Derling J Mendoza - (original) (raw)
Papers by Derling J Mendoza
RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2020
Resumen: El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las competencias digitales de los profesores univ... more Resumen: El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las competencias digitales de los profesores universitarios en el Ecuador durante el lapso académico 2019-2020 en la Universidad Nacional de Educacion UNAE durante el ciclo académico 2019-2020 en Ecuador. La investigación parte de un enfoque mixto y un diseño de campo descriptivo-explicativo, a través de una muestra estratificada no probabilística de 37 docentes. Se utilizó la guía de observación directa de los participantes y la aplicación de dos cuestionarios. La presente investigación concluye que la mayoría de los profesores utilizan las TIC sólo para la información y la comunicación, existiendo disponibilidad de acceso a la tecnología por parte de la institución, pero una alta deficiencia en la capacitación de investigación de los mismos.
International Journal of Instruction, 2020
The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic proce... more The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic process of teaching and learning of the division of whole numbers, a study aimed at students and teachers of the 3rd and 4th level of basic education. For its development the qualitative paradigm was used through the modality of field research. As informants, twenty (20) students and two (2) teachers participated. All participants are enrolled in the 3rd and 4th level of the Giordano Bruno School located in the city of Quito, Ecuador. To collect the information, the observation technique and the semi-structured interview were used, and the instruments were subjected to a validity process, where the triangulation was applied. The results were analyzed to give an answer to the proposed objective of the manuscript, where the teaching-learning method applied to the students is presented as a critical-constructivist model, but in reality, a mechanic-academicist education system is used. It was evidenced that teachers shorten the logical processes of the division of whole numbers, by the time-space factor.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 5, 2023
RESUMEN La investigación se desarrolló a través de un proceso sustentado en una revisión bibliogr... more RESUMEN La investigación se desarrolló a través de un proceso sustentado en una revisión bibliográfica y estudio de campo con aportes novedosos relacionados con la temática sobre competencias laborales con énfasis en la educación superior. El objetivo propuesto fue establecer la caracterización del perfil profesional por competencias laborales en el docente universitario. Para lograr el propósito se consideró la metodología cuantitativa/positivista, se aplicó un instrumento considerando un universo de 56 docentes, se presentaron en dicho instrumento 30 afirmaciones analizándose los resultados a través del método de estadística descriptiva bajo el sistema de escalograma de Guttman.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Spanish Abstract: La adquisicion y desarrollo del proceso de lectura constituye para las instituc... more Spanish Abstract: La adquisicion y desarrollo del proceso de lectura constituye para las instituciones Universitarias un desafio en la formacion de lectores competentes, personas que adquieran habilidades para el disfrute de los textos, como una actividad voluntaria, donde no solo se puede extraer la informacion, sino interpretarla, disfrutarla y vivirla para su formacion academica. Por consiguiente, es elemental asumir posturas, para practicar la lectura dentro y fuera de la Universidad, donde se haga hincapie que el lector busque informacion, se entretenga, resuelva un problema practico y pueda conocer otros mundos posibles. En este sentido, se desarrollo un estudio bajo la investigacion de campo de caracter documental y dentro de la modalidad de proyecto factible, enmarcada en tres fases: diagnostico, factibilidad, diseno de la propuesta. Por tanto, la poblacion se conformo por (10) docentes y (25) estudiantes(as) de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador. Para efectos de recopilar la informacion se utilizo un cuestionario con varias alternativas, el cual fue sometido a un proceso de validez de contenido y confiabilidad utilizando el coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo como resultado 0,81 el cual se considera confiable. A tal efecto, los resultados de la investigacion permitieron fortificar la lectura a nivel andrologico, como tambien facilitar la orientacion de los estudiantes e investigadores, para tomar posturas actitudinales de lectores competentes, autonomos y criticos en cada situacion de la lectura. English Abstract: The acquisition and development of the reading process constitutes for University institutions a challenge in the formation of competent readers, people who acquire skills for the enjoyment of the texts, as a voluntary activity, where not only the information can be extracted but interpreted, enjoy it and live it for your academic training. Therefore, it is fundamental to assume positions, to practice reading inside and outside the University, where it is emphasized that the reader seeks information, is entertained, solves a practical problem and can know other possible worlds. In this sense, a study was developed under field research of documentary nature and within the feasible project modality, framed in three phases: diagnosis, feasibility, proposal design. Therefore, the population was confirmed by (10) teacher and (25) students (as) of the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador. In order to compile the information, a questionnaire with several alternatives was used, which was submitted to a content validity and reliability process using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, obtaining a result of 0.81 which is considered reliable. To this end, the results of the research made it possible to fortify reading at the andrological level, as well as to facilitate the orientation of students and researchers, to take attitudes of competent, autonomous and critical readers in each situation of reading.
Qualitas, 2017
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un conjunto de orientaciones metodológicas para ... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un conjunto de orientaciones metodológicas para el mejoramiento en la calidad de los proyectos de investigación de los estudiantes de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIBE). Para tal fin, se optó por una investigación positivista de carácter descriptivo, bajo la modalidad de proyecto factible con diseño de campo no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por cuarenta y cuatro estudiantes de la UNIBE. El tipo de muestreo fue intencional. Las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de información fueron la encuesta y un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas, conformado por veinticinco ítems. Los datos obtenidos, se sometieron a un análisis basado en estadística descriptiva, misma que permitió su análisis, basado en fundamentación teórica. Una de las recomendaciones incluye una propuesta sobre orientaciones metodológicas para el mejoramiento en la calidad de los proyectos de investigación como parte de las actividades a ser realizadas por parte de los estudiantes.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic proce... more The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic process of teaching and learning of the division of whole numbers, a study aimed at students and teachers of the 3rd and 4th level of basic education. For its development the qualitative paradigm was used through the modality of field research. As informants, twenty (20) students and two (2) teachers participated. All participants are enrolled in the 3rd and 4th level of the Giordano Bruno School located in the city of Quito, Ecuador. To collect the information, the observation technique and the semi-structured interview were used, and the instruments were subjected to a validity process, where the triangulation was applied. The results were analyzed to give an answer to the proposed objective of the manuscript, where the teaching-learning method applied to the students is presented as a critical-constructivist model, but in reality, a mechanic-academicist education system is used. It was evidenced that teachers shorten the logical processes of the division of whole numbers, by the time-space factor.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Spanish Abstract: La finalidad del estudio es proponer estrategias de inteligencia emocional para... more Spanish Abstract: La finalidad del estudio es proponer estrategias de inteligencia emocional para el fortalecimiento de las competencias docentes en los facilitadores de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). El tipo de investigacion fue descriptivo sustentado en una investigacion documental, bajo un diseno de campo no experimental, transeccional con la modalidad de proyecto factible, en sus tres fases: diagnostico, factibilidad y propuesta. Se tomo como poblacion, el total de 30 facilitadores de la universidad. Para la recoleccion de datos se utilizo una encuesta tipo cuestionario contentivo de 27 Items, el cual fue validado a traves del juicio de tres (3) expertos y determinandose la confiabilidad con una prueba piloto, mediante un analisis estadistico Alfa de Cronbach donde se obtuvo un coeficiente de 0,834. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados de manera descriptiva, la cual origino la propuesta: Programa de orientacion basado en inteligencia emocional dirigido a fortalecer las competencias docentes en los facilitadores de la UNIB.E. English Abstract: The purpose of the study is to propose emotional intelligence strategies for the strengthening of teaching competencies in the facilitators of the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). The type of research was descriptive supported by a documentary research, under a non-experimental, transectional field design with the feasible project modality, in its three phases: diagnosis, feasibility and proposal. The total of 30 university facilitators was taken as population. For data collection, a questionnaire type survey of 27 items was used, which was validated through the judgment of three (3) experts and reliability was determined with a pilot test, using a statistical analysis Alfa de Cronbach where a coefficient of 0.834. The data obtained were analyzed in a descriptive way, which originated the proposal: Orientation program based on emotional intelligence aimed at strengthening the teaching skills in the facilitators of UNIB.E.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
University research is the way in which lecturers can perceive, analyze and be illustrated about ... more University research is the way in which lecturers can perceive, analyze and be illustrated about unknown topics or something that has been omitted and that is why it is important and is the key in the academic researcher´s life, the gathering of information, the analysis and the search for a solution to an existing or detected problem. This research includes three phases: the first, where the search, collection and data analysis is proposed; the second, where models of teacher formation and theorization are included and the third, where the final idea of formation of university researchers and lecturers is proposed. This research was developed from a qualitative perspective, since it is implemented in an epistemic conceptualization that corresponds to its nature, highlighting the interest of deepening the intuition of the object research. As key informants, the participation of 15 (fifteen) lecturers from different universities of Ecuador is highlighted. The constant comparison of theories and grounded theory was applied for the analysis of the subtracted data, in order to make a theoretical approach through the emerging categories and subcategories, through the operating software Atlas.ti version 8; with the aim to contribute to the theoretical and methodological basis. The subcategories were derived: professional teaching function and novel teaching profile. The conclusions mention the idea or model of formation for higher education teaching staff. It also mentions the importance of improving the formation of lecturers through scientific research to promote knowledge and strategies that require the need to theorize, produce and increase the level of thinking.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
INNOVA Research Journal, 2018
Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje s... more Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje significativo, mediante los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, estructurada bajo los paradigmas de la fenomenología interpretativa y la innovación tecnológica, como pilares de enlace primordial para proceder en la indagación del objeto de estudio, estas deducciones de razonamiento aportan nuevas maneras de forjar y vivir la educación, por medio de la aplicación coherente de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), facilitando y permitiendo la concepción del desarrollo cognitivo, para el pensamiento lógico matemático de los estudiantes en la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador UNIB.E.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
The didactics from its educational perspective, is located in the axis of reflection and theoreti... more The didactics from its educational perspective, is located in the axis of reflection and theoretical operational projection, from the edge of interaction and communication, between the being of education and the dissimilar educational models. Therefore, the present study is based on generating a theoretical approach that arises from the practice of university professors. In this case, the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E) will be used as the research scenario. As a first objective, the didactic models that are frequent in the practice of university professors were analyzed. The second objective of the study was to interpret the relationship between the explicit theories, and those of common use, that university professors develop in their practice. To this end, the researchers carried out qualitative research based on the interpretative-hermeneutic paradigm, using a method of analysis and ethnographic study. Structured interviews and observations, both validated through expert judgement, were used as data collection techniques. Based on the information obtained, the importance of strengthening the didactic training of some teachers was detailed as important manifestations. Highlighting the conceptualization and effective application of the different models that arise in the andragogical practices of higher education.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
This study focuses on the importance of implementing guidelines to strengthen positive attitudes ... more This study focuses on the importance of implementing guidelines to strengthen positive attitudes towards the study among students at Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). The teaching action-research was used to respond to the situation detected. Twenty-two students were the key informants. The information was also collected through the observation and survey process, which revealed technical difficulties in maintaining interest in the study. In this order of ideas, they are considered necessary the different processes framed in the planning and execution of diverse strategies that project the motivation towards the study. In the development of the different actions applied, it is carried out an evaluation to measure the achievements obtained in order to give greater objectivity and productivity in the fulfillment of the objectives proposed in the present study. Therefore, it is clear that the apathy of students for academic activities is due to the lack of appropriate strategies because these are not meaningful to them. That means, they do not awaken the motivation to generate the necessary interest to develop positive attitudes towards the study.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje s... more Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje significativo, mediante los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, estructurada bajo los paradigmas de la fenomenología interpretativa y la innovación tecnológica, como pilares de enlace primordial para proceder en la indagación del objeto de estudio, estas deducciones de razonamiento aportan nuevas maneras de forjar y vivir la educación, por medio de la aplicación coherente de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), facilitando y permitiendo la concepción del desarrollo cognitivo, para el pensamiento lógico matemático de los estudiantes en la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador UNIB.E.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
International electronic journal of mathematics education, Oct 2, 2018
The main objective of the research is to analyze the cognitive attributes offered by Information ... more The main objective of the research is to analyze the cognitive attributes offered by Information and Communication Technologies to promote mathematical software as a model of teaching and learning. In the study, the software was used as a motivating didactic resource for the construction of meaningful learning. One hundred students of the first semester of Universidad Iberoamericana of Ecuador participated in this research. For the selection of the sample it was applied a nonprobabilistic participatory type technique. The study was developed according to the approach of mixed methods of sequential explanatory design. The researcher organized the article in two phases: the first phase was quantitative. Quantitative results were obtained by applying a questionnaire to the students. The data demonstrated the need for change in university mathematics education. For students in the first semester, it was implemented the Wiris and Geogebra operational program during the qualitative phase. Moreover, the observation guide made it possible to collect qualitative information. The results of both phases were joined through the triangulation method. In conclusion, it is proposed the use of software as a model of teachinglearning process. It is highlighted the importance of active group knowledge sharing.
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Introduction. In order to encourage more flexible working environments and establish generators o... more Introduction. In order to encourage more flexible working environments and establish generators of sustainable development for participating countries through an educated society, various international organisations that intervene in the quality dimension within the framework of a systemic approach to Higher Education, including the World Bank, have made multiple efforts to establish various recognitions, certifications and credits pertaining to competency-based education. Materials and Methods. The research, featuring a study of theoretical-interpretative design, was based around the qualitative paradigm. Information was obtained by means of semi-structured interviews with 14 lecturers from different universities in the city of Quito in Ecuador. The data obtained were triangulated with a review of the literature carried out by the researchers. Results. The informants considered cognitive competencies to be the most relevant within the context of teacher formation. Research, planning and organisation skills were not established in importance due to university professionalisation. Additionally, the need to establish curricular changes in the Ecuadorian university pedagogy was confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion. After contrasting the opinions of university professors and formation theories, a theoretical reflection is presented in which the importance of unifying professional formation and investigative competencies is emphasised. This unification allows the quality of higher education centred around the teacher as the main actor to be increased.
Revista ESPACIOS, Dec 28, 2018
La investigación tuvo por objetivo, determinar la representación social que otorgan los estudiant... more La investigación tuvo por objetivo, determinar la representación social que otorgan los estudiantes de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E), al método del aula invertida. Acorde con el paradigma positivista, se emplearon procesos cuantitativos. La información fue recolectada por un instrumento con veinte interrogantes, aplicado a 157 estudiantes. Los datos fueron procesados por el programa estadístico SPSS Statistics 19 2008. Como conclusión se determinó que los estudiantes poseen una concepción favorable del aula invertida, como método que potencia el aprendizaje autónomo. Palabras clave: Representación social, aula invertida, método de aprendizaje
Social Science Research Network, 2019
This research is justified by pointing out the basic conceptions of the continuing education of t... more This research is justified by pointing out the basic conceptions of the continuing education of the university professor. The process of this research included three phases: First, the search; collection and analysis of information. Second, it includes models of professor training and theorization. Third, it raises the final conception of the educational training of the university professor. The research was developed from a qualitative perspective; therefore, it is implanted in an epistemic conceptualization that corresponds to its nature and the interest to deepen in the intuition of the object of study. In this research participated 8 (eight) professors who work at UTE. For the analysis of the data that was obtained they were applied the Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method, which had the purpose of making a theoretical approximation from the categorizations and their dimensions, through the Atlas.ti operating software, version 8. Moreover, the goal was contributing to the theoretical foundation and methodology of the research which generated the following categories: professional professor role and new professor profile. In the conclusions it was mentioned the importance of the university professor updating through scientific research to promote the knowledge and strategies that demand the need to theorize, produce and raise the level of professor thinking.
RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2020
Resumen: El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las competencias digitales de los profesores univ... more Resumen: El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las competencias digitales de los profesores universitarios en el Ecuador durante el lapso académico 2019-2020 en la Universidad Nacional de Educacion UNAE durante el ciclo académico 2019-2020 en Ecuador. La investigación parte de un enfoque mixto y un diseño de campo descriptivo-explicativo, a través de una muestra estratificada no probabilística de 37 docentes. Se utilizó la guía de observación directa de los participantes y la aplicación de dos cuestionarios. La presente investigación concluye que la mayoría de los profesores utilizan las TIC sólo para la información y la comunicación, existiendo disponibilidad de acceso a la tecnología por parte de la institución, pero una alta deficiencia en la capacitación de investigación de los mismos.
International Journal of Instruction, 2020
The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic proce... more The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic process of teaching and learning of the division of whole numbers, a study aimed at students and teachers of the 3rd and 4th level of basic education. For its development the qualitative paradigm was used through the modality of field research. As informants, twenty (20) students and two (2) teachers participated. All participants are enrolled in the 3rd and 4th level of the Giordano Bruno School located in the city of Quito, Ecuador. To collect the information, the observation technique and the semi-structured interview were used, and the instruments were subjected to a validity process, where the triangulation was applied. The results were analyzed to give an answer to the proposed objective of the manuscript, where the teaching-learning method applied to the students is presented as a critical-constructivist model, but in reality, a mechanic-academicist education system is used. It was evidenced that teachers shorten the logical processes of the division of whole numbers, by the time-space factor.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 5, 2023
RESUMEN La investigación se desarrolló a través de un proceso sustentado en una revisión bibliogr... more RESUMEN La investigación se desarrolló a través de un proceso sustentado en una revisión bibliográfica y estudio de campo con aportes novedosos relacionados con la temática sobre competencias laborales con énfasis en la educación superior. El objetivo propuesto fue establecer la caracterización del perfil profesional por competencias laborales en el docente universitario. Para lograr el propósito se consideró la metodología cuantitativa/positivista, se aplicó un instrumento considerando un universo de 56 docentes, se presentaron en dicho instrumento 30 afirmaciones analizándose los resultados a través del método de estadística descriptiva bajo el sistema de escalograma de Guttman.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Spanish Abstract: La adquisicion y desarrollo del proceso de lectura constituye para las instituc... more Spanish Abstract: La adquisicion y desarrollo del proceso de lectura constituye para las instituciones Universitarias un desafio en la formacion de lectores competentes, personas que adquieran habilidades para el disfrute de los textos, como una actividad voluntaria, donde no solo se puede extraer la informacion, sino interpretarla, disfrutarla y vivirla para su formacion academica. Por consiguiente, es elemental asumir posturas, para practicar la lectura dentro y fuera de la Universidad, donde se haga hincapie que el lector busque informacion, se entretenga, resuelva un problema practico y pueda conocer otros mundos posibles. En este sentido, se desarrollo un estudio bajo la investigacion de campo de caracter documental y dentro de la modalidad de proyecto factible, enmarcada en tres fases: diagnostico, factibilidad, diseno de la propuesta. Por tanto, la poblacion se conformo por (10) docentes y (25) estudiantes(as) de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador. Para efectos de recopilar la informacion se utilizo un cuestionario con varias alternativas, el cual fue sometido a un proceso de validez de contenido y confiabilidad utilizando el coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo como resultado 0,81 el cual se considera confiable. A tal efecto, los resultados de la investigacion permitieron fortificar la lectura a nivel andrologico, como tambien facilitar la orientacion de los estudiantes e investigadores, para tomar posturas actitudinales de lectores competentes, autonomos y criticos en cada situacion de la lectura. English Abstract: The acquisition and development of the reading process constitutes for University institutions a challenge in the formation of competent readers, people who acquire skills for the enjoyment of the texts, as a voluntary activity, where not only the information can be extracted but interpreted, enjoy it and live it for your academic training. Therefore, it is fundamental to assume positions, to practice reading inside and outside the University, where it is emphasized that the reader seeks information, is entertained, solves a practical problem and can know other possible worlds. In this sense, a study was developed under field research of documentary nature and within the feasible project modality, framed in three phases: diagnosis, feasibility, proposal design. Therefore, the population was confirmed by (10) teacher and (25) students (as) of the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador. In order to compile the information, a questionnaire with several alternatives was used, which was submitted to a content validity and reliability process using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, obtaining a result of 0.81 which is considered reliable. To this end, the results of the research made it possible to fortify reading at the andrological level, as well as to facilitate the orientation of students and researchers, to take attitudes of competent, autonomous and critical readers in each situation of reading.
Qualitas, 2017
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un conjunto de orientaciones metodológicas para ... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un conjunto de orientaciones metodológicas para el mejoramiento en la calidad de los proyectos de investigación de los estudiantes de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIBE). Para tal fin, se optó por una investigación positivista de carácter descriptivo, bajo la modalidad de proyecto factible con diseño de campo no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por cuarenta y cuatro estudiantes de la UNIBE. El tipo de muestreo fue intencional. Las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de información fueron la encuesta y un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas, conformado por veinticinco ítems. Los datos obtenidos, se sometieron a un análisis basado en estadística descriptiva, misma que permitió su análisis, basado en fundamentación teórica. Una de las recomendaciones incluye una propuesta sobre orientaciones metodológicas para el mejoramiento en la calidad de los proyectos de investigación como parte de las actividades a ser realizadas por parte de los estudiantes.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic proce... more The objective of this research was to analyze the causes and consequences of the systematic process of teaching and learning of the division of whole numbers, a study aimed at students and teachers of the 3rd and 4th level of basic education. For its development the qualitative paradigm was used through the modality of field research. As informants, twenty (20) students and two (2) teachers participated. All participants are enrolled in the 3rd and 4th level of the Giordano Bruno School located in the city of Quito, Ecuador. To collect the information, the observation technique and the semi-structured interview were used, and the instruments were subjected to a validity process, where the triangulation was applied. The results were analyzed to give an answer to the proposed objective of the manuscript, where the teaching-learning method applied to the students is presented as a critical-constructivist model, but in reality, a mechanic-academicist education system is used. It was evidenced that teachers shorten the logical processes of the division of whole numbers, by the time-space factor.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Spanish Abstract: La finalidad del estudio es proponer estrategias de inteligencia emocional para... more Spanish Abstract: La finalidad del estudio es proponer estrategias de inteligencia emocional para el fortalecimiento de las competencias docentes en los facilitadores de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). El tipo de investigacion fue descriptivo sustentado en una investigacion documental, bajo un diseno de campo no experimental, transeccional con la modalidad de proyecto factible, en sus tres fases: diagnostico, factibilidad y propuesta. Se tomo como poblacion, el total de 30 facilitadores de la universidad. Para la recoleccion de datos se utilizo una encuesta tipo cuestionario contentivo de 27 Items, el cual fue validado a traves del juicio de tres (3) expertos y determinandose la confiabilidad con una prueba piloto, mediante un analisis estadistico Alfa de Cronbach donde se obtuvo un coeficiente de 0,834. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados de manera descriptiva, la cual origino la propuesta: Programa de orientacion basado en inteligencia emocional dirigido a fortalecer las competencias docentes en los facilitadores de la UNIB.E. English Abstract: The purpose of the study is to propose emotional intelligence strategies for the strengthening of teaching competencies in the facilitators of the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). The type of research was descriptive supported by a documentary research, under a non-experimental, transectional field design with the feasible project modality, in its three phases: diagnosis, feasibility and proposal. The total of 30 university facilitators was taken as population. For data collection, a questionnaire type survey of 27 items was used, which was validated through the judgment of three (3) experts and reliability was determined with a pilot test, using a statistical analysis Alfa de Cronbach where a coefficient of 0.834. The data obtained were analyzed in a descriptive way, which originated the proposal: Orientation program based on emotional intelligence aimed at strengthening the teaching skills in the facilitators of UNIB.E.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
University research is the way in which lecturers can perceive, analyze and be illustrated about ... more University research is the way in which lecturers can perceive, analyze and be illustrated about unknown topics or something that has been omitted and that is why it is important and is the key in the academic researcher´s life, the gathering of information, the analysis and the search for a solution to an existing or detected problem. This research includes three phases: the first, where the search, collection and data analysis is proposed; the second, where models of teacher formation and theorization are included and the third, where the final idea of formation of university researchers and lecturers is proposed. This research was developed from a qualitative perspective, since it is implemented in an epistemic conceptualization that corresponds to its nature, highlighting the interest of deepening the intuition of the object research. As key informants, the participation of 15 (fifteen) lecturers from different universities of Ecuador is highlighted. The constant comparison of theories and grounded theory was applied for the analysis of the subtracted data, in order to make a theoretical approach through the emerging categories and subcategories, through the operating software Atlas.ti version 8; with the aim to contribute to the theoretical and methodological basis. The subcategories were derived: professional teaching function and novel teaching profile. The conclusions mention the idea or model of formation for higher education teaching staff. It also mentions the importance of improving the formation of lecturers through scientific research to promote knowledge and strategies that require the need to theorize, produce and increase the level of thinking.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
INNOVA Research Journal, 2018
Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje s... more Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje significativo, mediante los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, estructurada bajo los paradigmas de la fenomenología interpretativa y la innovación tecnológica, como pilares de enlace primordial para proceder en la indagación del objeto de estudio, estas deducciones de razonamiento aportan nuevas maneras de forjar y vivir la educación, por medio de la aplicación coherente de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), facilitando y permitiendo la concepción del desarrollo cognitivo, para el pensamiento lógico matemático de los estudiantes en la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador UNIB.E.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
The didactics from its educational perspective, is located in the axis of reflection and theoreti... more The didactics from its educational perspective, is located in the axis of reflection and theoretical operational projection, from the edge of interaction and communication, between the being of education and the dissimilar educational models. Therefore, the present study is based on generating a theoretical approach that arises from the practice of university professors. In this case, the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E) will be used as the research scenario. As a first objective, the didactic models that are frequent in the practice of university professors were analyzed. The second objective of the study was to interpret the relationship between the explicit theories, and those of common use, that university professors develop in their practice. To this end, the researchers carried out qualitative research based on the interpretative-hermeneutic paradigm, using a method of analysis and ethnographic study. Structured interviews and observations, both validated through expert judgement, were used as data collection techniques. Based on the information obtained, the importance of strengthening the didactic training of some teachers was detailed as important manifestations. Highlighting the conceptualization and effective application of the different models that arise in the andragogical practices of higher education.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
This study focuses on the importance of implementing guidelines to strengthen positive attitudes ... more This study focuses on the importance of implementing guidelines to strengthen positive attitudes towards the study among students at Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). The teaching action-research was used to respond to the situation detected. Twenty-two students were the key informants. The information was also collected through the observation and survey process, which revealed technical difficulties in maintaining interest in the study. In this order of ideas, they are considered necessary the different processes framed in the planning and execution of diverse strategies that project the motivation towards the study. In the development of the different actions applied, it is carried out an evaluation to measure the achievements obtained in order to give greater objectivity and productivity in the fulfillment of the objectives proposed in the present study. Therefore, it is clear that the apathy of students for academic activities is due to the lack of appropriate strategies because these are not meaningful to them. That means, they do not awaken the motivation to generate the necessary interest to develop positive attitudes towards the study.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje s... more Resumen En el presente artículo se organiza un análisis introspectivo vivencial del aprendizaje significativo, mediante los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, estructurada bajo los paradigmas de la fenomenología interpretativa y la innovación tecnológica, como pilares de enlace primordial para proceder en la indagación del objeto de estudio, estas deducciones de razonamiento aportan nuevas maneras de forjar y vivir la educación, por medio de la aplicación coherente de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), facilitando y permitiendo la concepción del desarrollo cognitivo, para el pensamiento lógico matemático de los estudiantes en la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador UNIB.E.
Social Science Research Network, 2018
International electronic journal of mathematics education, Oct 2, 2018
The main objective of the research is to analyze the cognitive attributes offered by Information ... more The main objective of the research is to analyze the cognitive attributes offered by Information and Communication Technologies to promote mathematical software as a model of teaching and learning. In the study, the software was used as a motivating didactic resource for the construction of meaningful learning. One hundred students of the first semester of Universidad Iberoamericana of Ecuador participated in this research. For the selection of the sample it was applied a nonprobabilistic participatory type technique. The study was developed according to the approach of mixed methods of sequential explanatory design. The researcher organized the article in two phases: the first phase was quantitative. Quantitative results were obtained by applying a questionnaire to the students. The data demonstrated the need for change in university mathematics education. For students in the first semester, it was implemented the Wiris and Geogebra operational program during the qualitative phase. Moreover, the observation guide made it possible to collect qualitative information. The results of both phases were joined through the triangulation method. In conclusion, it is proposed the use of software as a model of teachinglearning process. It is highlighted the importance of active group knowledge sharing.
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Introduction. In order to encourage more flexible working environments and establish generators o... more Introduction. In order to encourage more flexible working environments and establish generators of sustainable development for participating countries through an educated society, various international organisations that intervene in the quality dimension within the framework of a systemic approach to Higher Education, including the World Bank, have made multiple efforts to establish various recognitions, certifications and credits pertaining to competency-based education. Materials and Methods. The research, featuring a study of theoretical-interpretative design, was based around the qualitative paradigm. Information was obtained by means of semi-structured interviews with 14 lecturers from different universities in the city of Quito in Ecuador. The data obtained were triangulated with a review of the literature carried out by the researchers. Results. The informants considered cognitive competencies to be the most relevant within the context of teacher formation. Research, planning and organisation skills were not established in importance due to university professionalisation. Additionally, the need to establish curricular changes in the Ecuadorian university pedagogy was confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion. After contrasting the opinions of university professors and formation theories, a theoretical reflection is presented in which the importance of unifying professional formation and investigative competencies is emphasised. This unification allows the quality of higher education centred around the teacher as the main actor to be increased.
Revista ESPACIOS, Dec 28, 2018
La investigación tuvo por objetivo, determinar la representación social que otorgan los estudiant... more La investigación tuvo por objetivo, determinar la representación social que otorgan los estudiantes de la Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E), al método del aula invertida. Acorde con el paradigma positivista, se emplearon procesos cuantitativos. La información fue recolectada por un instrumento con veinte interrogantes, aplicado a 157 estudiantes. Los datos fueron procesados por el programa estadístico SPSS Statistics 19 2008. Como conclusión se determinó que los estudiantes poseen una concepción favorable del aula invertida, como método que potencia el aprendizaje autónomo. Palabras clave: Representación social, aula invertida, método de aprendizaje
Social Science Research Network, 2019
This research is justified by pointing out the basic conceptions of the continuing education of t... more This research is justified by pointing out the basic conceptions of the continuing education of the university professor. The process of this research included three phases: First, the search; collection and analysis of information. Second, it includes models of professor training and theorization. Third, it raises the final conception of the educational training of the university professor. The research was developed from a qualitative perspective; therefore, it is implanted in an epistemic conceptualization that corresponds to its nature and the interest to deepen in the intuition of the object of study. In this research participated 8 (eight) professors who work at UTE. For the analysis of the data that was obtained they were applied the Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method, which had the purpose of making a theoretical approximation from the categorizations and their dimensions, through the Atlas.ti operating software, version 8. Moreover, the goal was contributing to the theoretical foundation and methodology of the research which generated the following categories: professional professor role and new professor profile. In the conclusions it was mentioned the importance of the university professor updating through scientific research to promote the knowledge and strategies that demand the need to theorize, produce and raise the level of professor thinking.