Anto Domic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Anto Domic
Acta Medica Academica, 2017
Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolesc... more Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolescents in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular regard to their gender, age and residence, and the frequency of marijuana smoking in the past thirty days in relation to their peers in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Subjects and methods. This research, designed as a cross-sectional study and based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire, adjusted to this research, encompassed 4,188 adolescents from elementary and secondary schools. The data were collected by means of questionnaires tailored to each respondent. Results. A significantly lower number of adolescents smoke marijuana in comparison to those who do not smoke, but male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p<0.001), as well as urban youth in comparison to rural youth (p=0.04). Every fourth adolescent, regardless of gender, who smoked marijuana, used it before the age of thirteen (p<0.001), male adolescents more often than females (p=0.002). In the previous thirty days a higher percentage of all the respondents from the Brčko District had smoked marijuana than those from the Republika Srpska and the RS (p<0.001), and there is no difference between them and their peers from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the RC (p=0.382 and p=0.608). Conclusion. Smoking marijuana in the Brčko District is a major public health problem. Male adolescents smoke marijuana more often than female adolescents, and urban youth more in comparison to rural youth. In the previous thirty days adolescents from the Brčko District smoked more often than their peers from the Republic of Serbia and the Republika Srpska, and with the same intensity but less frequently compared to adolescents from the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik, 2016
Lijecnicki vjesnik, 2016
Objective The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adol... more Objective The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adolescents in public schools of the Brčko District of B&H in relation to their gender, age and place of residence. Participants and Methods A cross-sectional study, based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire adapted to this research comprised 4,188 respondents who attended primary and secondary schools. Data were collected using a questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Results Significantly fewer respondents smoke cigarettes compared to those who do not (p < 0.001), while in relation to gender male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p = 0.012). In relation to their place of residence it is established that a significantly higher number of respondents from rural areas smoke cigarettes compared to those from the city (p < 0.001). More than half of the respondents, who smoke regardless of their gender, had their f...
Medical review
Introduction. Combustible tobacco smoking accounts for nearly 30% of all cancer deaths in the Uni... more Introduction. Combustible tobacco smoking accounts for nearly 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States of America and about 7 million deaths worldwide each year. Nowadays, e-cigarettes are increasingly used, especially among young people, but nicotine addiction that develops by such smoking easily converts to smoking combustible tobacco. Therefore, public health efforts must be directed to the prevention of initiation of smoking all nicotine-containing products. Role of Physicians. Medical doctors are very influential in smoking-related changes in local society, especially those who work in primary care, and they have an important role in both prevention and cessation of tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking should be eliminated among medical doctors, yet many of them still smoke. The lowest percentage of smoking among physicians is in Oceania and North America (less than 11%) and the highest in Eurasia (25%). Smoking prevalence among medical students is higher than 35% in Georgia, ...
Medicinski arhiv, 2004
Accomplishment of health needs of the pollution is challenge for all society sectors as also whol... more Accomplishment of health needs of the pollution is challenge for all society sectors as also whole community. For complete health and wellbeing is needed to provide health and safe physical environment, appropriate social and economy conditions and health care, with multi-sectorial collaboration among health and other society sectors. Biological basis as a component which is difficult to be influenced, means significant part of morbidity and mortality, but some others components such as social, economy and physical means factors on which is possible to influence with multi-sectorial approach based on multi-disciplinary and intersectorial collaboration. Future health sector guided through health promotion and management should be guarantee to achieve better outcomes.
Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolesc... more Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolescents in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular regard to their gender, age and residence, and the frequency of marijuana smoking in the past thirty days in relation to their peers in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Subjects and methods. This research, designed as a cross-sectional study and based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire, adjusted to this research, encompassed 4,188 adolescents from elementary and secondary schools. The data were collected by means of questionnaires tailored to each respondent. Results. A significantly lower number of adolescents smoke marijuana in comparison to those who do not smoke, but male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p<0.001), as well as urban youth in comparison to rural youth (p=0.04). Every fourt...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction/Objective. The objective of this paper was to determine the connection between the s... more Introduction/Objective. The objective of this paper was to determine the connection between the socioeconomic status (SES) of the respondents and cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol and marijuana. Is there a connection between the SES respondents and their gender and place of residence? Methods. A total of 4188 primary and secondary school respondents from Brcko District of Bosna and Herzegovina participated in a cross-sectional study based on the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs questionnaire, adapted to this research. The data was collected using the questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Data on gender, marital status, occupation, and professional qualifications of parents were used to determine a family?s SES according to the Hollingshead methodology. Results. Alcohol and marijuana use are in relation to SES respondents (p < 0.001 or p = 0.008): respondents living in low-SES families use alcohol or marijuana at a lower percentage than respon...
Paediatrics Today, 2015
The present study was undertaken to determine alcohol consumption among adolescents attending sta... more The present study was undertaken to determine alcohol consumption among adolescents attending state schools in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). Participants and method -The subjects were pupils in the ninth grade of elementary school and all high school pupils. 4,188 pupils took part in the survey. The research was planned as a cross-sectional study, and it was conducted using the ESPAD questionnaire, which was adjusted for this research. Demographic data were collected through a specific question-form for each enrolled adolescent. Results -More than half the adolescents consumed alcohol. Boys did so more often, whilst there was no difference in alcohol consumption between those who lived in villages or towns. At the age of 14 years nearly half the adolescents had consumed alcohol, where boys had done so more often, as well as the adolescents from villages. The places where the adolescents most often consumed alcohol were discotheques, "at friends' homes", and in cafés. More than half the members of the adolescents' households consume alcohol. Adolescents in the Brčko District of BH had consumed alcohol over the previous 30 days in a significantly higher percentage than pupils from the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of BH, and in a significantly lower percentage than pupils from Croatia, whilst the difference in comparison with Serbia was not significant. The frequency of alcohol intoxication in the Brčko District of BH was the lowest in comparison with the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of BH, Croatia and Serbia. Conclusion -Overall alcohol consumption amongst adolescents is becoming generally acceptable behaviour, which is tolerated by the community and parents, in that alcohol consumption is becoming a life-style, but it is not being systematically studied as a negative phenomenon, nor are there any long-term programmes to deter adolescents from consuming alcohol.
Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolesc... more Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana
smoking among school-aged adolescents in the Brčko District of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular regard to their gender, age
and residence, and the frequency of marijuana smoking in the past
thirty days in relation to their peers in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Subjects
and methods. This research, designed as a cross-sectional study and
based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and
Other Drugs) questionnaire, adjusted to this research, encompassed
4,188 adolescents from elementary and secondary schools. The data
were collected by means of questionnaires tailored to each respondent.
Results. A significantly lower number of adolescents smoke
marijuana in comparison to those who do not smoke, but male adolescents
smoke more often than female adolescents (p<0.001), as well
as urban youth in comparison to rural youth (p=0.04). Every fourth
adolescent, regardless of gender, who smoked marijuana, used it before
the age of thirteen (p<0.001), male adolescents more often than
females (p=0.002). In the previous thirty days a higher percentage of
all the respondents from the Brčko District had smoked marijuana
than those from the Republika Srpska and the RS (p<0.001), and there
is no difference between them and their peers from the Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the RC (p=0.382 and p=0.608). Conclusion.
Smoking marijuana in the Brčko District is a major public health
problem. Male adolescents smoke marijuana more often than female
adolescents, and urban youth more in comparison to rural youth. In
the previous thirty days adolescents from the Brčko District smoked
more often than their peers from the Republic of Serbia and the Republika
Srpska, and with the same intensity but less frequently compared
to adolescents from the Republic of Croatia and the Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sažetak. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost pušenja cigareta među adolescentima u javnim ... more Sažetak. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost pušenja cigareta među adolescentima u javnim školama Distrikta Brčko u
odnosu prema spolu, dobi i mjestu stanovanja. Ispitanici i metode: U presječnoj studiji, zasnovanoj na ESPAD-ovu upitniku
(European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) prilagođenom ovom istraživanju, sudjelovalo je 4188 ispitanika
osnovnih i srednjih škola. Podaci su prikupljani s pomoću upitnika pripremljenih za svakog ispitanika. Rezultati:
Značajno je manji broj ispitanika koji puše nego onih koji ne puše cigarete (p < 0,001), dok s obzirom na spol češće puše
adolescenti od adolescentica (p = 0,012). U odnosu prema mjestu stanovanja utvrđeno je da značajno veći broj ispitanika
sa sela puši cigarete od onih iz grada (p < 0,001). Više od polovice ispitanika koji puše, neovisno o spolu, popušilo je prvu
cigaretu u dobi do 13. godine. Do te dobi adolescenti počinju pušiti češće nego adolescentice (p < 0,001). U dobi od 15 i 16
godina adolescentice počinju pušiti češće nego adolescenti (p < 0,001). Svaki drugi ispitanik koji je pušio cigarete, neovisno
o mjestu stanovanja, činio je to u dobi do 13. godine, s tim što su u toj dobi češće pušili ispitanici sa sela (p < 0,001).
Od 895 ispitanika koji su pušili u posljednjih 30 dana njih 259 ili 30,3% pušilo je samo jednu cigaretu na tjedan, 1 – 5
* Vlada Distrikta Brčko, Brčko, Bosna i Hercegovina (Anto Domić, dr.
med.), Odjeljenje medicinskih nauka Akademije nauka i umjetnosti
Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina (Husref Tahirović,
dr. med.), Institut za biostatistiku i medicinsku informatiku, Medicinski
fakultet, Ljubljana, Slovenija (Mojca Čižek Sajko, dr. med.)
Adresa za dopisivanje: Dr. A. Domić, Vlada Distrikta Brčko, Bulevar mira
1, 76100 Brčko, Bosna i Hercegovina, e-mail:
Primljeno 22. siječnja 2016., prihvaćeno 18. srpnja 2016.
Liječ Vjesn 2016; godište 138 A. Domić i sur. Pušenje cigareta među adolescentima
cigareta na dan pušila su 162 ili 18,1%, 168 ili 18,8% ispitanika pušilo je 6 – 10 cigareta na dan, 11 – 20 cigareta na dan
puši 146 ili 16,3%, a svakodnevno puši 160 ili 17,9% ispitanika. Zaključak: Iako je 42,8% ispitanika koji su bilo kada pušili
cigarete statistički značajno manje od 57,2% ispitanika koji nisu pušili, taj broj zabrinjava s obzirom na to da je riječ o
osjetljivoj populaciji i činjenici da je svaki drugi počeo pušiti već u dobi do 13. godine.
Descriptors: Smoking – epidemiology; Schools – statistic and numerical data; Adolescent behavior – psychology; Bosnia
and Herzegovina – epidemiology; Cross-sectional studies
Summary. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adolescents in
public schools of the Brčko District of B&H in relation to their gender, age and place of residence. Participants and
Methods: A cross-sectional study, based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs)
questionnaire adapted to this research comprised 4,188 respondents who attended primary and secondary schools. Data
were collected using a questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Results: Signifi cantly fewer respondents smoke cigarettes
compared to those who do not (p < 0.001), while in relation to gender male adolescents smoke more often than female
adolescents (p = 0.012). In relation to their place of residence it is established that a signifi cantly higher number of respondents
from rural areas smoke cigarettes compared to those from the city (p < 0.001). More than half of the respondents, who
smoke regardless of their gender, had their fi rst cigarette before the age of 13. Male adolescents often begin smoking before
the age of thirteen compared to female adolescents (p < 0.001), while female adolescents often begin smoking between
the ages of 15 and 16 in relation to male adolescents (p <0.001). Every second respondent who smokes cigarettes irrespective
of his/her place of residence did so at the age of 13. However, the respondents from rural areas smoke more often
(p < 0.0001). Out of 895 respondents who smoked during the last month, 259 of or 30.3 % smoked only one cigarette a
week, 162 or 18.1 % smoked 1-5 cigarettes a day, 168 or 18.8 % of the respondents smoked 6-10 cigarettes a day, 146 or
16.3 % smoked 11 to 20 cigarettes a day, and 160 or 17.9 % of the respondents smoked every day. Conclusion: Although
42.8 % of the respondents who had ever smoked cigarettes is signifi cantly less compared to 57.2 % of the respondents who
do not smoke, that number is disturbing since we talk about the vulnerable population group and the fact that every second
adolescent started smoking at the age to 13.
Liječ Vjesn 2016;138:194–199
Acta Medica Academica, 2017
Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolesc... more Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolescents in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular regard to their gender, age and residence, and the frequency of marijuana smoking in the past thirty days in relation to their peers in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Subjects and methods. This research, designed as a cross-sectional study and based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire, adjusted to this research, encompassed 4,188 adolescents from elementary and secondary schools. The data were collected by means of questionnaires tailored to each respondent. Results. A significantly lower number of adolescents smoke marijuana in comparison to those who do not smoke, but male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p<0.001), as well as urban youth in comparison to rural youth (p=0.04). Every fourth adolescent, regardless of gender, who smoked marijuana, used it before the age of thirteen (p<0.001), male adolescents more often than females (p=0.002). In the previous thirty days a higher percentage of all the respondents from the Brčko District had smoked marijuana than those from the Republika Srpska and the RS (p<0.001), and there is no difference between them and their peers from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the RC (p=0.382 and p=0.608). Conclusion. Smoking marijuana in the Brčko District is a major public health problem. Male adolescents smoke marijuana more often than female adolescents, and urban youth more in comparison to rural youth. In the previous thirty days adolescents from the Brčko District smoked more often than their peers from the Republic of Serbia and the Republika Srpska, and with the same intensity but less frequently compared to adolescents from the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik, 2016
Lijecnicki vjesnik, 2016
Objective The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adol... more Objective The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adolescents in public schools of the Brčko District of B&H in relation to their gender, age and place of residence. Participants and Methods A cross-sectional study, based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire adapted to this research comprised 4,188 respondents who attended primary and secondary schools. Data were collected using a questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Results Significantly fewer respondents smoke cigarettes compared to those who do not (p < 0.001), while in relation to gender male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p = 0.012). In relation to their place of residence it is established that a significantly higher number of respondents from rural areas smoke cigarettes compared to those from the city (p < 0.001). More than half of the respondents, who smoke regardless of their gender, had their f...
Medical review
Introduction. Combustible tobacco smoking accounts for nearly 30% of all cancer deaths in the Uni... more Introduction. Combustible tobacco smoking accounts for nearly 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States of America and about 7 million deaths worldwide each year. Nowadays, e-cigarettes are increasingly used, especially among young people, but nicotine addiction that develops by such smoking easily converts to smoking combustible tobacco. Therefore, public health efforts must be directed to the prevention of initiation of smoking all nicotine-containing products. Role of Physicians. Medical doctors are very influential in smoking-related changes in local society, especially those who work in primary care, and they have an important role in both prevention and cessation of tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking should be eliminated among medical doctors, yet many of them still smoke. The lowest percentage of smoking among physicians is in Oceania and North America (less than 11%) and the highest in Eurasia (25%). Smoking prevalence among medical students is higher than 35% in Georgia, ...
Medicinski arhiv, 2004
Accomplishment of health needs of the pollution is challenge for all society sectors as also whol... more Accomplishment of health needs of the pollution is challenge for all society sectors as also whole community. For complete health and wellbeing is needed to provide health and safe physical environment, appropriate social and economy conditions and health care, with multi-sectorial collaboration among health and other society sectors. Biological basis as a component which is difficult to be influenced, means significant part of morbidity and mortality, but some others components such as social, economy and physical means factors on which is possible to influence with multi-sectorial approach based on multi-disciplinary and intersectorial collaboration. Future health sector guided through health promotion and management should be guarantee to achieve better outcomes.
Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolesc... more Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolescents in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular regard to their gender, age and residence, and the frequency of marijuana smoking in the past thirty days in relation to their peers in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Subjects and methods. This research, designed as a cross-sectional study and based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) questionnaire, adjusted to this research, encompassed 4,188 adolescents from elementary and secondary schools. The data were collected by means of questionnaires tailored to each respondent. Results. A significantly lower number of adolescents smoke marijuana in comparison to those who do not smoke, but male adolescents smoke more often than female adolescents (p<0.001), as well as urban youth in comparison to rural youth (p=0.04). Every fourt...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction/Objective. The objective of this paper was to determine the connection between the s... more Introduction/Objective. The objective of this paper was to determine the connection between the socioeconomic status (SES) of the respondents and cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol and marijuana. Is there a connection between the SES respondents and their gender and place of residence? Methods. A total of 4188 primary and secondary school respondents from Brcko District of Bosna and Herzegovina participated in a cross-sectional study based on the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs questionnaire, adapted to this research. The data was collected using the questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Data on gender, marital status, occupation, and professional qualifications of parents were used to determine a family?s SES according to the Hollingshead methodology. Results. Alcohol and marijuana use are in relation to SES respondents (p < 0.001 or p = 0.008): respondents living in low-SES families use alcohol or marijuana at a lower percentage than respon...
Paediatrics Today, 2015
The present study was undertaken to determine alcohol consumption among adolescents attending sta... more The present study was undertaken to determine alcohol consumption among adolescents attending state schools in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). Participants and method -The subjects were pupils in the ninth grade of elementary school and all high school pupils. 4,188 pupils took part in the survey. The research was planned as a cross-sectional study, and it was conducted using the ESPAD questionnaire, which was adjusted for this research. Demographic data were collected through a specific question-form for each enrolled adolescent. Results -More than half the adolescents consumed alcohol. Boys did so more often, whilst there was no difference in alcohol consumption between those who lived in villages or towns. At the age of 14 years nearly half the adolescents had consumed alcohol, where boys had done so more often, as well as the adolescents from villages. The places where the adolescents most often consumed alcohol were discotheques, "at friends' homes", and in cafés. More than half the members of the adolescents' households consume alcohol. Adolescents in the Brčko District of BH had consumed alcohol over the previous 30 days in a significantly higher percentage than pupils from the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of BH, and in a significantly lower percentage than pupils from Croatia, whilst the difference in comparison with Serbia was not significant. The frequency of alcohol intoxication in the Brčko District of BH was the lowest in comparison with the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of BH, Croatia and Serbia. Conclusion -Overall alcohol consumption amongst adolescents is becoming generally acceptable behaviour, which is tolerated by the community and parents, in that alcohol consumption is becoming a life-style, but it is not being systematically studied as a negative phenomenon, nor are there any long-term programmes to deter adolescents from consuming alcohol.
Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana smoking among school-aged adolesc... more Objective. The aim was to determine the prevalence of marijuana
smoking among school-aged adolescents in the Brčko District of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, with particular regard to their gender, age
and residence, and the frequency of marijuana smoking in the past
thirty days in relation to their peers in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Subjects
and methods. This research, designed as a cross-sectional study and
based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and
Other Drugs) questionnaire, adjusted to this research, encompassed
4,188 adolescents from elementary and secondary schools. The data
were collected by means of questionnaires tailored to each respondent.
Results. A significantly lower number of adolescents smoke
marijuana in comparison to those who do not smoke, but male adolescents
smoke more often than female adolescents (p<0.001), as well
as urban youth in comparison to rural youth (p=0.04). Every fourth
adolescent, regardless of gender, who smoked marijuana, used it before
the age of thirteen (p<0.001), male adolescents more often than
females (p=0.002). In the previous thirty days a higher percentage of
all the respondents from the Brčko District had smoked marijuana
than those from the Republika Srpska and the RS (p<0.001), and there
is no difference between them and their peers from the Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the RC (p=0.382 and p=0.608). Conclusion.
Smoking marijuana in the Brčko District is a major public health
problem. Male adolescents smoke marijuana more often than female
adolescents, and urban youth more in comparison to rural youth. In
the previous thirty days adolescents from the Brčko District smoked
more often than their peers from the Republic of Serbia and the Republika
Srpska, and with the same intensity but less frequently compared
to adolescents from the Republic of Croatia and the Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sažetak. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost pušenja cigareta među adolescentima u javnim ... more Sažetak. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost pušenja cigareta među adolescentima u javnim školama Distrikta Brčko u
odnosu prema spolu, dobi i mjestu stanovanja. Ispitanici i metode: U presječnoj studiji, zasnovanoj na ESPAD-ovu upitniku
(European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) prilagođenom ovom istraživanju, sudjelovalo je 4188 ispitanika
osnovnih i srednjih škola. Podaci su prikupljani s pomoću upitnika pripremljenih za svakog ispitanika. Rezultati:
Značajno je manji broj ispitanika koji puše nego onih koji ne puše cigarete (p < 0,001), dok s obzirom na spol češće puše
adolescenti od adolescentica (p = 0,012). U odnosu prema mjestu stanovanja utvrđeno je da značajno veći broj ispitanika
sa sela puši cigarete od onih iz grada (p < 0,001). Više od polovice ispitanika koji puše, neovisno o spolu, popušilo je prvu
cigaretu u dobi do 13. godine. Do te dobi adolescenti počinju pušiti češće nego adolescentice (p < 0,001). U dobi od 15 i 16
godina adolescentice počinju pušiti češće nego adolescenti (p < 0,001). Svaki drugi ispitanik koji je pušio cigarete, neovisno
o mjestu stanovanja, činio je to u dobi do 13. godine, s tim što su u toj dobi češće pušili ispitanici sa sela (p < 0,001).
Od 895 ispitanika koji su pušili u posljednjih 30 dana njih 259 ili 30,3% pušilo je samo jednu cigaretu na tjedan, 1 – 5
* Vlada Distrikta Brčko, Brčko, Bosna i Hercegovina (Anto Domić, dr.
med.), Odjeljenje medicinskih nauka Akademije nauka i umjetnosti
Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina (Husref Tahirović,
dr. med.), Institut za biostatistiku i medicinsku informatiku, Medicinski
fakultet, Ljubljana, Slovenija (Mojca Čižek Sajko, dr. med.)
Adresa za dopisivanje: Dr. A. Domić, Vlada Distrikta Brčko, Bulevar mira
1, 76100 Brčko, Bosna i Hercegovina, e-mail:
Primljeno 22. siječnja 2016., prihvaćeno 18. srpnja 2016.
Liječ Vjesn 2016; godište 138 A. Domić i sur. Pušenje cigareta među adolescentima
cigareta na dan pušila su 162 ili 18,1%, 168 ili 18,8% ispitanika pušilo je 6 – 10 cigareta na dan, 11 – 20 cigareta na dan
puši 146 ili 16,3%, a svakodnevno puši 160 ili 17,9% ispitanika. Zaključak: Iako je 42,8% ispitanika koji su bilo kada pušili
cigarete statistički značajno manje od 57,2% ispitanika koji nisu pušili, taj broj zabrinjava s obzirom na to da je riječ o
osjetljivoj populaciji i činjenici da je svaki drugi počeo pušiti već u dobi do 13. godine.
Descriptors: Smoking – epidemiology; Schools – statistic and numerical data; Adolescent behavior – psychology; Bosnia
and Herzegovina – epidemiology; Cross-sectional studies
Summary. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking in adolescents in
public schools of the Brčko District of B&H in relation to their gender, age and place of residence. Participants and
Methods: A cross-sectional study, based on the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs)
questionnaire adapted to this research comprised 4,188 respondents who attended primary and secondary schools. Data
were collected using a questionnaire prepared for each respondent. Results: Signifi cantly fewer respondents smoke cigarettes
compared to those who do not (p < 0.001), while in relation to gender male adolescents smoke more often than female
adolescents (p = 0.012). In relation to their place of residence it is established that a signifi cantly higher number of respondents
from rural areas smoke cigarettes compared to those from the city (p < 0.001). More than half of the respondents, who
smoke regardless of their gender, had their fi rst cigarette before the age of 13. Male adolescents often begin smoking before
the age of thirteen compared to female adolescents (p < 0.001), while female adolescents often begin smoking between
the ages of 15 and 16 in relation to male adolescents (p <0.001). Every second respondent who smokes cigarettes irrespective
of his/her place of residence did so at the age of 13. However, the respondents from rural areas smoke more often
(p < 0.0001). Out of 895 respondents who smoked during the last month, 259 of or 30.3 % smoked only one cigarette a
week, 162 or 18.1 % smoked 1-5 cigarettes a day, 168 or 18.8 % of the respondents smoked 6-10 cigarettes a day, 146 or
16.3 % smoked 11 to 20 cigarettes a day, and 160 or 17.9 % of the respondents smoked every day. Conclusion: Although
42.8 % of the respondents who had ever smoked cigarettes is signifi cantly less compared to 57.2 % of the respondents who
do not smoke, that number is disturbing since we talk about the vulnerable population group and the fact that every second
adolescent started smoking at the age to 13.
Liječ Vjesn 2016;138:194–199