Dr. D. Sugumar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr. D. Sugumar

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of SAR on human head modeling in Elevators using IFA

2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), 2010

Page 1. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010)... more Page 1. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010) Xplore Compliant ©2010 IEEE Impact of SAR on Human head modeling in Elevators using IFA S .Jemima Priyadarshini1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Einfluß der Erosion auf die Standortproduktivität im Silomaisanbau

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 1988

Influence of erosion on productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation Accelerated erosion was m... more Influence of erosion on productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation Accelerated erosion was monitored in Eastern Schleswig-Holstein (F.R.G.) during the last decades. The objective of this study was to compare agricultural productivity of upper, middle and base slope segments to the respective soil parameters, reflecting results of long-term erosion. Five soil catenas were surveyed. Each catena was divided into three segments representing an eroded area (upper segment), an area with an equilibrium between erosion, accumulation and soil development (middle segment) and an area with accumulation (base slope segment). In 1986 soil qualities, growth characters and yield components of maize were analysed for each slope segment. At eroded slope segments vegetation cover and yield were significantly lower than at middle and base slope segments. Middle slope segments (equilibrium between erosion, accumulation and soil development) snowed balanced soil quality parameters and high maize yields with a desired combination of yield components.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Rectangular Array Microstrip Patch Antenna for Improved Return Loss

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC)

A rectangular patch array antenna of size 2*1 and 4*1 with inset feed for S band applications are... more A rectangular patch array antenna of size 2*1 and 4*1 with inset feed for S band applications are designed. The main objectives of this work are to improve the gain and return loss of the antenna. Both the arrays are designed to operate at the resonant frequency of 2. 45GHz. The antenna is designed by using a substrate called Poly tetra fluoro ethylene (Teflon). It is a flexible material. It is chemically inert, highly insoluble and thermally stable. The performance of two arrays are compared out of which 4*1 array is found to be better in terms of gain and return loss.

Research paper thumbnail of Undetermined Convolutive Blind Source Separation

This paper presents a blind source separation process for convolutive mixtures of audio sources. ... more This paper presents a blind source separation process for convolutive mixtures of audio sources. Here undetermined condition that is few microphones than sources has been considered as a mixing model. By an expectation– maximization (EM) algorithm the separation operation is performed in the frequency domain. The T-F masking separation is made use which is a powerful approach for the separation of underdetermined mixtures, especially for the separation of single-channel mixtures. Even under reverberant conditions the process enables to attain a good separation. From the experimental results, separated signals SDR values of speech mixtures is obtained in the range of 7.5dB while for music mixtures in the range of 2.9dB. It can be concluded from these values that separation of speech mixtures is better than music mixtures. General Terms Blind Source Separation, Convolutive mixing

Research paper thumbnail of Smart Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System Powered by Active Radio Frequency Identification and Internet of Things

Smart vehicle monitoring and tracking system powered by active radio frequency identification and... more Smart vehicle monitoring and tracking system powered by active radio frequency identification and Internet of Things (SVMT-ARFIoT) technology is proposed, which is cost-effective and more secured. The system gives tracking assistance over the connected devices. The advantage of smart vehicle monitoring system powered by active radio frequency identification tag and Internet of Things (SVM-ARFIoT) technology over global positioning system (GPS) is that GPS is very costly and its functionality is not secured, that is, prone to hack. When a GPS-enabled device is switched off, the device is out of the tracking/coverage area; hence, it can be driven unmonitored. Hence, there is a need for a system that is more secured by continuous tracking and cost-effective. The layout of the total area is initially gridded based on the geographical area. The active radio frequency identification (RFID) transmitters are equipped in a mobile fashion, and they have been housed in the vehicle. The RF wire...

Research paper thumbnail of Independent Vector Analysis of Non-Negative Image Mixture Model for Clinical Image Separation

Advances in Computerized Analysis in Clinical and Medical Imaging

Research paper thumbnail of Design of All-Digital Phase Locked Loop for Improved Frequency Lock Range

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC)

This paper presents the design and implementation of All Digital Phase Locked Loop (ADPLL) for im... more This paper presents the design and implementation of All Digital Phase Locked Loop (ADPLL) for improved lock range. FPGA implementation of improvised ADPLL is carried out on Xilinx Artix-7(xc7alStcpg236-1) chip. The modified work is carried out for 200 KHz central frequency(fo) under complete digitalization. It provides a frequency lock range of 177 KHz to 222 KHz with Lock time of 12.57us and power consumption 0.088W under delay of 0.8 ns. This modified design, outputs an increase in Operational frequency range compared to previous design under low frequency.

Research paper thumbnail of Separation of MECG and FECG using CCA-EMD Process

Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N... more Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N) mixtures. Paper presents a time-frequency approach (TF) to under-determined blind source separation of N non-stationary sources from M mixtures(M<N).It is based on Wigner-Ville distribution and Khatri-Rao product. Improved method involves a two step approach which involves the estimation of the mixing matrix where negative values of auto WVD of the sources are fully considered and secondly auto-term TF points are extracted.After extracting the auto-term TF points source WVD values at every TF point are computed using a new algorithm based on Khatri-Rao product. Thus sources are separated with the proposed approach no matter how many active sources there are as long as N≤ 2M-1.Simulation results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with the existing algorithms.

Research paper thumbnail of Minimized Losses with High Isolation Pin Diode Based X-Band SP4T Switch for Phased Array Antenna Application

2018 International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), 2018

This paper presents the design and implementation of PIN diode based X-band SP4T (Single pole 4-t... more This paper presents the design and implementation of PIN diode based X-band SP4T (Single pole 4-throw) switch. It is designed to operate in the X-band range of 8 to 8.4GHz frequencies which is useful for phased array antenna applications. PIN diodes, resistors, capacitors and other printed components are assembled on an RT-DUROID substrate which has the dielectric constant of 10.2. Transmission line lengths are optimized in this design to minimize losses, while keeping good isolation. The following work is done in ADS software. The proposed structure improves its performance by minimizing the losses and achieve −28.04dB return loss, −0.94dB insertion loss and −41.70dB isolation.

Research paper thumbnail of Blind Source Separation of Audio Signals Using WVD-KR Algorithm

Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N... more Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N) mixtures. Paper presents a time-frequency approach (TF) to under-determined blind source separation of N non-stationary sources from M mixtures(M<N).It is based on Wigner-Ville distribution and Khatri-Rao product. Improved method involves a two step approach which involves the estimation of the mixing matrix where negative values of auto WVD of the sources are fully considered and secondly auto-term TF points are extracted.After extracting the auto-term TF points source WVD values at every TF point are computed using a new algorithm based on Khatri-Rao product. Thus sources are separated with the proposed approach no matter how many active sources there are as long as N≤ 2M-1.Simulation results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with the existing algorithms.

Research paper thumbnail of E Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with Coaxial Feed for Bandwidth Enhancement

In this paper we presented a new design technique of microstrip patch antenna. The proposed anten... more In this paper we presented a new design technique of microstrip patch antenna. The proposed antenna design consists of direct coaxial probe feed technique and the novel E slotted shaped patch. The composite effect of integrating these techniques and by introducing the new slotted patch, offer a low profile, high gain, broadband, and compact antenna element. Parameters like return loss, radiation pattern and bandwidth are analysed using FDTD algorithm in MATLAB and compared for a non slotted microstrip patch antenna, a rectangular slotted microstrip patch antenna and an E slotted microstrip patch antenna. From the simulated results, Bandwidth for the rectangular slotted antenna and E slot design is found to be as large as about 2.4 times and 3.149 times respectively, that of a corresponding unslotted rectangular microstrip antenna and also better directivity is achieved. Details of the antenna design and simulated results are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Multiple Frequency Microstrip Antenna for Mine Applications

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC), 2019

In this paper, an antenna with L shaped slots adjacent to each other is presented. The return los... more In this paper, an antenna with L shaped slots adjacent to each other is presented. The return loss and the VSWR have been found to be ideal which are less than −10dB and 1.5dB respectively. The antenna resonates between 1GHz to 3GHz by displaying acute antenna characteristics at 1.6GHz, 2.0GHz and 2.5GHz. Due to low frequency range they are compatible for medical purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Bandwidth Enhancement of Coaxial Feed U Slotted Microstrip Antenna Modeled with FDTD Algorithm

The aim of this paper is to design a U slotted rectangular patch antenna by way of direct coaxial... more The aim of this paper is to design a U slotted rectangular patch antenna by way of direct coaxial probe feed technique and compare it’s performance with non slotted and rectangular slotted microstrip patch antenna. The composite effect of integrating these techniques offers a low profile, high gain, broadband and compact antenna element. Parameters like return loss, radiation pattern and bandwidth are analyzed using FDTD algorithm in MATLAB. From the simulated results, Bandwidth for the rectangular slotted antenna and U slotted antenna was found to be 2.4 times and 2.84 times respectively, that of the non slotted rectangular microstrip antenna. Also better directivity was observed. The experimental results supported the same. The U slotted microstrip antenna is fabricated and the radiation pattern is measured. Details of the antenna design and simulated results are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Machining of microholes in Ti-6Al-4V by hybrid micro electrical discharge machining to improve process parameters and flushing properties

In this research work, the Ti-6Al-4V material was used for the investigation of machining paramet... more In this research work, the Ti-6Al-4V material was used for the investigation of machining parameters by means of hybrid micro electrical discharge machining to improve the machining process and reduce the negative effects of debris accumulation in the drilled hole. L9 orthogonal array was used in the Taguchi based grey relational analysis to optimize the parameters such as material removal rate and diametrical accuracy of the machining process for Ti-6Al-4V. This work encompasses the design, development, and calibration of the work piece vibration platform and experimental analysis of the process parameters by means of the hybrid micro electrical discharge machining process. The maximum material removal rate and minimum surface roughness was observed at the current value of 2.5 A, pulse on time is 2 μs and pulse off time is 14.5 μs. The maximum material removal rate was observed for the increase in pulse on time with 14.4 μs and 4 A current level. The diametrical accuracy of the mic...

Research paper thumbnail of Multi-Channel Image Source Separation by Dictionary Update Method

In real world, a large set of mixed signals are available from which each source signal need to b... more In real world, a large set of mixed signals are available from which each source signal need to be recovered and this problem can be addressed with adaptive dictionary method. In the case of multichannel observations sparsity found to be very useful for source separation. The problem exist is that in most cases the sources are not sparsified in their domain and it will become necessary to sparsify the source by using some known dictionaries. In order to recover the sources successfully a prior knowledge of the sparse domain is required, if not available this problem can be solved by using dictionary learning technique into source separation. The proposed method, a local dictionary is adaptively learned for each source separately along with separation. This approach improves the quality of source separation both in noiseless and different noisy situations. The advantage of this method is that it denoise the sources during separation. Keywords-Blind source separation (BSS); dictionary...

Research paper thumbnail of Dual-Pin-Fed Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi Application

2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)

The design of dual-pin-fed circularly polarized patch antenna is operated at the microwave freque... more The design of dual-pin-fed circularly polarized patch antenna is operated at the microwave frequency of 2.45GHz for Wi-Fi applications. The antenna is designed with square patch. The substrate material used is FR4 and has the relative permittivity of 4.5. It is very difficult to achieve the circular polarization with single feed. However, Dual-Pin Feed is incredibly easy to construct and achieve the circular polarization by exciting at 2 points out of section by ninety degree. The antenna has been designed and simulated by using CADFEKO software. The simulation results show that the antenna resonates at 2.45 GHz with the return loss, impedance and voltage standing wave ratio of −20.7125 dB, 49.027 + i 29.157 and 1.20295 respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Patch antenna using Biocompatible Insulation layer in Wireless On-Body sensor applications

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Feb 1, 2019

On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (M... more On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs). These remote or wireless gadgets give an inexpensive approach to watch the patients in the therapeutic field. The primary issue of the remote gadgets is the antenna, that is, the design of the antenna. This work introduces a patch antenna that can be utilized for remote on-body sensors to gauge the pulse of the patients. The antenna configuration approach includes a transmitting patch that has slots and a loop around the patch which is rectangular. The antenna is designed on a flexible substrate made of Polyimide material. With the goal to build the execution of the antenna, air substrate is utilized to such an extent that the antenna prerequisites are fulfilled. The proposed antenna is then reproduced on a human body phantom whose electrical properties like permittivity and conductivity are roughly the same to that of a human body. A biocompatible insulation layer is encompassed at the base of the antenna to diminish the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) impact. The antenna parameters like return loss, VSWR, bandwidth and SAR esteems have been examined in this work.

Research paper thumbnail of Joint blind source separation algorithms in the separation of non-invasive maternal and fetal ECG

Blind source separation (BSS) is used in many fields of signal and image processing. It is used f... more Blind source separation (BSS) is used in many fields of signal and image processing. It is used for separating a set of source signals from mixed signals without the aid of information about the source signals or the mixing process. The paper mainly focuses on (1) Separation of maternal and fetal ECG signal (2) Performance measure of various BSS and JBSS algorithm in term of SIR and execution time. Various BSS algorithm like ICA, FASTICA, JADE and JBSS algorithms like MCCA, SOBI, JBSS_SOS, JBSS_CUM4 are used for blindly separating the source signals. And the impacts on separation of maternal and fetal signal are examined. The simulations are conducted in MATLAB using Non-Invasive ECG of pregnant women from PhysioNet database. The JBSS_CUM4 algorithm shows better performance with the SIR value of 29.58dB for MECG and 7.44dB for FECG.

Research paper thumbnail of RFID and GPS antennas design of Heterogeneous tracking system for school children safety

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC)

Research paper thumbnail of Patch antenna using Biocompatible Insulation layer in Wireless On-Body sensor applications

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Feb 1, 2019

On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (M... more On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs). These remote or wireless gadgets give an inexpensive approach to watch the patients in the therapeutic field. The primary issue of the remote gadgets is the antenna, that is, the design of the antenna. This work introduces a patch antenna that can be utilized for remote on-body sensors to gauge the pulse of the patients. The antenna configuration approach includes a transmitting patch that has slots and a loop around the patch which is rectangular. The antenna is designed on a flexible substrate made of Polyimide material. With the goal to build the execution of the antenna, air substrate is utilized to such an extent that the antenna prerequisites are fulfilled. The proposed antenna is then reproduced on a human body phantom whose electrical properties like permittivity and conductivity are roughly the same to that of a human body. A biocompatible insulation layer is encompassed at the base of the antenna to diminish the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) impact. The antenna parameters like return loss, VSWR, bandwidth and SAR esteems have been examined in this work.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of SAR on human head modeling in Elevators using IFA

2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE), 2010

Page 1. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010)... more Page 1. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2010) Xplore Compliant ©2010 IEEE Impact of SAR on Human head modeling in Elevators using IFA S .Jemima Priyadarshini1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Einfluß der Erosion auf die Standortproduktivität im Silomaisanbau

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 1988

Influence of erosion on productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation Accelerated erosion was m... more Influence of erosion on productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation Accelerated erosion was monitored in Eastern Schleswig-Holstein (F.R.G.) during the last decades. The objective of this study was to compare agricultural productivity of upper, middle and base slope segments to the respective soil parameters, reflecting results of long-term erosion. Five soil catenas were surveyed. Each catena was divided into three segments representing an eroded area (upper segment), an area with an equilibrium between erosion, accumulation and soil development (middle segment) and an area with accumulation (base slope segment). In 1986 soil qualities, growth characters and yield components of maize were analysed for each slope segment. At eroded slope segments vegetation cover and yield were significantly lower than at middle and base slope segments. Middle slope segments (equilibrium between erosion, accumulation and soil development) snowed balanced soil quality parameters and high maize yields with a desired combination of yield components.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Rectangular Array Microstrip Patch Antenna for Improved Return Loss

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC)

A rectangular patch array antenna of size 2*1 and 4*1 with inset feed for S band applications are... more A rectangular patch array antenna of size 2*1 and 4*1 with inset feed for S band applications are designed. The main objectives of this work are to improve the gain and return loss of the antenna. Both the arrays are designed to operate at the resonant frequency of 2. 45GHz. The antenna is designed by using a substrate called Poly tetra fluoro ethylene (Teflon). It is a flexible material. It is chemically inert, highly insoluble and thermally stable. The performance of two arrays are compared out of which 4*1 array is found to be better in terms of gain and return loss.

Research paper thumbnail of Undetermined Convolutive Blind Source Separation

This paper presents a blind source separation process for convolutive mixtures of audio sources. ... more This paper presents a blind source separation process for convolutive mixtures of audio sources. Here undetermined condition that is few microphones than sources has been considered as a mixing model. By an expectation– maximization (EM) algorithm the separation operation is performed in the frequency domain. The T-F masking separation is made use which is a powerful approach for the separation of underdetermined mixtures, especially for the separation of single-channel mixtures. Even under reverberant conditions the process enables to attain a good separation. From the experimental results, separated signals SDR values of speech mixtures is obtained in the range of 7.5dB while for music mixtures in the range of 2.9dB. It can be concluded from these values that separation of speech mixtures is better than music mixtures. General Terms Blind Source Separation, Convolutive mixing

Research paper thumbnail of Smart Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System Powered by Active Radio Frequency Identification and Internet of Things

Smart vehicle monitoring and tracking system powered by active radio frequency identification and... more Smart vehicle monitoring and tracking system powered by active radio frequency identification and Internet of Things (SVMT-ARFIoT) technology is proposed, which is cost-effective and more secured. The system gives tracking assistance over the connected devices. The advantage of smart vehicle monitoring system powered by active radio frequency identification tag and Internet of Things (SVM-ARFIoT) technology over global positioning system (GPS) is that GPS is very costly and its functionality is not secured, that is, prone to hack. When a GPS-enabled device is switched off, the device is out of the tracking/coverage area; hence, it can be driven unmonitored. Hence, there is a need for a system that is more secured by continuous tracking and cost-effective. The layout of the total area is initially gridded based on the geographical area. The active radio frequency identification (RFID) transmitters are equipped in a mobile fashion, and they have been housed in the vehicle. The RF wire...

Research paper thumbnail of Independent Vector Analysis of Non-Negative Image Mixture Model for Clinical Image Separation

Advances in Computerized Analysis in Clinical and Medical Imaging

Research paper thumbnail of Design of All-Digital Phase Locked Loop for Improved Frequency Lock Range

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC)

This paper presents the design and implementation of All Digital Phase Locked Loop (ADPLL) for im... more This paper presents the design and implementation of All Digital Phase Locked Loop (ADPLL) for improved lock range. FPGA implementation of improvised ADPLL is carried out on Xilinx Artix-7(xc7alStcpg236-1) chip. The modified work is carried out for 200 KHz central frequency(fo) under complete digitalization. It provides a frequency lock range of 177 KHz to 222 KHz with Lock time of 12.57us and power consumption 0.088W under delay of 0.8 ns. This modified design, outputs an increase in Operational frequency range compared to previous design under low frequency.

Research paper thumbnail of Separation of MECG and FECG using CCA-EMD Process

Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N... more Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N) mixtures. Paper presents a time-frequency approach (TF) to under-determined blind source separation of N non-stationary sources from M mixtures(M<N).It is based on Wigner-Ville distribution and Khatri-Rao product. Improved method involves a two step approach which involves the estimation of the mixing matrix where negative values of auto WVD of the sources are fully considered and secondly auto-term TF points are extracted.After extracting the auto-term TF points source WVD values at every TF point are computed using a new algorithm based on Khatri-Rao product. Thus sources are separated with the proposed approach no matter how many active sources there are as long as N≤ 2M-1.Simulation results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with the existing algorithms.

Research paper thumbnail of Minimized Losses with High Isolation Pin Diode Based X-Band SP4T Switch for Phased Array Antenna Application

2018 International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), 2018

This paper presents the design and implementation of PIN diode based X-band SP4T (Single pole 4-t... more This paper presents the design and implementation of PIN diode based X-band SP4T (Single pole 4-throw) switch. It is designed to operate in the X-band range of 8 to 8.4GHz frequencies which is useful for phased array antenna applications. PIN diodes, resistors, capacitors and other printed components are assembled on an RT-DUROID substrate which has the dielectric constant of 10.2. Transmission line lengths are optimized in this design to minimize losses, while keeping good isolation. The following work is done in ADS software. The proposed structure improves its performance by minimizing the losses and achieve −28.04dB return loss, −0.94dB insertion loss and −41.70dB isolation.

Research paper thumbnail of Blind Source Separation of Audio Signals Using WVD-KR Algorithm

Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N... more Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (M<N) mixtures. Paper presents a time-frequency approach (TF) to under-determined blind source separation of N non-stationary sources from M mixtures(M<N).It is based on Wigner-Ville distribution and Khatri-Rao product. Improved method involves a two step approach which involves the estimation of the mixing matrix where negative values of auto WVD of the sources are fully considered and secondly auto-term TF points are extracted.After extracting the auto-term TF points source WVD values at every TF point are computed using a new algorithm based on Khatri-Rao product. Thus sources are separated with the proposed approach no matter how many active sources there are as long as N≤ 2M-1.Simulation results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with the existing algorithms.

Research paper thumbnail of E Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with Coaxial Feed for Bandwidth Enhancement

In this paper we presented a new design technique of microstrip patch antenna. The proposed anten... more In this paper we presented a new design technique of microstrip patch antenna. The proposed antenna design consists of direct coaxial probe feed technique and the novel E slotted shaped patch. The composite effect of integrating these techniques and by introducing the new slotted patch, offer a low profile, high gain, broadband, and compact antenna element. Parameters like return loss, radiation pattern and bandwidth are analysed using FDTD algorithm in MATLAB and compared for a non slotted microstrip patch antenna, a rectangular slotted microstrip patch antenna and an E slotted microstrip patch antenna. From the simulated results, Bandwidth for the rectangular slotted antenna and E slot design is found to be as large as about 2.4 times and 3.149 times respectively, that of a corresponding unslotted rectangular microstrip antenna and also better directivity is achieved. Details of the antenna design and simulated results are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of Multiple Frequency Microstrip Antenna for Mine Applications

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC), 2019

In this paper, an antenna with L shaped slots adjacent to each other is presented. The return los... more In this paper, an antenna with L shaped slots adjacent to each other is presented. The return loss and the VSWR have been found to be ideal which are less than −10dB and 1.5dB respectively. The antenna resonates between 1GHz to 3GHz by displaying acute antenna characteristics at 1.6GHz, 2.0GHz and 2.5GHz. Due to low frequency range they are compatible for medical purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Bandwidth Enhancement of Coaxial Feed U Slotted Microstrip Antenna Modeled with FDTD Algorithm

The aim of this paper is to design a U slotted rectangular patch antenna by way of direct coaxial... more The aim of this paper is to design a U slotted rectangular patch antenna by way of direct coaxial probe feed technique and compare it’s performance with non slotted and rectangular slotted microstrip patch antenna. The composite effect of integrating these techniques offers a low profile, high gain, broadband and compact antenna element. Parameters like return loss, radiation pattern and bandwidth are analyzed using FDTD algorithm in MATLAB. From the simulated results, Bandwidth for the rectangular slotted antenna and U slotted antenna was found to be 2.4 times and 2.84 times respectively, that of the non slotted rectangular microstrip antenna. Also better directivity was observed. The experimental results supported the same. The U slotted microstrip antenna is fabricated and the radiation pattern is measured. Details of the antenna design and simulated results are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Machining of microholes in Ti-6Al-4V by hybrid micro electrical discharge machining to improve process parameters and flushing properties

In this research work, the Ti-6Al-4V material was used for the investigation of machining paramet... more In this research work, the Ti-6Al-4V material was used for the investigation of machining parameters by means of hybrid micro electrical discharge machining to improve the machining process and reduce the negative effects of debris accumulation in the drilled hole. L9 orthogonal array was used in the Taguchi based grey relational analysis to optimize the parameters such as material removal rate and diametrical accuracy of the machining process for Ti-6Al-4V. This work encompasses the design, development, and calibration of the work piece vibration platform and experimental analysis of the process parameters by means of the hybrid micro electrical discharge machining process. The maximum material removal rate and minimum surface roughness was observed at the current value of 2.5 A, pulse on time is 2 μs and pulse off time is 14.5 μs. The maximum material removal rate was observed for the increase in pulse on time with 14.4 μs and 4 A current level. The diametrical accuracy of the mic...

Research paper thumbnail of Multi-Channel Image Source Separation by Dictionary Update Method

In real world, a large set of mixed signals are available from which each source signal need to b... more In real world, a large set of mixed signals are available from which each source signal need to be recovered and this problem can be addressed with adaptive dictionary method. In the case of multichannel observations sparsity found to be very useful for source separation. The problem exist is that in most cases the sources are not sparsified in their domain and it will become necessary to sparsify the source by using some known dictionaries. In order to recover the sources successfully a prior knowledge of the sparse domain is required, if not available this problem can be solved by using dictionary learning technique into source separation. The proposed method, a local dictionary is adaptively learned for each source separately along with separation. This approach improves the quality of source separation both in noiseless and different noisy situations. The advantage of this method is that it denoise the sources during separation. Keywords-Blind source separation (BSS); dictionary...

Research paper thumbnail of Dual-Pin-Fed Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi Application

2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)

The design of dual-pin-fed circularly polarized patch antenna is operated at the microwave freque... more The design of dual-pin-fed circularly polarized patch antenna is operated at the microwave frequency of 2.45GHz for Wi-Fi applications. The antenna is designed with square patch. The substrate material used is FR4 and has the relative permittivity of 4.5. It is very difficult to achieve the circular polarization with single feed. However, Dual-Pin Feed is incredibly easy to construct and achieve the circular polarization by exciting at 2 points out of section by ninety degree. The antenna has been designed and simulated by using CADFEKO software. The simulation results show that the antenna resonates at 2.45 GHz with the return loss, impedance and voltage standing wave ratio of −20.7125 dB, 49.027 + i 29.157 and 1.20295 respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Patch antenna using Biocompatible Insulation layer in Wireless On-Body sensor applications

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Feb 1, 2019

On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (M... more On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs). These remote or wireless gadgets give an inexpensive approach to watch the patients in the therapeutic field. The primary issue of the remote gadgets is the antenna, that is, the design of the antenna. This work introduces a patch antenna that can be utilized for remote on-body sensors to gauge the pulse of the patients. The antenna configuration approach includes a transmitting patch that has slots and a loop around the patch which is rectangular. The antenna is designed on a flexible substrate made of Polyimide material. With the goal to build the execution of the antenna, air substrate is utilized to such an extent that the antenna prerequisites are fulfilled. The proposed antenna is then reproduced on a human body phantom whose electrical properties like permittivity and conductivity are roughly the same to that of a human body. A biocompatible insulation layer is encompassed at the base of the antenna to diminish the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) impact. The antenna parameters like return loss, VSWR, bandwidth and SAR esteems have been examined in this work.

Research paper thumbnail of Joint blind source separation algorithms in the separation of non-invasive maternal and fetal ECG

Blind source separation (BSS) is used in many fields of signal and image processing. It is used f... more Blind source separation (BSS) is used in many fields of signal and image processing. It is used for separating a set of source signals from mixed signals without the aid of information about the source signals or the mixing process. The paper mainly focuses on (1) Separation of maternal and fetal ECG signal (2) Performance measure of various BSS and JBSS algorithm in term of SIR and execution time. Various BSS algorithm like ICA, FASTICA, JADE and JBSS algorithms like MCCA, SOBI, JBSS_SOS, JBSS_CUM4 are used for blindly separating the source signals. And the impacts on separation of maternal and fetal signal are examined. The simulations are conducted in MATLAB using Non-Invasive ECG of pregnant women from PhysioNet database. The JBSS_CUM4 algorithm shows better performance with the SIR value of 29.58dB for MECG and 7.44dB for FECG.

Research paper thumbnail of RFID and GPS antennas design of Heterogeneous tracking system for school children safety

2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC)

Research paper thumbnail of Patch antenna using Biocompatible Insulation layer in Wireless On-Body sensor applications

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Feb 1, 2019

On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (M... more On-body remote gadgets are low-power gadgets that go underneath the Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs). These remote or wireless gadgets give an inexpensive approach to watch the patients in the therapeutic field. The primary issue of the remote gadgets is the antenna, that is, the design of the antenna. This work introduces a patch antenna that can be utilized for remote on-body sensors to gauge the pulse of the patients. The antenna configuration approach includes a transmitting patch that has slots and a loop around the patch which is rectangular. The antenna is designed on a flexible substrate made of Polyimide material. With the goal to build the execution of the antenna, air substrate is utilized to such an extent that the antenna prerequisites are fulfilled. The proposed antenna is then reproduced on a human body phantom whose electrical properties like permittivity and conductivity are roughly the same to that of a human body. A biocompatible insulation layer is encompassed at the base of the antenna to diminish the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) impact. The antenna parameters like return loss, VSWR, bandwidth and SAR esteems have been examined in this work.