Desna aromatica - (original) (raw)
Papers by Desna aromatica
JAKP (Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik), Jun 22, 2023
This research which aims to determine the effect of the main tasks and functions on the performan... more This research which aims to determine the effect of the main tasks and functions on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands Regency is motivated by the existence of complaints and public dissatisfaction with the service that is not good and factual, there are still civil servants who do not understand the main tasks and functions, employee performance is still classified as not good, there are still employees who lack mastery of their work, there are many employees who carry out indirect work once so, so that the time required is longer and does not match the existing time standards, and there are still employees who have not carried out work duties in accordance with the objectives set at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands District. This type of research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression method. Data collection techniques with questionnaires. The respondents of this study were 90 Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands District. The sampling method used the total sampling method where the entire population in this study was used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing is calculated with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0 program. From the results of this study it was found that partially the main tasks have a significant effect on performance, functions have a significant effect on performance, and simultaneously the main tasks and functions have a significant effect on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands District.
Jurnal public policy, Dec 15, 2021
There is an increasing concentration of Public Administration scientists on measuring whether pol... more There is an increasing concentration of Public Administration scientists on measuring whether policy succeeds or fails. It is no longer clear how best to ensure that the policy process from formulation to policy implementation is the best and more effective way. Including in the Home Industry Food, Production Certificate Policy (SPP-IRT) is taken as a locus. Study of the Home Industry of Ground Coffee in Nagari Koto Tuo, Tanah Datar Regency. The policy on offering SPP-IRT has undergone several changes, but it will not be effective. It will fail to provide quality assurance and food safety. the increase in IRTPs who have certificates does not increase. The research method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with a case study research design. The results showed that providing Food Home Industry Certification (IRTP) with the case in the provision of IRTP Coffee Powder certificates in Nagari Koto Tuo showed that the policy failures included tolerable policy criteria. Modest loss when it happens does not fundamentally hold back the goals the proponents want to achieve, and the minor opposition and criticism that occurs is almost non-existent in this SPP-IRT-related policy.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Feb 3, 2022
This research is motivated by the lack of supervision that have an impact on the uneven acceptanc... more This research is motivated by the lack of supervision that have an impact on the uneven acceptance of subsidized fertilizer to farmers who are in need. This study aims to describe and analyze the Supervision of Subsidized Fertilizer in the City of Padang. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive type, technique of data collection is done by interview and documentation. There is also a technique the selection of informants was done by using purposive sampling. And the unit of analysis is the group. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that by using the 5 criteria for supervision proposed by Handoko, it shows that the supervision carried out by the KP3 Team and the Department of Agriculture is not optimal. Where some criteria still do not meet the standards. that the standard setting in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers in the City of Padang is not going well. One of the problems occurs in the setting of monetary standards. Because the distribution of fertilizers to the farmers by the diluting kiosks is still not smooth, this is because the distribution of fertilizer from the distributor has to wait for the initial payment from the kios first. Regarding sales or income, it depends on the needs and ability of the kios to distribute fertilizer. And it can be concluded that taking corrective action if necessary has not been fully implemented, as evidenced by the fact that there has been no change in the original standard related to the regulation on fertilizer payment.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Feb 3, 2022
Writing this journal aims to find out what is the typology of the Mental Health Alert Village pro... more Writing this journal aims to find out what is the typology of the Mental Health Alert Village program innovation (rasa Sejiwa) at the Nanggalo Health Center, Padang City to overcome the problem of mental disorders in the Nanggalo area, especially Kurao Pagang. This study uses the Innovation Typology theory which was initiated by Khairul Muluk. In this theory, there are five typologies of public sector innovation, namely: service product innovation, service process innovation, service method innovation, policy innovation, and system innovation. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be seen that the Rasa Sejiwa program at the Nanggalo Health Center is more dominant into three typologies, namely in Service Product Innovation such as the formation of the Seroja Posyandu and monitoring of taking medicine by cadres, in Service Process Innovation, an organization created specifically for the Rasa Sejiwa Program in Kurao Pagang by involving mental cadres and kelurahan parties as well as changes in procedures in providing services, and in Service Method Innovation there is a new way of interacting by involving interactions between patients, patient families, Puskesmas officers and mental cadres. However, there are still some obstacles, such as not all patients want to participate in posyandu seroja activities and there are still families who are indifferent to mental patients. In addition, the availability of drugs is also an obstacle in carrying out Rasa Soul activities.
The Laku Pandai policy that has been issued by the Government is expected to increase the level o... more The Laku Pandai policy that has been issued by the Government is expected to increase the level of financial inclusion and literacy in Indonesia. However, not many realize that the Laku Pandai policy also has a further impact on local economic development in the region. Therefore, this study aims to analyze Laku Pandai's policy on local economic development in West Sumatra. This study was designed using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The source of the data used is from interviews with Laku Pandai agents, in this case BRILink agents in Padang City and Solok Regency as representatives of urban, suburban and rural areas in West Sumatra. The results show that the Laku Pandai policy issued by the government has an influence on local economic development, especially in West Sumatra. This can be seen from the important role of local economic development that can be seen after the implementation of the BRIlink Agent began in 2016. Important roles that can be seen and felt such as increasing business opportunities, employment, business retention, economic diversification, self-sufficiency, increasing the tax base from the world business and society, quality of life, recognition of local products, and increased competitiveness. All of these important roles are certainly not only felt by BRILink agents, but also by all parties and layers in the area where the agent is located.
E3S web of conferences, 2021
Warta Pengabdian Andalas, Jun 26, 2021
Solok Regency is one of the regencies that occupy the highest prevalence of stunting in West Suma... more Solok Regency is one of the regencies that occupy the highest prevalence of stunting in West Sumatra Province, with a total of 41.47% with details child's height of 15.77% concise and 25.70% short. The various negative impacts of stunting will be challenging to handle amid the current Covid-19 pandemic due to the increasing economic burden on families and poverty rates. It directly affects the increasing number of malnutrition children receive. A malnourished child gradually fails to achieve a standard and healthy height according to age. Stunting has an impact on reducing the IQ of children in Indonesia by 10 to 15 points. There needs to be a substantial effort to provide strategy in the context of stunting prevention so that the program of integrated community service post is directed measurably. These strategies are expected to generate a definite commitment from every policymaker to push down the stunting problem. The steps in this community engagement were problem identification, introducing innovation and best practices, and making an action plan. The recommended substantial efforts were massive media campaigns, increasing responsible personnel competence, and changing the Local Government Budget Planning pattern.
Sawala: Jurnal Administrasi Negara, Dec 26, 2022
The purpose of this study is to see the implementation of BPNT distribution through e-warong and ... more The purpose of this study is to see the implementation of BPNT distribution through e-warong and PT Pos Indonesia, as a form of implementation of public policies in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Sources of research data obtained through interview and case studies to see the implementation of BPNT distribution especially in Padang City. The results showed that the distribution of BPNT in e-Warong is a form of strengthening the community's economy, both for beneficiaries, e-Warong, and for the community around e-Warong as providers or producers of food needs. Meanwhile, PT Pos Indonesia can provide fast and more targeted services to recipients of BPNT assistance in the form of cash assistance. So it can be concluded that the distribution of BPNT in these two providers has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it needs to be taken into consideration by the government in improving further distribution of BPNT in Indonesia such as making a schedule for distributing BPNT based on harvest periods in general in Indonesia. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat implementasi penyaluran BPNT melalui e-warong dan PT Pos Indonesia, sebagai bentuk implementasi kebijakan publik yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Sumber data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi kasus untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi penyaluran BPNT khususnya di Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyaluran BPNT di e-Warong merupakan bentuk penguatan ekonomi masyarakat baik untuk penerima bantuan, e-Warong, maupun kepada masyarakat sekitar e-Warong sebagai penyedia atau produsen kebutuhan pangan. Sedangkan di PT Pos Indonesia dapat menyediakan pelayanan yang cepat dan lebih tepat sasaran kepada penerima bantuan BPNT dalam bentuk bantuan secara tunai. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyaluran BPNT di kedua provider ini memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, sehingga perlu dijadikan bahan pertimbangan pemerintah dalam penyempurnaan penyaluran BPNT selanjutnya di Indonesia seperti pembuatan jadwal penyaluran BPNT berdasarkan periode panen pada umumnya di Indonesia.
Parabela, Jan 4, 2023
Padang City is still ineffective. Even though the e-Kelurahan application is being improved to be... more Padang City is still ineffective. Even though the e-Kelurahan application is being improved to be more secure, it has an integrated database that is credible and up to date, and lateral relationships through joint partnerships are running smoothly, on the other hand, user experience is less concerned. however communication facilities to internal parties that are not provided to the public, in the lack of transparency of processes and structures, in the lack of interactivity of e-Kelurahan, and most importantly, in the lack of efficient access. It can be concluded, both in terms of applications, the organizers and the public are still in the transition stage to transform to digital.
Publik, Dec 15, 2021
Countermeasures to minimize the spread of Covid-19 are still being carried out. The city of Padan... more Countermeasures to minimize the spread of Covid-19 are still being carried out. The city of Padang has reduced the rate of the space of Covid-19 when implementing the Large-Scale Social Restriction policy. However, the spike in Covid-19 cases occurred again when the New Normal policy began to be implemented in the city of Padang. The purpose of this study is to explain the ability of local governments in dealing with Covid-19. The research method in data collection is qualitative through interviews and documentation. The results of this study are that the Padang City Covid-19 Handling Task Force as a local government agency for the Covid-19 response has played a good role in overcoming Covid-19 in Padang City. However, several things need to be maximized related to the capacity of the local government in Padang City. First, in the Human Resources variable, regarding the resources of health workers and health service facilities for handling health for Covid-19 survivors at the Padang City regional hospital, it still needs to be improved. Second, on the technical variables, namely Covid-19 logistics, there are still some Covid-19 survivors who do not receive logistical assistance when selfisolating Covid-19 at home, besides that the Covid-19 Handling Task Force also still needs to maximize its coordination in conveying information. The latest news regarding the development of Covid-19 to the public. Therefore, to suppress the rate of growth of Covid-19, the ability of local governments is urgently
Warta Pengabdian Andalas, Mar 6, 2019
After the enactment of the Village Law which is full of various new policies, it also has implica... more After the enactment of the Village Law which is full of various new policies, it also has implications for the Village Consultative Body (BPD) with changes in the position, duties, functions and authority of the BPD. One of them is the issuance of Permendagri No. 110/2016 concerning BPD, and most recently in the context of West Sumatra the issuance of the Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Province No 7/2018 concerning Nagari. This Perda is claimed to be the first indigenous village regulation in Indonesia that wants to show the existence of Nagari "Asli" vis a vis with the implementation of modern village government in the implementation of public services. On the other hand, the weak role and function of BPD in running village government still occurs, including Nagari Sumanik. This dedication activity was to provide an understanding of the shifting position of BPRN; increase the understanding of BPRN members regarding their roles, functions, duties and authorities; and strengthening the role of BPRN in supporting the administration of the nagari government. The method of implementing community service included 3 (three) stages, namely; 1) Preparation; 2) Implementation; and, 3) Program evaluation or reflection on activities. Not all Regencies / Cities have responded to the policies of the Nagari Government in West Sumatra, including the Tanah Datar District, so this service activity is important for BPRN Sumanik, where not all members have a government background in strengthening their capacity to carry out their duties and functions and anticipate changes in policy.
Transparansi, Dec 21, 2022
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik, Mar 11, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Agen BRILink sebagai kebijakan inklusi keuangan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Agen BRILink sebagai kebijakan inklusi keuangan di Kabupaten Solok. Fenomena yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Agen BRILink yang merupakan salah satu wujud dari kebijakan inklusi keuangan sangat banyak ditemui di Kabupaten Solok, namun sebagian besar masyarakat belum mengetahui peran Agen BRILink yang dirasakan selain pelayanan keuangan saja. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah dari hasil wawancara kepada Agen BRILink dan masyarakat yang ada di Kabupaten Solok sebagai daerah yang memiliki rentang wilayah yang luas dan jumlah agen BRILink yang besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Agen BRILink di Kabupaten Solok, selain memiliki peran penting dalam pelayanan keuangan, maka juga memiliki peran penting dalam peningkatan aksesibilitas masyarakat dan peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat disekitar Agen BRILink. Selain itu, dampak non finansial yang dirasakan adalah intensitas hubungan sosial yang membuat Agen BRILink menjadi sosok yang penting dan sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat sekitar.
Jurnal Administrasi Negara, Aug 31, 2022
Sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik (e-government) yang merupakan "tonggak" pemanfaatan tekno... more Sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik (e-government) yang merupakan "tonggak" pemanfaatan teknologi informasi oleh pemerintah, membutuhkan birokrat pemerintah merubah cara berpikir dari paradigma birokrasi menjadi paradigma e-government agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan paradigma e-government pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Metode yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, materimateri visual kualitatif dengan pegawai dan stakeholder Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik oleh Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan telah menerapkan pradigma e-government yang dilihat dari beberapa indikator penelitian seperti orientasi, proses organisasi, prinsip manajemen, gaya kepemimpinan, komunikasi internal, komunikasi eksternal, bentuk penyerahan pelayanan dan prinsip penyerahan pelayanan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, penerapan paradigma e-government dalam pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik oleh Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan memberikan dampak baik pada pelayanan publik yang diselenggarakan pemerintah, proses penyelesaian tugas dengan memanfaatkan elektronik dan hubungan yang baik stakeholder dengan Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan.
Jurnal public policy, Apr 30, 2023
So far, studies conducted by scientists in the field of public administration have only grouped s... more So far, studies conducted by scientists in the field of public administration have only grouped stakeholders or actors involved in collaborative forums into state and non-state stakeholders. Whereas in the contemporary era, many institutions were formed and were hybrid. Empirical facts in the field identify other forms outside the two entities that the researchers call hybrid actors, namely actors who act inside and outside the state system. One of the actors showing these characteristics in a collaborative forum is the Padang City Children's Forum (FORANDANG) in the Padang City Child-Friendly City Task Force (KLA). The Children's Forum is a children's organization formed and fostered by the government to bridge communication and interaction between the government and children. This makes the Children's Forum a top-down institution. However, on the other hand, this organization demands active participation and initiation from its members, who are more bottom-up in nature. This study aims to determine hybrid actors' capacity to carry out joint actions in the Padang City KLA Task Force collaborative forum. To find out this, this research was designed using descriptive qualitative research methods with informant selection techniques using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation review. The results showed that FORANDANG's capacity as a hybrid actor in the KLA Task Force for the City of Padang needed to run optimally, as indicated by the four main components: procedures and institutional structure, leadership, knowledge, and resources.
JAKP (Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik), Oct 25, 2022
Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Administrasi, 2020
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan terjadinya turbulensi pada berbagai sektor. Kegoncangan yang d... more Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan terjadinya turbulensi pada berbagai sektor. Kegoncangan yang ditimbulkan oleh virus ini bermuara pada tuntutan atas perlunya peran yang maksimal dari pemerintah daerah dalam menjaga stabilitas kehidupan masyarakat, dengan memaksimalkan kapasitas yang dimilikinya sebagai organisasi publik. Pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Solok melalui Keputusan Bupati Solok nomor 360-412-2020 telah membentuk Satuan Tugas Tingkat Kecamatan di Kabupaten Solok pada tanggal 29 September 2020. Hal yang menarik adalah ternyata pada level Nagari ( Desa ), telah dahulu digagas pembentukan satgas Covid -19 sebagai quick respons mereka atas wabah ini sejak bulan Maret 2020. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlu kiranya dibentuk kolaborasi yang kuat dan intens oleh pemerintah Kabupaten hingga level Pemerintah terdepan yaitu Nagari, sehingga dapat menguatkan kapasitas Pemerintah daerah dalam penanganan pandemik ini. Seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Christensen dan Gazley (2008), bahwa kapasitas sangat ditentukan oleh elemen infrastruktur, human resources/leadership , financial resources/management , dan exsternal environment . Optimalisasi dari berbagai elemen kapasitas ini jika diolah dalam kerangka kolaborasi yang saling mendukung dengan Pemerintah Nagari dengan segenap indigenous values dan Indigenous people yang dimilikinya dalam konteks collaborative governance, akan membantu pemerintah daerah menangani pandemic Covid-19 lebih efektif, sehingga dapat meminimalisir turbulensi yang ditimbulkannya dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan pemerintahan. Kata Kunci : Kapasitas, Collaborative Governance, Pemerintahan Daerah, Nagari.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Feb 6, 2021
This research supports the design of a program to improve traffic safety by the Padang City Trans... more This research supports the design of a program to improve traffic safety by the Padang City Transportation Department. This program is an effort made by the Department of Transportation to replace the number of traffic accidents that are felt to be very high. Efforts in the future are directed at countermeasures that support efforts to foster, improve, regulate and enforce the law. This program is guided by Law Number 22 Year 2009 Concerning Traffic and Road Transportation Safety and Security Culture. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. The results showed how the implementation of the traffic safety improvement program conducted by the Padang City Transportation Office has not been going well. It can be seen from the meeting that the objectives of this program have not been successful because the number of accidents in the City of Padang has increased, the acquisition of resources in the implementation of this program has not well approved because the specified budget and human resources from the Padang City Transportation Office are still classified as inadequate because the demands from the Transportation Office are very large for the Padang City area. The internal process in the implementation program has been well approved in the process of communication between employees and a high commitment in managing transportation in the city of Padang. Strategic constituency satisfaction has not been well approved because it involves community participation in program implementation and self-safety.
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, dan Akuntansi, Nov 4, 2022
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan konsep capacity building di Badan Usaha... more Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan konsep capacity building di Badan Usaha Milik Desa Lembengan Sejahtera menggunakan teori capacity building dari GTZ dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, pengumpulan data melalui study literature, observasi, internet searching, wawancara secara mendalam serta dokumentasi terkait menggunakan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menemukan (1) pengembangan kapasitas pada tingkat individu belum berjalan secara baik yang dibuktikan dengan pemahaman masing-masing pengelola terhadap tugas dan kiprah masing-masing yang belum optimal. (2) pengembangan kapasitas taraf organisasi juga sudah terealisasi dengan relatif baik dengan telah tersusun struktur serta kerangka pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa, serta 3) penguatan kapasitas di tingkat system juga relatif berjalan dengan baik yang dibuktikan dengan telah dilaksanakannya standar operasional serta mekanisme dalam aplikasi setiap kegiatan yang terkait menggunakan pengelolaan usaha Badan Usaha Milik Desa.
JAKP (Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik), Jun 22, 2023
This research which aims to determine the effect of the main tasks and functions on the performan... more This research which aims to determine the effect of the main tasks and functions on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands Regency is motivated by the existence of complaints and public dissatisfaction with the service that is not good and factual, there are still civil servants who do not understand the main tasks and functions, employee performance is still classified as not good, there are still employees who lack mastery of their work, there are many employees who carry out indirect work once so, so that the time required is longer and does not match the existing time standards, and there are still employees who have not carried out work duties in accordance with the objectives set at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands District. This type of research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression method. Data collection techniques with questionnaires. The respondents of this study were 90 Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands District. The sampling method used the total sampling method where the entire population in this study was used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing is calculated with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0 program. From the results of this study it was found that partially the main tasks have a significant effect on performance, functions have a significant effect on performance, and simultaneously the main tasks and functions have a significant effect on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Mentawai Islands District.
Jurnal public policy, Dec 15, 2021
There is an increasing concentration of Public Administration scientists on measuring whether pol... more There is an increasing concentration of Public Administration scientists on measuring whether policy succeeds or fails. It is no longer clear how best to ensure that the policy process from formulation to policy implementation is the best and more effective way. Including in the Home Industry Food, Production Certificate Policy (SPP-IRT) is taken as a locus. Study of the Home Industry of Ground Coffee in Nagari Koto Tuo, Tanah Datar Regency. The policy on offering SPP-IRT has undergone several changes, but it will not be effective. It will fail to provide quality assurance and food safety. the increase in IRTPs who have certificates does not increase. The research method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with a case study research design. The results showed that providing Food Home Industry Certification (IRTP) with the case in the provision of IRTP Coffee Powder certificates in Nagari Koto Tuo showed that the policy failures included tolerable policy criteria. Modest loss when it happens does not fundamentally hold back the goals the proponents want to achieve, and the minor opposition and criticism that occurs is almost non-existent in this SPP-IRT-related policy.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Feb 3, 2022
This research is motivated by the lack of supervision that have an impact on the uneven acceptanc... more This research is motivated by the lack of supervision that have an impact on the uneven acceptance of subsidized fertilizer to farmers who are in need. This study aims to describe and analyze the Supervision of Subsidized Fertilizer in the City of Padang. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive type, technique of data collection is done by interview and documentation. There is also a technique the selection of informants was done by using purposive sampling. And the unit of analysis is the group. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that by using the 5 criteria for supervision proposed by Handoko, it shows that the supervision carried out by the KP3 Team and the Department of Agriculture is not optimal. Where some criteria still do not meet the standards. that the standard setting in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers in the City of Padang is not going well. One of the problems occurs in the setting of monetary standards. Because the distribution of fertilizers to the farmers by the diluting kiosks is still not smooth, this is because the distribution of fertilizer from the distributor has to wait for the initial payment from the kios first. Regarding sales or income, it depends on the needs and ability of the kios to distribute fertilizer. And it can be concluded that taking corrective action if necessary has not been fully implemented, as evidenced by the fact that there has been no change in the original standard related to the regulation on fertilizer payment.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Feb 3, 2022
Writing this journal aims to find out what is the typology of the Mental Health Alert Village pro... more Writing this journal aims to find out what is the typology of the Mental Health Alert Village program innovation (rasa Sejiwa) at the Nanggalo Health Center, Padang City to overcome the problem of mental disorders in the Nanggalo area, especially Kurao Pagang. This study uses the Innovation Typology theory which was initiated by Khairul Muluk. In this theory, there are five typologies of public sector innovation, namely: service product innovation, service process innovation, service method innovation, policy innovation, and system innovation. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be seen that the Rasa Sejiwa program at the Nanggalo Health Center is more dominant into three typologies, namely in Service Product Innovation such as the formation of the Seroja Posyandu and monitoring of taking medicine by cadres, in Service Process Innovation, an organization created specifically for the Rasa Sejiwa Program in Kurao Pagang by involving mental cadres and kelurahan parties as well as changes in procedures in providing services, and in Service Method Innovation there is a new way of interacting by involving interactions between patients, patient families, Puskesmas officers and mental cadres. However, there are still some obstacles, such as not all patients want to participate in posyandu seroja activities and there are still families who are indifferent to mental patients. In addition, the availability of drugs is also an obstacle in carrying out Rasa Soul activities.
The Laku Pandai policy that has been issued by the Government is expected to increase the level o... more The Laku Pandai policy that has been issued by the Government is expected to increase the level of financial inclusion and literacy in Indonesia. However, not many realize that the Laku Pandai policy also has a further impact on local economic development in the region. Therefore, this study aims to analyze Laku Pandai's policy on local economic development in West Sumatra. This study was designed using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The source of the data used is from interviews with Laku Pandai agents, in this case BRILink agents in Padang City and Solok Regency as representatives of urban, suburban and rural areas in West Sumatra. The results show that the Laku Pandai policy issued by the government has an influence on local economic development, especially in West Sumatra. This can be seen from the important role of local economic development that can be seen after the implementation of the BRIlink Agent began in 2016. Important roles that can be seen and felt such as increasing business opportunities, employment, business retention, economic diversification, self-sufficiency, increasing the tax base from the world business and society, quality of life, recognition of local products, and increased competitiveness. All of these important roles are certainly not only felt by BRILink agents, but also by all parties and layers in the area where the agent is located.
E3S web of conferences, 2021
Warta Pengabdian Andalas, Jun 26, 2021
Solok Regency is one of the regencies that occupy the highest prevalence of stunting in West Suma... more Solok Regency is one of the regencies that occupy the highest prevalence of stunting in West Sumatra Province, with a total of 41.47% with details child's height of 15.77% concise and 25.70% short. The various negative impacts of stunting will be challenging to handle amid the current Covid-19 pandemic due to the increasing economic burden on families and poverty rates. It directly affects the increasing number of malnutrition children receive. A malnourished child gradually fails to achieve a standard and healthy height according to age. Stunting has an impact on reducing the IQ of children in Indonesia by 10 to 15 points. There needs to be a substantial effort to provide strategy in the context of stunting prevention so that the program of integrated community service post is directed measurably. These strategies are expected to generate a definite commitment from every policymaker to push down the stunting problem. The steps in this community engagement were problem identification, introducing innovation and best practices, and making an action plan. The recommended substantial efforts were massive media campaigns, increasing responsible personnel competence, and changing the Local Government Budget Planning pattern.
Sawala: Jurnal Administrasi Negara, Dec 26, 2022
The purpose of this study is to see the implementation of BPNT distribution through e-warong and ... more The purpose of this study is to see the implementation of BPNT distribution through e-warong and PT Pos Indonesia, as a form of implementation of public policies in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Sources of research data obtained through interview and case studies to see the implementation of BPNT distribution especially in Padang City. The results showed that the distribution of BPNT in e-Warong is a form of strengthening the community's economy, both for beneficiaries, e-Warong, and for the community around e-Warong as providers or producers of food needs. Meanwhile, PT Pos Indonesia can provide fast and more targeted services to recipients of BPNT assistance in the form of cash assistance. So it can be concluded that the distribution of BPNT in these two providers has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it needs to be taken into consideration by the government in improving further distribution of BPNT in Indonesia such as making a schedule for distributing BPNT based on harvest periods in general in Indonesia. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat implementasi penyaluran BPNT melalui e-warong dan PT Pos Indonesia, sebagai bentuk implementasi kebijakan publik yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Sumber data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi kasus untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi penyaluran BPNT khususnya di Kota Padang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyaluran BPNT di e-Warong merupakan bentuk penguatan ekonomi masyarakat baik untuk penerima bantuan, e-Warong, maupun kepada masyarakat sekitar e-Warong sebagai penyedia atau produsen kebutuhan pangan. Sedangkan di PT Pos Indonesia dapat menyediakan pelayanan yang cepat dan lebih tepat sasaran kepada penerima bantuan BPNT dalam bentuk bantuan secara tunai. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyaluran BPNT di kedua provider ini memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, sehingga perlu dijadikan bahan pertimbangan pemerintah dalam penyempurnaan penyaluran BPNT selanjutnya di Indonesia seperti pembuatan jadwal penyaluran BPNT berdasarkan periode panen pada umumnya di Indonesia.
Parabela, Jan 4, 2023
Padang City is still ineffective. Even though the e-Kelurahan application is being improved to be... more Padang City is still ineffective. Even though the e-Kelurahan application is being improved to be more secure, it has an integrated database that is credible and up to date, and lateral relationships through joint partnerships are running smoothly, on the other hand, user experience is less concerned. however communication facilities to internal parties that are not provided to the public, in the lack of transparency of processes and structures, in the lack of interactivity of e-Kelurahan, and most importantly, in the lack of efficient access. It can be concluded, both in terms of applications, the organizers and the public are still in the transition stage to transform to digital.
Publik, Dec 15, 2021
Countermeasures to minimize the spread of Covid-19 are still being carried out. The city of Padan... more Countermeasures to minimize the spread of Covid-19 are still being carried out. The city of Padang has reduced the rate of the space of Covid-19 when implementing the Large-Scale Social Restriction policy. However, the spike in Covid-19 cases occurred again when the New Normal policy began to be implemented in the city of Padang. The purpose of this study is to explain the ability of local governments in dealing with Covid-19. The research method in data collection is qualitative through interviews and documentation. The results of this study are that the Padang City Covid-19 Handling Task Force as a local government agency for the Covid-19 response has played a good role in overcoming Covid-19 in Padang City. However, several things need to be maximized related to the capacity of the local government in Padang City. First, in the Human Resources variable, regarding the resources of health workers and health service facilities for handling health for Covid-19 survivors at the Padang City regional hospital, it still needs to be improved. Second, on the technical variables, namely Covid-19 logistics, there are still some Covid-19 survivors who do not receive logistical assistance when selfisolating Covid-19 at home, besides that the Covid-19 Handling Task Force also still needs to maximize its coordination in conveying information. The latest news regarding the development of Covid-19 to the public. Therefore, to suppress the rate of growth of Covid-19, the ability of local governments is urgently
Warta Pengabdian Andalas, Mar 6, 2019
After the enactment of the Village Law which is full of various new policies, it also has implica... more After the enactment of the Village Law which is full of various new policies, it also has implications for the Village Consultative Body (BPD) with changes in the position, duties, functions and authority of the BPD. One of them is the issuance of Permendagri No. 110/2016 concerning BPD, and most recently in the context of West Sumatra the issuance of the Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Province No 7/2018 concerning Nagari. This Perda is claimed to be the first indigenous village regulation in Indonesia that wants to show the existence of Nagari "Asli" vis a vis with the implementation of modern village government in the implementation of public services. On the other hand, the weak role and function of BPD in running village government still occurs, including Nagari Sumanik. This dedication activity was to provide an understanding of the shifting position of BPRN; increase the understanding of BPRN members regarding their roles, functions, duties and authorities; and strengthening the role of BPRN in supporting the administration of the nagari government. The method of implementing community service included 3 (three) stages, namely; 1) Preparation; 2) Implementation; and, 3) Program evaluation or reflection on activities. Not all Regencies / Cities have responded to the policies of the Nagari Government in West Sumatra, including the Tanah Datar District, so this service activity is important for BPRN Sumanik, where not all members have a government background in strengthening their capacity to carry out their duties and functions and anticipate changes in policy.
Transparansi, Dec 21, 2022
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik, Mar 11, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Agen BRILink sebagai kebijakan inklusi keuangan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Agen BRILink sebagai kebijakan inklusi keuangan di Kabupaten Solok. Fenomena yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Agen BRILink yang merupakan salah satu wujud dari kebijakan inklusi keuangan sangat banyak ditemui di Kabupaten Solok, namun sebagian besar masyarakat belum mengetahui peran Agen BRILink yang dirasakan selain pelayanan keuangan saja. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah dari hasil wawancara kepada Agen BRILink dan masyarakat yang ada di Kabupaten Solok sebagai daerah yang memiliki rentang wilayah yang luas dan jumlah agen BRILink yang besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Agen BRILink di Kabupaten Solok, selain memiliki peran penting dalam pelayanan keuangan, maka juga memiliki peran penting dalam peningkatan aksesibilitas masyarakat dan peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat disekitar Agen BRILink. Selain itu, dampak non finansial yang dirasakan adalah intensitas hubungan sosial yang membuat Agen BRILink menjadi sosok yang penting dan sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat sekitar.
Jurnal Administrasi Negara, Aug 31, 2022
Sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik (e-government) yang merupakan "tonggak" pemanfaatan tekno... more Sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik (e-government) yang merupakan "tonggak" pemanfaatan teknologi informasi oleh pemerintah, membutuhkan birokrat pemerintah merubah cara berpikir dari paradigma birokrasi menjadi paradigma e-government agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan paradigma e-government pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Metode yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, materimateri visual kualitatif dengan pegawai dan stakeholder Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik oleh Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan telah menerapkan pradigma e-government yang dilihat dari beberapa indikator penelitian seperti orientasi, proses organisasi, prinsip manajemen, gaya kepemimpinan, komunikasi internal, komunikasi eksternal, bentuk penyerahan pelayanan dan prinsip penyerahan pelayanan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, penerapan paradigma e-government dalam pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik oleh Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan memberikan dampak baik pada pelayanan publik yang diselenggarakan pemerintah, proses penyelesaian tugas dengan memanfaatkan elektronik dan hubungan yang baik stakeholder dengan Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan.
Jurnal public policy, Apr 30, 2023
So far, studies conducted by scientists in the field of public administration have only grouped s... more So far, studies conducted by scientists in the field of public administration have only grouped stakeholders or actors involved in collaborative forums into state and non-state stakeholders. Whereas in the contemporary era, many institutions were formed and were hybrid. Empirical facts in the field identify other forms outside the two entities that the researchers call hybrid actors, namely actors who act inside and outside the state system. One of the actors showing these characteristics in a collaborative forum is the Padang City Children's Forum (FORANDANG) in the Padang City Child-Friendly City Task Force (KLA). The Children's Forum is a children's organization formed and fostered by the government to bridge communication and interaction between the government and children. This makes the Children's Forum a top-down institution. However, on the other hand, this organization demands active participation and initiation from its members, who are more bottom-up in nature. This study aims to determine hybrid actors' capacity to carry out joint actions in the Padang City KLA Task Force collaborative forum. To find out this, this research was designed using descriptive qualitative research methods with informant selection techniques using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation review. The results showed that FORANDANG's capacity as a hybrid actor in the KLA Task Force for the City of Padang needed to run optimally, as indicated by the four main components: procedures and institutional structure, leadership, knowledge, and resources.
JAKP (Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik), Oct 25, 2022
Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Administrasi, 2020
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan terjadinya turbulensi pada berbagai sektor. Kegoncangan yang d... more Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan terjadinya turbulensi pada berbagai sektor. Kegoncangan yang ditimbulkan oleh virus ini bermuara pada tuntutan atas perlunya peran yang maksimal dari pemerintah daerah dalam menjaga stabilitas kehidupan masyarakat, dengan memaksimalkan kapasitas yang dimilikinya sebagai organisasi publik. Pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Solok melalui Keputusan Bupati Solok nomor 360-412-2020 telah membentuk Satuan Tugas Tingkat Kecamatan di Kabupaten Solok pada tanggal 29 September 2020. Hal yang menarik adalah ternyata pada level Nagari ( Desa ), telah dahulu digagas pembentukan satgas Covid -19 sebagai quick respons mereka atas wabah ini sejak bulan Maret 2020. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlu kiranya dibentuk kolaborasi yang kuat dan intens oleh pemerintah Kabupaten hingga level Pemerintah terdepan yaitu Nagari, sehingga dapat menguatkan kapasitas Pemerintah daerah dalam penanganan pandemik ini. Seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Christensen dan Gazley (2008), bahwa kapasitas sangat ditentukan oleh elemen infrastruktur, human resources/leadership , financial resources/management , dan exsternal environment . Optimalisasi dari berbagai elemen kapasitas ini jika diolah dalam kerangka kolaborasi yang saling mendukung dengan Pemerintah Nagari dengan segenap indigenous values dan Indigenous people yang dimilikinya dalam konteks collaborative governance, akan membantu pemerintah daerah menangani pandemic Covid-19 lebih efektif, sehingga dapat meminimalisir turbulensi yang ditimbulkannya dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan pemerintahan. Kata Kunci : Kapasitas, Collaborative Governance, Pemerintahan Daerah, Nagari.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, Feb 6, 2021
This research supports the design of a program to improve traffic safety by the Padang City Trans... more This research supports the design of a program to improve traffic safety by the Padang City Transportation Department. This program is an effort made by the Department of Transportation to replace the number of traffic accidents that are felt to be very high. Efforts in the future are directed at countermeasures that support efforts to foster, improve, regulate and enforce the law. This program is guided by Law Number 22 Year 2009 Concerning Traffic and Road Transportation Safety and Security Culture. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. The results showed how the implementation of the traffic safety improvement program conducted by the Padang City Transportation Office has not been going well. It can be seen from the meeting that the objectives of this program have not been successful because the number of accidents in the City of Padang has increased, the acquisition of resources in the implementation of this program has not well approved because the specified budget and human resources from the Padang City Transportation Office are still classified as inadequate because the demands from the Transportation Office are very large for the Padang City area. The internal process in the implementation program has been well approved in the process of communication between employees and a high commitment in managing transportation in the city of Padang. Strategic constituency satisfaction has not been well approved because it involves community participation in program implementation and self-safety.
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, dan Akuntansi, Nov 4, 2022
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan konsep capacity building di Badan Usaha... more Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan konsep capacity building di Badan Usaha Milik Desa Lembengan Sejahtera menggunakan teori capacity building dari GTZ dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, pengumpulan data melalui study literature, observasi, internet searching, wawancara secara mendalam serta dokumentasi terkait menggunakan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menemukan (1) pengembangan kapasitas pada tingkat individu belum berjalan secara baik yang dibuktikan dengan pemahaman masing-masing pengelola terhadap tugas dan kiprah masing-masing yang belum optimal. (2) pengembangan kapasitas taraf organisasi juga sudah terealisasi dengan relatif baik dengan telah tersusun struktur serta kerangka pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa, serta 3) penguatan kapasitas di tingkat system juga relatif berjalan dengan baik yang dibuktikan dengan telah dilaksanakannya standar operasional serta mekanisme dalam aplikasi setiap kegiatan yang terkait menggunakan pengelolaan usaha Badan Usaha Milik Desa.