Dorota Talarska - (original) (raw)

Papers by Dorota Talarska

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life in healthy children and in children with tension headaches--a comparative analysis

PubMed, 2005

Purpose: The aim of this study was the assessment of the quality of life of children and adolesce... more Purpose: The aim of this study was the assessment of the quality of life of children and adolescents with tension headaches in comparison with healthy peers. Material and methods: The study was conducted on 135 middle school and high school students in Poznań and on 86 children with tension headaches, that were treated in the out-patient clinic of The Chair and Clinic of Development Age Neurology of Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań. The research tool for both groups was Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, version 4.0 (PedsQL 4.0) questionnaire. Results: In the analysed groups dominated 14- and 16-year-old children. Among children with tension headaches, the ailments usually appeared once or twice a week in 39 (45%) of them. With the use of the PedsQL 4.0 questionnaire the following fields of activity were analyzed: biological, emotional, social functioning and mood. Conclusions: The biggest discrepancies between the group of healthy children and those with headaches were noted in the field of emotional functioning and mood. Adolescents with tension headaches more frequently reported the feeling of fear and sleep disorders in comparison to healthy students. Children with headaches look at the future in a more pessimistic way and are less satisfied with their lives.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ pracy zmianowej na funkcjonowanie i zdrowie człowieka – przegląd badań

Pielęgniarstwo Polskie, Dec 20, 2016

Professional work absorbs a big part of our lives. It is primarily a source of economic and socia... more Professional work absorbs a big part of our lives. It is primarily a source of economic and social benefi ts. In some cases, however, work can have a negative and even harmful impact on health and well-being. The contemporary lifestyle, especially shift work, has changed a daily rhythm of life. Time schedule, different from the natural one, affects the human body, causing changes in hormones, body temperature, mood and brain functioning. The aim of the study was to review epidemiological studies on the relationship between night shifts and the presence of some pathologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors determining the quality of life of homeless people staying in support centers for people in the crisis of homelessness. Pilot study

BMC public health, Feb 1, 2024

Background The aim of the study was to discuss the issues of the homelessness crisis and to prese... more Background The aim of the study was to discuss the issues of the homelessness crisis and to present the assessment of the quality of life of people experiencing a homelessness crisis, taking into account various aspects of life and everyday functioning. Methods This was a pilot cross-sectional study carried out using an anonymous survey. The author's questionnaire, the WHOQOL-Bref scale and the Beck depression scale were used. From among the support centers for people in the homelessness crisis operating in the city of Poznań, the 2 largest centers were selected. The obtained results were based on the statistical analysis of the collected data. Results The study group consisted only of people in the crisis of homelessness staying at the support centers at the time of the study. The analysis included data from 114 people, including 28 (24.6%) women. The youngest participant was 21 and the oldest 76 years old. The average period of homelessness was 86 months. 55.3% of respondents showed symptoms of depression. The main cause of homelessness was their family situation (59.6%), financial problems (36.0%) and the need to leave the apartment (13.2%). Abuse of alcohol before the homelessness crisis was reported by 96 (84.2%) respondents. The WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life. The psychological domain was rated the highest (62.09 ± 16.94 points, the lowest somatic domain (53.25 ± 18.71 points). The quality of life of homeless people was positively related to their economic situation, depression and health status. It was shown that sex, age and education had no influence (p > 0.05) on the assessment of the quality of life of people experiencing the crisis of homelessness. Conclusions The economic situation is the main factor affecting the quality of life within the psychological and social domain. Health status is the main factor affecting the quality of life within the somatic and environmental domain. The biggest dream of the respondents was to have a flat and improve their financial situation.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life and functional status in patients with end-stage renal disease

A-Koncepcja i projekt badania, B-Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych, C-Analiza i interpretacja ... more A-Koncepcja i projekt badania, B-Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych, C-Analiza i interpretacja danych, D-Napisanie artykułu, E-Krytyczne zrecenzowanie artykułu, F-Zatwierdzenie ostatecznej wersji artykułu Abstract (in Polish): Cel pracy Specyfika postępującego przebiegu choroby prowadzi do rozwoju zależności funkcjonalnej, która przyczynia się do późniejszej niepełnosprawności, istotnie wpływa na jakość życia. Celem badań było ustalenie związku między funkcjonowaniem pacjentów leczonych hemodializą a wybranymi czynnikami społeczno-demograficznymi i jakością życia.

Research paper thumbnail of The most common factors hindering the independent functioning of the elderly at home by age and sex

PubMed, Feb 1, 2017

Objective: Changes occurring with increased age as well progressive illnesses can negatively affe... more Objective: Changes occurring with increased age as well progressive illnesses can negatively affect the independent functioning of older people. The goal of this study was to identify the most common problems that make independent life at home more difficult for the elderly and to try and present their relation with age and gender. Patients and methods: A total of 506 persons over 60 years of age took part in the study. They were residents of Poznań, Poland and surrounding areas. The research instruments were the Abbreviated Mental Test Score and EASY-Care Standard 2010 questionnaire which makes it possible to analyze patient's functioning in seven areas and includes three risk scales: Independence score, Risk of breakdown in care, Risk of falls. Results: In the group studied the greatest difficulties included performing complex activities of everyday life connected with moving around (III area), difficulties with performing household tasks (50.8%), shopping (39.7%) and falls (35.0%). The most frequently reported symptom that was a cause of worry was pain (68.2%). Other health problems reported included sleep disorders (58.9%), incorrect body weight (52.6%), low tolerance of physical effort (48.4%), urethral sphincter functioning disorder (42.7%) and forgetfulness (40.5%). The feeling of being lonely was found in 45.8% of older people. Conclusions: Significant differences in functioning between the genders were found in the areas of meal preparation, falls, mobility outside the home, not feeling safe, lack of physical activity, low tolerance of physical effort and almost all of area VII - Mental health and well-being. The main determinants of risk scores with the Independence Score, Risk of breakdown in care and Risk of fall domains were age and subjective feelings of pain.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza wiedzy studentów kierunku Pielęgniarstwo na temat zagrożeń i uciążliwych warunków pracy pielęgniarek Analysis of Nursing students' knowledge on threats and onerous work conditions of nurses

Wstep: W środowisku pracy pielegniarki jest wiele biologicznych, fizycznych, psychicznych, chemic... more Wstep: W środowisku pracy pielegniarki jest wiele biologicznych, fizycznych, psychicznych, chemicznych i ergonomicznych zagrozen związanych ze specyfiką zawodu. Cel: Celem pracy byla ocena wiedzy studentow pielegniarstwa na temat zagrozen i uciązliwych warunkow pracy na stanowisku pielegniarki. Material i metoda: Test wiedzy zostal przeprowadzony w grupie 100 osob. Badaniami objeto studentow na dwoch poziomach studiow: licencjackich oraz magisterskich. Wyniki: Analiza wykazala, iz wiedza studentow plasuje sie na poziomie dostatecznym. Jednakze warto zwrocic uwage, ze badani są świadomi posiadanej przez siebie wiedzy i prawidlowo oceniali jej poziom w subiektywnym spojrzeniu. Otrzymane wyniki, naklaniają do przemyślen i analizy programow nauczania. Wnioski: Warto zatem sprawdzic czy przekazywane na zajeciach treści wlaściwie przygotowują studentow do wlaściwych zachowan profilaktycznych w poźniejszym miejscu pracy. Przeprowadzenie owej analizy byloby dopelnieniem powyzszych badan. Slowa kluczowe: wiedza, zagrozenia, uciązliwe warunki, praca, pielegniarka. Summary Introduction: In the nurse's work environment there are many biological, physical, psychological, chemical and ergonomic threats related to the specificity of the profession. The aim: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of Nursing students on threats and onerous working conditions at the nurse's position. Material and method: The study was conducted among 100 people. The subject students included two levels of education: undergraduate and graduate. Results: Analysis showed that the students knowledge was ranked at a satisfactory level. However, it is worth noting that the study group was aware of their own knowledge gaps which were properly evaluated during the study to determine a subjective level of expression. The results, urge us to consider and analyze the current curriculum. Conclusions: This conclusion suggests it is necessary to determine whether current curriculum properly prepares students for prophylactic bahavior later in the workplace. Conducting further analysis on this subject would complement the above study. Keywords: knowledge, threats, onerous conditions, work, nurse.

Research paper thumbnail of Original paper Functioning and quality of life of patients with leg ulcers treated at dermatology wards

Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii, Jul 1, 2011

Introduction: Crural ulcers occur in 17-20% of adults and are directly related to age-they rarely... more Introduction: Crural ulcers occur in 17-20% of adults and are directly related to age-they rarely occur before the age of 60. With duration exceeding 9 months in over 50% of cases and a high relapse rate (more than 2 in 3 cases) they pose a major therapeutic and social problem. The cause of this disease is not only venous insufficiency, but also disorders of arteries, diabetes or even rheumatoid arthritis. All these elements make the therapy more complicated, which pushes up its costs. Chronic crural ulcers are often a cause of psychological discomfort, which may lead to depression and further exacerbate social isolation of patients suffering from this disease. Aim: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the association between quality of life and severity of the disease as well as patient self-care, mobility and social activity. The aforementioned aspects may be modified by properly planned patient care; hence the importance of validation of the influence of different factors on patients' quality of life. To assess the functioning of living and quality of life of patients with leg ulcers. Material and methods: The study group consisted of patients diagnosed with chronic leg ulcer, according to the CEAP (Clinical, Etiologic, Anatomic, Pathophysiologic) classification adopted by the American Venous and International Society of Vascular Surgery in 1994. The research was conducted in the Department of Dermatology of Poznan Regional Hospital (in-and outpatient clinics). The examined group consisted of 85 patients suffering from leg ulcers or varicose veins. The group consisted of 85 patients (51% women). The average age was 63.97 ±12.76. Patients were given a questionnaire with questions divided into two sections. The demographic section contained questions regarding age, gender, education, place of living, marital status, offspring, and cohabitants. The second part included clinical data concerning patient's history, symptoms and diagnostics. Clinical information was used to assess the degree of venous insufficiency severity according to different classifications: clinical, aetiological, anatomical, and pathophysiological. Patients with crural ulcers also completed the CIVIQ questionnaire. Conclusions: Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire is a questionnaire for measuring quality of life. It consists of 20 questions in 4 areas: physical, psychological, social and pain. Research on the evaluation of the functioning and quality of life of patients with leg ulcers in patients treated at dermatology wards showed very poor functioning and poor quality of life of patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocena Jakości Życia Chorych Ze Stwardnieniem Rozsianym the Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introductio... more 2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introduction and aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system leading to physical and functional decline of young people. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis and to analyze the correlation between the quality of life, socio-demographic variables and the functional status of the respondents. Material and methods. Seventy fi ve patients with MS (55 women and 20 men) were evaluated. The questionnaire of the quality of life MSQOL-54, Beck Depression Inventory, and a survey of our own design were used. Results. The mean physical health composite of MSQOL-54 was 55.1 ± 26.3 and mean mental health composite was 56.8 ± 22.3. Based on Beck Depression Inventory the highest percent- age of respondents were people with no symptoms of depres- sion (52%) and mild depression (40%). The infl uence of age, gender, activity, form of the disease, the prevalence of depres- sive and sexual disorders on different scales of the quality of life were found. Conclusions. In order to optimize care, the quality of life should be a regular part of care in patients with MS.

Research paper thumbnail of Functioning of people with colorectal cancer during chemotherapy. Demographic and clinical determinants of quality of life of patients with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy. Pilot study

European Journal of Cancer Care, Dec 27, 2016

Thanks to the development of diagnostic techniques, lesions can be detected early fosteringfullpa... more Thanks to the development of diagnostic techniques, lesions can be detected early fosteringfullpatient'srecovery.Theaimofthisstudywastoinvestigatefactorsaffectingqualityoflifeofpatientswithcolorectalcancer(CRC)duringchemotherapy.The research tool was a questionnaire of our own design that allows collecting demographic and clinical data and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Scale-Colorectal (FACT-C). The study included 90 patients. The analysis confirmed the differencebetweenSocial-FamilyWell-Being(SWB)andEmotionalWell-Being(EWB) andintheoverallassessmentofqualityoflifeandage.Takingintoaccountthepresenceofstoma,astatisticallysignificantdifferencewasfoundonlyintheColorectal CancerSubscale(CCSp=.01321).Regardingthenumberofcyclesofchemotherapy, astatisticallysignificantdifferencewasshownintheoverallevaluation(p=.0459)and theSWB(p=.0463)area.InpatientswithCRCinthegeneralassessmentofqualityof life, which is at a medium level, non-modifiable factors like age and gender play a minor role when compared with the group of variables related to the process and treatmentofthedisease.

Research paper thumbnail of Burden of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Oct 31, 2018

Conclusion Pain in elderly persons with dementia is a significant problem. This underlines high n... more Conclusion Pain in elderly persons with dementia is a significant problem. This underlines high needs of research as well as excellent implementation concepts for assessment and treatment of pain. Disclosure of interest. The authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

Research paper thumbnail of Wound Pain as a Determinant of Function in Patients Hospitalised for Burns

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan 20, 2023

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of The assessment of functional ability of elderly nursing home patients by means of the daily activities inventory after the application of selected stimulation methods

Medical Science and Technology, Mar 20, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer’s disease

Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2012

bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taki... more bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer's disease STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Chorzy z demencją w przebiegu choroby Alzheimera wymagają stałej, niejednokrotnie całodobowej opieki. Jak wykazują badania, 92% osób dotkniętych chorobą Alzheimera przebywa w domu w trakcie trwania choroby, w związku z czym ciężar opieki spoczywa na rodzinie. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ukazanie czynników wpływających na poczucie obciążenia opiekuna osoby chorej na chorobę Alzheimera oraz form pomocy niesionej przez pielęgniarkę rodzinną. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 100 opiekunów osób z chorobą Alzheimera. Narzędziem badawczym był Kwestionariusz Poczucia Obciążenia wraz z kwestionariuszem ankiety. Wyniki. Wykazano zależność między wiekiem, płcią, statusem zawodowym, stanem zdrowia oraz stopniem pokrewieństwa opiekuna a wysokim poczuciem obciążenia opieką nad chorym z chorobą Alzheimera. Istnienie wsparcia niesionego opiekunowi wpływa na niższe poczucie obciążenia opieką. Potrzebę stworzenia domu pobytu czasowego dla chorych wykazano w grupie osób z wysokim poczuciem obciążenia. Wnioski. Badania wykazały znaczne obciążenie opiekuna i rodziny osoby z chorobą Alzheimera. W pracy pielęgniarki sprawującej opiekę nad rodziną istotne jest określenie obszarów, w których występują deficyty w celu prawidłowego ukierunkowania niesionego wsparcia zarówno instytucjonalnego, jak i emocjonalnego.

Research paper thumbnail of Functional assessment of the elderly with the use of EASY-Care Standard 2010 and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Jun 8, 2015

BackgroundThe wide variation in performance among the elderly leads to the search for a suitable ... more BackgroundThe wide variation in performance among the elderly leads to the search for a suitable instrument to identify the necessary support.The aim of this study was to examine the scope of independent functioning of the elderly and to indicate the necessary support using basic instruments, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and EASY‐Care Standard 2010.MethodsFor statistical analysis were qualified 101 questionnaires of patients from oncological surgery clinic.ResultsThe study group was dominated by women (79.2%). The average age for the entire group was 74.7 ± 7.5 years. In terms of basic life activities (Barthel Index), 75.2% of the elderly performed most of their activities independently. The Lawton IADL (Instrumental Activity of Daily Living Scale) median was 25 points. Moderate depression (Geriatric Depression Scale) reported 37.6% of the group. The influence of age, education, mode of movement and efficiency in basic and instrumental life activities and depression (Geriatric Depression Scale) was demonstrated in the results in three scales of the EASY‐Care Standard 2010 questionnaire: Independence score, Risk of break down in care and Risk of falls. There was no difference in terms of gender and the nature of the residence.ConclusionThe study group of the elderly was characterised by a good level of efficiency in basic and instrumental activities of daily living. Questionnaire EASY‐Care Standard 2010 enables to identify functional limitations of the elderly that may form the basis for planning individual support.

Research paper thumbnail of Needs of older persons living in long-term care institutions: on the usefulness of cluster approach

BMC Geriatrics

Background Long-term care units’ residents do not constitute a homogeneous population. Providing ... more Background Long-term care units’ residents do not constitute a homogeneous population. Providing effective care, tailored to individual needs, is crucial in this context. It can be facilitated by suitable tools and methods, which include needs assessment along with the physical, psychological and social aspects of care. We thus applied a cluster approach to identify their putative groupings to enable the provision of tailored care. Methods The needs of 242 residents of care homes in four Polish cities (Poznan, Wroclaw, Bialystok and Lublin), aged 75–102 years (184 females), with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score ≥ 15 points, were assessed with the CANE (Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly) questionnaire. Their independence in activities of daily living was evaluated by the Barthel Index (BI), and symptoms of depression by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The results of MMSE, BI and GDS were selected as variables for K-means cluster analysis. Results Clust...

Research paper thumbnail of Ocena Jakości Życia Chorych Ze Stwardnieniem Rozsianym the Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introductio... more 2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introduction and aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system leading to physical and functional decline of young people. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis and to analyze the correlation between the quality of life, socio-demographic variables and the functional status of the respondents. Material and methods. Seventy fi ve patients with MS (55 women and 20 men) were evaluated. The questionnaire of the quality of life MSQOL-54, Beck Depression Inventory, and a survey of our own design were used. Results. The mean physical health composite of MSQOL-54 was 55.1 ± 26.3 and mean mental health composite was 56.8 ± 22.3. Based on Beck Depression Inventory the highest percent- age of respondents were people with no symptoms of depres- sion (52%) and mild depression (40%). The infl uence of age, gende...

Research paper thumbnail of The Incidence of Diabetes Complications in Elderly Patients under the Community Nursing Care

Research paper thumbnail of Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer’s disease

bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taki... more bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer's disease STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Chorzy z demencją w przebiegu choroby Alzheimera wymagają stałej, niejednokrotnie całodobowej opieki. Jak wykazują badania, 92% osób dotkniętych chorobą Alzheimera przebywa w domu w trakcie trwania choroby, w związku z czym ciężar opieki spoczywa na rodzinie. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ukazanie czynników wpływających na poczucie obciążenia opiekuna osoby chorej na chorobę Alzheimera oraz form pomocy niesionej przez pielęgniarkę rodzinną. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 100 opiekunów osób z chorobą Alzheimera. Narzędziem badawczym był Kwestionariusz Poczucia Obciążenia wraz z kwestionariuszem ankiety. Wyniki. Wykazano zależność między wiekiem, płcią, statusem zawodowym, stanem zdrowia oraz stopniem pokrewieństwa opiekuna a wysokim poczuciem obciążenia opieką nad chorym z chorobą Alzheimera. Istnienie wsparcia niesionego opiekunowi wpływa na niższe poczucie obciążenia opieką. Potrzebę stworzenia domu pobytu czasowego dla chorych wykazano w grupie osób z wysokim poczuciem obciążenia. Wnioski. Badania wykazały znaczne obciążenie opiekuna i rodziny osoby z chorobą Alzheimera. W pracy pielęgniarki sprawującej opiekę nad rodziną istotne jest określenie obszarów, w których występują deficyty w celu prawidłowego ukierunkowania niesionego wsparcia zarówno instytucjonalnego, jak i emocjonalnego.

Research paper thumbnail of The assessment of functional ability of elderly nursing home patients by means of the daily activities inventory after the application of selected stimulation methods

Medical Science and Technology, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life and functional status in patients with end-stage renal disease

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life in healthy children and in children with tension headaches--a comparative analysis

PubMed, 2005

Purpose: The aim of this study was the assessment of the quality of life of children and adolesce... more Purpose: The aim of this study was the assessment of the quality of life of children and adolescents with tension headaches in comparison with healthy peers. Material and methods: The study was conducted on 135 middle school and high school students in Poznań and on 86 children with tension headaches, that were treated in the out-patient clinic of The Chair and Clinic of Development Age Neurology of Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań. The research tool for both groups was Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, version 4.0 (PedsQL 4.0) questionnaire. Results: In the analysed groups dominated 14- and 16-year-old children. Among children with tension headaches, the ailments usually appeared once or twice a week in 39 (45%) of them. With the use of the PedsQL 4.0 questionnaire the following fields of activity were analyzed: biological, emotional, social functioning and mood. Conclusions: The biggest discrepancies between the group of healthy children and those with headaches were noted in the field of emotional functioning and mood. Adolescents with tension headaches more frequently reported the feeling of fear and sleep disorders in comparison to healthy students. Children with headaches look at the future in a more pessimistic way and are less satisfied with their lives.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ pracy zmianowej na funkcjonowanie i zdrowie człowieka – przegląd badań

Pielęgniarstwo Polskie, Dec 20, 2016

Professional work absorbs a big part of our lives. It is primarily a source of economic and socia... more Professional work absorbs a big part of our lives. It is primarily a source of economic and social benefi ts. In some cases, however, work can have a negative and even harmful impact on health and well-being. The contemporary lifestyle, especially shift work, has changed a daily rhythm of life. Time schedule, different from the natural one, affects the human body, causing changes in hormones, body temperature, mood and brain functioning. The aim of the study was to review epidemiological studies on the relationship between night shifts and the presence of some pathologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors determining the quality of life of homeless people staying in support centers for people in the crisis of homelessness. Pilot study

BMC public health, Feb 1, 2024

Background The aim of the study was to discuss the issues of the homelessness crisis and to prese... more Background The aim of the study was to discuss the issues of the homelessness crisis and to present the assessment of the quality of life of people experiencing a homelessness crisis, taking into account various aspects of life and everyday functioning. Methods This was a pilot cross-sectional study carried out using an anonymous survey. The author's questionnaire, the WHOQOL-Bref scale and the Beck depression scale were used. From among the support centers for people in the homelessness crisis operating in the city of Poznań, the 2 largest centers were selected. The obtained results were based on the statistical analysis of the collected data. Results The study group consisted only of people in the crisis of homelessness staying at the support centers at the time of the study. The analysis included data from 114 people, including 28 (24.6%) women. The youngest participant was 21 and the oldest 76 years old. The average period of homelessness was 86 months. 55.3% of respondents showed symptoms of depression. The main cause of homelessness was their family situation (59.6%), financial problems (36.0%) and the need to leave the apartment (13.2%). Abuse of alcohol before the homelessness crisis was reported by 96 (84.2%) respondents. The WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life. The psychological domain was rated the highest (62.09 ± 16.94 points, the lowest somatic domain (53.25 ± 18.71 points). The quality of life of homeless people was positively related to their economic situation, depression and health status. It was shown that sex, age and education had no influence (p > 0.05) on the assessment of the quality of life of people experiencing the crisis of homelessness. Conclusions The economic situation is the main factor affecting the quality of life within the psychological and social domain. Health status is the main factor affecting the quality of life within the somatic and environmental domain. The biggest dream of the respondents was to have a flat and improve their financial situation.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life and functional status in patients with end-stage renal disease

A-Koncepcja i projekt badania, B-Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych, C-Analiza i interpretacja ... more A-Koncepcja i projekt badania, B-Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych, C-Analiza i interpretacja danych, D-Napisanie artykułu, E-Krytyczne zrecenzowanie artykułu, F-Zatwierdzenie ostatecznej wersji artykułu Abstract (in Polish): Cel pracy Specyfika postępującego przebiegu choroby prowadzi do rozwoju zależności funkcjonalnej, która przyczynia się do późniejszej niepełnosprawności, istotnie wpływa na jakość życia. Celem badań było ustalenie związku między funkcjonowaniem pacjentów leczonych hemodializą a wybranymi czynnikami społeczno-demograficznymi i jakością życia.

Research paper thumbnail of The most common factors hindering the independent functioning of the elderly at home by age and sex

PubMed, Feb 1, 2017

Objective: Changes occurring with increased age as well progressive illnesses can negatively affe... more Objective: Changes occurring with increased age as well progressive illnesses can negatively affect the independent functioning of older people. The goal of this study was to identify the most common problems that make independent life at home more difficult for the elderly and to try and present their relation with age and gender. Patients and methods: A total of 506 persons over 60 years of age took part in the study. They were residents of Poznań, Poland and surrounding areas. The research instruments were the Abbreviated Mental Test Score and EASY-Care Standard 2010 questionnaire which makes it possible to analyze patient's functioning in seven areas and includes three risk scales: Independence score, Risk of breakdown in care, Risk of falls. Results: In the group studied the greatest difficulties included performing complex activities of everyday life connected with moving around (III area), difficulties with performing household tasks (50.8%), shopping (39.7%) and falls (35.0%). The most frequently reported symptom that was a cause of worry was pain (68.2%). Other health problems reported included sleep disorders (58.9%), incorrect body weight (52.6%), low tolerance of physical effort (48.4%), urethral sphincter functioning disorder (42.7%) and forgetfulness (40.5%). The feeling of being lonely was found in 45.8% of older people. Conclusions: Significant differences in functioning between the genders were found in the areas of meal preparation, falls, mobility outside the home, not feeling safe, lack of physical activity, low tolerance of physical effort and almost all of area VII - Mental health and well-being. The main determinants of risk scores with the Independence Score, Risk of breakdown in care and Risk of fall domains were age and subjective feelings of pain.

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza wiedzy studentów kierunku Pielęgniarstwo na temat zagrożeń i uciążliwych warunków pracy pielęgniarek Analysis of Nursing students' knowledge on threats and onerous work conditions of nurses

Wstep: W środowisku pracy pielegniarki jest wiele biologicznych, fizycznych, psychicznych, chemic... more Wstep: W środowisku pracy pielegniarki jest wiele biologicznych, fizycznych, psychicznych, chemicznych i ergonomicznych zagrozen związanych ze specyfiką zawodu. Cel: Celem pracy byla ocena wiedzy studentow pielegniarstwa na temat zagrozen i uciązliwych warunkow pracy na stanowisku pielegniarki. Material i metoda: Test wiedzy zostal przeprowadzony w grupie 100 osob. Badaniami objeto studentow na dwoch poziomach studiow: licencjackich oraz magisterskich. Wyniki: Analiza wykazala, iz wiedza studentow plasuje sie na poziomie dostatecznym. Jednakze warto zwrocic uwage, ze badani są świadomi posiadanej przez siebie wiedzy i prawidlowo oceniali jej poziom w subiektywnym spojrzeniu. Otrzymane wyniki, naklaniają do przemyślen i analizy programow nauczania. Wnioski: Warto zatem sprawdzic czy przekazywane na zajeciach treści wlaściwie przygotowują studentow do wlaściwych zachowan profilaktycznych w poźniejszym miejscu pracy. Przeprowadzenie owej analizy byloby dopelnieniem powyzszych badan. Slowa kluczowe: wiedza, zagrozenia, uciązliwe warunki, praca, pielegniarka. Summary Introduction: In the nurse's work environment there are many biological, physical, psychological, chemical and ergonomic threats related to the specificity of the profession. The aim: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of Nursing students on threats and onerous working conditions at the nurse's position. Material and method: The study was conducted among 100 people. The subject students included two levels of education: undergraduate and graduate. Results: Analysis showed that the students knowledge was ranked at a satisfactory level. However, it is worth noting that the study group was aware of their own knowledge gaps which were properly evaluated during the study to determine a subjective level of expression. The results, urge us to consider and analyze the current curriculum. Conclusions: This conclusion suggests it is necessary to determine whether current curriculum properly prepares students for prophylactic bahavior later in the workplace. Conducting further analysis on this subject would complement the above study. Keywords: knowledge, threats, onerous conditions, work, nurse.

Research paper thumbnail of Original paper Functioning and quality of life of patients with leg ulcers treated at dermatology wards

Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii, Jul 1, 2011

Introduction: Crural ulcers occur in 17-20% of adults and are directly related to age-they rarely... more Introduction: Crural ulcers occur in 17-20% of adults and are directly related to age-they rarely occur before the age of 60. With duration exceeding 9 months in over 50% of cases and a high relapse rate (more than 2 in 3 cases) they pose a major therapeutic and social problem. The cause of this disease is not only venous insufficiency, but also disorders of arteries, diabetes or even rheumatoid arthritis. All these elements make the therapy more complicated, which pushes up its costs. Chronic crural ulcers are often a cause of psychological discomfort, which may lead to depression and further exacerbate social isolation of patients suffering from this disease. Aim: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the association between quality of life and severity of the disease as well as patient self-care, mobility and social activity. The aforementioned aspects may be modified by properly planned patient care; hence the importance of validation of the influence of different factors on patients' quality of life. To assess the functioning of living and quality of life of patients with leg ulcers. Material and methods: The study group consisted of patients diagnosed with chronic leg ulcer, according to the CEAP (Clinical, Etiologic, Anatomic, Pathophysiologic) classification adopted by the American Venous and International Society of Vascular Surgery in 1994. The research was conducted in the Department of Dermatology of Poznan Regional Hospital (in-and outpatient clinics). The examined group consisted of 85 patients suffering from leg ulcers or varicose veins. The group consisted of 85 patients (51% women). The average age was 63.97 ±12.76. Patients were given a questionnaire with questions divided into two sections. The demographic section contained questions regarding age, gender, education, place of living, marital status, offspring, and cohabitants. The second part included clinical data concerning patient's history, symptoms and diagnostics. Clinical information was used to assess the degree of venous insufficiency severity according to different classifications: clinical, aetiological, anatomical, and pathophysiological. Patients with crural ulcers also completed the CIVIQ questionnaire. Conclusions: Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire is a questionnaire for measuring quality of life. It consists of 20 questions in 4 areas: physical, psychological, social and pain. Research on the evaluation of the functioning and quality of life of patients with leg ulcers in patients treated at dermatology wards showed very poor functioning and poor quality of life of patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocena Jakości Życia Chorych Ze Stwardnieniem Rozsianym the Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introductio... more 2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introduction and aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system leading to physical and functional decline of young people. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis and to analyze the correlation between the quality of life, socio-demographic variables and the functional status of the respondents. Material and methods. Seventy fi ve patients with MS (55 women and 20 men) were evaluated. The questionnaire of the quality of life MSQOL-54, Beck Depression Inventory, and a survey of our own design were used. Results. The mean physical health composite of MSQOL-54 was 55.1 ± 26.3 and mean mental health composite was 56.8 ± 22.3. Based on Beck Depression Inventory the highest percent- age of respondents were people with no symptoms of depres- sion (52%) and mild depression (40%). The infl uence of age, gender, activity, form of the disease, the prevalence of depres- sive and sexual disorders on different scales of the quality of life were found. Conclusions. In order to optimize care, the quality of life should be a regular part of care in patients with MS.

Research paper thumbnail of Functioning of people with colorectal cancer during chemotherapy. Demographic and clinical determinants of quality of life of patients with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy. Pilot study

European Journal of Cancer Care, Dec 27, 2016

Thanks to the development of diagnostic techniques, lesions can be detected early fosteringfullpa... more Thanks to the development of diagnostic techniques, lesions can be detected early fosteringfullpatient'srecovery.Theaimofthisstudywastoinvestigatefactorsaffectingqualityoflifeofpatientswithcolorectalcancer(CRC)duringchemotherapy.The research tool was a questionnaire of our own design that allows collecting demographic and clinical data and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Scale-Colorectal (FACT-C). The study included 90 patients. The analysis confirmed the differencebetweenSocial-FamilyWell-Being(SWB)andEmotionalWell-Being(EWB) andintheoverallassessmentofqualityoflifeandage.Takingintoaccountthepresenceofstoma,astatisticallysignificantdifferencewasfoundonlyintheColorectal CancerSubscale(CCSp=.01321).Regardingthenumberofcyclesofchemotherapy, astatisticallysignificantdifferencewasshownintheoverallevaluation(p=.0459)and theSWB(p=.0463)area.InpatientswithCRCinthegeneralassessmentofqualityof life, which is at a medium level, non-modifiable factors like age and gender play a minor role when compared with the group of variables related to the process and treatmentofthedisease.

Research paper thumbnail of Burden of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Oct 31, 2018

Conclusion Pain in elderly persons with dementia is a significant problem. This underlines high n... more Conclusion Pain in elderly persons with dementia is a significant problem. This underlines high needs of research as well as excellent implementation concepts for assessment and treatment of pain. Disclosure of interest. The authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

Research paper thumbnail of Wound Pain as a Determinant of Function in Patients Hospitalised for Burns

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan 20, 2023

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of The assessment of functional ability of elderly nursing home patients by means of the daily activities inventory after the application of selected stimulation methods

Medical Science and Technology, Mar 20, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer’s disease

Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2012

bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taki... more bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer's disease STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Chorzy z demencją w przebiegu choroby Alzheimera wymagają stałej, niejednokrotnie całodobowej opieki. Jak wykazują badania, 92% osób dotkniętych chorobą Alzheimera przebywa w domu w trakcie trwania choroby, w związku z czym ciężar opieki spoczywa na rodzinie. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ukazanie czynników wpływających na poczucie obciążenia opiekuna osoby chorej na chorobę Alzheimera oraz form pomocy niesionej przez pielęgniarkę rodzinną. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 100 opiekunów osób z chorobą Alzheimera. Narzędziem badawczym był Kwestionariusz Poczucia Obciążenia wraz z kwestionariuszem ankiety. Wyniki. Wykazano zależność między wiekiem, płcią, statusem zawodowym, stanem zdrowia oraz stopniem pokrewieństwa opiekuna a wysokim poczuciem obciążenia opieką nad chorym z chorobą Alzheimera. Istnienie wsparcia niesionego opiekunowi wpływa na niższe poczucie obciążenia opieką. Potrzebę stworzenia domu pobytu czasowego dla chorych wykazano w grupie osób z wysokim poczuciem obciążenia. Wnioski. Badania wykazały znaczne obciążenie opiekuna i rodziny osoby z chorobą Alzheimera. W pracy pielęgniarki sprawującej opiekę nad rodziną istotne jest określenie obszarów, w których występują deficyty w celu prawidłowego ukierunkowania niesionego wsparcia zarówno instytucjonalnego, jak i emocjonalnego.

Research paper thumbnail of Functional assessment of the elderly with the use of EASY-Care Standard 2010 and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Jun 8, 2015

BackgroundThe wide variation in performance among the elderly leads to the search for a suitable ... more BackgroundThe wide variation in performance among the elderly leads to the search for a suitable instrument to identify the necessary support.The aim of this study was to examine the scope of independent functioning of the elderly and to indicate the necessary support using basic instruments, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and EASY‐Care Standard 2010.MethodsFor statistical analysis were qualified 101 questionnaires of patients from oncological surgery clinic.ResultsThe study group was dominated by women (79.2%). The average age for the entire group was 74.7 ± 7.5 years. In terms of basic life activities (Barthel Index), 75.2% of the elderly performed most of their activities independently. The Lawton IADL (Instrumental Activity of Daily Living Scale) median was 25 points. Moderate depression (Geriatric Depression Scale) reported 37.6% of the group. The influence of age, education, mode of movement and efficiency in basic and instrumental life activities and depression (Geriatric Depression Scale) was demonstrated in the results in three scales of the EASY‐Care Standard 2010 questionnaire: Independence score, Risk of break down in care and Risk of falls. There was no difference in terms of gender and the nature of the residence.ConclusionThe study group of the elderly was characterised by a good level of efficiency in basic and instrumental activities of daily living. Questionnaire EASY‐Care Standard 2010 enables to identify functional limitations of the elderly that may form the basis for planning individual support.

Research paper thumbnail of Needs of older persons living in long-term care institutions: on the usefulness of cluster approach

BMC Geriatrics

Background Long-term care units’ residents do not constitute a homogeneous population. Providing ... more Background Long-term care units’ residents do not constitute a homogeneous population. Providing effective care, tailored to individual needs, is crucial in this context. It can be facilitated by suitable tools and methods, which include needs assessment along with the physical, psychological and social aspects of care. We thus applied a cluster approach to identify their putative groupings to enable the provision of tailored care. Methods The needs of 242 residents of care homes in four Polish cities (Poznan, Wroclaw, Bialystok and Lublin), aged 75–102 years (184 females), with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score ≥ 15 points, were assessed with the CANE (Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly) questionnaire. Their independence in activities of daily living was evaluated by the Barthel Index (BI), and symptoms of depression by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The results of MMSE, BI and GDS were selected as variables for K-means cluster analysis. Results Clust...

Research paper thumbnail of Ocena Jakości Życia Chorych Ze Stwardnieniem Rozsianym the Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introductio... more 2 Nova-Med, Pielegniarski Ośrodek Medycyny Środowiskowo-Rodzinnej w Poznaniu Abstract Introduction and aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system leading to physical and functional decline of young people. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis and to analyze the correlation between the quality of life, socio-demographic variables and the functional status of the respondents. Material and methods. Seventy fi ve patients with MS (55 women and 20 men) were evaluated. The questionnaire of the quality of life MSQOL-54, Beck Depression Inventory, and a survey of our own design were used. Results. The mean physical health composite of MSQOL-54 was 55.1 ± 26.3 and mean mental health composite was 56.8 ± 22.3. Based on Beck Depression Inventory the highest percent- age of respondents were people with no symptoms of depres- sion (52%) and mild depression (40%). The infl uence of age, gende...

Research paper thumbnail of The Incidence of Diabetes Complications in Elderly Patients under the Community Nursing Care

Research paper thumbnail of Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer’s disease

bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taki... more bciążenie rodziny w opiece nad pacjentem z chorobą Alzheimera Sens of burden of the families taking care of patient with Alzheimer's disease STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Chorzy z demencją w przebiegu choroby Alzheimera wymagają stałej, niejednokrotnie całodobowej opieki. Jak wykazują badania, 92% osób dotkniętych chorobą Alzheimera przebywa w domu w trakcie trwania choroby, w związku z czym ciężar opieki spoczywa na rodzinie. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ukazanie czynników wpływających na poczucie obciążenia opiekuna osoby chorej na chorobę Alzheimera oraz form pomocy niesionej przez pielęgniarkę rodzinną. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 100 opiekunów osób z chorobą Alzheimera. Narzędziem badawczym był Kwestionariusz Poczucia Obciążenia wraz z kwestionariuszem ankiety. Wyniki. Wykazano zależność między wiekiem, płcią, statusem zawodowym, stanem zdrowia oraz stopniem pokrewieństwa opiekuna a wysokim poczuciem obciążenia opieką nad chorym z chorobą Alzheimera. Istnienie wsparcia niesionego opiekunowi wpływa na niższe poczucie obciążenia opieką. Potrzebę stworzenia domu pobytu czasowego dla chorych wykazano w grupie osób z wysokim poczuciem obciążenia. Wnioski. Badania wykazały znaczne obciążenie opiekuna i rodziny osoby z chorobą Alzheimera. W pracy pielęgniarki sprawującej opiekę nad rodziną istotne jest określenie obszarów, w których występują deficyty w celu prawidłowego ukierunkowania niesionego wsparcia zarówno instytucjonalnego, jak i emocjonalnego.

Research paper thumbnail of The assessment of functional ability of elderly nursing home patients by means of the daily activities inventory after the application of selected stimulation methods

Medical Science and Technology, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of life and functional status in patients with end-stage renal disease