Daouda Camara - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Daouda Camara

Research paper thumbnail of Morphometry of the Portal Vein: Ultrasound Anatomy about 1000 Cases

Forensic Medicine and Anatomy Research, 2019

Aim: The aim of this study is to determine from a series of 1000 cases the usual dimensions of th... more Aim: The aim of this study is to determine from a series of 1000 cases the usual dimensions of the portal vein according to the medical ultrasound. Methodology: We realized a transverse study over 2 years (from January 2015 to December 2017). It concerned an ultrasound exploration of the portal vein. The studied population was healthy voluntary subjects visible without history of abdominal trauma and abdominal operating scar. Results: The average age was 39 years ± 12.16 with extremes of 19 years and 70 years. The decade of 21-29 years represented 46.2%. The transverse diameter of the portal vein in its origin varied between 8 and 10 mm in 57.9% of the cases. The average was 9.05 ± 2.82 mm with extremes of 5 and 16 mm. The transverse diameter of the portal vein in its ending varied between 8 and 10 mm in 56.9%. In 29.8% of the cases, the length of the portal vein was between 61 and 70 mm and in 8.8% between 81 and 100 mm. The average length was 58 ± 22.3 mm. Before its penetration in the liver, the portal vein divided into 2 branches in 967 cases (96.7%) and in 3 branches in 33 cases (3.3%). Conclusion: This original study shows the normal dimensions of the portal vein to Malian.

Research paper thumbnail of Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l’hépatite B à l’Hôpital de l’Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée)

Journal of Applied Biosciences, May 13, 2019

Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéen... more Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée).

Research paper thumbnail of Grossesses Non Suivies : Pronostic Maternel et Périnatal au Centre de Santé de Référence de la Commune V du District de Bamako


RESUME Objectifs. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’evaluer l’issue materno-fœtale et la prevalenc... more RESUME Objectifs. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’evaluer l’issue materno-fœtale et la prevalence des grossesses non suivies dans une structure sanitaire de 2eme niveau de Bamako. Materiels et methodes. L’etude a eu lieu au centre de sante de reference de la commune V du District de Bamako sur une periode de six mois, allant du 1er Janvier au 30 juin 2015. Nous avons inclus toutes les femmes non suivies en periode prenatale et ayant accouche dans le service pendant la periode d’etude. Chaque cas a ete apparie a 2 temoins sur la base de l’âge et de la parite. Les donnees d’interet etaient l’issue de la grossesse et l’etat de la mere et de l’enfant. Resultats. Nous avons enregistre 4098 accouchements durant la periode d’etude dont 400 grossesses non suivies soit une prevalence de 9,7%. Les patientes avaient un âge compris entre 13 et 43 ans avec une moyenne d’âge de 24,01 ans±6,30. Les grossesses non suivies etaient plus frequentes chez les aides menageres (13% des cas contre 1% des ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hystérectomies d’Hémostase à Bamako: Aspects Épidémiocliniques et Pronostic Maternel


RESUME Objectif. Etudier les aspects epidemiocliniques et le pronostic maternel de l’hysterectomi... more RESUME Objectif. Etudier les aspects epidemiocliniques et le pronostic maternel de l’hysterectomie d’hemostase (HH) a Bamako. Patientes et methodes. Il s’agit d’une etude transversale mixte (retrospective 1 er janvier 2007 et prospective au 31 decembre 2016), sur une periode de 10 ans portant sur les cas d’HH realisees au bloc operatoire du centre de sante de reference de la commune V de Bamako. N’ont pas inclues, les cas d’HH referes dans un centre hospitalier universitaire. Les variables etudiees etaient les donnees sociodemographiques et cliniques, l’importance du saignement, les gestes effectues avant l’hysterectomie et le pronostic postoperatoire. L’analyse statistique a ete realisee avec SPSS. Le test de Chi2 a ete utilise pour les comparaisons avec un seuil de significativite de 0,05. Resultats. Nous avons collige 101 cas d’HH sur 90 872 accouchements (0,11%). L’âge moyen des patientes etait de 32,35±6,16 ans avec des extremes de 16 et 46 ans ; une notion de grande multipar...

Research paper thumbnail of Stérilisation Tubaire et Regrets dans un Hôpital du District Sanitaire de Bamako au Mali


RESUME Objectif. Le but de cette etude etait d’etudier les facteurs de risque lies au regret apre... more RESUME Objectif. Le but de cette etude etait d’etudier les facteurs de risque lies au regret apres sterilisation tubaire. Materiel et methodes. Il s’agissait d’une etude retrospective portant sur 236 femmes sterilisees entre 2012 et 2016 et qui ont emis un regret apres la procedure de ligature tubaire. Resultats. Durant l’etude 99 (41,94%) femmes avaient regrette d’avoir opte pour la sterilisation tubaire. L’âge moyen des patientes etait de 38 ans avec une parite moyenne de 7. Le temps consacre a l’entretien avec le couple etait inferieur a cinq (5) minutes chez 87 (70,16%) femmes. La principale indication a ete la cardiopathie avec 28,70% (33 femmes). Dans 50% le regret etait lie au desir d’enfant. Le desir d’avoir d’autres garcons a ete retrouve chez 48 femmes (40,68%) et 73 (30,93%) evoquaient une algie pelvienne chronique. Conclusion. Le desir de procreer, le peu de temps consacre a l'information des couples ont ete a l'origine du regret apres sterilisation tubaire chez ...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact de la Pré-Éclampsie sur la Morbidité et la Mortalité Néonatales


RESUME But. La pre-eclampsie (PE) ou toxemie gravidique, est une pathologie maternelle realisant ... more RESUME But. La pre-eclampsie (PE) ou toxemie gravidique, est une pathologie maternelle realisant une hypo-perfusion utero-placentaire, responsable d’une morbi-mortalite maternelle elevee. L’objectif de notre travail etait de determiner la relation entre pre-eclampsie et pronostic du nouveau-ne. Methodologie. Il s’agit d’une etude prospective, comparative realisee au centre de sante de reference de la Commune V du district de Bamako. Deux groupes de 200 nouveau-nes chacun ont ete constitues. Le groupe « Cas » etait constitue de nouveau-nes issus de grossesses compliquees de pre-eclampsie, et le groupe « Temoin » ceux issus de grossesses normales. Les variables etudiees etaient les caracteristiques maternelles, fœtales et les suites neonatales. L’analyse statistique a ete faite avec SPSS 20.0 avec les tests de Khi-2, Student, Man Whitney et la regression logistique avec un risque alpha a 5%. Resultats. Seuls 77 nouveau-nes du groupe « Cas » ont pu etre mis immediatement au sein mater...

Research paper thumbnail of Rupture Utérine de Diagnostic Tardif et Inopiné en Peropératoire après un Accouchement Dystocique par Voie Basse


RESUME Les ruptures uterines decouvertes dans le post partum sont de plus en plus rapportees dan... more RESUME Les ruptures uterines decouvertes dans le post partum sont de plus en plus rapportees dans la litterature. Cependant tres peu de cas sont diagnostiques dans le post partum tardif. Nous rapportons un cas de rupture uterine de diagnostic inopine en per operatoire d’une laparotomie pour masse pelvienne dans les vingt septieme jours du post partum d’un accouchement dystocique par voie basse. Il s’agissait d’une patiente de 30 ans, 5eme geste, 5eme pare, avec quatre enfants vivants et un decede lors de son dernier accouchement, sans antecedent chirurgical ou medical connu. La laparotomie a ete decidee pour masse pelvienne dont le diagnostic correct n’a pas pu etre pose ni par l’echographie pelvienne ni par le scanner abdomino-pelvien. L’exploration a retrouve une rupture uterine avec des tissus necrotiques et un enorme caillot de sang, d’ou la realisation d’une hysterectomie subtotale avec salpingectomie bilaterale. Les suites operatoires ont ete simples. Nous rapportons ce cas ...

Research paper thumbnail of L’Hypotension Induite par la Rachianesthésie lors des Césariennes chez les Patientes avec Pré-Éclampsie

RESUME Introduction. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’etudier l’hypotension au cours de la rachia... more RESUME Introduction. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’etudier l’hypotension au cours de la rachianesthesie pour cesarienne chez les patientes presentant une pre-eclampsie (groupe PE) en comparaison avec les patientes non pathologiques (groupe NPE). Patientes et Methodes. Il s’agit d’une etude prospective et comparative sur six mois apres approbation du comite d’ethique de notre etablissement. Nous avons inclus les patientes operees pour cesariennes sous rachianesthesie. Le critere de regroupement etait la presence ou non d’une pre-eclampsie. Les variables etudiees etaient l’hypotension, sa severite et les moyens therapeutiques. L’analyse statistique a ete realisee avec le logiciel SPSS 20.0, en utilisant les tests de Student, de Man Withney et de Khi 2 avec un seuil de significativite de 0,05. Resultats. Nous avons collige 113 patientes d’âge moyen de 28,19±6,42 ans, avec un terme moyen de grossesse de 38,41±2,83 semaines d’amenorrhees. Le taux d’hypotension induite etait de 65,61% ...

Research paper thumbnail of Profil De Sensibilite Des Souches De Sphingomonas Paucimobilis Isolees De Divers Produits Pathologiques a L’Hopital De L’Amitie Sino-Guineenne Kipe/ Conakry (Guinee)

RESUME Cette etude retrospective avait pour objectif de determiner les profils de sensibilite au... more RESUME Cette etude retrospective avait pour objectif de determiner les profils de sensibilite aux antibiotiques des souches de Sphingomonas paucimobilis isolees de divers produits pathologiques de 16 patients (urines, spermes, secretions vaginales, liquide pleural, selles et liquide d’ascite). Apres 24 heures de cultures sur milieux geloses, les identifications bacteriennes et les antibiogrammes ont ete realises a l’automate Vitek 2 Compact 15. Le sexe feminin etait predominant avec un sexe-ratio Male/Femelle (7/9) = 0,77. L’âge moyen des patients etait de 55,25 ans avec les extremes de 21 et 83 ans. Les antibiogrammes ont montre que la majorite des souches etaient sensibles a l’amoxicilline/acide clavulanique (87,50%), la piperacilline/tazobactam (93,25%), la cefalotine (68,75%), la cefoxitine (56,25%), le cefotaxime (81,25%), l’imipeneme (93,75%), l’amikacine (93,75%), la gentamicine (93,75%), la tobramycine (93,75%), la ciprofloxacine (62,50%), l’ofloxacine (52,25%). La sensib...

Research paper thumbnail of Abstracts of the Eighth EDCTP Forum, 6–9 November 2016

BMJ Global Health, 2017


Research paper thumbnail of Selection of Pfcrt 76T and Pfmdr1 86Y Mutant Plasmodium falciparum after Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria with Artesunate-Amodiaquine in Republic of Guinea

Journal of Parasitology, 2021

The use of Amodiaquine monotherapy is associated with the selection of molecular markers of Plasm... more The use of Amodiaquine monotherapy is associated with the selection of molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to chloroquine (pfcrt and pfmdr1). The decrease in sensitivity and the emergence of P. falciparum resistant to artemisinin-based combination therapy have been reported. Therefore, it is important to assess the impact of treatment of uncomplicated malaria with Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AS+AQ) on molecular markers of antimalarial resistance. We used standard World Health Organization (WHO) protocols to determine the in vivo efficacy of the combination (AS+AQ). In total, 170 subjects were included in the study. The molecular analysis focused on 168 dried blood spots. The aims were to determine the frequency of pfcrt 76T and pfmdr1 86Y mutations and the rates of reinfection using polymorphism markers msp1, msp2, and microsatellite markers (CA1, Ta87, TA99). Nested-PCR was used, followed in some cases by a restriction digestion. The level of P. falciparum clinical response was 92.9% (156/168) of Adequate Clinical and Parasitological Response (ACPR) before molecular correction and 97.0% (163/168) after molecular correction (P = 0.089). The frequency of mutation point pfcrt 76T was 76.2% (128/168) before treatment and 100% (7/7) after treatment (P = 0.1423). For the pfmdr1 mutation, the frequency was 28% (47/168) before treatment and 60% (6/10) after treatment (P = 0.1124). The rate of pfcrt 76T + pfmdr1 86Y was 22% (37/168) before and 50% (6/12) after treatment (P = 0.1465). Despite the presence of AS in the combination, AS+AQ selects for pfcrt 76T and pfmdr1 86Y mutant P. falciparum in Guinea.

Research paper thumbnail of Antibiotic sensitivity profile of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains at the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital of Kipé in Conakry (Guinea)

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021

Introduction: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main bacterial species associated with uri... more Introduction: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main bacterial species associated with urinary tract infections. Nowadays, this bacterium is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic sensitivity profiles of all strains of E. coli isolated from urine during the period from September 1st, 2018 to March 13th, 2019 at the Biomedical Laboratory of the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital of Kipé in Conakry. Materiel and Methods: Cultures were done on different agar media. Bacterial identification, antibiograms and determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were performed on the Vitek 2 Compact 15 automated system. Results: A total of 66 strains of E. coli have been isolated from patients of both sexes. The sex ratio (M/F) was 0.43. The mean age of the patients was 50.83 years. The majority of strains were sensitive to imipenem (96.96%), amikacin (96.96%), ertapenem (94.73%), gentamicin (69.23%), tobr...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of malaria and factors associated with infection in children aged 6 months to 9 years in Guinea: Results from a national cross-sectional study

Parasite Epidemiology and Control, 2020

Worldwide, a child dies every two minutes due to malaria with Africa bearing about 90% of all mal... more Worldwide, a child dies every two minutes due to malaria with Africa bearing about 90% of all malaria deaths particularly among children. This study aimed to describe malaria prevalence and its associated factors among children aged 6 months to 9 years in Guinea. We conducted a cross-sectional household survey between 02 and 29 August 2014 in children aged 6 months to 9 years in the four natural regions of the country. A five-level cluster sampling using the national database from the national institute of statistics was used to select study participants. A total of 1984 children aged 6 months to 9 years were enrolled. The mean age was 50 months (SD, 27). The rapid diagnostic test showed a high malaria prevalence (44%) countrywide along with regional variation ranging from 38% to 61%. A multivariate analysis showed that living in Forest Guinea (AOR: 2.48; 95% CI: 1.78-3.46), in rural areas (AOR: 1.91; 95% IC: 1.45-2.5) and having a splenomegaly (AOR: 2.66; 95% CI: 1.75-4.04) were highly associated with malaria. This study shows that malaria is still prevalent in Guinea among children aged 6 months to 9 years of age.

Research paper thumbnail of Bacteriology of Healthcare-Associated Infections in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of CHU Gabriel Touré

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019

Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a public health issue. An infection is ... more Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a public health issue. An infection is said to be associated with the care if it occurs during or after the care of a patient, and if it was neither present nor incubation at the beginning of the care. Objective: The purpose of this work was to study the bacteriology of infections associated with obstetric care in the gynecology-obstetrics department of CHU Gabriel Touré. Patients and Methods: This is an epidemiological, descriptive, analytical study conducted in the gynecology-obstetrics department of the CHU Gabriel Touré, from April 11 th , 2016 to August 29 th , 2016 (5 months). Data collection focused on the clinical and laboratory characteristics of healthcare-associated infections in patients during their hospitalization. Included in the study were any patients hospitalized in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department who agreed to participate in the study. The criteria used to diagnose the associated infection were those of the Atlanta CDC. Operative wound monitoring was done up to the 30th postoperative day. Results: We have recorded 200 patients, out of whom 138 were operated on and 23 cases of bacterial infection associated with care (11.50%). The average age of the patients was 32.52 years ± 13.36 years against 29.36 years ± 10.28 years for the patients who did not present the infection. Seven point five percent of the evacuated patients had an infection associated with care. The most common types of infection were surgical site infection (60.86%), urinary tract infection (26.

Research paper thumbnail of Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l’hépatite B à l’Hôpital de l’Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée)

Journal of Applied Biosciences, 2019

Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéen... more Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée).

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-drug resistance pattern of a <i>Leclercia adecarboxylata</i> strain isolated from a urinary tract infection of a patient at China-Guinea friendship hospital of Kipé/Conakry

International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2018

Leclercia adecarboxylata (LAD) is a member of Enterobacteriaceae family that is usually reported ... more Leclercia adecarboxylata (LAD) is a member of Enterobacteriaceae family that is usually reported as an opportunistic human pathogen. A few reports have described resistant strains in the literature. The aim of this paper was to describe the antimicrobial resistance pattern of a LAD strain isolated from a urinary tract infection in a 39-year-old immunocompetent man. The bacterial identification and antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed on Vitek 2 Compact 15. The results revealed the presence of LAD with a particular multidrug resistance pattern. It was sensitive only to imipenem (=1 µg/ml), and totally resistant to association of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (≥320 µg/ml), ticarcillin (≥128 µg/ml), nitrofurantoin (=128 µg/ml), cefalothin (≥64 µg/ml), cefoxitin (≥64 µg/ml), cefotaxime (≥64 µg/ml), ceftazidime (≥64 µg/ml), amikacin (≥64 µg/ml), ampicillin (≥32 µg/ml), nalidxic acid (≥32 µg/ml), and a combination of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (≥32 µg/ml), gentamicin (≥16 µg/ml), tobramycin (≥16 µg/ml), ofloxacin (≥8 µg/ml), and ciprofloxacin (≥4 µg/ml). It showed the intermediate sensitivity to the association of piperacillin/tazobactam (=64 µg/ml), and ertapenem (=4 µg/ml). The findings showed that this isolate of LAD had a multidrug resistance pattern to almost all the antibiotics tested (except imipenem). This suggests that LAD could be considered as an emergent bacterial pathogen capable of causing infections in human and carrying multidrug resistance pattern to numerous antibiotic families in Guinea.

Research paper thumbnail of Pyronaridine–artesunate or dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine versus current first-line therapies for repeated treatment of uncomplicated malaria: a randomised, multicentre, open-label, longitudinal, controlled, phase 3b/4 trial

The Lancet, 2018

Background Artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine are used as first-line artemisinin-... more Background Artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine are used as first-line artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) in west Africa. Pyronaridine-artesunate and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine are potentially useful for diversification of ACTs in this region, but further safety and efficacy data are required on malaria retreatment. Methods We did a randomised, multicentre, open-label, longitudinal, controlled phase 3b/4 clinical trial at seven tertiary centres in Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali. Eligible participants for first malaria episode and all retreatment episodes were adults and children aged 6 months and older with microscopically confirmed Plasmodium spp malaria (>0 to <200 000 parasites per µL of blood) and fever or history of fever in the previous 24 h. Individuals with severe or complicated malaria, an alanine aminotransferase concentration of more than twice the upper limit of normal, or a QTc greater than 450 ms were excluded. Using a randomisation list for each site, masked using sealed envelopes, participants were assigned to either pyronaridine-artesunate or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus either artesunateamodiaquine or artemether-lumefantrine. Block sizes were two or four if two treatments were allocated, and three or six if three treatments were allocated. Microscopists doing the parasitological assessments were masked to treatment allocation. All treatments were once-daily or twice-daily tablets or granules given orally and dosed by bodyweight over 3 days at the study centre. Patients were followed up as outpatients up to day 42, receiving clinical assessments on days 0

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria by Amodiaquine−artesunate (As-Aq) on PFCRT 76T and PFMDR1 86Y Mutations Selection in Plasmodium Falciparum Isolates, Republic of Guinea

Research paper thumbnail of The Prevalence of HIV in Cancer Patients at the Surgical Oncology Unit of Donka University Hospital of Conakry (Guinea)

Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, 2015

Aim. To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among patients seen at the surgical oncology un... more Aim. To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among patients seen at the surgical oncology unit of Donka (Conakry, Guinea).Method. We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study of HIV infection in cancer patients from May 2007 to December 2012. Social characteristics (age, gender, marital status, and education) and immune status (HIV type, CD4 count) were reviewed.Results. Out of 2598 cancer patients, 54 (2.1%) tested positive for HIV. There were 11 (20.4%) defining AIDS and 43 (79.6%) nondefining AIDS cancers. The most frequent cancers were breast (14) (26.0%), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (6) (11.1%), liver (6) (11.1%), eye and annexes (6) (11.1%), and cervical cancer (5) (9.3%). These patients were female in 34 (63.0%) and had a median age of 39 years and body mass index was 20,3 Kg/m2. They were unschooled in 40 (74.1%) and married in 35 (64.8%). CD4 count showed a median of 317 cells/mL. Antiretroviral treatment was performed in 40 (74.1%).Conclusion. HIV prevalence is higher ...

Research paper thumbnail of Safety and efficacy of re-treatments with pyronaridine-artesunate in African patients with malaria: a substudy of the WANECAM randomised trial

The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2016

Background Sparse data on the safety of pyronaridine-artesunate after repeated treatment of malar... more Background Sparse data on the safety of pyronaridine-artesunate after repeated treatment of malaria episodes restrict its clinical use. We therefore compared the safety of pyronaridine-artesunate after treatment of the fi rst episode of malaria versus re-treatment in a substudy analysis. Methods This planned substudy analysis of the randomised, open-label West African Network for Clinical Trials of Antimalarial Drugs (WANECAM) phase 3b/4 trial was done at six health facilities in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea in patients (aged ≥6 months and bodyweight ≥5 kg) with uncomplicated microscopically confi rmed Plasmodium spp malaria (parasite density <200 000 per μL blood) and fever or history of fever. The primary safety endpoint was incidence of hepatotoxicity: alanine aminotransferase of greater than fi ve times the upper limit of normal (ULN) or Hy's criteria (alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase greater than three times the ULN and total bilirubin more than twice the ULN) after treatment of the fi rst episode of malaria and re-treatment (≥28 days after fi rst treatment) with pyronaridine-artesunate. Pyronaridine-artesunate effi cacy was compared with artemetherlumefantrine with the adequate clinical and parasitological response (ACPR) in an intention-to-treat analysis. WANECAM is registered with PACTR.org, number PACTR201105000286876. Findings Following fi rst treatment, 13 (1%) of 996 patients had hepatotoxicity (including one [<1%] possible Hy's law case) versus two (1%) of 311 patients on re-treatment (neither a Hy's law case). No evidence was found that pyronaridine-artesunate re-treatment increased safety risk based on laboratory values, reported adverse event frequencies, or electrocardiograph fi ndings. For all fi rst treatment or re-treatment episodes, pyronaridine-artesunate (n=673) day 28 crude ACPR was 92•7% (95% CI 91•0-94•3) versus 80•4% (77•8-83•0) for artemether-lumefantrine (n=671). After exclusion of patients with PCR-confi rmed new infections, ACPR was similar on treatment and retreatment and greater than 95% at day 28 and greater than 91% at day 42 in both treatment groups. Interpretation The fi ndings that pyronaridine-artesunate safety and effi cacy were similar on fi rst malaria treatment versus re-treatment of subsequent episodes lend support for the wider access to pyronaridine-artesunate as an alternative artemisinin-based combination treatment for malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Funding European and Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership, Medicines for Malaria Venture (

Research paper thumbnail of Morphometry of the Portal Vein: Ultrasound Anatomy about 1000 Cases

Forensic Medicine and Anatomy Research, 2019

Aim: The aim of this study is to determine from a series of 1000 cases the usual dimensions of th... more Aim: The aim of this study is to determine from a series of 1000 cases the usual dimensions of the portal vein according to the medical ultrasound. Methodology: We realized a transverse study over 2 years (from January 2015 to December 2017). It concerned an ultrasound exploration of the portal vein. The studied population was healthy voluntary subjects visible without history of abdominal trauma and abdominal operating scar. Results: The average age was 39 years ± 12.16 with extremes of 19 years and 70 years. The decade of 21-29 years represented 46.2%. The transverse diameter of the portal vein in its origin varied between 8 and 10 mm in 57.9% of the cases. The average was 9.05 ± 2.82 mm with extremes of 5 and 16 mm. The transverse diameter of the portal vein in its ending varied between 8 and 10 mm in 56.9%. In 29.8% of the cases, the length of the portal vein was between 61 and 70 mm and in 8.8% between 81 and 100 mm. The average length was 58 ± 22.3 mm. Before its penetration in the liver, the portal vein divided into 2 branches in 967 cases (96.7%) and in 3 branches in 33 cases (3.3%). Conclusion: This original study shows the normal dimensions of the portal vein to Malian.

Research paper thumbnail of Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l’hépatite B à l’Hôpital de l’Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée)

Journal of Applied Biosciences, May 13, 2019

Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéen... more Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée).

Research paper thumbnail of Grossesses Non Suivies : Pronostic Maternel et Périnatal au Centre de Santé de Référence de la Commune V du District de Bamako


RESUME Objectifs. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’evaluer l’issue materno-fœtale et la prevalenc... more RESUME Objectifs. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’evaluer l’issue materno-fœtale et la prevalence des grossesses non suivies dans une structure sanitaire de 2eme niveau de Bamako. Materiels et methodes. L’etude a eu lieu au centre de sante de reference de la commune V du District de Bamako sur une periode de six mois, allant du 1er Janvier au 30 juin 2015. Nous avons inclus toutes les femmes non suivies en periode prenatale et ayant accouche dans le service pendant la periode d’etude. Chaque cas a ete apparie a 2 temoins sur la base de l’âge et de la parite. Les donnees d’interet etaient l’issue de la grossesse et l’etat de la mere et de l’enfant. Resultats. Nous avons enregistre 4098 accouchements durant la periode d’etude dont 400 grossesses non suivies soit une prevalence de 9,7%. Les patientes avaient un âge compris entre 13 et 43 ans avec une moyenne d’âge de 24,01 ans±6,30. Les grossesses non suivies etaient plus frequentes chez les aides menageres (13% des cas contre 1% des ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hystérectomies d’Hémostase à Bamako: Aspects Épidémiocliniques et Pronostic Maternel


RESUME Objectif. Etudier les aspects epidemiocliniques et le pronostic maternel de l’hysterectomi... more RESUME Objectif. Etudier les aspects epidemiocliniques et le pronostic maternel de l’hysterectomie d’hemostase (HH) a Bamako. Patientes et methodes. Il s’agit d’une etude transversale mixte (retrospective 1 er janvier 2007 et prospective au 31 decembre 2016), sur une periode de 10 ans portant sur les cas d’HH realisees au bloc operatoire du centre de sante de reference de la commune V de Bamako. N’ont pas inclues, les cas d’HH referes dans un centre hospitalier universitaire. Les variables etudiees etaient les donnees sociodemographiques et cliniques, l’importance du saignement, les gestes effectues avant l’hysterectomie et le pronostic postoperatoire. L’analyse statistique a ete realisee avec SPSS. Le test de Chi2 a ete utilise pour les comparaisons avec un seuil de significativite de 0,05. Resultats. Nous avons collige 101 cas d’HH sur 90 872 accouchements (0,11%). L’âge moyen des patientes etait de 32,35±6,16 ans avec des extremes de 16 et 46 ans ; une notion de grande multipar...

Research paper thumbnail of Stérilisation Tubaire et Regrets dans un Hôpital du District Sanitaire de Bamako au Mali


RESUME Objectif. Le but de cette etude etait d’etudier les facteurs de risque lies au regret apre... more RESUME Objectif. Le but de cette etude etait d’etudier les facteurs de risque lies au regret apres sterilisation tubaire. Materiel et methodes. Il s’agissait d’une etude retrospective portant sur 236 femmes sterilisees entre 2012 et 2016 et qui ont emis un regret apres la procedure de ligature tubaire. Resultats. Durant l’etude 99 (41,94%) femmes avaient regrette d’avoir opte pour la sterilisation tubaire. L’âge moyen des patientes etait de 38 ans avec une parite moyenne de 7. Le temps consacre a l’entretien avec le couple etait inferieur a cinq (5) minutes chez 87 (70,16%) femmes. La principale indication a ete la cardiopathie avec 28,70% (33 femmes). Dans 50% le regret etait lie au desir d’enfant. Le desir d’avoir d’autres garcons a ete retrouve chez 48 femmes (40,68%) et 73 (30,93%) evoquaient une algie pelvienne chronique. Conclusion. Le desir de procreer, le peu de temps consacre a l'information des couples ont ete a l'origine du regret apres sterilisation tubaire chez ...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact de la Pré-Éclampsie sur la Morbidité et la Mortalité Néonatales


RESUME But. La pre-eclampsie (PE) ou toxemie gravidique, est une pathologie maternelle realisant ... more RESUME But. La pre-eclampsie (PE) ou toxemie gravidique, est une pathologie maternelle realisant une hypo-perfusion utero-placentaire, responsable d’une morbi-mortalite maternelle elevee. L’objectif de notre travail etait de determiner la relation entre pre-eclampsie et pronostic du nouveau-ne. Methodologie. Il s’agit d’une etude prospective, comparative realisee au centre de sante de reference de la Commune V du district de Bamako. Deux groupes de 200 nouveau-nes chacun ont ete constitues. Le groupe « Cas » etait constitue de nouveau-nes issus de grossesses compliquees de pre-eclampsie, et le groupe « Temoin » ceux issus de grossesses normales. Les variables etudiees etaient les caracteristiques maternelles, fœtales et les suites neonatales. L’analyse statistique a ete faite avec SPSS 20.0 avec les tests de Khi-2, Student, Man Whitney et la regression logistique avec un risque alpha a 5%. Resultats. Seuls 77 nouveau-nes du groupe « Cas » ont pu etre mis immediatement au sein mater...

Research paper thumbnail of Rupture Utérine de Diagnostic Tardif et Inopiné en Peropératoire après un Accouchement Dystocique par Voie Basse


RESUME Les ruptures uterines decouvertes dans le post partum sont de plus en plus rapportees dan... more RESUME Les ruptures uterines decouvertes dans le post partum sont de plus en plus rapportees dans la litterature. Cependant tres peu de cas sont diagnostiques dans le post partum tardif. Nous rapportons un cas de rupture uterine de diagnostic inopine en per operatoire d’une laparotomie pour masse pelvienne dans les vingt septieme jours du post partum d’un accouchement dystocique par voie basse. Il s’agissait d’une patiente de 30 ans, 5eme geste, 5eme pare, avec quatre enfants vivants et un decede lors de son dernier accouchement, sans antecedent chirurgical ou medical connu. La laparotomie a ete decidee pour masse pelvienne dont le diagnostic correct n’a pas pu etre pose ni par l’echographie pelvienne ni par le scanner abdomino-pelvien. L’exploration a retrouve une rupture uterine avec des tissus necrotiques et un enorme caillot de sang, d’ou la realisation d’une hysterectomie subtotale avec salpingectomie bilaterale. Les suites operatoires ont ete simples. Nous rapportons ce cas ...

Research paper thumbnail of L’Hypotension Induite par la Rachianesthésie lors des Césariennes chez les Patientes avec Pré-Éclampsie

RESUME Introduction. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’etudier l’hypotension au cours de la rachia... more RESUME Introduction. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’etudier l’hypotension au cours de la rachianesthesie pour cesarienne chez les patientes presentant une pre-eclampsie (groupe PE) en comparaison avec les patientes non pathologiques (groupe NPE). Patientes et Methodes. Il s’agit d’une etude prospective et comparative sur six mois apres approbation du comite d’ethique de notre etablissement. Nous avons inclus les patientes operees pour cesariennes sous rachianesthesie. Le critere de regroupement etait la presence ou non d’une pre-eclampsie. Les variables etudiees etaient l’hypotension, sa severite et les moyens therapeutiques. L’analyse statistique a ete realisee avec le logiciel SPSS 20.0, en utilisant les tests de Student, de Man Withney et de Khi 2 avec un seuil de significativite de 0,05. Resultats. Nous avons collige 113 patientes d’âge moyen de 28,19±6,42 ans, avec un terme moyen de grossesse de 38,41±2,83 semaines d’amenorrhees. Le taux d’hypotension induite etait de 65,61% ...

Research paper thumbnail of Profil De Sensibilite Des Souches De Sphingomonas Paucimobilis Isolees De Divers Produits Pathologiques a L’Hopital De L’Amitie Sino-Guineenne Kipe/ Conakry (Guinee)

RESUME Cette etude retrospective avait pour objectif de determiner les profils de sensibilite au... more RESUME Cette etude retrospective avait pour objectif de determiner les profils de sensibilite aux antibiotiques des souches de Sphingomonas paucimobilis isolees de divers produits pathologiques de 16 patients (urines, spermes, secretions vaginales, liquide pleural, selles et liquide d’ascite). Apres 24 heures de cultures sur milieux geloses, les identifications bacteriennes et les antibiogrammes ont ete realises a l’automate Vitek 2 Compact 15. Le sexe feminin etait predominant avec un sexe-ratio Male/Femelle (7/9) = 0,77. L’âge moyen des patients etait de 55,25 ans avec les extremes de 21 et 83 ans. Les antibiogrammes ont montre que la majorite des souches etaient sensibles a l’amoxicilline/acide clavulanique (87,50%), la piperacilline/tazobactam (93,25%), la cefalotine (68,75%), la cefoxitine (56,25%), le cefotaxime (81,25%), l’imipeneme (93,75%), l’amikacine (93,75%), la gentamicine (93,75%), la tobramycine (93,75%), la ciprofloxacine (62,50%), l’ofloxacine (52,25%). La sensib...

Research paper thumbnail of Abstracts of the Eighth EDCTP Forum, 6–9 November 2016

BMJ Global Health, 2017


Research paper thumbnail of Selection of Pfcrt 76T and Pfmdr1 86Y Mutant Plasmodium falciparum after Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria with Artesunate-Amodiaquine in Republic of Guinea

Journal of Parasitology, 2021

The use of Amodiaquine monotherapy is associated with the selection of molecular markers of Plasm... more The use of Amodiaquine monotherapy is associated with the selection of molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to chloroquine (pfcrt and pfmdr1). The decrease in sensitivity and the emergence of P. falciparum resistant to artemisinin-based combination therapy have been reported. Therefore, it is important to assess the impact of treatment of uncomplicated malaria with Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AS+AQ) on molecular markers of antimalarial resistance. We used standard World Health Organization (WHO) protocols to determine the in vivo efficacy of the combination (AS+AQ). In total, 170 subjects were included in the study. The molecular analysis focused on 168 dried blood spots. The aims were to determine the frequency of pfcrt 76T and pfmdr1 86Y mutations and the rates of reinfection using polymorphism markers msp1, msp2, and microsatellite markers (CA1, Ta87, TA99). Nested-PCR was used, followed in some cases by a restriction digestion. The level of P. falciparum clinical response was 92.9% (156/168) of Adequate Clinical and Parasitological Response (ACPR) before molecular correction and 97.0% (163/168) after molecular correction (P = 0.089). The frequency of mutation point pfcrt 76T was 76.2% (128/168) before treatment and 100% (7/7) after treatment (P = 0.1423). For the pfmdr1 mutation, the frequency was 28% (47/168) before treatment and 60% (6/10) after treatment (P = 0.1124). The rate of pfcrt 76T + pfmdr1 86Y was 22% (37/168) before and 50% (6/12) after treatment (P = 0.1465). Despite the presence of AS in the combination, AS+AQ selects for pfcrt 76T and pfmdr1 86Y mutant P. falciparum in Guinea.

Research paper thumbnail of Antibiotic sensitivity profile of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains at the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital of Kipé in Conakry (Guinea)

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021

Introduction: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main bacterial species associated with uri... more Introduction: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main bacterial species associated with urinary tract infections. Nowadays, this bacterium is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic sensitivity profiles of all strains of E. coli isolated from urine during the period from September 1st, 2018 to March 13th, 2019 at the Biomedical Laboratory of the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital of Kipé in Conakry. Materiel and Methods: Cultures were done on different agar media. Bacterial identification, antibiograms and determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were performed on the Vitek 2 Compact 15 automated system. Results: A total of 66 strains of E. coli have been isolated from patients of both sexes. The sex ratio (M/F) was 0.43. The mean age of the patients was 50.83 years. The majority of strains were sensitive to imipenem (96.96%), amikacin (96.96%), ertapenem (94.73%), gentamicin (69.23%), tobr...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of malaria and factors associated with infection in children aged 6 months to 9 years in Guinea: Results from a national cross-sectional study

Parasite Epidemiology and Control, 2020

Worldwide, a child dies every two minutes due to malaria with Africa bearing about 90% of all mal... more Worldwide, a child dies every two minutes due to malaria with Africa bearing about 90% of all malaria deaths particularly among children. This study aimed to describe malaria prevalence and its associated factors among children aged 6 months to 9 years in Guinea. We conducted a cross-sectional household survey between 02 and 29 August 2014 in children aged 6 months to 9 years in the four natural regions of the country. A five-level cluster sampling using the national database from the national institute of statistics was used to select study participants. A total of 1984 children aged 6 months to 9 years were enrolled. The mean age was 50 months (SD, 27). The rapid diagnostic test showed a high malaria prevalence (44%) countrywide along with regional variation ranging from 38% to 61%. A multivariate analysis showed that living in Forest Guinea (AOR: 2.48; 95% CI: 1.78-3.46), in rural areas (AOR: 1.91; 95% IC: 1.45-2.5) and having a splenomegaly (AOR: 2.66; 95% CI: 1.75-4.04) were highly associated with malaria. This study shows that malaria is still prevalent in Guinea among children aged 6 months to 9 years of age.

Research paper thumbnail of Bacteriology of Healthcare-Associated Infections in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of CHU Gabriel Touré

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019

Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a public health issue. An infection is ... more Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a public health issue. An infection is said to be associated with the care if it occurs during or after the care of a patient, and if it was neither present nor incubation at the beginning of the care. Objective: The purpose of this work was to study the bacteriology of infections associated with obstetric care in the gynecology-obstetrics department of CHU Gabriel Touré. Patients and Methods: This is an epidemiological, descriptive, analytical study conducted in the gynecology-obstetrics department of the CHU Gabriel Touré, from April 11 th , 2016 to August 29 th , 2016 (5 months). Data collection focused on the clinical and laboratory characteristics of healthcare-associated infections in patients during their hospitalization. Included in the study were any patients hospitalized in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department who agreed to participate in the study. The criteria used to diagnose the associated infection were those of the Atlanta CDC. Operative wound monitoring was done up to the 30th postoperative day. Results: We have recorded 200 patients, out of whom 138 were operated on and 23 cases of bacterial infection associated with care (11.50%). The average age of the patients was 32.52 years ± 13.36 years against 29.36 years ± 10.28 years for the patients who did not present the infection. Seven point five percent of the evacuated patients had an infection associated with care. The most common types of infection were surgical site infection (60.86%), urinary tract infection (26.

Research paper thumbnail of Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l’hépatite B à l’Hôpital de l’Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée)

Journal of Applied Biosciences, 2019

Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéen... more Séroprévalence de la co-infection VIH /virus de l'hépatite B à l'Hôpital de l'Amitié sino-guinéenne (HASIGUI) Kipé/Conakry (Guinée).

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-drug resistance pattern of a <i>Leclercia adecarboxylata</i> strain isolated from a urinary tract infection of a patient at China-Guinea friendship hospital of Kipé/Conakry

International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2018

Leclercia adecarboxylata (LAD) is a member of Enterobacteriaceae family that is usually reported ... more Leclercia adecarboxylata (LAD) is a member of Enterobacteriaceae family that is usually reported as an opportunistic human pathogen. A few reports have described resistant strains in the literature. The aim of this paper was to describe the antimicrobial resistance pattern of a LAD strain isolated from a urinary tract infection in a 39-year-old immunocompetent man. The bacterial identification and antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed on Vitek 2 Compact 15. The results revealed the presence of LAD with a particular multidrug resistance pattern. It was sensitive only to imipenem (=1 µg/ml), and totally resistant to association of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (≥320 µg/ml), ticarcillin (≥128 µg/ml), nitrofurantoin (=128 µg/ml), cefalothin (≥64 µg/ml), cefoxitin (≥64 µg/ml), cefotaxime (≥64 µg/ml), ceftazidime (≥64 µg/ml), amikacin (≥64 µg/ml), ampicillin (≥32 µg/ml), nalidxic acid (≥32 µg/ml), and a combination of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (≥32 µg/ml), gentamicin (≥16 µg/ml), tobramycin (≥16 µg/ml), ofloxacin (≥8 µg/ml), and ciprofloxacin (≥4 µg/ml). It showed the intermediate sensitivity to the association of piperacillin/tazobactam (=64 µg/ml), and ertapenem (=4 µg/ml). The findings showed that this isolate of LAD had a multidrug resistance pattern to almost all the antibiotics tested (except imipenem). This suggests that LAD could be considered as an emergent bacterial pathogen capable of causing infections in human and carrying multidrug resistance pattern to numerous antibiotic families in Guinea.

Research paper thumbnail of Pyronaridine–artesunate or dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine versus current first-line therapies for repeated treatment of uncomplicated malaria: a randomised, multicentre, open-label, longitudinal, controlled, phase 3b/4 trial

The Lancet, 2018

Background Artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine are used as first-line artemisinin-... more Background Artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine are used as first-line artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) in west Africa. Pyronaridine-artesunate and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine are potentially useful for diversification of ACTs in this region, but further safety and efficacy data are required on malaria retreatment. Methods We did a randomised, multicentre, open-label, longitudinal, controlled phase 3b/4 clinical trial at seven tertiary centres in Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali. Eligible participants for first malaria episode and all retreatment episodes were adults and children aged 6 months and older with microscopically confirmed Plasmodium spp malaria (>0 to <200 000 parasites per µL of blood) and fever or history of fever in the previous 24 h. Individuals with severe or complicated malaria, an alanine aminotransferase concentration of more than twice the upper limit of normal, or a QTc greater than 450 ms were excluded. Using a randomisation list for each site, masked using sealed envelopes, participants were assigned to either pyronaridine-artesunate or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus either artesunateamodiaquine or artemether-lumefantrine. Block sizes were two or four if two treatments were allocated, and three or six if three treatments were allocated. Microscopists doing the parasitological assessments were masked to treatment allocation. All treatments were once-daily or twice-daily tablets or granules given orally and dosed by bodyweight over 3 days at the study centre. Patients were followed up as outpatients up to day 42, receiving clinical assessments on days 0

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria by Amodiaquine−artesunate (As-Aq) on PFCRT 76T and PFMDR1 86Y Mutations Selection in Plasmodium Falciparum Isolates, Republic of Guinea

Research paper thumbnail of The Prevalence of HIV in Cancer Patients at the Surgical Oncology Unit of Donka University Hospital of Conakry (Guinea)

Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, 2015

Aim. To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among patients seen at the surgical oncology un... more Aim. To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among patients seen at the surgical oncology unit of Donka (Conakry, Guinea).Method. We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study of HIV infection in cancer patients from May 2007 to December 2012. Social characteristics (age, gender, marital status, and education) and immune status (HIV type, CD4 count) were reviewed.Results. Out of 2598 cancer patients, 54 (2.1%) tested positive for HIV. There were 11 (20.4%) defining AIDS and 43 (79.6%) nondefining AIDS cancers. The most frequent cancers were breast (14) (26.0%), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (6) (11.1%), liver (6) (11.1%), eye and annexes (6) (11.1%), and cervical cancer (5) (9.3%). These patients were female in 34 (63.0%) and had a median age of 39 years and body mass index was 20,3 Kg/m2. They were unschooled in 40 (74.1%) and married in 35 (64.8%). CD4 count showed a median of 317 cells/mL. Antiretroviral treatment was performed in 40 (74.1%).Conclusion. HIV prevalence is higher ...

Research paper thumbnail of Safety and efficacy of re-treatments with pyronaridine-artesunate in African patients with malaria: a substudy of the WANECAM randomised trial

The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2016

Background Sparse data on the safety of pyronaridine-artesunate after repeated treatment of malar... more Background Sparse data on the safety of pyronaridine-artesunate after repeated treatment of malaria episodes restrict its clinical use. We therefore compared the safety of pyronaridine-artesunate after treatment of the fi rst episode of malaria versus re-treatment in a substudy analysis. Methods This planned substudy analysis of the randomised, open-label West African Network for Clinical Trials of Antimalarial Drugs (WANECAM) phase 3b/4 trial was done at six health facilities in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea in patients (aged ≥6 months and bodyweight ≥5 kg) with uncomplicated microscopically confi rmed Plasmodium spp malaria (parasite density <200 000 per μL blood) and fever or history of fever. The primary safety endpoint was incidence of hepatotoxicity: alanine aminotransferase of greater than fi ve times the upper limit of normal (ULN) or Hy's criteria (alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase greater than three times the ULN and total bilirubin more than twice the ULN) after treatment of the fi rst episode of malaria and re-treatment (≥28 days after fi rst treatment) with pyronaridine-artesunate. Pyronaridine-artesunate effi cacy was compared with artemetherlumefantrine with the adequate clinical and parasitological response (ACPR) in an intention-to-treat analysis. WANECAM is registered with PACTR.org, number PACTR201105000286876. Findings Following fi rst treatment, 13 (1%) of 996 patients had hepatotoxicity (including one [<1%] possible Hy's law case) versus two (1%) of 311 patients on re-treatment (neither a Hy's law case). No evidence was found that pyronaridine-artesunate re-treatment increased safety risk based on laboratory values, reported adverse event frequencies, or electrocardiograph fi ndings. For all fi rst treatment or re-treatment episodes, pyronaridine-artesunate (n=673) day 28 crude ACPR was 92•7% (95% CI 91•0-94•3) versus 80•4% (77•8-83•0) for artemether-lumefantrine (n=671). After exclusion of patients with PCR-confi rmed new infections, ACPR was similar on treatment and retreatment and greater than 95% at day 28 and greater than 91% at day 42 in both treatment groups. Interpretation The fi ndings that pyronaridine-artesunate safety and effi cacy were similar on fi rst malaria treatment versus re-treatment of subsequent episodes lend support for the wider access to pyronaridine-artesunate as an alternative artemisinin-based combination treatment for malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Funding European and Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership, Medicines for Malaria Venture (