Dr Jelena Zeleskov Djoric - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr Jelena Zeleskov Djoric
Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, May 1, 2017
Co-creating of Gestalt therapy research on rehabilitation of high security offenders is explored ... more Co-creating of Gestalt therapy research on rehabilitation of high security offenders is explored through concepts of Zen Buddhism, qualitative research and phenomenology.
There are clear benefits for a practitioner to be involved in a research process. Using research ... more There are clear benefits for a practitioner to be involved in a research process. Using research we start to understand our work in a new way, we allow new insights to come into awareness. As Gestalt therapists, and moreover as trainers or people involved in organizations, we have the responsibility for having a vision for the future. Our vision is that Gestalt therapists enter more and more into dialogue with the wider community of psychotherapists. That they can raise their voice and listen to others in order to teach and learn from each other. That Gestalt therapy fully participates in the movements, developments and the growth of the psychotherapy community.
Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 2020
Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини, 2017
Primenjena psihologija, 2015
Jedan od instrumenata koji se nejčešće koristi u proceni psihopatije je Hareova ček-lista (PCL-R)... more Jedan od instrumenata koji se nejčešće koristi u proceni psihopatije je Hareova ček-lista (PCL-R) koja predstavlja rejting metod procene i operacionalizovana je preko dvadeset indikatora. Iako je instrument u upotrebi već nekoliko decenija, podaci o latentnoj strukturi ovih dvadeset indikatora psihopatije nisu jednoznačni. U literaturi je opisano nekoliko empirijski deriviranih struktura PCL-R-a: jednofaktorski model koji operacionalizuje psihopatiju kao unitarni, jednodimezionalni konstrukt; dvofaktorski koji razlikuje endogene psihopatske karakteristike ličnosti i bihejvioralne obrasce ispoljavanja psihopatije; trofaktorski model u kome su kao sržne psihopatske crte postavljene manipulativni interpersonalni stil, emocionalna površnost i impulsivnost; četvoro-faktorski model koji pored prethodno navedenih crta u sebi inkorporira i antisocijalno ponašanje individua.Podaci dobijeni u prethodnom istraživanju o latentnoj strukturi psihopatije merene preko PCL-R-a u Srbiji nisu podržali...
374 студента нишког и београдског универзитета задат је Сингелисов СЦС, као и упитник намењен при... more 374 студента нишког и београдског универзитета задат је Сингелисов СЦС, као и упитник намењен прикупљању података о неким оп-штим карактеристикама пријатељских односа које особа има. Резултати су пока-зали више статистички значајних веза између независности и међузависности с једне и карактеристика пријатељских односа с друге стране. Све добијене везе су биле слабе, али по смеру у складу са теоријским очекивањима. Додатно, до-бијени су резултати који говоре у прилог поузданости и конструктивне валидно-сти скала СЦС-а на нашем узорку. Кључне речи: СЦС, пријатељски односи, Сингелис, независност и међузависност Увод Пријатељски односи представљају значајне интерперсоналне релације у животу сваког човека. Природна људска потреба је " по-треба за припадањем " у блиским партнерским везама (Baumeister &
The main goal of this study was localization of attachment dimensions in the space described by b... more The main goal of this study was localization of attachment dimensions in the space described by basic personality traits. Study purported to examine relations between attachment and basic personality structure, in a sample of 203 respondents. Romantic adult attachment was measured by the Experience in Close Relationship Scale, basic personality structure was assessed by the NEO-PI-R personality inventory, and Disintegration, which represents operationalization of Schizotypy as a basic personality trait, was estimated by the Delta 10 test. The results of Principal component analysis showed that attachment dimensions are not separate constructs in relation to basic personality traits. Furthermore, results indicate that attachment dimensions represent emotional dysregulation in close interpersonal relationships, because positive correlations are found between dimensions of Attachment and Mania (.35), Anxiety (.51) and Depression (.55). Negative correlations have been obtained between A...
Previous resilience studies have shown that overcoming adversity in life is a very important fact... more Previous resilience studies have shown that overcoming adversity in life is a very important factor for everyday life functioning of a person in their community. However, the relationship between resilience and criminal victimization has not been studied very much, despite the importance of resilience in understanding this phenomenon. The aim of this paper is to present some of the definitions of resilience and criminal victimization. Also, possible contribution of resilience in understanding the phenomenon of criminal victimization is discussed.
Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 2014
International Journal of Psychotherapy
This study investigated the relationship between resilience, personal meaning and vicarious traum... more This study investigated the relationship between resilience, personal meaning and vicarious traumatization in a sample of trauma therapists (N=68). Participants completed ARP (Adversity Response Profile), PMP (Personal Meaning Profile) and TABS (Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale). The results showed that both personal meaning and resilience level are negatively related to the vicarious traumatization level of a therapist. Personal meaning was found to mediate the relationship between resilience and vicarious traumatization. On the level of subscales, personal meaning of relationships with others was the sole most important predictor of resilience.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2014
HEXACO model, a novel lexical model of personality, can be particularly useful for determining th... more HEXACO model, a novel lexical model of personality, can be particularly useful for determining the personality dispositions toward criminal behavior. HEXACO-PI-R inventory was used to predict multiple criteria of criminal behavior (number of offenses, number of verdicts and criminal-legal recidivism) in the sample of male convicts from two penal institutions in Serbia (N = 181; mean age 36.3; SD = 9.7). Data analysis was done using the multiple linear regressions, on the domains level and on the level of facets, separately. On the domains level traits, only one of the obtained regression functions is statistically significant, with criminal-legal recidivism as criteria; Agreeableness and Conscientiousness are most important predictors. On facets level traits, all three regression functions are significant. Fairness, Gentleness, Organization and Creativity, all with negative beta ponders, have the most important role in this regression models. Results suggest that analyses on facets-level, rather than on domains-level, are more useful for understanding criminal behavior.
European Surgical Research, 2012
In patients with unreconstructable arterial occlusive disease distal venous arterialization (DVA)... more In patients with unreconstructable arterial occlusive disease distal venous arterialization (DVA) seems to be a promising option in the treatment. The goals of this prospective study were to assess clinical efficiency and possible impact of DVA on tissue damage by estimating oxidative status of patients with critical limb ischemia treated with this procedure. The subjects were 60 randomized patients: 30 were undergoing DVA and 30 were treated with antiaggregation therapy. During the mean follow-up period (6.13 ± 4.32 months for DVA vs. 6.74 ± 0.5 months for antiaggregation therapy) survival (p < 0.01), limb salvage (p < 0.001), pain relief (p < 0.001) and wound healing (p < 0.001) rates were significantly different between the two groups of patients in favor of the DVA group. Ten minutes after declamping we observed a decreasing trend in the lactate level in the blood of the deep venous system (p < 0.001). Also, on postoperative day 7 digital systolic pressure and dig...
Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie, 2019
Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, May 1, 2017
Co-creating of Gestalt therapy research on rehabilitation of high security offenders is explored ... more Co-creating of Gestalt therapy research on rehabilitation of high security offenders is explored through concepts of Zen Buddhism, qualitative research and phenomenology.
There are clear benefits for a practitioner to be involved in a research process. Using research ... more There are clear benefits for a practitioner to be involved in a research process. Using research we start to understand our work in a new way, we allow new insights to come into awareness. As Gestalt therapists, and moreover as trainers or people involved in organizations, we have the responsibility for having a vision for the future. Our vision is that Gestalt therapists enter more and more into dialogue with the wider community of psychotherapists. That they can raise their voice and listen to others in order to teach and learn from each other. That Gestalt therapy fully participates in the movements, developments and the growth of the psychotherapy community.
Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 2020
Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини, 2017
Primenjena psihologija, 2015
Jedan od instrumenata koji se nejčešće koristi u proceni psihopatije je Hareova ček-lista (PCL-R)... more Jedan od instrumenata koji se nejčešće koristi u proceni psihopatije je Hareova ček-lista (PCL-R) koja predstavlja rejting metod procene i operacionalizovana je preko dvadeset indikatora. Iako je instrument u upotrebi već nekoliko decenija, podaci o latentnoj strukturi ovih dvadeset indikatora psihopatije nisu jednoznačni. U literaturi je opisano nekoliko empirijski deriviranih struktura PCL-R-a: jednofaktorski model koji operacionalizuje psihopatiju kao unitarni, jednodimezionalni konstrukt; dvofaktorski koji razlikuje endogene psihopatske karakteristike ličnosti i bihejvioralne obrasce ispoljavanja psihopatije; trofaktorski model u kome su kao sržne psihopatske crte postavljene manipulativni interpersonalni stil, emocionalna površnost i impulsivnost; četvoro-faktorski model koji pored prethodno navedenih crta u sebi inkorporira i antisocijalno ponašanje individua.Podaci dobijeni u prethodnom istraživanju o latentnoj strukturi psihopatije merene preko PCL-R-a u Srbiji nisu podržali...
374 студента нишког и београдског универзитета задат је Сингелисов СЦС, као и упитник намењен при... more 374 студента нишког и београдског универзитета задат је Сингелисов СЦС, као и упитник намењен прикупљању података о неким оп-штим карактеристикама пријатељских односа које особа има. Резултати су пока-зали више статистички значајних веза између независности и међузависности с једне и карактеристика пријатељских односа с друге стране. Све добијене везе су биле слабе, али по смеру у складу са теоријским очекивањима. Додатно, до-бијени су резултати који говоре у прилог поузданости и конструктивне валидно-сти скала СЦС-а на нашем узорку. Кључне речи: СЦС, пријатељски односи, Сингелис, независност и међузависност Увод Пријатељски односи представљају значајне интерперсоналне релације у животу сваког човека. Природна људска потреба је " по-треба за припадањем " у блиским партнерским везама (Baumeister &
The main goal of this study was localization of attachment dimensions in the space described by b... more The main goal of this study was localization of attachment dimensions in the space described by basic personality traits. Study purported to examine relations between attachment and basic personality structure, in a sample of 203 respondents. Romantic adult attachment was measured by the Experience in Close Relationship Scale, basic personality structure was assessed by the NEO-PI-R personality inventory, and Disintegration, which represents operationalization of Schizotypy as a basic personality trait, was estimated by the Delta 10 test. The results of Principal component analysis showed that attachment dimensions are not separate constructs in relation to basic personality traits. Furthermore, results indicate that attachment dimensions represent emotional dysregulation in close interpersonal relationships, because positive correlations are found between dimensions of Attachment and Mania (.35), Anxiety (.51) and Depression (.55). Negative correlations have been obtained between A...
Previous resilience studies have shown that overcoming adversity in life is a very important fact... more Previous resilience studies have shown that overcoming adversity in life is a very important factor for everyday life functioning of a person in their community. However, the relationship between resilience and criminal victimization has not been studied very much, despite the importance of resilience in understanding this phenomenon. The aim of this paper is to present some of the definitions of resilience and criminal victimization. Also, possible contribution of resilience in understanding the phenomenon of criminal victimization is discussed.
Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 2014
International Journal of Psychotherapy
This study investigated the relationship between resilience, personal meaning and vicarious traum... more This study investigated the relationship between resilience, personal meaning and vicarious traumatization in a sample of trauma therapists (N=68). Participants completed ARP (Adversity Response Profile), PMP (Personal Meaning Profile) and TABS (Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale). The results showed that both personal meaning and resilience level are negatively related to the vicarious traumatization level of a therapist. Personal meaning was found to mediate the relationship between resilience and vicarious traumatization. On the level of subscales, personal meaning of relationships with others was the sole most important predictor of resilience.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2014
HEXACO model, a novel lexical model of personality, can be particularly useful for determining th... more HEXACO model, a novel lexical model of personality, can be particularly useful for determining the personality dispositions toward criminal behavior. HEXACO-PI-R inventory was used to predict multiple criteria of criminal behavior (number of offenses, number of verdicts and criminal-legal recidivism) in the sample of male convicts from two penal institutions in Serbia (N = 181; mean age 36.3; SD = 9.7). Data analysis was done using the multiple linear regressions, on the domains level and on the level of facets, separately. On the domains level traits, only one of the obtained regression functions is statistically significant, with criminal-legal recidivism as criteria; Agreeableness and Conscientiousness are most important predictors. On facets level traits, all three regression functions are significant. Fairness, Gentleness, Organization and Creativity, all with negative beta ponders, have the most important role in this regression models. Results suggest that analyses on facets-level, rather than on domains-level, are more useful for understanding criminal behavior.
European Surgical Research, 2012
In patients with unreconstructable arterial occlusive disease distal venous arterialization (DVA)... more In patients with unreconstructable arterial occlusive disease distal venous arterialization (DVA) seems to be a promising option in the treatment. The goals of this prospective study were to assess clinical efficiency and possible impact of DVA on tissue damage by estimating oxidative status of patients with critical limb ischemia treated with this procedure. The subjects were 60 randomized patients: 30 were undergoing DVA and 30 were treated with antiaggregation therapy. During the mean follow-up period (6.13 ± 4.32 months for DVA vs. 6.74 ± 0.5 months for antiaggregation therapy) survival (p < 0.01), limb salvage (p < 0.001), pain relief (p < 0.001) and wound healing (p < 0.001) rates were significantly different between the two groups of patients in favor of the DVA group. Ten minutes after declamping we observed a decreasing trend in the lactate level in the blood of the deep venous system (p < 0.001). Also, on postoperative day 7 digital systolic pressure and dig...
Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie, 2019
These are the slides of an initial description of a proposed research project (grant application ... more These are the slides of an initial description of a proposed research project (grant application under way) to explore spiritually integrated processes in the practice of gestalt therapy. Presented at the gestalt research conference in Paris, 2017.
Spirituality-our relationship with the sacred-is expressed through our beliefs, practices, emotio... more Spirituality-our relationship with the sacred-is expressed through our beliefs, practices, emotions, values, and relationships. Spirituality can play a vital role in understanding the problems clients face and the solutions they seek in psychotherapy. This volume brings together top scholars who show how therapists can ethically and competently integrate spiritual perspectives and interventions into their practices and thereby more effectively treat clients from diverse religious, spiritual, racial, and cultural backgrounds. The chapters present research, clinical guidance, and case studies representing a wide variety of approaches and settings, including community mental health centers, private practice offices, hospitals and medical clinics, universities, and prisons. Given the important role that spirituality plays in many people's lives, this book will help practitioners bring attention, sensitivity, and evidence-based knowledge about the spiritual dimension into their psychotherapy practice.