Guzel Danukalova - (original) (raw)
Papers by Guzel Danukalova
Table 1. Preservation, concentration and taxonomic composition of the studied samples.
Fig. 11. Distribution of the mollusc 32 species in core O–VC15 and possible reconstruction of the... more Fig. 11. Distribution of the mollusc 32 species in core O–VC15 and possible reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment during sediment deposition.
A five meters long core sample, retrieved in 2007 from the Havre de Lessay (France) (Latitude: 49... more A five meters long core sample, retrieved in 2007 from the Havre de Lessay (France) (Latitude: 49°20993, Longitude: -1°788815) and located between Jersey and the Cotentin Peninsula (France) has been studied using different techniques (image processing, granulometry, petrography, malacology, palynology and tentative dating). Between the lower part and the top, the core is a yellowish loess, a black mud and a grey shelly formation. The basal formation, which displays a typical loess granulometry, is the only loess found anywhere in situ on the seabed worldwide. Elsewhere, this fragile sediment has been always washed out by the successive Quaternary transgressions. The overlying mud formation, which displays all the characteristics of a mudflow, sealed up the loess deposit. Because this core has been sampled on the rim of a submarine valley located in front of a major onshore geological disruption (the Saint-Germain-sur-Ay transcurrent shearing), clearly associated with an active seism...
Geoarchaeology, 2021
Cliff‐related talus accumulations are often highly affected by post‐depositional processes, and t... more Cliff‐related talus accumulations are often highly affected by post‐depositional processes, and the sedimentological characteristics are poorly documented, especially in arid settings. In the southern margin of the Fergana Valley, Kyrgyzstan, the Obishir‐I is an archaeological site of the Epipaleolithic Obishirian industry, located within a talus cone. Archaeological excavations have allowed us to study the internal structure, chronology, and depositional history of the cone as well as the relationship between the slope processes and the archaeological assemblage. We applied a multiproxy approach, including sedimentological studies supported by the basic geochemistry of sediments, luminescence dating, paleoecology of fossil mollusks, and archaeological analyses. The Obishir‐I rockfall talus accumulated from the Last Glacial Maximum to the early part of the Middle Holocene. The talus onlaps the bedrock at the foot of a limestone cliff, and its chronology is coherent, spanning from ca. 19–8 ka B.P. The material is an unconsolidated, poorly sorted mixture of angular rock fragments accumulated by rockfall and fine‐grained materials accumulated by aeolian processes, illuviation, and in situ weathering. The sequence bears an archaeological collection attributed to two settlement phases: unidentified Upper Paleolithic and the Obishirian. Both assemblages are affected by post‐depositional relocation within the slope.
Quaternary International, 2020
Palaeontologia Electronica, 2020
Clays and sands of the Morskaya 2 site in the northeastern Azov Sea region contain an assemblage ... more Clays and sands of the Morskaya 2 site in the northeastern Azov Sea region contain an assemblage of freshwater and marine molluscs. The site known since the early twentieth century as "Paludina beds" has been alternatively attributed to either Late Pliocene or Late Miocene. Our study shows that the site yielded two assemblages with one composed of Middle Sarmatian (Bessarabian) marine species (M1) and the other containing freshwater and terrestrial molluscs of late Maeotian age (about 7-6 Ma) (M2) with redeposited Bessarabian marine forms. The former assemblage was dated by the vertebrate fauna to the late Turolian and MN13 unit of the West European mammalian biostratigraphical scheme. This level correlates to the Messinian of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. Ecological preferences in humidity, vegetation, etc. of the terrestrial and freshwater molluscs indicate the presence of a freshwater body rich in aquatic vegetation with a periodical current and a probable connection with a brackish water body located near the Palaeo-Don river delta. Deciduous forests, bushes, and meadows grew on the banks of this basin. The presented revision of molluscs from Morskaya 2 elucidates the composition and correlations of the late Miocene nonmarine fauna in the southeast Europe and includes a description of molluscan assemblages, a discussion of systematic position of the studied molluscs, and a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the freshwater basin and its surroundings.
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Реферат. В статье приведена малакологическая характеристика сартанского горизонта верхнего неопле... more Реферат. В статье приведена малакологическая характеристика сартанского горизонта верхнего неоплейстоцена разреза Бохан (Прибайкалье). Возраст моллюсков установлен по стратиграфическому положению в разрезе под голоценовой почвой и радиоуглеродным датам. Делювиальные осадки сартанского горизонта мощностью 2.5 м описаны в интервале глубин 0.5-3 м. Сартанское время было холодным периодом. Ключевые слова: Прибайкалье, верхний неоплейстоцен, сартанский горизонт, моллюски
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Реферат. В статье приведена палеонтологическая характеристика отложений плейстоцена скважины 3Э (... more Реферат. В статье приведена палеонтологическая характеристика отложений плейстоцена скважины 3Э (Нижнее Поволжье). Изменения малакологических и палинологических комплексов позволили выделить и охарактеризовать отложения эо-и неоплейстоцена. Ключевые слова: плейстоцен, Нижнее Поволжье, моллюски, насекомые, палинология
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2020
© 2020 г. Г. А. Данукалова, Е. М. Осипова Реферат. В Республике Башкортостан в стадии становления... more © 2020 г. Г. А. Данукалова, Е. М. Осипова Реферат. В Республике Башкортостан в стадии становления находится геопарк «Торатау», который расположится на территории Гафурийского, Ишимбайского и Стерлитамакского районов. Бóльшая часть площади геопарка будет приурочена к Предуральскому прогибу и частично к западному склону Южного Урала (топографический лист N-40-XXI). Мезозой представлен небольшими площадями морских отложений верхнего мела, выходы континентального триаса известны севернее и южнее характеризуемой площади. Кайнозойские отложения представлены породами палеогеновой, неогеновой и четвертичной систем. К палеогену отнесены континентальные верхнеэоценовые отложения; к неогенуконтинентальные миоценовые и плиоценовые осадки, а квартер представлен более широкоморскими палеоплейстоценовыми, континентальными эоплейстоценовыми, неоплейстоценовыми, а также голоценовыми образованиями, формирующими палеогидрографические долины реки Белой и ее притоков. Анализ состояния изученности мезо-кайнозойских отложений показывает слабую их охарактеризованность на современном уровне и подчеркивает необходимость доизучения как при государственной геологической съемке листа N-40-XXI в масштабе 1:200 000, осуществляющейся в настоящее время, так и при создании геопарка «Торатау». Такие работы необходимы для понимания развития территории, как в прошлом, так и в ближайшем будущем, для предотвращения развития опасных экзогенных геологических процессов, а также для сохранения геологического наследия, что и является основной задачей геопарков.
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Основные особенности рельефа территории Юрюзано-Айская равнина плавно понижается с юга на север, ... more Основные особенности рельефа территории Юрюзано-Айская равнина плавно понижается с юга на север, ее ширина увеличивается в северном направлении, а наиболее узкая часть расположена на юге на границе с Каратауским комплексом. Равнина имеет сложный холмистоувалистый и грядово-волнистый рельеф (рис. 2);
Journal of the Geological Society, 2019
Studies of the submerged Pleistocene conglomerate cored and dredged in the English Channel show t... more Studies of the submerged Pleistocene conglomerate cored and dredged in the English Channel show that it resulted from the cementation of stony beaches under a loess blanket. Although the loess cover was later washed out by younger transgressions, the northern limit of the conglomerate corresponds to the original offshore extension of the loess deposits. Compilation of offshore and onshore altitudes of the limits of these deposits shows that loess was deposited by low-level wind fields never thicker than 200 m. Mapping surveys show that the present limits of loess are probably close to their original boundaries. The past proximity of the British Ice Sheet, the accumulation of dusty sediments coating north-facing cliffs of Brittany originating in the outwash of the British–Irish Ice Sheet and in the palaeo-rivers of the English Channel, as well as the southeastward orientation of the palaeo-winds deduced from particle size analysis and heavy minerals distribution, suggest that large volumes of loess were transported by strong katabatic winds blowing from the northern ice-covered regions towards Brittany and Normandy. The existence of katabatic winds is also consistent with the drift of ice rafts that transported Icelandic basalts now grounded in Brittany and possibly with the orientation of Homo neandertalensis shelters.
Quaternary International, 2019
The total shell production typical of the Pupilla association in the onshore site of Nantois (Bri... more The total shell production typical of the Pupilla association in the onshore site of Nantois (Brittany, France) evidenced for the first time four brief, abrupt, warm and humid episodes during the Upper Saalian (MIS 6) loess deposition. These "warming" events were also found in the marine deposits of the Celtic Sea (MD03-2692 core). Comparison with the variations of the sea-level, show that the "warming" episodes were not only of regional interest but corresponded to global events ruled by precession and insolation cycles. Other comparisons with biomarker records (mollusсs, charcoal and rodents) of the Paris Basin (Villiers-Adam) and Jersey Island (La Cotte de Saint Brolade) confirm the existence of these warmer events. Tentative correlations with the discontinuous Neanderthal dwelling phases recorded in Brittany suggest that these populations were mainly (only?) present in Westernmost Europe during the warmer episodes.
Quaternary International, 2018
The Kosika locality is situated on the lowest terrace of the Enotaevka River (right channel of th... more The Kosika locality is situated on the lowest terrace of the Enotaevka River (right channel of the Volga River) near Kosika village, in the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation. This locality includes several sections, named Kosika 1-4 and Borehole 2 Kosika that are described in
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Территория исследований расположена в югозападной части Прикаспийской низменности, характерной че... more Территория исследований расположена в югозападной части Прикаспийской низменности, характерной чертой которой являются отрицатель-ные абсолютные отметки поверхности, изменяющиеся от 0 м до-10 м. Нами был изучен керн ряда скважин, пробуренных в ходе геологосъемочных работ, проведенных ВСЕГЕИ на территории Нижней Волги
Quaternary International, 2017
The paper is devoted to summary and analysis of the Quaternary stratigraphic investigations and s... more The paper is devoted to summary and analysis of the Quaternary stratigraphic investigations and state of the stratigraphic schemes of the different regions of the European part of Russia. The previous summary on the Quaternary of Russia was done in 1984. Thus, this paper presents a brief analysis of the state of the Quaternary investigations in European Russia for the first time since last 30 years. Paper describes history of the Quaternary investigations of the European Russia as well as zoning (structural-facies zones) of the territory in correlation with the conditions of the Quaternary sedimentation. Summary of the Quaternary deposits developed in each zone and validity of stratigraphic units as well as state of the Regional Quaternary schemes is given for each structural-facies zone. Regional schemes are correlated with units of the General Stratgraphic chart of Russia and with International Chart. Analysis of the stratigraphic knowledge on the Quaternary deposits in various structural-facies zones in the European part of Russia has enabled to formulate the unresolved and discussable points and direction for the future investigations of the Quaternary studies. 1. Due to the change of boundary between the Neogene and Quaternary systems and involvement of the Palaeopleistocene stage in the Quaternary, stratigraphic horizons in this interval require additional study, and the most representative sequences should be selected as unit stratotypes for different zones. 2. In the areas of ice cover, various opinions on the age and number of glacial horizons in the Upper-Middle Neopleistocene, their distribution boundaries are still debatable. 3. In some areas and regions (Fore-Caucasus, Caucasus, Urals, Black Sea), differentiation of continental deposits is poorly substantiated by fauna. Their stratification is based on palaeoclimatic reconstructions, geomorphological analysis, and comparison with substantiated by fauna marine sequences of Ponto-Caspian Sea or continental sequences in the Fore-Urals and Western Siberia. Here, the most urgent task is to search for and study sequences in the transitional zone incorporating continental, ingressive, and marine sediments. 4. Development of regional charts for the Quaternary is relevant for the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast regions.
Environmental Archaeology, 2017
The successive dwellers of the Palaeolithic Menez Dregan site (Finistère, France) experienced a d... more The successive dwellers of the Palaeolithic Menez Dregan site (Finistère, France) experienced a different landscape because of the relative sea level transgressions and regressions which affected Audierne Bay between 465 and 369 Ka. We computed a series of bathymetric measurements and then produced a series of 3D images between Penmarc'h Bill, the Sein Ridge and the-120 m isobath to reconstruct these landscapes. Due to the lack of flint in the onshore and offshore Brittany basement, the-40 and-80 m regressive stages have been particularly well studied as they correspond to two well-developed flint-rich boulder bars. The other topographic features which probably attracted the attention of pre-Neanderthals were: (1) the vertical granite cliffs of Sein, Audierne and Penmarc'h; (2) the mid-Bay granitic pinnacles and cascade; (3) the Raz pass, which was the only communication route between the Audierne and Douarnenez Bays; (4) the Goayen and Pouldreuzic Rivers; (5) the Ar Palinier plateau made up of shelly limestone characterised by small caves and dolinas; (6) the Bigorne marsh, infilled by continental mud, which received drainage from all the rivers and the cascade; (7) the gentle southfacing slope located south of Sein island and (8) the N130°2 m linear step cutting across all of their territory. Some of these data suggest that other Palaeolithic sites may have occurred at a deeper depth than the present sea level.
Fig. 7. Paleogeographic maps for the late Pleistocene Pontocaspian region. Arrows indicate the wa... more Fig. 7. Paleogeographic maps for the late Pleistocene Pontocaspian region. Arrows indicate the water flow direction in the gateway regions. All maps are based on Yanina (2014).
Fig. 2. Present-day drainage area of the Pontocaspian domain. Yellow circles denote the locations... more Fig. 2. Present-day drainage area of the Pontocaspian domain. Yellow circles denote the locations of the stratotype sections of the main Quaternary stages of the Caspian Basin and Black Sea Basin: 1) Akchaghylian on Krasnovodsk peninsula (Turkmenistan), 2) Apsheronian on Apsheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan), 3) Bakunian in Baku (Azerbaijan), 4) Kuyalnikian (Ukraine), 5) Gurian (Georgia), 6) Chaudian on Cape Chauda (Crimea) and 7) Uzunlarian (Crimea). White circles denote the locations of key sections: 1) Pyrnuar (N38.93, E56.26), 2) Malyi Balkhan (N39.27, E54.97), 3) Yuzhny Urundzhik (N39.27, E54.50), 4) Ushak (N40.45, E53.37), 5) Lokbatan (N40.33, E49.75) and Jeirankechmez (N40.24, E47.09), 6) Duzdag (N40.70, E46.92) and Bozdag (N40.80, E46.84), 7) Pantashara (N41.23, E46.36) and 8) Kvabebi (N41.48, E45.68) and Kushkuna (N41.25, E45.44).
Journal of the Geological Society
Onshore and offshore sedimentological, geochemical, geomorphological, paleontological and geochro... more Onshore and offshore sedimentological, geochemical, geomorphological, paleontological and geochronological studies of loess deposits located under and around the English Channel revealed that they were transported by katabatic winds generated by the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Katabatic winds, which are low-altitude wind flows, were able to jump over the low southern British hills but were stopped by the higher Brittany and Normandy hills. This regional topography is interrupted by a north-south corridor linking the northern and southern shores of Brittany where loess propagated down to the mouth of Loire River. This long transit shows that the total distance travelled by the katabatic wind was around 750 kilometres, which represents an unusual distance for the propagation of this wind under continental conditions. Strong similarities with Antarctica and Greenland, where well documented cases of katabatic winds are known, show that the transit of the trans-Channel katabatic winds were ...
Table 1. Preservation, concentration and taxonomic composition of the studied samples.
Fig. 11. Distribution of the mollusc 32 species in core O–VC15 and possible reconstruction of the... more Fig. 11. Distribution of the mollusc 32 species in core O–VC15 and possible reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment during sediment deposition.
A five meters long core sample, retrieved in 2007 from the Havre de Lessay (France) (Latitude: 49... more A five meters long core sample, retrieved in 2007 from the Havre de Lessay (France) (Latitude: 49°20993, Longitude: -1°788815) and located between Jersey and the Cotentin Peninsula (France) has been studied using different techniques (image processing, granulometry, petrography, malacology, palynology and tentative dating). Between the lower part and the top, the core is a yellowish loess, a black mud and a grey shelly formation. The basal formation, which displays a typical loess granulometry, is the only loess found anywhere in situ on the seabed worldwide. Elsewhere, this fragile sediment has been always washed out by the successive Quaternary transgressions. The overlying mud formation, which displays all the characteristics of a mudflow, sealed up the loess deposit. Because this core has been sampled on the rim of a submarine valley located in front of a major onshore geological disruption (the Saint-Germain-sur-Ay transcurrent shearing), clearly associated with an active seism...
Geoarchaeology, 2021
Cliff‐related talus accumulations are often highly affected by post‐depositional processes, and t... more Cliff‐related talus accumulations are often highly affected by post‐depositional processes, and the sedimentological characteristics are poorly documented, especially in arid settings. In the southern margin of the Fergana Valley, Kyrgyzstan, the Obishir‐I is an archaeological site of the Epipaleolithic Obishirian industry, located within a talus cone. Archaeological excavations have allowed us to study the internal structure, chronology, and depositional history of the cone as well as the relationship between the slope processes and the archaeological assemblage. We applied a multiproxy approach, including sedimentological studies supported by the basic geochemistry of sediments, luminescence dating, paleoecology of fossil mollusks, and archaeological analyses. The Obishir‐I rockfall talus accumulated from the Last Glacial Maximum to the early part of the Middle Holocene. The talus onlaps the bedrock at the foot of a limestone cliff, and its chronology is coherent, spanning from ca. 19–8 ka B.P. The material is an unconsolidated, poorly sorted mixture of angular rock fragments accumulated by rockfall and fine‐grained materials accumulated by aeolian processes, illuviation, and in situ weathering. The sequence bears an archaeological collection attributed to two settlement phases: unidentified Upper Paleolithic and the Obishirian. Both assemblages are affected by post‐depositional relocation within the slope.
Quaternary International, 2020
Palaeontologia Electronica, 2020
Clays and sands of the Morskaya 2 site in the northeastern Azov Sea region contain an assemblage ... more Clays and sands of the Morskaya 2 site in the northeastern Azov Sea region contain an assemblage of freshwater and marine molluscs. The site known since the early twentieth century as "Paludina beds" has been alternatively attributed to either Late Pliocene or Late Miocene. Our study shows that the site yielded two assemblages with one composed of Middle Sarmatian (Bessarabian) marine species (M1) and the other containing freshwater and terrestrial molluscs of late Maeotian age (about 7-6 Ma) (M2) with redeposited Bessarabian marine forms. The former assemblage was dated by the vertebrate fauna to the late Turolian and MN13 unit of the West European mammalian biostratigraphical scheme. This level correlates to the Messinian of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. Ecological preferences in humidity, vegetation, etc. of the terrestrial and freshwater molluscs indicate the presence of a freshwater body rich in aquatic vegetation with a periodical current and a probable connection with a brackish water body located near the Palaeo-Don river delta. Deciduous forests, bushes, and meadows grew on the banks of this basin. The presented revision of molluscs from Morskaya 2 elucidates the composition and correlations of the late Miocene nonmarine fauna in the southeast Europe and includes a description of molluscan assemblages, a discussion of systematic position of the studied molluscs, and a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the freshwater basin and its surroundings.
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Реферат. В статье приведена малакологическая характеристика сартанского горизонта верхнего неопле... more Реферат. В статье приведена малакологическая характеристика сартанского горизонта верхнего неоплейстоцена разреза Бохан (Прибайкалье). Возраст моллюсков установлен по стратиграфическому положению в разрезе под голоценовой почвой и радиоуглеродным датам. Делювиальные осадки сартанского горизонта мощностью 2.5 м описаны в интервале глубин 0.5-3 м. Сартанское время было холодным периодом. Ключевые слова: Прибайкалье, верхний неоплейстоцен, сартанский горизонт, моллюски
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Реферат. В статье приведена палеонтологическая характеристика отложений плейстоцена скважины 3Э (... more Реферат. В статье приведена палеонтологическая характеристика отложений плейстоцена скважины 3Э (Нижнее Поволжье). Изменения малакологических и палинологических комплексов позволили выделить и охарактеризовать отложения эо-и неоплейстоцена. Ключевые слова: плейстоцен, Нижнее Поволжье, моллюски, насекомые, палинология
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2020
© 2020 г. Г. А. Данукалова, Е. М. Осипова Реферат. В Республике Башкортостан в стадии становления... more © 2020 г. Г. А. Данукалова, Е. М. Осипова Реферат. В Республике Башкортостан в стадии становления находится геопарк «Торатау», который расположится на территории Гафурийского, Ишимбайского и Стерлитамакского районов. Бóльшая часть площади геопарка будет приурочена к Предуральскому прогибу и частично к западному склону Южного Урала (топографический лист N-40-XXI). Мезозой представлен небольшими площадями морских отложений верхнего мела, выходы континентального триаса известны севернее и южнее характеризуемой площади. Кайнозойские отложения представлены породами палеогеновой, неогеновой и четвертичной систем. К палеогену отнесены континентальные верхнеэоценовые отложения; к неогенуконтинентальные миоценовые и плиоценовые осадки, а квартер представлен более широкоморскими палеоплейстоценовыми, континентальными эоплейстоценовыми, неоплейстоценовыми, а также голоценовыми образованиями, формирующими палеогидрографические долины реки Белой и ее притоков. Анализ состояния изученности мезо-кайнозойских отложений показывает слабую их охарактеризованность на современном уровне и подчеркивает необходимость доизучения как при государственной геологической съемке листа N-40-XXI в масштабе 1:200 000, осуществляющейся в настоящее время, так и при создании геопарка «Торатау». Такие работы необходимы для понимания развития территории, как в прошлом, так и в ближайшем будущем, для предотвращения развития опасных экзогенных геологических процессов, а также для сохранения геологического наследия, что и является основной задачей геопарков.
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Основные особенности рельефа территории Юрюзано-Айская равнина плавно понижается с юга на север, ... more Основные особенности рельефа территории Юрюзано-Айская равнина плавно понижается с юга на север, ее ширина увеличивается в северном направлении, а наиболее узкая часть расположена на юге на границе с Каратауским комплексом. Равнина имеет сложный холмистоувалистый и грядово-волнистый рельеф (рис. 2);
Journal of the Geological Society, 2019
Studies of the submerged Pleistocene conglomerate cored and dredged in the English Channel show t... more Studies of the submerged Pleistocene conglomerate cored and dredged in the English Channel show that it resulted from the cementation of stony beaches under a loess blanket. Although the loess cover was later washed out by younger transgressions, the northern limit of the conglomerate corresponds to the original offshore extension of the loess deposits. Compilation of offshore and onshore altitudes of the limits of these deposits shows that loess was deposited by low-level wind fields never thicker than 200 m. Mapping surveys show that the present limits of loess are probably close to their original boundaries. The past proximity of the British Ice Sheet, the accumulation of dusty sediments coating north-facing cliffs of Brittany originating in the outwash of the British–Irish Ice Sheet and in the palaeo-rivers of the English Channel, as well as the southeastward orientation of the palaeo-winds deduced from particle size analysis and heavy minerals distribution, suggest that large volumes of loess were transported by strong katabatic winds blowing from the northern ice-covered regions towards Brittany and Normandy. The existence of katabatic winds is also consistent with the drift of ice rafts that transported Icelandic basalts now grounded in Brittany and possibly with the orientation of Homo neandertalensis shelters.
Quaternary International, 2019
The total shell production typical of the Pupilla association in the onshore site of Nantois (Bri... more The total shell production typical of the Pupilla association in the onshore site of Nantois (Brittany, France) evidenced for the first time four brief, abrupt, warm and humid episodes during the Upper Saalian (MIS 6) loess deposition. These "warming" events were also found in the marine deposits of the Celtic Sea (MD03-2692 core). Comparison with the variations of the sea-level, show that the "warming" episodes were not only of regional interest but corresponded to global events ruled by precession and insolation cycles. Other comparisons with biomarker records (mollusсs, charcoal and rodents) of the Paris Basin (Villiers-Adam) and Jersey Island (La Cotte de Saint Brolade) confirm the existence of these warmer events. Tentative correlations with the discontinuous Neanderthal dwelling phases recorded in Brittany suggest that these populations were mainly (only?) present in Westernmost Europe during the warmer episodes.
Quaternary International, 2018
The Kosika locality is situated on the lowest terrace of the Enotaevka River (right channel of th... more The Kosika locality is situated on the lowest terrace of the Enotaevka River (right channel of the Volga River) near Kosika village, in the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation. This locality includes several sections, named Kosika 1-4 and Borehole 2 Kosika that are described in
Geologicheskii vestnik, 2018
Территория исследований расположена в югозападной части Прикаспийской низменности, характерной че... more Территория исследований расположена в югозападной части Прикаспийской низменности, характерной чертой которой являются отрицатель-ные абсолютные отметки поверхности, изменяющиеся от 0 м до-10 м. Нами был изучен керн ряда скважин, пробуренных в ходе геологосъемочных работ, проведенных ВСЕГЕИ на территории Нижней Волги
Quaternary International, 2017
The paper is devoted to summary and analysis of the Quaternary stratigraphic investigations and s... more The paper is devoted to summary and analysis of the Quaternary stratigraphic investigations and state of the stratigraphic schemes of the different regions of the European part of Russia. The previous summary on the Quaternary of Russia was done in 1984. Thus, this paper presents a brief analysis of the state of the Quaternary investigations in European Russia for the first time since last 30 years. Paper describes history of the Quaternary investigations of the European Russia as well as zoning (structural-facies zones) of the territory in correlation with the conditions of the Quaternary sedimentation. Summary of the Quaternary deposits developed in each zone and validity of stratigraphic units as well as state of the Regional Quaternary schemes is given for each structural-facies zone. Regional schemes are correlated with units of the General Stratgraphic chart of Russia and with International Chart. Analysis of the stratigraphic knowledge on the Quaternary deposits in various structural-facies zones in the European part of Russia has enabled to formulate the unresolved and discussable points and direction for the future investigations of the Quaternary studies. 1. Due to the change of boundary between the Neogene and Quaternary systems and involvement of the Palaeopleistocene stage in the Quaternary, stratigraphic horizons in this interval require additional study, and the most representative sequences should be selected as unit stratotypes for different zones. 2. In the areas of ice cover, various opinions on the age and number of glacial horizons in the Upper-Middle Neopleistocene, their distribution boundaries are still debatable. 3. In some areas and regions (Fore-Caucasus, Caucasus, Urals, Black Sea), differentiation of continental deposits is poorly substantiated by fauna. Their stratification is based on palaeoclimatic reconstructions, geomorphological analysis, and comparison with substantiated by fauna marine sequences of Ponto-Caspian Sea or continental sequences in the Fore-Urals and Western Siberia. Here, the most urgent task is to search for and study sequences in the transitional zone incorporating continental, ingressive, and marine sediments. 4. Development of regional charts for the Quaternary is relevant for the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast regions.
Environmental Archaeology, 2017
The successive dwellers of the Palaeolithic Menez Dregan site (Finistère, France) experienced a d... more The successive dwellers of the Palaeolithic Menez Dregan site (Finistère, France) experienced a different landscape because of the relative sea level transgressions and regressions which affected Audierne Bay between 465 and 369 Ka. We computed a series of bathymetric measurements and then produced a series of 3D images between Penmarc'h Bill, the Sein Ridge and the-120 m isobath to reconstruct these landscapes. Due to the lack of flint in the onshore and offshore Brittany basement, the-40 and-80 m regressive stages have been particularly well studied as they correspond to two well-developed flint-rich boulder bars. The other topographic features which probably attracted the attention of pre-Neanderthals were: (1) the vertical granite cliffs of Sein, Audierne and Penmarc'h; (2) the mid-Bay granitic pinnacles and cascade; (3) the Raz pass, which was the only communication route between the Audierne and Douarnenez Bays; (4) the Goayen and Pouldreuzic Rivers; (5) the Ar Palinier plateau made up of shelly limestone characterised by small caves and dolinas; (6) the Bigorne marsh, infilled by continental mud, which received drainage from all the rivers and the cascade; (7) the gentle southfacing slope located south of Sein island and (8) the N130°2 m linear step cutting across all of their territory. Some of these data suggest that other Palaeolithic sites may have occurred at a deeper depth than the present sea level.
Fig. 7. Paleogeographic maps for the late Pleistocene Pontocaspian region. Arrows indicate the wa... more Fig. 7. Paleogeographic maps for the late Pleistocene Pontocaspian region. Arrows indicate the water flow direction in the gateway regions. All maps are based on Yanina (2014).
Fig. 2. Present-day drainage area of the Pontocaspian domain. Yellow circles denote the locations... more Fig. 2. Present-day drainage area of the Pontocaspian domain. Yellow circles denote the locations of the stratotype sections of the main Quaternary stages of the Caspian Basin and Black Sea Basin: 1) Akchaghylian on Krasnovodsk peninsula (Turkmenistan), 2) Apsheronian on Apsheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan), 3) Bakunian in Baku (Azerbaijan), 4) Kuyalnikian (Ukraine), 5) Gurian (Georgia), 6) Chaudian on Cape Chauda (Crimea) and 7) Uzunlarian (Crimea). White circles denote the locations of key sections: 1) Pyrnuar (N38.93, E56.26), 2) Malyi Balkhan (N39.27, E54.97), 3) Yuzhny Urundzhik (N39.27, E54.50), 4) Ushak (N40.45, E53.37), 5) Lokbatan (N40.33, E49.75) and Jeirankechmez (N40.24, E47.09), 6) Duzdag (N40.70, E46.92) and Bozdag (N40.80, E46.84), 7) Pantashara (N41.23, E46.36) and 8) Kvabebi (N41.48, E45.68) and Kushkuna (N41.25, E45.44).
Journal of the Geological Society
Onshore and offshore sedimentological, geochemical, geomorphological, paleontological and geochro... more Onshore and offshore sedimentological, geochemical, geomorphological, paleontological and geochronological studies of loess deposits located under and around the English Channel revealed that they were transported by katabatic winds generated by the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Katabatic winds, which are low-altitude wind flows, were able to jump over the low southern British hills but were stopped by the higher Brittany and Normandy hills. This regional topography is interrupted by a north-south corridor linking the northern and southern shores of Brittany where loess propagated down to the mouth of Loire River. This long transit shows that the total distance travelled by the katabatic wind was around 750 kilometres, which represents an unusual distance for the propagation of this wind under continental conditions. Strong similarities with Antarctica and Greenland, where well documented cases of katabatic winds are known, show that the transit of the trans-Channel katabatic winds were ...