Berna Dizer - (original) (raw)
Papers by Berna Dizer
Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still commo... more Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still common among hospitalized patients. Inadequate treatment has been mostly linked to health care workers' failure to assess patients’ pain and to intervene appropriately. Objective: To determine the pain management knowledge and attitudes of the nurses working in training and research hospital in Turkey and their relationship to demographic and educational factors. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study design was used. The Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (NKASRP) was used to determine the pain-related knowledge and attitude of the nurses. Results: A total of 246 nurses were included in the study. The percentage working at a surgical unit was 48.8% and 77.2% were staff nurses. Only 11.8% had taken a pain management course and 31.7% had read a book or journal on pain. The rate of correct responses to the NKASRP scale was 39.65% while the mean number of correct a...
Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still commo... more Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still common among hospitalized patients. Inadequate treatment has been mostly linked to health care workers' failure to assess patients’ pain and to intervene appropriately. Objective: To determine the pain management knowledge and attitudes of the nurses working in training and research hospital in Turkey and their relationship to demographic and educational factors. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study design was used. The Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (NKASRP) was used to determine the pain-related knowledge and attitude of the nurses. Results: A total of 246 nurses were included in the study. The percentage working at a surgical unit was 48.8% and 77.2% were staff nurses. Only 11.8% had taken a pain management course and 31.7% had read a book or journal on pain. The rate of correct responses to the NKASRP scale was 39.65% while the mean number of correct a...
Backgrounds: Intensive care units have many factors that cause s leep disorders in patients. Most... more Backgrounds: Intensive care units have many factors that cause s leep disorders in patients. Most of the times, due to the environment and the conditions, patints have to remain with less sleep. Objective: The aim of this descriptive study was the quality of sleep and the affecting factors in patients hospitalized in Coronary Intensive Care Unit (CICU). Methods: Nine questions were included in the data collectin g form about the socio-demographic and disease characteristics of the patients. To determine the s leep quality and the affecting factors of the patie nts a 1-10 point scale was used (Freedman et al 1999). Results: The mean age of the 100 patients was 55.5 ±16.59 (r ange:21-93) years old. The patients were hospitalized for miyocardial infarction (35%), cong estive heart failure (29%) and they were hospitaliz ed with an mean of 4.7±1.16 days. While the patient sleep qual ity mean score at home was in average 7.39 ±1.87 it has been determined that the first night after the hos...
Amac: Yogun bakim unitelerinde (YBU) calisan hemsirelerin tukenmislik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi v... more Amac: Yogun bakim unitelerinde (YBU) calisan hemsirelerin tukenmislik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bunlari etkileyen faktorlerin incelenmesidir.Calisma plani: Calisma, 84 hemsirenin katilimi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Bagimli degisken olarak tukenmislik, bagimsiz degiskenler olarak yas, medeni durum, cocuk sahibi olma, ogrenim, calisma yili ve calisma sekli arastirilmistir. Veriler kisisel bilgi formu ve Maslach tukenmislik olcegi kullanilarak toplanmistir.Bulgular: Calismamizda YBU’lerde gorev yapan hemsirelerin %20.2’sinin mesleklerini istemeyerek secmesi dikkat cekmektedir. Buna ragmen, hemsirelerin %53.6’si mesleki gelecegi olumlu degerlendirmektedir. Evli ve cocuk sahibi olan hemsirelerde kisisel basari puanlarinin yuksek oldugu saptanmistir. Hemsirelerin tukenmislik puanlarinin calistiklari kliniklere gore dagilimi incelendiginde; hemsirelerin calistiklari kliniklerle tukenmisligin alt boyutlari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark saptanmistir (p
South Asian Journal of Cancer, 2021
Background Breast cancer risk increases by 80% in the presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations ... more Background Breast cancer risk increases by 80% in the presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations in the same family. In particular, a woman whose sister or mother has breast cancer has a 2- to 5-fold higher risk of developing breast cancer compared with other women. For this reason, recommendations should have been made regarding breast cancer prevention and/or early detection for women with first-degree family history of breast cancer. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of health education, which was provided to first-degree female relatives of breast cancer patients, on their health beliefs and behaviors. Study Design and Methods The study sample included 50 women with a first-degree relative being treated for breast cancer in the chemotherapy and radiotherapy unit of a university hospital. A one-group pretest-posttest design was used. The pretest consisted of the health belief model scale and a questionnaire regarding the women's sociodemographic information...
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences, Feb 19, 2010
Çalışma, yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin empatik eğilim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi v... more Çalışma, yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin empatik eğilim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bunları etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Araştırma, 84 yoğun bakım hemşiresinin katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Hemşireler arasında, empatik eğilim puanı en yüksek grup (71,1±9,2) sürekli gündüz çalışanlardır. Hemşirelerin çalıştıkları kliniklere göre empatik eğilim puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak; empatik davranmanın, hemşirelik bakımın kalitesini olumlu yönde etkileyeceği değerlendirildiğinde; empatinin hemşirelerin hizmet içi eğitimlerinde yer almasının, hemşirelerin yapılan bilimsel araştırmalara katılımının sağlanmasının, hemşire-hasta iletişimi iyi olan personelin hasta ile temasın daha çok olduğu yerlerde görevlendirilmesinin uygun olacağı değerlendirilmiştir.
Ajci, Apr 19, 2015
Abstract The elderly are generally known as people who are aged more than 65, walk with a walking... more Abstract The elderly are generally known as people who are aged more than 65, walk with a walking stick and with difficulty, are humpbacked, have a hoarse voice. Students who are also responsible of providing care to the elderly should know the life periods and their properties and plan the care in accordance with these information. Behaviors of students in the health care environments and their perceptions concerning the elderlines are also of great importance. To determine perceptions of students concerning the elderly and elderliness. A qualitative and phenomenological study. This study was conducted with 58 1st grade students studying at the department of nursing of the faculty of medical sciences of a university. The data collection instruments used the sociodemographic form and semi-structured interview form. Number and percentage distributions were used in the analysis of sociodemographic data. Students’ perceptions of elderly and elderliness were evaluated by using the qualified analysis method of Colaizzi. Age average of the students was 18.44±0.7 years. 98.3 % of them were male, 63.8 % of them were graduates of an Anatolian high school. Examining the interviews conducted with the students, researchers classified the interviews into three categories and eleven themes. Students’s perceptions of elderly and elderliness were classified into three categories. These categories were named as physiological/biological elderly, psychological elderly and sociological elderly. In conclusion we found that nursing students evaluate the elderly with an integrated approach and they do not only focus on the physiological outcomes of elderliness but also consider its psycho-social dimension. However, it was found out that students have negative opinions about elderly people. Key Words: Elderly, nursing students, perception, qualitative study Ozet Yasli insanlar cogunlukla bastonla ve zorlanarak yuruyen, beli kambur, sesi kisilmis, 65 yas ustu insanlar olarak bilinmektedir. Insanlara yaslilik doneminde bakim vermekle sorumlu olacak ogrencilerin yasam donemlerini, ozelliklerini bilmesi ve bakimi ona gore planlamasi gerekmektedir. Saglik bakim ortamlarinda ogrencilerin davranislari ve yaslilar hakkindaki algilamalarida oldukca onemlidir. Calismanin amaci, ogrencilerinin yasli ve yaslilik algisini belirlemektir. Niteliksel ve fenomolojij calismadir. Bir universitenin saglik bilimleri fakultesi hemsirelik bolumu birinci sinifta ogrenim goren 58 ogrenciyle yapilmistir. Ogrencilerin sosyodemografik ozelliklerinin toplandigi veri formu ve yasli/yaslilik algilarini belirlemek amaciyla literatur dogrultusunda arastirmacilar tarafindan olusturulan yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanildi. Sosyodemografik verilerin analizinde sayi ve yuzde dagilimi kullanildi. Ogrencilerin yasli ve yaslilik algilari ise, Colaizzi’nin niteliksel arastirma analiz metodu kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Ogrencilerin yas ortalamasi 18.44±0.70 yil, %98.3’u kiz, %63.8’i Anadolu lisesi mezunudur. Arastirmacilar tarafindan ogrencilerle yapilan gorusmeler incelenerek, gorusmeler uc kategori ve onbir tema altinda siniflandirildi. Bu kategoriler “fizyolojik/biyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyolojik yasli” olarak adlandirildi. Hemsirelik ogrencilerinin yasliyi ve yasliligi butuncul bir gozle degerlendirdikleri, yasliligin sadece fizyolojik sonuclarina odaklanmadiklari ayni zamanda psiko-sosyal boyutta da yasliyi bir butun olarak algiladiklari belirlendi. Fakat ogrencilerin yaslilarla ilgili negatif goruslerinin oldugu, yaslilara aciyarak baktiklari, onlari gucsuz ve olume yaklasan kisiler olarak degerlendirdikleri saptanmistir. Anahtar kelimeler; Yaslilik, Hemsirelik Ogrencileri, Algi, Niteliksel Calisma
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2009
Aim. To determine the effect of preoperative skin preparation procedures performed by nurses on p... more Aim. To determine the effect of preoperative skin preparation procedures performed by nurses on postoperative surgical site infection in abdominal surgery. Background. Despite all interventions, postoperative SSIs still greatly affect mortality and morbidity. Design. This is an experimental study. Methods. Procedures developed for nurse application of preoperative skin preparations were tested on a control group (n = 39) and study group (n = 43). Results. Only clinical routines for preoperative skin preparation were performed on the control group patients. Control group members' skins were mostly prepared by shaving with a razor blade (41%). For the study group members, the researchers used the preoperative skin preparation procedure. Clippers were used to prepare 55AE8% of study group members while 44AE2% of them were not treated with the clipper because their wounds were clean. As a requirement of the procedure, all members of the study group had a chlorhexidine bath at least twice after being hospitalised and at least once a night before the operation under controlled conditions. In the group where chlorhexidine bath was not applied, the infection risk was found to be 4AE76 times (95%CI = 1AE20-18AE83) greater even after corrections for age and gender had been made. The difference between control group and study group with respect to surgical site infections was also statistically significant (p < 0AE05). Conclusion. Preoperative skin preparation using clipper on the nights before an operation and a 50 ml chlorhexidine bath excluding head area taken twice in the pre-operative period are useful to reduce SSI during postoperative period. Relevance to clinical practice. We find that preoperative skin preparation using the procedures developed as a result of findings of this study is useful in reducing surgical site infection during the postoperative period.
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 2014
Pulse oximeters utilise the pulsatile nature of arterial blood flow to distinguish it from venous... more Pulse oximeters utilise the pulsatile nature of arterial blood flow to distinguish it from venous flow and estimate oxygen saturation in arterial blood. Pulse oximetry is primarily used in hospital wards, emergency rooms, intensive care units, operating rooms and home care. The objective of this study is to determine whether the use of nail polish of various colours have an effect on oximeter readings of oxygen saturation value. The sample group of this study is comprised of 40 healthy women. In the first phase of the study, readings were taken on left and right hand fingers, with no nail polish, to determine any differences in oxygen saturation value. In the second phase of the study, 10 different colours of nail polish, namely dark red, yellow, dark blue, green, purple, brown, white, metallic, black and pink, of the same brand were applied. Readings were recorded once oxygen saturation values on the screen became stable. Number and percentage distributions along with Wilcoxon signed ranks and Friedman test were used in the analysis of data. Only red nail polish did not yield statistically significant reading results. We conclude that different nail polish colours cause a clinically significant change in pulse oximeter readings in healthy volunteers.
Holistic Nursing Practice, 2014
Nurses are more likely to face the dilemma of whether to resort to physical restraints or not and... more Nurses are more likely to face the dilemma of whether to resort to physical restraints or not and have a hard time making that decision. This is a descriptive study. A total of 55 nurses participated in the research. For data collection, a question form developed by researchers to determine perceptions of ethical dilemmas by nurses in the application of physical restraint was used. A descriptive analysis was made by calculating the mean, standard deviation, and maximum and minimum values. The nurses expressed (36.4%) having difficulty in deciding to use physical restraint. Nurses reported that they experience ethical dilemmas mainly in relation to the ethic principles of nonmaleficence, beneficence, and convenience. We have concluded that majority of nurses working in critical care units apply physical restraint to patients, although they are facing ethical dilemmas concerning harm and benefit principles during the application.
Clinical Nutrition Supplements, 2012
Clinical Nutrition Supplements, 2012
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Ethics Law and History, 2013
Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2009
Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, Apr 15, 2014
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010
The paper by Kidd et al. (2009) demonstrates changes in perceived control and the relationship be... more The paper by Kidd et al. (2009) demonstrates changes in perceived control and the relationship between levels of perceived control and self-care behaviours in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy. The patients with control perceived as 'high' were defined as those who were significantly engaged in self-care and who showed poor participation or let health staff organise their care were defined as having a 'low' perception of control. Chemotherapy is an important treatment in cancer care and is associated with numerous side effects-the severity and frequency of which differ between patients (Akin et al. 2008). Complications may vary from the minor to significant such as bone marrow suppression, increased susceptibility to infection, oral mycosis, nephrotoxicity, anorexia, alopecia, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting (Bergkvist & Wengströ m 2006, Vincent et al. 2001). However, it is not clear how frequently and consistently the patients in Kidd et al.'s (2009) study, who participated in their self-care more easily, experienced side effects. This poses questions, such as, did the 'high' perceived control levels in these patients result from facing less intense and less frequent side effects compared with other patients with 'low' perceived control? Furthermore, did the experience of minor and inconsistent side effects of chemotherapy actually result in a perception of 'high' perceived control? Certainly, participation in one's own care can contribute to raised levels of perceived control and lessen side effects (Brody et al. 1989). It can also enhance feelings of well-being
Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still commo... more Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still common among hospitalized patients. Inadequate treatment has been mostly linked to health care workers' failure to assess patients’ pain and to intervene appropriately. Objective: To determine the pain management knowledge and attitudes of the nurses working in training and research hospital in Turkey and their relationship to demographic and educational factors. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study design was used. The Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (NKASRP) was used to determine the pain-related knowledge and attitude of the nurses. Results: A total of 246 nurses were included in the study. The percentage working at a surgical unit was 48.8% and 77.2% were staff nurses. Only 11.8% had taken a pain management course and 31.7% had read a book or journal on pain. The rate of correct responses to the NKASRP scale was 39.65% while the mean number of correct a...
Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still commo... more Background: Despite the growing awareness on pain management, mild and severe pain is still common among hospitalized patients. Inadequate treatment has been mostly linked to health care workers' failure to assess patients’ pain and to intervene appropriately. Objective: To determine the pain management knowledge and attitudes of the nurses working in training and research hospital in Turkey and their relationship to demographic and educational factors. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study design was used. The Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (NKASRP) was used to determine the pain-related knowledge and attitude of the nurses. Results: A total of 246 nurses were included in the study. The percentage working at a surgical unit was 48.8% and 77.2% were staff nurses. Only 11.8% had taken a pain management course and 31.7% had read a book or journal on pain. The rate of correct responses to the NKASRP scale was 39.65% while the mean number of correct a...
Backgrounds: Intensive care units have many factors that cause s leep disorders in patients. Most... more Backgrounds: Intensive care units have many factors that cause s leep disorders in patients. Most of the times, due to the environment and the conditions, patints have to remain with less sleep. Objective: The aim of this descriptive study was the quality of sleep and the affecting factors in patients hospitalized in Coronary Intensive Care Unit (CICU). Methods: Nine questions were included in the data collectin g form about the socio-demographic and disease characteristics of the patients. To determine the s leep quality and the affecting factors of the patie nts a 1-10 point scale was used (Freedman et al 1999). Results: The mean age of the 100 patients was 55.5 ±16.59 (r ange:21-93) years old. The patients were hospitalized for miyocardial infarction (35%), cong estive heart failure (29%) and they were hospitaliz ed with an mean of 4.7±1.16 days. While the patient sleep qual ity mean score at home was in average 7.39 ±1.87 it has been determined that the first night after the hos...
Amac: Yogun bakim unitelerinde (YBU) calisan hemsirelerin tukenmislik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi v... more Amac: Yogun bakim unitelerinde (YBU) calisan hemsirelerin tukenmislik duzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bunlari etkileyen faktorlerin incelenmesidir.Calisma plani: Calisma, 84 hemsirenin katilimi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Bagimli degisken olarak tukenmislik, bagimsiz degiskenler olarak yas, medeni durum, cocuk sahibi olma, ogrenim, calisma yili ve calisma sekli arastirilmistir. Veriler kisisel bilgi formu ve Maslach tukenmislik olcegi kullanilarak toplanmistir.Bulgular: Calismamizda YBU’lerde gorev yapan hemsirelerin %20.2’sinin mesleklerini istemeyerek secmesi dikkat cekmektedir. Buna ragmen, hemsirelerin %53.6’si mesleki gelecegi olumlu degerlendirmektedir. Evli ve cocuk sahibi olan hemsirelerde kisisel basari puanlarinin yuksek oldugu saptanmistir. Hemsirelerin tukenmislik puanlarinin calistiklari kliniklere gore dagilimi incelendiginde; hemsirelerin calistiklari kliniklerle tukenmisligin alt boyutlari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark saptanmistir (p
South Asian Journal of Cancer, 2021
Background Breast cancer risk increases by 80% in the presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations ... more Background Breast cancer risk increases by 80% in the presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations in the same family. In particular, a woman whose sister or mother has breast cancer has a 2- to 5-fold higher risk of developing breast cancer compared with other women. For this reason, recommendations should have been made regarding breast cancer prevention and/or early detection for women with first-degree family history of breast cancer. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of health education, which was provided to first-degree female relatives of breast cancer patients, on their health beliefs and behaviors. Study Design and Methods The study sample included 50 women with a first-degree relative being treated for breast cancer in the chemotherapy and radiotherapy unit of a university hospital. A one-group pretest-posttest design was used. The pretest consisted of the health belief model scale and a questionnaire regarding the women's sociodemographic information...
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences, Feb 19, 2010
Çalışma, yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin empatik eğilim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi v... more Çalışma, yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin empatik eğilim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bunları etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Araştırma, 84 yoğun bakım hemşiresinin katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Hemşireler arasında, empatik eğilim puanı en yüksek grup (71,1±9,2) sürekli gündüz çalışanlardır. Hemşirelerin çalıştıkları kliniklere göre empatik eğilim puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak; empatik davranmanın, hemşirelik bakımın kalitesini olumlu yönde etkileyeceği değerlendirildiğinde; empatinin hemşirelerin hizmet içi eğitimlerinde yer almasının, hemşirelerin yapılan bilimsel araştırmalara katılımının sağlanmasının, hemşire-hasta iletişimi iyi olan personelin hasta ile temasın daha çok olduğu yerlerde görevlendirilmesinin uygun olacağı değerlendirilmiştir.
Ajci, Apr 19, 2015
Abstract The elderly are generally known as people who are aged more than 65, walk with a walking... more Abstract The elderly are generally known as people who are aged more than 65, walk with a walking stick and with difficulty, are humpbacked, have a hoarse voice. Students who are also responsible of providing care to the elderly should know the life periods and their properties and plan the care in accordance with these information. Behaviors of students in the health care environments and their perceptions concerning the elderlines are also of great importance. To determine perceptions of students concerning the elderly and elderliness. A qualitative and phenomenological study. This study was conducted with 58 1st grade students studying at the department of nursing of the faculty of medical sciences of a university. The data collection instruments used the sociodemographic form and semi-structured interview form. Number and percentage distributions were used in the analysis of sociodemographic data. Students’ perceptions of elderly and elderliness were evaluated by using the qualified analysis method of Colaizzi. Age average of the students was 18.44±0.7 years. 98.3 % of them were male, 63.8 % of them were graduates of an Anatolian high school. Examining the interviews conducted with the students, researchers classified the interviews into three categories and eleven themes. Students’s perceptions of elderly and elderliness were classified into three categories. These categories were named as physiological/biological elderly, psychological elderly and sociological elderly. In conclusion we found that nursing students evaluate the elderly with an integrated approach and they do not only focus on the physiological outcomes of elderliness but also consider its psycho-social dimension. However, it was found out that students have negative opinions about elderly people. Key Words: Elderly, nursing students, perception, qualitative study Ozet Yasli insanlar cogunlukla bastonla ve zorlanarak yuruyen, beli kambur, sesi kisilmis, 65 yas ustu insanlar olarak bilinmektedir. Insanlara yaslilik doneminde bakim vermekle sorumlu olacak ogrencilerin yasam donemlerini, ozelliklerini bilmesi ve bakimi ona gore planlamasi gerekmektedir. Saglik bakim ortamlarinda ogrencilerin davranislari ve yaslilar hakkindaki algilamalarida oldukca onemlidir. Calismanin amaci, ogrencilerinin yasli ve yaslilik algisini belirlemektir. Niteliksel ve fenomolojij calismadir. Bir universitenin saglik bilimleri fakultesi hemsirelik bolumu birinci sinifta ogrenim goren 58 ogrenciyle yapilmistir. Ogrencilerin sosyodemografik ozelliklerinin toplandigi veri formu ve yasli/yaslilik algilarini belirlemek amaciyla literatur dogrultusunda arastirmacilar tarafindan olusturulan yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanildi. Sosyodemografik verilerin analizinde sayi ve yuzde dagilimi kullanildi. Ogrencilerin yasli ve yaslilik algilari ise, Colaizzi’nin niteliksel arastirma analiz metodu kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Ogrencilerin yas ortalamasi 18.44±0.70 yil, %98.3’u kiz, %63.8’i Anadolu lisesi mezunudur. Arastirmacilar tarafindan ogrencilerle yapilan gorusmeler incelenerek, gorusmeler uc kategori ve onbir tema altinda siniflandirildi. Bu kategoriler “fizyolojik/biyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyolojik yasli” olarak adlandirildi. Hemsirelik ogrencilerinin yasliyi ve yasliligi butuncul bir gozle degerlendirdikleri, yasliligin sadece fizyolojik sonuclarina odaklanmadiklari ayni zamanda psiko-sosyal boyutta da yasliyi bir butun olarak algiladiklari belirlendi. Fakat ogrencilerin yaslilarla ilgili negatif goruslerinin oldugu, yaslilara aciyarak baktiklari, onlari gucsuz ve olume yaklasan kisiler olarak degerlendirdikleri saptanmistir. Anahtar kelimeler; Yaslilik, Hemsirelik Ogrencileri, Algi, Niteliksel Calisma
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2009
Aim. To determine the effect of preoperative skin preparation procedures performed by nurses on p... more Aim. To determine the effect of preoperative skin preparation procedures performed by nurses on postoperative surgical site infection in abdominal surgery. Background. Despite all interventions, postoperative SSIs still greatly affect mortality and morbidity. Design. This is an experimental study. Methods. Procedures developed for nurse application of preoperative skin preparations were tested on a control group (n = 39) and study group (n = 43). Results. Only clinical routines for preoperative skin preparation were performed on the control group patients. Control group members' skins were mostly prepared by shaving with a razor blade (41%). For the study group members, the researchers used the preoperative skin preparation procedure. Clippers were used to prepare 55AE8% of study group members while 44AE2% of them were not treated with the clipper because their wounds were clean. As a requirement of the procedure, all members of the study group had a chlorhexidine bath at least twice after being hospitalised and at least once a night before the operation under controlled conditions. In the group where chlorhexidine bath was not applied, the infection risk was found to be 4AE76 times (95%CI = 1AE20-18AE83) greater even after corrections for age and gender had been made. The difference between control group and study group with respect to surgical site infections was also statistically significant (p < 0AE05). Conclusion. Preoperative skin preparation using clipper on the nights before an operation and a 50 ml chlorhexidine bath excluding head area taken twice in the pre-operative period are useful to reduce SSI during postoperative period. Relevance to clinical practice. We find that preoperative skin preparation using the procedures developed as a result of findings of this study is useful in reducing surgical site infection during the postoperative period.
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 2014
Pulse oximeters utilise the pulsatile nature of arterial blood flow to distinguish it from venous... more Pulse oximeters utilise the pulsatile nature of arterial blood flow to distinguish it from venous flow and estimate oxygen saturation in arterial blood. Pulse oximetry is primarily used in hospital wards, emergency rooms, intensive care units, operating rooms and home care. The objective of this study is to determine whether the use of nail polish of various colours have an effect on oximeter readings of oxygen saturation value. The sample group of this study is comprised of 40 healthy women. In the first phase of the study, readings were taken on left and right hand fingers, with no nail polish, to determine any differences in oxygen saturation value. In the second phase of the study, 10 different colours of nail polish, namely dark red, yellow, dark blue, green, purple, brown, white, metallic, black and pink, of the same brand were applied. Readings were recorded once oxygen saturation values on the screen became stable. Number and percentage distributions along with Wilcoxon signed ranks and Friedman test were used in the analysis of data. Only red nail polish did not yield statistically significant reading results. We conclude that different nail polish colours cause a clinically significant change in pulse oximeter readings in healthy volunteers.
Holistic Nursing Practice, 2014
Nurses are more likely to face the dilemma of whether to resort to physical restraints or not and... more Nurses are more likely to face the dilemma of whether to resort to physical restraints or not and have a hard time making that decision. This is a descriptive study. A total of 55 nurses participated in the research. For data collection, a question form developed by researchers to determine perceptions of ethical dilemmas by nurses in the application of physical restraint was used. A descriptive analysis was made by calculating the mean, standard deviation, and maximum and minimum values. The nurses expressed (36.4%) having difficulty in deciding to use physical restraint. Nurses reported that they experience ethical dilemmas mainly in relation to the ethic principles of nonmaleficence, beneficence, and convenience. We have concluded that majority of nurses working in critical care units apply physical restraint to patients, although they are facing ethical dilemmas concerning harm and benefit principles during the application.
Clinical Nutrition Supplements, 2012
Clinical Nutrition Supplements, 2012
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Ethics Law and History, 2013
Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2009
Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, Apr 15, 2014
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010
The paper by Kidd et al. (2009) demonstrates changes in perceived control and the relationship be... more The paper by Kidd et al. (2009) demonstrates changes in perceived control and the relationship between levels of perceived control and self-care behaviours in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy. The patients with control perceived as 'high' were defined as those who were significantly engaged in self-care and who showed poor participation or let health staff organise their care were defined as having a 'low' perception of control. Chemotherapy is an important treatment in cancer care and is associated with numerous side effects-the severity and frequency of which differ between patients (Akin et al. 2008). Complications may vary from the minor to significant such as bone marrow suppression, increased susceptibility to infection, oral mycosis, nephrotoxicity, anorexia, alopecia, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting (Bergkvist & Wengströ m 2006, Vincent et al. 2001). However, it is not clear how frequently and consistently the patients in Kidd et al.'s (2009) study, who participated in their self-care more easily, experienced side effects. This poses questions, such as, did the 'high' perceived control levels in these patients result from facing less intense and less frequent side effects compared with other patients with 'low' perceived control? Furthermore, did the experience of minor and inconsistent side effects of chemotherapy actually result in a perception of 'high' perceived control? Certainly, participation in one's own care can contribute to raised levels of perceived control and lessen side effects (Brody et al. 1989). It can also enhance feelings of well-being