Celal Demirkol - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Celal Demirkol

Research paper thumbnail of Çanakkale İli̇ Ayvacik İlçesi̇nde Organi̇k Siğir Besi̇ci̇li̇ği̇ Yapan İşletmeleri̇n Ekonomi̇k Ve Fonksi̇yonel Anali̇zi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 15, 2021

Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ilçesinde organik sığır besiciliği yapan işletmelerin ekonomi... more Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ilçesinde organik sığır besiciliği yapan işletmelerin ekonomik analizinin yapılması ve besicilik gelirine etki eden faktörlerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın materyalini Ayvacık Organik Kırmızı Et Üreticileri Birliğine üye olan 31 üreticinin tamamıyla yapılan anket çalışmaları oluşturmuştur. Sığır besiciliği faaliyetinden elde edilen gelire etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesinde Cobb-Douglas üretim fonksiyonu kullanılmıştır. İşletmelerde 56,21 baş yerli ırk, 42,86 baş melez ırk besi hayvanı bulunmaktadır. Karkas randımanı yerli ve melez ırklarda sırasıyla %51,08 ve %53,43 olmuştur. Yemden yararlanma oranı, yerli ırk hayvanlarda %355,60, melez ırk hayvanlarda ise %604,07 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Üretim masraflarında her iki ırkta da besi başı hayvan materyali ilk sırada yer almıştır. Net kar yerli ve melez ırklarda sırasıyla 53.995,07 TL ve 89.773,21 TL olmuştur. Besi sonu canlı ağırlık ve besiye alınan hayvan sayısının besicilik gelirini pozitif yönde etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Besiye alınan hayvan sayısı girdisinin ekonomik optimuma en yakın seviyede kullanılan girdi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Melez ırk hayvanlarla yapılan organik besicilik faaliyetinin yerli ırk hayvanlarla yapılan besicilik faaliyetine göre daha kârlı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of liquidity on inventory: Evidence form forestry subsector in Turkey

Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 2018

As a part of Agriculture sector, forestry subsector is the main provider for the forestry product... more As a part of Agriculture sector, forestry subsector is the main provider for the forestry products industry which has been neglected in terms of short-term liabilities and liquidity analysis. Liquidity is a function of the liabilities of the businesses in the short-run and it is expected to consist much of trade credit rather than bank credit. This study tries to reveal the long-term dependence of the short-term inventories on cash and cash equivalents, short-term bank credit used, and short-term accounts receivable as a percentage of short-term liabilities in the forestry products subsector in Turkey. We analyze the sectoral three years averages of aggregate balance sheet data in the long-term (1998-2016) and we depict that inventories have correlations with cash and cash equivalents, short-term bank credit and short-term accounts receivable and we also reveal that the sector's short-term liabilities have had a diminishing trend in the very long-run. After introducing the model, we have run the linear regression of the model and we share the robust results of the tests. The findings give evidence that inventories, which are in fact the most illiquid part of the current assets, have bank credit dependency as much as accounts receivable though decreasing liabilities in the short-term. We therefore offer suggestions on the results for the forestry products subsector so as to hedge against the potentially adverse liquidity conditions in the near future. Each precaution held for a subsector will therefore help the sustainability of the forestry and the agriculture sector as a whole and it will also contribute as an example therein integrated especially with the marketing strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkisel Üretimde Çiftçilerin Girdi Kullanım Bilinç Düzeylerinin Analizi: Trakya Bölgesi Örneği

Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, May 2, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of farmers' input usage decisions in plant production: The case of thrace region

Bu çalışmada, Trakya Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren çiftçilerin bitkisel üretimde girdi kullanımı h... more Bu çalışmada, Trakya Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren çiftçilerin bitkisel üretimde girdi kullanımı hakkındaki karar alma süreçleri analitik hiyerarşi prosesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Saha çalışması kapsamında tesadüfî olarak seçilen 383 üretici ile anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Çiftçilerin işletmelerindeki girdi kullanım kararlarını almadan önce ilk olarak ziraat mühendislerine (0.4393) danıştıkları, daha sonra sırasıyla kendi tecrübelerine dayanarak (0.3396), girdi temin yerlerine (0.1274) ve arkadaşlarına danışarak (0.0937) karar verdikleri belirlenmiştir. Girdi kullanımında arkadaşa danışma önceliği (p<0.01) ve firma bilgisine önem verme önceliği (p<0.01) iller arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark göstermektedir. Çiftçilerin bilgiye ulaşmadaki ilk tercihleri ziraat mühendisleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Bölgedeki birçok çiftçi özellikle buğday ve ayçiçeği tarımı konusunda uzun yıllara dayanan bir deneyime sahiptir. Bu nedenle girdi kullanım kararlarında bilgiye ulaşma tercihin...

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Kırmızı Et İşletmelerinin Kapasite Kullanım Oranlarına Göre Karşılaştığı Sorunların Analizi

Meat and meat products currently represent an important sources of protein in the human diet, and... more Meat and meat products currently represent an important sources of protein in the human diet, and the consumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest therein. Capacity usage and the problems of red meat firms in Turkey are presented in this study through a survey carried out with 54 firms. It can be said that a large part of the red meat industry is largely owned by European Union standards in terms of the production technologies they use and the physical conditions they have in Turkey. The main problem faced by the red meat industry is the inadequacy of raw materials and the inability to provide them regularly. This problem causes firms to work with lower capacity. The firms with capacities below 19 tons are small-scale firms and profitability comes first in the strategies they follow. These types of firms focus on production, they are primarily focused on producing affordable and quality products. Firms whose ...

Research paper thumbnail of Organik Kırmızı Et Üreticileri Birliğine Üye Besi Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinin Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapısı ve Teknik Özellikleri: Çanakkale İli Ayvacık İlçesi Örneği

Bu calismada, Canakkale ili Ayvacik ilcesinde bulunan organik kirmizi et ureticileri birligine uy... more Bu calismada, Canakkale ili Ayvacik ilcesinde bulunan organik kirmizi et ureticileri birligine uye isletmelerin sosyo ekonomik yapisi ortaya konulmus olup, besi sigirciligi faaliyetleri degerlendirilmistir. Calismada ayrica ureticilerin organik tarima bakis acilari da degerlendirilmistir. Veriler, 2018 yilinda birlige uye olan 31 ureticinin tamamindan elde edilmistir. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde ortalama, standart sapma, yuzde hesaplari gibi temel tanimlayici istatistiklerden yararlanilmistir. Ureticilerin organik besi sigirciliginda karsilastiklari sorunlar ve organik tarim yapma nedenleri belirlenmis ve degiskenler arasindaki iliskiler ve benzerlikler cok boyutlu olcekleme analizi ile incelenmistir. Ureticilerin besicilik deneyimleri 29.52, organik yetistiricilik deneyimleri ise 10.74 yil olarak belirlenmis olup, organik kirmizi et ureticileri birliginden en cok yararlandigi uc hizmetin sirasiyla soy kutugu, pazarlama ve girdi (yem) temini oldugu tespit edilmistir. Besicilerin ...

Research paper thumbnail of Net working capital versus marketing in agriculture sector of Turkey

"Net working capital versus marketing in agriculture sector of Turkey" explores the pro... more "Net working capital versus marketing in agriculture sector of Turkey" explores the profound aspects of liquidity. The appraisal of the composition for net working capital remains unrevealed in the business finance literature. We aim to enrich net working capital as a liquidity assessment criterion and to explore its profound aspects on a sectoral basis or case. To attain this objective, we hereby evaluate the long-term data of the businesses within the agriculture sector in Turkey by a novel model proposal and we follow a relative empirical methodology. Excluding the short-term load of bank credits, we also present the nexus of marketing strategies and short-term financing in terms of net working capital decomposition and our suggestions along with concluding remarks therein. With the evidence in the agriculture sector of Turkey, we may conclude that the detailed content of net working capital is worth considering in liquidity assessment at the nexus of marketing decisions.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de kırmızı et sektörünün sanayici ve tüketici düzeyinde analizi

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Equity-Financed Long-Term Assets on Liquidity in the Agriculture Sector of Turkey

International Review of Economics and Management, 2019

This study aims to conduct a typical regression methodology on the long-term data of the agricult... more This study aims to conduct a typical regression methodology on the long-term data of the agriculture sector in Turkey. The regressive model represents current ratio as the dependent variable, and it uses the ratios of short-term liabilities on total liabilities, bank credits payable in the short-term on short-term liabilities, bank credits payable in the long-term on total assets, and long-term assets on (shareholders’) equities as the independent variables. The tests are executed by using the averages of aggregate totals of the businesses from all scales in the sector in three years’ averages from 1998 until 2016. The findings statistically ensure and depict that the framework indicator of liquidity or the famous current ratio depends not only on the bank credit used or the level of short-term liabilities, which is not surprising, but also on the ratio of long-term assets on equities. If the businesses enrich their equities level in financing of long-term assets, the liquidity favors. The independent variable of long-term assets to equities ratio, which rather reflects the long-term movement of current ratio better than the other variables, deeply affects the level of better liquidity as significantly as other control variables of the study. As a conclusion, better liquidity could profoundly be a lagging result of better equity-type financing of the total assets. The outcomes of the study will expectedly signal the decisions and policies of agriculture sector in Turkey by the long-term evidence presented here.

Research paper thumbnail of Trakya Bağ Rotasına Gelen Turistlerin Profilinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkisel Üretimde Çiftçilerin Girdi Kullanım Kararlarının Analizi: Trakya Bölgesi Örneği

Bu calismada, Trakya Bolgesinde faaliyet gosteren ciftcilerin bitkisel uretimde girdi kullanimi h... more Bu calismada, Trakya Bolgesinde faaliyet gosteren ciftcilerin bitkisel uretimde girdi kullanimi hakkindaki karar alma surecleri analitik hiyerarsi prosesi ile analiz edilmistir. Saha calismasi kapsaminda tesadufi olarak secilen 383 uretici ile anket calismasi yapilmistir. Ciftcilerin isletmelerindeki girdi kullanim kararlarini almadan once ilk olarak ziraat muhendislerine (0.4393) danistiklari, daha sonra sirasiyla kendi tecrubelerine dayanarak (0.3396), girdi temin yerlerine (0.1274) ve arkadaslarina danisarak (0.0937) karar verdikleri belirlenmistir. Girdi kullaniminda arkadasa danisma onceligi (p<0.01) ve firma bilgisine onem verme onceligi (p<0.01) iller arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark gostermektedir. Ciftcilerin bilgiye ulasmadaki ilk tercihleri ziraat muhendisleri olarak belirlenmistir. Bolgedeki bircok ciftci ozellikle bugday ve aycicegi tarimi konusunda uzun yillara dayanan bir deneyime sahiptir. Bu nedenle girdi kullanim kararlarinda bilgiye ulasma tercihin...

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparison Between Turkey and Eu Countries About Potential Organic Red Meat Production

New knowledge Journal of science, 2018

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the potential for organic red meat production ... more The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the potential for organic red meat production in some European Union (EU) countries along with Turkey. The study analyzes figures on bovine, sheep, and goat animal and annual production amounts in that context for the first time. The production of the top five countries in quantities are particularly presented with the highest proportional increase in a time span. The countries with the highest increase in animal numbers have been identified as well. The study reveals that animal numbers and organic red meat production have both grown significantly since 2012 to 2016. In many countries, bovine animal numbers have high organic shares within the organic red meat sector. The consumer prices analyzed on organic red meat in Turkey depict that the ratio of organic red meat prices to conventional red meat prices is virtually twice. We also determined that the consumer prices on organic red meat increased about 86% between 2012 and 2018 in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing Strategies In Red Meat Sector In Turkey

Marketing strategies of red meat firms in 8 different regions of Turkey are presented in this stu... more Marketing strategies of red meat firms in 8 different regions of Turkey are presented in this study through a survey carried out with 22 carcass meat, 21 delicatessen and 11 carcass firms. Brand image was determined to be very significant for 70% of the firms in Eastern and South eastern Anatolia regions. 90% of the firms reached to target market efficiently and only one firm had access problems. In Central Anatolia 61% were determined to make regular marketing researches. Marketing researches were not made in 22% of the firms nonetheless were periodical in 17%. Brand image was determined to be very significant for all of the firms in Marmara region. All of the firms in Mediterranean region made national and international distributions and regular marketing plans.

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the reliance of equities on liquidity and bank credit in the agriculture sector in Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Local People s Perspective on Rural Tourism: Sample of Tekirdağ Province

Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Misleading Aggregate Considerations in Sector-Specific Causalities: Long-term Bank Credit Usage in Fishing vs. Agriculture in Turkey

Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting

As an alternative source of financing the assets, bank credits have ever been on the spot of busi... more As an alternative source of financing the assets, bank credits have ever been on the spot of business finance and financial analysis. Those sources of financing have mostly compared with the short-term appearance of either liabilities or liquidity. The relevant finance literature ensures that the long-term appearance of bank credits in the balance sheets of businesses is not only affected by the composition of short-term liabilities but also the liquidity. Nevertheless, bank credit usage, especially in the long-term, may have different characteristics amongst sectors. Some sectors may even deserve a thorough analysis in their challenge of bank credit finance. The fishing sector and the businesses which it contains may have been neglected in terms of revealing the causalities which might have been hidden by considering its aspects as a supplement in the aggregate figures of the agriculture sector in Turkey. Thus, this study aims at the core debt and liability variables along with a l...

Research paper thumbnail of Bank Credits and Their Influence on Accounts Receivable: The Case of the Forestry Products Sector in Turkey

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade

The leverage of bank credit may result in different consequences on current assets. As the accoun... more The leverage of bank credit may result in different consequences on current assets. As the accounting procedures report financial credit in two significant terms, short-term bank credit and long-term bank credit, the study tries to reveal the effect of those liabilities on the level of accounts receivable in the forestry products sub-sector in Turkey. The study examines a set of long-term data including current ratio, cash and cash equivalents ratio, and short-term inventories ratio as control variables to test two different models in which either short or long-term bank credit consequence is predicted. The results confirm that time constraints of bank credits have both significant roles on the level of account receivables. However, the significance is barely higher for the effect of long-term bank credit. Therefore, we conclude that the businesses of the forestry products sector in Turkey should also be sensitive primarily on the level of their long-term bank credit along with the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Indebtedness and Liquidity in Agriculture: A Long-term Sectoral Evidence from Turkey

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology

Being indebted and the liquidity shortfalls could be the base for recreating debt in the circumst... more Being indebted and the liquidity shortfalls could be the base for recreating debt in the circumstances of unavailable trade credit. Accessing to bank credit or other liabilities is rather a function of liquidity for all types of businesses. Excluding equities, we hereby aim to reveal a sectoral evidence by the help of other liabilities side contributors and liquidity indicators on to what extend a firm regenerates debt in the long-run depending on the general liquidity criteria. Therefore, we try to explore a sector specific long-term evidence on the agriculture sector in Turkey. The real sector statistics feed the study in terms of data. Data curation consists of calculating data series as averages of three years aggregate balance sheet totals in the agriculture sector of Turkey for the time span of 1996 and 2016. The methodology follows a path as testing regressions for the variables, presenting interchangeably significant results, affirming the assumptions of the regressions, tes...

Research paper thumbnail of Çanakkale İli̇ Ayvacik İlçesi̇nde Organi̇k Siğir Besi̇ci̇li̇ği̇ Yapan İşletmeleri̇n Ekonomi̇k Ve Fonksi̇yonel Anali̇zi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 15, 2021

Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ilçesinde organik sığır besiciliği yapan işletmelerin ekonomi... more Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ilçesinde organik sığır besiciliği yapan işletmelerin ekonomik analizinin yapılması ve besicilik gelirine etki eden faktörlerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın materyalini Ayvacık Organik Kırmızı Et Üreticileri Birliğine üye olan 31 üreticinin tamamıyla yapılan anket çalışmaları oluşturmuştur. Sığır besiciliği faaliyetinden elde edilen gelire etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesinde Cobb-Douglas üretim fonksiyonu kullanılmıştır. İşletmelerde 56,21 baş yerli ırk, 42,86 baş melez ırk besi hayvanı bulunmaktadır. Karkas randımanı yerli ve melez ırklarda sırasıyla %51,08 ve %53,43 olmuştur. Yemden yararlanma oranı, yerli ırk hayvanlarda %355,60, melez ırk hayvanlarda ise %604,07 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Üretim masraflarında her iki ırkta da besi başı hayvan materyali ilk sırada yer almıştır. Net kar yerli ve melez ırklarda sırasıyla 53.995,07 TL ve 89.773,21 TL olmuştur. Besi sonu canlı ağırlık ve besiye alınan hayvan sayısının besicilik gelirini pozitif yönde etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Besiye alınan hayvan sayısı girdisinin ekonomik optimuma en yakın seviyede kullanılan girdi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Melez ırk hayvanlarla yapılan organik besicilik faaliyetinin yerli ırk hayvanlarla yapılan besicilik faaliyetine göre daha kârlı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of liquidity on inventory: Evidence form forestry subsector in Turkey

Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 2018

As a part of Agriculture sector, forestry subsector is the main provider for the forestry product... more As a part of Agriculture sector, forestry subsector is the main provider for the forestry products industry which has been neglected in terms of short-term liabilities and liquidity analysis. Liquidity is a function of the liabilities of the businesses in the short-run and it is expected to consist much of trade credit rather than bank credit. This study tries to reveal the long-term dependence of the short-term inventories on cash and cash equivalents, short-term bank credit used, and short-term accounts receivable as a percentage of short-term liabilities in the forestry products subsector in Turkey. We analyze the sectoral three years averages of aggregate balance sheet data in the long-term (1998-2016) and we depict that inventories have correlations with cash and cash equivalents, short-term bank credit and short-term accounts receivable and we also reveal that the sector's short-term liabilities have had a diminishing trend in the very long-run. After introducing the model, we have run the linear regression of the model and we share the robust results of the tests. The findings give evidence that inventories, which are in fact the most illiquid part of the current assets, have bank credit dependency as much as accounts receivable though decreasing liabilities in the short-term. We therefore offer suggestions on the results for the forestry products subsector so as to hedge against the potentially adverse liquidity conditions in the near future. Each precaution held for a subsector will therefore help the sustainability of the forestry and the agriculture sector as a whole and it will also contribute as an example therein integrated especially with the marketing strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkisel Üretimde Çiftçilerin Girdi Kullanım Bilinç Düzeylerinin Analizi: Trakya Bölgesi Örneği

Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, May 2, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of farmers' input usage decisions in plant production: The case of thrace region

Bu çalışmada, Trakya Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren çiftçilerin bitkisel üretimde girdi kullanımı h... more Bu çalışmada, Trakya Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren çiftçilerin bitkisel üretimde girdi kullanımı hakkındaki karar alma süreçleri analitik hiyerarşi prosesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Saha çalışması kapsamında tesadüfî olarak seçilen 383 üretici ile anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Çiftçilerin işletmelerindeki girdi kullanım kararlarını almadan önce ilk olarak ziraat mühendislerine (0.4393) danıştıkları, daha sonra sırasıyla kendi tecrübelerine dayanarak (0.3396), girdi temin yerlerine (0.1274) ve arkadaşlarına danışarak (0.0937) karar verdikleri belirlenmiştir. Girdi kullanımında arkadaşa danışma önceliği (p<0.01) ve firma bilgisine önem verme önceliği (p<0.01) iller arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark göstermektedir. Çiftçilerin bilgiye ulaşmadaki ilk tercihleri ziraat mühendisleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Bölgedeki birçok çiftçi özellikle buğday ve ayçiçeği tarımı konusunda uzun yıllara dayanan bir deneyime sahiptir. Bu nedenle girdi kullanım kararlarında bilgiye ulaşma tercihin...

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Kırmızı Et İşletmelerinin Kapasite Kullanım Oranlarına Göre Karşılaştığı Sorunların Analizi

Meat and meat products currently represent an important sources of protein in the human diet, and... more Meat and meat products currently represent an important sources of protein in the human diet, and the consumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest therein. Capacity usage and the problems of red meat firms in Turkey are presented in this study through a survey carried out with 54 firms. It can be said that a large part of the red meat industry is largely owned by European Union standards in terms of the production technologies they use and the physical conditions they have in Turkey. The main problem faced by the red meat industry is the inadequacy of raw materials and the inability to provide them regularly. This problem causes firms to work with lower capacity. The firms with capacities below 19 tons are small-scale firms and profitability comes first in the strategies they follow. These types of firms focus on production, they are primarily focused on producing affordable and quality products. Firms whose ...

Research paper thumbnail of Organik Kırmızı Et Üreticileri Birliğine Üye Besi Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinin Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapısı ve Teknik Özellikleri: Çanakkale İli Ayvacık İlçesi Örneği

Bu calismada, Canakkale ili Ayvacik ilcesinde bulunan organik kirmizi et ureticileri birligine uy... more Bu calismada, Canakkale ili Ayvacik ilcesinde bulunan organik kirmizi et ureticileri birligine uye isletmelerin sosyo ekonomik yapisi ortaya konulmus olup, besi sigirciligi faaliyetleri degerlendirilmistir. Calismada ayrica ureticilerin organik tarima bakis acilari da degerlendirilmistir. Veriler, 2018 yilinda birlige uye olan 31 ureticinin tamamindan elde edilmistir. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde ortalama, standart sapma, yuzde hesaplari gibi temel tanimlayici istatistiklerden yararlanilmistir. Ureticilerin organik besi sigirciliginda karsilastiklari sorunlar ve organik tarim yapma nedenleri belirlenmis ve degiskenler arasindaki iliskiler ve benzerlikler cok boyutlu olcekleme analizi ile incelenmistir. Ureticilerin besicilik deneyimleri 29.52, organik yetistiricilik deneyimleri ise 10.74 yil olarak belirlenmis olup, organik kirmizi et ureticileri birliginden en cok yararlandigi uc hizmetin sirasiyla soy kutugu, pazarlama ve girdi (yem) temini oldugu tespit edilmistir. Besicilerin ...

Research paper thumbnail of Net working capital versus marketing in agriculture sector of Turkey

"Net working capital versus marketing in agriculture sector of Turkey" explores the pro... more "Net working capital versus marketing in agriculture sector of Turkey" explores the profound aspects of liquidity. The appraisal of the composition for net working capital remains unrevealed in the business finance literature. We aim to enrich net working capital as a liquidity assessment criterion and to explore its profound aspects on a sectoral basis or case. To attain this objective, we hereby evaluate the long-term data of the businesses within the agriculture sector in Turkey by a novel model proposal and we follow a relative empirical methodology. Excluding the short-term load of bank credits, we also present the nexus of marketing strategies and short-term financing in terms of net working capital decomposition and our suggestions along with concluding remarks therein. With the evidence in the agriculture sector of Turkey, we may conclude that the detailed content of net working capital is worth considering in liquidity assessment at the nexus of marketing decisions.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de kırmızı et sektörünün sanayici ve tüketici düzeyinde analizi

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Equity-Financed Long-Term Assets on Liquidity in the Agriculture Sector of Turkey

International Review of Economics and Management, 2019

This study aims to conduct a typical regression methodology on the long-term data of the agricult... more This study aims to conduct a typical regression methodology on the long-term data of the agriculture sector in Turkey. The regressive model represents current ratio as the dependent variable, and it uses the ratios of short-term liabilities on total liabilities, bank credits payable in the short-term on short-term liabilities, bank credits payable in the long-term on total assets, and long-term assets on (shareholders’) equities as the independent variables. The tests are executed by using the averages of aggregate totals of the businesses from all scales in the sector in three years’ averages from 1998 until 2016. The findings statistically ensure and depict that the framework indicator of liquidity or the famous current ratio depends not only on the bank credit used or the level of short-term liabilities, which is not surprising, but also on the ratio of long-term assets on equities. If the businesses enrich their equities level in financing of long-term assets, the liquidity favors. The independent variable of long-term assets to equities ratio, which rather reflects the long-term movement of current ratio better than the other variables, deeply affects the level of better liquidity as significantly as other control variables of the study. As a conclusion, better liquidity could profoundly be a lagging result of better equity-type financing of the total assets. The outcomes of the study will expectedly signal the decisions and policies of agriculture sector in Turkey by the long-term evidence presented here.

Research paper thumbnail of Trakya Bağ Rotasına Gelen Turistlerin Profilinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkisel Üretimde Çiftçilerin Girdi Kullanım Kararlarının Analizi: Trakya Bölgesi Örneği

Bu calismada, Trakya Bolgesinde faaliyet gosteren ciftcilerin bitkisel uretimde girdi kullanimi h... more Bu calismada, Trakya Bolgesinde faaliyet gosteren ciftcilerin bitkisel uretimde girdi kullanimi hakkindaki karar alma surecleri analitik hiyerarsi prosesi ile analiz edilmistir. Saha calismasi kapsaminda tesadufi olarak secilen 383 uretici ile anket calismasi yapilmistir. Ciftcilerin isletmelerindeki girdi kullanim kararlarini almadan once ilk olarak ziraat muhendislerine (0.4393) danistiklari, daha sonra sirasiyla kendi tecrubelerine dayanarak (0.3396), girdi temin yerlerine (0.1274) ve arkadaslarina danisarak (0.0937) karar verdikleri belirlenmistir. Girdi kullaniminda arkadasa danisma onceligi (p<0.01) ve firma bilgisine onem verme onceligi (p<0.01) iller arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark gostermektedir. Ciftcilerin bilgiye ulasmadaki ilk tercihleri ziraat muhendisleri olarak belirlenmistir. Bolgedeki bircok ciftci ozellikle bugday ve aycicegi tarimi konusunda uzun yillara dayanan bir deneyime sahiptir. Bu nedenle girdi kullanim kararlarinda bilgiye ulasma tercihin...

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparison Between Turkey and Eu Countries About Potential Organic Red Meat Production

New knowledge Journal of science, 2018

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the potential for organic red meat production ... more The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the potential for organic red meat production in some European Union (EU) countries along with Turkey. The study analyzes figures on bovine, sheep, and goat animal and annual production amounts in that context for the first time. The production of the top five countries in quantities are particularly presented with the highest proportional increase in a time span. The countries with the highest increase in animal numbers have been identified as well. The study reveals that animal numbers and organic red meat production have both grown significantly since 2012 to 2016. In many countries, bovine animal numbers have high organic shares within the organic red meat sector. The consumer prices analyzed on organic red meat in Turkey depict that the ratio of organic red meat prices to conventional red meat prices is virtually twice. We also determined that the consumer prices on organic red meat increased about 86% between 2012 and 2018 in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing Strategies In Red Meat Sector In Turkey

Marketing strategies of red meat firms in 8 different regions of Turkey are presented in this stu... more Marketing strategies of red meat firms in 8 different regions of Turkey are presented in this study through a survey carried out with 22 carcass meat, 21 delicatessen and 11 carcass firms. Brand image was determined to be very significant for 70% of the firms in Eastern and South eastern Anatolia regions. 90% of the firms reached to target market efficiently and only one firm had access problems. In Central Anatolia 61% were determined to make regular marketing researches. Marketing researches were not made in 22% of the firms nonetheless were periodical in 17%. Brand image was determined to be very significant for all of the firms in Marmara region. All of the firms in Mediterranean region made national and international distributions and regular marketing plans.

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the reliance of equities on liquidity and bank credit in the agriculture sector in Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Local People s Perspective on Rural Tourism: Sample of Tekirdağ Province

Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Misleading Aggregate Considerations in Sector-Specific Causalities: Long-term Bank Credit Usage in Fishing vs. Agriculture in Turkey

Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting

As an alternative source of financing the assets, bank credits have ever been on the spot of busi... more As an alternative source of financing the assets, bank credits have ever been on the spot of business finance and financial analysis. Those sources of financing have mostly compared with the short-term appearance of either liabilities or liquidity. The relevant finance literature ensures that the long-term appearance of bank credits in the balance sheets of businesses is not only affected by the composition of short-term liabilities but also the liquidity. Nevertheless, bank credit usage, especially in the long-term, may have different characteristics amongst sectors. Some sectors may even deserve a thorough analysis in their challenge of bank credit finance. The fishing sector and the businesses which it contains may have been neglected in terms of revealing the causalities which might have been hidden by considering its aspects as a supplement in the aggregate figures of the agriculture sector in Turkey. Thus, this study aims at the core debt and liability variables along with a l...

Research paper thumbnail of Bank Credits and Their Influence on Accounts Receivable: The Case of the Forestry Products Sector in Turkey

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade

The leverage of bank credit may result in different consequences on current assets. As the accoun... more The leverage of bank credit may result in different consequences on current assets. As the accounting procedures report financial credit in two significant terms, short-term bank credit and long-term bank credit, the study tries to reveal the effect of those liabilities on the level of accounts receivable in the forestry products sub-sector in Turkey. The study examines a set of long-term data including current ratio, cash and cash equivalents ratio, and short-term inventories ratio as control variables to test two different models in which either short or long-term bank credit consequence is predicted. The results confirm that time constraints of bank credits have both significant roles on the level of account receivables. However, the significance is barely higher for the effect of long-term bank credit. Therefore, we conclude that the businesses of the forestry products sector in Turkey should also be sensitive primarily on the level of their long-term bank credit along with the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Indebtedness and Liquidity in Agriculture: A Long-term Sectoral Evidence from Turkey

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology

Being indebted and the liquidity shortfalls could be the base for recreating debt in the circumst... more Being indebted and the liquidity shortfalls could be the base for recreating debt in the circumstances of unavailable trade credit. Accessing to bank credit or other liabilities is rather a function of liquidity for all types of businesses. Excluding equities, we hereby aim to reveal a sectoral evidence by the help of other liabilities side contributors and liquidity indicators on to what extend a firm regenerates debt in the long-run depending on the general liquidity criteria. Therefore, we try to explore a sector specific long-term evidence on the agriculture sector in Turkey. The real sector statistics feed the study in terms of data. Data curation consists of calculating data series as averages of three years aggregate balance sheet totals in the agriculture sector of Turkey for the time span of 1996 and 2016. The methodology follows a path as testing regressions for the variables, presenting interchangeably significant results, affirming the assumptions of the regressions, tes...