Dennis Overbye - (original) (raw)

Papers by Dennis Overbye

Research paper thumbnail of More eyes on the skied

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ghost Universe of Neutrinos

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Research paper thumbnail of How Islam Won, and Lost, the Lead in Science

Al-Tusi's deftness and ideological flexibility in pursuit of the resources to do science paid... more Al-Tusi's deftness and ideological flexibility in pursuit of the resources to do science paid off. The road to modern astronomy, scholars say, leads through the work that he and his followers performed at Maragha and Alamut in the 13th and 14th centuries. It is a road that winds from Athens to Alexandria, Baghdad, Damascus and Córdoba, through the palaces of caliphs and the basement laboratories of alchemists, and it was traveled not just by astronomy but by all science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yearning for new physics at CERN, in a Post-Higgs way

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Research paper thumbnail of The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein

Title: The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein. Authors: Overbye, Dennis. Publication: Sky and Telescope, volu... more Title: The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein. Authors: Overbye, Dennis. Publication: Sky and Telescope, volume 57, page 527. Publication Date: 06/1979. Origin: S&T. Comment: A&AA ID. AAA025.142.061. Bibliographic Code: 1979S&T....57..527O. Abstract. Not Available

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Research paper thumbnail of Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe

Ever since the first rocket entered space, science and technology have become the obsessions of t... more Ever since the first rocket entered space, science and technology have become the obsessions of the 20th century. With their aid it seems possible that man can discover his own origins and learn the history of the cosmos. This book is the story of the cosmologists whose job discription is to determine the fate of the universe. As well as the creation myths, there are radically opposing theories of the world's origin. Some hold the "big bang" theory, by which the world began in a fiery cataclysm and might disapear again in an equally spectacular crash. Others believe that the universe is infinite and always the same. This is a tribute to the human beings who, with the help of science, might eventually reach the truth. ISBN 0333445813 (This book at Amazon) (print version, paperback) 9780316648967 (This book at Amazon) (print version, paperback (1999 edition)) CERN library copies Purchase it for me! This book on WorldCat Info rmat io n Discussio n (0 ) Files Ho ldings Sea...

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Research paper thumbnail of Einstein in Love: A Scientific Romance

PENGUIN BOOKS EINSTEIN IN LOVE Dennis Overbye is a reporter for The New York Times and a critical... more PENGUIN BOOKS EINSTEIN IN LOVE Dennis Overbye is a reporter for The New York Times and a critically acclaimed science writer who has contributed to Time, The New York Times Magazine, and many other publications. His first book, Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos, won ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Weighing the Universe


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Research paper thumbnail of In a lonely cosmos, a hunt for worlds like ours

Physics Today

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Research paper thumbnail of A Giant Takes On Physics' Biggest Questions

Physics Today

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Research paper thumbnail of High Resolution Optical Measurements of ARPA Project Secede 2

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Research paper thumbnail of A giant takes on physics' biggest questions

The New York Times, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Echo des Urknalls. Kernfragen der modernen Kosmologie

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Research paper thumbnail of Quasars in Ultraviolet -- Comparing Oranges and Oranges

Sky and Telescope, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of Does anyone understand SS 433

Sky and Telescope, Dec 1, 1979

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Research paper thumbnail of God's Turnstile - the Work of Wheeler and Hawking

Mercury, Jul 1, 1991

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Research paper thumbnail of Weighing the Universe

Science, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Origins and Fate: Weighing the Universe

Science, Jun 7, 1996

Ulli\cvrsc s tat wlhctlhr it will c(oItine expaindinc, to infinity or will ultimtlyt' recolla... more Ulli\cvrsc s tat wlhctlhr it will c(oItine expaindinc, to infinity or will ultimtlyt' recollapse. And in recenit years,__ they have had anl aesthetic reaSonI for seekingJ extra mass: an elegCit theorv of the unix erse's first The ez Imlomilents implving'T that it concosm( tins1e1nugh hett to poise it excertai actlv on thc b-orderline b,etween a and e clo.sedl big-crulnch tiuliverse and the bi an open ever-expandionll,(I e. In factor short, astronomers these dlav xxant dark n to Weigh thC Ulniverse to ftiId out and m whether it is beautiful. main c Arilled with nex techniques. of the troIm1 charting the motions otf galtheori. axies acro)ss vast tracts of skv to shape looking, throtiu(gh grax italtional.1 no ob len1ses far out in theA cosmos No astronomers are inow finding,t aIt led by leasct some of the ma11ss they have 1 0-me SouLg-ht. They do n1ot klno the been fatre of the umniverse vet, b-)ut thev detect arc optimistic aout finding ain canva, ans er. "We can stop tlinkingi keenei abolt cosmolo(ical Parameters the de as gdelnken," s.asv Saul Perlimiutter with rE otf the Laxvrence Berkelce Naordina tional Labo)ratorx an1d go out took s5 an111d measure tlemll ." Or, ais Nalrc the stc Davis of the Ulnix'ersitv of Calitornia, Berkeley, puts it, 'We're uettinlgJ cl()se to haIltving an aiswer. Weigh TLit is kindi of neat. Astro BuIt to dtet, the ansxer is nlOt Hov as beatitifutl as mmay cosmlo,Xgists hald xished. In11fationl, az theory Microv that h-ias been the ba(ick1bo1ne of the big-bang the(ri:ing eVer since From Alan Culthti of thle MatIsSaClhLuSCttS InstitutC otf Technilowy (MIT) Galax5 inllvted it nll 1 950, Ihlds that thile universe tinderxcent a massive groxxwth spurt jusit after thc 1bigang and-1 is now "flat." in the siimpilest mo0)del of the universe, that means the ratio ot tIl unlliverse's actual1l millass density to the bAorderl inc density betxeen bWig cruilnCh a ndl inftinlite expasIl nxixl-which astroniomers designIlate als omeg1(a is exactly one. Bu1t xxhile COsmlog10(JistS ha-VCe benCCl1 Cletecting, morecand more mlcaSS alS they .suiCSrvey the Universe on laroer scales, xith fexx exceptions they are n1ot finding more than abotut a third to half of the critical amount, xhich leaves cosmolog,ists, like the optimist or the pessimist staring at a Aclass of xwater, xxondering if the Universe is half full or half empty. While somie cosmoloo'ists remain confithec thlee miost no

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Research paper thumbnail of High Resolution Optical Measurements of ARPA Project Secede 2

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Research paper thumbnail of Space Science for the People

Discover, Feb 1, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of More eyes on the skied

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ghost Universe of Neutrinos

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Research paper thumbnail of How Islam Won, and Lost, the Lead in Science

Al-Tusi's deftness and ideological flexibility in pursuit of the resources to do science paid... more Al-Tusi's deftness and ideological flexibility in pursuit of the resources to do science paid off. The road to modern astronomy, scholars say, leads through the work that he and his followers performed at Maragha and Alamut in the 13th and 14th centuries. It is a road that winds from Athens to Alexandria, Baghdad, Damascus and Córdoba, through the palaces of caliphs and the basement laboratories of alchemists, and it was traveled not just by astronomy but by all science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yearning for new physics at CERN, in a Post-Higgs way

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Research paper thumbnail of The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein

Title: The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein. Authors: Overbye, Dennis. Publication: Sky and Telescope, volu... more Title: The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein. Authors: Overbye, Dennis. Publication: Sky and Telescope, volume 57, page 527. Publication Date: 06/1979. Origin: S&T. Comment: A&AA ID. AAA025.142.061. Bibliographic Code: 1979S&T....57..527O. Abstract. Not Available

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Research paper thumbnail of Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe

Ever since the first rocket entered space, science and technology have become the obsessions of t... more Ever since the first rocket entered space, science and technology have become the obsessions of the 20th century. With their aid it seems possible that man can discover his own origins and learn the history of the cosmos. This book is the story of the cosmologists whose job discription is to determine the fate of the universe. As well as the creation myths, there are radically opposing theories of the world's origin. Some hold the "big bang" theory, by which the world began in a fiery cataclysm and might disapear again in an equally spectacular crash. Others believe that the universe is infinite and always the same. This is a tribute to the human beings who, with the help of science, might eventually reach the truth. ISBN 0333445813 (This book at Amazon) (print version, paperback) 9780316648967 (This book at Amazon) (print version, paperback (1999 edition)) CERN library copies Purchase it for me! This book on WorldCat Info rmat io n Discussio n (0 ) Files Ho ldings Sea...

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Research paper thumbnail of Einstein in Love: A Scientific Romance

PENGUIN BOOKS EINSTEIN IN LOVE Dennis Overbye is a reporter for The New York Times and a critical... more PENGUIN BOOKS EINSTEIN IN LOVE Dennis Overbye is a reporter for The New York Times and a critically acclaimed science writer who has contributed to Time, The New York Times Magazine, and many other publications. His first book, Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos, won ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Weighing the Universe


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Research paper thumbnail of In a lonely cosmos, a hunt for worlds like ours

Physics Today

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Research paper thumbnail of A Giant Takes On Physics' Biggest Questions

Physics Today

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Research paper thumbnail of High Resolution Optical Measurements of ARPA Project Secede 2

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Research paper thumbnail of A giant takes on physics' biggest questions

The New York Times, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Echo des Urknalls. Kernfragen der modernen Kosmologie

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Research paper thumbnail of Quasars in Ultraviolet -- Comparing Oranges and Oranges

Sky and Telescope, 1978

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Research paper thumbnail of Does anyone understand SS 433

Sky and Telescope, Dec 1, 1979

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Research paper thumbnail of God's Turnstile - the Work of Wheeler and Hawking

Mercury, Jul 1, 1991

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Research paper thumbnail of Weighing the Universe

Science, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Origins and Fate: Weighing the Universe

Science, Jun 7, 1996

Ulli\cvrsc s tat wlhctlhr it will c(oItine expaindinc, to infinity or will ultimtlyt' recolla... more Ulli\cvrsc s tat wlhctlhr it will c(oItine expaindinc, to infinity or will ultimtlyt' recollapse. And in recenit years,__ they have had anl aesthetic reaSonI for seekingJ extra mass: an elegCit theorv of the unix erse's first The ez Imlomilents implving'T that it concosm( tins1e1nugh hett to poise it excertai actlv on thc b-orderline b,etween a and e clo.sedl big-crulnch tiuliverse and the bi an open ever-expandionll,(I e. In factor short, astronomers these dlav xxant dark n to Weigh thC Ulniverse to ftiId out and m whether it is beautiful. main c Arilled with nex techniques. of the troIm1 charting the motions otf galtheori. axies acro)ss vast tracts of skv to shape looking, throtiu(gh grax italtional.1 no ob len1ses far out in theA cosmos No astronomers are inow finding,t aIt led by leasct some of the ma11ss they have 1 0-me SouLg-ht. They do n1ot klno the been fatre of the umniverse vet, b-)ut thev detect arc optimistic aout finding ain canva, ans er. "We can stop tlinkingi keenei abolt cosmolo(ical Parameters the de as gdelnken," s.asv Saul Perlimiutter with rE otf the Laxvrence Berkelce Naordina tional Labo)ratorx an1d go out took s5 an111d measure tlemll ." Or, ais Nalrc the stc Davis of the Ulnix'ersitv of Calitornia, Berkeley, puts it, 'We're uettinlgJ cl()se to haIltving an aiswer. Weigh TLit is kindi of neat. Astro BuIt to dtet, the ansxer is nlOt Hov as beatitifutl as mmay cosmlo,Xgists hald xished. In11fationl, az theory Microv that h-ias been the ba(ick1bo1ne of the big-bang the(ri:ing eVer since From Alan Culthti of thle MatIsSaClhLuSCttS InstitutC otf Technilowy (MIT) Galax5 inllvted it nll 1 950, Ihlds that thile universe tinderxcent a massive groxxwth spurt jusit after thc 1bigang and-1 is now "flat." in the siimpilest mo0)del of the universe, that means the ratio ot tIl unlliverse's actual1l millass density to the bAorderl inc density betxeen bWig cruilnCh a ndl inftinlite expasIl nxixl-which astroniomers designIlate als omeg1(a is exactly one. Bu1t xxhile COsmlog10(JistS ha-VCe benCCl1 Cletecting, morecand more mlcaSS alS they .suiCSrvey the Universe on laroer scales, xith fexx exceptions they are n1ot finding more than abotut a third to half of the critical amount, xhich leaves cosmolog,ists, like the optimist or the pessimist staring at a Aclass of xwater, xxondering if the Universe is half full or half empty. While somie cosmoloo'ists remain confithec thlee miost no

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Research paper thumbnail of High Resolution Optical Measurements of ARPA Project Secede 2

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Research paper thumbnail of Space Science for the People

Discover, Feb 1, 1982

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