Dr. Sunil Kumar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dr. Sunil Kumar
Research Link Journal, Issue 35, Vol. V(10) January (Special), 2007 Page No. 107-109, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
Cost Efficiency of Business Process Outsourcing in India India enjoys advantages of people sophis... more Cost Efficiency of Business Process Outsourcing in India India enjoys advantages of people sophistication is terms of a very large pool of English speaking scientific people, varied and extensive skill sets in terms of technology and offering services at globally competitive costs. India's abundant high quality and cost effective services and its vast resource skilled manpower have made it an attractive location for global software and service a base of 6,800 workers in 1985-96, the number increased to 5,22,000 software and service professionals by the end of 2001-02. Educational institutions, IIT, IIIT and poly techniques are the principal sources of newly qualified professionals. In India IT graduates as a proportion of engineering graduates around 35 percent. Moreover, Indian education system places strong emphasis on mathematics and science, resulting a large number of sciences and engineering graduates.
Research Link Journal, Issue 37, Vol. VI(2) April (Special), 2007 Page No. 103-106, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
Workers' Participation at Bank Level A Case Study of Central Bank of India Ever since Independen... more Workers' Participation at Bank Level A Case Study of Central Bank of India
Ever since Independence the Government has been enthusiastic to introduce worker's participation. Accordingly, a number of scheme of workers participation have been tried, e.g. works committee (1947), Joint Management Councils (1957) and under the new scheme of workers participation introduction in 1975- Shop councils and joint councils and board level workers' participation in public enterprise (1976). Though the scheme of workers' participation was already introduce in commercial banks of public sector in 1972. Howe.ven Not any systematic and comprehensive studies has so far been undertaken on the implementation and working of the shop councils and board level workers' participation the study proposes to fill this gap by undertaking a representation survey of the working at the various participative forums undei the new scheme including board level worker's participation.
Research Link Journal, Issue 38, Vol. VI(3) May (Special), 2007 Page No. 129-131, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
Research Link Journal, Issue 39, Vol. VI (4), June-August, 2007 Page No. 103-106, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
The present paper examines the attitudes of management and award staff towards workers' participa... more The present paper examines the attitudes of management and award staff towards workers' participation in general and shop councils in particular in terms of their willingness, interest, and frequency of the shop council meetings, number of issues raised areas of participation, extent of participation and related matter directly or indirectly connected with the functioning of shop councils.
Research Link Journal, Issue 44, Vol. VI (9) November, 2007 (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
The task of management vis-d-vis a business enterprise is to provide security of employment with ... more The task of management vis-d-vis a business enterprise is to provide security of employment with fair wages and equal opportunity to all members of organization. This necessarily is the objective of efficient management, and a cherished goal of social justice. If corporation is to be thought of as a participating member of the society as a normal adult, than it is not unreasonable to expect to meet minimum standard expected of any normal adult, that is, responsible regard for the interest and the rights of other members of the society.
Research Link Journal (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2009
A Succession Planning Through Human Resource Management A succession plan anticipates administrat... more A Succession Planning Through Human Resource Management A succession plan anticipates administrative vacancies and develops a pool of qualified candidates In advance of critical need. An effective Succession Planning is about business continuation and people. It is proactive in nature. It has changed from planning for key areas like that of CEO to programs that Include long-term strategic personnel needs aligned with the organization's strategic mission and goals. This paper gives an overview of the process of succession planning and the different approaches to do it.
Research Link Journal (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2009
Sale of PSU's By Disinvestment Country claims to have "world's biggest army of professionals" an ... more Sale of PSU's By Disinvestment Country claims to have "world's biggest army of professionals" an encouraging capital market with growth potential, a comfortable foreign exchange reserve and overall a vibrant economy. Strategic sale of PSUs that involves block transfer of shares and transfer of management control to a strategic partner has assumed great importance. The article focuses on various aspects of strategic sale and sale modalities of Public Sector Units by Disinvestment. the Central Government that Public Sector Units have outlived the purposes for which they were once created has felt it There has been a sea change in the economic scenario of the country over the past fifty years.
Sodh Samiksha aur Mulyankan, International Refereed Research Journal Jaipur Rajsthan (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 41004 (2017), 2010
The Purpose of this paper explores whether cost audits as governance mechanism of fected the corp... more The Purpose of this paper explores whether cost audits as governance mechanism of fected the corporatism of the users of financial statements and whether they procide the benefits intended by regulators. it is suggested following the findings of this paper that future research should carefully the usefulness and cost and benefit aspects of the mandatory cost audit it india.
Research Analysis and Evaluation, International Refereed Research Journal Jaipur Rajsthan UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 41022 (2017), 2010
The purpose of this paper explores whether cost records and the cost audit report will play a goo... more The purpose of this paper explores whether cost records and the cost audit report will play a good source
documents for the Indian exporters to substantiate their fair approach against any allegation of dumping
.In today’s free market economy lot of goods are imported from different countries which hamper the growth
of local industries due to dumping below costs. The provision of levy of anti-dumping duty by Government
requires exercise of cost of the product for which a regular Cost Audit will help to streamline the procedure
Research Analysis and Evaluation, International Research Referred Journal, Jaipur Rajsthan, October 2010, ISSN- 0975-3486 RNI : RAJBIL 2009/30097 VOL I * ISSUE 13, page no. 44-47, UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 41022 (2017), 2010
The paper takes cost audit and role of mandatory cost audit in the scenario comparing it with ben... more The paper takes cost audit and role of mandatory cost audit in the scenario comparing it with benefit aspects. It is necessary that either in financial accounting or in cost accounting or in management accounting system, wherever books and records are kept, they must be examined independently to ensure that they have been kept and recorded fairly and correctly and that there are no errors of omission and commission and there are no defalcation.
International Referred Journal of Development Studies, BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.IV, Issue-I, January –June, 2012, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 178-182. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 47191 (2017), 2012
The Purpose of this study is to reveal the job satisfaction in higher education working as profes... more The Purpose of this study is to reveal the job satisfaction in higher education working as professors in various colleges/institutions. Research on the dispositional source ofjob satisfaction has had a spotty history in job satisfaction research. The personaligical basis of job satisfaction was considered in the earliest treatments of job satisfaction. In fact, the job satisfaction plays a key role in the adjustment, achievement, motivation, urge to give the satisfactory output. It also works as a strong factor to reduce the stress and tension among the workers. In the present modern millennium, the competitive spirit and risk-taking tendency have become the essential part of the personality. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, teachers in higher education, Asst. Professors, Associate Professors and Contract/Sambida Lecturers, Govt. Sector College, semi govt. colleges and self finance colleges etc.
Shodh Drishti, National Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2013, ISSN: 0976-6650, page no. 110-115. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 49321 (2017), 2013
In the new era rationalization of the organizations has increased because of rapid knowledge and ... more In the new era rationalization of the organizations has increased because of rapid knowledge and technology explosion; many organizations are becoming unviable within no time. A number of options and new features are available to customers; hence product-life has shortened. Newly approaches to cost reduction, quality improvement and delivery time reduction are posing continuous threats. Rapid changes in economic, political and social environment are bringing new types of problems. Thus, modern organizations have no option other than continuously striving for enhancing their coping abilities. A variety of interventions under the umbrella of 'Organization Development' are available to the modern organizations for remaining effective and growing in the rapidly changing environment.
Shodh Drishti, National Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March, 2014, ISSN: 0976-6650, page no. 9-12. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 49321(2017), 2014
Business ethics is applied ethics. It is the application of:our understanding of what is goOct an... more Business ethics is applied ethics. It is the application of:our understanding of what is goOct and right to those. of institutions, technologies, tranSactions,aCtivities and pursuits that we call business.. Corporate issues in business ethics are ethical questions .raised abOUt a pailicular. company, These include questions about the morality of the activities,' polibies, praCtices. or organizational structure of an individual company taken as a whole. Free markets are justified from ethical point of view because they allocate resources and distribute commodities in ways that .are jits that maximize the economic utility of society's members and that respect the freedom Of-choice of both buyers and sellers
Shodh Drishti, National Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March, 2014 (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 49321 (2017), 2014
Approaches to Entering a Foreign Market -Strategies for Globalised Era Dr. Sunil Kumar* Dr. Sadha... more Approaches to Entering a Foreign Market -Strategies for Globalised Era Dr. Sunil Kumar* Dr. Sadhana Prajapati** Abstract • In this paper we examined the various ways in which companies can benefit from global expansion. We also discuss the optimal choice of entry mode to serve a foreign market. International expansion represents a way of earning greater returns for companies by transferring the skills and product offerings derived from their unique corn potencies to markets in which indigenous competitors lack those skills.
ERT Publication Pvt. Ltd. Varanasi, International Journal of financial Footprin, 2014
This article paper is an attempt to discuss a new paradigm in mobile services "Location base Adve... more This article paper is an attempt to discuss a new paradigm in mobile services "Location base Advertisement" their need, future prospect, perceived value and their cost. Location Base advertisement is a subset of location base services. In abroad such type of services is very popular but in India it is on very nascent stage. In Present scenario cell phone is not just a way of communication; it's an indispensible tool of comfortable life. It's become a mean of Contact, Entertainment and Information. Indian telecom industry underwent a high pace ofmarket liberalisation and growth since 1990s and now has become the world's most competitive and one of the fastest growing telecom markets. The Industry has grown over twenty times in just ten years, from under 37 million subscribers in the year 2001 to over 846 million subscribers in the year 2011.India has the largest mobile phone user base with over 929.37 million users as ofMay 2012.It has the world's third-largest Internet user-base with over 137 million as ofJune 2012. Major sectors of the Indian telecommunication industry are telephony, internet and television broadcasting. At present cell phone is a multitasking Instrument .it assisted to user whether he have need to buy a house or book a taxi, to search a restaurant or find out scheme and offer ofDifferent companies, but scenario in changing process. Lalitesh Katraggadda, country head, product, Go ogle India, see a bigger role in using map as Internet use itself is changing direction from 'List view 'to 'Map View'. So far Example, a search for a gift gallery will not only throw up a list of shop, but also locate them on a map. It's not only facilitating much more to user but also a way to increase the Income of operator.
TIJ's Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies - RJEBS, 2018
The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicit... more The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicitly on entrepreneurs’ reflexive and contextually embedded thoughts and strategies. The aim and objectives is thus not to identify either cognitive mechanisms or relevant discourses in isolation. Instead the ambition is to enhancing the entrepreneurs’ life worlds, especially how they make sense of their situation and find meaning and structure in the venture development process. By changing the point of departure from a view of individuals and situations as separate to a focus on lived experience, it has been possible to reach new insights about entrepreneurial process and activities.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education Research, ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR 6.514(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286, Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE: 4(2), April :2021., 2021
and evaluate the research prediction, comparing merge banks on the basis of pre and post performa... more and evaluate the research prediction, comparing merge banks on the basis of pre and post performances after Merger and
Acquisitions(M&As). It has been adopted, by using following financial parameters which are as follows
International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, July –December, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 49-52., 2018
“A Study of Organisational Learning Capabilities-A Review of Literature” International Journal of... more “A Study of Organisational Learning Capabilities-A Review of Literature” International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, July –December, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 49-52.
International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, January –June, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 65-70., 2018
“Bancassurance-Way to Enhance Non Interest Income” International Journal of Development Studies (... more “Bancassurance-Way to Enhance Non Interest Income” International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, January –June, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 65-70.
Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioural Science (RJCBS), Impact Factor of RJCBS (ISSN:2251-1547) for 2018 Impact Factor = 7.02, TIJ Research Publications Pte.Ltd., 51, Gold hill plaza, Singapore, 2018
The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicitl... more The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicitly on entrepreneurs' reflexive and contextually embedded thoughts and strategies. The aim and objectives is thus not to identify either cognitive mechanisms or relevant discourses in isolation. Instead the ambition is to enhancing the entrepreneurs' life worlds, especially how they make sense of their situation and find meaning and structure in the venture development process. By changing the point of departure from a view of individuals and situations as separate to a focus on lived experience, it has been possible to reach new insights about entrepreneurial process and activities.
Research Link Journal, Issue 35, Vol. V(10) January (Special), 2007 Page No. 107-109, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
Cost Efficiency of Business Process Outsourcing in India India enjoys advantages of people sophis... more Cost Efficiency of Business Process Outsourcing in India India enjoys advantages of people sophistication is terms of a very large pool of English speaking scientific people, varied and extensive skill sets in terms of technology and offering services at globally competitive costs. India's abundant high quality and cost effective services and its vast resource skilled manpower have made it an attractive location for global software and service a base of 6,800 workers in 1985-96, the number increased to 5,22,000 software and service professionals by the end of 2001-02. Educational institutions, IIT, IIIT and poly techniques are the principal sources of newly qualified professionals. In India IT graduates as a proportion of engineering graduates around 35 percent. Moreover, Indian education system places strong emphasis on mathematics and science, resulting a large number of sciences and engineering graduates.
Research Link Journal, Issue 37, Vol. VI(2) April (Special), 2007 Page No. 103-106, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
Workers' Participation at Bank Level A Case Study of Central Bank of India Ever since Independen... more Workers' Participation at Bank Level A Case Study of Central Bank of India
Ever since Independence the Government has been enthusiastic to introduce worker's participation. Accordingly, a number of scheme of workers participation have been tried, e.g. works committee (1947), Joint Management Councils (1957) and under the new scheme of workers participation introduction in 1975- Shop councils and joint councils and board level workers' participation in public enterprise (1976). Though the scheme of workers' participation was already introduce in commercial banks of public sector in 1972. Howe.ven Not any systematic and comprehensive studies has so far been undertaken on the implementation and working of the shop councils and board level workers' participation the study proposes to fill this gap by undertaking a representation survey of the working at the various participative forums undei the new scheme including board level worker's participation.
Research Link Journal, Issue 38, Vol. VI(3) May (Special), 2007 Page No. 129-131, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
Research Link Journal, Issue 39, Vol. VI (4), June-August, 2007 Page No. 103-106, RNI No. MPHIN-2002-7041, ISSN No. 0973-1628. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
The present paper examines the attitudes of management and award staff towards workers' participa... more The present paper examines the attitudes of management and award staff towards workers' participation in general and shop councils in particular in terms of their willingness, interest, and frequency of the shop council meetings, number of issues raised areas of participation, extent of participation and related matter directly or indirectly connected with the functioning of shop councils.
Research Link Journal, Issue 44, Vol. VI (9) November, 2007 (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2007
The task of management vis-d-vis a business enterprise is to provide security of employment with ... more The task of management vis-d-vis a business enterprise is to provide security of employment with fair wages and equal opportunity to all members of organization. This necessarily is the objective of efficient management, and a cherished goal of social justice. If corporation is to be thought of as a participating member of the society as a normal adult, than it is not unreasonable to expect to meet minimum standard expected of any normal adult, that is, responsible regard for the interest and the rights of other members of the society.
Research Link Journal (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2009
A Succession Planning Through Human Resource Management A succession plan anticipates administrat... more A Succession Planning Through Human Resource Management A succession plan anticipates administrative vacancies and develops a pool of qualified candidates In advance of critical need. An effective Succession Planning is about business continuation and people. It is proactive in nature. It has changed from planning for key areas like that of CEO to programs that Include long-term strategic personnel needs aligned with the organization's strategic mission and goals. This paper gives an overview of the process of succession planning and the different approaches to do it.
Research Link Journal (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 48985 (2017), 2009
Sale of PSU's By Disinvestment Country claims to have "world's biggest army of professionals" an ... more Sale of PSU's By Disinvestment Country claims to have "world's biggest army of professionals" an encouraging capital market with growth potential, a comfortable foreign exchange reserve and overall a vibrant economy. Strategic sale of PSUs that involves block transfer of shares and transfer of management control to a strategic partner has assumed great importance. The article focuses on various aspects of strategic sale and sale modalities of Public Sector Units by Disinvestment. the Central Government that Public Sector Units have outlived the purposes for which they were once created has felt it There has been a sea change in the economic scenario of the country over the past fifty years.
Sodh Samiksha aur Mulyankan, International Refereed Research Journal Jaipur Rajsthan (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 41004 (2017), 2010
The Purpose of this paper explores whether cost audits as governance mechanism of fected the corp... more The Purpose of this paper explores whether cost audits as governance mechanism of fected the corporatism of the users of financial statements and whether they procide the benefits intended by regulators. it is suggested following the findings of this paper that future research should carefully the usefulness and cost and benefit aspects of the mandatory cost audit it india.
Research Analysis and Evaluation, International Refereed Research Journal Jaipur Rajsthan UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 41022 (2017), 2010
The purpose of this paper explores whether cost records and the cost audit report will play a goo... more The purpose of this paper explores whether cost records and the cost audit report will play a good source
documents for the Indian exporters to substantiate their fair approach against any allegation of dumping
.In today’s free market economy lot of goods are imported from different countries which hamper the growth
of local industries due to dumping below costs. The provision of levy of anti-dumping duty by Government
requires exercise of cost of the product for which a regular Cost Audit will help to streamline the procedure
Research Analysis and Evaluation, International Research Referred Journal, Jaipur Rajsthan, October 2010, ISSN- 0975-3486 RNI : RAJBIL 2009/30097 VOL I * ISSUE 13, page no. 44-47, UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 41022 (2017), 2010
The paper takes cost audit and role of mandatory cost audit in the scenario comparing it with ben... more The paper takes cost audit and role of mandatory cost audit in the scenario comparing it with benefit aspects. It is necessary that either in financial accounting or in cost accounting or in management accounting system, wherever books and records are kept, they must be examined independently to ensure that they have been kept and recorded fairly and correctly and that there are no errors of omission and commission and there are no defalcation.
International Referred Journal of Development Studies, BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.IV, Issue-I, January –June, 2012, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 178-182. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 47191 (2017), 2012
The Purpose of this study is to reveal the job satisfaction in higher education working as profes... more The Purpose of this study is to reveal the job satisfaction in higher education working as professors in various colleges/institutions. Research on the dispositional source ofjob satisfaction has had a spotty history in job satisfaction research. The personaligical basis of job satisfaction was considered in the earliest treatments of job satisfaction. In fact, the job satisfaction plays a key role in the adjustment, achievement, motivation, urge to give the satisfactory output. It also works as a strong factor to reduce the stress and tension among the workers. In the present modern millennium, the competitive spirit and risk-taking tendency have become the essential part of the personality. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, teachers in higher education, Asst. Professors, Associate Professors and Contract/Sambida Lecturers, Govt. Sector College, semi govt. colleges and self finance colleges etc.
Shodh Drishti, National Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2013, ISSN: 0976-6650, page no. 110-115. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 49321 (2017), 2013
In the new era rationalization of the organizations has increased because of rapid knowledge and ... more In the new era rationalization of the organizations has increased because of rapid knowledge and technology explosion; many organizations are becoming unviable within no time. A number of options and new features are available to customers; hence product-life has shortened. Newly approaches to cost reduction, quality improvement and delivery time reduction are posing continuous threats. Rapid changes in economic, political and social environment are bringing new types of problems. Thus, modern organizations have no option other than continuously striving for enhancing their coping abilities. A variety of interventions under the umbrella of 'Organization Development' are available to the modern organizations for remaining effective and growing in the rapidly changing environment.
Shodh Drishti, National Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March, 2014, ISSN: 0976-6650, page no. 9-12. UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 49321(2017), 2014
Business ethics is applied ethics. It is the application of:our understanding of what is goOct an... more Business ethics is applied ethics. It is the application of:our understanding of what is goOct and right to those. of institutions, technologies, tranSactions,aCtivities and pursuits that we call business.. Corporate issues in business ethics are ethical questions .raised abOUt a pailicular. company, These include questions about the morality of the activities,' polibies, praCtices. or organizational structure of an individual company taken as a whole. Free markets are justified from ethical point of view because they allocate resources and distribute commodities in ways that .are jits that maximize the economic utility of society's members and that respect the freedom Of-choice of both buyers and sellers
Shodh Drishti, National Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March, 2014 (i) UGC approved Journal: Serial No: 49321 (2017), 2014
Approaches to Entering a Foreign Market -Strategies for Globalised Era Dr. Sunil Kumar* Dr. Sadha... more Approaches to Entering a Foreign Market -Strategies for Globalised Era Dr. Sunil Kumar* Dr. Sadhana Prajapati** Abstract • In this paper we examined the various ways in which companies can benefit from global expansion. We also discuss the optimal choice of entry mode to serve a foreign market. International expansion represents a way of earning greater returns for companies by transferring the skills and product offerings derived from their unique corn potencies to markets in which indigenous competitors lack those skills.
ERT Publication Pvt. Ltd. Varanasi, International Journal of financial Footprin, 2014
This article paper is an attempt to discuss a new paradigm in mobile services "Location base Adve... more This article paper is an attempt to discuss a new paradigm in mobile services "Location base Advertisement" their need, future prospect, perceived value and their cost. Location Base advertisement is a subset of location base services. In abroad such type of services is very popular but in India it is on very nascent stage. In Present scenario cell phone is not just a way of communication; it's an indispensible tool of comfortable life. It's become a mean of Contact, Entertainment and Information. Indian telecom industry underwent a high pace ofmarket liberalisation and growth since 1990s and now has become the world's most competitive and one of the fastest growing telecom markets. The Industry has grown over twenty times in just ten years, from under 37 million subscribers in the year 2001 to over 846 million subscribers in the year 2011.India has the largest mobile phone user base with over 929.37 million users as ofMay 2012.It has the world's third-largest Internet user-base with over 137 million as ofJune 2012. Major sectors of the Indian telecommunication industry are telephony, internet and television broadcasting. At present cell phone is a multitasking Instrument .it assisted to user whether he have need to buy a house or book a taxi, to search a restaurant or find out scheme and offer ofDifferent companies, but scenario in changing process. Lalitesh Katraggadda, country head, product, Go ogle India, see a bigger role in using map as Internet use itself is changing direction from 'List view 'to 'Map View'. So far Example, a search for a gift gallery will not only throw up a list of shop, but also locate them on a map. It's not only facilitating much more to user but also a way to increase the Income of operator.
TIJ's Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies - RJEBS, 2018
The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicit... more The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicitly on entrepreneurs’ reflexive and contextually embedded thoughts and strategies. The aim and objectives is thus not to identify either cognitive mechanisms or relevant discourses in isolation. Instead the ambition is to enhancing the entrepreneurs’ life worlds, especially how they make sense of their situation and find meaning and structure in the venture development process. By changing the point of departure from a view of individuals and situations as separate to a focus on lived experience, it has been possible to reach new insights about entrepreneurial process and activities.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education Research, ISSN: 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR 6.514(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286, Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE: 4(2), April :2021., 2021
and evaluate the research prediction, comparing merge banks on the basis of pre and post performa... more and evaluate the research prediction, comparing merge banks on the basis of pre and post performances after Merger and
Acquisitions(M&As). It has been adopted, by using following financial parameters which are as follows
International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, July –December, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 49-52., 2018
“A Study of Organisational Learning Capabilities-A Review of Literature” International Journal of... more “A Study of Organisational Learning Capabilities-A Review of Literature” International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, July –December, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 49-52.
International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, January –June, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 65-70., 2018
“Bancassurance-Way to Enhance Non Interest Income” International Journal of Development Studies (... more “Bancassurance-Way to Enhance Non Interest Income” International Journal of Development Studies (IJDS), BR Publication New Delhi. Vol.X, Issue-II, January –June, 2018, ISSN 0975-5799 pp. 65-70.
Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioural Science (RJCBS), Impact Factor of RJCBS (ISSN:2251-1547) for 2018 Impact Factor = 7.02, TIJ Research Publications Pte.Ltd., 51, Gold hill plaza, Singapore, 2018
The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicitl... more The present research work set a basic framework from the various suggestions, and focus explicitly on entrepreneurs' reflexive and contextually embedded thoughts and strategies. The aim and objectives is thus not to identify either cognitive mechanisms or relevant discourses in isolation. Instead the ambition is to enhancing the entrepreneurs' life worlds, especially how they make sense of their situation and find meaning and structure in the venture development process. By changing the point of departure from a view of individuals and situations as separate to a focus on lived experience, it has been possible to reach new insights about entrepreneurial process and activities.