Dcm SA DE CV - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dcm SA DE CV
Dee SA, Deen J. Evaluation of an industry-based sanitation protocol for transport vehicles contam... more Dee SA, Deen J. Evaluation of an industry-based sanitation protocol for transport vehicles contaminated with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.
que para além de colega foi minha "irmã" e amiga, cúmplice e confidente, vivendo aventuras durant... more que para além de colega foi minha "irmã" e amiga, cúmplice e confidente, vivendo aventuras durante todo o trabalho de campo que realizámos em Angola, que me farão sorrir todas as vezes que me lembrar delas. Ao Doutor João Melo, esposa e filhos, à tia Mantena, à tia Siliana e restante família, que me receberam em Angola de braços abertos oferecendo-me todo o carinho e atenção que se pode desejar quando se está tão longe de casa. Nunca vos esquecerei. Ao Professor Doutor Cristóvão Simões, Decano da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Agostinho Neto, por contribuir para a realização deste trabalho e também pela prontidão em resolver, numa primeira instância, os assuntos relacionados com a nossa estadia na
Policies that target drug supply can be categorized in two main strategies; targeting drug suppli... more Policies that target drug supply can be categorized in two main strategies; targeting drug suppliers via law enforcement, and offering rural producers incentives to engage in legal alternatives. In this study I focus on the second strategy, digging into the role of rural producers and how shocks to their income affect their cultivation choices. I examine the effect of a coffee price shock on the production of coca in Colombia by exploiting the intermunicipal variation of coffee suitability and exogenous movements of coffee prices between 1999 and 2016. By using coffee suitability, I circumvent any endogenous responses of coffee production to coca production that could be present when using actual production data. I distinguish between arabica and robusta coffee and extend the analysis to five other crops that range among Colombia's top ten agricultural export products; banana, cocoa, oil palm, sugarcane and tobacco. My results show that a coffee price shock leads to differential coca planting only in municipalities more suited to grow robusta coffee. For the other five crops, the proposed effect is present to a less extent, and mainly driven by the eastern part of Colombia, which consists of large municipalities, very suitable in terms of agro-climatic conditions. Firstly, I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr. E.M. Bosker for your advice, time and commitment. I enjoyed writing my thesis under your guidance and your critical judgment helped me to make the most out it. During the process there was room for discussion and you were always available to answer my questions, I truly appreciate this. Secondly, I would like to thank Dr. S.V. Kapoor for being my second reader. I hope you enjoy reading this thesis. Furthermore, I would like express my gratitude to Mr. Günther Fischer, senior researcher in land use systems at IIASA, for providing me the newest data from the GAEZ platform. Next to providing me the data that shaped the outline of this thesis, you have had the patience to answer all my questions, and for this, I would like to thank you. I would also like to acknowledge Mr. Kevin Thom, clinical associate professor at New York University, for providing me with additional explanations on his work, these insights were key at some point to progress. Lastly, I would like to thank my friends and family for their unconditional support during my studies. Charlotte thank you for choosing to write your thesis during the same period as I did, I enjoyed working and discussing our work together. Thank you Tijmen, Charlotte, Fleur, Jessica, mom and dad for your encouraging words, for reading my work, being available for questions and discussion, and providing me with useful insights that shaped the final stage of my studies. 1 On November 24 th 2016 the Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Lodoño (Timochenko), signed a peace agreement that must put hold to a 52-year lasting conflict in Colombia that has taken more than 22,000 victims.
Se identifica la mosca blanca de los cereales Aleurocybotus occiduus Russell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodi... more Se identifica la mosca blanca de los cereales Aleurocybotus occiduus Russell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) a partir de especímenes procedentes de Guasave, Sinaloa, México. Se identificaron 10 especies vegetales, entre poáceas y ciperáceas, como hospederas de A. occiduus. Sin embargo, sólo en ocho de ellas (seis silvestres y dos cultivadas) completa su ciclo de vida. Este aleiródido se colectó en todos los sitios cercanos a las ciudades de Los Mochis y Guasave, Sinaloa; no obstante, hasta ahora no ha ocasionado daños importantes a los cultivos debido en parte a la presencia de parasitoides Encarsia spp. y Eretmocerus spp. (Aphelinidae) obtenidos en muestras de A. occiduus. Este es el primer registro de la especie en el estado de Sinaloa, por lo que mas atención debe darse a este insecto debido al riesgo potencial que tiene para atacar cereales en la región.
En el presente trabajo se muestra el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo con la f... more En el presente trabajo se muestra el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo con la finalidad de automatizar una línea de producción de refuerzo para archiveros, dentro de una empresa de la región lagunera que tiene como giro elaborar muebles para oficina. Dicho prototipo consta en su parte mecánica de una roladora de lámina y una cizalla con corte al vuelo, la parte eléctrica y electrónica consta de los elementos de propulsión de dichas maquinas, así como sus respectivos actuadores, eléctricos, neumáticos e hidráulicos, todo controlado por PLC's conectados en red y una interfaz humano máquina para la operación de toda la línea.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração e caracterização de compósitos bioativos de titânio/fo... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração e caracterização de compósitos bioativos de titânio/fosfato para aplicações biomédicas. Foram produzidos compósitos de TiH2 com 2,5%, 5%, 7,5% e 10% em volume de fosfato tricálcico (TCP). O TiH2 foi fornecido pelo CTA e o TCP foi sintetizado em laboratório. As misturas foram efetuadas em moinho atritor com álcool por 5 horas, secadas, compactadas a 150 MPa e sinterizadas a 1200oC em atmosfera de Argônio por 2 horas. Os materiais foram caracterizados por MEV, DRX, Termogravimetria, calorimetria diferencial e teste de bioatividade in vitro entre 5 e 24 horas em solução simplificada de Kokubo. Foi observado que os compósitos ficaram homogêneos, bem sinterizados e com porosidade micrométrica. As fases identificadas foram Ti, CaO, CaTiO3, TiO2, TCP e TiH2. Nos testes de bioatividade foi constatado que a formação de apatita tende a aumentar com o tempo e com a concentração de TCP no compósito.
Mycotaxon, 2013
ABSTRACT Mucor inaequisporus (Mucorales, Mucoromycotina) was isolated from Syzygium cumini, a com... more ABSTRACT Mucor inaequisporus (Mucorales, Mucoromycotina) was isolated from Syzygium cumini, a common introduced tree species in Brazil. It is distinguished from similar species by producing straight or undulate sporangiophores with randomly distributed irregular swellings. The columellae are mostly pyriform at 25 °C, but oblong, conic, ellipsoid, and obovoid columellae were also found. The sporangiospores vary in size and shape, with a minor proportion exhibiting an irregular shape. ITS-based phylogenetic analyses reveal that M. inaequisporus is closely related to M. amphibiorum and M. nederlandicus. This species can grow between 20 and 30 °C with optimal development at 25 °C, but variations in the shape of sporangiospores and columellae caused by incubation under different temperatures were observed. No growth was detected at 10 and 40 °C.
Veterinary Record, 2002
The aim of this study was to determine whether porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viru... more The aim of this study was to determine whether porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) could be transmitted by aerosol under field conditions. A total of 210 five-month-old PRRSV-negative pigs were housed in a mechanically ventilated finishing facility containing 11 pens. Pen 1 contained 10 pigs (indirect contact controls) and pen 2 remained empty, providing a barrier of 2.5 m from the remaining pigs in pens 3 to 11. Fifteen or 16 of the pigs in each of pens 3 to 11 were infected experimentally with a field isolate of PRRSV and the other six or seven pigs served as direct contact controls. Five days after the pigs were infected, two trailers containing 10 five-week-old PRRSV-naive sentinel pigs were placed along each side of the building; one was placed 1 m from the exhaust fans on one side of the building, and the other was placed 30 m from the fans on the other side, and the sentinel pigs remained in the trailers for 72 hours. They were then moved to separate buildings on the same site, 30 and 80 m, respectively, from the infected barn, and their PRRSV status was monitored for 21 days. The direct and indirect contact control pigs became infected with PRRSV but the sentinel pigs did not.
Veterinary Record, 2001
Forty-five sows and 15 boars were selected at random from a breeding herd known to be chronically... more Forty-five sows and 15 boars were selected at random from a breeding herd known to be chronically infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and lymphoid, immune-privileged, and non-lymphoid/non-immune-privileged tissues were tested for the presence of the virus by PCR, virus isolation, and immunohistochemistry. The virus was isolated from the lateral retropharyngeal lymph node of one sow; the isolate was nucleic acid sequenced and determined to be of field origin, and it was inoculated into two PRRSV-naive pregnant sows (A and B) at 95 days of gestation. They were necropsied 14 days later and samples of maternal and fetal tissue and blood samples were collected. Sow A had 10 fresh, six partially autolysed, and two mummified fetuses, and sow B had six fresh and viable fetuses. Viral nucleic acid was detected by PCR in tissue pools from each sow and also from pooled fetal tissues, and the virus was isolated from fetal pools from sow A.
Veterinary Record, 2011
... Antarctica. These populations have recently expanded, particularly in the USA (USDA 2005) and... more ... Antarctica. These populations have recently expanded, particularly in the USA (USDA 2005) and Europe (Sáez-Royuela and Tellería 1986) due to the development of a commercial hunting industry (Acevedo and others 2006). ...
Veterinary Record, 1997
The financial impact of nursery depopulation was assessed on 34 pig farms by constructing a parti... more The financial impact of nursery depopulation was assessed on 34 pig farms by constructing a partial budget model to measure the profitability of the nursery production. The model measured margin over variable cost and used production data generated from a previous study; it assumed that fixed costs remained constant throughout the study and that feed cost, weaned pig cost and market price per nursery pig also remained fixed. The mean margin over variable cost per sow on the 34 farm after nursery depopulation was Pounds 116. Thirty-two of the farms showed reductions in this cost, ranging from Pounds 20 to Pounds 408 per sow, in the 12 months after nursery depopulation compared with the previous 12 months. Of the two farms which did not show an increase in profitability, one showed no change and the other showed a net loss of Pounds 8 per sow. The sows' serostatus for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection was monitored but there was no significant difference between the margin over variable cost per sow of the seropositive (Pounds 130) and seronegative (Pounds 170) herds.
Mycotaxon, 2011
ABSTRACT Apophysomyces elegans and Mycotypha microspora are recorded for the first time in Brazil... more ABSTRACT Apophysomyces elegans and Mycotypha microspora are recorded for the first time in Brazil based on isolates from semiarid soil in the Northeast part of the country.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2007
The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on com... more The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on commercial farms in Brazil. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, Sao Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at-20ºC until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The fatty acids with the highest percentage in total milk fat were C 16:0 ; C 18:1c9 ; C 18:0 and C 14:0. The average content observed in C 16:0 varied from 25.4 to 32.5%. Farm 4 (pasture plus corn silage) showed a higher C 16:0 value (32.5%). C 18:1c9 varied from 20.6 to 25.1%, C 14:0 varied from 5.9 to 8.9 % and CLA content (C 18:2c9t11) varied from 1.0 to 1.8%. Farm 3 presented higher average of C 18:1c9 (25.1%) and C 18:2c9t11 (1.8%), and lower average of C 14:0 (6.0%). Likewise, unsaturated fatty acids, C 18:1c9 and C 18:2c9t11 were higher on Farm 3. Probably, these results can be due to high CLA intakes derived from wet brewers grain and pasture. Long chain fatty acids varied from 34.2% (Farm 4) to 48.8% (Farm 3). In general, diets based on pasture and corn silage increased the levels of medium chain fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk.
Revista mexicana de …, 2010
El crecimiento de maíz a una densidad de plantas constante, intercepta una proporción mayor de ra... more El crecimiento de maíz a una densidad de plantas constante, intercepta una proporción mayor de radiación total en surcos angostos (Teasdale,1995), debido a un incremento en el
... Que es responsabilidad del Gobierno Federal procurar las medidas que sean necesarias para gar... more ... Que es responsabilidad del Gobierno Federal procurar las medidas que sean necesarias para garantizar que los instrumentos de medición que se comercialicen en territorio nacional sean seguros y exactos, con el propósito de que presten un servicio adecuado conforme a ...
Objective: To assess the efficacy of three intervention strategies for control of insects on a co... more Objective: To assess the efficacy of three intervention strategies for control of insects on a commercial swine farm. Methods: The study was conducted on a commercial finishing facility that contained four rooms. Three strategies (treatments) were evaluated: insect screening of sidewall inlets, application of pyrethroid-based insecticide to the walls and floors of the building, the combination of inlet screens and insecticide, and no treatment (negative control). Each room was assigned a treatment for a 2week sampling period. Specific parameters measured biweekly included numbers of flies and mosquitoes per room, number of insect bites per pig, number of fly spots per room, and level of carbon dioxide, temperature, and relative humidity (RH) per room. Results: Significant differences in numbers of flies and mosquitoes per room and number of insect bites per pig were observed in rooms treated with screens or screens plus insecticide compared to negative control rooms. Rooms that used screens had significantly fewer flies than rooms that used insecticide alone, although screened treatments did not differ from each other. No differences were observed across treatments in the number of fly spots per room or the level of CO 2 , temperature, or RH per room. Implications: Under the conditions of this study, better on-farm insect control was provided through the use of insect screens with or without insecticides. However, no conclusions can be drawn as to whether these strategies can prevent introduction of insect-borne pathogens.
Dee SA, Deen J. Evaluation of an industry-based sanitation protocol for transport vehicles contam... more Dee SA, Deen J. Evaluation of an industry-based sanitation protocol for transport vehicles contaminated with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.
que para além de colega foi minha "irmã" e amiga, cúmplice e confidente, vivendo aventuras durant... more que para além de colega foi minha "irmã" e amiga, cúmplice e confidente, vivendo aventuras durante todo o trabalho de campo que realizámos em Angola, que me farão sorrir todas as vezes que me lembrar delas. Ao Doutor João Melo, esposa e filhos, à tia Mantena, à tia Siliana e restante família, que me receberam em Angola de braços abertos oferecendo-me todo o carinho e atenção que se pode desejar quando se está tão longe de casa. Nunca vos esquecerei. Ao Professor Doutor Cristóvão Simões, Decano da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Agostinho Neto, por contribuir para a realização deste trabalho e também pela prontidão em resolver, numa primeira instância, os assuntos relacionados com a nossa estadia na
Policies that target drug supply can be categorized in two main strategies; targeting drug suppli... more Policies that target drug supply can be categorized in two main strategies; targeting drug suppliers via law enforcement, and offering rural producers incentives to engage in legal alternatives. In this study I focus on the second strategy, digging into the role of rural producers and how shocks to their income affect their cultivation choices. I examine the effect of a coffee price shock on the production of coca in Colombia by exploiting the intermunicipal variation of coffee suitability and exogenous movements of coffee prices between 1999 and 2016. By using coffee suitability, I circumvent any endogenous responses of coffee production to coca production that could be present when using actual production data. I distinguish between arabica and robusta coffee and extend the analysis to five other crops that range among Colombia's top ten agricultural export products; banana, cocoa, oil palm, sugarcane and tobacco. My results show that a coffee price shock leads to differential coca planting only in municipalities more suited to grow robusta coffee. For the other five crops, the proposed effect is present to a less extent, and mainly driven by the eastern part of Colombia, which consists of large municipalities, very suitable in terms of agro-climatic conditions. Firstly, I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr. E.M. Bosker for your advice, time and commitment. I enjoyed writing my thesis under your guidance and your critical judgment helped me to make the most out it. During the process there was room for discussion and you were always available to answer my questions, I truly appreciate this. Secondly, I would like to thank Dr. S.V. Kapoor for being my second reader. I hope you enjoy reading this thesis. Furthermore, I would like express my gratitude to Mr. Günther Fischer, senior researcher in land use systems at IIASA, for providing me the newest data from the GAEZ platform. Next to providing me the data that shaped the outline of this thesis, you have had the patience to answer all my questions, and for this, I would like to thank you. I would also like to acknowledge Mr. Kevin Thom, clinical associate professor at New York University, for providing me with additional explanations on his work, these insights were key at some point to progress. Lastly, I would like to thank my friends and family for their unconditional support during my studies. Charlotte thank you for choosing to write your thesis during the same period as I did, I enjoyed working and discussing our work together. Thank you Tijmen, Charlotte, Fleur, Jessica, mom and dad for your encouraging words, for reading my work, being available for questions and discussion, and providing me with useful insights that shaped the final stage of my studies. 1 On November 24 th 2016 the Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Lodoño (Timochenko), signed a peace agreement that must put hold to a 52-year lasting conflict in Colombia that has taken more than 22,000 victims.
Se identifica la mosca blanca de los cereales Aleurocybotus occiduus Russell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodi... more Se identifica la mosca blanca de los cereales Aleurocybotus occiduus Russell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) a partir de especímenes procedentes de Guasave, Sinaloa, México. Se identificaron 10 especies vegetales, entre poáceas y ciperáceas, como hospederas de A. occiduus. Sin embargo, sólo en ocho de ellas (seis silvestres y dos cultivadas) completa su ciclo de vida. Este aleiródido se colectó en todos los sitios cercanos a las ciudades de Los Mochis y Guasave, Sinaloa; no obstante, hasta ahora no ha ocasionado daños importantes a los cultivos debido en parte a la presencia de parasitoides Encarsia spp. y Eretmocerus spp. (Aphelinidae) obtenidos en muestras de A. occiduus. Este es el primer registro de la especie en el estado de Sinaloa, por lo que mas atención debe darse a este insecto debido al riesgo potencial que tiene para atacar cereales en la región.
En el presente trabajo se muestra el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo con la f... more En el presente trabajo se muestra el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo con la finalidad de automatizar una línea de producción de refuerzo para archiveros, dentro de una empresa de la región lagunera que tiene como giro elaborar muebles para oficina. Dicho prototipo consta en su parte mecánica de una roladora de lámina y una cizalla con corte al vuelo, la parte eléctrica y electrónica consta de los elementos de propulsión de dichas maquinas, así como sus respectivos actuadores, eléctricos, neumáticos e hidráulicos, todo controlado por PLC's conectados en red y una interfaz humano máquina para la operación de toda la línea.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração e caracterização de compósitos bioativos de titânio/fo... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração e caracterização de compósitos bioativos de titânio/fosfato para aplicações biomédicas. Foram produzidos compósitos de TiH2 com 2,5%, 5%, 7,5% e 10% em volume de fosfato tricálcico (TCP). O TiH2 foi fornecido pelo CTA e o TCP foi sintetizado em laboratório. As misturas foram efetuadas em moinho atritor com álcool por 5 horas, secadas, compactadas a 150 MPa e sinterizadas a 1200oC em atmosfera de Argônio por 2 horas. Os materiais foram caracterizados por MEV, DRX, Termogravimetria, calorimetria diferencial e teste de bioatividade in vitro entre 5 e 24 horas em solução simplificada de Kokubo. Foi observado que os compósitos ficaram homogêneos, bem sinterizados e com porosidade micrométrica. As fases identificadas foram Ti, CaO, CaTiO3, TiO2, TCP e TiH2. Nos testes de bioatividade foi constatado que a formação de apatita tende a aumentar com o tempo e com a concentração de TCP no compósito.
Mycotaxon, 2013
ABSTRACT Mucor inaequisporus (Mucorales, Mucoromycotina) was isolated from Syzygium cumini, a com... more ABSTRACT Mucor inaequisporus (Mucorales, Mucoromycotina) was isolated from Syzygium cumini, a common introduced tree species in Brazil. It is distinguished from similar species by producing straight or undulate sporangiophores with randomly distributed irregular swellings. The columellae are mostly pyriform at 25 °C, but oblong, conic, ellipsoid, and obovoid columellae were also found. The sporangiospores vary in size and shape, with a minor proportion exhibiting an irregular shape. ITS-based phylogenetic analyses reveal that M. inaequisporus is closely related to M. amphibiorum and M. nederlandicus. This species can grow between 20 and 30 °C with optimal development at 25 °C, but variations in the shape of sporangiospores and columellae caused by incubation under different temperatures were observed. No growth was detected at 10 and 40 °C.
Veterinary Record, 2002
The aim of this study was to determine whether porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viru... more The aim of this study was to determine whether porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) could be transmitted by aerosol under field conditions. A total of 210 five-month-old PRRSV-negative pigs were housed in a mechanically ventilated finishing facility containing 11 pens. Pen 1 contained 10 pigs (indirect contact controls) and pen 2 remained empty, providing a barrier of 2.5 m from the remaining pigs in pens 3 to 11. Fifteen or 16 of the pigs in each of pens 3 to 11 were infected experimentally with a field isolate of PRRSV and the other six or seven pigs served as direct contact controls. Five days after the pigs were infected, two trailers containing 10 five-week-old PRRSV-naive sentinel pigs were placed along each side of the building; one was placed 1 m from the exhaust fans on one side of the building, and the other was placed 30 m from the fans on the other side, and the sentinel pigs remained in the trailers for 72 hours. They were then moved to separate buildings on the same site, 30 and 80 m, respectively, from the infected barn, and their PRRSV status was monitored for 21 days. The direct and indirect contact control pigs became infected with PRRSV but the sentinel pigs did not.
Veterinary Record, 2001
Forty-five sows and 15 boars were selected at random from a breeding herd known to be chronically... more Forty-five sows and 15 boars were selected at random from a breeding herd known to be chronically infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and lymphoid, immune-privileged, and non-lymphoid/non-immune-privileged tissues were tested for the presence of the virus by PCR, virus isolation, and immunohistochemistry. The virus was isolated from the lateral retropharyngeal lymph node of one sow; the isolate was nucleic acid sequenced and determined to be of field origin, and it was inoculated into two PRRSV-naive pregnant sows (A and B) at 95 days of gestation. They were necropsied 14 days later and samples of maternal and fetal tissue and blood samples were collected. Sow A had 10 fresh, six partially autolysed, and two mummified fetuses, and sow B had six fresh and viable fetuses. Viral nucleic acid was detected by PCR in tissue pools from each sow and also from pooled fetal tissues, and the virus was isolated from fetal pools from sow A.
Veterinary Record, 2011
... Antarctica. These populations have recently expanded, particularly in the USA (USDA 2005) and... more ... Antarctica. These populations have recently expanded, particularly in the USA (USDA 2005) and Europe (Sáez-Royuela and Tellería 1986) due to the development of a commercial hunting industry (Acevedo and others 2006). ...
Veterinary Record, 1997
The financial impact of nursery depopulation was assessed on 34 pig farms by constructing a parti... more The financial impact of nursery depopulation was assessed on 34 pig farms by constructing a partial budget model to measure the profitability of the nursery production. The model measured margin over variable cost and used production data generated from a previous study; it assumed that fixed costs remained constant throughout the study and that feed cost, weaned pig cost and market price per nursery pig also remained fixed. The mean margin over variable cost per sow on the 34 farm after nursery depopulation was Pounds 116. Thirty-two of the farms showed reductions in this cost, ranging from Pounds 20 to Pounds 408 per sow, in the 12 months after nursery depopulation compared with the previous 12 months. Of the two farms which did not show an increase in profitability, one showed no change and the other showed a net loss of Pounds 8 per sow. The sows' serostatus for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection was monitored but there was no significant difference between the margin over variable cost per sow of the seropositive (Pounds 130) and seronegative (Pounds 170) herds.
Mycotaxon, 2011
ABSTRACT Apophysomyces elegans and Mycotypha microspora are recorded for the first time in Brazil... more ABSTRACT Apophysomyces elegans and Mycotypha microspora are recorded for the first time in Brazil based on isolates from semiarid soil in the Northeast part of the country.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2007
The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on com... more The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on commercial farms in Brazil. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, Sao Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at-20ºC until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The fatty acids with the highest percentage in total milk fat were C 16:0 ; C 18:1c9 ; C 18:0 and C 14:0. The average content observed in C 16:0 varied from 25.4 to 32.5%. Farm 4 (pasture plus corn silage) showed a higher C 16:0 value (32.5%). C 18:1c9 varied from 20.6 to 25.1%, C 14:0 varied from 5.9 to 8.9 % and CLA content (C 18:2c9t11) varied from 1.0 to 1.8%. Farm 3 presented higher average of C 18:1c9 (25.1%) and C 18:2c9t11 (1.8%), and lower average of C 14:0 (6.0%). Likewise, unsaturated fatty acids, C 18:1c9 and C 18:2c9t11 were higher on Farm 3. Probably, these results can be due to high CLA intakes derived from wet brewers grain and pasture. Long chain fatty acids varied from 34.2% (Farm 4) to 48.8% (Farm 3). In general, diets based on pasture and corn silage increased the levels of medium chain fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk.
Revista mexicana de …, 2010
El crecimiento de maíz a una densidad de plantas constante, intercepta una proporción mayor de ra... more El crecimiento de maíz a una densidad de plantas constante, intercepta una proporción mayor de radiación total en surcos angostos (Teasdale,1995), debido a un incremento en el
... Que es responsabilidad del Gobierno Federal procurar las medidas que sean necesarias para gar... more ... Que es responsabilidad del Gobierno Federal procurar las medidas que sean necesarias para garantizar que los instrumentos de medición que se comercialicen en territorio nacional sean seguros y exactos, con el propósito de que presten un servicio adecuado conforme a ...
Objective: To assess the efficacy of three intervention strategies for control of insects on a co... more Objective: To assess the efficacy of three intervention strategies for control of insects on a commercial swine farm. Methods: The study was conducted on a commercial finishing facility that contained four rooms. Three strategies (treatments) were evaluated: insect screening of sidewall inlets, application of pyrethroid-based insecticide to the walls and floors of the building, the combination of inlet screens and insecticide, and no treatment (negative control). Each room was assigned a treatment for a 2week sampling period. Specific parameters measured biweekly included numbers of flies and mosquitoes per room, number of insect bites per pig, number of fly spots per room, and level of carbon dioxide, temperature, and relative humidity (RH) per room. Results: Significant differences in numbers of flies and mosquitoes per room and number of insect bites per pig were observed in rooms treated with screens or screens plus insecticide compared to negative control rooms. Rooms that used screens had significantly fewer flies than rooms that used insecticide alone, although screened treatments did not differ from each other. No differences were observed across treatments in the number of fly spots per room or the level of CO 2 , temperature, or RH per room. Implications: Under the conditions of this study, better on-farm insect control was provided through the use of insect screens with or without insecticides. However, no conclusions can be drawn as to whether these strategies can prevent introduction of insect-borne pathogens.