Dr. Ir. Ruth Stella Petrunella Thei, MS (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr. Ir. Ruth Stella Petrunella Thei, MS
Agroteksos, Nov 20, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman, kelimpahan dan intensitas kerusakan pada tan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman, kelimpahan dan intensitas kerusakan pada tanaman kangkung air (Ipomea aquatica F.) di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Percobaan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan maret 2023 di Kabupaten Lombok Barat tepatnya pada 3 kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Narmada, Lingsar dan Labuapi. Parameter yang diamati adalah populasi spesimen hama, indeks keragaman, indeks kelimpahan, indeks kemerataan, indeks dominasi dan intensitas kerusakan diperoleh 9 jenis spesies hama yang ditemukan pada tanaman kangkung air yaitu
Journal of rural studies, Feb 1, 2024
Unram Journal of Community Service, Sep 4, 2023
Unram Journal of Community Service, Mar 22, 2024
Jurnal Wicara Desa
Iklim dan kondisi wilayah di Desa Sembalun Lawang sangat memungkinkan untuk membudidayakan berbag... more Iklim dan kondisi wilayah di Desa Sembalun Lawang sangat memungkinkan untuk membudidayakan berbagai jenis tanaman, baik jenis tanaman pangan maupun tanaman hortikultura. Permasalahan yang sering dijumpai dalam budidaya tanaman adalah serangan hama dan penyakit yang merusak tanaman budidaya, terutama bagi tanaman hortikultura. Pengguaan pestisida kimia menjadi andalan petani dalam mengatasi gangguan hama dan penyakit. Disisi lain, penggunaan pestisida kimia mengancam kesehatan lingkungan. Selain itu angka stunting juga menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang ada di Desa Sembalun Lawang. Solusi yang dapat ditawarkan adalah budidaya bayam brazil secara organik yaitu menggunakan pupuk kompos, melihat teknik budidaya bayam brazil ini tidak membutuhkan perawatan yang ekstra sehingga dapat meminimalisir penggunaaan pupuk dan pestisida kimia. Selain itu bayam brazil ini memiliki banyak manfaat salah satunya yaitu mengandung magnesium yang baik untuk pertumbuhan tulang serta baik untuk mencegah...
Unram Journal of Community Service, Dec 31, 2022
As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which was followed by the imposition of larg... more As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which was followed by the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Indonesia, it has encouraged people to adopt healthier lifestyles and at the same time carry out a number of environmentally friendly activities. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to improve understanding and practice of cultivation as well as guarantee the quality of the food produced, among others by carrying out socialization "how to register horticultural products in urban areas to obtain a Prima3 certificate" as a guarantee that it is safe for consumption. The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying the Participatory Action Program approach from the participants through discussions, and group work in all activities. The results of the activity show that one of the efforts to improve food safety for business actors of Fresh Plant-Origin Food (PSAT) is by registering for food safety certification. Based on survey results from 6 survey locations, 5 of them are still active, namely Japri Farm, UD Rohana and KWT Bunga Matahari, UD Sari Melanting, and UD Sumber Sari. While 1 other location is not active, namely KP. Petemon Asri. There are several business actors in the City of Mataram who have not extended the registration of the commodities they produce. These actors include the Bijak Sari Poktan, the Farmer Family Farmers Group, Japri and Mataram Hydroponics. The results of the demonstration plot showed that the use of liquid organic fertilizer was able to grow lettuce plants well. The best use of vegetable pesticides is demonstrated by plant-based pesticides extracted from papaya leaves. Botanical pesticides are pesticides whose active ingredients come from plants or herbs and other organic materials that can control pest attacks on lettuce plants, both as repellents, antifedans, attractants.
IOP conference series, Dec 1, 2022
Unram Journal of Community Service
Selama ini di Kawasan Sembalun para pelaku usaha atau agribisnis Pangan Segar Asal Tumbuhan seper... more Selama ini di Kawasan Sembalun para pelaku usaha atau agribisnis Pangan Segar Asal Tumbuhan seperti sayuran dan buah buahan masih belum maksimal upaya untuk menghasilkan produk yang bermutu dan aman dikonsumsi. Oleh karena itu pada kegiatan ini, perlu dilakukan Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Segar Asal Tumbuhan Untuk Mendukung Agrowisata di Kawasan Sembalun. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Metode Kaji Tindak (Action Research) dengan menerapkan pendekatan Program Tindak Partisipatif (Partisipatory Action Program) dari peserta melalui diskusi, dan kerja kelompok pada seluruh kegiatan. Tahapan dalam kegiatan ini meliputi tahapan persiapan, antara lain identifikasi masalah, kemudian survey pendasaran menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Tahapan pelaksanaan, diawali dengan pelatihan dengan teknik ceramah. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan peserta memahami arti pentingnya memperhatikan aspek lingkungan dalam budidaya pertanian dengan menerapkan Budidaya Tanaman...
International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science
The potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a tuber-producing plant which is rich in carbohydrates... more The potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a tuber-producing plant which is rich in carbohydrates, protein and minerals, and can be used as a staple food, and potatoes have great potential as one of the horticultural crops that can support world food diversification. One of the constraining factors in increasing potato productivity is leaf-sucking pests including aphids (Aphids spp.,), whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), and thrips (Thrips Palmi Karny), which besides damaging plants directly, can act as vectors for viruses that cause potato plant diseases such as Potato virus Y (PVY) and Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV). These two viruses can cause quite severe damage and through the health of the seeds they produce, they can reduce potato productivity by up to 70-80%. This study aims to determine the effect of several concentrations of botanical pesticides from Virginia tobacco stem waste on the emergence of viral disease symptoms in potato plants. The experiment was carried out in Sembalun Bu...
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Chili (Capsicum sp. ) is a strategic commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. Pest contro... more Chili (Capsicum sp. ) is a strategic commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. Pest control on chili plants generally uses synthetic chemical insecticides which can reduce the diversity of arthropods. Reduced diversity of food sources for natural enemies can increase pest populations. The objectives of this study were to determine the abundance and diversity of arthropods in the chili plant ecosystem with integrated pest management (IPM). The observation area was 6 acres. Sampling was carried out in August-October 2020 in Jagaraga Village, West Lombok District, Indonesia, on chili fields using the IPM technique, namely a combination of the use of pheromone and botanical insecticides and non-IPM cultivation techniques using chemical insecticides, and carried out using the Yellow Pan Trap and Pitfall Trap. Observations were conducted on the generative growth stages of the chili plants. Results indicated that 612 ground surface arthropods were recorded in chili plots using the I...
Unram Journal of Community Service
Interventions in the use of technology to farmers as an alternative in Pest Management in potato ... more Interventions in the use of technology to farmers as an alternative in Pest Management in potato cultivation are highly expected by farmers in the Sembalun area. Therefore, it is worth trying its utilization on potato crops to control important pests that attack. The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying the Participatory Action Program approach from participants through discussions, and group work on all activities. The results of the group discussion showed that the group members had largely not recognized the types and functions of natural enemies in Potato Pest Management. After joint observations accompanied by the team, participants actually knew the types of natural enemies, both predators, and parasitoids, but they did not know the role of natural enemies in the agroecosystem. After finishing the meeting, the group realized the importance of maintaining the presence of natural enemies of pests in the potato agroecosystem so that the use of pe...
Salah satu alternatif teknologi pengendalian hama yang cukup menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan adala... more Salah satu alternatif teknologi pengendalian hama yang cukup menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan adalah penggunaan pestisida nabati yang lebih bercirikan alami daripada ciri kimiawi. Dengan sifat-sifatnya yang mudah terurai, aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan hidup, dapat diharapkan bahwa produk-produk pertanian yang diperlakukan dengan pestisida nabati dapat diterima dan berdaya saing tinggi di pasar global. Bahan-bahan nabati dapat diperoleh dari berbagai tumbuhan. Disamping itu, ada beberapa yang dapat diperoleh dari limbah pertanian seperti limbah batang tembakau virginia. Produk pestisida dari bahan limbah tembakau Virginia tersebut telah dihasilkan oleh tim penelitian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram dengan nama Pestisida Nabati BT., yang telah diuji terhadap hama dari ordo Lepidoptera seperti Spodoptera litura pada tanaman kedelai Dengan memanfaatkan petisida nabati tersebut diharapkan peranan musuh alami menekan hama akan meninghkat, sehingga penggunakaan pestis...
CROP AGRO, Jurnal Ilmiah Budidaya, Oct 8, 2019
Arthropoda yang terdapat pada permukaan tanah maupun tajuk tanaman yang berinteraksi dengan tanam... more Arthropoda yang terdapat pada permukaan tanah maupun tajuk tanaman yang berinteraksi dengan tanaman cabai rawit yaitu berperan sebagai predator, parasitoid, herbivore, scavenger, pengurai, polinator, perombak dan hama. Keanekaragaman merupakan fungsi kestabilan, dimana semakin beragam Arthropoda yang ada di ekosistem pertanaman maka semakin stabil juga ekosistem tersebut, dan sebaliknya .Penelitian bertujun untuk mengetahui tingkat kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman Arthropoda permukaan tanah pada ekosistem pertanaman cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)di Kuripan Lombok Barat, telah dilaksanakan sejak bulan Mei hingga Juli 2018. Jenis penelitian yaitudeskriptif dengan mengamati secara langsung di lahan ekosistem pertanaman cabai rawit.Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkap pitfall trappada saat umur tanaman 45 HST dengan interval waktu seminggu sekali selama 10 kali pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 7 famili Arthropoda permukaan tanah yang dijumpai yaitu famil...
THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCE 2021 (ICALS 2021): “Accelerating Transformation in Industrial Agriculture Through Sciences Implementation”
One of the important diseases that can reduce the productivity of soybean is damping-off disease ... more One of the important diseases that can reduce the productivity of soybean is damping-off disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. This disease can be controlled by using synthetic pesticides. However, excessive use of pesticides can cause pollution to the environment and the resistance of the pathogen to pesticides. This study aims to determine the effect of compost tea of worm dropping in suppressing the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal agent of damping-off disease of soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr). This research was carried out in a glasshouse and Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Mataram. The experiments were arranged according to Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consist of 2 types of compost tea, namely compost tea, which was produced through the aeration process (Aerated Compost Tea-ACT) and produced without aeration process (Non aerated Compost Tea-NCT). The experiment consisted of 7 treatments and replicated 3 times, namely; Control, ACT without dilution, ACT with 10-1 dilution, ACT with 10-2 dilution, NCT without dilution, NCT with 10-1 dilution, and NCT with 10-2 dilution. The results showed that in the in vitro experiments both types of compost tea could suppress the growth of the fungus S. rolfsii. In the in vivo experiment, the treatment of NCT 10-1 dilution and ACT 10-1 dilution were categorized as quite effective in reducing the incidence of damping-off disease with the effectiveness rates of 51.72% and 47.13%, respectively
Unram Journal of Community Service
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged people to adopt a healthier lifestyle and at... more The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged people to adopt a healthier lifestyle and at the same time carry out a number of environmentally friendly activities such as urban farming. Besides helping to guarantee the food security aspect of urban areas, urban farming also helps create green open spaces. Even so, urban farming also has a negative impact, if it is carried out with a system that is not wise and effective, such as it can cause increased noise pollution, air pollution, flooding, water wastage, and even potential as a breeding ground for mosquitoes that transmit various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the public about various aspects needed in the implementation of urban farming, one of which is how to implement Integrated Pest Management (Known as PHT). The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying the Participatory Action Program approach from the participants through discussion, and group work in all activities. The...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
The objectives of this study are to assess the change of participation level of Sumbawanese women... more The objectives of this study are to assess the change of participation level of Sumbawanese women in cattle fattening using Tarramba leucaena and to assess the role of women in decision making related to cattle farming. The study has involved 20 women participating in cattle fattening activities and was conducted by survey using prepared questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and in-depth interview. The study founded that there is impact of intervention on forage and cattle production system. The intervention stimulates farmers to plant Leucaena on their own lands. Farmers are also stimulated to fatten cattle in pens near their houses. Distance of Leucaena plantation to farmer house is relatively close. The short distance encouraged women to cut and carry Leucaena forages. 87% of Sumbawanese women and 63% of West sumbawanese women involved in the training in planting and management of Leucaena. In Sumbawa district, women participation increased from 42% to 100% in collecting feeds. In West Sumbawa, the participation increased from 8% to 45%.All respondents participate in the decision-making process. The decisions include time to sell cattle, selling price and use of money from selling cattle. The change of production system from extensive to cut and carry system and the availability of forages (Leucaena) close to the house has increased women participation. As a result, the workload of men has now been shared with women so male farmers can have more time to do off farm work or simply enjoy free time.
Prosiding SAINTEK, Jan 25, 2021
Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil dua varietas bawang merah a... more Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil dua varietas bawang merah akibat aplikasi beberapa formulasi bioaktivator dengan bahan dasar jamur Trichoderma spp. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental yang dilakukan di Desa Senteluk Kecamatan Batulayar Kabupaten Lombok Barat mulai bulan Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2016. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Petak utama adalah varietas bawang merah terdiri atas dua aras, yaitu: Super Philip dan Keta Monca. Anak petak adalah formulasi bioaktivator yang terdiri dari empat aras, yaitu: tanpa bioaktivator, bioaktivator cair, bioaktivator butiran, dan bioaktivator tablet. Perlakuan merupakan kombinasi antara varietas bawang merah dengan formulasi bioaktivator yang diulang empat kali sehingga terdapat 32 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah varietas Keta Monca lebih baik dibandingkan dengan varietas Super Philip. Respon pertumbu...
Biodiversitas, 2020
Abstract. Thei RSP, Abadi AL, Mudjiono G, Suprayogo D. 2020. The dynamics of Arthropod diversity ... more Abstract. Thei RSP, Abadi AL, Mudjiono G, Suprayogo D. 2020. The dynamics of Arthropod diversity and abundance in rice field ecosystem in Central Lombok, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 5850-5857. Arthropods have roles as pests, decomposers, pollinators, and natural enemies of pests. Natural enemies play a vital role in pest population control by predation or parasitism. A study of the arthropod community in the rice field ecosystem was conducted in Central Lombok, Indonesia from December 2009 to March 2010 in order to elucidate the composition, structure, and dynamic diversity of arthropods present. Arthropod sampling was done by pitfall traps, yellow pan traps, and insect net. Arthropod dynamic diversity, especially of natural enemies, was determined by diversity index, dominance index, evenness analysis, and pictorial analysis. Based on taxonomical perspective, as many as 98 arthropod species were found, including 85 insect species from 59 families and 9 orders; and 13 spider specie...
Agroteksos, Nov 20, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman, kelimpahan dan intensitas kerusakan pada tan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman, kelimpahan dan intensitas kerusakan pada tanaman kangkung air (Ipomea aquatica F.) di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Percobaan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan maret 2023 di Kabupaten Lombok Barat tepatnya pada 3 kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Narmada, Lingsar dan Labuapi. Parameter yang diamati adalah populasi spesimen hama, indeks keragaman, indeks kelimpahan, indeks kemerataan, indeks dominasi dan intensitas kerusakan diperoleh 9 jenis spesies hama yang ditemukan pada tanaman kangkung air yaitu
Journal of rural studies, Feb 1, 2024
Unram Journal of Community Service, Sep 4, 2023
Unram Journal of Community Service, Mar 22, 2024
Jurnal Wicara Desa
Iklim dan kondisi wilayah di Desa Sembalun Lawang sangat memungkinkan untuk membudidayakan berbag... more Iklim dan kondisi wilayah di Desa Sembalun Lawang sangat memungkinkan untuk membudidayakan berbagai jenis tanaman, baik jenis tanaman pangan maupun tanaman hortikultura. Permasalahan yang sering dijumpai dalam budidaya tanaman adalah serangan hama dan penyakit yang merusak tanaman budidaya, terutama bagi tanaman hortikultura. Pengguaan pestisida kimia menjadi andalan petani dalam mengatasi gangguan hama dan penyakit. Disisi lain, penggunaan pestisida kimia mengancam kesehatan lingkungan. Selain itu angka stunting juga menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang ada di Desa Sembalun Lawang. Solusi yang dapat ditawarkan adalah budidaya bayam brazil secara organik yaitu menggunakan pupuk kompos, melihat teknik budidaya bayam brazil ini tidak membutuhkan perawatan yang ekstra sehingga dapat meminimalisir penggunaaan pupuk dan pestisida kimia. Selain itu bayam brazil ini memiliki banyak manfaat salah satunya yaitu mengandung magnesium yang baik untuk pertumbuhan tulang serta baik untuk mencegah...
Unram Journal of Community Service, Dec 31, 2022
As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which was followed by the imposition of larg... more As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which was followed by the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Indonesia, it has encouraged people to adopt healthier lifestyles and at the same time carry out a number of environmentally friendly activities. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to improve understanding and practice of cultivation as well as guarantee the quality of the food produced, among others by carrying out socialization "how to register horticultural products in urban areas to obtain a Prima3 certificate" as a guarantee that it is safe for consumption. The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying the Participatory Action Program approach from the participants through discussions, and group work in all activities. The results of the activity show that one of the efforts to improve food safety for business actors of Fresh Plant-Origin Food (PSAT) is by registering for food safety certification. Based on survey results from 6 survey locations, 5 of them are still active, namely Japri Farm, UD Rohana and KWT Bunga Matahari, UD Sari Melanting, and UD Sumber Sari. While 1 other location is not active, namely KP. Petemon Asri. There are several business actors in the City of Mataram who have not extended the registration of the commodities they produce. These actors include the Bijak Sari Poktan, the Farmer Family Farmers Group, Japri and Mataram Hydroponics. The results of the demonstration plot showed that the use of liquid organic fertilizer was able to grow lettuce plants well. The best use of vegetable pesticides is demonstrated by plant-based pesticides extracted from papaya leaves. Botanical pesticides are pesticides whose active ingredients come from plants or herbs and other organic materials that can control pest attacks on lettuce plants, both as repellents, antifedans, attractants.
IOP conference series, Dec 1, 2022
Unram Journal of Community Service
Selama ini di Kawasan Sembalun para pelaku usaha atau agribisnis Pangan Segar Asal Tumbuhan seper... more Selama ini di Kawasan Sembalun para pelaku usaha atau agribisnis Pangan Segar Asal Tumbuhan seperti sayuran dan buah buahan masih belum maksimal upaya untuk menghasilkan produk yang bermutu dan aman dikonsumsi. Oleh karena itu pada kegiatan ini, perlu dilakukan Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Segar Asal Tumbuhan Untuk Mendukung Agrowisata di Kawasan Sembalun. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Metode Kaji Tindak (Action Research) dengan menerapkan pendekatan Program Tindak Partisipatif (Partisipatory Action Program) dari peserta melalui diskusi, dan kerja kelompok pada seluruh kegiatan. Tahapan dalam kegiatan ini meliputi tahapan persiapan, antara lain identifikasi masalah, kemudian survey pendasaran menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Tahapan pelaksanaan, diawali dengan pelatihan dengan teknik ceramah. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan peserta memahami arti pentingnya memperhatikan aspek lingkungan dalam budidaya pertanian dengan menerapkan Budidaya Tanaman...
International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science
The potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a tuber-producing plant which is rich in carbohydrates... more The potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a tuber-producing plant which is rich in carbohydrates, protein and minerals, and can be used as a staple food, and potatoes have great potential as one of the horticultural crops that can support world food diversification. One of the constraining factors in increasing potato productivity is leaf-sucking pests including aphids (Aphids spp.,), whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), and thrips (Thrips Palmi Karny), which besides damaging plants directly, can act as vectors for viruses that cause potato plant diseases such as Potato virus Y (PVY) and Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV). These two viruses can cause quite severe damage and through the health of the seeds they produce, they can reduce potato productivity by up to 70-80%. This study aims to determine the effect of several concentrations of botanical pesticides from Virginia tobacco stem waste on the emergence of viral disease symptoms in potato plants. The experiment was carried out in Sembalun Bu...
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Chili (Capsicum sp. ) is a strategic commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. Pest contro... more Chili (Capsicum sp. ) is a strategic commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. Pest control on chili plants generally uses synthetic chemical insecticides which can reduce the diversity of arthropods. Reduced diversity of food sources for natural enemies can increase pest populations. The objectives of this study were to determine the abundance and diversity of arthropods in the chili plant ecosystem with integrated pest management (IPM). The observation area was 6 acres. Sampling was carried out in August-October 2020 in Jagaraga Village, West Lombok District, Indonesia, on chili fields using the IPM technique, namely a combination of the use of pheromone and botanical insecticides and non-IPM cultivation techniques using chemical insecticides, and carried out using the Yellow Pan Trap and Pitfall Trap. Observations were conducted on the generative growth stages of the chili plants. Results indicated that 612 ground surface arthropods were recorded in chili plots using the I...
Unram Journal of Community Service
Interventions in the use of technology to farmers as an alternative in Pest Management in potato ... more Interventions in the use of technology to farmers as an alternative in Pest Management in potato cultivation are highly expected by farmers in the Sembalun area. Therefore, it is worth trying its utilization on potato crops to control important pests that attack. The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying the Participatory Action Program approach from participants through discussions, and group work on all activities. The results of the group discussion showed that the group members had largely not recognized the types and functions of natural enemies in Potato Pest Management. After joint observations accompanied by the team, participants actually knew the types of natural enemies, both predators, and parasitoids, but they did not know the role of natural enemies in the agroecosystem. After finishing the meeting, the group realized the importance of maintaining the presence of natural enemies of pests in the potato agroecosystem so that the use of pe...
Salah satu alternatif teknologi pengendalian hama yang cukup menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan adala... more Salah satu alternatif teknologi pengendalian hama yang cukup menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan adalah penggunaan pestisida nabati yang lebih bercirikan alami daripada ciri kimiawi. Dengan sifat-sifatnya yang mudah terurai, aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan hidup, dapat diharapkan bahwa produk-produk pertanian yang diperlakukan dengan pestisida nabati dapat diterima dan berdaya saing tinggi di pasar global. Bahan-bahan nabati dapat diperoleh dari berbagai tumbuhan. Disamping itu, ada beberapa yang dapat diperoleh dari limbah pertanian seperti limbah batang tembakau virginia. Produk pestisida dari bahan limbah tembakau Virginia tersebut telah dihasilkan oleh tim penelitian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram dengan nama Pestisida Nabati BT., yang telah diuji terhadap hama dari ordo Lepidoptera seperti Spodoptera litura pada tanaman kedelai Dengan memanfaatkan petisida nabati tersebut diharapkan peranan musuh alami menekan hama akan meninghkat, sehingga penggunakaan pestis...
CROP AGRO, Jurnal Ilmiah Budidaya, Oct 8, 2019
Arthropoda yang terdapat pada permukaan tanah maupun tajuk tanaman yang berinteraksi dengan tanam... more Arthropoda yang terdapat pada permukaan tanah maupun tajuk tanaman yang berinteraksi dengan tanaman cabai rawit yaitu berperan sebagai predator, parasitoid, herbivore, scavenger, pengurai, polinator, perombak dan hama. Keanekaragaman merupakan fungsi kestabilan, dimana semakin beragam Arthropoda yang ada di ekosistem pertanaman maka semakin stabil juga ekosistem tersebut, dan sebaliknya .Penelitian bertujun untuk mengetahui tingkat kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman Arthropoda permukaan tanah pada ekosistem pertanaman cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)di Kuripan Lombok Barat, telah dilaksanakan sejak bulan Mei hingga Juli 2018. Jenis penelitian yaitudeskriptif dengan mengamati secara langsung di lahan ekosistem pertanaman cabai rawit.Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkap pitfall trappada saat umur tanaman 45 HST dengan interval waktu seminggu sekali selama 10 kali pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 7 famili Arthropoda permukaan tanah yang dijumpai yaitu famil...
THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCE 2021 (ICALS 2021): “Accelerating Transformation in Industrial Agriculture Through Sciences Implementation”
One of the important diseases that can reduce the productivity of soybean is damping-off disease ... more One of the important diseases that can reduce the productivity of soybean is damping-off disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. This disease can be controlled by using synthetic pesticides. However, excessive use of pesticides can cause pollution to the environment and the resistance of the pathogen to pesticides. This study aims to determine the effect of compost tea of worm dropping in suppressing the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal agent of damping-off disease of soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr). This research was carried out in a glasshouse and Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Mataram. The experiments were arranged according to Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consist of 2 types of compost tea, namely compost tea, which was produced through the aeration process (Aerated Compost Tea-ACT) and produced without aeration process (Non aerated Compost Tea-NCT). The experiment consisted of 7 treatments and replicated 3 times, namely; Control, ACT without dilution, ACT with 10-1 dilution, ACT with 10-2 dilution, NCT without dilution, NCT with 10-1 dilution, and NCT with 10-2 dilution. The results showed that in the in vitro experiments both types of compost tea could suppress the growth of the fungus S. rolfsii. In the in vivo experiment, the treatment of NCT 10-1 dilution and ACT 10-1 dilution were categorized as quite effective in reducing the incidence of damping-off disease with the effectiveness rates of 51.72% and 47.13%, respectively
Unram Journal of Community Service
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged people to adopt a healthier lifestyle and at... more The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged people to adopt a healthier lifestyle and at the same time carry out a number of environmentally friendly activities such as urban farming. Besides helping to guarantee the food security aspect of urban areas, urban farming also helps create green open spaces. Even so, urban farming also has a negative impact, if it is carried out with a system that is not wise and effective, such as it can cause increased noise pollution, air pollution, flooding, water wastage, and even potential as a breeding ground for mosquitoes that transmit various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the public about various aspects needed in the implementation of urban farming, one of which is how to implement Integrated Pest Management (Known as PHT). The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying the Participatory Action Program approach from the participants through discussion, and group work in all activities. The...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
The objectives of this study are to assess the change of participation level of Sumbawanese women... more The objectives of this study are to assess the change of participation level of Sumbawanese women in cattle fattening using Tarramba leucaena and to assess the role of women in decision making related to cattle farming. The study has involved 20 women participating in cattle fattening activities and was conducted by survey using prepared questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and in-depth interview. The study founded that there is impact of intervention on forage and cattle production system. The intervention stimulates farmers to plant Leucaena on their own lands. Farmers are also stimulated to fatten cattle in pens near their houses. Distance of Leucaena plantation to farmer house is relatively close. The short distance encouraged women to cut and carry Leucaena forages. 87% of Sumbawanese women and 63% of West sumbawanese women involved in the training in planting and management of Leucaena. In Sumbawa district, women participation increased from 42% to 100% in collecting feeds. In West Sumbawa, the participation increased from 8% to 45%.All respondents participate in the decision-making process. The decisions include time to sell cattle, selling price and use of money from selling cattle. The change of production system from extensive to cut and carry system and the availability of forages (Leucaena) close to the house has increased women participation. As a result, the workload of men has now been shared with women so male farmers can have more time to do off farm work or simply enjoy free time.
Prosiding SAINTEK, Jan 25, 2021
Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil dua varietas bawang merah a... more Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil dua varietas bawang merah akibat aplikasi beberapa formulasi bioaktivator dengan bahan dasar jamur Trichoderma spp. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental yang dilakukan di Desa Senteluk Kecamatan Batulayar Kabupaten Lombok Barat mulai bulan Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2016. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Petak utama adalah varietas bawang merah terdiri atas dua aras, yaitu: Super Philip dan Keta Monca. Anak petak adalah formulasi bioaktivator yang terdiri dari empat aras, yaitu: tanpa bioaktivator, bioaktivator cair, bioaktivator butiran, dan bioaktivator tablet. Perlakuan merupakan kombinasi antara varietas bawang merah dengan formulasi bioaktivator yang diulang empat kali sehingga terdapat 32 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah varietas Keta Monca lebih baik dibandingkan dengan varietas Super Philip. Respon pertumbu...
Biodiversitas, 2020
Abstract. Thei RSP, Abadi AL, Mudjiono G, Suprayogo D. 2020. The dynamics of Arthropod diversity ... more Abstract. Thei RSP, Abadi AL, Mudjiono G, Suprayogo D. 2020. The dynamics of Arthropod diversity and abundance in rice field ecosystem in Central Lombok, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 5850-5857. Arthropods have roles as pests, decomposers, pollinators, and natural enemies of pests. Natural enemies play a vital role in pest population control by predation or parasitism. A study of the arthropod community in the rice field ecosystem was conducted in Central Lombok, Indonesia from December 2009 to March 2010 in order to elucidate the composition, structure, and dynamic diversity of arthropods present. Arthropod sampling was done by pitfall traps, yellow pan traps, and insect net. Arthropod dynamic diversity, especially of natural enemies, was determined by diversity index, dominance index, evenness analysis, and pictorial analysis. Based on taxonomical perspective, as many as 98 arthropod species were found, including 85 insect species from 59 families and 9 orders; and 13 spider specie...