Dietmar Schlembach - (original) (raw)
Papers by Dietmar Schlembach
Komplikationen in der Geburtshilfe, 2017
Die Diagnose »Wochenbettfieber« macht eine orientierende korperliche Untersuchung aller Organsyst... more Die Diagnose »Wochenbettfieber« macht eine orientierende korperliche Untersuchung aller Organsysteme, eine Infektionsabklarung (Labor) sowie breite differenzialdiagnostische Uberlegungen erforderlich. Bei klinischem V. a. septisches Geschehen sind fruhzeitiges Handeln (Blutkulturen, Labor und detaillierte klinische Untersuchung) sowie eine zeitnah initiierte Therapie zur Vermeidung schwerer Komplikationen essenziell. Bei Temperaturerhohung und Unterbauchschmerzen mit Lateralisierungstendenz im Puerperium kann die bildgebende Diagnostik die Diagnose Ovarialvenenthrombose sichern. Das Verkennen der Entwicklung einer Puerperalsepsis, ein lebensbedrohliches Krankheitsbild welches binnen Stunden foudroyant verlaufen kann, ist eine der haufigsten direkten Ursachen mutterlicher Mortalitat. Eine fruhzeitig begonnene, hochdosierte Antibiotikatherapie ist – neben der Intensivuberwachung – die wichtigste Masnahme im Therapieregime der Puerperalsepsis.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2021
These statements and recommendations should provide appropriate information about maternal and fe... more These statements and recommendations should provide appropriate information about maternal and fetal routes of infection, screening, detection of risk factors, diagnostic procedures, treatment, birth planning and peripartum and postpartum management of maternal hepatitis infection and offer pointers for prenatal counselling and routine clinical care on delivery wards.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2020
Fetal or intrauterine growth restriction (FGR/IUGR) affects approximately 5 – 8% of all pregnanci... more Fetal or intrauterine growth restriction (FGR/IUGR) affects approximately 5 – 8% of all pregnancies and refers to a fetus not exploiting its genetically determined growth potential. Not only a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, it also predisposes these fetuses to the development of chronic disorders in later life. Apart from the timely diagnosis and identification of the causes of FGR, the obstetric challenge primarily entails continued antenatal management with optimum timing of delivery. In order to minimise premature birth morbidity, intensive fetal monitoring aims to prolong the pregnancy and at the same time intervene, i.e. deliver, before the fetus is threatened or harmed. It is important to note that early-onset FGR (
Microorganisms, 2021
Mastitis is considered one of the main reasons for unwanted breastfeeding cessation. This study a... more Mastitis is considered one of the main reasons for unwanted breastfeeding cessation. This study aimed to investigate the preventive effect of the probiotic strain Ligilactobacillus salivarius PS2 on the occurrence of mastitis in lactating women. In this multicountry, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 328 women were assigned to the probiotic or the placebo group. The intervention started from the 35th week of pregnancy until week 12 post-partum. The primary outcome was the incidence (hazard) rate of mastitis, defined as the presence of at least two of the following symptoms: breast pain, breast erythema, breast engorgement not relieved by breastfeeding, and temperature > 38 °C. The probability of being free of mastitis during the study was higher in the probiotic than in the placebo group (p = 0.022, Kaplan–Meier log rank test) with 9 mastitis cases (6%) vs. 20 mastitis cases (14%), respectively. The hazard ratio of the incidence of mastitis between ...
Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine, 2020
Background Prenatally detected oligo- or even anhydramnios may – beside other reasons – be indica... more Background Prenatally detected oligo- or even anhydramnios may – beside other reasons – be indicative for a diminished or absent urine production. The resulting clinical picture is a “Potter sequence” with arthrogrypotic joint contractions, a flat face and most importantly pulmonary hypoplasia. In severe cases this pulmonary hypoplasia can be life-limiting irrespective of the underlying lesion. Case presentation Our patient initially presented with anhydramnios and normal kidneys at external ultrasonography after 31 weeks of pregnancy. Following spontaneous birth after 37 weeks of gestation, the baby boy was born with all the clinical signs of a “Potter-sequence” along with a severe pulmonary hypoplasia leading to insufficient oxygenation and ventilation. Despite all measures taken, the child died after 8 h of life. Beside life-limiting pulmonary hypoplasia postmortem examination again confirmed macroscopically normal kidneys, but microscopy showed compact and variable sized glomeru...
BMC Health Services Research, 2018
Background: The PRediction of short-term Outcome in preGNant wOmen with Suspected preeclampsIa St... more Background: The PRediction of short-term Outcome in preGNant wOmen with Suspected preeclampsIa Study (PROGNOSIS) demonstrated that a soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1/placental growth factor (sFlt-1/PlGF) ratio ≤ 38 ruled out the occurrence of preeclampsia in the next week with a negative predictive value of 99.3%; a ratio > 38 indicates an increased risk of developing preeclampsia in the next 4 weeks. We performed an assessment of the economic impact of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test for short-term prediction of preeclampsia in Germany. Methods: We adapted a cost-effectiveness model, which had been developed to estimate the incremental value of adding the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test with a cutoff ratio of 38 to standard diagnostic procedures for guiding the management of women with suspected preeclampsia in the UK. We used the adapted model to estimate the incremental value of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test (cut-off 38) for guiding the management of women with suspected preeclampsia from a German Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) payer perspective. The economic model estimated costs associated with diagnosis and management of preeclampsia in women managed in either a 'no-test' scenario in which clinical decisions are based on standard diagnostic procedures alone, or a 'test' scenario in which the sFlt-1/PlGF test is used in addition to standard diagnostic procedures. Test characteristics and rates of hospitalization were derived from patient-level data from PROGNOSIS. The main outcome measure from the economic model was the total cost per patient. Results: In the model adapted to the German DRG payer system, introduction of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test with a cutoff value of 38 could reduce the proportion of women hospitalized in Germany from 44.6 to 24.0%, resulting in an expected cost saving of €361 per patient. Conclusions: The sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test is likely to reduce unnecessary hospitalization of women with a low risk of developing preeclampsia, and identify those at high risk to ensure appropriate management. Even within the restrictions of the DRG system in Germany, this results in substantial cost savings for women with suspected preeclampsia.
Pregnancy Hypertension, 2019
Preeclampsia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, can be difficult to diagnose, and is as... more Preeclampsia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, can be difficult to diagnose, and is associated with significant healthcare costs. The prediction, diagnosis and prognosis of preeclampsia have depended on repeated assessment of women with known risk factors, including intensive monitoring and hospitalization. Many of these women may never go on to develop preeclampsia. Recent developments in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia have shown that maternal serum biomarkers can be used to predict preeclampsia. When the ratio of the anti-angiogenic soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and the pro-angiogenic placental growth factor from the placenta is altered, preeclampsia becomes more likely, providing a diagnostic measurement for risk. The use of angiogenic biomarkers in addition to standard clinical tests can more accurately predict which women are at risk of developing preeclampsia and which are at low or moderate risk, which is likely to streamline the management of pregnant women and target resources in a more efficient way. The studies reviewed here all demonstrate cost savings from use of angiogenic biomarker tests as an addition to standard care.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2018
Purpose This is an official interdisciplinary guideline, published and coordinated by the German ... more Purpose This is an official interdisciplinary guideline, published and coordinated by the German Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG), the Austrian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (OEGGG) and the Swiss Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SGGG). The guideline was developed for use in German-speaking countries and is backed by the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine (DGAI), the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH) and the German Association of Midwives. The aim is to provide a consensus-based overview of the diagnosis and management of peripartum bleeding obtained from an evaluation of the relevant literature. Methods This S2k guideline was developed from the structured consensus of representative members of the various professional associations and professions commissioned by the Guideline Commission of the DGGG. Recommendations The guideline encompasses recommendations on definitions, risk stratification, prevention and management.
PloS one, 2018
To explore noninvasively the complex interactions of the maternal hemodynamic system throughout p... more To explore noninvasively the complex interactions of the maternal hemodynamic system throughout pregnancy and the resulting after-effect six weeks postpartum. Eighteen women were tested beginning at the 12th week of gestation at six time-points throughout pregnancy and six weeks postpartum. Heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, pulse transit time (PTT), respiration, and baroreceptor sensitivity were analyzed in resting conditions. Additionally, hemoglobin, asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine and Endothelin (ET-1) were obtained. Heart rate and sympathovagal balance favoring sympathetic drive increased, the vagal tone and the baroreflex sensitivity decreased during pregnancy. Relative sympathetic drive (sympathovagal balance) reached a maximum at 6 weeks postpartum whereas the other variables did not differ compared to first trimester levels. Postpartum diastolic blood pressure was higher compared to first and second trimester. Pulse transit time and endothelial ma...
AINS - Anästhesiologie · Intensivmedizin · Notfallmedizin · Schmerztherapie, 2016
Häufige, doch oft vermeidbare Todesursache Die peripartale Hämorrhagie (PPH) bleibt weltweit eine... more Häufige, doch oft vermeidbare Todesursache Die peripartale Hämorrhagie (PPH) bleibt weltweit eine der Hauptursachen der mütterlichen Sterblichkeit. In den Industrienationen steigt die Inzidenz kontinuierlich: Während zur Jahrhundertwende das Risiko für eine lebensbedrohliche Blutung unter der Geburt bei 1:1000 lag [1], liegt es derzeit zwischen 1,2 % (2008 in England [2]) und 11,4 % (2006-2010 in USA [3]). Die Mehrzahl der maternalen Todesfälle aufgrund einer PPH ist vermeidbar, zumal trotz des Vorliegens aktueller Leitlinien und Handlungsempfehlungen in 60-80 % aller Fälle "major substandard care" nachgewiesen werden konnte [4]. Aktualisierung der Leitlinie In Deutschland gibt die AWMF-Leitlinie "Peripartale Blutungen, Diagnostik und Therapie" Handlungsempfehlungen für Diagnostik, medikamentöse und chirurgische Therapie der PPH. In einer Neuauflage der Leitlinie unter der Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG) und in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Thrombose-und Hämostaseforschung (GTH), dem Deutschen Hebammenverband und der DGAI wurden nun aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Weiterentwicklungen in der Diagnostik und Behandlung der PPH zusammengefasst. Aufgrund der vorhandenen Datenlage lassen sich für nahezu alle Schritte in der Therapie der PPH zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt keine sicher evidenzbasierten Empfehlungen ableiten. Darum handelt es sich hier um eine konsensusbasierte, sog. S2k-Leitlinie. Der Artikel soll die für Anästhesisten und Hämostaseologen wichtigsten Empfehlungen zur Gerinnungstherapie, die zugrunde liegende Datenlage und die daraus abgeleiteten Handlungsempfehlungen für den klinischen Alltag darstellen. Alle getroffenen Aussagen konnten mit "starkem Konsens" oder zumindest mit "Konsens" beschlossen werden [5] (q Tab. 1). Im Text werden die Empfehlungen in kursiv und die Konsensstärke in eckigen Klammern geschrieben. Definition, Risikofaktoren, Vorbereitung ▼ Definition Folgende Definition der PPH wird (im deutschsprachigen Raum) empfohlen:
Journal of Prenatal Medicine, 2015
Introduction: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrations can be determined framing others from invasi... more Introduction: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrations can be determined framing others from invasively acquired amnion fluid (AF-AFP). While the biological role of AFP remains unclear it is well known that AFP-levels can be altered in connection with specific clinical and/or genetic alterations of the fetus. Materials and Method: here a retrospective study based on 3,119 singleton and 56 twin pregnancies is presented. The standard levels of amnion fluid derived alpha-fetoprotein level (AF-AFP) between 12th and 36th weeks of gestation were determined. Additionally, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) test results for 63 cases, ultrasonography results for 32 cases and abnormal karyotypic findings for 100 cases were available for selected cases. Results and Discussion: according to the present data the AF-AFP test is reliable and provides expected test results in terms of population studies. However, individual AF-AFP test results can be subject to high individual variations. In this study AF-AFP multiple of medians (MoM) over 1.7 were indicative for neuronal tube defects and/or omphalocele in only 6.3% of the cases, while such AF-AFP values were hints on severe sonographic signs in 62% of the cases. Also, altered AF-AFP concentrations were present in 82% of cytogenetically abnormal cases. Overall, even though predicative value of the AF-AFP-test is matter of discussion it continues to be widely applied in invasive prenatal diagnostics. This study indicates that it only can be applied reliably in combination with other tests like banding cytogenetics, ultrasonography and all embedded in well-established genetic counseling.
Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2013
Retinal changes are known in severe preeclampsia (PE). This is the first study evaluating static ... more Retinal changes are known in severe preeclampsia (PE). This is the first study evaluating static retinal vessel analysis in pregnancy to measure retinal vessel diameter and in women destined to develop preeclampsia. 51 non-pregnant controls (29±4 years) and 601 pregnant women (30±6 years) arterio-venous ratio (AVR) of retinal arterioles and venules was measured with Dynamic Vessel Analyzer in 1. (12.1±2.5 weeks; T1), 2. (22.6±2.3 weeks; T2), 3. (33.1±3.8 weeks; T3) trimester and postpartum (19.1±15.3 weeks; pp). 38 women developed gestational hypertension (GH), while 143 developed PE. AVR [mean±SD] in the PE-group (28±6 years) was lower (p<0,02) in T1, T2, and pp compared to 420 women who remained normotensive during pregnancy (T1: 0.80±0.06 vs. 0.9±0.08; T2: 0.86±0.06 vs. 0.9±0.11; T3: 0.88±0.09 vs. 0.89±0.1; pp: 0.83±0.08 vs. 0.87±0.1). Non-pregnant controls (0.86±0.1) as well as normotensive pregnancies did not show any differences in AVR-values when compared to those who developed GH later in pregnancy (T1: 0.42±0.20; T2: 0.35±0.18; T3: 0.49±0.09; pp: 0.44±0.19). With a defined cut-off value of <0.83 AVR in the first trimester we were able to predict PE with a positive predictive value of 43.2% and a sensitivity of 86%. AVR is lower in women susceptible for PE. These data are the first to provide evidence that microvascular changes of retinal vessels predate PE and even persist after delivery.
Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2015
The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration, mainly HDL cholesterol is lower in IUGR... more The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration, mainly HDL cholesterol is lower in IUGR neonates as compared to gestational age matched controls (CTRL). One possible explanation is an alteration of cholesterol acceptor concentration or functionality and a disturbed interaction with reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) mechanisms at the placentofetal interface. We aimed to study receptor specific mechanisms of RCT in response to fetal sera of IUGR and CTRL neonates. The cell lines RAW264.7 and HepG2 as well as HUVECs were used to determine the fractional efflux of 3H-cholesterol in response to whole fetal serum (IUGR n=25; CTRL n=25) in the absence or presence of ABCA1 overexpression. Efflux values were correlated to serum concentrations of possible cholesterol acceptors like HDL, apoA1, and apoE. Wilcoxon rank sum test. Correlation analysis by Spearman's rank. The main finding was a significant overall reduction of fractional cholesterol efflux in response to IUGR serum as compared to CTRL (p<0.001). The differences were abolished after overexpression of ABCA1. Cholesterol efflux over all was highly correlated to HDL and ApoE concentration (ρ=0.777 and ρ=0.60). The reduced cholesterol efflux acceptor capacity appears to diminish cholesterol availability and transplacental cholesterol transport to fetuses with IUGR. Moreover, disturbances of RCT are critically involved in the pathomechanisms of atherosclerosis. Our results represent a link between the known association of being born small for gestational age and risk of developing cardiovascular diseases later in life. U. Pecks: None. W. Rath: None. S. Hirshman: None. N. Maass: None. D. Schlembach: None. M. Mohaupt: None. G. Escher: None.
Translational Research, 2014
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a multifactorial condition in that the fetus does not r... more Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a multifactorial condition in that the fetus does not reach its genetically given growth potential. Besides its contribution to perinatal mortality, it is a risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases later in life. The diagnosis is based on antenatal sonography, which allows differentiating between IUGR and fetuses that are small by constitution (small for gestational age [SGA]). Yet, neither a clinical nor a biochemical tool is available to confirm reliably the diagnosis of IUGR postnatally. Recently, we identified umbilical cord blood proteins of the apolipoprotein family by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with differential signal intensities between the IUGR group and a control group. We hypothesized that identified molecules have the potential to generate a proteome profile specific for IUGR. A total of 114 serum samples (42 from the IUGR group, 12 from the SGA group, and 60 from the control group) of the umbilical vein (99 samples) and umbilical artery (15 samples) were analyzed. Sample quality was estimated by determining the abundance of hemoglobin (hemolysis) and CXC-motif chemokines CXCL4 and CXCL7 (platelet activation). Samples passing the quality criteria were forwarded to multiplex apolipoprotein profiling. Assay performance was tested with the sample sets, resulting in a sensitivity of 0.91 and a specificity of 0.85 in the test set with venous blood samples. Arterial cord blood samples followed the trend (sensitivity, 0.67; specificity, 0.85). SGA samples grouped together with the control samples. We conclude that the proteome profiling signature is confirmatory to clinical surveillance with the potential to identify neonates with IUGR postnatally in low-birth weight babies born at uncertain gestational age when antenatal sonography data have not been recorded.
Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine, 2013
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a serious complication of obstetric emergencies, ... more Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a serious complication of obstetric emergencies, and its clinical manifestation occurs in various organs and tissues. Ocular and orbital involvement has been reported only rarely.A 15-year-old primigravida complained about loss of vision in the right eye for 3 days. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a retrobulbar hemorrhage. A first diagnosis of pregnancy (estimated gestational age of 23 weeks) was made, and intrauterine fetal death was diagnosed by ultrasound examination. Laboratory workup revealed the diagnosis of DIC. Due to massive vaginal bleeding a cesarean section was performed, and placental abruption was diagnosed intraoperatively.The concomitance of intrauterine fetal death and other obstetric complications such as placental abruption might induce a fulminant coagulopathy with severe consequences even with uncommon organ localization.
Therapeutische Umschau, 2006
Schwangerenvorsorge umfasst neben präventiven Maßnahmen auch das Screening bzw. die rechtzeitige ... more Schwangerenvorsorge umfasst neben präventiven Maßnahmen auch das Screening bzw. die rechtzeitige Erkennung und Therapie von Schwangerschaftskomplikationen. In den jeweiligen Vorsorgerichtlinien sind neben der allgemeinen körperlichen und der vaginalen Untersuchung, dem Ultraschall und gegebenenfalls hämatologischen Untersuchungen auch die Untersuchung des Urins der Schwangeren vorgesehen. Derzeit wird routinemäßig der Urin der Schwangeren hinsichtlich Infektionszeichen, Glukosurie und Proteinurie untersucht. Während die Bestimmung der Glukosurie für die Detektion eines Gestationsdiabetes keinen Nutzen hat und als Screeningmethode nicht mehr empfohlen wird, kann durch die Untersuchung des Urins auf Bakterien und Infektionszeichen sowie eine frühzeitige Therapie eine Risikominimierung für maternale und neonatale Komplikationen erzielt werden. Den größten Stellenwert in der Urindiagnostik hat die Detektion und die Quantifizierung einer Proteinurie bei Patientinnen mit Hochdruckerkranku...
Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2013
The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration is lower in IUGR neonates as compared to... more The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration is lower in IUGR neonates as compared to gestational age matched controls (CTRL). One possible explanation is an alteration of cholesterol acceptor concentration or functionality and a disturbed interaction with reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) mechanisms at the placentofetal interface. To study receptor specific mechanisms of RCT in response to fetal sera of IUGR and CTRL neonates. Different cell lines were used to determine the fractional efflux of (3)H-cholesterol in response to whole fetal serum (IUGR n=25; CTRL n=25) in the absence or presence of ABCA1 overexpression. Efflux values were correlated to serum concentrations of possible cholesterol acceptors like HDL, apoA1, and apoE. The main finding was a significant over all reduction of fractional cholesterol efflux in response to IUGR serum as compared to CTRL (p<0.001). The differences were abolished after overexpression of ABCA1. Cholesterol efflux over all was highly correlated to HDL and ApoE concentration (n˜=0.777 and n˜=0.60). The reduced cholesterol efflux acceptor capacity appears to diminish cholesterol availability and transplacental cholesterol transport to IUGR fetuses. Moreover, disturbances of RCT are involved in the pathomechanisms of atherosclerosis. Our results represent a link between the known association of being born small for gestational age and risk of developing CVD later in life.
Thrombosis Research, 2007
Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 2008
Severe peripartum hemorrhage (PPH) contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality and is one of ... more Severe peripartum hemorrhage (PPH) contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality and is one of the most frequent emergencies in obstetrics, occurring at a prevalence of 0.5-5.0%. Detection of antepartum risk factors is essential in order to implement preventive measures. Proper training of obstetric staff and publication of recommendations and guidelines can effectively reduce the frequency of PPH and its resulting morbidity and mortality. Therefore, an interdisciplinary expert committee was formed, with members from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, to summarize recent scientific findings. An up-to-date presentation of the importance of emboliza-Coordinator and chairman of this expert panel.
Komplikationen in der Geburtshilfe, 2017
Die Diagnose »Wochenbettfieber« macht eine orientierende korperliche Untersuchung aller Organsyst... more Die Diagnose »Wochenbettfieber« macht eine orientierende korperliche Untersuchung aller Organsysteme, eine Infektionsabklarung (Labor) sowie breite differenzialdiagnostische Uberlegungen erforderlich. Bei klinischem V. a. septisches Geschehen sind fruhzeitiges Handeln (Blutkulturen, Labor und detaillierte klinische Untersuchung) sowie eine zeitnah initiierte Therapie zur Vermeidung schwerer Komplikationen essenziell. Bei Temperaturerhohung und Unterbauchschmerzen mit Lateralisierungstendenz im Puerperium kann die bildgebende Diagnostik die Diagnose Ovarialvenenthrombose sichern. Das Verkennen der Entwicklung einer Puerperalsepsis, ein lebensbedrohliches Krankheitsbild welches binnen Stunden foudroyant verlaufen kann, ist eine der haufigsten direkten Ursachen mutterlicher Mortalitat. Eine fruhzeitig begonnene, hochdosierte Antibiotikatherapie ist – neben der Intensivuberwachung – die wichtigste Masnahme im Therapieregime der Puerperalsepsis.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2021
These statements and recommendations should provide appropriate information about maternal and fe... more These statements and recommendations should provide appropriate information about maternal and fetal routes of infection, screening, detection of risk factors, diagnostic procedures, treatment, birth planning and peripartum and postpartum management of maternal hepatitis infection and offer pointers for prenatal counselling and routine clinical care on delivery wards.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2020
Fetal or intrauterine growth restriction (FGR/IUGR) affects approximately 5 – 8% of all pregnanci... more Fetal or intrauterine growth restriction (FGR/IUGR) affects approximately 5 – 8% of all pregnancies and refers to a fetus not exploiting its genetically determined growth potential. Not only a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, it also predisposes these fetuses to the development of chronic disorders in later life. Apart from the timely diagnosis and identification of the causes of FGR, the obstetric challenge primarily entails continued antenatal management with optimum timing of delivery. In order to minimise premature birth morbidity, intensive fetal monitoring aims to prolong the pregnancy and at the same time intervene, i.e. deliver, before the fetus is threatened or harmed. It is important to note that early-onset FGR (
Microorganisms, 2021
Mastitis is considered one of the main reasons for unwanted breastfeeding cessation. This study a... more Mastitis is considered one of the main reasons for unwanted breastfeeding cessation. This study aimed to investigate the preventive effect of the probiotic strain Ligilactobacillus salivarius PS2 on the occurrence of mastitis in lactating women. In this multicountry, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 328 women were assigned to the probiotic or the placebo group. The intervention started from the 35th week of pregnancy until week 12 post-partum. The primary outcome was the incidence (hazard) rate of mastitis, defined as the presence of at least two of the following symptoms: breast pain, breast erythema, breast engorgement not relieved by breastfeeding, and temperature > 38 °C. The probability of being free of mastitis during the study was higher in the probiotic than in the placebo group (p = 0.022, Kaplan–Meier log rank test) with 9 mastitis cases (6%) vs. 20 mastitis cases (14%), respectively. The hazard ratio of the incidence of mastitis between ...
Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine, 2020
Background Prenatally detected oligo- or even anhydramnios may – beside other reasons – be indica... more Background Prenatally detected oligo- or even anhydramnios may – beside other reasons – be indicative for a diminished or absent urine production. The resulting clinical picture is a “Potter sequence” with arthrogrypotic joint contractions, a flat face and most importantly pulmonary hypoplasia. In severe cases this pulmonary hypoplasia can be life-limiting irrespective of the underlying lesion. Case presentation Our patient initially presented with anhydramnios and normal kidneys at external ultrasonography after 31 weeks of pregnancy. Following spontaneous birth after 37 weeks of gestation, the baby boy was born with all the clinical signs of a “Potter-sequence” along with a severe pulmonary hypoplasia leading to insufficient oxygenation and ventilation. Despite all measures taken, the child died after 8 h of life. Beside life-limiting pulmonary hypoplasia postmortem examination again confirmed macroscopically normal kidneys, but microscopy showed compact and variable sized glomeru...
BMC Health Services Research, 2018
Background: The PRediction of short-term Outcome in preGNant wOmen with Suspected preeclampsIa St... more Background: The PRediction of short-term Outcome in preGNant wOmen with Suspected preeclampsIa Study (PROGNOSIS) demonstrated that a soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1/placental growth factor (sFlt-1/PlGF) ratio ≤ 38 ruled out the occurrence of preeclampsia in the next week with a negative predictive value of 99.3%; a ratio > 38 indicates an increased risk of developing preeclampsia in the next 4 weeks. We performed an assessment of the economic impact of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test for short-term prediction of preeclampsia in Germany. Methods: We adapted a cost-effectiveness model, which had been developed to estimate the incremental value of adding the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test with a cutoff ratio of 38 to standard diagnostic procedures for guiding the management of women with suspected preeclampsia in the UK. We used the adapted model to estimate the incremental value of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test (cut-off 38) for guiding the management of women with suspected preeclampsia from a German Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) payer perspective. The economic model estimated costs associated with diagnosis and management of preeclampsia in women managed in either a 'no-test' scenario in which clinical decisions are based on standard diagnostic procedures alone, or a 'test' scenario in which the sFlt-1/PlGF test is used in addition to standard diagnostic procedures. Test characteristics and rates of hospitalization were derived from patient-level data from PROGNOSIS. The main outcome measure from the economic model was the total cost per patient. Results: In the model adapted to the German DRG payer system, introduction of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test with a cutoff value of 38 could reduce the proportion of women hospitalized in Germany from 44.6 to 24.0%, resulting in an expected cost saving of €361 per patient. Conclusions: The sFlt-1/PlGF ratio test is likely to reduce unnecessary hospitalization of women with a low risk of developing preeclampsia, and identify those at high risk to ensure appropriate management. Even within the restrictions of the DRG system in Germany, this results in substantial cost savings for women with suspected preeclampsia.
Pregnancy Hypertension, 2019
Preeclampsia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, can be difficult to diagnose, and is as... more Preeclampsia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, can be difficult to diagnose, and is associated with significant healthcare costs. The prediction, diagnosis and prognosis of preeclampsia have depended on repeated assessment of women with known risk factors, including intensive monitoring and hospitalization. Many of these women may never go on to develop preeclampsia. Recent developments in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia have shown that maternal serum biomarkers can be used to predict preeclampsia. When the ratio of the anti-angiogenic soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and the pro-angiogenic placental growth factor from the placenta is altered, preeclampsia becomes more likely, providing a diagnostic measurement for risk. The use of angiogenic biomarkers in addition to standard clinical tests can more accurately predict which women are at risk of developing preeclampsia and which are at low or moderate risk, which is likely to streamline the management of pregnant women and target resources in a more efficient way. The studies reviewed here all demonstrate cost savings from use of angiogenic biomarker tests as an addition to standard care.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2018
Purpose This is an official interdisciplinary guideline, published and coordinated by the German ... more Purpose This is an official interdisciplinary guideline, published and coordinated by the German Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG), the Austrian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (OEGGG) and the Swiss Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SGGG). The guideline was developed for use in German-speaking countries and is backed by the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine (DGAI), the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH) and the German Association of Midwives. The aim is to provide a consensus-based overview of the diagnosis and management of peripartum bleeding obtained from an evaluation of the relevant literature. Methods This S2k guideline was developed from the structured consensus of representative members of the various professional associations and professions commissioned by the Guideline Commission of the DGGG. Recommendations The guideline encompasses recommendations on definitions, risk stratification, prevention and management.
PloS one, 2018
To explore noninvasively the complex interactions of the maternal hemodynamic system throughout p... more To explore noninvasively the complex interactions of the maternal hemodynamic system throughout pregnancy and the resulting after-effect six weeks postpartum. Eighteen women were tested beginning at the 12th week of gestation at six time-points throughout pregnancy and six weeks postpartum. Heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, pulse transit time (PTT), respiration, and baroreceptor sensitivity were analyzed in resting conditions. Additionally, hemoglobin, asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine and Endothelin (ET-1) were obtained. Heart rate and sympathovagal balance favoring sympathetic drive increased, the vagal tone and the baroreflex sensitivity decreased during pregnancy. Relative sympathetic drive (sympathovagal balance) reached a maximum at 6 weeks postpartum whereas the other variables did not differ compared to first trimester levels. Postpartum diastolic blood pressure was higher compared to first and second trimester. Pulse transit time and endothelial ma...
AINS - Anästhesiologie · Intensivmedizin · Notfallmedizin · Schmerztherapie, 2016
Häufige, doch oft vermeidbare Todesursache Die peripartale Hämorrhagie (PPH) bleibt weltweit eine... more Häufige, doch oft vermeidbare Todesursache Die peripartale Hämorrhagie (PPH) bleibt weltweit eine der Hauptursachen der mütterlichen Sterblichkeit. In den Industrienationen steigt die Inzidenz kontinuierlich: Während zur Jahrhundertwende das Risiko für eine lebensbedrohliche Blutung unter der Geburt bei 1:1000 lag [1], liegt es derzeit zwischen 1,2 % (2008 in England [2]) und 11,4 % (2006-2010 in USA [3]). Die Mehrzahl der maternalen Todesfälle aufgrund einer PPH ist vermeidbar, zumal trotz des Vorliegens aktueller Leitlinien und Handlungsempfehlungen in 60-80 % aller Fälle "major substandard care" nachgewiesen werden konnte [4]. Aktualisierung der Leitlinie In Deutschland gibt die AWMF-Leitlinie "Peripartale Blutungen, Diagnostik und Therapie" Handlungsempfehlungen für Diagnostik, medikamentöse und chirurgische Therapie der PPH. In einer Neuauflage der Leitlinie unter der Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG) und in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Thrombose-und Hämostaseforschung (GTH), dem Deutschen Hebammenverband und der DGAI wurden nun aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Weiterentwicklungen in der Diagnostik und Behandlung der PPH zusammengefasst. Aufgrund der vorhandenen Datenlage lassen sich für nahezu alle Schritte in der Therapie der PPH zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt keine sicher evidenzbasierten Empfehlungen ableiten. Darum handelt es sich hier um eine konsensusbasierte, sog. S2k-Leitlinie. Der Artikel soll die für Anästhesisten und Hämostaseologen wichtigsten Empfehlungen zur Gerinnungstherapie, die zugrunde liegende Datenlage und die daraus abgeleiteten Handlungsempfehlungen für den klinischen Alltag darstellen. Alle getroffenen Aussagen konnten mit "starkem Konsens" oder zumindest mit "Konsens" beschlossen werden [5] (q Tab. 1). Im Text werden die Empfehlungen in kursiv und die Konsensstärke in eckigen Klammern geschrieben. Definition, Risikofaktoren, Vorbereitung ▼ Definition Folgende Definition der PPH wird (im deutschsprachigen Raum) empfohlen:
Journal of Prenatal Medicine, 2015
Introduction: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrations can be determined framing others from invasi... more Introduction: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrations can be determined framing others from invasively acquired amnion fluid (AF-AFP). While the biological role of AFP remains unclear it is well known that AFP-levels can be altered in connection with specific clinical and/or genetic alterations of the fetus. Materials and Method: here a retrospective study based on 3,119 singleton and 56 twin pregnancies is presented. The standard levels of amnion fluid derived alpha-fetoprotein level (AF-AFP) between 12th and 36th weeks of gestation were determined. Additionally, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) test results for 63 cases, ultrasonography results for 32 cases and abnormal karyotypic findings for 100 cases were available for selected cases. Results and Discussion: according to the present data the AF-AFP test is reliable and provides expected test results in terms of population studies. However, individual AF-AFP test results can be subject to high individual variations. In this study AF-AFP multiple of medians (MoM) over 1.7 were indicative for neuronal tube defects and/or omphalocele in only 6.3% of the cases, while such AF-AFP values were hints on severe sonographic signs in 62% of the cases. Also, altered AF-AFP concentrations were present in 82% of cytogenetically abnormal cases. Overall, even though predicative value of the AF-AFP-test is matter of discussion it continues to be widely applied in invasive prenatal diagnostics. This study indicates that it only can be applied reliably in combination with other tests like banding cytogenetics, ultrasonography and all embedded in well-established genetic counseling.
Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2013
Retinal changes are known in severe preeclampsia (PE). This is the first study evaluating static ... more Retinal changes are known in severe preeclampsia (PE). This is the first study evaluating static retinal vessel analysis in pregnancy to measure retinal vessel diameter and in women destined to develop preeclampsia. 51 non-pregnant controls (29±4 years) and 601 pregnant women (30±6 years) arterio-venous ratio (AVR) of retinal arterioles and venules was measured with Dynamic Vessel Analyzer in 1. (12.1±2.5 weeks; T1), 2. (22.6±2.3 weeks; T2), 3. (33.1±3.8 weeks; T3) trimester and postpartum (19.1±15.3 weeks; pp). 38 women developed gestational hypertension (GH), while 143 developed PE. AVR [mean±SD] in the PE-group (28±6 years) was lower (p<0,02) in T1, T2, and pp compared to 420 women who remained normotensive during pregnancy (T1: 0.80±0.06 vs. 0.9±0.08; T2: 0.86±0.06 vs. 0.9±0.11; T3: 0.88±0.09 vs. 0.89±0.1; pp: 0.83±0.08 vs. 0.87±0.1). Non-pregnant controls (0.86±0.1) as well as normotensive pregnancies did not show any differences in AVR-values when compared to those who developed GH later in pregnancy (T1: 0.42±0.20; T2: 0.35±0.18; T3: 0.49±0.09; pp: 0.44±0.19). With a defined cut-off value of <0.83 AVR in the first trimester we were able to predict PE with a positive predictive value of 43.2% and a sensitivity of 86%. AVR is lower in women susceptible for PE. These data are the first to provide evidence that microvascular changes of retinal vessels predate PE and even persist after delivery.
Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2015
The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration, mainly HDL cholesterol is lower in IUGR... more The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration, mainly HDL cholesterol is lower in IUGR neonates as compared to gestational age matched controls (CTRL). One possible explanation is an alteration of cholesterol acceptor concentration or functionality and a disturbed interaction with reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) mechanisms at the placentofetal interface. We aimed to study receptor specific mechanisms of RCT in response to fetal sera of IUGR and CTRL neonates. The cell lines RAW264.7 and HepG2 as well as HUVECs were used to determine the fractional efflux of 3H-cholesterol in response to whole fetal serum (IUGR n=25; CTRL n=25) in the absence or presence of ABCA1 overexpression. Efflux values were correlated to serum concentrations of possible cholesterol acceptors like HDL, apoA1, and apoE. Wilcoxon rank sum test. Correlation analysis by Spearman's rank. The main finding was a significant overall reduction of fractional cholesterol efflux in response to IUGR serum as compared to CTRL (p<0.001). The differences were abolished after overexpression of ABCA1. Cholesterol efflux over all was highly correlated to HDL and ApoE concentration (ρ=0.777 and ρ=0.60). The reduced cholesterol efflux acceptor capacity appears to diminish cholesterol availability and transplacental cholesterol transport to fetuses with IUGR. Moreover, disturbances of RCT are critically involved in the pathomechanisms of atherosclerosis. Our results represent a link between the known association of being born small for gestational age and risk of developing cardiovascular diseases later in life. U. Pecks: None. W. Rath: None. S. Hirshman: None. N. Maass: None. D. Schlembach: None. M. Mohaupt: None. G. Escher: None.
Translational Research, 2014
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a multifactorial condition in that the fetus does not r... more Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a multifactorial condition in that the fetus does not reach its genetically given growth potential. Besides its contribution to perinatal mortality, it is a risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases later in life. The diagnosis is based on antenatal sonography, which allows differentiating between IUGR and fetuses that are small by constitution (small for gestational age [SGA]). Yet, neither a clinical nor a biochemical tool is available to confirm reliably the diagnosis of IUGR postnatally. Recently, we identified umbilical cord blood proteins of the apolipoprotein family by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with differential signal intensities between the IUGR group and a control group. We hypothesized that identified molecules have the potential to generate a proteome profile specific for IUGR. A total of 114 serum samples (42 from the IUGR group, 12 from the SGA group, and 60 from the control group) of the umbilical vein (99 samples) and umbilical artery (15 samples) were analyzed. Sample quality was estimated by determining the abundance of hemoglobin (hemolysis) and CXC-motif chemokines CXCL4 and CXCL7 (platelet activation). Samples passing the quality criteria were forwarded to multiplex apolipoprotein profiling. Assay performance was tested with the sample sets, resulting in a sensitivity of 0.91 and a specificity of 0.85 in the test set with venous blood samples. Arterial cord blood samples followed the trend (sensitivity, 0.67; specificity, 0.85). SGA samples grouped together with the control samples. We conclude that the proteome profiling signature is confirmatory to clinical surveillance with the potential to identify neonates with IUGR postnatally in low-birth weight babies born at uncertain gestational age when antenatal sonography data have not been recorded.
Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine, 2013
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a serious complication of obstetric emergencies, ... more Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a serious complication of obstetric emergencies, and its clinical manifestation occurs in various organs and tissues. Ocular and orbital involvement has been reported only rarely.A 15-year-old primigravida complained about loss of vision in the right eye for 3 days. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a retrobulbar hemorrhage. A first diagnosis of pregnancy (estimated gestational age of 23 weeks) was made, and intrauterine fetal death was diagnosed by ultrasound examination. Laboratory workup revealed the diagnosis of DIC. Due to massive vaginal bleeding a cesarean section was performed, and placental abruption was diagnosed intraoperatively.The concomitance of intrauterine fetal death and other obstetric complications such as placental abruption might induce a fulminant coagulopathy with severe consequences even with uncommon organ localization.
Therapeutische Umschau, 2006
Schwangerenvorsorge umfasst neben präventiven Maßnahmen auch das Screening bzw. die rechtzeitige ... more Schwangerenvorsorge umfasst neben präventiven Maßnahmen auch das Screening bzw. die rechtzeitige Erkennung und Therapie von Schwangerschaftskomplikationen. In den jeweiligen Vorsorgerichtlinien sind neben der allgemeinen körperlichen und der vaginalen Untersuchung, dem Ultraschall und gegebenenfalls hämatologischen Untersuchungen auch die Untersuchung des Urins der Schwangeren vorgesehen. Derzeit wird routinemäßig der Urin der Schwangeren hinsichtlich Infektionszeichen, Glukosurie und Proteinurie untersucht. Während die Bestimmung der Glukosurie für die Detektion eines Gestationsdiabetes keinen Nutzen hat und als Screeningmethode nicht mehr empfohlen wird, kann durch die Untersuchung des Urins auf Bakterien und Infektionszeichen sowie eine frühzeitige Therapie eine Risikominimierung für maternale und neonatale Komplikationen erzielt werden. Den größten Stellenwert in der Urindiagnostik hat die Detektion und die Quantifizierung einer Proteinurie bei Patientinnen mit Hochdruckerkranku...
Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health, 2013
The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration is lower in IUGR neonates as compared to... more The fetal umbilical cord blood cholesterol concentration is lower in IUGR neonates as compared to gestational age matched controls (CTRL). One possible explanation is an alteration of cholesterol acceptor concentration or functionality and a disturbed interaction with reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) mechanisms at the placentofetal interface. To study receptor specific mechanisms of RCT in response to fetal sera of IUGR and CTRL neonates. Different cell lines were used to determine the fractional efflux of (3)H-cholesterol in response to whole fetal serum (IUGR n=25; CTRL n=25) in the absence or presence of ABCA1 overexpression. Efflux values were correlated to serum concentrations of possible cholesterol acceptors like HDL, apoA1, and apoE. The main finding was a significant over all reduction of fractional cholesterol efflux in response to IUGR serum as compared to CTRL (p<0.001). The differences were abolished after overexpression of ABCA1. Cholesterol efflux over all was highly correlated to HDL and ApoE concentration (n˜=0.777 and n˜=0.60). The reduced cholesterol efflux acceptor capacity appears to diminish cholesterol availability and transplacental cholesterol transport to IUGR fetuses. Moreover, disturbances of RCT are involved in the pathomechanisms of atherosclerosis. Our results represent a link between the known association of being born small for gestational age and risk of developing CVD later in life.
Thrombosis Research, 2007
Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 2008
Severe peripartum hemorrhage (PPH) contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality and is one of ... more Severe peripartum hemorrhage (PPH) contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality and is one of the most frequent emergencies in obstetrics, occurring at a prevalence of 0.5-5.0%. Detection of antepartum risk factors is essential in order to implement preventive measures. Proper training of obstetric staff and publication of recommendations and guidelines can effectively reduce the frequency of PPH and its resulting morbidity and mortality. Therefore, an interdisciplinary expert committee was formed, with members from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, to summarize recent scientific findings. An up-to-date presentation of the importance of emboliza-Coordinator and chairman of this expert panel.