David Rosado Porto - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by David Rosado Porto
Microbiological Research, Dec 31, 2023
FEMS microbiology ecology/FEMS microbiology, ecology, Feb 14, 2024
Beaches represent important economic resources linked to “Sun, Sea and Sand” tourism and, therefo... more Beaches represent important economic resources linked to “Sun, Sea and Sand” tourism and, therefore, their water quality constitutes an issue of great relevance especially in developing countries. The main objective of this work was to determine the microbial quality of beach sediments along the Caribbean coast of the Department of Atlántico (Colombia) and its relationships with the existence of local sources of contamination (e.g., streams containing wastewaters), beach exposition to waves, the quantity of beach visitors—which is reflected by beach typology (e.g., urban, rural, etc.), the presence of tourist activities/infrastructures and the beach sand sedimentological characteristics. Along the study area, samples of beach sediments were gathered in beach face and backshore areas at 11 sectors and the microbiological counts of three faecal indicator bacteria, i.e., Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and Clostridium perfringens, were determined. A homogeneous distribution was rec...
Frontiers in Microbiology
Soil organisms play an important role in the equilibrium and cycling of nutrients. Because elevat... more Soil organisms play an important role in the equilibrium and cycling of nutrients. Because elevated CO2 (eCO2) affects plant metabolism, including rhizodeposition, it directly impacts the soil microbiome and microbial processes. Therefore, eCO2 directly influences the cycling of different elements in terrestrial ecosystems. Hence, possible changes in the cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S) were analyzed, alongside the assessment of changes in the composition and structure of the soil microbiome through a functional metatranscriptomics approach (cDNA from mRNA) from soil samples taken at the Giessen free-air CO2 enrichment (Gi-FACE) experiment. Results showed changes in the expression of C cycle genes under eCO2 with an increase in the transcript abundance for carbohydrate and amino acid uptake, and degradation, alongside an increase in the transcript abundance for cellulose, chitin, and lignin degradation and prokaryotic carbon fixation. In addition, N cycle changes i...
BMC Microbiology
Background Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations (eCO2), one of the main causes of climate chang... more Background Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations (eCO2), one of the main causes of climate change, have several consequences for both vine and cover crops in vineyards and potentially also for the soil microbiome. Hence soil samples were taken from a vineyard free-air CO2 enrichment (VineyardFACE) study in Geisenheim and examined for possible changes in the soil active bacterial composition (cDNA of 16S rRNA) using a metabarcoding approach. Soil samples were taken from the areas between the rows of vines with and without cover cropping from plots exposed to either eCO2 or ambient CO2 (aCO2). Results Diversity indices and redundancy analysis (RDA) demonstrated that eCO2 changed the active soil bacterial diversity in grapevine soil with cover crops (p-value 0.007). In contrast, the bacterial composition in bare soil was unaffected. In addition, the microbial soil respiration (p-values 0.04—0.003) and the ammonium concentration (p-value 0.003) were significantly different in the sampl...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021
Beach water quality is an important factor concerning public health and tourism linked to the “Su... more Beach water quality is an important factor concerning public health and tourism linked to the “Sun, Sea and Sand” market and is usually assessed in international regulations by the quantification of Escherichia coli and enterococci counts. Despite Salmonella spp. detection not being included in international normative, the presence/absence of this bacteria is also an indicator of seawater quality. The objective of this study was to determine microbiological quality of beach water at 14 beaches along the Department of Atlántico (Colombia) and its relationship with beach characteristics as beach typology (i.e., urban, village, rural and remote areas), presence of beach facilities (e.g., bars, restaurants, etc.) and streams outflowing into the coastline. Sampling program aimed to analyse E. coli and Salmonella spp., by culture-based and real time PCR methods, respectively. Microbiological outcomes were compared with beach characteristics, and a cluster analysis was performed. E. coli a...
Frontiers in Plant Science
The seed-transmitted microorganisms and the microbiome of the soil in which the plant grows are m... more The seed-transmitted microorganisms and the microbiome of the soil in which the plant grows are major drivers of the rhizosphere microbiome, a crucial component of the plant holobiont. The seed-borne microbiome can be even coevolved with the host plant as a result of adaptation and vertical transmission over generations. The reduced genome diversity and crossing events during domestication might have influenced plant traits that are important for root colonization by seed-borne microbes and also rhizosphere recruitment of microbes from the bulk soil. However, the impact of the breeding on seed-transmitted microbiome composition and the plant ability of microbiome selection from the soil remain unknown. Here, we analyzed both endorhiza and rhizosphere microbiome of two couples of genetically related wild and cultivated wheat species (Aegilops tauschii/Triticum aestivum and T. dicoccoides/T. durum) grown in three locations, using 16S rRNA gene and ITS2 metabarcoding, to assess the rel...
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú, 2021
La contaminación de la canal con E. coli O157:H7, agente etiológico de la Enfermedad Diarreica Ag... more La contaminación de la canal con E. coli O157:H7, agente etiológico de la Enfermedad Diarreica Aguda (EDA), durante el sacrificio es la ruta primaria para la contaminación de la carne picada de vacuno. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de E. coli biotipo 1 genérico y E. coli O157:H7 en bovinos sacrificados en plantas de beneficio del departamento del Atlántico. Se analizaron 224 canales de bovino provenientes de plantas de beneficio de cuatro municipios. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el Laboratorio de Salud Pública del departamento del Atlántico. Se determinó E. coli O157:H7 por el método VIDAS UP E. coli O157 (incluyendo H7) (ECPT) y E. coli biotipo 1, usando agar TBX (Oxoid), método ISO 16649-2:2000. La prevalencia de E. coli O157:H7 fue de 0.45% y de E. coli biotipo 1 genérico fue de 0.89% en muestras con recuentos de E. coli biotipo 1 >100 UFC/cm2. En 54% de las canales con presencia de E. coli, las concentraciones oscilaron entre 1 y 758 UFC/...
Real-time PCR applied to bacterial waterborne pathogens detection and quantification, May 30, 2017
Water is an indispensable resource for life with various uses for humans, ranging from direct con... more Water is an indispensable resource for life with various uses for humans, ranging from direct consumption, food preparation, personal and domestic hygiene, agriculture, recreation, transportation and energy production; thus it is essential that this resource ensure the well-being and health of human beings, because today developing countries water service problems, are not solely restricted to the lack of drinking water, but also to How to quote this chapter:
Microbial ecology, 2021
Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 lead to the increase of plant photosynthetic rates, carbon inp... more Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 lead to the increase of plant photosynthetic rates, carbon inputs into soil and root exudation. In this work, the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 levels on the metabolic active soil microbiome have been investigated at the Giessen free-air CO2 enrichment (Gi-FACE) experiment on a permanent grassland site near Giessen, Germany. The aim was to assess the effects of increased C supply into the soil, due to elevated CO2, on the active soil microbiome composition. RNA extraction and 16S rRNA (cDNA) metabarcoding sequencing were performed from bulk and rhizosphere soils, and the obtained data were processed for a compositional data analysis calculating diversity indices and differential abundance analyses. The structure of the metabolic active microbiome in the rhizospheric soil showed a clear separation between elevated and ambient CO2 (p = 0.002); increased atmospheric CO2 concentration exerted a significant influence on the microbiomes differentiati...
The results will be presented according to the methodology developed; therefore, first will be de... more The results will be presented according to the methodology developed; therefore, first will be described the results of concentration and bacterial elution process standardization for Escherichia coli DNA extraction from potable water and seawater samples. The second section will aboard the results of the standard curve development process for Escherichia coli quantification by real-time PCR and finally the standardization results of the Salmonella spp. detection method by real-time PCR in drinking water and sea water. Results obtained in the process of standardization of a real time PCR for the Escherichia coli quantification and Salmonella spp detection
Un grupo de sustancias de caracter antropogenico conocido como Compuestos Organicos Persistentes ... more Un grupo de sustancias de caracter antropogenico conocido como Compuestos Organicos Persistentes (COPs), tiene impacto negativo sobre el medioambiente y la salud. Sus principales efectos en humanos son: cancer de testiculo, cancer de mamas, y otros; oliogospermia, problemas en el desarrollo y aprendizaje, y alteraciones hormonales. En el Convenio de Estocolmo sobre Contaminantes Organicos Persistentes, que entro en vigor el 17 de mayo de 2001, se establecieron medidas para eliminar la produccion y uso de toxicos persistentes y bioacumulables en los organismos entre los cuales estan: aldrin, clordano, dieldrina, endrina, heptacloro, hexaclorobenceno, mirex, toxafeno y Bifenilos Policlorados (PCBs). El presente articulo tiene como objetivo describir el panorama actual de los COPs, con enfasis en los problemas ambientales y de salud asociados a la exposicion, ademas de las medidas que se desarrollan a nivel mundial y nacional para su control y eliminacion. Normal 0 21 false false false...
Evaluar la calidad microbiologica de diferentes tipos de agua es indispensable para definir si es... more Evaluar la calidad microbiologica de diferentes tipos de agua es indispensable para definir si esta apta para su uso, dentro de los parametros definidos se ha establecido la determinacion de microrganismo indicadores y en muy pocas ocasiones se busca la presencia de patogenos, esto ultimo a razon de que se encuentran en muy bajas concentraciones en este tipo de muestras y por ende los metodos para su deteccion son muy laboriosos, de alli la necesidad de implementar tecnicas mas rapidas y que a la vez sean sensibles y especificas, dentro de ellas se encuentran los metodos moleculares como la PCR, la cual ademas permite la cuantificacion de estos microrganismos a traves de la variante en tiempo real. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un metodo para la enumeracion de Escherichia coli en muestras de agua, para ello se estandarizo el procedimiento de concentracion y elucion bacteriana con diferentes tipos de buffer y tiempos de agitacion con vortex y el procedimiento d...
The methodology will be presented in two sections, the first one will describe the standardizatio... more The methodology will be presented in two sections, the first one will describe the standardization process of Escherichia coli quantification method and the second one section will refer to the process to standardize the method for Salmonella spp. detection using real-time PCR. As well, the first section will cover two numerals; the first one corresponds to the standardization of the concentration and bacterial elution process for DNA extraction and the second to the standard curve elaboration for Escherichia coli quantification. The second section presents two numerals, the first comprises the DNA extraction method evaluation from pre-enrichment cultures for Salmonella spp. detection and the second to the Ct value definition to establish when a sample is positive.
Microbiological Research, Dec 31, 2023
FEMS microbiology ecology/FEMS microbiology, ecology, Feb 14, 2024
Beaches represent important economic resources linked to “Sun, Sea and Sand” tourism and, therefo... more Beaches represent important economic resources linked to “Sun, Sea and Sand” tourism and, therefore, their water quality constitutes an issue of great relevance especially in developing countries. The main objective of this work was to determine the microbial quality of beach sediments along the Caribbean coast of the Department of Atlántico (Colombia) and its relationships with the existence of local sources of contamination (e.g., streams containing wastewaters), beach exposition to waves, the quantity of beach visitors—which is reflected by beach typology (e.g., urban, rural, etc.), the presence of tourist activities/infrastructures and the beach sand sedimentological characteristics. Along the study area, samples of beach sediments were gathered in beach face and backshore areas at 11 sectors and the microbiological counts of three faecal indicator bacteria, i.e., Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and Clostridium perfringens, were determined. A homogeneous distribution was rec...
Frontiers in Microbiology
Soil organisms play an important role in the equilibrium and cycling of nutrients. Because elevat... more Soil organisms play an important role in the equilibrium and cycling of nutrients. Because elevated CO2 (eCO2) affects plant metabolism, including rhizodeposition, it directly impacts the soil microbiome and microbial processes. Therefore, eCO2 directly influences the cycling of different elements in terrestrial ecosystems. Hence, possible changes in the cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S) were analyzed, alongside the assessment of changes in the composition and structure of the soil microbiome through a functional metatranscriptomics approach (cDNA from mRNA) from soil samples taken at the Giessen free-air CO2 enrichment (Gi-FACE) experiment. Results showed changes in the expression of C cycle genes under eCO2 with an increase in the transcript abundance for carbohydrate and amino acid uptake, and degradation, alongside an increase in the transcript abundance for cellulose, chitin, and lignin degradation and prokaryotic carbon fixation. In addition, N cycle changes i...
BMC Microbiology
Background Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations (eCO2), one of the main causes of climate chang... more Background Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations (eCO2), one of the main causes of climate change, have several consequences for both vine and cover crops in vineyards and potentially also for the soil microbiome. Hence soil samples were taken from a vineyard free-air CO2 enrichment (VineyardFACE) study in Geisenheim and examined for possible changes in the soil active bacterial composition (cDNA of 16S rRNA) using a metabarcoding approach. Soil samples were taken from the areas between the rows of vines with and without cover cropping from plots exposed to either eCO2 or ambient CO2 (aCO2). Results Diversity indices and redundancy analysis (RDA) demonstrated that eCO2 changed the active soil bacterial diversity in grapevine soil with cover crops (p-value 0.007). In contrast, the bacterial composition in bare soil was unaffected. In addition, the microbial soil respiration (p-values 0.04—0.003) and the ammonium concentration (p-value 0.003) were significantly different in the sampl...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021
Beach water quality is an important factor concerning public health and tourism linked to the “Su... more Beach water quality is an important factor concerning public health and tourism linked to the “Sun, Sea and Sand” market and is usually assessed in international regulations by the quantification of Escherichia coli and enterococci counts. Despite Salmonella spp. detection not being included in international normative, the presence/absence of this bacteria is also an indicator of seawater quality. The objective of this study was to determine microbiological quality of beach water at 14 beaches along the Department of Atlántico (Colombia) and its relationship with beach characteristics as beach typology (i.e., urban, village, rural and remote areas), presence of beach facilities (e.g., bars, restaurants, etc.) and streams outflowing into the coastline. Sampling program aimed to analyse E. coli and Salmonella spp., by culture-based and real time PCR methods, respectively. Microbiological outcomes were compared with beach characteristics, and a cluster analysis was performed. E. coli a...
Frontiers in Plant Science
The seed-transmitted microorganisms and the microbiome of the soil in which the plant grows are m... more The seed-transmitted microorganisms and the microbiome of the soil in which the plant grows are major drivers of the rhizosphere microbiome, a crucial component of the plant holobiont. The seed-borne microbiome can be even coevolved with the host plant as a result of adaptation and vertical transmission over generations. The reduced genome diversity and crossing events during domestication might have influenced plant traits that are important for root colonization by seed-borne microbes and also rhizosphere recruitment of microbes from the bulk soil. However, the impact of the breeding on seed-transmitted microbiome composition and the plant ability of microbiome selection from the soil remain unknown. Here, we analyzed both endorhiza and rhizosphere microbiome of two couples of genetically related wild and cultivated wheat species (Aegilops tauschii/Triticum aestivum and T. dicoccoides/T. durum) grown in three locations, using 16S rRNA gene and ITS2 metabarcoding, to assess the rel...
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú, 2021
La contaminación de la canal con E. coli O157:H7, agente etiológico de la Enfermedad Diarreica Ag... more La contaminación de la canal con E. coli O157:H7, agente etiológico de la Enfermedad Diarreica Aguda (EDA), durante el sacrificio es la ruta primaria para la contaminación de la carne picada de vacuno. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de E. coli biotipo 1 genérico y E. coli O157:H7 en bovinos sacrificados en plantas de beneficio del departamento del Atlántico. Se analizaron 224 canales de bovino provenientes de plantas de beneficio de cuatro municipios. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el Laboratorio de Salud Pública del departamento del Atlántico. Se determinó E. coli O157:H7 por el método VIDAS UP E. coli O157 (incluyendo H7) (ECPT) y E. coli biotipo 1, usando agar TBX (Oxoid), método ISO 16649-2:2000. La prevalencia de E. coli O157:H7 fue de 0.45% y de E. coli biotipo 1 genérico fue de 0.89% en muestras con recuentos de E. coli biotipo 1 >100 UFC/cm2. En 54% de las canales con presencia de E. coli, las concentraciones oscilaron entre 1 y 758 UFC/...
Real-time PCR applied to bacterial waterborne pathogens detection and quantification, May 30, 2017
Water is an indispensable resource for life with various uses for humans, ranging from direct con... more Water is an indispensable resource for life with various uses for humans, ranging from direct consumption, food preparation, personal and domestic hygiene, agriculture, recreation, transportation and energy production; thus it is essential that this resource ensure the well-being and health of human beings, because today developing countries water service problems, are not solely restricted to the lack of drinking water, but also to How to quote this chapter:
Microbial ecology, 2021
Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 lead to the increase of plant photosynthetic rates, carbon inp... more Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 lead to the increase of plant photosynthetic rates, carbon inputs into soil and root exudation. In this work, the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 levels on the metabolic active soil microbiome have been investigated at the Giessen free-air CO2 enrichment (Gi-FACE) experiment on a permanent grassland site near Giessen, Germany. The aim was to assess the effects of increased C supply into the soil, due to elevated CO2, on the active soil microbiome composition. RNA extraction and 16S rRNA (cDNA) metabarcoding sequencing were performed from bulk and rhizosphere soils, and the obtained data were processed for a compositional data analysis calculating diversity indices and differential abundance analyses. The structure of the metabolic active microbiome in the rhizospheric soil showed a clear separation between elevated and ambient CO2 (p = 0.002); increased atmospheric CO2 concentration exerted a significant influence on the microbiomes differentiati...
The results will be presented according to the methodology developed; therefore, first will be de... more The results will be presented according to the methodology developed; therefore, first will be described the results of concentration and bacterial elution process standardization for Escherichia coli DNA extraction from potable water and seawater samples. The second section will aboard the results of the standard curve development process for Escherichia coli quantification by real-time PCR and finally the standardization results of the Salmonella spp. detection method by real-time PCR in drinking water and sea water. Results obtained in the process of standardization of a real time PCR for the Escherichia coli quantification and Salmonella spp detection
Un grupo de sustancias de caracter antropogenico conocido como Compuestos Organicos Persistentes ... more Un grupo de sustancias de caracter antropogenico conocido como Compuestos Organicos Persistentes (COPs), tiene impacto negativo sobre el medioambiente y la salud. Sus principales efectos en humanos son: cancer de testiculo, cancer de mamas, y otros; oliogospermia, problemas en el desarrollo y aprendizaje, y alteraciones hormonales. En el Convenio de Estocolmo sobre Contaminantes Organicos Persistentes, que entro en vigor el 17 de mayo de 2001, se establecieron medidas para eliminar la produccion y uso de toxicos persistentes y bioacumulables en los organismos entre los cuales estan: aldrin, clordano, dieldrina, endrina, heptacloro, hexaclorobenceno, mirex, toxafeno y Bifenilos Policlorados (PCBs). El presente articulo tiene como objetivo describir el panorama actual de los COPs, con enfasis en los problemas ambientales y de salud asociados a la exposicion, ademas de las medidas que se desarrollan a nivel mundial y nacional para su control y eliminacion. Normal 0 21 false false false...
Evaluar la calidad microbiologica de diferentes tipos de agua es indispensable para definir si es... more Evaluar la calidad microbiologica de diferentes tipos de agua es indispensable para definir si esta apta para su uso, dentro de los parametros definidos se ha establecido la determinacion de microrganismo indicadores y en muy pocas ocasiones se busca la presencia de patogenos, esto ultimo a razon de que se encuentran en muy bajas concentraciones en este tipo de muestras y por ende los metodos para su deteccion son muy laboriosos, de alli la necesidad de implementar tecnicas mas rapidas y que a la vez sean sensibles y especificas, dentro de ellas se encuentran los metodos moleculares como la PCR, la cual ademas permite la cuantificacion de estos microrganismos a traves de la variante en tiempo real. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un metodo para la enumeracion de Escherichia coli en muestras de agua, para ello se estandarizo el procedimiento de concentracion y elucion bacteriana con diferentes tipos de buffer y tiempos de agitacion con vortex y el procedimiento d...
The methodology will be presented in two sections, the first one will describe the standardizatio... more The methodology will be presented in two sections, the first one will describe the standardization process of Escherichia coli quantification method and the second one section will refer to the process to standardize the method for Salmonella spp. detection using real-time PCR. As well, the first section will cover two numerals; the first one corresponds to the standardization of the concentration and bacterial elution process for DNA extraction and the second to the standard curve elaboration for Escherichia coli quantification. The second section presents two numerals, the first comprises the DNA extraction method evaluation from pre-enrichment cultures for Salmonella spp. detection and the second to the Ct value definition to establish when a sample is positive.