Erick R Baqueiro - (original) (raw)

Papers by Erick R Baqueiro

[Research paper thumbnail of Abundance, size frequency, and spatial distribution of queen conch, Stombus gigas, in Xel-Ha Park, Mexico [abstract]; Abundancia, frecuencia de tallas y distribucion espacial del caracol reina, Strombus gigas, en el Parque de Xel-Ha, Mexico [resumen]](

Research paper thumbnail of Crecimiento y reproduccion de caracol chino hexaplex erythrostomus (swainson, 1831), de bahia concepcion, b. C. S



Se hace un análisis de la distribución de las "almejas" Megapitaria aurantiaca, M. squalida y Dos... more Se hace un análisis de la distribución de las "almejas" Megapitaria aurantiaca, M. squalida y Dosinia ponderosa en relación al diámetro del grano de los sedimentos. Se encontró que la distribución está regulada por el diámetro de los sedimentos y por la energía a que está sujeto el fondo, distribuyéndose M. aurantiaca en fondo de gránulos a arena media en niveles de energía de moderada a muy alta; M. squalida se encuentra en arena gruesa a arena muy fina en niveles de energía similares y Dosinia ponderosa habita en fondos de arena fina a limo grueso con energía baja a alta.
The distribution of Megapitaria aurantiaca, M. squalida and Dosinia ponderosa related to the granulometriccharacteristics of the sediments is studied. It is shown that their distribution is in close association to grain size and
energy that acts upon the sediments.;M. aurantiaca lives in bottoms with granules to medium sand with energy levelsfrom moderate to very high;M. squalida was found in coars sand to very fine sand, with similar energy;D. ponderosalives in bottoms of fines sand to coars silt, with low to high energy. The study area is located in Zihuatanejo and Isla
Ixtapa, Guerrero, México.


Ciencia Pesquera Inst. Nal. Pesca. Srfa. Pesca Mexico (3):75-82 (1982) , 1982

RESUMEN Sc describen las variacioncs mensuales de la estructura de una poblacion de Anadara tub... more RESUMEN
Sc describen las variacioncs mensuales de la estructura de una poblacion de Anadara
sujeta a
explotacion, habiendose detectado por el a.nalisis histologico dcl cido
reproductor un dcsovc constante con rres miximos en los meses de Abril, Agosto y Enero,
en un constante reclutamiento de juveniles a la poblacion, cl cua1 se hacc
mas evidente en los meses de Mayo, Junio, Septiernbre y Octubre un mes despues de los
lo que
sc refleja
pcriodos de maximo desove.
De las variaciones en la estructura de la poblacion se detects un incremento en tal1a de
4 a 6 mm. mensuales
ganismos mayores.
yen peso de 12 g en organismos menores de 60 mm. y 6 g en or·
Monthly variation on the
tuberculose, arc described.
From the
population structure of an exploited population of Anadara
histological analysis of the gonadic cycle was detected a constant spawning
with three
prevailing periods during April, August, and January. This is reflected on a
constant recruitment to the
population, which is more evident during May, June and Sep·
tember-Octcber, one month after the periods when spawning is dominant.
From the fluctuacions of the
between 4 to 6 mm in length,
population structure was detected a montly growth rate
an increment in weight of 12 g for organisms under 60 mm
and 6
g for organisms over this size.


AN. Cu,TRO Cisxc. UEL MAR v L1MNOL. UN1v. NAL. Au-r6N. Mexico,,{ (1): 161-208 , 1977

RESU:\rE. Se hace un analisis de las caracterlsticas de longitud, altura y peso total de las po... more RESU:\rE.
Se hace un analisis de las caracterlsticas de longitud,
altura y peso total de las pobla-
ciones de
Megapitaria aurantiaca, .H.
squalida y
Dosinia ponderosa
durance el ciclo
comprendido entre
de "alrnejas"
septiernbre de 1974
de la Bahia de Zihuatanejo
y sepriernbre de 1975. Esias tres especies
e Isla Ixtapa,
Gro., son de elevado valor
comercial en las
pesquerias del area.
Las caracterisricas hidrol6gicas generales
tado por los escasos autores que
encontradas son muy semejantes a lo repor·
han estudiado el area, disminuyendo la salinidad a un
minimo en el mes de
agosto. al
igual que la
para la salinidad se enconrraron en diciembre
de 1974 y 1975.
Del analisis de la variaciones de la longitud
temperatura en marzo; los valores maxirnos
y para la
temperatura en septiembre
total, alto y peso
total, asi corno de!
estudio de! desarrollo
concluye que: a) Se observa la
presencia por lo
mcnos de tres clase de edad con un incremento
fio, mismo que
la explotacion:
no se observa en las clases
b La reproducci6n
paulatino de las clases de menor tarna-
mayores, ya que desaparecen por efectos de
es mas o menos constante durante todo el afio con
periodos de desove maximo en los casos de M. aurantiaca
M. squalida y tres
D. ponderosa, periodos que
coinciden con la presencia
de juveniles
en la pobla-
ci6n dos meses
despues: c Las tres
movimiento de! agua
especies viven enterradas en el fondo doncle el
e con tame: u distribucion esta deterrninada principalmente
por el
tipo de substraro.
En la fauna acompafiante predominan
presents posiblidades de
Se dan las caracterisricas de! cido
cione para
una explotacion
otros bivalves, entre los que
de las tres especies y
Chione undatella
se hacen recornenda-
controlada basada en la determinaci6n de tallas mlnimas
y vedas altemada de los banco en
la posibilidad de man·
tener esta durance todo el afio con artes de
exploiacion, plarueandose
pesca mecanizados,
siernpre y cuando se
las areas de pesca.
An analysis
of the �,·eight. height. length
aurc,:iaca .. \f.
Guerrero. :\fexico including
giYen for an annua,
period going from
general oceanographic
and width in populations
and Dosinia pon
a description
of the "clams"
derosa from Zihuatanejo and
of its reproductive cycle is
septernber I 974 to septernber 1975.
characteristics found in the area at the time of study
seem similar to chose described
recorded in
by a few other authors: low salinity values were
and the lowest temperatures
in march; the highest salinity values
were measured in december and the
highest temperatures in september.
The main conclusions drawn from the analysis
follow: a)
of the structure of the population
there are at least three classes with more or less constant growth, better
observed in the smaller classes but not in the older ones as they arc rapidly withdrawn
from the
population by fishing; b) reproduction is constant throughout the year
with two maximal spawning periods
for M. aurantiaca and J'vI. squalida and three
for D.
ponderosa; these
juveniles two months later:
periods were
always followed
by the
appearance of conspicuous
c) the three species live buried in bottoms where there
is a constant water movement but their distribution is regulated by the nature of
the substratum.
The associated fauna is mainly represented by bivalves of which Chlon e undatella
may have commercial
fishery importance.
Recommendations are
alternated exploitation
given for a cont rolled fishery, based on minimal length and
o( the banks. It is suggested
that a mechanized fishery could
production throughout the year.

Research paper thumbnail of -ACCML

Research paper thumbnail of Modelo sintético del desarrollo larvario de Strombus pugilis (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae)

Revista De Biologia Tropical, 2017

The development or Strombus pugilis larvae was studied over a period of 31 days in laboratory cul... more The development or Strombus pugilis larvae was studied over a period of 31 days in laboratory culture. Experiments were conducted al 29°C ± 1°C. Veligers were reared at 200 larvae·l-1 in 4 liter containers. Larvae were fed with the microalgae Tetraselmis suecica at l000 cells·l-1. Nineteen development characteristics are described from hatching to settlement. Based on chronological appearance of the characteristics three sets (larval maturation, metamorphic processes and settlement) and seven development stages are proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of 5. Brito M. N., D. Aldana A. y E. Baqueiro C. 1998. Modelo sintético del desarrollo larvario de Strombus pugilis (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 46 (5): 23-28

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive cycle ofStrombus gigasLinnaeus 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae) from Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombia

Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 2009

... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Es... more ... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Unidad Mérida, km 6 Antigua Carretera a Progreso, CP 97310, Mérida ... Lagos-Bayona, AL, Hernández-Barrero, S., Rodríguez-Gómez, H. and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Histología del manto de Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of it... more ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of its tissue, as the mprphological base to understand the functioning of this organism. The mantle is the responsible tissue to formation of the shell, to chemically and physically interacts with the environment, and it secretes mucus. This work describes the histology of the mantle tissue. The mantle iscomposed by five layer, from the outside (adjacent to the shell) until inside (adjacent to the mantle cavity) are: 1) a squamous epithelium layer, 2) a collagen fiber layer, 3) a connective tisue layer, 4) a layer of muscular tissue, 5) a transitional epithelium. Cytoplasm of the cells of five layer contains collagen.

Research paper thumbnail of Histology of selected regions of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial... more The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial and subepithelial connective tissue of the mouth, style sac, digestive gland, and anus. Four structures were chosen because of their functions: (1) ingestion of food (mouth); (2) digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients (style sac and digestive gland); and (3) elimination of feces (anus). The cilia on the columnar epithelium were dispersed; the cilia on the cuboidal epithelium formed tufts. The glandular epithelium was arranged in acini. The mouth had a pseudostratified epithelium; the style sac had simple cuboidal and stratified epithelia. The digestive gland was glandular and the anus had columnar and pseudostratified epithelia. Fibrous connective tissue was found in the mouth and in the anus. The loose connective tissue occurred in the style sac, digestive gland, and in the anus. Interwoven in the fibrous connective tissue of the mouth and anus were muscle fibers, connective tissue fibers, and blood cells. Two types of blood cells occurred in the subepithelial connective tissue. Granular cells that were 2-4 *m in diameter occurred in the mouth, style sac, and anus. The style sac also contained blood cells that were 6 *m in diameter, with a very large nucleus (up to 4 *m in diameter). The tissues described in this work are similar to those described for some bivalves and other gastropods. *m, micras.

Research paper thumbnail of Strombus gigas (Neotaenioglossa: Strombidae), population

Growth parameters and density variation of a queen conch,

Research paper thumbnail of Variability in size at maturity and reproductive season of queen conch Lobatus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the Wider Caribbean Region

Fisheries Research, 2018

Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The sp... more Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The species is subject to extensive exploitation throughout large parts of the Caribbean which has led to a decrease in population densities across much of the species' distribution range. Hence, there is a need for protective measures to safeguard the reproductive stock. This requires a better estimation of its size at maturity, which is best quantified as the thickness of the lip that the shell develops after reaching its maximum length. The lip thickness at 50% maturity (LT 50) was determined using a logistic and an accumulation model, from seven representative location of distribution of this species in the Wider Caribbean Region. LT 50 of both females (7-14 mm) and males (4-11.5 mm) varied between different locations in the Caribbean, although it did not correspond with variation in water temperature. In most cases females had a larger LT 50 than males indicating sexual dimorphism. LT 50 values estimated with the logistic model were smaller (7-14 mm for females, 4-11.5 mm for males) than values estimated with the accumulation model (13-26 mm for females, 16-24 mm for males), showing an overestimation of LT 50 in queen conch in previous studies which used the accumulation model to estimate LT 50. Locations with a relatively high variation in water temperature had a significantly shorter reproductive season. The implementation of adequate minimum size regulation based on lip thickness (ca. 15 mm) and a Caribbean wide seasonal closure (May-September) using the most recent biological information from this study, taking into consideration the local differences in LT 50 and reproductive season, will assist in developing a long term sustainable queen conch fishery in the Caribbean.

Research paper thumbnail of Variability in size at maturity and reproductive season of queen conch Lobatus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the Wider Caribbean Region

Fisheries Research, 2018

Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The sp... more Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The species is subject to extensive exploitation throughout large parts of the Caribbean which has led to a decrease in population densities across much of the species' distribution range. Hence, there is a need for protective measures to safeguard the reproductive stock. This requires a better estimation of its size at maturity, which is best quantified as the thickness of the lip that the shell develops after reaching its maximum length. The lip thickness at 50% maturity (LT 50) was determined using a logistic and an accumulation model, from seven representative location of distribution of this species in the Wider Caribbean Region. LT 50 of both females (7-14 mm) and males (4-11.5 mm) varied between different locations in the Caribbean, although it did not correspond with variation in water temperature. In most cases females had a larger LT 50 than males indicating sexual dimorphism. LT 50 values estimated with the logistic model were smaller (7-14 mm for females, 4-11.5 mm for males) than values estimated with the accumulation model (13-26 mm for females, 16-24 mm for males), showing an overestimation of LT 50 in queen conch in previous studies which used the accumulation model to estimate LT 50. Locations with a relatively high variation in water temperature had a significantly shorter reproductive season. The implementation of adequate minimum size regulation based on lip thickness (ca. 15 mm) and a Caribbean wide seasonal closure (May-September) using the most recent biological information from this study, taking into consideration the local differences in LT 50 and reproductive season, will assist in developing a long term sustainable queen conch fishery in the Caribbean.

Research paper thumbnail of Histological Structure of Strombus gigas (Gastropoda: Caeaogastropoda: Strombidae)

A histological study of Strombus gigas was analyzed with samples of the proboscis, eye antenna, f... more A histological study of Strombus gigas was analyzed with samples of the proboscis, eye antenna, foot, penis, anus, ctenidium, style sac and kidney. We observed five types of epithelial tissue: Simple columnar epithelium (foot, anus, ctenidium, kidney); pseudo-stratified epithelium (proboscis, eye antenna); glandular epithelium (foot, kidney), simple cuboidal epithelium (style sac); and transitional epithelium (style sac and anus). The simple cuboidal and the simple columnar epithelia are ciliated. Two types of the connective tissue were observed: fibrous and loose. The fibrous connective tissue was found in all structures analyzed in this study, except in the style sac; that showed loose connective tissue and on glandular tissue in the kidney.

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive cycle ofStrombus gigasLinnaeus 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae) from Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombia

Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 2009

... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Es... more ... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Unidad Mérida, km 6 Antigua Carretera a Progreso, CP 97310, Mérida ... Lagos-Bayona, AL, Hernández-Barrero, S., Rodríguez-Gómez, H. and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Histories of Success for the Conservation of Populations of Queen Conch (Strombus gigas)

The Queen conch, Strombus gigas, from Xel-Há Park was studied to determine the role of the natura... more The Queen conch, Strombus gigas, from Xel-Há Park was studied to determine the role of the natural protected area on the species' structure and basic population parameters, estimated from catch recapture data. Conchs were sampled from November 2001 to August 2005 to evaluate the Von Bertalanffy equation parameters for total shell length and weight, with and without flared lip. Lip thickness was used only for conchs with flared lips. The population number varies through the year, with a minimum of 49 in April, 2003 and maximum of 9 800 during June, 2005. Growth parameters estimated from weight gave a good adjustment for both segments of the population. A maximum age of 19 years was estimated for the population. Mortality estimates was 0.55 a year for conchs without flared lip and 0.72 a year for those with a flared lip. The presence of older and larger individuals (19 years age), as well as the presence of larger number of juveniles, is an indication of the effectiveness of the Xel-Há Park as a marine protected area (MPA) and supports the thesis that MPA's are an effective safe ground for juveniles and reproductive stocks of S. gigas.

Research paper thumbnail of Histología del manto de Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of it... more ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of its tissue, as the mprphological base to understand the functioning of this organism. The mantle is the responsible tissue to formation of the shell, to chemically and physically interacts with the environment, and it secretes mucus. This work describes the histology of the mantle tissue. The mantle iscomposed by five layer, from the outside (adjacent to the shell) until inside (adjacent to the mantle cavity) are: 1) a squamous epithelium layer, 2) a collagen fiber layer, 3) a connective tisue layer, 4) a layer of muscular tissue, 5) a transitional epithelium. Cytoplasm of the cells of five layer contains collagen.

Research paper thumbnail of Histology of selected regions of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial... more The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial and subepithelial connective tissue of the mouth, style sac, digestive gland, and anus. Four structures were chosen because of their functions: (1) ingestion of food (mouth); (2) digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients (style sac and digestive gland); and (3) elimination of feces (anus). The cilia on the columnar epithelium were dispersed; the cilia on the cuboidal epithelium formed tufts. The glandular epithelium was arranged in acini. The mouth had a pseudostratified epithelium; the style sac had simple cuboidal and stratified epithelia. The digestive gland was glandular and the anus had columnar and pseudostratified epithelia. Fibrous connective tissue was found in the mouth and in the anus. The loose connective tissue occurred in the style sac, digestive gland, and in the anus. Interwoven in the fibrous connective tissue of the mouth and anus were muscle fibers, connective tissue fibers, and blood cells. Two types of blood cells occurred in the subepithelial connective tissue. Granular cells that were 2-4 *m in diameter occurred in the mouth, style sac, and anus. The style sac also contained blood cells that were 6 *m in diameter, with a very large nucleus (up to 4 *m in diameter). The tissues described in this work are similar to those described for some bivalves and other gastropods. *m, micras.

Research paper thumbnail of Occurance of Apicomplexa Infecting Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, From Off Shore and Near Shore in Florida

The queen conch is a resource of ecological and economical importance in the Caribbean that suffe... more The queen conch is a resource of ecological and economical importance in the Caribbean that suffered a widespread reduction of its populations. Aldana Aranda (2008) reported an intense and generalized sporozoan infection in the digestive gland of Strombus gigas. This study reports the occurrence of a Coccidian (Apicomplexa) infecting the digestive gland of conchs in the Florida Keys in two locations: offshore, where conch reproduction is common (Pelican Shoal, Eastern Sambo), and nearshore where reproduction has ceased relatively recently (East Sisters Rock, Tingler Island). Incidences of Apicomplexa in the digestive gland for conchs collected in June and February and compared the occurrence of parasites with gonadal development between conch found offshore and those found nearshore, were realized. The results showed that the Apicomplexa was present in the digestive gland of conchs in every locality sampled; conchs offshore and conchs nearshore were parasitized. Conchs from East Sisters Rock (near shore, June) and Eastern Sambo (offshore, June) had the highest incidence of infection with an average of 32.34 and 30.35 parasites, respectively; Pelican Shoal (offshore, february) and Tingler Island (near shore, february) had an average of 22.0 and 18.38 parasites, respectively. No correlation was found between number of parasites and gonadal development with Canonical Variate Analysis. Test of significance of first canonical axis: eigenvalue = 0.200, F-ratio = 87.160, P-value = 0.0020. These results raise questions: What are the environmental factors influencing this infection. What is the correlation between this parasite and gonad development. Are conchs the definitive host or do they serve as an intermediate host?

[Research paper thumbnail of Abundance, size frequency, and spatial distribution of queen conch, Stombus gigas, in Xel-Ha Park, Mexico [abstract]; Abundancia, frecuencia de tallas y distribucion espacial del caracol reina, Strombus gigas, en el Parque de Xel-Ha, Mexico [resumen]](

Research paper thumbnail of Crecimiento y reproduccion de caracol chino hexaplex erythrostomus (swainson, 1831), de bahia concepcion, b. C. S



Se hace un análisis de la distribución de las "almejas" Megapitaria aurantiaca, M. squalida y Dos... more Se hace un análisis de la distribución de las "almejas" Megapitaria aurantiaca, M. squalida y Dosinia ponderosa en relación al diámetro del grano de los sedimentos. Se encontró que la distribución está regulada por el diámetro de los sedimentos y por la energía a que está sujeto el fondo, distribuyéndose M. aurantiaca en fondo de gránulos a arena media en niveles de energía de moderada a muy alta; M. squalida se encuentra en arena gruesa a arena muy fina en niveles de energía similares y Dosinia ponderosa habita en fondos de arena fina a limo grueso con energía baja a alta.
The distribution of Megapitaria aurantiaca, M. squalida and Dosinia ponderosa related to the granulometriccharacteristics of the sediments is studied. It is shown that their distribution is in close association to grain size and
energy that acts upon the sediments.;M. aurantiaca lives in bottoms with granules to medium sand with energy levelsfrom moderate to very high;M. squalida was found in coars sand to very fine sand, with similar energy;D. ponderosalives in bottoms of fines sand to coars silt, with low to high energy. The study area is located in Zihuatanejo and Isla
Ixtapa, Guerrero, México.


Ciencia Pesquera Inst. Nal. Pesca. Srfa. Pesca Mexico (3):75-82 (1982) , 1982

RESUMEN Sc describen las variacioncs mensuales de la estructura de una poblacion de Anadara tub... more RESUMEN
Sc describen las variacioncs mensuales de la estructura de una poblacion de Anadara
sujeta a
explotacion, habiendose detectado por el a.nalisis histologico dcl cido
reproductor un dcsovc constante con rres miximos en los meses de Abril, Agosto y Enero,
en un constante reclutamiento de juveniles a la poblacion, cl cua1 se hacc
mas evidente en los meses de Mayo, Junio, Septiernbre y Octubre un mes despues de los
lo que
sc refleja
pcriodos de maximo desove.
De las variaciones en la estructura de la poblacion se detects un incremento en tal1a de
4 a 6 mm. mensuales
ganismos mayores.
yen peso de 12 g en organismos menores de 60 mm. y 6 g en or·
Monthly variation on the
tuberculose, arc described.
From the
population structure of an exploited population of Anadara
histological analysis of the gonadic cycle was detected a constant spawning
with three
prevailing periods during April, August, and January. This is reflected on a
constant recruitment to the
population, which is more evident during May, June and Sep·
tember-Octcber, one month after the periods when spawning is dominant.
From the fluctuacions of the
between 4 to 6 mm in length,
population structure was detected a montly growth rate
an increment in weight of 12 g for organisms under 60 mm
and 6
g for organisms over this size.


AN. Cu,TRO Cisxc. UEL MAR v L1MNOL. UN1v. NAL. Au-r6N. Mexico,,{ (1): 161-208 , 1977

RESU:\rE. Se hace un analisis de las caracterlsticas de longitud, altura y peso total de las po... more RESU:\rE.
Se hace un analisis de las caracterlsticas de longitud,
altura y peso total de las pobla-
ciones de
Megapitaria aurantiaca, .H.
squalida y
Dosinia ponderosa
durance el ciclo
comprendido entre
de "alrnejas"
septiernbre de 1974
de la Bahia de Zihuatanejo
y sepriernbre de 1975. Esias tres especies
e Isla Ixtapa,
Gro., son de elevado valor
comercial en las
pesquerias del area.
Las caracterisricas hidrol6gicas generales
tado por los escasos autores que
encontradas son muy semejantes a lo repor·
han estudiado el area, disminuyendo la salinidad a un
minimo en el mes de
agosto. al
igual que la
para la salinidad se enconrraron en diciembre
de 1974 y 1975.
Del analisis de la variaciones de la longitud
temperatura en marzo; los valores maxirnos
y para la
temperatura en septiembre
total, alto y peso
total, asi corno de!
estudio de! desarrollo
concluye que: a) Se observa la
presencia por lo
mcnos de tres clase de edad con un incremento
fio, mismo que
la explotacion:
no se observa en las clases
b La reproducci6n
paulatino de las clases de menor tarna-
mayores, ya que desaparecen por efectos de
es mas o menos constante durante todo el afio con
periodos de desove maximo en los casos de M. aurantiaca
M. squalida y tres
D. ponderosa, periodos que
coinciden con la presencia
de juveniles
en la pobla-
ci6n dos meses
despues: c Las tres
movimiento de! agua
especies viven enterradas en el fondo doncle el
e con tame: u distribucion esta deterrninada principalmente
por el
tipo de substraro.
En la fauna acompafiante predominan
presents posiblidades de
Se dan las caracterisricas de! cido
cione para
una explotacion
otros bivalves, entre los que
de las tres especies y
Chione undatella
se hacen recornenda-
controlada basada en la determinaci6n de tallas mlnimas
y vedas altemada de los banco en
la posibilidad de man·
tener esta durance todo el afio con artes de
exploiacion, plarueandose
pesca mecanizados,
siernpre y cuando se
las areas de pesca.
An analysis
of the �,·eight. height. length
aurc,:iaca .. \f.
Guerrero. :\fexico including
giYen for an annua,
period going from
general oceanographic
and width in populations
and Dosinia pon
a description
of the "clams"
derosa from Zihuatanejo and
of its reproductive cycle is
septernber I 974 to septernber 1975.
characteristics found in the area at the time of study
seem similar to chose described
recorded in
by a few other authors: low salinity values were
and the lowest temperatures
in march; the highest salinity values
were measured in december and the
highest temperatures in september.
The main conclusions drawn from the analysis
follow: a)
of the structure of the population
there are at least three classes with more or less constant growth, better
observed in the smaller classes but not in the older ones as they arc rapidly withdrawn
from the
population by fishing; b) reproduction is constant throughout the year
with two maximal spawning periods
for M. aurantiaca and J'vI. squalida and three
for D.
ponderosa; these
juveniles two months later:
periods were
always followed
by the
appearance of conspicuous
c) the three species live buried in bottoms where there
is a constant water movement but their distribution is regulated by the nature of
the substratum.
The associated fauna is mainly represented by bivalves of which Chlon e undatella
may have commercial
fishery importance.
Recommendations are
alternated exploitation
given for a cont rolled fishery, based on minimal length and
o( the banks. It is suggested
that a mechanized fishery could
production throughout the year.

Research paper thumbnail of -ACCML

Research paper thumbnail of Modelo sintético del desarrollo larvario de Strombus pugilis (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae)

Revista De Biologia Tropical, 2017

The development or Strombus pugilis larvae was studied over a period of 31 days in laboratory cul... more The development or Strombus pugilis larvae was studied over a period of 31 days in laboratory culture. Experiments were conducted al 29°C ± 1°C. Veligers were reared at 200 larvae·l-1 in 4 liter containers. Larvae were fed with the microalgae Tetraselmis suecica at l000 cells·l-1. Nineteen development characteristics are described from hatching to settlement. Based on chronological appearance of the characteristics three sets (larval maturation, metamorphic processes and settlement) and seven development stages are proposed.

Research paper thumbnail of 5. Brito M. N., D. Aldana A. y E. Baqueiro C. 1998. Modelo sintético del desarrollo larvario de Strombus pugilis (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 46 (5): 23-28

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive cycle ofStrombus gigasLinnaeus 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae) from Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombia

Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 2009

... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Es... more ... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Unidad Mérida, km 6 Antigua Carretera a Progreso, CP 97310, Mérida ... Lagos-Bayona, AL, Hernández-Barrero, S., Rodríguez-Gómez, H. and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Histología del manto de Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of it... more ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of its tissue, as the mprphological base to understand the functioning of this organism. The mantle is the responsible tissue to formation of the shell, to chemically and physically interacts with the environment, and it secretes mucus. This work describes the histology of the mantle tissue. The mantle iscomposed by five layer, from the outside (adjacent to the shell) until inside (adjacent to the mantle cavity) are: 1) a squamous epithelium layer, 2) a collagen fiber layer, 3) a connective tisue layer, 4) a layer of muscular tissue, 5) a transitional epithelium. Cytoplasm of the cells of five layer contains collagen.

Research paper thumbnail of Histology of selected regions of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial... more The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial and subepithelial connective tissue of the mouth, style sac, digestive gland, and anus. Four structures were chosen because of their functions: (1) ingestion of food (mouth); (2) digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients (style sac and digestive gland); and (3) elimination of feces (anus). The cilia on the columnar epithelium were dispersed; the cilia on the cuboidal epithelium formed tufts. The glandular epithelium was arranged in acini. The mouth had a pseudostratified epithelium; the style sac had simple cuboidal and stratified epithelia. The digestive gland was glandular and the anus had columnar and pseudostratified epithelia. Fibrous connective tissue was found in the mouth and in the anus. The loose connective tissue occurred in the style sac, digestive gland, and in the anus. Interwoven in the fibrous connective tissue of the mouth and anus were muscle fibers, connective tissue fibers, and blood cells. Two types of blood cells occurred in the subepithelial connective tissue. Granular cells that were 2-4 *m in diameter occurred in the mouth, style sac, and anus. The style sac also contained blood cells that were 6 *m in diameter, with a very large nucleus (up to 4 *m in diameter). The tissues described in this work are similar to those described for some bivalves and other gastropods. *m, micras.

Research paper thumbnail of Strombus gigas (Neotaenioglossa: Strombidae), population

Growth parameters and density variation of a queen conch,

Research paper thumbnail of Variability in size at maturity and reproductive season of queen conch Lobatus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the Wider Caribbean Region

Fisheries Research, 2018

Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The sp... more Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The species is subject to extensive exploitation throughout large parts of the Caribbean which has led to a decrease in population densities across much of the species' distribution range. Hence, there is a need for protective measures to safeguard the reproductive stock. This requires a better estimation of its size at maturity, which is best quantified as the thickness of the lip that the shell develops after reaching its maximum length. The lip thickness at 50% maturity (LT 50) was determined using a logistic and an accumulation model, from seven representative location of distribution of this species in the Wider Caribbean Region. LT 50 of both females (7-14 mm) and males (4-11.5 mm) varied between different locations in the Caribbean, although it did not correspond with variation in water temperature. In most cases females had a larger LT 50 than males indicating sexual dimorphism. LT 50 values estimated with the logistic model were smaller (7-14 mm for females, 4-11.5 mm for males) than values estimated with the accumulation model (13-26 mm for females, 16-24 mm for males), showing an overestimation of LT 50 in queen conch in previous studies which used the accumulation model to estimate LT 50. Locations with a relatively high variation in water temperature had a significantly shorter reproductive season. The implementation of adequate minimum size regulation based on lip thickness (ca. 15 mm) and a Caribbean wide seasonal closure (May-September) using the most recent biological information from this study, taking into consideration the local differences in LT 50 and reproductive season, will assist in developing a long term sustainable queen conch fishery in the Caribbean.

Research paper thumbnail of Variability in size at maturity and reproductive season of queen conch Lobatus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the Wider Caribbean Region

Fisheries Research, 2018

Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The sp... more Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The species is subject to extensive exploitation throughout large parts of the Caribbean which has led to a decrease in population densities across much of the species' distribution range. Hence, there is a need for protective measures to safeguard the reproductive stock. This requires a better estimation of its size at maturity, which is best quantified as the thickness of the lip that the shell develops after reaching its maximum length. The lip thickness at 50% maturity (LT 50) was determined using a logistic and an accumulation model, from seven representative location of distribution of this species in the Wider Caribbean Region. LT 50 of both females (7-14 mm) and males (4-11.5 mm) varied between different locations in the Caribbean, although it did not correspond with variation in water temperature. In most cases females had a larger LT 50 than males indicating sexual dimorphism. LT 50 values estimated with the logistic model were smaller (7-14 mm for females, 4-11.5 mm for males) than values estimated with the accumulation model (13-26 mm for females, 16-24 mm for males), showing an overestimation of LT 50 in queen conch in previous studies which used the accumulation model to estimate LT 50. Locations with a relatively high variation in water temperature had a significantly shorter reproductive season. The implementation of adequate minimum size regulation based on lip thickness (ca. 15 mm) and a Caribbean wide seasonal closure (May-September) using the most recent biological information from this study, taking into consideration the local differences in LT 50 and reproductive season, will assist in developing a long term sustainable queen conch fishery in the Caribbean.

Research paper thumbnail of Histological Structure of Strombus gigas (Gastropoda: Caeaogastropoda: Strombidae)

A histological study of Strombus gigas was analyzed with samples of the proboscis, eye antenna, f... more A histological study of Strombus gigas was analyzed with samples of the proboscis, eye antenna, foot, penis, anus, ctenidium, style sac and kidney. We observed five types of epithelial tissue: Simple columnar epithelium (foot, anus, ctenidium, kidney); pseudo-stratified epithelium (proboscis, eye antenna); glandular epithelium (foot, kidney), simple cuboidal epithelium (style sac); and transitional epithelium (style sac and anus). The simple cuboidal and the simple columnar epithelia are ciliated. Two types of the connective tissue were observed: fibrous and loose. The fibrous connective tissue was found in all structures analyzed in this study, except in the style sac; that showed loose connective tissue and on glandular tissue in the kidney.

Research paper thumbnail of Reproductive cycle ofStrombus gigasLinnaeus 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae) from Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombia

Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 2009

... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Es... more ... Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda1* and Erick R. Baqueiro-Cárdenas2 1Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Unidad Mérida, km 6 Antigua Carretera a Progreso, CP 97310, Mérida ... Lagos-Bayona, AL, Hernández-Barrero, S., Rodríguez-Gómez, H. and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Histories of Success for the Conservation of Populations of Queen Conch (Strombus gigas)

The Queen conch, Strombus gigas, from Xel-Há Park was studied to determine the role of the natura... more The Queen conch, Strombus gigas, from Xel-Há Park was studied to determine the role of the natural protected area on the species' structure and basic population parameters, estimated from catch recapture data. Conchs were sampled from November 2001 to August 2005 to evaluate the Von Bertalanffy equation parameters for total shell length and weight, with and without flared lip. Lip thickness was used only for conchs with flared lips. The population number varies through the year, with a minimum of 49 in April, 2003 and maximum of 9 800 during June, 2005. Growth parameters estimated from weight gave a good adjustment for both segments of the population. A maximum age of 19 years was estimated for the population. Mortality estimates was 0.55 a year for conchs without flared lip and 0.72 a year for those with a flared lip. The presence of older and larger individuals (19 years age), as well as the presence of larger number of juveniles, is an indication of the effectiveness of the Xel-Há Park as a marine protected area (MPA) and supports the thesis that MPA's are an effective safe ground for juveniles and reproductive stocks of S. gigas.

Research paper thumbnail of Histología del manto de Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of it... more ABSTRACT The populations of Queen conch are overfishing, requiring the histological studies of its tissue, as the mprphological base to understand the functioning of this organism. The mantle is the responsible tissue to formation of the shell, to chemically and physically interacts with the environment, and it secretes mucus. This work describes the histology of the mantle tissue. The mantle iscomposed by five layer, from the outside (adjacent to the shell) until inside (adjacent to the mantle cavity) are: 1) a squamous epithelium layer, 2) a collagen fiber layer, 3) a connective tisue layer, 4) a layer of muscular tissue, 5) a transitional epithelium. Cytoplasm of the cells of five layer contains collagen.

Research paper thumbnail of Histology of selected regions of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial... more The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial and subepithelial connective tissue of the mouth, style sac, digestive gland, and anus. Four structures were chosen because of their functions: (1) ingestion of food (mouth); (2) digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients (style sac and digestive gland); and (3) elimination of feces (anus). The cilia on the columnar epithelium were dispersed; the cilia on the cuboidal epithelium formed tufts. The glandular epithelium was arranged in acini. The mouth had a pseudostratified epithelium; the style sac had simple cuboidal and stratified epithelia. The digestive gland was glandular and the anus had columnar and pseudostratified epithelia. Fibrous connective tissue was found in the mouth and in the anus. The loose connective tissue occurred in the style sac, digestive gland, and in the anus. Interwoven in the fibrous connective tissue of the mouth and anus were muscle fibers, connective tissue fibers, and blood cells. Two types of blood cells occurred in the subepithelial connective tissue. Granular cells that were 2-4 *m in diameter occurred in the mouth, style sac, and anus. The style sac also contained blood cells that were 6 *m in diameter, with a very large nucleus (up to 4 *m in diameter). The tissues described in this work are similar to those described for some bivalves and other gastropods. *m, micras.

Research paper thumbnail of Occurance of Apicomplexa Infecting Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, From Off Shore and Near Shore in Florida

The queen conch is a resource of ecological and economical importance in the Caribbean that suffe... more The queen conch is a resource of ecological and economical importance in the Caribbean that suffered a widespread reduction of its populations. Aldana Aranda (2008) reported an intense and generalized sporozoan infection in the digestive gland of Strombus gigas. This study reports the occurrence of a Coccidian (Apicomplexa) infecting the digestive gland of conchs in the Florida Keys in two locations: offshore, where conch reproduction is common (Pelican Shoal, Eastern Sambo), and nearshore where reproduction has ceased relatively recently (East Sisters Rock, Tingler Island). Incidences of Apicomplexa in the digestive gland for conchs collected in June and February and compared the occurrence of parasites with gonadal development between conch found offshore and those found nearshore, were realized. The results showed that the Apicomplexa was present in the digestive gland of conchs in every locality sampled; conchs offshore and conchs nearshore were parasitized. Conchs from East Sisters Rock (near shore, June) and Eastern Sambo (offshore, June) had the highest incidence of infection with an average of 32.34 and 30.35 parasites, respectively; Pelican Shoal (offshore, february) and Tingler Island (near shore, february) had an average of 22.0 and 18.38 parasites, respectively. No correlation was found between number of parasites and gonadal development with Canonical Variate Analysis. Test of significance of first canonical axis: eigenvalue = 0.200, F-ratio = 87.160, P-value = 0.0020. These results raise questions: What are the environmental factors influencing this infection. What is the correlation between this parasite and gonad development. Are conchs the definitive host or do they serve as an intermediate host?

Research paper thumbnail of Variability in size at maturity and reproductive season of queen conch Lobatus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in the Wider Caribbean Region

Fisheries Research, 2018

Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The sp... more Queen conch (Lobatus gigas), is an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. The species is subject to extensive exploitation throughout large parts of the Caribbean which has led to a decrease in population densities across much of the species' distribution range. Hence, there is a need for protective measures to safeguard the reproductive stock. This requires a better estimation of its size at maturity, which is best quantified as the thickness of the lip that the shell develops after reaching its maximum length. The lip thickness at 50% maturity (LT 50) was determined using a logistic and an accumulation model, from seven representative location of distribution of this species in the Wider Caribbean Region. LT 50 of both females (7–14 mm) and males (4–11.5 mm) varied between different locations in the Caribbean, although it did not correspond with variation in water temperature. In most cases females had a larger LT 50 than males indicating sexual dimorphism. LT 50 values estimated with the logistic model were smaller (7–14 mm for females, 4–11.5 mm for males) than values estimated with the accumulation model (13–26 mm for females, 16–24 mm for males), showing an over-estimation of LT 50 in queen conch in previous studies which used the accumulation model to estimate LT 50. Locations with a relatively high variation in water temperature had a significantly shorter reproductive season. The implementation of adequate minimum size regulation based on lip thickness (ca. 15 mm) and a Caribbean wide seasonal closure (May–September) using the most recent biological information from this study, taking into consideration the local differences in LT 50 and reproductive season, will assist in developing a long term sustainable queen conch fishery in the Caribbean.

Research paper thumbnail of Histology of selected regions of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae)

American Malacological Bulletin, 2006

The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial... more The histology of the alimentary system of Strombus gigas was examined, focusing on the epithelial and subepithelial connective tissue of the mouth, style sac, digestive gland, and anus. Four structures were chosen because of their functions: (1) ingestion of food (mouth); (2) digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients (style sac and digestive gland); and (3) elimination of feces (anus). The cilia on the columnar epithelium were dispersed; the cilia on the cuboidal epithelium formed tufts. The glandular epithelium was arranged in acini. The mouth had a pseudostratified epithelium; the style sac had simple cuboidal and stratified epithelia. The digestive gland was glandular and the anus had columnar and pseudostratified epithelia. Fibrous connective tissue was found in the mouth and in the anus. The loose connective tissue occurred in the style sac, digestive gland, and in the anus. Interwoven in the fibrous connective tissue of the mouth and anus were muscle fibers, connective tissue fibers, and blood cells. Two types of blood cells occurred in the subepithelial connective tissue. Granular cells that were 2-4 *m in diameter occurred in the mouth, style sac, and anus. The style sac also contained blood cells that were 6 *m in diameter, with a very large nucleus (up to 4 *m in diameter). The tissues described in this work are similar to those described for some bivalves and other gastropods. *m, micras.


Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Jan 1, 2005

Merída, Ytscaten, MeaoO. U. 97310 2 RaaorJvzs Nadaales Gxitmx CICATA-lPN UnidadAltam... more Merída, Ytscaten, MeaoO. U. 97310 2 RaaorJvzs Nadaales Gxitmx CICATA-lPN UnidadAltamim Km 1 4 . 5 m r r e t e m T a r n p b % I W~ Tarnpb T d W , M&. e. m 3Skmtmb deAgnaJdanyPm Awni&zFnm&w~Ed&mCoralPaIme ABSTRACT Preliminary results of the gonad development stages of S. gigas are presented from February to August 2003, at the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Colombia (research project Colombia-Mexico "Estrategias reproductivas del Caracol pala Strombus gigas en el Caribe insular colombiano"). This Archipelago was declared the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve in November 2000 by UNESCO's Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB)