Jeffrey Abdullah - (original) (raw)

Papers by Jeffrey Abdullah

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between typology and functional of flake tools from Bukit Bunuh 2010 site

Flake tool is one of the stone tools used by Paleolithic society which used stone as their techno... more Flake tool is one of the stone tools used by Paleolithic society which used stone as their technology. It is produced by flaking the core to get the flake. The flake that been used is known as flake tools. Flake tools found in Southeast Asia is said to be amorphous, which does not have a specific shape that can describe its function. So, this made it difficult for the typology classification of flake tool. However, many Paleolithic open sites have been classified based on flake tool morphology and technology, but the extent to which it represents the function has an issue. Therefore, usewear analysis was made using a flake tool from Bukit Bunuh’s site, which is Bukit Bunuh 2010. Bukit Bunuh was a meteorite impact area then it has been the source rocks suitable to be used as a tool by the Paleolithic society. In advance, the study was conducted by classifying flake tool typology according to morphological and technological. The results of this classification showed that there are four typologies identified as serrated, notched, pointed and retouched. Serrated can be divided into concave, convex and straight. While the notched been divided according to the number of notches. Retouched typology can be divided based on their edge trimming that is, alternate, alternating, direct, bifacial and inverse. Only pointed typology does not have subdivision. After the classification, the observation of the usewear of the flake tools had been done. As a result of these observations, there are several functions of the flake tools such as sawing, slicing, whittling, drilling, scratch and multiple functions. Almost all the flake tools were used for whittle except pointed and retouched type bifacial. Meanwhile, the serrated flake tools with type edge of convex, straight and retouched flake tools with type edge of direct has been widely used for a variety of activities compared with the other types of flake tools. So, this analysis indicated that most of flake tool used for various activities and also for specific functions. This shows that Paleolithic societies produced economic and multifunctional flake tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Experiment of bukit bunuh handaxes manufacturing technology

The Bukit Bunuh site is one of the Palaeolithic site in Lenggong Valley in the meteorite impact a... more The Bukit Bunuh site is one of the Palaeolithic site in Lenggong Valley in the meteorite impact area, which is located 10km from Lenggong town, in the hulu Perak district. This site discovered a handaxe tools which is the important findings that will change the “Movius Line” theory that reflects the different levels of technology between Southeast Asia and the West. The experimental of manufacturing technology is conducted to reconstruct the techniques used by ancient people at Bukit Bunuh site to produce these tools. The experimental result proved that Bukit Bunuh handaxes also produced handaxe tools and have its own manufacturing techniques and comparable with other regions.


Pada tahun 2003 dan 2007, sebuah kapal karam telah dijumpai di Tanjung Simpang Mengayau, perairan... more Pada tahun 2003 dan 2007, sebuah kapal karam telah dijumpai di Tanjung Simpang Mengayau, perairan Kudat. Kapal ini dipercayai membawa barang dagangan seramik ke rantau Borneo. Pada tahun 2014, analisis ke atas koleksi seramik tersebut telah dilakukan di Bahagian Arkeologi, Muzium Sabah. Kajian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis, bentuk, motif dan hiasan seramik berdasarkan kepada jumpaan yang ada. Analisis awalan menunjukkan jenis seramik yang ditemui dalam kapal karam tersebut adalah terdiridaripada tembikar batu, seladon, Qing-Pai dan seramik putih. Selain itu, bentuk-bentuk seramik yang telah dikenal pasti adalah tempayan besar (2), tempayan kecil (2), jarlet (7), mangkuk (99), piring (3), teko (6), kotak berpenutup (1), penutup teko (1), balang merkuri (1), kendi (1) dan pinggan (1). Kapal karam ini dipercayai membawa pelbagai jenis seramik dengan variasi motif hiasan dan kegunaan tersendiri untuk diperdagangkan ke pasaran luar, khususnya rantau Borneo. Melalui kajian ini juga menunjukkan kapal karam Tanjung Simpang Mengayau adalah kapal dagang dari Selatan China iaitu zaman Dinasti Song Selatan yang bertarikh antara abad ke-10 hingga abad ke-12 Masihi.

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Development of Palaeolithic Studies in Sabah

The Palaeolithic in Sabah began around 27,000 to 22,000 years ago based on the systematic and sci... more The Palaeolithic in Sabah began around 27,000 to 22,000 years ago based on the systematic and scientific study of archaeological sites in the Tingkayu Valley in 1988. However. the findings in the Mansuli Valley have shown that prehistoric Sabah began around 235,000 years ago, much earlier than previous research results. In Mansuli Valley, there are two types of sites, open and cave site. Both types of this site show thatit was occupied repeatedly. Moreover, in terms of the distribution of Palaeolithic sites also show that the area west of Sabah (Interior Division) has evidence of Palaeolithic culture too. In fact. it is possible that these sites have the same age with Mansuli Valley sites. Therefore, this shows that the island of Borneo was occupied by Palaeolithic societies since the Middle Pleistocene Era.

Research paper thumbnail of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek

Special Issues - Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia: Editor- Zuraina Majid) , 1998

Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahan... more Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek:IN (Editor: Zuraina Majid) Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia. Malaysia Museums Journal, Volume 34: Pages 65 - 115.


seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan Penyelidikan Arkeologi di UKM, 2010

Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMB... more Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMBAH BUJANG, SEBUAH KERAJAAN LAMA YANG BERPUSAT:
DARI PERSPEKTIF SISTEM MAKLUMAT GEOGRAFI (GIS).IN: Seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan Penyelidikan Arkeologi di UKM (Editor: Asyaari Muhamad, Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abd. Rahman and Zuliskandar Ramli).Institut Alam Dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Bangi.Pages: 305 - 325


Lembah Bujang telah dikaji sejak sedekad yang la/u dan dikatakan sebagai kerajaan Kedah Tua dari abad ke 1 masihi hingga 14 masihi. Ia juga dilaporkan sebagai salah satu kerajaan lama yang penting dalam abad tersebut sebagai salah satu persinggahan dalam perdagangan di rantau Asia Tenggara. Ma/ah dikatakan juga, penempatan di Lembah Bujang adalah merupakan satu kerajaan atau negeri yang mempunyai penyusunan masyarakat yang tersusun dan jaringan pertukaran barangan tersendiri dengan menggunakan sungai-sungai sebagai penghubung antara kawasan. Fungsi setiap tapak juga telah ditafsirkan berdasarkan kepada kajian o/eh Jane Allen pada tahun 1988. Kesemua tersebut adalah hasil daripada kajian arkeologi melalui tinjauan dan ekskavasi yang dilakukan oleh pengkaji-pengkaji terdahulu. Bagaimanapun, kajian terhadap taburan tapak-tapak arkeo/ogi di Lembah Bujang dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) tidak pernah dilakukan /agi. 0/eh itu, ana/isis GIS telah dilakukan ke atas taburan tapak-tapak arkeologi yang sedia ada untuk menentukan polo penempatan dan pusat penempatan tersebut dan sungai utama yang menjadi nodi dalam kerajaan lama. Ana/isis yang dijalankan menunjukkan taburan tapak-tapak adalah tertumpu pada dua lembangan iaitu kawasan tadahan sungai Merbok dan Sungai Muda. Kedua-dua sungai ini memainkan peranan dalam kerajaan Kedah Tua. Ana/isis terhadap polo taburan tapak-tapak arkeologi pula berdasarkan kepada 3 atribut iaitu ketinggian, kecerunan dan fungsi setiap tapak menunjukkan bahawa wujud polo penempatan dan pusat kerajaan Kedah Tua. Polo penempatan Lembah Bujang ada/ah berkisar kepada Sungai Merbok sebagai sungai utamanya berbanding dengan sungai Muda. Ma/ah ana/isis tersebut juga menunjukkan bahawa kawasan Pengkalan Bujang dan sepanjang sungai Pengkalan Bujang kemungkinan merupakan pusat kerajaan Kedah Tua. Sekitarnya merupakan kawasan aktiviti ekonominya. Kewujudan pusat kerajaan, menunjukkan wujudnya kerajaan lama dan penempatan di Lembah Bujang merupakan sebuah penempatan satu negeri yang mempunyai kerajaan berpusat.

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence of Meteorite Impact in Bukit Bunuh and Its Contribution To Archeology

Proceedings of the International Seminar , 2009

Khairunnisa Talib, Jeffrey Abdullah and Mokhtar Saidin (2009).Evidence of Meteorite Impact in Buk... more Khairunnisa Talib, Jeffrey Abdullah and Mokhtar Saidin (2009).Evidence of Meteorite Impact in Bukit Bunuh and Its Contribution To Archeology. IN:Proceedings of the International Seminar on Sharing Our Archaeological Heritage (Editor:Mokhtar Saidin and Kamarudin Ab. Razak). Yayasan Warisan Johor, Johor Baharu:pages: 173-186


Research in Hulu Perak found the evidence of meteorite impact associated with archaelogical materials. This can be seen at Bukit Bunuh, which is actually part of the meteorite crater. The impact happened around 1.74 million years ago in the Quarternary period. Based on interpretations gathered from remote sensing as well as air and field survey, the resulting crater is a medium-sized crater with a diameter of 345 m and a depth of 0.7 km. Rocks that resulted from this impact are suevite, impact melt rock and shocked gneiss, which are present in rounded blocks and can reach the size of more than 9 meters. Evidence of the impact on the rocks can be seen through the presence of quartz minerals with lamella structures resulting from sudden metamorphism. In addition, there are also rock fragments known as ejecta blanket that were deposited outside of the crater as sediment rocks or that fell after the impact. The contribution of this meteorite impact to archaeological research is through lithic technology and source in the Paleolithic period of Malaysia and also Southeast Asia."

Research paper thumbnail of Issues and Problems of Previous Studies in The Bujang Valley and The Discovery of Sungai Batu

Chapter in Book, 2011

The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Univer... more The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007 is of great significant in understanding the early civilisations in Malaysia. The complex was found during a scientific palaeoenvironmental reconstruction sutdy. A total pf 97 mounds were mapped and identified in 3km2 area that has great archaeological potential. To date, excavations at 16 mounds revealed ritual monuments, a riverside jetty built in the 2nd century CE, and iron smelting sites that were used from the 1st century CE. The discovery of the iron smelting industry in this complex showed that the Sungai Batu civilisation had an economic base. These new findings give a more holistoc and complete picture of the Bujang Valley civilisation and should lead to a significant re-evaluation of the evidence that has been accumulated since the 1840s. Based on the early research results, the Bujang Valley civilisation was thought to date as early as the end of the 4th century CE and to be primarily a Hindu-Buddhist site (Coedes, 1968). These new finds with chronometric dating (radiocarbon and OSL) allow us to re-write not onl the history of Malaysian civilisation but also that of the region. To date, the important discovery of a 110 CE monument meant Sungai Batu provides the earliest evidence of a monument (with chronometric dates) in Southeast Asia.


Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology., 2011

This paper discusses the preliminary data of iron smelting site (SB2A) found in protohistorical s... more This paper discusses the preliminary data of iron smelting site (SB2A) found in protohistorical site of Bujang Valley, Kedah. This site was dated to 3rd - 5th CE. The findings include metal artifacts, remains of furnaces, thousands of iron ores, tuyeres and slags. As the first iron smelting site ever discovered in Bujang Valley, this discovery had given a big impact that may be able to change the old paragdigm about the existence of a possible civilization in Malaysia. The discovery shows that from the 3rd CE, there had been a society that had already acquired the technology of iron smelting in Bujang Valley. The actual form of the structure, in terms of the shape of the furnace, is yet to be identified due to the insufficiency of the intact structure discovered during the excavation. The current research indicates that a large-scale iron-smelting industry existed in Bujang Valley from 3rd - 5th CE. This paper will also attempt to discuss the result of the preliminary analysis on the iron artefact, through the employment of some methods such as polishing section, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Research paper thumbnail of Ancient jetty at Sungai Batu Complex, Bujang Valley, Kedah

Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology., 2011

The archaeological project in Sungai Batu discovered more than 90 mounds (sites) that may contai... more The archaeological project in Sungai Batu discovered more than 90 mounds (sites) that may contain monumental archaeological findings. SB2B and SB2D are two of those sites unearthed nearby ancient river which connected to the Sungai Batu riverine network. The findings in those two sites include brick structure with possible floor features, potsherds, beads, stone tools and iron slags. Based on the radiocarbon dating on charcoal sample, the site dated from the 5th CE. These sites might have been a remnant of an ancient jetty used to load and unload trade
commodities that may include iron ores. These sites can be used as an evidence of the existence of an upriver-downriver economical interaction. The discovery of these two river jetties may affirm the complexity of the Site of Sungai Batu not only as a centre for religious and production activities, but also the exchange of commodity, namely the iron based trade. This paper discusses the result of preliminary research done on those two sites, in terms of forms and its functions, and relation to the history of Sungai Batu.

Research paper thumbnail of Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolitik Malaysia

Article, 2007

Mokhtar Saidin and Jeffrey Abdullah (2007). Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolit... more Mokhtar Saidin and Jeffrey Abdullah (2007). Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolitik Malaysia. Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 20: pages 14-21

Research paper thumbnail of  Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik di Lahad Datu Sabah: Laporan Awal

Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia. 21, 2008

Jeffrey Abdullah, Mokhtar Saidin, Peter Koon and Peter Molijol (2008).Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik... more Jeffrey Abdullah, Mokhtar Saidin, Peter Koon and Peter Molijol (2008).Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik di Lahad Datu Sabah: Laporan Awal.Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 21: pages 21-30

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Geofizik di Lembah Mansuli, Sabah: Sumbangannya Kepada Arkeologi

Kajian arkeologi di Lembah Mansuli, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ielah menemukan dua tapak Paleolitik, iait... more Kajian arkeologi di Lembah Mansuli, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ielah menemukan
dua tapak Paleolitik, iaitu Gua Samang Buat dan tapak terbuka Mansuli. Isu utama
di Gua Samang Buat ialah berapakah kedalaman sedimen di dalamgua ini selepas
ekskavasi empat meter masih belum menemui lantai gua. Manakala isu utama di
tapak terbuka Mansuli ialah interpretasi paleoalamnya yang dikatakan bersekitaran
tasik kuno. Maka, kaedah geoftzik telah digunakan untuk cuba menjawab isu ini.
Penggunaan kaedah geofizik di Lembah Mansuli telah berjaya membantu
mengenalpasti ketebalan sedimen di Gua Samang Buat dan membantu membina
paleoalam untuk Lembah Mammli. Ketebalan sedimen gua di Gua Samang Buat
yang boleh di' ekskavasi ialah 12 m di Gua 1 dan 5 m di Gua 2. Data ini
mencadangkan secara relatifberkemungkinan kita boleh menemui lapisan berusia
138,000 tahun dahulu di Gua Samang Buat berdq~rkan usia 46,000 untuk
kedalaman 4 m. Kajian gwifizik di Lembah Mansuli pula mendedahkan wujud
tasik kuno dan sa/iran sungai kuno di Lembah Mansuli. Malah daripada survei
tersebut, ianya juga mendedahkan kemungkinan wujud dua teres tasik kuno. Modelanomali graviti dan magnet juga turut menghasilkan hentuk tasik.

Research paper thumbnail of  GTK 1: A skeleton from Gua Teluk Kelelawar, Lenggong, dated 8,400 + 40 bp

In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), ., 2005

Majid, Zuraina, Johan Arif , A.R.Samsuddin, Nizam A., Aaron Lim, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah... more Majid, Zuraina, Johan Arif , A.R.Samsuddin, Nizam A., Aaron Lim, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah & Stephen Chia., 2005, GTK 1: A skeleton from Gua Teluk Kelelawar, Lenggong, dated 8,400 + 40 bp. In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Interesting Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Finds from Excavations in Balambangan Island, Sabah, Malaysia

Article, 1998

Zuraina Majid, Jaffrie Ignatius, H.D. Tjia & Peter Koon (1998) Some Interesting Late Pleistocene-... more Zuraina Majid, Jaffrie Ignatius, H.D. Tjia & Peter Koon (1998) Some Interesting Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Finds from Excavations in Balambangan Island, Sabah, Malaysia Sabah Society Journal Vol.15: pp 29-40

Research paper thumbnail of Human teeth of the Palaeolithic period from gua Balambangan, Sabah.

Jeffrey Abdullah (2005). Human teeth of the Palaeolithic period from gua Balambangan, Sabah.In: T... more Jeffrey Abdullah (2005). Human teeth of the Palaeolithic period from gua Balambangan, Sabah.In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia (Ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press: PP 229 - 237

Conference by Jeffrey Abdullah

Proceeding by Jeffrey Abdullah

Chapter in Book by Jeffrey Abdullah

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between typology and functional of flake tools from Bukit Bunuh 2010 site

Flake tool is one of the stone tools used by Paleolithic society which used stone as their techno... more Flake tool is one of the stone tools used by Paleolithic society which used stone as their technology. It is produced by flaking the core to get the flake. The flake that been used is known as flake tools. Flake tools found in Southeast Asia is said to be amorphous, which does not have a specific shape that can describe its function. So, this made it difficult for the typology classification of flake tool. However, many Paleolithic open sites have been classified based on flake tool morphology and technology, but the extent to which it represents the function has an issue. Therefore, usewear analysis was made using a flake tool from Bukit Bunuh’s site, which is Bukit Bunuh 2010. Bukit Bunuh was a meteorite impact area then it has been the source rocks suitable to be used as a tool by the Paleolithic society. In advance, the study was conducted by classifying flake tool typology according to morphological and technological. The results of this classification showed that there are four typologies identified as serrated, notched, pointed and retouched. Serrated can be divided into concave, convex and straight. While the notched been divided according to the number of notches. Retouched typology can be divided based on their edge trimming that is, alternate, alternating, direct, bifacial and inverse. Only pointed typology does not have subdivision. After the classification, the observation of the usewear of the flake tools had been done. As a result of these observations, there are several functions of the flake tools such as sawing, slicing, whittling, drilling, scratch and multiple functions. Almost all the flake tools were used for whittle except pointed and retouched type bifacial. Meanwhile, the serrated flake tools with type edge of convex, straight and retouched flake tools with type edge of direct has been widely used for a variety of activities compared with the other types of flake tools. So, this analysis indicated that most of flake tool used for various activities and also for specific functions. This shows that Paleolithic societies produced economic and multifunctional flake tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Experiment of bukit bunuh handaxes manufacturing technology

The Bukit Bunuh site is one of the Palaeolithic site in Lenggong Valley in the meteorite impact a... more The Bukit Bunuh site is one of the Palaeolithic site in Lenggong Valley in the meteorite impact area, which is located 10km from Lenggong town, in the hulu Perak district. This site discovered a handaxe tools which is the important findings that will change the “Movius Line” theory that reflects the different levels of technology between Southeast Asia and the West. The experimental of manufacturing technology is conducted to reconstruct the techniques used by ancient people at Bukit Bunuh site to produce these tools. The experimental result proved that Bukit Bunuh handaxes also produced handaxe tools and have its own manufacturing techniques and comparable with other regions.


Pada tahun 2003 dan 2007, sebuah kapal karam telah dijumpai di Tanjung Simpang Mengayau, perairan... more Pada tahun 2003 dan 2007, sebuah kapal karam telah dijumpai di Tanjung Simpang Mengayau, perairan Kudat. Kapal ini dipercayai membawa barang dagangan seramik ke rantau Borneo. Pada tahun 2014, analisis ke atas koleksi seramik tersebut telah dilakukan di Bahagian Arkeologi, Muzium Sabah. Kajian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis, bentuk, motif dan hiasan seramik berdasarkan kepada jumpaan yang ada. Analisis awalan menunjukkan jenis seramik yang ditemui dalam kapal karam tersebut adalah terdiridaripada tembikar batu, seladon, Qing-Pai dan seramik putih. Selain itu, bentuk-bentuk seramik yang telah dikenal pasti adalah tempayan besar (2), tempayan kecil (2), jarlet (7), mangkuk (99), piring (3), teko (6), kotak berpenutup (1), penutup teko (1), balang merkuri (1), kendi (1) dan pinggan (1). Kapal karam ini dipercayai membawa pelbagai jenis seramik dengan variasi motif hiasan dan kegunaan tersendiri untuk diperdagangkan ke pasaran luar, khususnya rantau Borneo. Melalui kajian ini juga menunjukkan kapal karam Tanjung Simpang Mengayau adalah kapal dagang dari Selatan China iaitu zaman Dinasti Song Selatan yang bertarikh antara abad ke-10 hingga abad ke-12 Masihi.

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Development of Palaeolithic Studies in Sabah

The Palaeolithic in Sabah began around 27,000 to 22,000 years ago based on the systematic and sci... more The Palaeolithic in Sabah began around 27,000 to 22,000 years ago based on the systematic and scientific study of archaeological sites in the Tingkayu Valley in 1988. However. the findings in the Mansuli Valley have shown that prehistoric Sabah began around 235,000 years ago, much earlier than previous research results. In Mansuli Valley, there are two types of sites, open and cave site. Both types of this site show thatit was occupied repeatedly. Moreover, in terms of the distribution of Palaeolithic sites also show that the area west of Sabah (Interior Division) has evidence of Palaeolithic culture too. In fact. it is possible that these sites have the same age with Mansuli Valley sites. Therefore, this shows that the island of Borneo was occupied by Palaeolithic societies since the Middle Pleistocene Era.

Research paper thumbnail of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek

Special Issues - Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia: Editor- Zuraina Majid) , 1998

Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahan... more Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek:IN (Editor: Zuraina Majid) Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia. Malaysia Museums Journal, Volume 34: Pages 65 - 115.


seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan Penyelidikan Arkeologi di UKM, 2010

Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMB... more Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMBAH BUJANG, SEBUAH KERAJAAN LAMA YANG BERPUSAT:
DARI PERSPEKTIF SISTEM MAKLUMAT GEOGRAFI (GIS).IN: Seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan Penyelidikan Arkeologi di UKM (Editor: Asyaari Muhamad, Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abd. Rahman and Zuliskandar Ramli).Institut Alam Dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Bangi.Pages: 305 - 325


Lembah Bujang telah dikaji sejak sedekad yang la/u dan dikatakan sebagai kerajaan Kedah Tua dari abad ke 1 masihi hingga 14 masihi. Ia juga dilaporkan sebagai salah satu kerajaan lama yang penting dalam abad tersebut sebagai salah satu persinggahan dalam perdagangan di rantau Asia Tenggara. Ma/ah dikatakan juga, penempatan di Lembah Bujang adalah merupakan satu kerajaan atau negeri yang mempunyai penyusunan masyarakat yang tersusun dan jaringan pertukaran barangan tersendiri dengan menggunakan sungai-sungai sebagai penghubung antara kawasan. Fungsi setiap tapak juga telah ditafsirkan berdasarkan kepada kajian o/eh Jane Allen pada tahun 1988. Kesemua tersebut adalah hasil daripada kajian arkeologi melalui tinjauan dan ekskavasi yang dilakukan oleh pengkaji-pengkaji terdahulu. Bagaimanapun, kajian terhadap taburan tapak-tapak arkeo/ogi di Lembah Bujang dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) tidak pernah dilakukan /agi. 0/eh itu, ana/isis GIS telah dilakukan ke atas taburan tapak-tapak arkeologi yang sedia ada untuk menentukan polo penempatan dan pusat penempatan tersebut dan sungai utama yang menjadi nodi dalam kerajaan lama. Ana/isis yang dijalankan menunjukkan taburan tapak-tapak adalah tertumpu pada dua lembangan iaitu kawasan tadahan sungai Merbok dan Sungai Muda. Kedua-dua sungai ini memainkan peranan dalam kerajaan Kedah Tua. Ana/isis terhadap polo taburan tapak-tapak arkeologi pula berdasarkan kepada 3 atribut iaitu ketinggian, kecerunan dan fungsi setiap tapak menunjukkan bahawa wujud polo penempatan dan pusat kerajaan Kedah Tua. Polo penempatan Lembah Bujang ada/ah berkisar kepada Sungai Merbok sebagai sungai utamanya berbanding dengan sungai Muda. Ma/ah ana/isis tersebut juga menunjukkan bahawa kawasan Pengkalan Bujang dan sepanjang sungai Pengkalan Bujang kemungkinan merupakan pusat kerajaan Kedah Tua. Sekitarnya merupakan kawasan aktiviti ekonominya. Kewujudan pusat kerajaan, menunjukkan wujudnya kerajaan lama dan penempatan di Lembah Bujang merupakan sebuah penempatan satu negeri yang mempunyai kerajaan berpusat.

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence of Meteorite Impact in Bukit Bunuh and Its Contribution To Archeology

Proceedings of the International Seminar , 2009

Khairunnisa Talib, Jeffrey Abdullah and Mokhtar Saidin (2009).Evidence of Meteorite Impact in Buk... more Khairunnisa Talib, Jeffrey Abdullah and Mokhtar Saidin (2009).Evidence of Meteorite Impact in Bukit Bunuh and Its Contribution To Archeology. IN:Proceedings of the International Seminar on Sharing Our Archaeological Heritage (Editor:Mokhtar Saidin and Kamarudin Ab. Razak). Yayasan Warisan Johor, Johor Baharu:pages: 173-186


Research in Hulu Perak found the evidence of meteorite impact associated with archaelogical materials. This can be seen at Bukit Bunuh, which is actually part of the meteorite crater. The impact happened around 1.74 million years ago in the Quarternary period. Based on interpretations gathered from remote sensing as well as air and field survey, the resulting crater is a medium-sized crater with a diameter of 345 m and a depth of 0.7 km. Rocks that resulted from this impact are suevite, impact melt rock and shocked gneiss, which are present in rounded blocks and can reach the size of more than 9 meters. Evidence of the impact on the rocks can be seen through the presence of quartz minerals with lamella structures resulting from sudden metamorphism. In addition, there are also rock fragments known as ejecta blanket that were deposited outside of the crater as sediment rocks or that fell after the impact. The contribution of this meteorite impact to archaeological research is through lithic technology and source in the Paleolithic period of Malaysia and also Southeast Asia."

Research paper thumbnail of Issues and Problems of Previous Studies in The Bujang Valley and The Discovery of Sungai Batu

Chapter in Book, 2011

The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Univer... more The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007 is of great significant in understanding the early civilisations in Malaysia. The complex was found during a scientific palaeoenvironmental reconstruction sutdy. A total pf 97 mounds were mapped and identified in 3km2 area that has great archaeological potential. To date, excavations at 16 mounds revealed ritual monuments, a riverside jetty built in the 2nd century CE, and iron smelting sites that were used from the 1st century CE. The discovery of the iron smelting industry in this complex showed that the Sungai Batu civilisation had an economic base. These new findings give a more holistoc and complete picture of the Bujang Valley civilisation and should lead to a significant re-evaluation of the evidence that has been accumulated since the 1840s. Based on the early research results, the Bujang Valley civilisation was thought to date as early as the end of the 4th century CE and to be primarily a Hindu-Buddhist site (Coedes, 1968). These new finds with chronometric dating (radiocarbon and OSL) allow us to re-write not onl the history of Malaysian civilisation but also that of the region. To date, the important discovery of a 110 CE monument meant Sungai Batu provides the earliest evidence of a monument (with chronometric dates) in Southeast Asia.


Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology., 2011

This paper discusses the preliminary data of iron smelting site (SB2A) found in protohistorical s... more This paper discusses the preliminary data of iron smelting site (SB2A) found in protohistorical site of Bujang Valley, Kedah. This site was dated to 3rd - 5th CE. The findings include metal artifacts, remains of furnaces, thousands of iron ores, tuyeres and slags. As the first iron smelting site ever discovered in Bujang Valley, this discovery had given a big impact that may be able to change the old paragdigm about the existence of a possible civilization in Malaysia. The discovery shows that from the 3rd CE, there had been a society that had already acquired the technology of iron smelting in Bujang Valley. The actual form of the structure, in terms of the shape of the furnace, is yet to be identified due to the insufficiency of the intact structure discovered during the excavation. The current research indicates that a large-scale iron-smelting industry existed in Bujang Valley from 3rd - 5th CE. This paper will also attempt to discuss the result of the preliminary analysis on the iron artefact, through the employment of some methods such as polishing section, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Research paper thumbnail of Ancient jetty at Sungai Batu Complex, Bujang Valley, Kedah

Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology., 2011

The archaeological project in Sungai Batu discovered more than 90 mounds (sites) that may contai... more The archaeological project in Sungai Batu discovered more than 90 mounds (sites) that may contain monumental archaeological findings. SB2B and SB2D are two of those sites unearthed nearby ancient river which connected to the Sungai Batu riverine network. The findings in those two sites include brick structure with possible floor features, potsherds, beads, stone tools and iron slags. Based on the radiocarbon dating on charcoal sample, the site dated from the 5th CE. These sites might have been a remnant of an ancient jetty used to load and unload trade
commodities that may include iron ores. These sites can be used as an evidence of the existence of an upriver-downriver economical interaction. The discovery of these two river jetties may affirm the complexity of the Site of Sungai Batu not only as a centre for religious and production activities, but also the exchange of commodity, namely the iron based trade. This paper discusses the result of preliminary research done on those two sites, in terms of forms and its functions, and relation to the history of Sungai Batu.

Research paper thumbnail of Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolitik Malaysia

Article, 2007

Mokhtar Saidin and Jeffrey Abdullah (2007). Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolit... more Mokhtar Saidin and Jeffrey Abdullah (2007). Sungai Perak Kuno: Sumbangannya kepada Zaman Paleolitik Malaysia. Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 20: pages 14-21

Research paper thumbnail of  Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik di Lahad Datu Sabah: Laporan Awal

Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia. 21, 2008

Jeffrey Abdullah, Mokhtar Saidin, Peter Koon and Peter Molijol (2008).Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik... more Jeffrey Abdullah, Mokhtar Saidin, Peter Koon and Peter Molijol (2008).Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik di Lahad Datu Sabah: Laporan Awal.Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 21: pages 21-30

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Geofizik di Lembah Mansuli, Sabah: Sumbangannya Kepada Arkeologi

Kajian arkeologi di Lembah Mansuli, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ielah menemukan dua tapak Paleolitik, iait... more Kajian arkeologi di Lembah Mansuli, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ielah menemukan
dua tapak Paleolitik, iaitu Gua Samang Buat dan tapak terbuka Mansuli. Isu utama
di Gua Samang Buat ialah berapakah kedalaman sedimen di dalamgua ini selepas
ekskavasi empat meter masih belum menemui lantai gua. Manakala isu utama di
tapak terbuka Mansuli ialah interpretasi paleoalamnya yang dikatakan bersekitaran
tasik kuno. Maka, kaedah geoftzik telah digunakan untuk cuba menjawab isu ini.
Penggunaan kaedah geofizik di Lembah Mansuli telah berjaya membantu
mengenalpasti ketebalan sedimen di Gua Samang Buat dan membantu membina
paleoalam untuk Lembah Mammli. Ketebalan sedimen gua di Gua Samang Buat
yang boleh di' ekskavasi ialah 12 m di Gua 1 dan 5 m di Gua 2. Data ini
mencadangkan secara relatifberkemungkinan kita boleh menemui lapisan berusia
138,000 tahun dahulu di Gua Samang Buat berdq~rkan usia 46,000 untuk
kedalaman 4 m. Kajian gwifizik di Lembah Mansuli pula mendedahkan wujud
tasik kuno dan sa/iran sungai kuno di Lembah Mansuli. Malah daripada survei
tersebut, ianya juga mendedahkan kemungkinan wujud dua teres tasik kuno. Modelanomali graviti dan magnet juga turut menghasilkan hentuk tasik.

Research paper thumbnail of  GTK 1: A skeleton from Gua Teluk Kelelawar, Lenggong, dated 8,400 + 40 bp

In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), ., 2005

Majid, Zuraina, Johan Arif , A.R.Samsuddin, Nizam A., Aaron Lim, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah... more Majid, Zuraina, Johan Arif , A.R.Samsuddin, Nizam A., Aaron Lim, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah & Stephen Chia., 2005, GTK 1: A skeleton from Gua Teluk Kelelawar, Lenggong, dated 8,400 + 40 bp. In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Interesting Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Finds from Excavations in Balambangan Island, Sabah, Malaysia

Article, 1998

Zuraina Majid, Jaffrie Ignatius, H.D. Tjia & Peter Koon (1998) Some Interesting Late Pleistocene-... more Zuraina Majid, Jaffrie Ignatius, H.D. Tjia & Peter Koon (1998) Some Interesting Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Finds from Excavations in Balambangan Island, Sabah, Malaysia Sabah Society Journal Vol.15: pp 29-40

Research paper thumbnail of Human teeth of the Palaeolithic period from gua Balambangan, Sabah.

Jeffrey Abdullah (2005). Human teeth of the Palaeolithic period from gua Balambangan, Sabah.In: T... more Jeffrey Abdullah (2005). Human teeth of the Palaeolithic period from gua Balambangan, Sabah.In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia (Ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press: PP 229 - 237