Ewa Letkiewicz - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ewa Letkiewicz
Techne Texnh/Techne. Seria Nowa, Dec 30, 2023
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, Jun 30, 2023
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2012
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, 2010
Silhouette-XVIII-wieczny portret sylwetowy i ród a jego powstania Silhouette-the 18 th-Century Si... more Silhouette-XVIII-wieczny portret sylwetowy i ród a jego powstania Silhouette-the 18 th-Century Silhouette Portrait and Its Origins Europa drugiej po owy XVIII wieku prze ywa a okres fascynacji portretem, w którym indywidualne cechy modela okre la obrys pro lu twarzy wype niony ciemnym, najcz ciej czarnym kolorem, rysowany na kontrastowo jasnym tle (il.1). Portrety z ciemno zarysowan sylwetk twarzy zast powa y tradycyjnie malowane wizerunki. By y one najcz ciej miniaturowych rozmiarów, co pozwala o umieszcza je na tabakierkach, broszach, zawieszeniach, kolczykach, bransoletach; dekorowa y one guziki, klamry, szpilki, zegarki 1. Pojawi y si równie na przedmiotach z porcelany: li ankach, talerzykach, akonach, urnach, wazach 2. Sylwetowe jasne g ówki w pro lu, odlewane z gipsu i materia ów ceramicznych, przyklejane na ciemniejsze (zwykle niebieskie) t o, stanowi y zasadniczy element dekoracji mebli, kominków i cian zdobionych ornamentem en camaïeu 3. S u y y jako motyw dekoracyjny tkanin i dywanów 4 , ilustrowano nimi
Res Historica, Jul 20, 2023
On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewel... more On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewelry objects, medals ceramics, drawings etc., remained panegyric mottos and sentences glorifying him, and expressing admiration for his achievements as the „reviver” of Poland, giver of peace and freedom, expressing sorrow after his death. The available written sources commemorate laudations to his honor, declarations of loyalty, submissiveness and full surrender brought to his throne. They seem to paint a different picture of reality in the Polish Kingdom, unlike the one brought by the Polish collective memory of partition period, reminding the trauma of society and culture annihilation under tsar’s rule. We are not certain whether the praising texts of the Polish subjects of the tsar, preached in his honor, are sincere or only declarative, but the fact that they were created in the times of enslavement is worth investigating and reflecting upon.
Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2002
In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ... more In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ornamented with rubies, emeralds and pearls on its face, and on its reverse with an engraving of Our Lady holding the Infant, the coat of arms 'Poraj' and the date 1548. In 1813 this unique jewel was bought by Princess Izabela Czartoryska and included in the collection of relics of the past kept in the so-called Royal Casket exhibited on the altar of the Sibyl's Temple in Pulawy. In 1939 the cross, along with other jewels, was stolen by the Germans from the Czartoryski Princes' palace in Sieniawa where the casket was hidden, together with other relics and works of art. Fortunately, the photographs of the casket and of the objects collected in it were preserved. They were probably taken in 1939 by the custodian of the Czartoryski Princes' Museum, Stefan Saturnin Komornicki. In the existing literature the cross was connected with King Zygmunt August, however, from the preserved documents describing the death of the King it shows that the lonely ruler, without his family's care at the moment of his death, robbed of his properties and jewels, was dressed in his courtiers' clothes and jewels. The robes and the grave-clothes were given by Stanislaw Czarnkowski and Bishop Franciszek Krasinski. The jewels, including a gold ring with a costly stone, were put on the King's chest by his secretary, Doctor Stanislaw Fogelweder. The jewels were inherited by Doctor Fogelweder from the Cracow bishop, Andrzej Zebrzydowski. It still remains a problem to find out who was the original owner of the cross from the grave of Zygmunt August. The coat of arms 'Poraj' engraved on the reverse points to an owner different from Bishop Zebrzydowski, as he bore 'Radwan' in his coat of arms.
On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewel... more On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewelry objects, medals ceramics, drawings etc., remained panegyric mottos and sentences glorifying him, and expressing admiration for his achievements as the "reviver" of Poland, giver of peace and freedom, expressing sorrow after his death. The available writt en sources commemorate laudations to his honor, declarations of loyalty, submissiveness and full surrender brought to his throne. They seem to paint a diff erent picture of reality in the Polish Kingdom, unlike the one brought by the Polish collective memory of partition period, reminding the trauma of society and culture annihilation EWA LETKIEWICZ
Wydawnictwo Avalon Sp. z o.o. eBooks, May 20, 2022
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ... more In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ornamented with rubies, emeralds and pearls on its face, and on its reverse with an engraving of Our Lady holding the Infant, the coat of arms 'Poraj' and the date 1548. In 1813 this unique jewel was bought by Princess Izabela Czartoryska and included in the collection of relics of the past kept in the so-called Royal Casket exhibited on the altar of the Sibyl's Temple in Pulawy. In 1939 the cross, along with other jewels, was stolen by the Germans from the Czartoryski Princes' palace in Sieniawa where the casket was hidden, together with other relics and works of art. Fortunately, the photographs of the casket and of the objects collected in it were preserved. They were probably taken in 1939 by the custodian of the Czartoryski Princes' Museum, Stefan Saturnin Komornicki. In the existing literature the cross was connected with King Zygmunt August, however, from the p...
Nagość i odzienie, May 20, 2022
TECHNE. Seria Nowa
Artykuł dotyczy postaci lwowskiego historyka, antykwariusza, kolekcjonera, dziennikarza, publicys... more Artykuł dotyczy postaci lwowskiego historyka, antykwariusza, kolekcjonera, dziennikarza, publicysty Franciszka Jaworskiego (1873–1914). Jego prace poświęcone polskim pierścieniom historycznym z lat 1911–1913 są pierwszymi, które dokumentują te przedmioty, pochodzące z końca XVIII stulecia i z wieku XIX. Zwłaszcza praca o pierścieniach powstała w 1913 roku wywarła znaczący wpływ na późniejsze piśmiennictwo poświęcone polskiej biżuterii. Jej autor był pierwszym badaczem postrzegającym pierścień jako ważny obiekt historyczny, dokument kultury minionych czasów, na pozór tylko przedmiot drobny, pozbawiony znaczenia. Zabytki zebrane w pracy Pierścienie historyczne polskie podzielił Jaworski na grupy uporządkowane chronologicznie. Cztery najstarsze pierścienie odnosiły się do schyłku Rzeczypospolitej, a pozostałe 114 wiązały się z osobami i wydarzeniami XIX wieku (ostatni z pierścieni pochodził z 1894 roku). Typologia pierścieni wprowadzona przez Franciszka Jaworskiego stała się ważna dla ...
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2012
Grâce a une gravure inseree dans un recueil de poesie de Martin Crusius, il est possible de recon... more Grâce a une gravure inseree dans un recueil de poesie de Martin Crusius, il est possible de reconnaitre, dans un dessin de David Kandel, les traits du jeune prince lituano-polonais Nicolas Christophe Radziwill (1549-1616), a l'epoque ou il etait etudiant a l'universite de Strasbourg (1563-1564). Cette identification permet de remettre en cause l'attribution de la gravure de cette effigie a Jacob Zuberlein, le graveur etant a peine âge de huit ans au moment de la realisation du dessin et de dix ans quand la planche fut publiee.
Techne Texnh/Techne. Seria Nowa, Dec 30, 2023
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, Jun 30, 2023
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2012
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, 2010
Silhouette-XVIII-wieczny portret sylwetowy i ród a jego powstania Silhouette-the 18 th-Century Si... more Silhouette-XVIII-wieczny portret sylwetowy i ród a jego powstania Silhouette-the 18 th-Century Silhouette Portrait and Its Origins Europa drugiej po owy XVIII wieku prze ywa a okres fascynacji portretem, w którym indywidualne cechy modela okre la obrys pro lu twarzy wype niony ciemnym, najcz ciej czarnym kolorem, rysowany na kontrastowo jasnym tle (il.1). Portrety z ciemno zarysowan sylwetk twarzy zast powa y tradycyjnie malowane wizerunki. By y one najcz ciej miniaturowych rozmiarów, co pozwala o umieszcza je na tabakierkach, broszach, zawieszeniach, kolczykach, bransoletach; dekorowa y one guziki, klamry, szpilki, zegarki 1. Pojawi y si równie na przedmiotach z porcelany: li ankach, talerzykach, akonach, urnach, wazach 2. Sylwetowe jasne g ówki w pro lu, odlewane z gipsu i materia ów ceramicznych, przyklejane na ciemniejsze (zwykle niebieskie) t o, stanowi y zasadniczy element dekoracji mebli, kominków i cian zdobionych ornamentem en camaïeu 3. S u y y jako motyw dekoracyjny tkanin i dywanów 4 , ilustrowano nimi
Res Historica, Jul 20, 2023
On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewel... more On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewelry objects, medals ceramics, drawings etc., remained panegyric mottos and sentences glorifying him, and expressing admiration for his achievements as the „reviver” of Poland, giver of peace and freedom, expressing sorrow after his death. The available written sources commemorate laudations to his honor, declarations of loyalty, submissiveness and full surrender brought to his throne. They seem to paint a different picture of reality in the Polish Kingdom, unlike the one brought by the Polish collective memory of partition period, reminding the trauma of society and culture annihilation under tsar’s rule. We are not certain whether the praising texts of the Polish subjects of the tsar, preached in his honor, are sincere or only declarative, but the fact that they were created in the times of enslavement is worth investigating and reflecting upon.
Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2002
In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ... more In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ornamented with rubies, emeralds and pearls on its face, and on its reverse with an engraving of Our Lady holding the Infant, the coat of arms 'Poraj' and the date 1548. In 1813 this unique jewel was bought by Princess Izabela Czartoryska and included in the collection of relics of the past kept in the so-called Royal Casket exhibited on the altar of the Sibyl's Temple in Pulawy. In 1939 the cross, along with other jewels, was stolen by the Germans from the Czartoryski Princes' palace in Sieniawa where the casket was hidden, together with other relics and works of art. Fortunately, the photographs of the casket and of the objects collected in it were preserved. They were probably taken in 1939 by the custodian of the Czartoryski Princes' Museum, Stefan Saturnin Komornicki. In the existing literature the cross was connected with King Zygmunt August, however, from the preserved documents describing the death of the King it shows that the lonely ruler, without his family's care at the moment of his death, robbed of his properties and jewels, was dressed in his courtiers' clothes and jewels. The robes and the grave-clothes were given by Stanislaw Czarnkowski and Bishop Franciszek Krasinski. The jewels, including a gold ring with a costly stone, were put on the King's chest by his secretary, Doctor Stanislaw Fogelweder. The jewels were inherited by Doctor Fogelweder from the Cracow bishop, Andrzej Zebrzydowski. It still remains a problem to find out who was the original owner of the cross from the grave of Zygmunt August. The coat of arms 'Poraj' engraved on the reverse points to an owner different from Bishop Zebrzydowski, as he bore 'Radwan' in his coat of arms.
On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewel... more On many objects connected with Alexander I and his reign as the ruler of Polish Kingdom, on jewelry objects, medals ceramics, drawings etc., remained panegyric mottos and sentences glorifying him, and expressing admiration for his achievements as the "reviver" of Poland, giver of peace and freedom, expressing sorrow after his death. The available writt en sources commemorate laudations to his honor, declarations of loyalty, submissiveness and full surrender brought to his throne. They seem to paint a diff erent picture of reality in the Polish Kingdom, unlike the one brought by the Polish collective memory of partition period, reminding the trauma of society and culture annihilation EWA LETKIEWICZ
Wydawnictwo Avalon Sp. z o.o. eBooks, May 20, 2022
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ... more In 1791 Tadeusz Czacki drew out of the opened grave of Zygmunt August a gold cross with a chain, ornamented with rubies, emeralds and pearls on its face, and on its reverse with an engraving of Our Lady holding the Infant, the coat of arms 'Poraj' and the date 1548. In 1813 this unique jewel was bought by Princess Izabela Czartoryska and included in the collection of relics of the past kept in the so-called Royal Casket exhibited on the altar of the Sibyl's Temple in Pulawy. In 1939 the cross, along with other jewels, was stolen by the Germans from the Czartoryski Princes' palace in Sieniawa where the casket was hidden, together with other relics and works of art. Fortunately, the photographs of the casket and of the objects collected in it were preserved. They were probably taken in 1939 by the custodian of the Czartoryski Princes' Museum, Stefan Saturnin Komornicki. In the existing literature the cross was connected with King Zygmunt August, however, from the p...
Nagość i odzienie, May 20, 2022
TECHNE. Seria Nowa
Artykuł dotyczy postaci lwowskiego historyka, antykwariusza, kolekcjonera, dziennikarza, publicys... more Artykuł dotyczy postaci lwowskiego historyka, antykwariusza, kolekcjonera, dziennikarza, publicysty Franciszka Jaworskiego (1873–1914). Jego prace poświęcone polskim pierścieniom historycznym z lat 1911–1913 są pierwszymi, które dokumentują te przedmioty, pochodzące z końca XVIII stulecia i z wieku XIX. Zwłaszcza praca o pierścieniach powstała w 1913 roku wywarła znaczący wpływ na późniejsze piśmiennictwo poświęcone polskiej biżuterii. Jej autor był pierwszym badaczem postrzegającym pierścień jako ważny obiekt historyczny, dokument kultury minionych czasów, na pozór tylko przedmiot drobny, pozbawiony znaczenia. Zabytki zebrane w pracy Pierścienie historyczne polskie podzielił Jaworski na grupy uporządkowane chronologicznie. Cztery najstarsze pierścienie odnosiły się do schyłku Rzeczypospolitej, a pozostałe 114 wiązały się z osobami i wydarzeniami XIX wieku (ostatni z pierścieni pochodził z 1894 roku). Typologia pierścieni wprowadzona przez Franciszka Jaworskiego stała się ważna dla ...
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2012
Grâce a une gravure inseree dans un recueil de poesie de Martin Crusius, il est possible de recon... more Grâce a une gravure inseree dans un recueil de poesie de Martin Crusius, il est possible de reconnaitre, dans un dessin de David Kandel, les traits du jeune prince lituano-polonais Nicolas Christophe Radziwill (1549-1616), a l'epoque ou il etait etudiant a l'universite de Strasbourg (1563-1564). Cette identification permet de remettre en cause l'attribution de la gravure de cette effigie a Jacob Zuberlein, le graveur etant a peine âge de huit ans au moment de la realisation du dessin et de dix ans quand la planche fut publiee.
Cz a s o p i s m o z a ł o ż o n e p r z e z Ja n a Bi a ł o s t o C k i e g o re d a k C J a Gra... more Cz a s o p i s m o z a ł o ż o n e p r z e z Ja n a Bi a ł o s t o C k i e g o re d a k C J a Grażyna Jurkowlaniec