Dr.Brigitte Eisenwort - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr.Brigitte Eisenwort
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 1989
: Open set speech comprehension can be achieved by intra- and extracochlear stimulation using an ... more : Open set speech comprehension can be achieved by intra- and extracochlear stimulation using an analog broadband signal. There is a tendency that intracochlear provided patients achieve better scores for open set speech comprehension than extracochlear implanted patients. Four prelingually deaf children acquired awareness of tones and sounds and some of them are able to use suprasegmental cues. After reimplantation, speech comprehension scores remain stable. For three patients scores even improve. Controls of the pure-tone audiograms demonstrate that extracochlear implants do not destroy residual hearing.
Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie, 1987
Basing on the results obtained with 63 patients stimulated via the extracochlear or intracochlear... more Basing on the results obtained with 63 patients stimulated via the extracochlear or intracochlear version of the Vienna Cochlea Implant the following topics are discussed: Extracochlear versus intracochlear stimulation. Cochlea Implants in small children. Preoperative signs regarding the final result. Ideas for evaluation of results. Extracochlear or intracochlear stimulation enables speech understanding in about one-half of the postlingual deaf patients but the extent of speech recognition is greater when intracochlearly stimulated. Long-term follow-up as well as our experience with patients who had to be reimplanted demonstrate that the implantation manoevre does not create clinically relevant signs of damage. After the experiences with cochlear implants in adults their use in small children was encouraged, the more so since electric stimulation of prelingual deaf adults does not mediate speech recognition. There seems to be a chance to achieve speech comprehension if electric sti...
Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 1984
A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The scor... more A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The score obtained in this test showed a highly significant correlation with the postoperative score evaluated by independent examiners 4 weeks after stimulator adjustment.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung, 2007
Problemstellung: Den Entwicklungsprozess kommunikativer Fertigkeiten im Unterricht evaluieren zu ... more Problemstellung: Den Entwicklungsprozess kommunikativer Fertigkeiten im Unterricht evaluieren zu wollen bedeutet neben der Notwendigkeit standardisierter Unterrichtsbedingungen ein objektives und reliables Instrument zur Beurteilung der Leistungen des Einzelnen zur Verfügung zu haben. Die von uns entwickelte "checklist professional behavior" ermöglicht Beides. Sie dient als Unterrichtsgrundlage und Testinstrument, in dem die vorgegebenen Items gleichermaßen Handlungsanweisungen (z. B. "grüßt und stellt sich vor") und Evaluationskriterien darstellen. Im Curriculum der MUW wird ärztliche Gesprächsführung zu mehreren Zeitpunkten in unterschiedlicher Dauer unterrichtet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung bezieht sich auf den Erwerb kommunikativer Grundfertigkeiten und die Erhebung einer bio-psycho-sozialen Anamnese (nach G. Engel), welche im dritten und vierten Semester (insgesamt 12 Unterrichtseinheiten) vermittelt werden. Der Einsatz der Checklist steigert die edukative Transparenz, indem sie zunächst als Unterrichtsgrundlage dient und am Ende zur Überprüfung des Wissens und der Fertigkeiten herangezogen wird.
Die Skills-line des 2. Studienjahres hat ein Gesamtstundenausmaß von 4 SWS (entspechend 60 Ausbil... more Die Skills-line des 2. Studienjahres hat ein Gesamtstundenausmaß von 4 SWS (entspechend 60 Ausbildungsstunden). Es werden insgesamt ca. 600 Studierende in 60 Kleingruppen a 10 Teilnehmern unterrichtet. Weiters inkludiert sind 120 Minuten Einführungsvorlesungen und freie Übungsmöglichkeiten außerhalb des angeleiteten Unterrichts. Die Line besteht aus 5 Lineelementen, den "ärztlichen Grundfertigkeiten“, der "ärztlichen Gesprächsführung 1 und 2“, der "physikalischen Krankenuntersuchung“, sowie dem "Famulaturpropädeutikum“.
Klinische Pädiatrie, 1999
: Difficulties in language acquisition seem to be serious, if there are additional problems like ... more : Difficulties in language acquisition seem to be serious, if there are additional problems like intellectual and/or emotional/social impairment, which are often reported [10]. These additional problems and the definition of specific language impairment as a developmental disorder, restricted to language acquisition seem to be contradictory [17]. Aim of that study is to look for specific language impaired children with similar cognitive abilities and though to investigate, if there are children without additional cognitive problems considering the definition of specific language impairment. 93 children, between 4;0 and 6;6 years old, were diagnostized as specific language impaired (ICD-10) and were assessed by the "Hannover Wechsler Intelligenztest fur das Vorschulalter (HAWIVA)" [6] (german version of WPPSI). Cluster analysis showed, that 1/3 of the specific language impaired children presented no additional cognitive problems and 2/3 of them showed cognitive problems regarding nonverbal and verbal intelligence indeed. These additional cognitive problems indicate that there may be a more basic cognitive defect underlying specific language impairment [15]--at least for a group of specific language impaired children. Furthermore the nonverbal and verbal intellectual difficulties emphasize to general developmental support of specific language impaired children for optimal improvement in language acquisition.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2010
Background Media reporting of suicide has repeatedly been shown to trigger suicidal behaviour. Fe... more Background Media reporting of suicide has repeatedly been shown to trigger suicidal behaviour. Few studies have investigated the associations between specific media content and suicide rates. Even less is known about the possible preventive effects of suicide-related media content. Aims To test the hypotheses that certain media content is associated with an increase in suicide, suggesting a so-called Werther effect, and that other content is associated with a decrease in suicide, conceptualised as a Papageno effect. Further, to identify classes of media articles with similar reporting profiles and to test for associations between these classes and suicide. Method Content analysis and latent class analysis (LCA) of 497 suicide-related print media reports published in Austria between 1 January and 30 June 2005. Ecological study to identify associations between media item content and short-term changes in suicide rates. Results Repetitive reporting of the same suicide and the reporting...
Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 2000
Schriftsprache ist für hörgesunde Menschen ein sekundäres Medium. Hörgesunde Kinder erlernen die ... more Schriftsprache ist für hörgesunde Menschen ein sekundäres Medium. Hörgesunde Kinder erlernen die Schriftsprache, wenn im Regelfalle die wichtigsten Stadien des Erstspracherwerbes weitgehend abgeschlossen sind. Die Kinder kennen dann das Lautsystem ihrer Muttersprache, sie sind dabei, die phonologische Kodierung zu erwerben, sie verfügen über die grundlegenden syntaktischen Prinzipien und einen Wortschatz von 2500 Wörtern und mehr, wenn sie erste schriftliche Symbole kennenlernen. Gehörlose Kinder zeigen in allen Altersstufen und auf allen sprachlichen Ebenen der Laut-und Schriftsprache starke Defizite (vgl. Wilbur, 2000). Bedenkt man, daß 95% der gehörlosen Kinder in hörenden Familien geboren werden und aufwachsen, so ist gut nachvollziehbar, daß nach Eröffnung der Diagnose einer vollständigen Gehörlosigkeit wertvolle Zeit für den frühen Spracherwerb, ungeachtet ob gebärdensprachlich oder lautsprachlich, blockiert wird mit der Verarbeitung der durch die Diagnose ausgelösten Krise innerhalb der Familie. 5% der gehörlosen Kinder, die in gehörlosen Familien aufwachsen, haben in der frühen Kindheit durch die natürliche Sozialisation mit der visuell-gestischen Sprache einen Entwicklungsvorsprung in ihrer semantischen und syntaktischen Entwicklung (vgl. Charrow & Fletcher, 1974, Charrow & Wilbur, 1975). Der überwiegende Teil der gehörlosen Kinder zeigt sprachliche Defizite gegenüber hörenden Gleichaltrigen, die mit zunehmendem Alter immer größer werden. In der Regel lassen sie sich im Erwachsenenalter nicht mehr aufholen. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird auf die Erörterung der soziolinguistisch-sprachpolitischen Dimension des Phänomens der Fehlerhaftigkeit von Gehörlosentexten in der Erwachsenenwelt verzichtet (dazu siehe Krausmann, 1999). Abgesehen von den Versäumnissen in der Gehörlosenausbildung könnten aber auch geeignete Lerneinheiten für Erwachsene und Jugendliche die Situation verbessern. Am Anfang einer solchen Bemühung muß naturgemäß eine Problemanalyse stehen. Für die Mehrzahl gehörloser Menschen, zumindest im Untersuchungsgebiet (Österreich), gilt aber, daß sie unter Auslassung des Erwerbs einer Erstsprache gleich in den Erwerb einer Zweitsprache gelangen, die sie aber in der Regel viel später erwerben als hörende Kinder und die aufgrund ihrer Haupttransmissionsmodalität (akustische Übertragung) für sie nur in äußerst eingeschränkter Weise zugänglich ist und daher niemals einer gewöhnlichen Erstsprache gleichkommen kann. Dazu kommt, daß der Bezug zwischen Laut, Grammatik und Schriftsystem für sie teilweise arbiträr erscheinen muß, ganz zu schweigen vom Problem des Unterschieds zwischen Dialekten und Standardsprache (z.B. Mundbilder). Die Schriftform des Deutschen ist darum, auch und besonders wenn inzwischen die Gebärdensprache (oft "nachträglich") die Funktion einer Erstsprache angenommen hat, bald der Hauptbezugspunkt Gehörloser zum Deutschen. Faxe, Emails und Briefe sind der hauptsächliche Rahmen des Gebrauchs der Mehrheitensprache, während im direkten Kontakt eher gebärdet wird. Dabei handelt es sich aber nicht im Sinne der Hörenden um ein Phänomen von Schriftspracherwerb, da hier die schriftliche Modalität die Hauptform des Deutschen bildet.-2-Die Schriftsprache Deutsch wird aber nur sehr selten bis zu einer (fast) ganz fehlerfreien Form entwickelt; Probleme wie bei den kaum durchschaubaren Regeln der Anwendung der (schwachen und starken) Adjektivflexion werden (wie bei vielen Zweitsprachlern) eher nie beseitigt. Real verhält es sich, wie zu zeigen sein wird, sogar so, daß die Anzahl der Fehler selbst bei langjähriger Kenntnis gewöhnlich sogar sehr hoch ist.
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
OBJECTIVE The target of this paper was to quantify the amount of cognitive constriction in German... more OBJECTIVE The target of this paper was to quantify the amount of cognitive constriction in German-language suicide notes by studying quantitative psycholinguistic parameters of texts. This should give a better understanding of presuicidal events and encourage improvement in the field of suicide prevention and crisis intervention. METHODS The study is based on letters of the "Vienna Corpus of Suicide Notes". To prove various hypotheses a factor analysis, a number of regression analyses, and the General Linear Model were applied, apart from descriptive methods. RESULTS The 16 parameters could be reduced to five factors of cognitive constriction, such as the writing style, the usage of words, the dichotomy, the length and the grammatical correctness of the suicide notes. Regarding the writing style the highest values of cognitive constriction were found among women (p=0.005), young persons (p< or =0.000), in short letters (p=0.027) and if psychological problems were the mo...
Multilingual children and language impairment Abstract. For many children with a migration backgr... more Multilingual children and language impairment Abstract. For many children with a migration background, difficulties acquiring their second language skills influences their educational success. Because of the wide range of languages and their varieties, which are not described linguistically in detail, development of reliable and valid assessment procedures is hindered. This results in a diagnostic dilemma, as children who have problems learning their second language, along with many other reasons, have to be distinguished from children suffering from a specific language impairment (SLI). Children with migration background may show linguistic profiles which superficially resemble those of children with SLI. The current paper constitutes a selective review of relevant literature and offers suggestions for meeting those respective challenges. It is assumed that the prevalence for clinically relevant language disorder is the same in multilingual as in monolingual children. Also, multili...
Introduction The majority of children with a migration background suffer from language deficits i... more Introduction The majority of children with a migration background suffer from language deficits in one or both languages. The aim of our study was to describe the patterns of language acquisition in children with Turkish background in Austria and to find factors which influence these Patterns. Method Fifty-two children at the age of 5 to 6 years and their parents were assessed. Inclusion criteria for parents were Turkish migration background and use of Turkish at home. Inclusion criteria for children: no hearing impairment, no blindness, no chronic disease, average cognitive development, born in Austria, and attending a kindergarten. Language competence was measured with Havas 5. Parents were administered a questionnaire about socio-demographics and their child centered literacy orientation (CCLO). Results There was a significant difference between language patterns in Turkish and German. Moreover, language competence was higher in both Turkish and German, the more parents tended to...
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology, 1984
A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The... more A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The score obtained in this test showed a highly significant correlation with the postoperative score evaluated by independent examiners 4 weeks after stimulator adjustment.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 2010
Klinische Padiatrie, 1999
Klinische Padiatrie, 1999
Summary Background Due to demographic changes over the last few decades, the number of multilingu... more Summary Background Due to demographic changes over the last few decades, the number of multilingual children has grown rapidly. Many of them face problems in learning their second language. Similarities between linguistic manifestations of stages of second language acquisition and an impairment of language acquisition cause a diagnostic dilemma. The Vienna Model of language assessment in multilingual children will be presented. Methods A key feature of our procedure is the integration of medical students as native speakers in diagnosing acquisition of the first language. A case study of a boy with Russian as first language illustrates the procedure. Results The Vienna Model of language assessment in multilingual children offers the possibility to evaluate language competence in a differentiated manner with support of medical students as native speakers. Based on the bilingual assessment on different linguistic levels the diagnosis ICD-10 F80.0 is given. The subsequent short therapy ...
Applied Psycholinguistics
Specific language impairment (SLI) is a very common childhood disorder that is characterized by i... more Specific language impairment (SLI) is a very common childhood disorder that is characterized by impairments in expressive and/or receptive language regarding different modalities. Part V of the German version of the Token Test was evaluated as a potential screening tool for the early detection of SLI. Forty-five male and 16 female monolingual native German-speaking preschoolers with SLI (4–6 years) and 61 age- and gender-matched typically developing controls were examined with a German version of the Token Test and an established intelligence measure. Token Test performance was significantly worse in preschoolers with SLI including greater group differences at age 4 than at ages 5 and 6. Analyses showed a detection rate of 77% for Part V of the Token Test in the whole sample as well as 85.1% at age 4, 80.6% at age 5, and a nonsignificant detection at age 6. Correctly detected preschoolers with SLI showed significantly worse performance than typically developing controls regarding no...
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 1989
: Open set speech comprehension can be achieved by intra- and extracochlear stimulation using an ... more : Open set speech comprehension can be achieved by intra- and extracochlear stimulation using an analog broadband signal. There is a tendency that intracochlear provided patients achieve better scores for open set speech comprehension than extracochlear implanted patients. Four prelingually deaf children acquired awareness of tones and sounds and some of them are able to use suprasegmental cues. After reimplantation, speech comprehension scores remain stable. For three patients scores even improve. Controls of the pure-tone audiograms demonstrate that extracochlear implants do not destroy residual hearing.
Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie, 1987
Basing on the results obtained with 63 patients stimulated via the extracochlear or intracochlear... more Basing on the results obtained with 63 patients stimulated via the extracochlear or intracochlear version of the Vienna Cochlea Implant the following topics are discussed: Extracochlear versus intracochlear stimulation. Cochlea Implants in small children. Preoperative signs regarding the final result. Ideas for evaluation of results. Extracochlear or intracochlear stimulation enables speech understanding in about one-half of the postlingual deaf patients but the extent of speech recognition is greater when intracochlearly stimulated. Long-term follow-up as well as our experience with patients who had to be reimplanted demonstrate that the implantation manoevre does not create clinically relevant signs of damage. After the experiences with cochlear implants in adults their use in small children was encouraged, the more so since electric stimulation of prelingual deaf adults does not mediate speech recognition. There seems to be a chance to achieve speech comprehension if electric sti...
Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 1984
A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The scor... more A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The score obtained in this test showed a highly significant correlation with the postoperative score evaluated by independent examiners 4 weeks after stimulator adjustment.
GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung, 2007
Problemstellung: Den Entwicklungsprozess kommunikativer Fertigkeiten im Unterricht evaluieren zu ... more Problemstellung: Den Entwicklungsprozess kommunikativer Fertigkeiten im Unterricht evaluieren zu wollen bedeutet neben der Notwendigkeit standardisierter Unterrichtsbedingungen ein objektives und reliables Instrument zur Beurteilung der Leistungen des Einzelnen zur Verfügung zu haben. Die von uns entwickelte "checklist professional behavior" ermöglicht Beides. Sie dient als Unterrichtsgrundlage und Testinstrument, in dem die vorgegebenen Items gleichermaßen Handlungsanweisungen (z. B. "grüßt und stellt sich vor") und Evaluationskriterien darstellen. Im Curriculum der MUW wird ärztliche Gesprächsführung zu mehreren Zeitpunkten in unterschiedlicher Dauer unterrichtet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung bezieht sich auf den Erwerb kommunikativer Grundfertigkeiten und die Erhebung einer bio-psycho-sozialen Anamnese (nach G. Engel), welche im dritten und vierten Semester (insgesamt 12 Unterrichtseinheiten) vermittelt werden. Der Einsatz der Checklist steigert die edukative Transparenz, indem sie zunächst als Unterrichtsgrundlage dient und am Ende zur Überprüfung des Wissens und der Fertigkeiten herangezogen wird.
Die Skills-line des 2. Studienjahres hat ein Gesamtstundenausmaß von 4 SWS (entspechend 60 Ausbil... more Die Skills-line des 2. Studienjahres hat ein Gesamtstundenausmaß von 4 SWS (entspechend 60 Ausbildungsstunden). Es werden insgesamt ca. 600 Studierende in 60 Kleingruppen a 10 Teilnehmern unterrichtet. Weiters inkludiert sind 120 Minuten Einführungsvorlesungen und freie Übungsmöglichkeiten außerhalb des angeleiteten Unterrichts. Die Line besteht aus 5 Lineelementen, den "ärztlichen Grundfertigkeiten“, der "ärztlichen Gesprächsführung 1 und 2“, der "physikalischen Krankenuntersuchung“, sowie dem "Famulaturpropädeutikum“.
Klinische Pädiatrie, 1999
: Difficulties in language acquisition seem to be serious, if there are additional problems like ... more : Difficulties in language acquisition seem to be serious, if there are additional problems like intellectual and/or emotional/social impairment, which are often reported [10]. These additional problems and the definition of specific language impairment as a developmental disorder, restricted to language acquisition seem to be contradictory [17]. Aim of that study is to look for specific language impaired children with similar cognitive abilities and though to investigate, if there are children without additional cognitive problems considering the definition of specific language impairment. 93 children, between 4;0 and 6;6 years old, were diagnostized as specific language impaired (ICD-10) and were assessed by the "Hannover Wechsler Intelligenztest fur das Vorschulalter (HAWIVA)" [6] (german version of WPPSI). Cluster analysis showed, that 1/3 of the specific language impaired children presented no additional cognitive problems and 2/3 of them showed cognitive problems regarding nonverbal and verbal intelligence indeed. These additional cognitive problems indicate that there may be a more basic cognitive defect underlying specific language impairment [15]--at least for a group of specific language impaired children. Furthermore the nonverbal and verbal intellectual difficulties emphasize to general developmental support of specific language impaired children for optimal improvement in language acquisition.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2010
Background Media reporting of suicide has repeatedly been shown to trigger suicidal behaviour. Fe... more Background Media reporting of suicide has repeatedly been shown to trigger suicidal behaviour. Few studies have investigated the associations between specific media content and suicide rates. Even less is known about the possible preventive effects of suicide-related media content. Aims To test the hypotheses that certain media content is associated with an increase in suicide, suggesting a so-called Werther effect, and that other content is associated with a decrease in suicide, conceptualised as a Papageno effect. Further, to identify classes of media articles with similar reporting profiles and to test for associations between these classes and suicide. Method Content analysis and latent class analysis (LCA) of 497 suicide-related print media reports published in Austria between 1 January and 30 June 2005. Ecological study to identify associations between media item content and short-term changes in suicide rates. Results Repetitive reporting of the same suicide and the reporting...
Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 2000
Schriftsprache ist für hörgesunde Menschen ein sekundäres Medium. Hörgesunde Kinder erlernen die ... more Schriftsprache ist für hörgesunde Menschen ein sekundäres Medium. Hörgesunde Kinder erlernen die Schriftsprache, wenn im Regelfalle die wichtigsten Stadien des Erstspracherwerbes weitgehend abgeschlossen sind. Die Kinder kennen dann das Lautsystem ihrer Muttersprache, sie sind dabei, die phonologische Kodierung zu erwerben, sie verfügen über die grundlegenden syntaktischen Prinzipien und einen Wortschatz von 2500 Wörtern und mehr, wenn sie erste schriftliche Symbole kennenlernen. Gehörlose Kinder zeigen in allen Altersstufen und auf allen sprachlichen Ebenen der Laut-und Schriftsprache starke Defizite (vgl. Wilbur, 2000). Bedenkt man, daß 95% der gehörlosen Kinder in hörenden Familien geboren werden und aufwachsen, so ist gut nachvollziehbar, daß nach Eröffnung der Diagnose einer vollständigen Gehörlosigkeit wertvolle Zeit für den frühen Spracherwerb, ungeachtet ob gebärdensprachlich oder lautsprachlich, blockiert wird mit der Verarbeitung der durch die Diagnose ausgelösten Krise innerhalb der Familie. 5% der gehörlosen Kinder, die in gehörlosen Familien aufwachsen, haben in der frühen Kindheit durch die natürliche Sozialisation mit der visuell-gestischen Sprache einen Entwicklungsvorsprung in ihrer semantischen und syntaktischen Entwicklung (vgl. Charrow & Fletcher, 1974, Charrow & Wilbur, 1975). Der überwiegende Teil der gehörlosen Kinder zeigt sprachliche Defizite gegenüber hörenden Gleichaltrigen, die mit zunehmendem Alter immer größer werden. In der Regel lassen sie sich im Erwachsenenalter nicht mehr aufholen. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird auf die Erörterung der soziolinguistisch-sprachpolitischen Dimension des Phänomens der Fehlerhaftigkeit von Gehörlosentexten in der Erwachsenenwelt verzichtet (dazu siehe Krausmann, 1999). Abgesehen von den Versäumnissen in der Gehörlosenausbildung könnten aber auch geeignete Lerneinheiten für Erwachsene und Jugendliche die Situation verbessern. Am Anfang einer solchen Bemühung muß naturgemäß eine Problemanalyse stehen. Für die Mehrzahl gehörloser Menschen, zumindest im Untersuchungsgebiet (Österreich), gilt aber, daß sie unter Auslassung des Erwerbs einer Erstsprache gleich in den Erwerb einer Zweitsprache gelangen, die sie aber in der Regel viel später erwerben als hörende Kinder und die aufgrund ihrer Haupttransmissionsmodalität (akustische Übertragung) für sie nur in äußerst eingeschränkter Weise zugänglich ist und daher niemals einer gewöhnlichen Erstsprache gleichkommen kann. Dazu kommt, daß der Bezug zwischen Laut, Grammatik und Schriftsystem für sie teilweise arbiträr erscheinen muß, ganz zu schweigen vom Problem des Unterschieds zwischen Dialekten und Standardsprache (z.B. Mundbilder). Die Schriftform des Deutschen ist darum, auch und besonders wenn inzwischen die Gebärdensprache (oft "nachträglich") die Funktion einer Erstsprache angenommen hat, bald der Hauptbezugspunkt Gehörloser zum Deutschen. Faxe, Emails und Briefe sind der hauptsächliche Rahmen des Gebrauchs der Mehrheitensprache, während im direkten Kontakt eher gebärdet wird. Dabei handelt es sich aber nicht im Sinne der Hörenden um ein Phänomen von Schriftspracherwerb, da hier die schriftliche Modalität die Hauptform des Deutschen bildet.-2-Die Schriftsprache Deutsch wird aber nur sehr selten bis zu einer (fast) ganz fehlerfreien Form entwickelt; Probleme wie bei den kaum durchschaubaren Regeln der Anwendung der (schwachen und starken) Adjektivflexion werden (wie bei vielen Zweitsprachlern) eher nie beseitigt. Real verhält es sich, wie zu zeigen sein wird, sogar so, daß die Anzahl der Fehler selbst bei langjähriger Kenntnis gewöhnlich sogar sehr hoch ist.
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
OBJECTIVE The target of this paper was to quantify the amount of cognitive constriction in German... more OBJECTIVE The target of this paper was to quantify the amount of cognitive constriction in German-language suicide notes by studying quantitative psycholinguistic parameters of texts. This should give a better understanding of presuicidal events and encourage improvement in the field of suicide prevention and crisis intervention. METHODS The study is based on letters of the "Vienna Corpus of Suicide Notes". To prove various hypotheses a factor analysis, a number of regression analyses, and the General Linear Model were applied, apart from descriptive methods. RESULTS The 16 parameters could be reduced to five factors of cognitive constriction, such as the writing style, the usage of words, the dichotomy, the length and the grammatical correctness of the suicide notes. Regarding the writing style the highest values of cognitive constriction were found among women (p=0.005), young persons (p< or =0.000), in short letters (p=0.027) and if psychological problems were the mo...
Multilingual children and language impairment Abstract. For many children with a migration backgr... more Multilingual children and language impairment Abstract. For many children with a migration background, difficulties acquiring their second language skills influences their educational success. Because of the wide range of languages and their varieties, which are not described linguistically in detail, development of reliable and valid assessment procedures is hindered. This results in a diagnostic dilemma, as children who have problems learning their second language, along with many other reasons, have to be distinguished from children suffering from a specific language impairment (SLI). Children with migration background may show linguistic profiles which superficially resemble those of children with SLI. The current paper constitutes a selective review of relevant literature and offers suggestions for meeting those respective challenges. It is assumed that the prevalence for clinically relevant language disorder is the same in multilingual as in monolingual children. Also, multili...
Introduction The majority of children with a migration background suffer from language deficits i... more Introduction The majority of children with a migration background suffer from language deficits in one or both languages. The aim of our study was to describe the patterns of language acquisition in children with Turkish background in Austria and to find factors which influence these Patterns. Method Fifty-two children at the age of 5 to 6 years and their parents were assessed. Inclusion criteria for parents were Turkish migration background and use of Turkish at home. Inclusion criteria for children: no hearing impairment, no blindness, no chronic disease, average cognitive development, born in Austria, and attending a kindergarten. Language competence was measured with Havas 5. Parents were administered a questionnaire about socio-demographics and their child centered literacy orientation (CCLO). Results There was a significant difference between language patterns in Turkish and German. Moreover, language competence was higher in both Turkish and German, the more parents tended to...
European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology, 1984
A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The... more A test procedure based on the patient's understanding of acoustic material is presented. The score obtained in this test showed a highly significant correlation with the postoperative score evaluated by independent examiners 4 weeks after stimulator adjustment.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 2010
Klinische Padiatrie, 1999
Klinische Padiatrie, 1999
Summary Background Due to demographic changes over the last few decades, the number of multilingu... more Summary Background Due to demographic changes over the last few decades, the number of multilingual children has grown rapidly. Many of them face problems in learning their second language. Similarities between linguistic manifestations of stages of second language acquisition and an impairment of language acquisition cause a diagnostic dilemma. The Vienna Model of language assessment in multilingual children will be presented. Methods A key feature of our procedure is the integration of medical students as native speakers in diagnosing acquisition of the first language. A case study of a boy with Russian as first language illustrates the procedure. Results The Vienna Model of language assessment in multilingual children offers the possibility to evaluate language competence in a differentiated manner with support of medical students as native speakers. Based on the bilingual assessment on different linguistic levels the diagnosis ICD-10 F80.0 is given. The subsequent short therapy ...
Applied Psycholinguistics
Specific language impairment (SLI) is a very common childhood disorder that is characterized by i... more Specific language impairment (SLI) is a very common childhood disorder that is characterized by impairments in expressive and/or receptive language regarding different modalities. Part V of the German version of the Token Test was evaluated as a potential screening tool for the early detection of SLI. Forty-five male and 16 female monolingual native German-speaking preschoolers with SLI (4–6 years) and 61 age- and gender-matched typically developing controls were examined with a German version of the Token Test and an established intelligence measure. Token Test performance was significantly worse in preschoolers with SLI including greater group differences at age 4 than at ages 5 and 6. Analyses showed a detection rate of 77% for Part V of the Token Test in the whole sample as well as 85.1% at age 4, 80.6% at age 5, and a nonsignificant detection at age 6. Correctly detected preschoolers with SLI showed significantly worse performance than typically developing controls regarding no...