Darko Ogrin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Darko Ogrin
Dela, 2007
Člani Slovenskega meteorološkega foruma, Oddelka za geografijo Univerze v Ljubljani in Gozdarskeg... more Člani Slovenskega meteorološkega foruma, Oddelka za geografijo Univerze v Ljubljani in Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije smo v letu 2004 pričeli z meritvami v slovenskih mraziščih. Mreža meritev se je v obdobju 2004-2006 razširila, z meritvami pa smo nadaljevali tudi v zimi 2006/2007. Meritve so potekale v več kot 30 mraziščih dinarskega, alpskega in tudi submediteranskega sveta. Kljub mili zimi 2006/2007, so temperature v mrazišču Hribarice padle pod -35°C.
Dela - Oddelek za geografijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani, Dec 27, 2023
Generacije študentov geografije smo s strahospoštovanjem vstopale v svet geografskih znanj, prete... more Generacije študentov geografije smo s strahospoštovanjem vstopale v svet geografskih znanj, preteklih in aktualnih spoznanj doma in po svetu, metod dela, nabora domače in tuje literature z Vrišerjevim učbenikom Uvod v geografijo. Razvoj stroke in potrebe prakse pa so vedno bolj klicali po prenovi oziroma po novem učbeniku. Novi učbenik je zato pravi in hvalevreden odziv na te potrebe. Z njim smo geografi, predvsem pa študenti dobili sodoben, zelo kakovosten priročnik. Študentom bo na široko odpiral vrata novih znanj, metod dela ter priporočil in to ne le kot začetnikom, ampak jih bo nedvomno spremljal tudi v času študija ter kasneje, ko si bodo v praksi ustvarjali strokovne kompetence.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2005
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 1998
Geografski vestnik, 1996
Prispevek obravnava podnebne tipe v Sloveniji. Izhodisce za podnebno clenitev je Koppenov podnebn... more Prispevek obravnava podnebne tipe v Sloveniji. Izhodisce za podnebno clenitev je Koppenov podnebni sistem, po katerem imamo v Sloveniji tri osnovne podnebne tipe: zmernotoplo vlažno podnebje z vrocim poletjem (Cfa), zmernotoplo vlažno podnebje s toplim poletjem (Cfb) in gorsko podnebje (H). V podrobnem so osnovni tipi, glede na padavinski režim, povprecno temperaturo najhladnejsega in najtoplejsega meseca ter razmerje med oktobrskimi in aprilskimi temperaturami, razclenjeni na devet podtipov.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2002
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2007
Prostorsko dojemanje Sredozemlja v slovenski Istri. Analiza s pomočjo teorije mehkih množi
Dela, 2021
Pregled znanstvenega, strokovnega in pedagoškega dela prof. Franca Lovrenčaka ob njegovi 80-letn... more Pregled znanstvenega, strokovnega in pedagoškega dela prof. Franca Lovrenčaka ob njegovi 80-letnici Ob 550-letnici rojstva kartografa in horografa Pietra Coppa In memoriam Marjan Tkalčič (1949–2020) Vpogled v socialno geografijo Challenges of Tourism Development in Protected Areas of Croatia and Slovenia Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies Origination. The Geographies of Brands and Branding Brands and Branding Geographies
Climate research on Slovenian territory in pre-instrumental period: weather and climate in the 17... more Climate research on Slovenian territory in pre-instrumental period: weather and climate in the 17th Century Climate and weather conditions in the Slovenian lands from the time before regular and continuous meteorological measurements began are but poorly known. Investigations in this field began as late as the beginning of the 17th century; particularly the second half of this century, when the polymath Janez Vajkard (Johann Weichard) Valvasor and the Ljubljana chronicler Janez Gregor Dolničar (Thalnitscher) were active, is one of the periods which is sufficiently documented in historical sources as concerns the weather and the climate of the time. In spite of certain limitations in using these sources, by means of additional information it is possible to present satisfactorily the weather and the climate of that time and their effects in social
The book presents a wealth of historical cartographic representations of Slovenian territory. It ... more The book presents a wealth of historical cartographic representations of Slovenian territory. It is divided into two main parts. The first or the text part briefly presents the history of European cartography up to the end of the nineteenth century, maps of the Slovenian territory up to the early twentieth century and maps as cultural heritage. In the second or cartographic part, in turn, features important historical maps of the Slovenian territory presented in chronological order. The format of the book enables an excellent presentation of the presented maps. The maps presented date from the mid-sixteenth century, when the first independent maps of present-day Slovenia were produced, to the beginning of the twentieth century, when cartography developed into a modern discipline. The aim of this book is to present the extensive Slovenian cartographic heritage. Co-published by Narodna in unverzitetna knjižnica (NUK),
During the Pleistocene, glaciation significantly reshaped the Jezersko region. A previous interpr... more During the Pleistocene, glaciation significantly reshaped the Jezersko region. A previous interpretation of the extent of the glaciations by Lucerna and Meze indicated that two glacier branches merged into a single glacier tongue that slid downhill into the valley. The main aim of this research was to analyse geomorphologic forms in the Jezersko region, with a particular focus on remnants of glaciation. The methods we utilised for interpreting the maximum extent of glaciation involved detailed morphographic analysis of the area and morphostructural analysis of outcrops of glacial deposits. Our results repudiate the previous interpretation of the extent of glaciation, since over the course of systematically mapping traces of glaciation we were unable to verify Lucerna and Meze’s evidence purporting to a glacier of such size. The glaciers in both branches extended to the Jezersko Basin, where the lowest-lying glacial deposits can be found intact. The reach of the two glaciers was not such that they would have merged or stretched further downwards into the basin/valley.
Dela, 2019
The paper presents the development of European and Slovenian geography at the time of the great g... more The paper presents the development of European and Slovenian geography at the time of the great geographical discoveries between the 15th and the end of the 18th century. During this period geographical horizons were remarkably widened, and a huge amount of information about the world was gathered which prompted the need for new ways of processing and displaying the knowledge of the Earth’s surface. During this time, the number of cartographic, horographic and topographic illustrations of today’s Slovenian territory increased. Some personages who contributed to the progress of European science and to better knowledge of the world lived in Slovenia or originated from this territory.
Dela, 2018
V prispevku je prikazana zgodovina geografije v srednjem veku s pomočjo spoznanj iz domače in tuj... more V prispevku je prikazana zgodovina geografije v srednjem veku s pomočjo spoznanj iz domače in tuje strokovne literature. Srednji vek ni enotno obdobje v razvoju geografije. Zgodnjega označuje zaton antičnih tradicij v krščanskem delu Evrope, vendar prevzem in nadgradnjo le-teh v arabskem svetu. V visokem srednjem veku so bila arabska spoznanja med osnovami za geografsko in kartografsko renesanso ter za razvoj v naslednjih stoletjih.
Dela, 2003
V prispevku avtor analizira spremenljivost sezonskih temperatur in padavin v Ljubljani in Trstu v... more V prispevku avtor analizira spremenljivost sezonskih temperatur in padavin v Ljubljani in Trstu v obdobju 1851-2002, s posebnim ozirom na zadnjih 15 let. Ugotavlja srednjeročne variacije in splošno tendenco. Večjo variabilnost in izrazitejše temperaturne trende ima Ljubljana. Naraščajo zimske in spomladanske temperature, zmanjšuje se jesenska namočenost in zaradi nje tudi letna, vendar se jesenske padavine v zadnjih 15 letih ponovno krepijo. To z višjimi temperaturami napoveduje submediteranizacijo podnebja v Ljubljani in izrazitejše mediteranske poteze v Trstu.
Climatic changes in the Holocene The paper presents the principal features of the climatic change... more Climatic changes in the Holocene The paper presents the principal features of the climatic changes in the Holocene and a short overview of the paleoclimatic reconstruction methods. The Younger Dryas (10.000 to 11.000 years ago) was a transition of the last ice age to the Holocene. The warmest period of the Holocene, the altithermal, occurred between 6000 and 3000 B. C., and was followed by a period of cooler climatic conditions. Between 500 and 1300 A. D. there was the medieval climatic optimum which turned to the Little Ice Age after 1450. Characteristic of the last two centuries, for which multi-year strings of climatic measurements are available, is a gradual increase in air temperatures. KEYWORDS climatic changes, paleoclimate, climatic changes investigation methods, Holocene, climate in the instrumental and pre-instrumental periods Uredni{tvo je prispevek prejelo 26. januarja 2004.
Dela, 2007
Člani Slovenskega meteorološkega foruma, Oddelka za geografijo Univerze v Ljubljani in Gozdarskeg... more Člani Slovenskega meteorološkega foruma, Oddelka za geografijo Univerze v Ljubljani in Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije smo v letu 2004 pričeli z meritvami v slovenskih mraziščih. Mreža meritev se je v obdobju 2004-2006 razširila, z meritvami pa smo nadaljevali tudi v zimi 2006/2007. Meritve so potekale v več kot 30 mraziščih dinarskega, alpskega in tudi submediteranskega sveta. Kljub mili zimi 2006/2007, so temperature v mrazišču Hribarice padle pod -35°C.
Dela - Oddelek za geografijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani, Dec 27, 2023
Generacije študentov geografije smo s strahospoštovanjem vstopale v svet geografskih znanj, prete... more Generacije študentov geografije smo s strahospoštovanjem vstopale v svet geografskih znanj, preteklih in aktualnih spoznanj doma in po svetu, metod dela, nabora domače in tuje literature z Vrišerjevim učbenikom Uvod v geografijo. Razvoj stroke in potrebe prakse pa so vedno bolj klicali po prenovi oziroma po novem učbeniku. Novi učbenik je zato pravi in hvalevreden odziv na te potrebe. Z njim smo geografi, predvsem pa študenti dobili sodoben, zelo kakovosten priročnik. Študentom bo na široko odpiral vrata novih znanj, metod dela ter priporočil in to ne le kot začetnikom, ampak jih bo nedvomno spremljal tudi v času študija ter kasneje, ko si bodo v praksi ustvarjali strokovne kompetence.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2005
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 1998
Geografski vestnik, 1996
Prispevek obravnava podnebne tipe v Sloveniji. Izhodisce za podnebno clenitev je Koppenov podnebn... more Prispevek obravnava podnebne tipe v Sloveniji. Izhodisce za podnebno clenitev je Koppenov podnebni sistem, po katerem imamo v Sloveniji tri osnovne podnebne tipe: zmernotoplo vlažno podnebje z vrocim poletjem (Cfa), zmernotoplo vlažno podnebje s toplim poletjem (Cfb) in gorsko podnebje (H). V podrobnem so osnovni tipi, glede na padavinski režim, povprecno temperaturo najhladnejsega in najtoplejsega meseca ter razmerje med oktobrskimi in aprilskimi temperaturami, razclenjeni na devet podtipov.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2002
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2007
Prostorsko dojemanje Sredozemlja v slovenski Istri. Analiza s pomočjo teorije mehkih množi
Dela, 2021
Pregled znanstvenega, strokovnega in pedagoškega dela prof. Franca Lovrenčaka ob njegovi 80-letn... more Pregled znanstvenega, strokovnega in pedagoškega dela prof. Franca Lovrenčaka ob njegovi 80-letnici Ob 550-letnici rojstva kartografa in horografa Pietra Coppa In memoriam Marjan Tkalčič (1949–2020) Vpogled v socialno geografijo Challenges of Tourism Development in Protected Areas of Croatia and Slovenia Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies Origination. The Geographies of Brands and Branding Brands and Branding Geographies
Climate research on Slovenian territory in pre-instrumental period: weather and climate in the 17... more Climate research on Slovenian territory in pre-instrumental period: weather and climate in the 17th Century Climate and weather conditions in the Slovenian lands from the time before regular and continuous meteorological measurements began are but poorly known. Investigations in this field began as late as the beginning of the 17th century; particularly the second half of this century, when the polymath Janez Vajkard (Johann Weichard) Valvasor and the Ljubljana chronicler Janez Gregor Dolničar (Thalnitscher) were active, is one of the periods which is sufficiently documented in historical sources as concerns the weather and the climate of the time. In spite of certain limitations in using these sources, by means of additional information it is possible to present satisfactorily the weather and the climate of that time and their effects in social
The book presents a wealth of historical cartographic representations of Slovenian territory. It ... more The book presents a wealth of historical cartographic representations of Slovenian territory. It is divided into two main parts. The first or the text part briefly presents the history of European cartography up to the end of the nineteenth century, maps of the Slovenian territory up to the early twentieth century and maps as cultural heritage. In the second or cartographic part, in turn, features important historical maps of the Slovenian territory presented in chronological order. The format of the book enables an excellent presentation of the presented maps. The maps presented date from the mid-sixteenth century, when the first independent maps of present-day Slovenia were produced, to the beginning of the twentieth century, when cartography developed into a modern discipline. The aim of this book is to present the extensive Slovenian cartographic heritage. Co-published by Narodna in unverzitetna knjižnica (NUK),
During the Pleistocene, glaciation significantly reshaped the Jezersko region. A previous interpr... more During the Pleistocene, glaciation significantly reshaped the Jezersko region. A previous interpretation of the extent of the glaciations by Lucerna and Meze indicated that two glacier branches merged into a single glacier tongue that slid downhill into the valley. The main aim of this research was to analyse geomorphologic forms in the Jezersko region, with a particular focus on remnants of glaciation. The methods we utilised for interpreting the maximum extent of glaciation involved detailed morphographic analysis of the area and morphostructural analysis of outcrops of glacial deposits. Our results repudiate the previous interpretation of the extent of glaciation, since over the course of systematically mapping traces of glaciation we were unable to verify Lucerna and Meze’s evidence purporting to a glacier of such size. The glaciers in both branches extended to the Jezersko Basin, where the lowest-lying glacial deposits can be found intact. The reach of the two glaciers was not such that they would have merged or stretched further downwards into the basin/valley.
Dela, 2019
The paper presents the development of European and Slovenian geography at the time of the great g... more The paper presents the development of European and Slovenian geography at the time of the great geographical discoveries between the 15th and the end of the 18th century. During this period geographical horizons were remarkably widened, and a huge amount of information about the world was gathered which prompted the need for new ways of processing and displaying the knowledge of the Earth’s surface. During this time, the number of cartographic, horographic and topographic illustrations of today’s Slovenian territory increased. Some personages who contributed to the progress of European science and to better knowledge of the world lived in Slovenia or originated from this territory.
Dela, 2018
V prispevku je prikazana zgodovina geografije v srednjem veku s pomočjo spoznanj iz domače in tuj... more V prispevku je prikazana zgodovina geografije v srednjem veku s pomočjo spoznanj iz domače in tuje strokovne literature. Srednji vek ni enotno obdobje v razvoju geografije. Zgodnjega označuje zaton antičnih tradicij v krščanskem delu Evrope, vendar prevzem in nadgradnjo le-teh v arabskem svetu. V visokem srednjem veku so bila arabska spoznanja med osnovami za geografsko in kartografsko renesanso ter za razvoj v naslednjih stoletjih.
Dela, 2003
V prispevku avtor analizira spremenljivost sezonskih temperatur in padavin v Ljubljani in Trstu v... more V prispevku avtor analizira spremenljivost sezonskih temperatur in padavin v Ljubljani in Trstu v obdobju 1851-2002, s posebnim ozirom na zadnjih 15 let. Ugotavlja srednjeročne variacije in splošno tendenco. Večjo variabilnost in izrazitejše temperaturne trende ima Ljubljana. Naraščajo zimske in spomladanske temperature, zmanjšuje se jesenska namočenost in zaradi nje tudi letna, vendar se jesenske padavine v zadnjih 15 letih ponovno krepijo. To z višjimi temperaturami napoveduje submediteranizacijo podnebja v Ljubljani in izrazitejše mediteranske poteze v Trstu.
Climatic changes in the Holocene The paper presents the principal features of the climatic change... more Climatic changes in the Holocene The paper presents the principal features of the climatic changes in the Holocene and a short overview of the paleoclimatic reconstruction methods. The Younger Dryas (10.000 to 11.000 years ago) was a transition of the last ice age to the Holocene. The warmest period of the Holocene, the altithermal, occurred between 6000 and 3000 B. C., and was followed by a period of cooler climatic conditions. Between 500 and 1300 A. D. there was the medieval climatic optimum which turned to the Little Ice Age after 1450. Characteristic of the last two centuries, for which multi-year strings of climatic measurements are available, is a gradual increase in air temperatures. KEYWORDS climatic changes, paleoclimate, climatic changes investigation methods, Holocene, climate in the instrumental and pre-instrumental periods Uredni{tvo je prispevek prejelo 26. januarja 2004.