Domu Simbolon - (original) (raw)
Papers by Domu Simbolon
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Sep 27, 2021
Agriculture is one aspect that is very important to be developed in every country. From 1984 to 2... more Agriculture is one aspect that is very important to be developed in every country. From 1984 to 2014, the ministry of agriculture launched 2,221 horticultural seed varieties to the market, where most of the 1,985 varieties were fruit and vegetable crops. There are several seed companies in Indonesia PT Clause Indonesia as one of a seed producer does not market its products directly but appoints PT Tri Berkat Agro to market Clause seeds in Indonesia. As the only company that markets seeds in all areas, the company has several things that want to be maximized, including how the performance of Clause seed distribution, explaining what indicators are the success distribution and how to develop an effective and efficient Clause seed distribution strategy. The analysis begins by conducting a portfolio in each region using several indicators such as the number of seeds, the number of shop partners, the number of field officers, and the sales value achieved. After the regional portfolio is determined, an analysis of internal and external factors will be carried out to decide which distribution development strategy will be determined for the company. In addition, management also conducts a SWOT analysis to determine the best strategy from the previous regional portfolio analysis data. The results of the distribution development obtained are that the company needs to pay attention to several aspects such as increasing the number of seed varieties, increasing the number of shops and providing promos both to shops and farmers as well as developing human resources where field officers who have knowledge of agriculture and build good communication with shops in their respective regions.
Terbit dua kali dalam setahun Berlangganan untuk satu tahun Rp. 100.000,00 (sudah termasuk ongkos... more Terbit dua kali dalam setahun Berlangganan untuk satu tahun Rp. 100.000,00 (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim ke seluruh Indonesia) Bank BNI Cab.6l Bogor No Rek. 0170778406 a.n'Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Samakia, May 2, 2023
The waters of Cilacap often experienced extreme conditions with large enough waves as the waters ... more The waters of Cilacap often experienced extreme conditions with large enough waves as the waters were directly connected to the Indian Ocean. This water condition will impact on the event of Marine wreck of the net around Cilacap waters. Ship accidents as a result of these environmental factors are indeed difficult to control, but technical factors such as the load layout that affects the balance of Trammel net vessels can be repaired. The purpose of this research is to identify the load layout on the trammel net ships at PPS Cilacap, determining the influence of payload placement to the presence of the vessel's heavy points and provide good load distribution recommendations. The analysis used was the load layout analysis on the trammel net ship at PPS Cilacap, analysis of the impact of the load placed on the existence of the vessel's heavy points, and the analysis of good payload distribution recommendations. The results of this study showed that the distribution or layout of the payload on a trammel net ship in PPS Cilacap was mostly on the floor of the ship deck. The vertical point of gravity in all the conditions of the three vessels studied was not much different due to the compensation for catches and supplies, while the horizontal point of gravity was mostly in the direction of the ship's bow. The placement of the charge under the deck and close to the midship can improve ship balance. Therefore, overloading placement over the vessel deck should be avoided. Based on KG value analysis on 3 load distribution conditions, fishing vessel I has better stability quality compare to others.
Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) inhabited mostly by fisherman. Its area surrounds by 111.625 ha a... more Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) inhabited mostly by fisherman. Its area surrounds by 111.625 ha as waters. Fishing zone is dedicated for traditional fisheries. Therefore the capture fisheries in KNP should be adjusted to accommodate conservancy and utilization objectives. The objective of the research is to design management model of reef fisheries in KNP. Selection of leading fish product was conducted by implementing comparative performance index. Potency of reef fish resources was performed by using bio-economic model. Optimization number of fishing gear is performed by using LGP. Feasibility study for fishery business was conducted with R/C, ROI, PP, NPV, B/C, and IRR criteria. Policy and institutional for capture fisheries was conducted by using institutional analysis. The result shows the leading fish from reef fish is jack trevallies and yellow tail; reef fish potency is 174.225,68 kg/year; the fishing technology for reef fish are hand line (1.412 units) and traps (102 units); hand line, fish trap, and muroami are competent to develop continuously in KNP area; the policy of reef fisheries need to coordinate between stakeholders and institutions to gain optimal management; the institutional that involve in management are fishermen group, BTNKJ, DKP, NGO, fisherman's business group, and educational institutions.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan
Perairan Karang Jeruk merupakan kawasan konservasi ekosistem terumbu karang yang terletak di Duku... more Perairan Karang Jeruk merupakan kawasan konservasi ekosistem terumbu karang yang terletak di Dukuh Larangan (Desa Munjungagung, Kabupaten Tegal, di Provinsi Jawa Tengah) yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya perikanan yang baik. Alat tangkap yang banyak terdapat di perairan Karang Jeruk adalah payang gemplo dan mini purse seine. Penggunaan teknologi rumpon portable diharapkan dapat menciptakan daerah penangkapan ikan dan mengantisipasi timbulnya degradasi daerah penangkapan ikan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menganalisis persepsi nelayan terhadap penggunaan inovasi rumpon portable di perairan Karang Jeruk, Kabupaten Tegal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dan experimental fishing. Data persepsi nelayan dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner kepada 50 nelayan payang gemplo dan mini purse seine, dengan penentuan responden secara accidental sampling. Seluruh nilai persepsi nelayan terhadap rumpon portable dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori, sebagian besar nelaya...
Aacl Bioflux, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of the potential... more The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of the potential fishing zones (PFZ). The study used catch per unit effort (CPUE) data and remote sensing data on salinity, chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST), in order to predict potential zones of anchovy fishing. The CPUE based analysis showed that the maximum capture yield was obtained during the 2 transition season. Oceanographic parameters in Pesisir Selatan Regency showed the distribution of salinity between 32.27 and 33.54‰, a chlorophyll-a content between 0.16 and 0.77 mg m3, and a SST distribution range from 30.28 to 30.68°C, which are suitable values for anchovy habitats. Based on salinity and chlorophyll-a data, PFZs were rather situated on the coast and did not necessarily coincide with the fishing spots identified by the fishermen based on SST. The PFZs predicted, based on composite data, were spread out along the Pesisir Selatan Regency, with a seasonal peak in September and ...
IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022
This Study focused on tuna handline fisheries in Morotai Island, North Maluku. Yellowfin tuna fis... more This Study focused on tuna handline fisheries in Morotai Island, North Maluku. Yellowfin tuna fisheries have great potential economic value. However, the high level of exploitation by small-scale fisheries in coastal waters is feared to disrupt the sustainability of tuna resources therefore, a better management approach is needed, known as a harvest strategy, based on the use of appropriate data and a strong operating model. Indonesia’s government initiated to development of the harvest strategies to manage tuna resources within Indonesia’s archipelagic waters (FMAs 713, 714, dan 715) as a priority action of the National Tuna Management Plan (NTMP). The implementation of the strategy requires adequate data and completeness of instruments. This research tried to identify the adequacy and availability of harvest strategy data and determine yellowfin resource status with LB-SPR. The case studies demonstrate the utility of scientific monitoring data to track trends in the abundance of adult fish without requiring complex stock assessment models through gap analysis. The adequate data harvest strategy was used to condition prototype operating models for testing preliminary harvest strategies through better OMs and MSE. The results showed that the adequacy of the HS data had a gap of 1.56 with an adjustable rate of 63% or not up to standard. The level of utilization of yellowfin tuna resources using the SPR method leads to overfishing.
Buletin PSP, 2008
Less on developing and contributing fisheries sector on Gross National Product (GNP), especially ... more Less on developing and contributing fisheries sector on Gross National Product (GNP), especially capture fishing efforts in Indramayu Regency, dominantly because of capital limitation and imprecisely capture fishing sector development. This research is trying to analyze financial feasibility of capture fishing sector and its relationship with financial institutions. The analyzing methods would be referred to
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, Jun 19, 2015
The Region of tin mining activities in the waters of South Bangka was also the squid fishing grou... more The Region of tin mining activities in the waters of South Bangka was also the squid fishing ground activities for fishermen. The waste of tin mining activities generates waste that directly disposes into waters that may affect the water quality. Water quality parameters include temperature, brightness, salinity, dissolved oxygen, flow, depth, heavy metal content of sea water and plankton. The waste from mining activities that are directly disposed into the waters generally containing heavy metals Pb and Fe. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of waste tin mining activities on the squid fishing ground in the waters of South Bangka Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Sampling point was determined in accordance with the squid fishing area as much as 18 points in the tin mining areas and 18 points outside the tin mining area. The content of heavy metals Pb and Fe on sea water of tin mining area is higher than outside of tin mining area.The average value of Pb and Fe in sea water mining activity areas was higher which is equal to 0,11 mg/land 0,31 mg/l compared with the outside of tin mining area which was equal to 0,006mg/l and 0,006mg/l.
Buletin PSP, 2012
Saat ini perkembangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan demersal di Pantai Barat mulai terhambat dengan a... more Saat ini perkembangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan demersal di Pantai Barat mulai terhambat dengan adanya pelarangan beroperasi oleh pemerintah setempat. Bubu kawat merupakan salah satu alat tangkap nelayan Sibolga yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan demersal atau ikan yang berhabitat di sekitar terumbu karang. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi teknik pengoperasian bubu kawat Pantai Barat Sumatera, untuk menganalisis tingkat produktivitas bubu modifikasi dan bubu konvensional dalam pengembangan perikanan demersal dan mengukur kinerja teknis pengoperasian bubu kawat modifikasi sebagai hasil dari perbaikan alat tangkap. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pantai Barat Sumatera. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan teknik pengoperasian bubu kawat masih memerlukan beberapa perbaikan khususnya dari proses pendaratan bubu di dalam air. Hasil tangkapan rata-rata ikan target dari bubu konvensional milik nelayan 57,66% lebih rendah dari hasil tangkapan rata-rata ikan target bubu modifikasi yakni sebesar 75,28%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nelayan masih membutuhkan pengembangan dan perbaikan metode pengoperasian untuk keberlanjutan usaha bubu mereka. Kata kunci: bubu, demersal, Sibolga
IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022
Banggai Laut Regency is one of the largest octopus producers in Central Sulawesi Province. The po... more Banggai Laut Regency is one of the largest octopus producers in Central Sulawesi Province. The potential of octopus resources in these waters is estimated at 10,652 ton/year. This potency has a close correlation with production. However, there has been a decrease in octopus production, indicating that the utilization rate in these areas has already overexploited. This study aims to determine the status or current utilization level of the octopus fishing ground. The status of octopus fishing ground in Banggai Laut waters was analyzed using Length Based-Spawning Potential Ratio measured by mantle length of captured octopus. The result of Spawning Potential Ratio analysis showed that its value was 15%, which is below the biological reference point (<20%). This value indicates that the utilization rate of octopus fishing ground in Banggai Laut Regency area has already overexploited. The countermeasures which can be used for the restoration and improvement of octopus stocks are necessary for the sustainability of octopus fishery in the future.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Apr 7, 2017
Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area fro... more Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area from Laut Sulawesi to Pasicific Ocean includes around 590.970 ton of pelagicdivided into175.260 ton large pelagic, 384.750 ton small pelagic and the other kind of fish around 30.960 ton. On the other hand, the utilization of fishery resources still minimun that was only 46%. Government at North Gorontalo made capture fisheris as a main program to improve society welfare to minimize the lack of fishery resources utilization. The government should be aware of this situation to formulate and decide each policy. Policy that has been applied in this recent year in NorthGorontalo district was Minapolitan and it was held by the Indonesia Ministry of Marine and Fishery joined with Local Government. So, research of development fishery capture based minapolitan model was needed to designed a policy model as a guide to decide a capture fisheries policy. Methodology that using in this research was surplus production analysis to analyze the fish resource, proper tools to capture fish analysis, and SEM (Structure Equation Modeling) analysis. The result of this research showed that the utilization of fishery resources still lack under MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield). Some of programs that should be developed were purse seine, hand line tuna,liftnet, hand line, and payang. The objective of minapolitan policy was creating local economic growth and increasing capture fisheries production and guarantee the quality of capture fisheries.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Feb 23, 2017
Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area fro... more Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area from Laut Sulawesi to Pasicific Ocean includes around 590.970 ton of pelagicdivided into175.260 ton large pelagic, 384.750 ton small pelagic and the other kind of fish around 30.960 ton. On the other hand, the utilization of fishery resources still minimun that was only 46%. Government at North Gorontalo made capture fisheris as a main program to improve society welfare to minimize the lack of fishery resources utilization. The government should be aware of this situation to formulate and decide each policy. Policy that has been applied in this recent year in NorthGorontalo district was Minapolitan and it was held by the Indonesia Ministry of Marine and Fishery joined with Local Government. So, research of development fishery capture based minapolitan model was needed to designed a policy model as a guide to decide a capture fisheries policy. Methodology that using in this research was surplus production analysis to analyze the fish resource, proper tools to capture fish analysis, and SEM (Structure Equation Modeling) analysis. The result of this research showed that the utilization of fishery resources still lack under MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield). Some of programs that should be developed were purse seine, hand line tuna,liftnet, hand line, and payang. The objective of minapolitan policy was creating local economic growth and increasing capture fisheries production and guarantee the quality of capture fisheries.
Sosiohumaniora: jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial dan humaniora, Mar 5, 2014
Tuna revitalization program undertaken by PPN Ternate indicate a change in the management of fish... more Tuna revitalization program undertaken by PPN Ternate indicate a change in the management of fish resources and the expansion of seed not only focus on skipjack but also on tuna resources. Perceptions of stakeholders have an important role and is affecting their engagement towards fisheries management system that will be applied. The study was conducted during the two months of January and February 2013 with interviews and surveys. Perception analysis be descriptive of the factors that influence the tuna fishing effort in PPN Ternate, deskriminan multiple testing using the equation to obtain a perceptual map (perceptual map). Public perception of tuna landed in PPN Ternate can provide a proof of the success of the tuna revitalization program undertaken by PPN Ternate. Based on the results of research conducted can be concluded that the tuna fishing business is growing and should continue to be developed.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Jan 16, 2019
Octopus fishery in Banggai Laut Regency is a fisheries small scale fisheries category. This is be... more Octopus fishery in Banggai Laut Regency is a fisheries small scale fisheries category. This is because Banggai Laut fishermen catch the octopus by using simple ships and fishing gear. Trend CPUE octopus in the last 3 years (2014-2016) shows a drastic decline. The decline that occurred indicates that the level of utilization of octopus fishing areas in the area has occurred over catching. This shows that octopus in Banggai Laut Regency has not been managed optimally. Management only makes continuous arrests without considering the impact on octopus resources. Proper management needs to maintain the potential of octopus resources to be sustainable. This study aims to formulate the management strategy of octopus fishing area in Banggai Laut Regency. Management strategy using strategy approach Strength, Weakness, Oppurtunity, Threats (SWOT). The management strategy of octopus fishery in Banggai Laut Regency were done by 1) SO Strategy with strategic option: Development of cooperation with fish processing industry and utilizing octopus fishery potential 2) ST strategy with strategic option: Setting strict rules and sanctions related to fisherman who do illegal fishing and limiting the fishing fleet. 3) WO strategy with strategic options: improving human resource quality and building a fishery port. 4) WT strategy with strategic options: make rules related to octopus weight and supervision of fishing grounds.
Jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis, Nov 11, 2016
Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) consists of 7 zones i.e., core, protection, tourism, residence, r... more Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) consists of 7 zones i.e., core, protection, tourism, residence, rehabilitation, cultivation, and traditional fisheries utilization zone. Fishing activities in the traditional fisheries utilization zone (TFUZ) was not optimal because of limited of fishing zone information. The objective of this study was to determine the fishing zone based on major fish for each fishing gear. This study was conducted in KNP from October to December 2009. The major fish resources were determined through analyses of comparative performance index (CPI). Fish resource potential was analyzed by bio-economic model. The existence of fish resources were used as a basis of arrangement of fishing gear arround the fishing zone, through consideration of fishing gear characteristics, the characteristics of waters, the probabilities of conflict, degradation of fish resources, and regulations. Map of fishing zones were created using geographicl information system. Results showed that potential fishes around the TFUZ were reef fishes such as trevallies, yellow tail, and grouper. The potency of reef fishes was about 149 tons/year and pelagic fish of 19,080 tons/year. Fishing zones around the TFUZ consisted of (1) area of 0-3 miles from coastal line which was allocated as the fishing zone of reef fishes using hand line and fish trap, (2) area of 3-4 miles from coastal line which was allocated as demersal fishing zone using bottom gillnet, (3) area of 0-4 miles from coastal line which was allocated as pelagic fishing zone using surface gillnet, and (4) area that more than 4 miles which was allocated as pelagic fishing zone using dynamic fishing gear (troll line), and boat lift net.
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Sep 27, 2021
Agriculture is one aspect that is very important to be developed in every country. From 1984 to 2... more Agriculture is one aspect that is very important to be developed in every country. From 1984 to 2014, the ministry of agriculture launched 2,221 horticultural seed varieties to the market, where most of the 1,985 varieties were fruit and vegetable crops. There are several seed companies in Indonesia PT Clause Indonesia as one of a seed producer does not market its products directly but appoints PT Tri Berkat Agro to market Clause seeds in Indonesia. As the only company that markets seeds in all areas, the company has several things that want to be maximized, including how the performance of Clause seed distribution, explaining what indicators are the success distribution and how to develop an effective and efficient Clause seed distribution strategy. The analysis begins by conducting a portfolio in each region using several indicators such as the number of seeds, the number of shop partners, the number of field officers, and the sales value achieved. After the regional portfolio is determined, an analysis of internal and external factors will be carried out to decide which distribution development strategy will be determined for the company. In addition, management also conducts a SWOT analysis to determine the best strategy from the previous regional portfolio analysis data. The results of the distribution development obtained are that the company needs to pay attention to several aspects such as increasing the number of seed varieties, increasing the number of shops and providing promos both to shops and farmers as well as developing human resources where field officers who have knowledge of agriculture and build good communication with shops in their respective regions.
Terbit dua kali dalam setahun Berlangganan untuk satu tahun Rp. 100.000,00 (sudah termasuk ongkos... more Terbit dua kali dalam setahun Berlangganan untuk satu tahun Rp. 100.000,00 (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim ke seluruh Indonesia) Bank BNI Cab.6l Bogor No Rek. 0170778406 a.n'Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Samakia, May 2, 2023
The waters of Cilacap often experienced extreme conditions with large enough waves as the waters ... more The waters of Cilacap often experienced extreme conditions with large enough waves as the waters were directly connected to the Indian Ocean. This water condition will impact on the event of Marine wreck of the net around Cilacap waters. Ship accidents as a result of these environmental factors are indeed difficult to control, but technical factors such as the load layout that affects the balance of Trammel net vessels can be repaired. The purpose of this research is to identify the load layout on the trammel net ships at PPS Cilacap, determining the influence of payload placement to the presence of the vessel's heavy points and provide good load distribution recommendations. The analysis used was the load layout analysis on the trammel net ship at PPS Cilacap, analysis of the impact of the load placed on the existence of the vessel's heavy points, and the analysis of good payload distribution recommendations. The results of this study showed that the distribution or layout of the payload on a trammel net ship in PPS Cilacap was mostly on the floor of the ship deck. The vertical point of gravity in all the conditions of the three vessels studied was not much different due to the compensation for catches and supplies, while the horizontal point of gravity was mostly in the direction of the ship's bow. The placement of the charge under the deck and close to the midship can improve ship balance. Therefore, overloading placement over the vessel deck should be avoided. Based on KG value analysis on 3 load distribution conditions, fishing vessel I has better stability quality compare to others.
Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) inhabited mostly by fisherman. Its area surrounds by 111.625 ha a... more Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) inhabited mostly by fisherman. Its area surrounds by 111.625 ha as waters. Fishing zone is dedicated for traditional fisheries. Therefore the capture fisheries in KNP should be adjusted to accommodate conservancy and utilization objectives. The objective of the research is to design management model of reef fisheries in KNP. Selection of leading fish product was conducted by implementing comparative performance index. Potency of reef fish resources was performed by using bio-economic model. Optimization number of fishing gear is performed by using LGP. Feasibility study for fishery business was conducted with R/C, ROI, PP, NPV, B/C, and IRR criteria. Policy and institutional for capture fisheries was conducted by using institutional analysis. The result shows the leading fish from reef fish is jack trevallies and yellow tail; reef fish potency is 174.225,68 kg/year; the fishing technology for reef fish are hand line (1.412 units) and traps (102 units); hand line, fish trap, and muroami are competent to develop continuously in KNP area; the policy of reef fisheries need to coordinate between stakeholders and institutions to gain optimal management; the institutional that involve in management are fishermen group, BTNKJ, DKP, NGO, fisherman's business group, and educational institutions.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan
Perairan Karang Jeruk merupakan kawasan konservasi ekosistem terumbu karang yang terletak di Duku... more Perairan Karang Jeruk merupakan kawasan konservasi ekosistem terumbu karang yang terletak di Dukuh Larangan (Desa Munjungagung, Kabupaten Tegal, di Provinsi Jawa Tengah) yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya perikanan yang baik. Alat tangkap yang banyak terdapat di perairan Karang Jeruk adalah payang gemplo dan mini purse seine. Penggunaan teknologi rumpon portable diharapkan dapat menciptakan daerah penangkapan ikan dan mengantisipasi timbulnya degradasi daerah penangkapan ikan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menganalisis persepsi nelayan terhadap penggunaan inovasi rumpon portable di perairan Karang Jeruk, Kabupaten Tegal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dan experimental fishing. Data persepsi nelayan dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner kepada 50 nelayan payang gemplo dan mini purse seine, dengan penentuan responden secara accidental sampling. Seluruh nilai persepsi nelayan terhadap rumpon portable dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori, sebagian besar nelaya...
Aacl Bioflux, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of the potential... more The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of the potential fishing zones (PFZ). The study used catch per unit effort (CPUE) data and remote sensing data on salinity, chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST), in order to predict potential zones of anchovy fishing. The CPUE based analysis showed that the maximum capture yield was obtained during the 2 transition season. Oceanographic parameters in Pesisir Selatan Regency showed the distribution of salinity between 32.27 and 33.54‰, a chlorophyll-a content between 0.16 and 0.77 mg m3, and a SST distribution range from 30.28 to 30.68°C, which are suitable values for anchovy habitats. Based on salinity and chlorophyll-a data, PFZs were rather situated on the coast and did not necessarily coincide with the fishing spots identified by the fishermen based on SST. The PFZs predicted, based on composite data, were spread out along the Pesisir Selatan Regency, with a seasonal peak in September and ...
IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022
This Study focused on tuna handline fisheries in Morotai Island, North Maluku. Yellowfin tuna fis... more This Study focused on tuna handline fisheries in Morotai Island, North Maluku. Yellowfin tuna fisheries have great potential economic value. However, the high level of exploitation by small-scale fisheries in coastal waters is feared to disrupt the sustainability of tuna resources therefore, a better management approach is needed, known as a harvest strategy, based on the use of appropriate data and a strong operating model. Indonesia’s government initiated to development of the harvest strategies to manage tuna resources within Indonesia’s archipelagic waters (FMAs 713, 714, dan 715) as a priority action of the National Tuna Management Plan (NTMP). The implementation of the strategy requires adequate data and completeness of instruments. This research tried to identify the adequacy and availability of harvest strategy data and determine yellowfin resource status with LB-SPR. The case studies demonstrate the utility of scientific monitoring data to track trends in the abundance of adult fish without requiring complex stock assessment models through gap analysis. The adequate data harvest strategy was used to condition prototype operating models for testing preliminary harvest strategies through better OMs and MSE. The results showed that the adequacy of the HS data had a gap of 1.56 with an adjustable rate of 63% or not up to standard. The level of utilization of yellowfin tuna resources using the SPR method leads to overfishing.
Buletin PSP, 2008
Less on developing and contributing fisheries sector on Gross National Product (GNP), especially ... more Less on developing and contributing fisheries sector on Gross National Product (GNP), especially capture fishing efforts in Indramayu Regency, dominantly because of capital limitation and imprecisely capture fishing sector development. This research is trying to analyze financial feasibility of capture fishing sector and its relationship with financial institutions. The analyzing methods would be referred to
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, Jun 19, 2015
The Region of tin mining activities in the waters of South Bangka was also the squid fishing grou... more The Region of tin mining activities in the waters of South Bangka was also the squid fishing ground activities for fishermen. The waste of tin mining activities generates waste that directly disposes into waters that may affect the water quality. Water quality parameters include temperature, brightness, salinity, dissolved oxygen, flow, depth, heavy metal content of sea water and plankton. The waste from mining activities that are directly disposed into the waters generally containing heavy metals Pb and Fe. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of waste tin mining activities on the squid fishing ground in the waters of South Bangka Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Sampling point was determined in accordance with the squid fishing area as much as 18 points in the tin mining areas and 18 points outside the tin mining area. The content of heavy metals Pb and Fe on sea water of tin mining area is higher than outside of tin mining area.The average value of Pb and Fe in sea water mining activity areas was higher which is equal to 0,11 mg/land 0,31 mg/l compared with the outside of tin mining area which was equal to 0,006mg/l and 0,006mg/l.
Buletin PSP, 2012
Saat ini perkembangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan demersal di Pantai Barat mulai terhambat dengan a... more Saat ini perkembangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan demersal di Pantai Barat mulai terhambat dengan adanya pelarangan beroperasi oleh pemerintah setempat. Bubu kawat merupakan salah satu alat tangkap nelayan Sibolga yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan demersal atau ikan yang berhabitat di sekitar terumbu karang. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi teknik pengoperasian bubu kawat Pantai Barat Sumatera, untuk menganalisis tingkat produktivitas bubu modifikasi dan bubu konvensional dalam pengembangan perikanan demersal dan mengukur kinerja teknis pengoperasian bubu kawat modifikasi sebagai hasil dari perbaikan alat tangkap. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pantai Barat Sumatera. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan teknik pengoperasian bubu kawat masih memerlukan beberapa perbaikan khususnya dari proses pendaratan bubu di dalam air. Hasil tangkapan rata-rata ikan target dari bubu konvensional milik nelayan 57,66% lebih rendah dari hasil tangkapan rata-rata ikan target bubu modifikasi yakni sebesar 75,28%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nelayan masih membutuhkan pengembangan dan perbaikan metode pengoperasian untuk keberlanjutan usaha bubu mereka. Kata kunci: bubu, demersal, Sibolga
IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022
Banggai Laut Regency is one of the largest octopus producers in Central Sulawesi Province. The po... more Banggai Laut Regency is one of the largest octopus producers in Central Sulawesi Province. The potential of octopus resources in these waters is estimated at 10,652 ton/year. This potency has a close correlation with production. However, there has been a decrease in octopus production, indicating that the utilization rate in these areas has already overexploited. This study aims to determine the status or current utilization level of the octopus fishing ground. The status of octopus fishing ground in Banggai Laut waters was analyzed using Length Based-Spawning Potential Ratio measured by mantle length of captured octopus. The result of Spawning Potential Ratio analysis showed that its value was 15%, which is below the biological reference point (<20%). This value indicates that the utilization rate of octopus fishing ground in Banggai Laut Regency area has already overexploited. The countermeasures which can be used for the restoration and improvement of octopus stocks are necessary for the sustainability of octopus fishery in the future.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Apr 7, 2017
Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area fro... more Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area from Laut Sulawesi to Pasicific Ocean includes around 590.970 ton of pelagicdivided into175.260 ton large pelagic, 384.750 ton small pelagic and the other kind of fish around 30.960 ton. On the other hand, the utilization of fishery resources still minimun that was only 46%. Government at North Gorontalo made capture fisheris as a main program to improve society welfare to minimize the lack of fishery resources utilization. The government should be aware of this situation to formulate and decide each policy. Policy that has been applied in this recent year in NorthGorontalo district was Minapolitan and it was held by the Indonesia Ministry of Marine and Fishery joined with Local Government. So, research of development fishery capture based minapolitan model was needed to designed a policy model as a guide to decide a capture fisheries policy. Methodology that using in this research was surplus production analysis to analyze the fish resource, proper tools to capture fish analysis, and SEM (Structure Equation Modeling) analysis. The result of this research showed that the utilization of fishery resources still lack under MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield). Some of programs that should be developed were purse seine, hand line tuna,liftnet, hand line, and payang. The objective of minapolitan policy was creating local economic growth and increasing capture fisheries production and guarantee the quality of capture fisheries.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Feb 23, 2017
Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area fro... more Fishery resources at NorhGorontalo disrict was huge. The potential of Fishery Management Area from Laut Sulawesi to Pasicific Ocean includes around 590.970 ton of pelagicdivided into175.260 ton large pelagic, 384.750 ton small pelagic and the other kind of fish around 30.960 ton. On the other hand, the utilization of fishery resources still minimun that was only 46%. Government at North Gorontalo made capture fisheris as a main program to improve society welfare to minimize the lack of fishery resources utilization. The government should be aware of this situation to formulate and decide each policy. Policy that has been applied in this recent year in NorthGorontalo district was Minapolitan and it was held by the Indonesia Ministry of Marine and Fishery joined with Local Government. So, research of development fishery capture based minapolitan model was needed to designed a policy model as a guide to decide a capture fisheries policy. Methodology that using in this research was surplus production analysis to analyze the fish resource, proper tools to capture fish analysis, and SEM (Structure Equation Modeling) analysis. The result of this research showed that the utilization of fishery resources still lack under MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield). Some of programs that should be developed were purse seine, hand line tuna,liftnet, hand line, and payang. The objective of minapolitan policy was creating local economic growth and increasing capture fisheries production and guarantee the quality of capture fisheries.
Sosiohumaniora: jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial dan humaniora, Mar 5, 2014
Tuna revitalization program undertaken by PPN Ternate indicate a change in the management of fish... more Tuna revitalization program undertaken by PPN Ternate indicate a change in the management of fish resources and the expansion of seed not only focus on skipjack but also on tuna resources. Perceptions of stakeholders have an important role and is affecting their engagement towards fisheries management system that will be applied. The study was conducted during the two months of January and February 2013 with interviews and surveys. Perception analysis be descriptive of the factors that influence the tuna fishing effort in PPN Ternate, deskriminan multiple testing using the equation to obtain a perceptual map (perceptual map). Public perception of tuna landed in PPN Ternate can provide a proof of the success of the tuna revitalization program undertaken by PPN Ternate. Based on the results of research conducted can be concluded that the tuna fishing business is growing and should continue to be developed.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan, Jan 16, 2019
Octopus fishery in Banggai Laut Regency is a fisheries small scale fisheries category. This is be... more Octopus fishery in Banggai Laut Regency is a fisheries small scale fisheries category. This is because Banggai Laut fishermen catch the octopus by using simple ships and fishing gear. Trend CPUE octopus in the last 3 years (2014-2016) shows a drastic decline. The decline that occurred indicates that the level of utilization of octopus fishing areas in the area has occurred over catching. This shows that octopus in Banggai Laut Regency has not been managed optimally. Management only makes continuous arrests without considering the impact on octopus resources. Proper management needs to maintain the potential of octopus resources to be sustainable. This study aims to formulate the management strategy of octopus fishing area in Banggai Laut Regency. Management strategy using strategy approach Strength, Weakness, Oppurtunity, Threats (SWOT). The management strategy of octopus fishery in Banggai Laut Regency were done by 1) SO Strategy with strategic option: Development of cooperation with fish processing industry and utilizing octopus fishery potential 2) ST strategy with strategic option: Setting strict rules and sanctions related to fisherman who do illegal fishing and limiting the fishing fleet. 3) WO strategy with strategic options: improving human resource quality and building a fishery port. 4) WT strategy with strategic options: make rules related to octopus weight and supervision of fishing grounds.
Jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis, Nov 11, 2016
Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) consists of 7 zones i.e., core, protection, tourism, residence, r... more Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) consists of 7 zones i.e., core, protection, tourism, residence, rehabilitation, cultivation, and traditional fisheries utilization zone. Fishing activities in the traditional fisheries utilization zone (TFUZ) was not optimal because of limited of fishing zone information. The objective of this study was to determine the fishing zone based on major fish for each fishing gear. This study was conducted in KNP from October to December 2009. The major fish resources were determined through analyses of comparative performance index (CPI). Fish resource potential was analyzed by bio-economic model. The existence of fish resources were used as a basis of arrangement of fishing gear arround the fishing zone, through consideration of fishing gear characteristics, the characteristics of waters, the probabilities of conflict, degradation of fish resources, and regulations. Map of fishing zones were created using geographicl information system. Results showed that potential fishes around the TFUZ were reef fishes such as trevallies, yellow tail, and grouper. The potency of reef fishes was about 149 tons/year and pelagic fish of 19,080 tons/year. Fishing zones around the TFUZ consisted of (1) area of 0-3 miles from coastal line which was allocated as the fishing zone of reef fishes using hand line and fish trap, (2) area of 3-4 miles from coastal line which was allocated as demersal fishing zone using bottom gillnet, (3) area of 0-4 miles from coastal line which was allocated as pelagic fishing zone using surface gillnet, and (4) area that more than 4 miles which was allocated as pelagic fishing zone using dynamic fishing gear (troll line), and boat lift net.
Deni Sarianto, 2016
Kabupaten Halmahera Timur merupakan salah satu pusat kawasan pertambangan Nikel (Ni) di Maluku Ut... more Kabupaten Halmahera Timur merupakan salah satu pusat kawasan pertambangan Nikel (Ni) di Maluku Utara. Pertambangan ini memiliki dampak besar terhadap perubahan kualitas perairan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kualitas perairan kawasan pertambangan, radius berapa jauh daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI) bebas dari pengaruh nikel, dan dinamika DPI pada kawasan pertambangan. Penelitian menunjukkan muatan padatan tersuspensi (MPT) di perairan Halmahera Timur telah memberikan pengaruh bagi kepentingan perikanan. Rata-rata kandungan MPT berada diatas 25 mg/l terkecuali Wasile. Kandungan Ni di perairan diketahui berada dibawah 0.05 mg/l, tetapi telah mendekati nilai ambang batas, dimana Ni telah berdampak terhadap perairan. Perubahan kualitas perairan telah memberi dampak pada terdegradasinya ikan di perairan, dimana ikan yang tertangkap dengan menggunakan alat tangkap bagan memiliki ukuran illegal size (IS) lebih dominan, dimana ikan teri memiliki ukuran IS mencapai 62%, dan cumi-cumi mencapaii IS 67%. Besarnya IS pada ikan teri dan cumi-cumi disebabkan oleh pengoperasian bagan yang berada dekat dengan kawasan pesisir dimana, daerah ini telah mengalami tekanan oleh aktivitas pertambangan. Purse seine dan gillnet berada sebaliknya dimana ukuran legal size (LS) lebih dominan. Ikan layang memiliki ukuran LS 96% dan ikan kembung memiliki ukuran LS 90%. Tingginya ukuran LS disebabkan alat tangkap tersebut melakukan penangkapan jauh dari daerah pantai. Nilai variabelitas klorofil-a di perairan Halmahera Timur berada diatas 15%. Keadaan ini menunjukkan sebaran klorofil-a dipengaruhi oleh kekeruhan perairan. Selain menyebabkan penurunan ukuran tangkapan dan kepadatan klorofil-a di perairan pertambangan menyebabkan kerusakan daerah penangkapan ikan dimana DPI yang berjarak kurang dari 1 mil tidak potensial bagi perikanan tangkap.