Diah Zuhroh - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Diah Zuhroh
Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. I... more Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. In this research used gotu kola (Centella asiatica L.), which is contains several compounds that can act as anti-hypertension. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of gotu kola tea on blood pressure in hypertension patients. Analytical, quasi-experimental, time series design. The sample size calculation used the proportion of hypertension parameters from 22 people aged 60-70 years, simple random sampling technique. Data anayzed by T pair test analysis. There are a decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in most respondents before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea. The T pair test results on blood pressure before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea showed a significant value of p = 0.000 in systolic and p = 0.002 in diastolic (˛ = 0.05) which means that in this study H1 results were accepted and H0 was rejected. The conclusion of this study is gotu kola tea can decrease blood pressure of hypertension patients.
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat, Oct 2, 2021
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Nov 12, 2020
Pediculosis capitis adalah infeksi kulit atau rambut kepala yang disebabkan oleh infestasi pedicu... more Pediculosis capitis adalah infeksi kulit atau rambut kepala yang disebabkan oleh infestasi pediculus humanus var. capitis. Prevalensi penyakit ini cukup tinggi terutama pada siswi. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Diantaranya adalah tingkat pendidikan ibu dan personal hygiene. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis pada siswi di SDN Bulangan Branta Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan teknik proportional sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi dari kelas dua sampai kelas enam di SDN Bulangan Branta Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan, dengan jumlah sampel 30 siswi. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik korelasi lambda dengan tingkat signifikasi (α) 0,05. Dari hasil uji korelasi lambda hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis diperoleh nilai signifikasi p<α (0.032<0.05) dan hubungan personal hygiene dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis diperoleh hasil signifikasi p<α (0.003<0.05). Ada hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis pada siswi di SDN Bulangan Branta Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura.
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Mar 2, 2021
Temper tantrum adalah suatu perilaku yang termasuk bagian dari perkembangan emosi anak. Perkemban... more Temper tantrum adalah suatu perilaku yang termasuk bagian dari perkembangan emosi anak. Perkembangan emosi anak erat kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan keluarga terutama orang tua. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik anak dan ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum pada anak usia prasekolah di Bangkalan. Janis penelitian analitik pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sebanyak 38, dengan besar sampel 35 ibu dan anak yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji contingency coefficient dan Fisher's exact test. Karakteristik anak menunjukkan jenis kelamin sebagian besar laki-laki 57,1%, umur ibu sebagian besar 17-25 tahun 54,3% dan sebagian besar ibu tidak bekerja 51,4%. Hasil uji contingency coefficient dari hubungan jenis kelamin anak dan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p= 0,070. Sementara dari hasil uji Fisher's exact test dari hubungan umur ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p=0,026 dan pada hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p=0,013. Hasil penelitian ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kejadian temper tantrum pada anak usia prasekolah di Bangkalan. Kata kunci : ibu, temper tantrum, usia prasekolah ABSTRACT Temper tantrum is a behavior includes the part of the child's emotional development. The development of the child's emotions are closely related to environmental conditions of families especially parents. The purpose of the study to find out the characteristics of the child and the mother's relationship with his temper tantrum in preschool-aged children in the village of Planggiran Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan. Analytic using a cross sectional design. Entire population of preschool age children and mother as many as 38, and a sample of as much as 35 mothers and children taken with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis using the test's and Fisher's exact contingency test. Characteristics of children based on gender are predominantly male (57.1%) While for the characteristics of the mother based on age of majority age of 17-25 years (54.3%) and based on the work of the majority of mothers do not work (51.4). Test results of the relationship's contingency gender and Genesis temper tantrum earned value p = 0,070. While Fisher's exact test results from a test of the relationship age mom with Genesis temper tantrum earned value p = 0,026 and on the relationship of work mother with Genesis temper tantrum dieproleh value p = 0,013. There is a connection parenting parents with his temper tantrum in preschool-aged children in the village of Planggiran Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan.
Jurnal keperawatan suaka insan, Nov 16, 2022
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Jul 6, 2022
Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu... more Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Ada beberapa cara mengajarkan anak terkait teknik cuci tangan dengan baik, salah satunya dengan memberikan demonstrasi langsung bagaimana teknik cuci tangan. Metode demonstrasi dapat juga membantu anak dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mencuci tangan sehingga anak menjadi biasa untuk mencuci tangan.Metode demonstrasi ini merupakan salah satu pendidikan kesehatan yang bisa diterapkan pada anak pra sekolah terkait teknik mencuci tangan yang baik. Anak bisa dengan mudah mengikuti ketika dilakukan demonstrasi secara langsung. Metode demonstrasi merupakan suatu upaya dengan memperagakan cara cuci tangan dengan baik agar anak lebih mudah dalam memahami. Desain penelitian pre-eksperimental one group pretest-posttest, Populasi 98 anak, sampel 79 anak, teknik sampling Simple Random Sampling. Variabel independen pendidikan, kesehatan metode demonstrasi. Variabel dependen teknik cuci tangan. Analisa data menggunakan analisis uji wilkoxon. Teknik cuci tangan anak usia prasekolah sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode demostrasi seluruhnya berkategori kurang sebanyak 79 anak (100%), sedangkan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode demonstasri sebagian besar berkategori baik sebanyak 47 anak (59,5%). Berdasarkan analisis uji Wilcoxon signal rank test diperolah nilai p value 0,000 (p< α 0.05) artinya ada pengaruh teknik cuci tangan pada anak usia prasekolah sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode demostrasi. Ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan metode demostrasi terhadap teknik cuci tangan pada anak prasekolah di desa Jaddih Timur kecamatan Socah kabupaten Bangkalan.
Jurnal Keperawatan Abdurrab, Jun 26, 2023
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease that can be fatal. In a relatively short ... more Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease that can be fatal. In a relatively short time, DHF can claim the lives of sufferers if it is not treated as soon as possible. Health is a very important thing in everyday life, to achieve this requires parental motivation to improve health. This study aims to analyze the relationship between parental motivation and the incidence rate of DHF in children. The research instrument in this study used parental motivation questionnaires and DHF incident rate observation sheets. This research is an analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The population is 289 patients, the total sample is 35 patients, using a consecutive sampling technique. The analysis of this study used the Spearman correlation test (p<0.05). The results showed that the motivation of parents to take their children for treatment is that most mothers have strong motivation (65.7%) 33 people, mothers have moderate motivation (28.5%) 10 people and a small proportion of mothers have weak motivation (5.8%) 2 Most people with DHF degree 1 (71%) 25 people, DHF degree 2 (21%) 7 people and DHF degree 3 (8%) 8 people. Statistics show that p = 0.001 is less than 0.05, so H0 is rejected, which means there is a relationship between the level of motivation of parents and the incidence of DHF. So, conclused of this research there is a relationship between parents' motivation and the incidence of DHF in children at Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital.
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat, Nov 30, 2022
Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While a... more Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While at school, this function plays an important role considering that the teaching and learning process is accepted through the five senses. This is in contrast to the current situation where the pandemic prevents children from attending school face to face. The intensity of learning through gadget media makes parents worried because children will tend to spend more and longer time with these devices so that it can have an impact on children's eye health. Early detection and periodic examination of children's eyes can reduce these problems considering the eye is one of the vital functions of the body. Through visual inspection using the Snellen Chart card, it can detect the function of visual acuity in children. This Community Service Program uses an outreach method at the beginning of the activity by educating students about the importance of maintaining eye health, followed by taking turns checking vision. The target in this program is 102 students accompanied by assistance from teachers and school health workers. Based on the results of the examination, some students (59%) had normal vision and they were very enthusiastic when the education was given. Thus, periodic visual inspection in the school environment is very important to facilitate the learning process in children.
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Sep 26, 2021
Masalah terbesar yang dihadapi penduduk Indonesia seperti di negara berkembang lainnya di bidang ... more Masalah terbesar yang dihadapi penduduk Indonesia seperti di negara berkembang lainnya di bidang kesehatan gigi dan mulut penyakit jaringan yaitu karies gigi atau caries dentis di samping penyakit gusi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan konsumsi karbohidrat dengan kejadian karies gigi di TK Asmaul Husna Arosbaya Bangkalan Madura. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa-siswi sebanyak 60 siswa dan jumlah sampel 53 siswa yang diambil menggunakan tekhnik accidental sampling. Variabel independen konsumsi karbohidrat dan variabel dependen karies gigi. Pengumpulan data dengan menyebar kuesioner, pengolahan data editing, coding, scoring dan tabulating, analisa data dengan uji statistik Chisquare menggunakan SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa siswa yang mengkonsumsi karbohidrat sering 42 siswa (79,2%). Sedangkan yang mengkonsumsi karbohidrat jarang 11 siswa (20,8%). Siswa yang tidak mengalami karies gigi 18 siswa (34,0%). Sedangkan yang mengalami karies gigi 35 siswa (66,05). Hasil uji statistik chisquare dengan SPSS 16, p = 0,001 dimana p < α (0,05) yang berarti Hi diterima. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat dengan kejadian karies gigi di TK Asmaul Husna Arosbaya Bangkalan Madura.
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing
Menurut temuan survei Status Gizi Indonesia 2021, 1 dari 4 anak stunting dan 1 dari 10 anak kuran... more Menurut temuan survei Status Gizi Indonesia 2021, 1 dari 4 anak stunting dan 1 dari 10 anak kurang gizi di Indonesia. Asupan makanan merupakan salah satu aspek yang bisa menyebabkan malnutrisi. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana status gizi anak prasekolah di TK Dharma Wanita Desa Sembayat yang terkait dengan asupan makannya. Desain penelitian observasional analitik cross-sectional dipakai dalam studi ini. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 100 anak, penelitian dilakukan secara sistematik random sampling sebanyak 80 anak prasekolah dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah asupan makanan, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah status gizi. Penelitian asupan makanan menggunakan tabel food frequency dan penelitian status gizi anak menggunakan tabel Z-score (BB/U). Pada penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai p 0,173, hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hubungan asupan makanan dengan status gizi anak prasekolah di TK Dharma Wanita Desa Sembayat. Kesehata...
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran menyusui adalah aspek psikologis, khususnya kecema... more Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran menyusui adalah aspek psikologis, khususnya kecemasan. Biasanya, ibu pasca melahirkan, terutama yang baru pertama kali melahirkan, sering mengalami kelelahan dan fluktuasi suasana hati seperti kecemasan, perhatian pada diri sendiri, dan perhatian pada bayinya. Kemampuan ibu untuk mengeluarkan ASI dengan lancar dapat dipengaruhi oleh kecemasan. Aliran susu yang stabil mungkin terhambat oleh persalinan SC, dan ibu yang melahirkan dengan cara ini sering kesulitan untuk menyusui bayinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Gresik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan menyusui dengan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu primipara yang menjalani operasi caesar. Penelitian ini berdesain cross sectional dan menggunakan analisis korelasional. Menggunakan strategi non-probability sampling, digunakan purposive sampling dengan sampel 35 wanita primipara. Uji chi-square digunakan dalam penyelidikan ini. Hasilnya, 20 ibu primipara (57,1%) ya...
Jurnal Keperawatan
Di dalam kehidupan, masa anak-anak merupakan masa emas dimana mereka tumbuh dan berkembang sejak ... more Di dalam kehidupan, masa anak-anak merupakan masa emas dimana mereka tumbuh dan berkembang sejak lahir sampai usia remaja. Dalam perjalanan kehidupan, mereka rentan terserang penyakit. Salah satu gejala yang sering timbul adalah demam. Demam terjadi karena peningkatan suhu tubuh dan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kejang pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara frekuensi dengan penatalaksanaan keluarga pada anak kejang demam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dengan besar sampel 30 anak (tehnik total sampling). Variabel independen adalah frekuensi kejang demam dan variabel dependen adalah penatalaksanaan keluarga pada balita kejang demam di rumah. Cara pengumpulan data menggunakan ceklist dan kuesioner yang nantinya akan dianalisis menggunakan Uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 30 balita sebagian besar anak yang mengalami kejang demam berulang atau lebih dari 1x dalam 24 jam sejumlah 16 anak dengan penatalaksan...
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat
Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While a... more Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While at school, this function plays an important role considering that the teaching and learning process is accepted through the five senses. This is in contrast to the current situation where the pandemic prevents children from attending school face to face. The intensity of learning through gadget media makes parents worried because children will tend to spend more and longer time with these devices so that it can have an impact on children's eye health. Early detection and periodic examination of children's eyes can reduce these problems considering the eye is one of the vital functions of the body. Through visual inspection using the Snellen Chart card, it can detect the function of visual acuity in children. This Community Service Program uses an outreach method at the beginning of the activity by educating students about the importance of maintaining eye health, followed by takin...
Indonesian Vocational Research Journal
Technology isdeveloping rapidly according to its era. One form of technology that is circulating ... more Technology isdeveloping rapidly according to its era. One form of technology that is circulating is a gadget. The use of gadgets wrong and frequency the use ofexcessive gadget, of position that does not righ and antensty of the lighting not good, would have an impact on dreasing visual acuity. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship gadget use and decreased visual acuity in school age children. A method of the research approach by cross-sectional with the methods simple random sampling. The sample is 102 students. Data analysis with rank spearman test. The results of this study shawed that most of the respondents who frequently used gadgets as many as 26 (60,5%) experienced a decrease in visual acuity. And respondents who rarely use gadgets only 10(23,2%) expoertenced a decreare in visual acuity. The results of stastical tests indicate sig (2-taled) 0,000 < 0,05 which means that there is a significant relationship between gadget use and visual acuity. Conclusion...
Enfermería Clínica, Apr 1, 2021
Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. I... more Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. In this research used gotu kola (Centella asiatica L.), which is contains several compounds that can act as anti-hypertension. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of gotu kola tea on blood pressure in hypertension patients. Analytical, quasi-experimental, time series design. The sample size calculation used the proportion of hypertension parameters from 22 people aged 60-70 years, simple random sampling technique. Data anayzed by T pair test analysis. There are a decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in most respondents before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea. The T pair test results on blood pressure before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea showed a significant value of p=0.000 in systolic and p=0.002 in diastolic (α=0.05) which means that in this study H1 results were accepted and H0 was rejected. The conclusion of this study is gotu kola tea can decrease blood pressure of hypertension patients.
Jurnal Keperawatan Widya Gantari Indonesia
Introduction : Stunting is a chronic condition characterized by a lack of energy and protein inta... more Introduction : Stunting is a chronic condition characterized by a lack of energy and protein intake, resulting in impaired growth as reflected by measuring height for age over a long period of time. Provision of additional food which is also known as PMT is deemed necessary for optimal growth and development of children under the age of five. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the practice of preventive maternal therapy and the prevention of stunting in toddlers. The findings indicated that the majority of participants demonstrated appropriate PMT. The method used uses an observational approach, utilizing a case-control research design to distinguish individuals who show stunted growth (groups). The study was conducted in the Gedang Kulut Village area by taking into account the statistics of Monitoring the Nutritional Status of Toddlers which shows that this village has a prevalence of stunting in toddlers of 40, 9%, the proportion of female toddlers (5...
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing
Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu... more Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Ada beberapa cara mengajarkan anak terkait teknik cuci tangan dengan baik, salah satunya dengan memberikan demonstrasi langsung bagaimana teknik cuci tangan. Metode demonstrasi dapat juga membantu anak dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mencuci tangan sehingga anak menjadi biasa untuk mencuci tangan.Metode demonstrasi ini merupakan salah satu pendidikan kesehatan yang bisa diterapkan pada anak pra sekolah terkait teknik mencuci tangan yang baik. Anak bisa dengan mudah mengikuti ketika dilakukan demonstrasi secara langsung. Metode demonstrasi merupakan suatu upaya dengan memperagakan cara cuci tangan dengan baik agar anak lebih mudah dalam memahami. Desain penelitian pre-eksperimental one group pretest-posttest, Populasi 98 anak, sampel 79 anak, teknik sampling Simple Random Sampling. Variabel independen pendidikan, kesehatan metode demonstrasi. Variabel dependen teknik cuci tan...
Background, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a global pandem... more Background, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a global pandemic and in Indonesia it is declared as a type of disease that causes public health emergencies and non-natural disasters. Judging from the situation of the spread of COVID-19 which has almost reached all provinces in Indonesia with the number of cases and/or the number of deaths increasing and having an impact on the political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security aspects, as well as the welfare of the people in Indonesia, it is necessary to countermeasures, including prevention and control. Gresik Regency is one of the regions in East Java where there has been a significant and rapid increase and spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases so that it is included in the red zone. As of Tuesday, July 21, 2020, Gresik Regency recorded 1,495 Covid-19 cases, of which 887 patients were still being treated, 479 patients recovered, and 129 patients died. Efforts to prevent t...
Immunization Program is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) objectives. Immunization p... more Immunization Program is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) objectives. Immunization program performance is influenced by several factors, including leadership. Action-Centred Leadership (ACL) model is one of leadership theory that focuses on the leader 's attention to the three needs. The purpose of this research was ACL models study to immunization program performance in Public Health Center (PHC) at Sidoarjo district. This was a case study with a qualitatif approach in September-October 2013. The technique for collecting data was questionnaires and interviews. Location of the research is Taman PHC and Jabon PHC. The Head of PHC and immunization program team members as a informan. Variable consisted of the ACL model and immunization programs performance. ACL data is analysed using the interpretation overlapping vein diagram and interviews description. The results shows differences in orientation the role of Head of PHC model is based on the implementation of the ACL...
Arterial blood sampling is used for the examination of blood gas analysis. This is a standard pro... more Arterial blood sampling is used for the examination of blood gas analysis. This is a standard procedure that should be carried out by competent nurse, who knows the location of arterial puncture, considering the contraindications and complications that may occurred. Furthermore, the radial technique is less risky compared to brachial technique in reducing the risk of hematoma. The purpose of this study is to analyse the difference of puncture blood gas analysis in the brachial artery and the radial artery with the incidence of hematoma in the ICU Hospital Mitra Keluarga Waru. The technique that used in the study is analytic observational research, using cross-sectional study design. The population is 40 patients with a sample of 36 patients using consecutive sampling technique. The dependent variable is incidence of hematoma, whilst the independent variable is punksi blood gas analysis. Observation sheet is used as the instrument using Chi-Square Test (α = 0.05) as the analytical to...
Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. I... more Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. In this research used gotu kola (Centella asiatica L.), which is contains several compounds that can act as anti-hypertension. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of gotu kola tea on blood pressure in hypertension patients. Analytical, quasi-experimental, time series design. The sample size calculation used the proportion of hypertension parameters from 22 people aged 60-70 years, simple random sampling technique. Data anayzed by T pair test analysis. There are a decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in most respondents before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea. The T pair test results on blood pressure before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea showed a significant value of p = 0.000 in systolic and p = 0.002 in diastolic (˛ = 0.05) which means that in this study H1 results were accepted and H0 was rejected. The conclusion of this study is gotu kola tea can decrease blood pressure of hypertension patients.
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat, Oct 2, 2021
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Nov 12, 2020
Pediculosis capitis adalah infeksi kulit atau rambut kepala yang disebabkan oleh infestasi pedicu... more Pediculosis capitis adalah infeksi kulit atau rambut kepala yang disebabkan oleh infestasi pediculus humanus var. capitis. Prevalensi penyakit ini cukup tinggi terutama pada siswi. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Diantaranya adalah tingkat pendidikan ibu dan personal hygiene. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis pada siswi di SDN Bulangan Branta Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan teknik proportional sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi dari kelas dua sampai kelas enam di SDN Bulangan Branta Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan, dengan jumlah sampel 30 siswi. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik korelasi lambda dengan tingkat signifikasi (α) 0,05. Dari hasil uji korelasi lambda hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis diperoleh nilai signifikasi p<α (0.032<0.05) dan hubungan personal hygiene dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis diperoleh hasil signifikasi p<α (0.003<0.05). Ada hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian pediculosis capitis pada siswi di SDN Bulangan Branta Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura.
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Mar 2, 2021
Temper tantrum adalah suatu perilaku yang termasuk bagian dari perkembangan emosi anak. Perkemban... more Temper tantrum adalah suatu perilaku yang termasuk bagian dari perkembangan emosi anak. Perkembangan emosi anak erat kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan keluarga terutama orang tua. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik anak dan ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum pada anak usia prasekolah di Bangkalan. Janis penelitian analitik pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sebanyak 38, dengan besar sampel 35 ibu dan anak yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji contingency coefficient dan Fisher's exact test. Karakteristik anak menunjukkan jenis kelamin sebagian besar laki-laki 57,1%, umur ibu sebagian besar 17-25 tahun 54,3% dan sebagian besar ibu tidak bekerja 51,4%. Hasil uji contingency coefficient dari hubungan jenis kelamin anak dan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p= 0,070. Sementara dari hasil uji Fisher's exact test dari hubungan umur ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p=0,026 dan pada hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p=0,013. Hasil penelitian ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kejadian temper tantrum pada anak usia prasekolah di Bangkalan. Kata kunci : ibu, temper tantrum, usia prasekolah ABSTRACT Temper tantrum is a behavior includes the part of the child's emotional development. The development of the child's emotions are closely related to environmental conditions of families especially parents. The purpose of the study to find out the characteristics of the child and the mother's relationship with his temper tantrum in preschool-aged children in the village of Planggiran Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan. Analytic using a cross sectional design. Entire population of preschool age children and mother as many as 38, and a sample of as much as 35 mothers and children taken with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis using the test's and Fisher's exact contingency test. Characteristics of children based on gender are predominantly male (57.1%) While for the characteristics of the mother based on age of majority age of 17-25 years (54.3%) and based on the work of the majority of mothers do not work (51.4). Test results of the relationship's contingency gender and Genesis temper tantrum earned value p = 0,070. While Fisher's exact test results from a test of the relationship age mom with Genesis temper tantrum earned value p = 0,026 and on the relationship of work mother with Genesis temper tantrum dieproleh value p = 0,013. There is a connection parenting parents with his temper tantrum in preschool-aged children in the village of Planggiran Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan.
Jurnal keperawatan suaka insan, Nov 16, 2022
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Jul 6, 2022
Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu... more Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Ada beberapa cara mengajarkan anak terkait teknik cuci tangan dengan baik, salah satunya dengan memberikan demonstrasi langsung bagaimana teknik cuci tangan. Metode demonstrasi dapat juga membantu anak dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mencuci tangan sehingga anak menjadi biasa untuk mencuci tangan.Metode demonstrasi ini merupakan salah satu pendidikan kesehatan yang bisa diterapkan pada anak pra sekolah terkait teknik mencuci tangan yang baik. Anak bisa dengan mudah mengikuti ketika dilakukan demonstrasi secara langsung. Metode demonstrasi merupakan suatu upaya dengan memperagakan cara cuci tangan dengan baik agar anak lebih mudah dalam memahami. Desain penelitian pre-eksperimental one group pretest-posttest, Populasi 98 anak, sampel 79 anak, teknik sampling Simple Random Sampling. Variabel independen pendidikan, kesehatan metode demonstrasi. Variabel dependen teknik cuci tangan. Analisa data menggunakan analisis uji wilkoxon. Teknik cuci tangan anak usia prasekolah sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode demostrasi seluruhnya berkategori kurang sebanyak 79 anak (100%), sedangkan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode demonstasri sebagian besar berkategori baik sebanyak 47 anak (59,5%). Berdasarkan analisis uji Wilcoxon signal rank test diperolah nilai p value 0,000 (p< α 0.05) artinya ada pengaruh teknik cuci tangan pada anak usia prasekolah sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode demostrasi. Ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan metode demostrasi terhadap teknik cuci tangan pada anak prasekolah di desa Jaddih Timur kecamatan Socah kabupaten Bangkalan.
Jurnal Keperawatan Abdurrab, Jun 26, 2023
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease that can be fatal. In a relatively short ... more Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease that can be fatal. In a relatively short time, DHF can claim the lives of sufferers if it is not treated as soon as possible. Health is a very important thing in everyday life, to achieve this requires parental motivation to improve health. This study aims to analyze the relationship between parental motivation and the incidence rate of DHF in children. The research instrument in this study used parental motivation questionnaires and DHF incident rate observation sheets. This research is an analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The population is 289 patients, the total sample is 35 patients, using a consecutive sampling technique. The analysis of this study used the Spearman correlation test (p<0.05). The results showed that the motivation of parents to take their children for treatment is that most mothers have strong motivation (65.7%) 33 people, mothers have moderate motivation (28.5%) 10 people and a small proportion of mothers have weak motivation (5.8%) 2 Most people with DHF degree 1 (71%) 25 people, DHF degree 2 (21%) 7 people and DHF degree 3 (8%) 8 people. Statistics show that p = 0.001 is less than 0.05, so H0 is rejected, which means there is a relationship between the level of motivation of parents and the incidence of DHF. So, conclused of this research there is a relationship between parents' motivation and the incidence of DHF in children at Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital.
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat, Nov 30, 2022
Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While a... more Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While at school, this function plays an important role considering that the teaching and learning process is accepted through the five senses. This is in contrast to the current situation where the pandemic prevents children from attending school face to face. The intensity of learning through gadget media makes parents worried because children will tend to spend more and longer time with these devices so that it can have an impact on children's eye health. Early detection and periodic examination of children's eyes can reduce these problems considering the eye is one of the vital functions of the body. Through visual inspection using the Snellen Chart card, it can detect the function of visual acuity in children. This Community Service Program uses an outreach method at the beginning of the activity by educating students about the importance of maintaining eye health, followed by taking turns checking vision. The target in this program is 102 students accompanied by assistance from teachers and school health workers. Based on the results of the examination, some students (59%) had normal vision and they were very enthusiastic when the education was given. Thus, periodic visual inspection in the school environment is very important to facilitate the learning process in children.
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing, Sep 26, 2021
Masalah terbesar yang dihadapi penduduk Indonesia seperti di negara berkembang lainnya di bidang ... more Masalah terbesar yang dihadapi penduduk Indonesia seperti di negara berkembang lainnya di bidang kesehatan gigi dan mulut penyakit jaringan yaitu karies gigi atau caries dentis di samping penyakit gusi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan konsumsi karbohidrat dengan kejadian karies gigi di TK Asmaul Husna Arosbaya Bangkalan Madura. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa-siswi sebanyak 60 siswa dan jumlah sampel 53 siswa yang diambil menggunakan tekhnik accidental sampling. Variabel independen konsumsi karbohidrat dan variabel dependen karies gigi. Pengumpulan data dengan menyebar kuesioner, pengolahan data editing, coding, scoring dan tabulating, analisa data dengan uji statistik Chisquare menggunakan SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa siswa yang mengkonsumsi karbohidrat sering 42 siswa (79,2%). Sedangkan yang mengkonsumsi karbohidrat jarang 11 siswa (20,8%). Siswa yang tidak mengalami karies gigi 18 siswa (34,0%). Sedangkan yang mengalami karies gigi 35 siswa (66,05). Hasil uji statistik chisquare dengan SPSS 16, p = 0,001 dimana p < α (0,05) yang berarti Hi diterima. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat dengan kejadian karies gigi di TK Asmaul Husna Arosbaya Bangkalan Madura.
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing
Menurut temuan survei Status Gizi Indonesia 2021, 1 dari 4 anak stunting dan 1 dari 10 anak kuran... more Menurut temuan survei Status Gizi Indonesia 2021, 1 dari 4 anak stunting dan 1 dari 10 anak kurang gizi di Indonesia. Asupan makanan merupakan salah satu aspek yang bisa menyebabkan malnutrisi. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana status gizi anak prasekolah di TK Dharma Wanita Desa Sembayat yang terkait dengan asupan makannya. Desain penelitian observasional analitik cross-sectional dipakai dalam studi ini. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 100 anak, penelitian dilakukan secara sistematik random sampling sebanyak 80 anak prasekolah dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah asupan makanan, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah status gizi. Penelitian asupan makanan menggunakan tabel food frequency dan penelitian status gizi anak menggunakan tabel Z-score (BB/U). Pada penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai p 0,173, hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hubungan asupan makanan dengan status gizi anak prasekolah di TK Dharma Wanita Desa Sembayat. Kesehata...
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran menyusui adalah aspek psikologis, khususnya kecema... more Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran menyusui adalah aspek psikologis, khususnya kecemasan. Biasanya, ibu pasca melahirkan, terutama yang baru pertama kali melahirkan, sering mengalami kelelahan dan fluktuasi suasana hati seperti kecemasan, perhatian pada diri sendiri, dan perhatian pada bayinya. Kemampuan ibu untuk mengeluarkan ASI dengan lancar dapat dipengaruhi oleh kecemasan. Aliran susu yang stabil mungkin terhambat oleh persalinan SC, dan ibu yang melahirkan dengan cara ini sering kesulitan untuk menyusui bayinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Gresik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan menyusui dengan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu primipara yang menjalani operasi caesar. Penelitian ini berdesain cross sectional dan menggunakan analisis korelasional. Menggunakan strategi non-probability sampling, digunakan purposive sampling dengan sampel 35 wanita primipara. Uji chi-square digunakan dalam penyelidikan ini. Hasilnya, 20 ibu primipara (57,1%) ya...
Jurnal Keperawatan
Di dalam kehidupan, masa anak-anak merupakan masa emas dimana mereka tumbuh dan berkembang sejak ... more Di dalam kehidupan, masa anak-anak merupakan masa emas dimana mereka tumbuh dan berkembang sejak lahir sampai usia remaja. Dalam perjalanan kehidupan, mereka rentan terserang penyakit. Salah satu gejala yang sering timbul adalah demam. Demam terjadi karena peningkatan suhu tubuh dan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kejang pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara frekuensi dengan penatalaksanaan keluarga pada anak kejang demam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dengan besar sampel 30 anak (tehnik total sampling). Variabel independen adalah frekuensi kejang demam dan variabel dependen adalah penatalaksanaan keluarga pada balita kejang demam di rumah. Cara pengumpulan data menggunakan ceklist dan kuesioner yang nantinya akan dianalisis menggunakan Uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 30 balita sebagian besar anak yang mengalami kejang demam berulang atau lebih dari 1x dalam 24 jam sejumlah 16 anak dengan penatalaksan...
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat
Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While a... more Eyes are one of the five senses that are useful for getting various kinds of information. While at school, this function plays an important role considering that the teaching and learning process is accepted through the five senses. This is in contrast to the current situation where the pandemic prevents children from attending school face to face. The intensity of learning through gadget media makes parents worried because children will tend to spend more and longer time with these devices so that it can have an impact on children's eye health. Early detection and periodic examination of children's eyes can reduce these problems considering the eye is one of the vital functions of the body. Through visual inspection using the Snellen Chart card, it can detect the function of visual acuity in children. This Community Service Program uses an outreach method at the beginning of the activity by educating students about the importance of maintaining eye health, followed by takin...
Indonesian Vocational Research Journal
Technology isdeveloping rapidly according to its era. One form of technology that is circulating ... more Technology isdeveloping rapidly according to its era. One form of technology that is circulating is a gadget. The use of gadgets wrong and frequency the use ofexcessive gadget, of position that does not righ and antensty of the lighting not good, would have an impact on dreasing visual acuity. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship gadget use and decreased visual acuity in school age children. A method of the research approach by cross-sectional with the methods simple random sampling. The sample is 102 students. Data analysis with rank spearman test. The results of this study shawed that most of the respondents who frequently used gadgets as many as 26 (60,5%) experienced a decrease in visual acuity. And respondents who rarely use gadgets only 10(23,2%) expoertenced a decreare in visual acuity. The results of stastical tests indicate sig (2-taled) 0,000 < 0,05 which means that there is a significant relationship between gadget use and visual acuity. Conclusion...
Enfermería Clínica, Apr 1, 2021
Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. I... more Hypertension is an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure that exceeds the threshold. In this research used gotu kola (Centella asiatica L.), which is contains several compounds that can act as anti-hypertension. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of gotu kola tea on blood pressure in hypertension patients. Analytical, quasi-experimental, time series design. The sample size calculation used the proportion of hypertension parameters from 22 people aged 60-70 years, simple random sampling technique. Data anayzed by T pair test analysis. There are a decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in most respondents before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea. The T pair test results on blood pressure before and after consuming Centella asiatica tea showed a significant value of p=0.000 in systolic and p=0.002 in diastolic (α=0.05) which means that in this study H1 results were accepted and H0 was rejected. The conclusion of this study is gotu kola tea can decrease blood pressure of hypertension patients.
Jurnal Keperawatan Widya Gantari Indonesia
Introduction : Stunting is a chronic condition characterized by a lack of energy and protein inta... more Introduction : Stunting is a chronic condition characterized by a lack of energy and protein intake, resulting in impaired growth as reflected by measuring height for age over a long period of time. Provision of additional food which is also known as PMT is deemed necessary for optimal growth and development of children under the age of five. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the practice of preventive maternal therapy and the prevention of stunting in toddlers. The findings indicated that the majority of participants demonstrated appropriate PMT. The method used uses an observational approach, utilizing a case-control research design to distinguish individuals who show stunted growth (groups). The study was conducted in the Gedang Kulut Village area by taking into account the statistics of Monitoring the Nutritional Status of Toddlers which shows that this village has a prevalence of stunting in toddlers of 40, 9%, the proportion of female toddlers (5...
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing
Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu... more Teknik cuci tangan yang benar sangat perlu diajarkan pada anak sejak dini dan harus menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Ada beberapa cara mengajarkan anak terkait teknik cuci tangan dengan baik, salah satunya dengan memberikan demonstrasi langsung bagaimana teknik cuci tangan. Metode demonstrasi dapat juga membantu anak dalam mengembangkan keterampilan mencuci tangan sehingga anak menjadi biasa untuk mencuci tangan.Metode demonstrasi ini merupakan salah satu pendidikan kesehatan yang bisa diterapkan pada anak pra sekolah terkait teknik mencuci tangan yang baik. Anak bisa dengan mudah mengikuti ketika dilakukan demonstrasi secara langsung. Metode demonstrasi merupakan suatu upaya dengan memperagakan cara cuci tangan dengan baik agar anak lebih mudah dalam memahami. Desain penelitian pre-eksperimental one group pretest-posttest, Populasi 98 anak, sampel 79 anak, teknik sampling Simple Random Sampling. Variabel independen pendidikan, kesehatan metode demonstrasi. Variabel dependen teknik cuci tan...
Background, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a global pandem... more Background, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a global pandemic and in Indonesia it is declared as a type of disease that causes public health emergencies and non-natural disasters. Judging from the situation of the spread of COVID-19 which has almost reached all provinces in Indonesia with the number of cases and/or the number of deaths increasing and having an impact on the political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security aspects, as well as the welfare of the people in Indonesia, it is necessary to countermeasures, including prevention and control. Gresik Regency is one of the regions in East Java where there has been a significant and rapid increase and spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases so that it is included in the red zone. As of Tuesday, July 21, 2020, Gresik Regency recorded 1,495 Covid-19 cases, of which 887 patients were still being treated, 479 patients recovered, and 129 patients died. Efforts to prevent t...
Immunization Program is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) objectives. Immunization p... more Immunization Program is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) objectives. Immunization program performance is influenced by several factors, including leadership. Action-Centred Leadership (ACL) model is one of leadership theory that focuses on the leader 's attention to the three needs. The purpose of this research was ACL models study to immunization program performance in Public Health Center (PHC) at Sidoarjo district. This was a case study with a qualitatif approach in September-October 2013. The technique for collecting data was questionnaires and interviews. Location of the research is Taman PHC and Jabon PHC. The Head of PHC and immunization program team members as a informan. Variable consisted of the ACL model and immunization programs performance. ACL data is analysed using the interpretation overlapping vein diagram and interviews description. The results shows differences in orientation the role of Head of PHC model is based on the implementation of the ACL...
Arterial blood sampling is used for the examination of blood gas analysis. This is a standard pro... more Arterial blood sampling is used for the examination of blood gas analysis. This is a standard procedure that should be carried out by competent nurse, who knows the location of arterial puncture, considering the contraindications and complications that may occurred. Furthermore, the radial technique is less risky compared to brachial technique in reducing the risk of hematoma. The purpose of this study is to analyse the difference of puncture blood gas analysis in the brachial artery and the radial artery with the incidence of hematoma in the ICU Hospital Mitra Keluarga Waru. The technique that used in the study is analytic observational research, using cross-sectional study design. The population is 40 patients with a sample of 36 patients using consecutive sampling technique. The dependent variable is incidence of hematoma, whilst the independent variable is punksi blood gas analysis. Observation sheet is used as the instrument using Chi-Square Test (α = 0.05) as the analytical to...