergence, mimicry or genetic drift.