Didin Saepudin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Didin Saepudin

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kompetensi, Indepedensi, dan Profesionalisme Auditor Internal dalam Mencegah Kecurangan (FRAUD)

Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2021

Berita mengenai indikasi penyimpangan kecurangan pada suatu perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh karyaw... more Berita mengenai indikasi penyimpangan kecurangan pada suatu perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh karyawan atau pegawainya membuat sadar bahwa kita harus melakukan sesuatu untuk membenahi keadaan yang kurang tertib tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi, independensi dan profesionalisme auditor internal dalam mencegah terjadinya kecurangan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Theory Agency. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor internal PT ARI. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling non probability sampling dengan sampel jenuh. Sampel diambil dari seluruh anggota populasi yaitu sebanyak 31 auditor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi auditor internal, independensi auditor internal dan profesionalisme auditor internal berpengaruh positif dalam mencegah kecurangan di PT ARI Bandung

Research paper thumbnail of Chinese Culture in the Cirebon Sultanate: Symbolic and Philosophical Meanings

Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities

This paper aims to explore the symbolic and philosophical meaning of the elements of Chinese cult... more This paper aims to explore the symbolic and philosophical meaning of the elements of Chinese culture in the Kasepuhan Palace, Cirebon. In this palace, there are many Chinese cultural ornaments that adorn this historical site. One of them is the Siti Inggil building, where there are walls pasted with Chinese ceramics. The primary data of this paper were obtained from the field by means of observation, documentation, and direct interviews. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative and semiotic methods with archaeological, anthropological, and socio-historical approaches. This article confirms that the Chinese ornaments in the Cirebon Sultanate prove the process of cultural acculturation between Chinese culture and Cirebon culture. In Chinese tradition, the dragon is a symbol of the Chinese emperor. while the image of the Phoenix bird is a symbol of the female emperor, peace and prosperity, and the image of the fish is a symbol of darkness and luxury.

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Health Promotion Based on Health Communication in Indonesia of Qur’anic Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Kebijakan Fiskal Umar Bin Abdul Aziz Dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan (99-101 H/717-720 M)

Research paper thumbnail of Mengenal Ulama Sumatera Utara: Nukman Sulaiman dan Pemikiran Islamnya

This article depicts the life and works of Nukman Sulaiman descriptively. He is a Muslim learned ... more This article depicts the life and works of Nukman Sulaiman descriptively. He is a Muslim learned man and a teacher who was born on 17 April 1917 in Perbaungan. Perbaungan is a district in Serdang Bedagai in North Sumatera, Indonesia. His parents are H. Abdul Aziz bin H. Sulaiman and Hj. Maimunah binti H. Mohd. Arif. At his at of 25, Nukman Sulaiman married a woman, Hajjah Siti Radiah binti Ahmad Anjang, on 14 Syawwal 1361 Higera or 25 Oktober 1942 AD. They live on STM Street or Sukajadi Street, Number 17, Medan.1 Nukman Sulaiman had eleven (11) children. Some of them live in Indonesia, and some other abroad.2 Durin his life, Nukman Sulaiman had a simple ideal; that is, to serve people as much as possible and to die with a good end (husnul khotimah). In fact, he realized this dream by developing al-Washliyah. Here, Nukman Sulaiman was directly involved in establishing Universitas Al-Washliyah (UNIVA/University of Al-Washliyah), and he had been serving himself as a rector of this u...

Research paper thumbnail of Kedokteran dalam Sejarah Islam

Medicine is one of the famous science in Islamic Civilization among the others. There are many sc... more Medicine is one of the famous science in Islamic Civilization among the others. There are many scholars in this discipline. I.e. al-Razi, Ibn Sina, al-Biruni, and Ibn Rusyd. The islamic medicine has already influenced Europe civili- zation untill 15th century

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Modernism and the Development of Islamic Intellectualism

This paper discusses Islamic modernism and the development of Islamic intellectualism. The method... more This paper discusses Islamic modernism and the development of Islamic intellectualism. The method used is a descriptive analysis method using a historical approach. The aim is to determine the comparison of Islamic modernism and the development of Islamic intellectualism of Jamaluddin al-Afghani, M uhammad Abduh, and M uhammad Rasyid Ridha. First, the renewal of Jamaluddin Al-Afghani greatly appreciates the values of intellectualism that come from the West, especially in the fields of philosophy, science, and technology. He advised M uslims to develop reason and technology as has been adopted by Western nations. Jamaluddin Al-Afghani believes that mastering science, technology, and cultivating the scientific tradition of the Ummah will accelerate progress and increase the strength of Islam. Second, M uhammad Abduh's renewal is more focused on improving the fate and future of the Egyptian people. His thinking is more oriented to the aspects of education and the condition of M uslims. Education is very influential in the progress and awakening of M uslims in the field of science. Third, Rasyid Ridha developed a renewal of his thoughts which he got from M uhammad Abduh. Rasyid Ridha's thinking about renewal is more focused on the field of education. However, Rasyid Rida was less familiar with the traditions of Western thought than al-Afghani and Abduh.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Sharia Health Services in Medan Haji Hospitals and Jakarta Haji Hospitals

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2021

Sharia hospital is a hospital whose management is based on maqhashid sharia. The four main charac... more Sharia hospital is a hospital whose management is based on maqhashid sharia. The four main characters in Islamic services are rabbaniyah, akhlaqiyah, waqi’iyah and insaniyah. Therefore, this study aims to explore the understanding and perceptions of hospital health caregivers about Islamic services and to explore a picture of Islamic health practices in Islamic hospitals based on the patient’s perspective. Methodology: The study was conducted using descriptive explorative quantitative methods. The method of collecting data using a questionnaire with 210 respondents in both hospitals, both RS Haji Jakatra and RS Haji Medan, using total sampling technique. Result: Medan Hajj Hospital and Jakarta Hajj Hospital in terms of leadership and policies are 100% in accordance with Sharia. Sharia health services by nurses 52% of the Medan Hajj Hospital and 56% of the Jakarta Hajj Hospital have implemented health services according to Sharia. The application of Sharia health services based on th...

Research paper thumbnail of Mempertimbangkan Kembali Hubungan Islam dan llmu Pengetahuan

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisme Religius dalam Konsep Sjafruddin Prawinegara

This book, Pemikiran Politik Islam Sjafrudin Prawiranegara (1911-1989) by Hasan Mustafa, comprehe... more This book, Pemikiran Politik Islam Sjafrudin Prawiranegara (1911-1989) by Hasan Mustafa, comprehensively depicts the political thought of Syafrudin Prawiranegara, one of the most important Muslim leaders in the New Order in Indonesia. Precisely, elaborates the type of religious socialism of his political thought.

Research paper thumbnail of Hegemoni Militer Dalam Imperium Abbasiyah Dilema Antara LOyalitas Profesi dan KOnflik Kepentingan Etnik

Akar-akar Militarisme dalam Islam; Perang bukan merupakan sesuatu yang asing dalam kehidupan bang... more Akar-akar Militarisme dalam Islam; Perang bukan merupakan sesuatu yang asing dalam kehidupan bangsa Arab. Sebelum Islam muncul di dunia Arab. Perang yang dilakukan mereka adalah dalam rangka mempertahankan suku dan kabilah mereka dari serangan suku atau kabilah lain. Menurut Ibn Khaldun orang Arab mempunyai watak yang keras. hai ini tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh iklim Arab sendiri yang tandus. Kurangnya sumber kehidupan berupa tanaman dan air meneyebabkan mereka harus mudah dibangkitkan emosinya.

Research paper thumbnail of Academic Orientation in Preschool Education

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies

Currently, preschool education has evolved, even it has been revolutionized. This fact is shown b... more Currently, preschool education has evolved, even it has been revolutionized. This fact is shown by the large content of academic teaching materials such as reading, writing, and arithmetic which is still controversial must be taught in preschool education, which seems to be a compulsory subject for preschool children. Although government regulations have regulated properly and ideally how preschool education should be implemented, ironically due to competition between preschool institutions and the demands of parents, many preschool institutions fulfill their curricula with academic content. This study aims to obtain an overview of the academic-oriented preschool learning process in planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Research paper thumbnail of Political and Cultural Islam: A Historical Phenomenon in Indonesia

Buletin Al-Turas

This article aimed to reveal the periodization of political and cultural Islam in Indonesia from... more This article aimed to reveal the periodization of political and cultural Islam in Indonesia from time to time. In its development, political and cultural Islam had become an entity that hadattracted the attention of academics in Indonesia. Both types of Islam have always been part of the history of this nation. Therefore, the periodization of the rounds needs to be disclosed in a neat and measurable manner. This research was qualitative using a historical approach, and the existing data were presented in a descriptive analytical manner. The primary data of the research covered the statutes and bylaw of Islamic parties, such as Partai Syarikat Islam Indonesia (PSII), Masyumi Party, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) and Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB), while the secondary data were documents of works of Indonesian authors, journals, and online news or articles. The results revealed that the periodization of Indonesian political and cultural Islam started ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perpustakaan Dalam Sejarah Islam: Riwayat Tradisi Pemeliharaan Khazanah Intelektual Islam

Buletin Al-Turas

Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupaka... more Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupakan bagian integral dari perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam terutama pada abad 8-10 M. Kehadiran perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam sangat mengagumkan baik dari segi pengelolaan, jumlah kitab, jumlah pemakai, dan apresiasi para khalifah waktu itu. Secara hipotetis dapat dikemukakan bahwa jika tidak ada perpustakaan di masa tersebut maka ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban tidak akan mengalami kemajuannya. Atau setidak-tidaknya perkembangan ilmu akan berjalan sangat lambat dan tersendat-sendat. Fungsi Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam adalah pertama, tempat mencari bahan referensi bagi para penuntut ilmu di berbagai tingkat pendidikan; kedua, bahan kajian para intelektual Islam; ketiga, pusat penyimpanan buku-buku dan manuskrif berharga karya ilmuan, keempat, sebagai tempat pertemuan untuk kepentingan diskusi ilmiah dan debat intelektual, dan kelima, menjadi simbol ...

Research paper thumbnail of Visi Pendidikan Islam: Perspektif Ibn Khaldun

Tawazun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa visi pendidikan Islam menurut Ibn Khaldun adalah membentuk pribadi... more Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa visi pendidikan Islam menurut Ibn Khaldun adalah membentuk pribadi Muslim yang berbakat, baik bakat intelektual maupun bakat kepribadian (moral/akhlak). Selain itu, agar ia cakap dalam kehidupan pendidikan Islam juga harus punya tujuan pragmatis, yaitu memberikan keahlian (skill) yang relevan dengan tuntutan zaman. Dengan bakat-bakat tersebut seseorang akan dapat mewujudkan peradaban (‘umran) dunia dan memakmurkannya. Tujuan demikian merupakan selaras dengan fungsi penciptaan manusia sebagai khallifah di bumi. Ketika setiap manusia mampu menjadi khalifah dalam pengertian yang sebenarnya, ia akan menjadi rahmat bagi alam semesta (rahmatan lil ‘âlamîn) sebagaimana peran Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi untuk semua umat.Penulisan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Metodologi dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisi isi (content analyzis). Sumber utama peenlitian adalah karya Ibn Khaldun Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun.

Research paper thumbnail of Perpustakaan Dalam Sejarah Islam: Riwayat Tradisi Pemeliharaan Khazanah Intelektual Islam

Didin Saepudin, Aug 25, 2016

Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupaka... more Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupakan bagian integral dari perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam terutama pada abad 8-10 M. Kehadiran perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam sangat mengagumkan baik dari segi pengelolaan, jumlah kitab, jumlah pemakai, dan apresiasi para khalifah waktu itu. Secara hipotetis dapat dikemukakan bahwa jika tidak ada perpustakaan di masa tersebut maka ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban tidak akan mengalami kemajuannya. Atau setidak-tidaknya perkembangan ilmu akan berjalan sangat lambat dan tersendat-sendat. Fungsi Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam adalah pertama, tempat mencari bahan referensi bagi para penuntut ilmu di berbagai tingkat pendidikan; kedua, bahan kajian para intelektual Islam; ketiga, pusat penyimpanan buku-buku dan manuskrif berharga karya ilmuan, keempat, sebagai tempat pertemuan untuk kepentingan diskusi ilmiah dan debat intelektual, dan kelima, menjadi simbol kemba...

Research paper thumbnail of Sekolah Alam Bogor (SAB): Strategi Menginternalisasi Nilai-nilai Akhlak Melalui Pembelajaran Tematik

This article describes a discourse that an educational school is to play a role as a door for its... more This article describes a discourse that an educational school is to play a role as a door for its students to solve their life problems. This paper argues that a good school will organize itself with a management system that supports this role. This paper uncovers that Sekolah Alam Bogor (SAB/an Outdoor School in Bogor, West Java) implements this management. Consequently, this school qualifies its students with a competence to develop themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kompetensi, Indepedensi, dan Profesionalisme Auditor Internal dalam Mencegah Kecurangan (FRAUD)

Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2021

Berita mengenai indikasi penyimpangan kecurangan pada suatu perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh karyaw... more Berita mengenai indikasi penyimpangan kecurangan pada suatu perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh karyawan atau pegawainya membuat sadar bahwa kita harus melakukan sesuatu untuk membenahi keadaan yang kurang tertib tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi, independensi dan profesionalisme auditor internal dalam mencegah terjadinya kecurangan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Theory Agency. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor internal PT ARI. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling non probability sampling dengan sampel jenuh. Sampel diambil dari seluruh anggota populasi yaitu sebanyak 31 auditor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi auditor internal, independensi auditor internal dan profesionalisme auditor internal berpengaruh positif dalam mencegah kecurangan di PT ARI Bandung

Research paper thumbnail of Chinese Culture in the Cirebon Sultanate: Symbolic and Philosophical Meanings

Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities

This paper aims to explore the symbolic and philosophical meaning of the elements of Chinese cult... more This paper aims to explore the symbolic and philosophical meaning of the elements of Chinese culture in the Kasepuhan Palace, Cirebon. In this palace, there are many Chinese cultural ornaments that adorn this historical site. One of them is the Siti Inggil building, where there are walls pasted with Chinese ceramics. The primary data of this paper were obtained from the field by means of observation, documentation, and direct interviews. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative and semiotic methods with archaeological, anthropological, and socio-historical approaches. This article confirms that the Chinese ornaments in the Cirebon Sultanate prove the process of cultural acculturation between Chinese culture and Cirebon culture. In Chinese tradition, the dragon is a symbol of the Chinese emperor. while the image of the Phoenix bird is a symbol of the female emperor, peace and prosperity, and the image of the fish is a symbol of darkness and luxury.

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Health Promotion Based on Health Communication in Indonesia of Qur’anic Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Kebijakan Fiskal Umar Bin Abdul Aziz Dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan (99-101 H/717-720 M)

Research paper thumbnail of Mengenal Ulama Sumatera Utara: Nukman Sulaiman dan Pemikiran Islamnya

This article depicts the life and works of Nukman Sulaiman descriptively. He is a Muslim learned ... more This article depicts the life and works of Nukman Sulaiman descriptively. He is a Muslim learned man and a teacher who was born on 17 April 1917 in Perbaungan. Perbaungan is a district in Serdang Bedagai in North Sumatera, Indonesia. His parents are H. Abdul Aziz bin H. Sulaiman and Hj. Maimunah binti H. Mohd. Arif. At his at of 25, Nukman Sulaiman married a woman, Hajjah Siti Radiah binti Ahmad Anjang, on 14 Syawwal 1361 Higera or 25 Oktober 1942 AD. They live on STM Street or Sukajadi Street, Number 17, Medan.1 Nukman Sulaiman had eleven (11) children. Some of them live in Indonesia, and some other abroad.2 Durin his life, Nukman Sulaiman had a simple ideal; that is, to serve people as much as possible and to die with a good end (husnul khotimah). In fact, he realized this dream by developing al-Washliyah. Here, Nukman Sulaiman was directly involved in establishing Universitas Al-Washliyah (UNIVA/University of Al-Washliyah), and he had been serving himself as a rector of this u...

Research paper thumbnail of Kedokteran dalam Sejarah Islam

Medicine is one of the famous science in Islamic Civilization among the others. There are many sc... more Medicine is one of the famous science in Islamic Civilization among the others. There are many scholars in this discipline. I.e. al-Razi, Ibn Sina, al-Biruni, and Ibn Rusyd. The islamic medicine has already influenced Europe civili- zation untill 15th century

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Modernism and the Development of Islamic Intellectualism

This paper discusses Islamic modernism and the development of Islamic intellectualism. The method... more This paper discusses Islamic modernism and the development of Islamic intellectualism. The method used is a descriptive analysis method using a historical approach. The aim is to determine the comparison of Islamic modernism and the development of Islamic intellectualism of Jamaluddin al-Afghani, M uhammad Abduh, and M uhammad Rasyid Ridha. First, the renewal of Jamaluddin Al-Afghani greatly appreciates the values of intellectualism that come from the West, especially in the fields of philosophy, science, and technology. He advised M uslims to develop reason and technology as has been adopted by Western nations. Jamaluddin Al-Afghani believes that mastering science, technology, and cultivating the scientific tradition of the Ummah will accelerate progress and increase the strength of Islam. Second, M uhammad Abduh's renewal is more focused on improving the fate and future of the Egyptian people. His thinking is more oriented to the aspects of education and the condition of M uslims. Education is very influential in the progress and awakening of M uslims in the field of science. Third, Rasyid Ridha developed a renewal of his thoughts which he got from M uhammad Abduh. Rasyid Ridha's thinking about renewal is more focused on the field of education. However, Rasyid Rida was less familiar with the traditions of Western thought than al-Afghani and Abduh.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Sharia Health Services in Medan Haji Hospitals and Jakarta Haji Hospitals

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2021

Sharia hospital is a hospital whose management is based on maqhashid sharia. The four main charac... more Sharia hospital is a hospital whose management is based on maqhashid sharia. The four main characters in Islamic services are rabbaniyah, akhlaqiyah, waqi’iyah and insaniyah. Therefore, this study aims to explore the understanding and perceptions of hospital health caregivers about Islamic services and to explore a picture of Islamic health practices in Islamic hospitals based on the patient’s perspective. Methodology: The study was conducted using descriptive explorative quantitative methods. The method of collecting data using a questionnaire with 210 respondents in both hospitals, both RS Haji Jakatra and RS Haji Medan, using total sampling technique. Result: Medan Hajj Hospital and Jakarta Hajj Hospital in terms of leadership and policies are 100% in accordance with Sharia. Sharia health services by nurses 52% of the Medan Hajj Hospital and 56% of the Jakarta Hajj Hospital have implemented health services according to Sharia. The application of Sharia health services based on th...

Research paper thumbnail of Mempertimbangkan Kembali Hubungan Islam dan llmu Pengetahuan

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisme Religius dalam Konsep Sjafruddin Prawinegara

This book, Pemikiran Politik Islam Sjafrudin Prawiranegara (1911-1989) by Hasan Mustafa, comprehe... more This book, Pemikiran Politik Islam Sjafrudin Prawiranegara (1911-1989) by Hasan Mustafa, comprehensively depicts the political thought of Syafrudin Prawiranegara, one of the most important Muslim leaders in the New Order in Indonesia. Precisely, elaborates the type of religious socialism of his political thought.

Research paper thumbnail of Hegemoni Militer Dalam Imperium Abbasiyah Dilema Antara LOyalitas Profesi dan KOnflik Kepentingan Etnik

Akar-akar Militarisme dalam Islam; Perang bukan merupakan sesuatu yang asing dalam kehidupan bang... more Akar-akar Militarisme dalam Islam; Perang bukan merupakan sesuatu yang asing dalam kehidupan bangsa Arab. Sebelum Islam muncul di dunia Arab. Perang yang dilakukan mereka adalah dalam rangka mempertahankan suku dan kabilah mereka dari serangan suku atau kabilah lain. Menurut Ibn Khaldun orang Arab mempunyai watak yang keras. hai ini tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh iklim Arab sendiri yang tandus. Kurangnya sumber kehidupan berupa tanaman dan air meneyebabkan mereka harus mudah dibangkitkan emosinya.

Research paper thumbnail of Academic Orientation in Preschool Education

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies

Currently, preschool education has evolved, even it has been revolutionized. This fact is shown b... more Currently, preschool education has evolved, even it has been revolutionized. This fact is shown by the large content of academic teaching materials such as reading, writing, and arithmetic which is still controversial must be taught in preschool education, which seems to be a compulsory subject for preschool children. Although government regulations have regulated properly and ideally how preschool education should be implemented, ironically due to competition between preschool institutions and the demands of parents, many preschool institutions fulfill their curricula with academic content. This study aims to obtain an overview of the academic-oriented preschool learning process in planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Research paper thumbnail of Political and Cultural Islam: A Historical Phenomenon in Indonesia

Buletin Al-Turas

This article aimed to reveal the periodization of political and cultural Islam in Indonesia from... more This article aimed to reveal the periodization of political and cultural Islam in Indonesia from time to time. In its development, political and cultural Islam had become an entity that hadattracted the attention of academics in Indonesia. Both types of Islam have always been part of the history of this nation. Therefore, the periodization of the rounds needs to be disclosed in a neat and measurable manner. This research was qualitative using a historical approach, and the existing data were presented in a descriptive analytical manner. The primary data of the research covered the statutes and bylaw of Islamic parties, such as Partai Syarikat Islam Indonesia (PSII), Masyumi Party, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) and Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB), while the secondary data were documents of works of Indonesian authors, journals, and online news or articles. The results revealed that the periodization of Indonesian political and cultural Islam started ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perpustakaan Dalam Sejarah Islam: Riwayat Tradisi Pemeliharaan Khazanah Intelektual Islam

Buletin Al-Turas

Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupaka... more Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupakan bagian integral dari perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam terutama pada abad 8-10 M. Kehadiran perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam sangat mengagumkan baik dari segi pengelolaan, jumlah kitab, jumlah pemakai, dan apresiasi para khalifah waktu itu. Secara hipotetis dapat dikemukakan bahwa jika tidak ada perpustakaan di masa tersebut maka ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban tidak akan mengalami kemajuannya. Atau setidak-tidaknya perkembangan ilmu akan berjalan sangat lambat dan tersendat-sendat. Fungsi Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam adalah pertama, tempat mencari bahan referensi bagi para penuntut ilmu di berbagai tingkat pendidikan; kedua, bahan kajian para intelektual Islam; ketiga, pusat penyimpanan buku-buku dan manuskrif berharga karya ilmuan, keempat, sebagai tempat pertemuan untuk kepentingan diskusi ilmiah dan debat intelektual, dan kelima, menjadi simbol ...

Research paper thumbnail of Visi Pendidikan Islam: Perspektif Ibn Khaldun

Tawazun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa visi pendidikan Islam menurut Ibn Khaldun adalah membentuk pribadi... more Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa visi pendidikan Islam menurut Ibn Khaldun adalah membentuk pribadi Muslim yang berbakat, baik bakat intelektual maupun bakat kepribadian (moral/akhlak). Selain itu, agar ia cakap dalam kehidupan pendidikan Islam juga harus punya tujuan pragmatis, yaitu memberikan keahlian (skill) yang relevan dengan tuntutan zaman. Dengan bakat-bakat tersebut seseorang akan dapat mewujudkan peradaban (‘umran) dunia dan memakmurkannya. Tujuan demikian merupakan selaras dengan fungsi penciptaan manusia sebagai khallifah di bumi. Ketika setiap manusia mampu menjadi khalifah dalam pengertian yang sebenarnya, ia akan menjadi rahmat bagi alam semesta (rahmatan lil ‘âlamîn) sebagaimana peran Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi untuk semua umat.Penulisan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Metodologi dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisi isi (content analyzis). Sumber utama peenlitian adalah karya Ibn Khaldun Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun.

Research paper thumbnail of Perpustakaan Dalam Sejarah Islam: Riwayat Tradisi Pemeliharaan Khazanah Intelektual Islam

Didin Saepudin, Aug 25, 2016

Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupaka... more Abstrak Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam menempati posisi yang signifikan. Keberadaannya merupakan bagian integral dari perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam terutama pada abad 8-10 M. Kehadiran perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam sangat mengagumkan baik dari segi pengelolaan, jumlah kitab, jumlah pemakai, dan apresiasi para khalifah waktu itu. Secara hipotetis dapat dikemukakan bahwa jika tidak ada perpustakaan di masa tersebut maka ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban tidak akan mengalami kemajuannya. Atau setidak-tidaknya perkembangan ilmu akan berjalan sangat lambat dan tersendat-sendat. Fungsi Perpustakaan dalam sejarah Islam adalah pertama, tempat mencari bahan referensi bagi para penuntut ilmu di berbagai tingkat pendidikan; kedua, bahan kajian para intelektual Islam; ketiga, pusat penyimpanan buku-buku dan manuskrif berharga karya ilmuan, keempat, sebagai tempat pertemuan untuk kepentingan diskusi ilmiah dan debat intelektual, dan kelima, menjadi simbol kemba...

Research paper thumbnail of Sekolah Alam Bogor (SAB): Strategi Menginternalisasi Nilai-nilai Akhlak Melalui Pembelajaran Tematik

This article describes a discourse that an educational school is to play a role as a door for its... more This article describes a discourse that an educational school is to play a role as a door for its students to solve their life problems. This paper argues that a good school will organize itself with a management system that supports this role. This paper uncovers that Sekolah Alam Bogor (SAB/an Outdoor School in Bogor, West Java) implements this management. Consequently, this school qualifies its students with a competence to develop themselves.