Dominique Hasboun - (original) (raw)


Papers by Dominique Hasboun

Research paper thumbnail of Supplementary material from "Is the cardiac monitoring function related to the self in both the default-network and right anterior insula?

The self has been proposed to be rooted in the neural monitoring of internal bodily signals and m... more The self has been proposed to be rooted in the neural monitoring of internal bodily signals and might thus involve interoceptive areas, notably the right anterior insula (rAI). However, studies on the self consistently showed the involvement of midline default network (DN) nodes, without referring to visceral monitoring. Here, we investigate this apparent discrepancy. We previously showed that neural responses to heartbeats in the DN encode two different self-dimensions, the agentive 'I' and the introspective 'Me', in a whole-brain analysis of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Here we confirm and anatomically refine this result with intracranial recordings (iEEG). In two patients, we show a parametric modulation of neural responses to heartbeats by the self-relatedness of thoughts, at the single trial level. A region-of-interest analysis of the insula reveals that MEG responses to heartbeats in the rAI encode the 'I' self-dimension. The effect in rAI was weaker than in the DN and was replicated in iEEG data in one patient out of two. We propose that a common mechanism, the neural monitoring of cardiac signals, underlies the self in both the DN and rAI. This might reconcile studies on the self highlighting the DN, with studies on interoception focusing on the insula.This article is part of the themed issue 'Interoception beyond homeostasis: affect, cognition and mental health'.

Research paper thumbnail of Is the cardiac monitoring function related to the self in both the default network and right anterior insula?

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Nov 19, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Biometrie de l'hippocampe en imagerie par resonance magnetique 3d chez l'homme. Applications a l'epilepsie de la face mediale du lobe temporal

Les structures amygdalo-hippocampiques constituent une cible privilegiee dans l'epilepsie de ... more Les structures amygdalo-hippocampiques constituent une cible privilegiee dans l'epilepsie de la face interne du lobe temporal. La quantification du volume hippocampique contribue a poser les indications chirurgicales des epilepsies du lobe temporal. L'objectif central de l'etude est de definir un seuil d'asymetrie hippocampique en irm 3d permettant d'effectuer le diagnostic d'atrophie hippocampique. Les volumes hippocampiques ont ete obtenus par une segmentation realisee sur les acquisitions i. R. M. Tridimensionnelles. La definition du plan de segmentation est fondamentale. Les volumes obtenus sont significativement differents selon que la segmentation est realisee sur une acquisition coronale non perpendiculaire a l'hippocampe, sur ce meme examen reformate dans le plan perpendiculaire a l'hippocampe ou sur un examen directement acquis dans le bon plan. Parmi les principaux parametres biologiques : age, sexe, volume cerebral, poids, taille d'un echantillon de sujets (18-35 ans), seul le sexe et le volume cerebral ont un effet significatif sur le volume hippocampique. Ces resultats indiquent l'utilite d'ajuster les volumes hippocampiques aux volumes cerebraux pour les comparer d'un sujet a l'autre. Malgre l'ajustement des volumes hippocampiques, la persistance de l'effet du sexe suggere que l'hippocampe est caracterise par un dimorphisme sexuel. Par ailleurs, l'hippocampe droit presente un volume superieur a celui de l'hippocampe gauche. Il est important de determiner un seuil pathologique. L'analyse discriminante pour une variable (volume hippocampique ou index d'asymetrie) est insuffisante. L'analyse discriminante pour trois variables (index d'asymetrie hippocampique lateral, volume hippocampique droit corrige, volume hippocampique gauche corrige) donne les meilleurs resultats. La regression logistique donne des resultats plus satisfaisants. Elle a permis de determiner un seuil pathologique pour l'index d'asymetrie hippocampique iahps (0,18) et iahlat (0,20).

Research paper thumbnail of Combined Laplacian-equivolumic model for studying cortical lamination with ultra high field MRI (7 T)

Research paper thumbnail of Progressive facial hemiatrophy and epilepsy: A common underlying dysgenetic mechanism

Research paper thumbnail of A multitrial analysis for revealing significant corticocortical networks in magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography

[Research paper thumbnail of Segmentation of the amygdalo-hippocampal complex by competitive region growing [MRI analysis]](

Semi-automatic segmentation of amygdala and hippocampus is of major interest to neurologists but ... more Semi-automatic segmentation of amygdala and hippocampus is of major interest to neurologists but it is a challenge to numerical image analysis techniques because of intrinsic complexity of those structures. We introduce a new method to approach this problem with Markovian region growing. As we are concerned by segmenting atrophic structures, we did not use shape priors, but constrained the growth with relational and weak geometric priors. The major relational constraint is given by the simultaneous segmentation of hippocampus and amygdala. The algorithm runs quickly on a basic workstation with satisfactory results on both structures.

Research paper thumbnail of Fixel‐Based Analysis Reveals Whole‐Brain White Matter Abnormalities in Cervical Dystonia

Movement Disorders, May 6, 2023

BackgroundCervical dystonia (CD) is a form of isolated focal dystonia typically associated to abn... more BackgroundCervical dystonia (CD) is a form of isolated focal dystonia typically associated to abnormal head, neck, and shoulder movements and postures. The complexity of the clinical presentation limits the investigation of its pathophysiological mechanisms, and the neural networks associated to specific motor manifestations are still the object of debate.ObjectivesWe investigated the morphometric properties of white matter fibers in CD and explored the networks associated with motor symptoms, while regressing out nonmotor scores.MethodsNineteen patients affected by CD and 21 healthy controls underwent diffusion‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging. We performed fixel‐based analysis, a novel method evaluating fiber orientation within specific fiber bundles, and compared fiber morphometric properties between groups. Moreover, we correlated fiber morphometry with the severity of motor symptoms in patients.ResultsCompared to controls, patients exhibited decreased white matter fibers in the right striatum. Motor symptom severity negatively correlated with white matter fibers passing through inferior parietal areas and the head representation area of the motor cortex.ConclusionsAbnormal white matter integrity at the basal ganglia level may affect several functional networks involved, for instance, in motor preparation and execution, visuomotor coordination, and multimodal integration. This may result in progressive maladaptive plasticity, culminating in overt symptoms of dystonia. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Characteristics, Angioarchitecture and Management of Tectum Mesencephali Arteriovenous Malformations

Clinical neuroradiology, Jun 21, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Multi-template approaches for segmenting the hippocampus: the case of the SACHA software

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 14, 2015

[Research paper thumbnail of [MRI of drug-resistant epilepsies: contribution of FLAIR sequence in a series of 150 patients]](

PubMed, Sep 1, 2000

We studied the usefulness of the Fluid-Attenuated Inversion-Recovery (FLAIR) pulse sequence for p... more We studied the usefulness of the Fluid-Attenuated Inversion-Recovery (FLAIR) pulse sequence for patients with intractable seizures by reviewing the MR images of 150 consecutive patients including a standard imaging protocol and a FLAIR sequence. FLAIR images revealed a cortical lesion in 8 of the 81 patients with no lesion detected on the standard MR imaging protocol. In addition, FLAIR images provided additional informations for 13 patients of the 69 patients for whom a lesion was already detected on the standard MR imaging protocol. Therefore, our results indicated that FLAIR sequences were a useful imaging tool for patients with intractable seizures since it improved the MR diagnosis in 21 of 150 patients (14%).

Research paper thumbnail of Bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis: MRI with high-resolution fast spin-echo and fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery sequences

Neuroradiology, Jul 7, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Are the Brains of Monozygotic Twins Similar? A Three-Dimensional MR Study

American Journal of Neuroradiology, Aug 1, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Neuropathology of Sleep Disorders: A Review

Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, Apr 1, 2011

[Research paper thumbnail of [Dementia and memory: morphologic imagery with MRI]](

PubMed, 1998

Modern imaging techniques, and notably magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enable an increasingly pr... more Modern imaging techniques, and notably magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enable an increasingly precise exploration of primary degenerative dementias. The main contribution of imaging is to demonstrate lesion localizations which confirm the degenerative nature of the observed disorders, contributing to an understanding of the correlation between clinical signs and causal lesions. The development of techniques quantifying cerebral volume which can be applied to an analysis of small structures such as the hippocampus coupled with a better understanding of primary degenerative dementias allow more specific study of the atrophy than could be obtained with a global assessment of ventricular dilatation. More recently, the development of MRI methods studying brain perfusion open the way for noninvasive exploration of perfusion anomalies in these patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Segmentation of Depth Electrodes Implanted in Epileptic Patients: A Modular Tool Adaptable to Multicentric Protocols

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 1, 2015

International audienceno abstrac

Research paper thumbnail of Irradiation en conditions stéréotaxiques des métastases cérébrales chez les patients âgés

Bulletin Du Cancer, Oct 1, 2003

... Auteur(s) : Georges NOËL 1 , Sophie NOËL 5 , Loïc FEUVRET 1 , Charles-Ambroise VALERY 2 , Phi... more ... Auteur(s) : Georges NOËL 1 , Sophie NOËL 5 , Loïc FEUVRET 1 , Charles-Ambroise VALERY 2 , Philippe CORNU 2 , Gilbert BOISSERIE 1 , Dominique HASBOUN 3 , Bernadette TEP 1 , Jean ... 42. Auchter RM, Lamond JP, Alexander E, Buatti JM, Chappell R, Friedman WA, et al. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Variability of presentation in medial temporal lobe epilepsy: a study of 30 operated cases

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Jul 1, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Hemispheric asymmetry and corpus callosum morphometry: a magnetic resonance imaging study

Neuroscience Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Interictal diffusion MRI in partial epilepsies explored with intracerebral electrodes

Research paper thumbnail of Supplementary material from "Is the cardiac monitoring function related to the self in both the default-network and right anterior insula?

The self has been proposed to be rooted in the neural monitoring of internal bodily signals and m... more The self has been proposed to be rooted in the neural monitoring of internal bodily signals and might thus involve interoceptive areas, notably the right anterior insula (rAI). However, studies on the self consistently showed the involvement of midline default network (DN) nodes, without referring to visceral monitoring. Here, we investigate this apparent discrepancy. We previously showed that neural responses to heartbeats in the DN encode two different self-dimensions, the agentive 'I' and the introspective 'Me', in a whole-brain analysis of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Here we confirm and anatomically refine this result with intracranial recordings (iEEG). In two patients, we show a parametric modulation of neural responses to heartbeats by the self-relatedness of thoughts, at the single trial level. A region-of-interest analysis of the insula reveals that MEG responses to heartbeats in the rAI encode the 'I' self-dimension. The effect in rAI was weaker than in the DN and was replicated in iEEG data in one patient out of two. We propose that a common mechanism, the neural monitoring of cardiac signals, underlies the self in both the DN and rAI. This might reconcile studies on the self highlighting the DN, with studies on interoception focusing on the insula.This article is part of the themed issue 'Interoception beyond homeostasis: affect, cognition and mental health'.

Research paper thumbnail of Is the cardiac monitoring function related to the self in both the default network and right anterior insula?

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Nov 19, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Biometrie de l'hippocampe en imagerie par resonance magnetique 3d chez l'homme. Applications a l'epilepsie de la face mediale du lobe temporal

Les structures amygdalo-hippocampiques constituent une cible privilegiee dans l'epilepsie de ... more Les structures amygdalo-hippocampiques constituent une cible privilegiee dans l'epilepsie de la face interne du lobe temporal. La quantification du volume hippocampique contribue a poser les indications chirurgicales des epilepsies du lobe temporal. L'objectif central de l'etude est de definir un seuil d'asymetrie hippocampique en irm 3d permettant d'effectuer le diagnostic d'atrophie hippocampique. Les volumes hippocampiques ont ete obtenus par une segmentation realisee sur les acquisitions i. R. M. Tridimensionnelles. La definition du plan de segmentation est fondamentale. Les volumes obtenus sont significativement differents selon que la segmentation est realisee sur une acquisition coronale non perpendiculaire a l'hippocampe, sur ce meme examen reformate dans le plan perpendiculaire a l'hippocampe ou sur un examen directement acquis dans le bon plan. Parmi les principaux parametres biologiques : age, sexe, volume cerebral, poids, taille d'un echantillon de sujets (18-35 ans), seul le sexe et le volume cerebral ont un effet significatif sur le volume hippocampique. Ces resultats indiquent l'utilite d'ajuster les volumes hippocampiques aux volumes cerebraux pour les comparer d'un sujet a l'autre. Malgre l'ajustement des volumes hippocampiques, la persistance de l'effet du sexe suggere que l'hippocampe est caracterise par un dimorphisme sexuel. Par ailleurs, l'hippocampe droit presente un volume superieur a celui de l'hippocampe gauche. Il est important de determiner un seuil pathologique. L'analyse discriminante pour une variable (volume hippocampique ou index d'asymetrie) est insuffisante. L'analyse discriminante pour trois variables (index d'asymetrie hippocampique lateral, volume hippocampique droit corrige, volume hippocampique gauche corrige) donne les meilleurs resultats. La regression logistique donne des resultats plus satisfaisants. Elle a permis de determiner un seuil pathologique pour l'index d'asymetrie hippocampique iahps (0,18) et iahlat (0,20).

Research paper thumbnail of Combined Laplacian-equivolumic model for studying cortical lamination with ultra high field MRI (7 T)

Research paper thumbnail of Progressive facial hemiatrophy and epilepsy: A common underlying dysgenetic mechanism

Research paper thumbnail of A multitrial analysis for revealing significant corticocortical networks in magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography

[Research paper thumbnail of Segmentation of the amygdalo-hippocampal complex by competitive region growing [MRI analysis]](

Semi-automatic segmentation of amygdala and hippocampus is of major interest to neurologists but ... more Semi-automatic segmentation of amygdala and hippocampus is of major interest to neurologists but it is a challenge to numerical image analysis techniques because of intrinsic complexity of those structures. We introduce a new method to approach this problem with Markovian region growing. As we are concerned by segmenting atrophic structures, we did not use shape priors, but constrained the growth with relational and weak geometric priors. The major relational constraint is given by the simultaneous segmentation of hippocampus and amygdala. The algorithm runs quickly on a basic workstation with satisfactory results on both structures.

Research paper thumbnail of Fixel‐Based Analysis Reveals Whole‐Brain White Matter Abnormalities in Cervical Dystonia

Movement Disorders, May 6, 2023

BackgroundCervical dystonia (CD) is a form of isolated focal dystonia typically associated to abn... more BackgroundCervical dystonia (CD) is a form of isolated focal dystonia typically associated to abnormal head, neck, and shoulder movements and postures. The complexity of the clinical presentation limits the investigation of its pathophysiological mechanisms, and the neural networks associated to specific motor manifestations are still the object of debate.ObjectivesWe investigated the morphometric properties of white matter fibers in CD and explored the networks associated with motor symptoms, while regressing out nonmotor scores.MethodsNineteen patients affected by CD and 21 healthy controls underwent diffusion‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging. We performed fixel‐based analysis, a novel method evaluating fiber orientation within specific fiber bundles, and compared fiber morphometric properties between groups. Moreover, we correlated fiber morphometry with the severity of motor symptoms in patients.ResultsCompared to controls, patients exhibited decreased white matter fibers in the right striatum. Motor symptom severity negatively correlated with white matter fibers passing through inferior parietal areas and the head representation area of the motor cortex.ConclusionsAbnormal white matter integrity at the basal ganglia level may affect several functional networks involved, for instance, in motor preparation and execution, visuomotor coordination, and multimodal integration. This may result in progressive maladaptive plasticity, culminating in overt symptoms of dystonia. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Characteristics, Angioarchitecture and Management of Tectum Mesencephali Arteriovenous Malformations

Clinical neuroradiology, Jun 21, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Multi-template approaches for segmenting the hippocampus: the case of the SACHA software

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 14, 2015

[Research paper thumbnail of [MRI of drug-resistant epilepsies: contribution of FLAIR sequence in a series of 150 patients]](

PubMed, Sep 1, 2000

We studied the usefulness of the Fluid-Attenuated Inversion-Recovery (FLAIR) pulse sequence for p... more We studied the usefulness of the Fluid-Attenuated Inversion-Recovery (FLAIR) pulse sequence for patients with intractable seizures by reviewing the MR images of 150 consecutive patients including a standard imaging protocol and a FLAIR sequence. FLAIR images revealed a cortical lesion in 8 of the 81 patients with no lesion detected on the standard MR imaging protocol. In addition, FLAIR images provided additional informations for 13 patients of the 69 patients for whom a lesion was already detected on the standard MR imaging protocol. Therefore, our results indicated that FLAIR sequences were a useful imaging tool for patients with intractable seizures since it improved the MR diagnosis in 21 of 150 patients (14%).

Research paper thumbnail of Bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis: MRI with high-resolution fast spin-echo and fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery sequences

Neuroradiology, Jul 7, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Are the Brains of Monozygotic Twins Similar? A Three-Dimensional MR Study

American Journal of Neuroradiology, Aug 1, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Neuropathology of Sleep Disorders: A Review

Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, Apr 1, 2011

[Research paper thumbnail of [Dementia and memory: morphologic imagery with MRI]](

PubMed, 1998

Modern imaging techniques, and notably magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enable an increasingly pr... more Modern imaging techniques, and notably magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enable an increasingly precise exploration of primary degenerative dementias. The main contribution of imaging is to demonstrate lesion localizations which confirm the degenerative nature of the observed disorders, contributing to an understanding of the correlation between clinical signs and causal lesions. The development of techniques quantifying cerebral volume which can be applied to an analysis of small structures such as the hippocampus coupled with a better understanding of primary degenerative dementias allow more specific study of the atrophy than could be obtained with a global assessment of ventricular dilatation. More recently, the development of MRI methods studying brain perfusion open the way for noninvasive exploration of perfusion anomalies in these patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Automatic Segmentation of Depth Electrodes Implanted in Epileptic Patients: A Modular Tool Adaptable to Multicentric Protocols

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 1, 2015

International audienceno abstrac

Research paper thumbnail of Irradiation en conditions stéréotaxiques des métastases cérébrales chez les patients âgés

Bulletin Du Cancer, Oct 1, 2003

... Auteur(s) : Georges NOËL 1 , Sophie NOËL 5 , Loïc FEUVRET 1 , Charles-Ambroise VALERY 2 , Phi... more ... Auteur(s) : Georges NOËL 1 , Sophie NOËL 5 , Loïc FEUVRET 1 , Charles-Ambroise VALERY 2 , Philippe CORNU 2 , Gilbert BOISSERIE 1 , Dominique HASBOUN 3 , Bernadette TEP 1 , Jean ... 42. Auchter RM, Lamond JP, Alexander E, Buatti JM, Chappell R, Friedman WA, et al. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Variability of presentation in medial temporal lobe epilepsy: a study of 30 operated cases

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Jul 1, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Hemispheric asymmetry and corpus callosum morphometry: a magnetic resonance imaging study

Neuroscience Research, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Interictal diffusion MRI in partial epilepsies explored with intracerebral electrodes