S Deny Rexmardi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by S Deny Rexmardi
I will describe the behaviour of two different quantum-mechanical systems as a function of increa... more I will describe the behaviour of two different quantum-mechanical systems as a function of increasing temperature. While these systems are somewhat different, the questions addressed are very similar, namely, how does one describe transitions in phase of a finite many-body system; how does one recognise these transitions in practical calculations; and how may one obtain the order of the transition.
Transactions in GIS, 2016
Med Sci Sport Exercise, 1998
Confined quantum many-body systems of a given particle number exhibit a variety of intrinsic shap... more Confined quantum many-body systems of a given particle number exhibit a variety of intrinsic shape characteristics as a function of increasing external field and internal thermal excitation. The shell model is an important tool for the theoretical description of these various structures and transitions in nuclei. Another system in which correlations beyond the mean field may play an important role is semiconductor quantum dots. In this Proceedings, the author compares nuclei and quantum dots and their various deformation properties. The author reports on shell-model calculations in nuclei and some recent mean-field calculations of the thermal properties of quantum dots.
Radiology, 2001
This paper describes the history, current status, and objectives and potential impact of the new ... more This paper describes the history, current status, and objectives and potential impact of the new National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering ͑NIBIB͒. Three of the authors ͑Hendee, Chien, and Maynard͒ have been involved over several years in the effort to raise the identity of biomedical imaging and bioengineering at the National Institutes of Health. The fourth author ͑Dean͒ is the Acting Director of the newly formed NIBIB. These individuals have an extensive collective knowledge of the events that led to formation of the NIBIB, and are intimately involved in shaping its objectives and implementation strategy. This special report provides a historical record of activities leading to establishment of the NIBIB, and an accounting of present and potential advances in biomedical engineering and imaging that will be facilitated and enhanced by NIBIB. The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering represents a ''coming of age'' of biomedical engineering and imaging, and offers great potential to expand the research frontiers of these disciplines to unparalleled heights.
The Nuclear Many Body Problem, 2002
Disusun oleh: Kelas VII A Kelompok 3 1. Muhammad Hamzah Husain (201410200311023) 2. Qurasun Shiel... more Disusun oleh: Kelas VII A Kelompok 3 1. Muhammad Hamzah Husain (201410200311023) 2. Qurasun Shieldhy S.H. (201410200311075) LABORATORIUM AGRONOMI FAKULTAS PERTANIAN PETERNAKAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG 2017 ii KATA PENGANTAR Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT atas kemudahan yang diberikan dalam penyelesaian laporan ini. Shalawat dan salam senantiasa terucap kepada junjungan mulia, Rasulullah Muhammad saw. Laporan ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan praktikum Produksi Benih yang telah dilaksanakan. Adapun bab yang dimuat dalam laporan ini yaitu Produksi Benih di Lapang. Dalam pelaksanaan praktikum dan penyusunan laporan, penulis hendak mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada : 1. Dr. Harun Rasyid, MP selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Produksi Benih dan Dr. Ir. Muhidin, M.Si selaku kepala Lab Agronomi. 2. Saefurrohman, SP selaku asisten praktikum Produksi Benih atas bimbingannya selama pelaksanaan praktikum. 3. Rekan-rekan praktikan Agro VII A atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya. Akhir kata kami berharap sumbangsih dari berbagai pihak atas kritik dan sarannya bilamana terdapat kekurangan dalam penulisan laporan ini. Karena laporan ini masih jauh dari sempurna dan memerlukan masukan dari berbagai pihak.
Simulasi pembelajaran produksi benih dianjurkan terutama mahasiswa pertanian agar mengerti dan me... more Simulasi pembelajaran produksi benih dianjurkan terutama mahasiswa pertanian agar mengerti dan memahami teknik budidaya yang tepat dalam produksi benih tanaman dan mengetahui pengetahuan di bidang pertanian khususnya perbenihan tanaman Kacang Panjang sehingga dapat menjadi seorang produsen benih yang berkualitas dan bermutu. Rumusan masalah terkait gal tersebut adalah bagaimanakah tahapan budidaya dalam produksi benih tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna sinensis L.), bagaimana pertumbuhan tanaman untuk produksi benih, dan bagaimana kegiatan roguing di lahan pada produksi benih. Tujuan dari laporan ini ialah melakukan simulasi budidaya untuk produksi benih Kacang Panjang, mengamati pertumbuhan tanaman yang ditunjukkan untuk produksi benih, serta melakukan simulasi kegiatan roguing di lahan pada produksi benih.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 1997
... Finally, in the area of geographical analysis (or geomatics), Fig. ... STAP is a simplified v... more ... Finally, in the area of geographical analysis (or geomatics), Fig. ... STAP is a simplified version of MTAP where the number of targets to be accessed is one. STAP can be solved using rasterGIS (geographical information systems) concepts (Eastman 1995). ...
... Rev. Nud. Part. Sci., 38, 29 (1988). 6. A. Poves and AP Zuker, Phys. Rep., 70, 235 (1985). 7.... more ... Rev. Nud. Part. Sci., 38, 29 (1988). 6. A. Poves and AP Zuker, Phys. Rep., 70, 235 (1985). 7. DJ Dean and M. Hjorth-Jensen, in preparation. 8. F. Coester, Nud. Phys., 7, 421 (1958). 9. F. Coester and H. Kummel, Nud. Phys., 17, 421 (1960). 10. ...
I will describe the behaviour of two different quantum-mechanical systems as a function of increa... more I will describe the behaviour of two different quantum-mechanical systems as a function of increasing temperature. While these systems are somewhat different, the questions addressed are very similar, namely, how does one describe transitions in phase of a finite many-body system; how does one recognise these transitions in practical calculations; and how may one obtain the order of the transition.
Transactions in GIS, 2016
Med Sci Sport Exercise, 1998
Confined quantum many-body systems of a given particle number exhibit a variety of intrinsic shap... more Confined quantum many-body systems of a given particle number exhibit a variety of intrinsic shape characteristics as a function of increasing external field and internal thermal excitation. The shell model is an important tool for the theoretical description of these various structures and transitions in nuclei. Another system in which correlations beyond the mean field may play an important role is semiconductor quantum dots. In this Proceedings, the author compares nuclei and quantum dots and their various deformation properties. The author reports on shell-model calculations in nuclei and some recent mean-field calculations of the thermal properties of quantum dots.
Radiology, 2001
This paper describes the history, current status, and objectives and potential impact of the new ... more This paper describes the history, current status, and objectives and potential impact of the new National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering ͑NIBIB͒. Three of the authors ͑Hendee, Chien, and Maynard͒ have been involved over several years in the effort to raise the identity of biomedical imaging and bioengineering at the National Institutes of Health. The fourth author ͑Dean͒ is the Acting Director of the newly formed NIBIB. These individuals have an extensive collective knowledge of the events that led to formation of the NIBIB, and are intimately involved in shaping its objectives and implementation strategy. This special report provides a historical record of activities leading to establishment of the NIBIB, and an accounting of present and potential advances in biomedical engineering and imaging that will be facilitated and enhanced by NIBIB. The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering represents a ''coming of age'' of biomedical engineering and imaging, and offers great potential to expand the research frontiers of these disciplines to unparalleled heights.
The Nuclear Many Body Problem, 2002
Disusun oleh: Kelas VII A Kelompok 3 1. Muhammad Hamzah Husain (201410200311023) 2. Qurasun Shiel... more Disusun oleh: Kelas VII A Kelompok 3 1. Muhammad Hamzah Husain (201410200311023) 2. Qurasun Shieldhy S.H. (201410200311075) LABORATORIUM AGRONOMI FAKULTAS PERTANIAN PETERNAKAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG 2017 ii KATA PENGANTAR Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT atas kemudahan yang diberikan dalam penyelesaian laporan ini. Shalawat dan salam senantiasa terucap kepada junjungan mulia, Rasulullah Muhammad saw. Laporan ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan praktikum Produksi Benih yang telah dilaksanakan. Adapun bab yang dimuat dalam laporan ini yaitu Produksi Benih di Lapang. Dalam pelaksanaan praktikum dan penyusunan laporan, penulis hendak mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada : 1. Dr. Harun Rasyid, MP selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Produksi Benih dan Dr. Ir. Muhidin, M.Si selaku kepala Lab Agronomi. 2. Saefurrohman, SP selaku asisten praktikum Produksi Benih atas bimbingannya selama pelaksanaan praktikum. 3. Rekan-rekan praktikan Agro VII A atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya. Akhir kata kami berharap sumbangsih dari berbagai pihak atas kritik dan sarannya bilamana terdapat kekurangan dalam penulisan laporan ini. Karena laporan ini masih jauh dari sempurna dan memerlukan masukan dari berbagai pihak.
Simulasi pembelajaran produksi benih dianjurkan terutama mahasiswa pertanian agar mengerti dan me... more Simulasi pembelajaran produksi benih dianjurkan terutama mahasiswa pertanian agar mengerti dan memahami teknik budidaya yang tepat dalam produksi benih tanaman dan mengetahui pengetahuan di bidang pertanian khususnya perbenihan tanaman Kacang Panjang sehingga dapat menjadi seorang produsen benih yang berkualitas dan bermutu. Rumusan masalah terkait gal tersebut adalah bagaimanakah tahapan budidaya dalam produksi benih tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna sinensis L.), bagaimana pertumbuhan tanaman untuk produksi benih, dan bagaimana kegiatan roguing di lahan pada produksi benih. Tujuan dari laporan ini ialah melakukan simulasi budidaya untuk produksi benih Kacang Panjang, mengamati pertumbuhan tanaman yang ditunjukkan untuk produksi benih, serta melakukan simulasi kegiatan roguing di lahan pada produksi benih.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 1997
... Finally, in the area of geographical analysis (or geomatics), Fig. ... STAP is a simplified v... more ... Finally, in the area of geographical analysis (or geomatics), Fig. ... STAP is a simplified version of MTAP where the number of targets to be accessed is one. STAP can be solved using rasterGIS (geographical information systems) concepts (Eastman 1995). ...
... Rev. Nud. Part. Sci., 38, 29 (1988). 6. A. Poves and AP Zuker, Phys. Rep., 70, 235 (1985). 7.... more ... Rev. Nud. Part. Sci., 38, 29 (1988). 6. A. Poves and AP Zuker, Phys. Rep., 70, 235 (1985). 7. DJ Dean and M. Hjorth-Jensen, in preparation. 8. F. Coester, Nud. Phys., 7, 421 (1958). 9. F. Coester and H. Kummel, Nud. Phys., 17, 421 (1960). 10. ...