Evra Willya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Evra Willya
This ethnography study investigates the sociocultural significance of the Tonggoluan and Pusi' de... more This ethnography study investigates the sociocultural significance of the Tonggoluan and Pusi' death rituals that persist in Bolaang Mongondow society despite the threat of modernity. Current understanding ignores its ontological role in preserving the existence of Bolaang Mongondow, so this research aims to explain these traditions as a basis for identity formation and social reproduction through the lens of Victor Turner's symbolic anthropology. Using a rigorous ethnographic field study, data was collected through in-depth interviews and observation of six elders in Bolaang Mongondow. These findings reveal that Tonggoluan graves encapsulate the eternal spiritual connection between living and deceased ancestors. Its sacralization reflects a strong belief in a metaphysical realm that upholds the collective memory of this community. Meanwhile, wearing Pusi' mourning clothes symbolizes sadness and passing down cultural values from generation to generation. This ritual also builds communal solidarity during mourning, reaffirming Bolaang Mongondow's identity. Essentially, these two traditions combine the temporary and the eternal through the creative reproduction of meaning, forming the basis of local existence. Therefore, maintaining this death ceremony amidst the erosion of modern culture is very important to ensure the continuity of the unique identity of this indigenous community. This encourages a deeper global appreciation of the role of death rituals in strengthening the cultural vitality of the Bolaang Mongondow community group.
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, Jun 22, 2016
Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lin... more Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lingkup yang tersurat. Persoalan mafhum termasuk dalam pembahasan ushul fikih ketika ulama ushul fikih membahas kaidah-kaidah bahasa dalam rangka memahami kandungan suatu nash. Ulama ushul fikih membagi mafhum kepada dua, yaitu mafhum muwafaqah dan mafhum mukhalafah. Ketika membicarakan mafhum muwafaqah-yang menurut Hanafiyah disebut dengan dilalah al-nash-seluruh ulama kecuali Zhahiriyah sepakat berhujjah dengan mafhum muwafaqah, akan tetapi mereka berbeda pendapat mengenai cara menetapkan hukum melalui mafhum muwafaqah ini. Pendapat pertama menyatakan bahwa penunjukkkan lafaz terhadap mafhum muwafaqah dilakukan melalui cara qiyas, sedangkan pendapat kedua menyatakan bahwa pemahaman terhadap makna-makna tersebut dilakukan melalui dilalah lafaz. Perbedaan mereka ini berpengaruh terhadap hukum yang dihasilkan dalam memahami suatu nash. Kata kunci: Mafhum muwafaqah, dilalah lafaz, qiyas A. Pendahuluan * Evra Willya adalah tenaga pengajar pada STAIN Bukittinggi.
Marwah, Jun 2, 2012
Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion ... more Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion represents the way of life of mankind. It contains direct interconnected teachings with law and orders about the position and life of woman, both in worship and in particular relationship between man and woman, especially in terms of family relationships. During this, most of "the religious elite" are biased in understanding and interpretation of the religious texts in relation to women's issues, because they understand the religious texts literally, it seem to favor men over women. This paper discuss about reproductive rights in Islam. In Islam, woman and man are in the same position. It is stated clearly in both the Qur'an and the hadith.
Sanskara Hukum dan HAM
This research study explores the implications of Islamic law (Sharia) in the settlement of busine... more This research study explores the implications of Islamic law (Sharia) in the settlement of business disputes among Muslim entrepreneurs in West Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative research approach, this study explores how Islamic principles are integrated into decision-making processes and conflict resolution strategies. Through thematic analysis of the interviews, this study uncovers themes of ethical integration, peaceful resolution through mediation (Sulh), the mediating role of religious principles, and the challenge of harmonizing Sharia with the legal system. These findings contribute to an understanding of the interaction between Islamic values and modern business practices, providing insight into ethical considerations and cultural sensitivity in dispute resolution.
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep nasikh dan Mansukh serta implikasiny... more Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep nasikh dan Mansukh serta implikasinya dalam hukum Islam. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ulama tentang definisi nasakh. Ada yang mendefinisikan dengan pencabutan pemberlakuan hukum yang terdahulu, atau mencegah kelangsungan hukum yang terdahulu dan ada yang mendefinisikan dengan berakhirnya masa berlakunya perintah yang pertama. Walaupun terdapat perbedaan dalam mendefinisikan nasakh tapi akibatnya sama yaitu hukum yang dinasakhkan sama-sama tidak berlaku lagi. konsep nasakh berkaitan erat dengan pemeliharaan kemaslahatan umat dan fleksibelitas hukum Islam yang disyariatkan kepada umat secara bertahap. Apabila tahapan berlakunya suatu hukum menurut kehendak syari' telah selesai, maka datang tahap berikutnya, sehingga kemaslahatan dan ketentraman umat senantiasa terpelihara. Abstract: Nasikh Mansukh Concept and The Implications on Legal ...
Kalâlah in Alquran and Its Interpretation According to Suni and Syiah Imâmiyyah. This article is ... more Kalâlah in Alquran and Its Interpretation According to Suni and Syiah Imâmiyyah. This article is aimed to analyze the meaning of walad in the inheritance of kalâlah in Alquran. Islamic jurists have different vews in interpreting the meaning of walad in kalâlah inheritance. Walad in kalâlah inheritance gives the influence to the siblings inheritance. This article attempts to discuss critically and impartially the meaning of walad. By using comparative method, the writer analyzes the meaning of walad from the Suni and Syiah Imâmiyyah perspective. The writer concludes that there is no consensus among Islamic Scholars in interpreting the meaning of walad, by which for the Suni Scholars, the meaning of walad is only brothers of the heir, whereas for the Syiah Imâmiyyah include the heir's sisters. This different opinion influences the regard of the two mainstreams towards the status of brother and sister in the inheritance of kalâlah. Abstrak. Konsep Kalâlah dalam Alquran dan Penafsir...
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender, 2012
Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion ... more Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion represents the way of life of mankind. It contains direct interconnected teachings with law and orders about the position and life of woman, both in worship and in particular relationship between man and woman, especially in terms of family relationships. During this, most of “the religious elite" are biased in understanding and interpretation of the religious texts in relation to women's issues, because they understand the religious texts literally, it seem to favor men over women. This paper discuss about reproductive rights in Islam. In Islam, woman and man are in the same position. It is stated clearly in both the…
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, 2016
Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lin... more Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lingkup yang tersurat. Persoalan mafhum termasuk dalam pembahasan ushul fikih ketika ulama ushul fikih membahas kaidah-kaidah bahasa dalam rangka memahami kandungan suatu nash. Ulama ushul fikih membagi mafhum kepada dua, yaitu mafhum muwafaqah dan mafhum mukhalafah. Ketika membicarakan mafhum muwafaqah –yang menurut Hanafiyah disebut dengan dilalah al-nash– seluruh ulama kecuali Zhahiriyah sepakat berhujjah dengan mafhum muwafaqah, akan tetapi mereka berbeda pendapat mengenai cara menetapkan hukum melalui mafhum muwafaqah ini. Pendapat pertama menyatakan bahwa penunjukkkan lafaz terhadap mafhum muwafaqah dilakukan melalui cara qiyas, sedangkan pendapat kedua menyatakan bahwa pemahaman terhadap makna-makna tersebut dilakukan melalui dilalah lafaz. Perbedaan mereka ini berpengaruh terhadap hukum yang dihasilkan dalam memahami suatu nash.
Deleted Journal, Jun 30, 2024
This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang ga... more This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang gadai land in Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This research is essential for religious figures to consider the practice of pawning that the community has carried out to be usury. It employed qualitative methods with a case research approach and used the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory to analyze the data. The primary data were obtained from informants, including religious leaders and members of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah, as well as traditional figures comprising Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) members. Some relevant books, literature, and journal articles were studied as secondary data. The study shows that the practice of pagang gadai is considered usury to religious figures but not traditional ones. Traditional figures view the practice of pagang gadai as belonging to bay' al-wafā', as it is a form of mutual assistance (ta'āwun) devoid of injustice but benefits both parties. The opinion of traditional figures on mutual assistance, based on the concept of benefit, is consistent with the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory that pagang gadai is valuable to society. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perdebatan tokoh agama dan tokoh adat terkait pagang gadai tanah di Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena praktek gadai yang selama ini dilakukan oleh masyarakat dianggap oleh para tokoh agama sebagai riba. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Data primer diperoleh dari informan, yakni tokoh agama yang terdiri dari pimpinan dan anggota Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), dan Muhammadiyah, serta tokoh adat yang tergabung dalam Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) sedangkan literatur buku dan artikel jurnal relevan dijadikan sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik pagang gadai dianggap riba oleh tokoh agama, namun tidak bagi tokoh adat. Tokoh adat memandang praktik pagang gadai termasuk dalam bay' al-wafā', karena merupakan bentuk gotong royong (ta'āwun) yang tidak mengandung unsur zalim namun menguntungkan kedua pihak yang mengambil manfaat darinya. Pendapat tokoh adat yang menitikberatkan pada konsep kemaslahatan, yakni tolong-menolong sejalan dengan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah bahwa pagang gadai dapat mewujudkan kemaslahatan di masyarakat.
Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2024
This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang ga... more This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang gadai land in Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This research is essential for religious figures to consider the practice of pawning that the community has carried out to be usury. It employed qualitative methods with a case research approach and used the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory to analyze the data. The primary data were obtained from informants, including religious leaders and members of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah, as well as traditional figures comprising Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) members. Some relevant books, literature, and journal articles were studied as secondary data. The study shows that the practice of pagang gadai is considered usury to religious figures but not traditional ones. Traditional figures view the practice of pagang gadai as belonging to bay' al-wafā', as it is a form of mutual assistance (ta'āwun) devoid of injustice but benefits both parties. The opinion of traditional figures on mutual assistance, based on the concept of benefit, is consistent with the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory that pagang gadai is valuable to society. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perdebatan tokoh agama dan tokoh adat terkait pagang gadai tanah di Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena praktek gadai yang selama ini dilakukan oleh masyarakat dianggap oleh para tokoh agama sebagai riba. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Data primer diperoleh dari informan, yakni tokoh agama yang terdiri dari pimpinan dan anggota Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), dan Muhammadiyah, serta tokoh adat yang tergabung dalam Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) sedangkan literatur buku dan artikel jurnal relevan dijadikan sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik pagang gadai dianggap riba oleh tokoh agama, namun tidak bagi tokoh adat. Tokoh adat memandang praktik pagang gadai termasuk dalam bay' al-wafā', karena merupakan bentuk gotong royong (ta'āwun) yang tidak mengandung unsur zalim namun menguntungkan kedua pihak yang mengambil manfaat darinya. Pendapat tokoh adat yang menitikberatkan pada konsep kemaslahatan, yakni tolong-menolong sejalan dengan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah bahwa pagang gadai dapat mewujudkan kemaslahatan di masyarakat.
Education Research International, Jun 16, 2022
is study aims to (1) describe the position of Islamic Religious Education in the Indonesian Natio... more is study aims to (1) describe the position of Islamic Religious Education in the Indonesian National Education System, (2) reveal the condition of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in North Minahasa, and (3) analyze the accessibility of IRE for Islamic students in non-Muslim elementary schools. A qualitative-descriptive method was used for this analysis, with primary data being obtained and identi ed through informants. Meanwhile, books, scienti c journals, and other pieces of relevant literature were used as secondary data and analyzed inductively. e results showed that elementary schools did not pragmatically have Islamic Religious Education services although the rights of the Muslim students in obtaining them had been guaranteed by the Indonesian Government through the National Education System (NES) Law Number 20 of 2003. is led to the inaccessibility of the educational services, with the main factor being the insu cient number of Islamic students, as required by the NES. Despite the unful lled quota to obtain these services, government control as policymakers was still needed. is indicated that the ministry and the education o ce at the central and regional levels should have alternative solutions, respectively, without being negligent in resolving the problematic condition. Based on these results, the patterns by which the state failed in the equal availability and accessibility of religious education to Indonesian students were observed at all levels of state elementary schools under its regulation. ese subsequently strengthened inequalities in this educational eld while practicing religious discrimination based on accessibility. Additionally, the results suggest that the central and regional Indonesian governments, as well as other related agencies, need to be more proactive in providing religious education services to all institutional students. is leads to the availability of equality in obtaining education for all citizens, as mandated by law.
Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education
Child-Friendly Islamic Boarding Schools (CFIBS) have emerged as a forum for realizing Islamic edu... more Child-Friendly Islamic Boarding Schools (CFIBS) have emerged as a forum for realizing Islamic education's humanistic goals, especially in educating and caring for students. Proper and correct education and upbringing dramatically determine the quality of individuals who are not only intellectually intelligent but also have noble attitudes and behaviour. This study aims to analyze the model of protecting children from violence carried out by the IMMIM Islamic Boarding School and the Nahdlatul 'Ulum Makassar Islamic Boarding School from the perspective of Islamic Education. Qualitative methods, field approaches were used, and data were obtained through comprehensive observation, in-depth interviews and supported by literature studies. Inductive data analysis techniques and source triangulation as data validity. The research results show that the two Islamic boarding schools have implemented a model of child protection in various ways, such as parenting and accompaniment (musyr...
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovaniâ, Mar 1, 2023
Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Pro... more Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Problem and aim. In providing services to students, universities often get complaints from students as customers. Universities must respond to and resolve complaints wisely and fairly to satisfy students with the services provided. The article aims to measure student complaint-handling strategies and their effect on satisfaction and loyalty as customers. The study will examine whether justice in addressing students' complaints, interactional justice, procedural justice, and distributive justice affect student satisfaction and does student satisfaction mediate the relationship between complaint-handling strategies and student loyalty. Research methods. The study involved 328 students from several universities in Indonesia. Samples selected using the purposes sampling method. Data were analysed quantitatively using SmarPLS version 3.3.3. Results. The study resulted that interactional justice significantly affected student satisfaction with a value of 0.019 < 0.05. Procedural justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.000 < 0.05, and distributive justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.014 < 0.05. This study also found that student satisfaction mediated the relationship between interactional justice, procedural justice, distributive justice and student loyalty with a significance level of value < 0.05. Conclusion. This study confirms that the fair and wise handling of student complaints affects student satisfaction with higher education services and can potentially increase student loyalty. This study strengthens several previous studies, emphasizing that fair complaint handling at companies and other institutions affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, universities should care for student satisfaction and loyalty by continuously improving service handling student complaints, both interactional, procedural, and distributive.
This study investigates the perceptions of scholars concerning transgender people's legal sta... more This study investigates the perceptions of scholars concerning transgender people's legal status on their Hajj ritual validity. In North Sulawesi, seven scholars are considered the opinion-makers and authorities following their understanding of Hajj ritual procedures in Islamic law. The data were analyzed using qualitative methods through interviews and the needs theory by al-Shāṭibī, Ibn Khaldun, and Maslow. The results showed that the gender status of those yet to transition remains original. In contrast, the transitioned transgenders’ status should change to the original law following the court's decision. Second, the scholars approved Hajj rituals for those yet to transition because they had their actual gender and sex. Furthermore, Hajj rituals for transgenders were also legally acceptable in Islamic law following the new status exception by the court. The transgenders' Hajj rituals are valid based on their initial gender or the court's decision. The hajj practi...
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2021
In addition, this study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic... more In addition, this study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic education and character subjects at State Senior High School 9 Manado using a qualitative descriptive method. Primary data were obtained from teachers of Islamic Education and Character through interviews and observations, while secondary data was collected through documentation from students' and teachers' books, Lesson Plans, and Syllabus for Islamic education and character subject of 2013 Curriculum. The result showed that teachers' implementation of religious moderation values in Islamic Education and Character subjects is carried out by teachers using an additive approach and developing indicators of achievement of Basic Competencies as outlined in the lesson plan and the syllabus. It is also associated with paying attention to the principles of relevance, consistency, and adequacy. This study also found that implementing religious moderation values is carried out through exemplary examples by teachers in schools and the community.
Al-Ahkam, 2021
This article aims to determine the enforcement of the MUI Fatwa Number 1 of 2003 concerning Copyr... more This article aims to determine the enforcement of the MUI Fatwa Number 1 of 2003 concerning Copyrights for Muslim merchants selling pirated VCDs and DVDs in Market 45, Manado City. A qualitative method with observation, interview, and documentation techniques was used to analyze the data. Of the six Muslim traders interviewed, the results showed that the MUI fatwa enforcement was ineffective due to the lack of socialization and evaluation of merchants. Also, the merchants did not stop selling pirated products because they lacked religious understanding and awareness and lived below the poverty line. At the same time, the authors' economic rights become a barrier to the public in accessing the product because it is valued beyond the ability of consumers. This study suggests that the MUI ought to pay attention to the economic balance between the authors' economic rights and the public, such as merchants.
Miqot, Aug 29, 2022
This study aims to analyze the considerations of judges in deciding two divorce cases due to apos... more This study aims to analyze the considerations of judges in deciding two divorce cases due to apostasy claims including Case Number 14/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Bitg and 17/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Bitg at the Bitung Religious Court, Bitung City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was conducted qualitatively through a descriptive-comparative approach with primary data obtained from informants including four judges using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation techniques, subsequently analyzed using an inductive analysis model. Meanwhile, secondary data were retrieved from decision documents. The results showed that the judge decided Case Number 14/Pdt.G/ 2019/PA.Bitg in fâsakh and Case Number 17/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Bitg in malâq ba'in sughra through the consideration of the subsidiary petitum. These decisions were observed to have legal consequences on hadhânah and the right of mutual inheritance between children and parents. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertimbangan hakim dalam memutuskan dua perkara perceraian dengan gugatan murtad, yakni Perkara No.
Journal of Islamic Education Policy, 2021
Abstrak: Resolusi Perdamaian dalam Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resolu... more Abstrak: Resolusi Perdamaian dalam Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resolusi perdamaian dalam pendidikan. Perdamaian tidak bisa dilihat sebagai substansi yang berdiri sendiri dan parsial. Kekerasan melibatkan banyak faktor yang sangat mungkin saling terkait, sehingga penanganannya membutuhkan kesabaran yang luar biasa. Beberapa kasus konflik dan kekerasan yang terjadi di Indonesia memberikan gambaran yang cukup jelas. Melalui penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pendidikan adalah solusi terbaik untuk membantu manusia melihat bagaimana seharusnya manusia dan bagaimana seharusnya hidup. Pendidikan harus menjadi cara hidup dalam penemuan cara hidup yang benar. Pendidikan dapat melakukan sesuatu untuk perdamaian setidaknya dalam dua cara: Pertama, Pendidikan mengambil strategi konservasi bahwa Pendidikan perlu diarahkan untuk merawat, memelihara, mempertahankan "aset agama dan budaya" pengetahuan, nilai, dan adat istiadat dari waktu ke waktu oleh sejarah d...
Peace can not be seen as a substance that stands alone and partially. Violence has involved many ... more Peace can not be seen as a substance that stands alone and partially. Violence has involved many factors that are highly likely to be intricately interconnected, so their handling requires tremendous patience. Some cases of conflict and violence that occurred in Indonesia provide a fairly clear illustration. Through research, it can be concluded that Education is the best solution to help people to see how human should be and how he should live. Education must be a way of life in the discovery of a righteous way of life. Education can do something for peace at least in two ways: First, education takes a conservation strategy that education needs to be directed to take care,mantaining ,defend"religious and cultural assets" of knowledgeable, values, and customs from time to time by history in order to retain human dignity and Secondly, education takes a restoration strategy that education is directed to improving and restoring religious and cultural assets that have been sub...
Greeting of peace and merry Christmas would be contradicted when it involved with the faith. As a... more Greeting of peace and merry Christmas would be contradicted when it involved with the faith. As a consequence, there would be an instruction to ban it. In contrast, it would be not in the same way when it related with the relationship context among human being as a fellow religion in a society. Greeting of merry Christmas could be not understood as a statement accepting and agreeing the Christian believe. The greeting regarded to be allowed as long as it regards as an expression of peace and appreciation in the society as a fellow religion. This is the same way when we come to the celebration for their great day. If a person believes that his faith would be not change, then he is allowed to come to the celebration. On the other hand, if the person afraid of changing his faith, then it would be forbidden to come to their celebration.
This ethnography study investigates the sociocultural significance of the Tonggoluan and Pusi' de... more This ethnography study investigates the sociocultural significance of the Tonggoluan and Pusi' death rituals that persist in Bolaang Mongondow society despite the threat of modernity. Current understanding ignores its ontological role in preserving the existence of Bolaang Mongondow, so this research aims to explain these traditions as a basis for identity formation and social reproduction through the lens of Victor Turner's symbolic anthropology. Using a rigorous ethnographic field study, data was collected through in-depth interviews and observation of six elders in Bolaang Mongondow. These findings reveal that Tonggoluan graves encapsulate the eternal spiritual connection between living and deceased ancestors. Its sacralization reflects a strong belief in a metaphysical realm that upholds the collective memory of this community. Meanwhile, wearing Pusi' mourning clothes symbolizes sadness and passing down cultural values from generation to generation. This ritual also builds communal solidarity during mourning, reaffirming Bolaang Mongondow's identity. Essentially, these two traditions combine the temporary and the eternal through the creative reproduction of meaning, forming the basis of local existence. Therefore, maintaining this death ceremony amidst the erosion of modern culture is very important to ensure the continuity of the unique identity of this indigenous community. This encourages a deeper global appreciation of the role of death rituals in strengthening the cultural vitality of the Bolaang Mongondow community group.
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, Jun 22, 2016
Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lin... more Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lingkup yang tersurat. Persoalan mafhum termasuk dalam pembahasan ushul fikih ketika ulama ushul fikih membahas kaidah-kaidah bahasa dalam rangka memahami kandungan suatu nash. Ulama ushul fikih membagi mafhum kepada dua, yaitu mafhum muwafaqah dan mafhum mukhalafah. Ketika membicarakan mafhum muwafaqah-yang menurut Hanafiyah disebut dengan dilalah al-nash-seluruh ulama kecuali Zhahiriyah sepakat berhujjah dengan mafhum muwafaqah, akan tetapi mereka berbeda pendapat mengenai cara menetapkan hukum melalui mafhum muwafaqah ini. Pendapat pertama menyatakan bahwa penunjukkkan lafaz terhadap mafhum muwafaqah dilakukan melalui cara qiyas, sedangkan pendapat kedua menyatakan bahwa pemahaman terhadap makna-makna tersebut dilakukan melalui dilalah lafaz. Perbedaan mereka ini berpengaruh terhadap hukum yang dihasilkan dalam memahami suatu nash. Kata kunci: Mafhum muwafaqah, dilalah lafaz, qiyas A. Pendahuluan * Evra Willya adalah tenaga pengajar pada STAIN Bukittinggi.
Marwah, Jun 2, 2012
Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion ... more Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion represents the way of life of mankind. It contains direct interconnected teachings with law and orders about the position and life of woman, both in worship and in particular relationship between man and woman, especially in terms of family relationships. During this, most of "the religious elite" are biased in understanding and interpretation of the religious texts in relation to women's issues, because they understand the religious texts literally, it seem to favor men over women. This paper discuss about reproductive rights in Islam. In Islam, woman and man are in the same position. It is stated clearly in both the Qur'an and the hadith.
Sanskara Hukum dan HAM
This research study explores the implications of Islamic law (Sharia) in the settlement of busine... more This research study explores the implications of Islamic law (Sharia) in the settlement of business disputes among Muslim entrepreneurs in West Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative research approach, this study explores how Islamic principles are integrated into decision-making processes and conflict resolution strategies. Through thematic analysis of the interviews, this study uncovers themes of ethical integration, peaceful resolution through mediation (Sulh), the mediating role of religious principles, and the challenge of harmonizing Sharia with the legal system. These findings contribute to an understanding of the interaction between Islamic values and modern business practices, providing insight into ethical considerations and cultural sensitivity in dispute resolution.
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep nasikh dan Mansukh serta implikasiny... more Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep nasikh dan Mansukh serta implikasinya dalam hukum Islam. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ulama tentang definisi nasakh. Ada yang mendefinisikan dengan pencabutan pemberlakuan hukum yang terdahulu, atau mencegah kelangsungan hukum yang terdahulu dan ada yang mendefinisikan dengan berakhirnya masa berlakunya perintah yang pertama. Walaupun terdapat perbedaan dalam mendefinisikan nasakh tapi akibatnya sama yaitu hukum yang dinasakhkan sama-sama tidak berlaku lagi. konsep nasakh berkaitan erat dengan pemeliharaan kemaslahatan umat dan fleksibelitas hukum Islam yang disyariatkan kepada umat secara bertahap. Apabila tahapan berlakunya suatu hukum menurut kehendak syari' telah selesai, maka datang tahap berikutnya, sehingga kemaslahatan dan ketentraman umat senantiasa terpelihara. Abstract: Nasikh Mansukh Concept and The Implications on Legal ...
Kalâlah in Alquran and Its Interpretation According to Suni and Syiah Imâmiyyah. This article is ... more Kalâlah in Alquran and Its Interpretation According to Suni and Syiah Imâmiyyah. This article is aimed to analyze the meaning of walad in the inheritance of kalâlah in Alquran. Islamic jurists have different vews in interpreting the meaning of walad in kalâlah inheritance. Walad in kalâlah inheritance gives the influence to the siblings inheritance. This article attempts to discuss critically and impartially the meaning of walad. By using comparative method, the writer analyzes the meaning of walad from the Suni and Syiah Imâmiyyah perspective. The writer concludes that there is no consensus among Islamic Scholars in interpreting the meaning of walad, by which for the Suni Scholars, the meaning of walad is only brothers of the heir, whereas for the Syiah Imâmiyyah include the heir's sisters. This different opinion influences the regard of the two mainstreams towards the status of brother and sister in the inheritance of kalâlah. Abstrak. Konsep Kalâlah dalam Alquran dan Penafsir...
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender, 2012
Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion ... more Woman always becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in religion. It is because of religion represents the way of life of mankind. It contains direct interconnected teachings with law and orders about the position and life of woman, both in worship and in particular relationship between man and woman, especially in terms of family relationships. During this, most of “the religious elite" are biased in understanding and interpretation of the religious texts in relation to women's issues, because they understand the religious texts literally, it seem to favor men over women. This paper discuss about reproductive rights in Islam. In Islam, woman and man are in the same position. It is stated clearly in both the…
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, 2016
Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lin... more Mafhum adalah setiap makna yang dipahami dari suatu lafaz yang makna tersebut berada di ruang lingkup yang tersurat. Persoalan mafhum termasuk dalam pembahasan ushul fikih ketika ulama ushul fikih membahas kaidah-kaidah bahasa dalam rangka memahami kandungan suatu nash. Ulama ushul fikih membagi mafhum kepada dua, yaitu mafhum muwafaqah dan mafhum mukhalafah. Ketika membicarakan mafhum muwafaqah –yang menurut Hanafiyah disebut dengan dilalah al-nash– seluruh ulama kecuali Zhahiriyah sepakat berhujjah dengan mafhum muwafaqah, akan tetapi mereka berbeda pendapat mengenai cara menetapkan hukum melalui mafhum muwafaqah ini. Pendapat pertama menyatakan bahwa penunjukkkan lafaz terhadap mafhum muwafaqah dilakukan melalui cara qiyas, sedangkan pendapat kedua menyatakan bahwa pemahaman terhadap makna-makna tersebut dilakukan melalui dilalah lafaz. Perbedaan mereka ini berpengaruh terhadap hukum yang dihasilkan dalam memahami suatu nash.
Deleted Journal, Jun 30, 2024
This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang ga... more This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang gadai land in Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This research is essential for religious figures to consider the practice of pawning that the community has carried out to be usury. It employed qualitative methods with a case research approach and used the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory to analyze the data. The primary data were obtained from informants, including religious leaders and members of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah, as well as traditional figures comprising Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) members. Some relevant books, literature, and journal articles were studied as secondary data. The study shows that the practice of pagang gadai is considered usury to religious figures but not traditional ones. Traditional figures view the practice of pagang gadai as belonging to bay' al-wafā', as it is a form of mutual assistance (ta'āwun) devoid of injustice but benefits both parties. The opinion of traditional figures on mutual assistance, based on the concept of benefit, is consistent with the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory that pagang gadai is valuable to society. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perdebatan tokoh agama dan tokoh adat terkait pagang gadai tanah di Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena praktek gadai yang selama ini dilakukan oleh masyarakat dianggap oleh para tokoh agama sebagai riba. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Data primer diperoleh dari informan, yakni tokoh agama yang terdiri dari pimpinan dan anggota Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), dan Muhammadiyah, serta tokoh adat yang tergabung dalam Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) sedangkan literatur buku dan artikel jurnal relevan dijadikan sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik pagang gadai dianggap riba oleh tokoh agama, namun tidak bagi tokoh adat. Tokoh adat memandang praktik pagang gadai termasuk dalam bay' al-wafā', karena merupakan bentuk gotong royong (ta'āwun) yang tidak mengandung unsur zalim namun menguntungkan kedua pihak yang mengambil manfaat darinya. Pendapat tokoh adat yang menitikberatkan pada konsep kemaslahatan, yakni tolong-menolong sejalan dengan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah bahwa pagang gadai dapat mewujudkan kemaslahatan di masyarakat.
Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2024
This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang ga... more This research aims to analyze the debate between religious and traditional figures over pagang gadai land in Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This research is essential for religious figures to consider the practice of pawning that the community has carried out to be usury. It employed qualitative methods with a case research approach and used the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory to analyze the data. The primary data were obtained from informants, including religious leaders and members of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah, as well as traditional figures comprising Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) members. Some relevant books, literature, and journal articles were studied as secondary data. The study shows that the practice of pagang gadai is considered usury to religious figures but not traditional ones. Traditional figures view the practice of pagang gadai as belonging to bay' al-wafā', as it is a form of mutual assistance (ta'āwun) devoid of injustice but benefits both parties. The opinion of traditional figures on mutual assistance, based on the concept of benefit, is consistent with the maṣlaḥah mursalah theory that pagang gadai is valuable to society. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perdebatan tokoh agama dan tokoh adat terkait pagang gadai tanah di Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena praktek gadai yang selama ini dilakukan oleh masyarakat dianggap oleh para tokoh agama sebagai riba. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Data primer diperoleh dari informan, yakni tokoh agama yang terdiri dari pimpinan dan anggota Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), dan Muhammadiyah, serta tokoh adat yang tergabung dalam Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) sedangkan literatur buku dan artikel jurnal relevan dijadikan sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik pagang gadai dianggap riba oleh tokoh agama, namun tidak bagi tokoh adat. Tokoh adat memandang praktik pagang gadai termasuk dalam bay' al-wafā', karena merupakan bentuk gotong royong (ta'āwun) yang tidak mengandung unsur zalim namun menguntungkan kedua pihak yang mengambil manfaat darinya. Pendapat tokoh adat yang menitikberatkan pada konsep kemaslahatan, yakni tolong-menolong sejalan dengan teori maṣlaḥah mursalah bahwa pagang gadai dapat mewujudkan kemaslahatan di masyarakat.
Education Research International, Jun 16, 2022
is study aims to (1) describe the position of Islamic Religious Education in the Indonesian Natio... more is study aims to (1) describe the position of Islamic Religious Education in the Indonesian National Education System, (2) reveal the condition of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in North Minahasa, and (3) analyze the accessibility of IRE for Islamic students in non-Muslim elementary schools. A qualitative-descriptive method was used for this analysis, with primary data being obtained and identi ed through informants. Meanwhile, books, scienti c journals, and other pieces of relevant literature were used as secondary data and analyzed inductively. e results showed that elementary schools did not pragmatically have Islamic Religious Education services although the rights of the Muslim students in obtaining them had been guaranteed by the Indonesian Government through the National Education System (NES) Law Number 20 of 2003. is led to the inaccessibility of the educational services, with the main factor being the insu cient number of Islamic students, as required by the NES. Despite the unful lled quota to obtain these services, government control as policymakers was still needed. is indicated that the ministry and the education o ce at the central and regional levels should have alternative solutions, respectively, without being negligent in resolving the problematic condition. Based on these results, the patterns by which the state failed in the equal availability and accessibility of religious education to Indonesian students were observed at all levels of state elementary schools under its regulation. ese subsequently strengthened inequalities in this educational eld while practicing religious discrimination based on accessibility. Additionally, the results suggest that the central and regional Indonesian governments, as well as other related agencies, need to be more proactive in providing religious education services to all institutional students. is leads to the availability of equality in obtaining education for all citizens, as mandated by law.
Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education
Child-Friendly Islamic Boarding Schools (CFIBS) have emerged as a forum for realizing Islamic edu... more Child-Friendly Islamic Boarding Schools (CFIBS) have emerged as a forum for realizing Islamic education's humanistic goals, especially in educating and caring for students. Proper and correct education and upbringing dramatically determine the quality of individuals who are not only intellectually intelligent but also have noble attitudes and behaviour. This study aims to analyze the model of protecting children from violence carried out by the IMMIM Islamic Boarding School and the Nahdlatul 'Ulum Makassar Islamic Boarding School from the perspective of Islamic Education. Qualitative methods, field approaches were used, and data were obtained through comprehensive observation, in-depth interviews and supported by literature studies. Inductive data analysis techniques and source triangulation as data validity. The research results show that the two Islamic boarding schools have implemented a model of child protection in various ways, such as parenting and accompaniment (musyr...
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovaniâ, Mar 1, 2023
Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Pro... more Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Problem and aim. In providing services to students, universities often get complaints from students as customers. Universities must respond to and resolve complaints wisely and fairly to satisfy students with the services provided. The article aims to measure student complaint-handling strategies and their effect on satisfaction and loyalty as customers. The study will examine whether justice in addressing students' complaints, interactional justice, procedural justice, and distributive justice affect student satisfaction and does student satisfaction mediate the relationship between complaint-handling strategies and student loyalty. Research methods. The study involved 328 students from several universities in Indonesia. Samples selected using the purposes sampling method. Data were analysed quantitatively using SmarPLS version 3.3.3. Results. The study resulted that interactional justice significantly affected student satisfaction with a value of 0.019 < 0.05. Procedural justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.000 < 0.05, and distributive justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.014 < 0.05. This study also found that student satisfaction mediated the relationship between interactional justice, procedural justice, distributive justice and student loyalty with a significance level of value < 0.05. Conclusion. This study confirms that the fair and wise handling of student complaints affects student satisfaction with higher education services and can potentially increase student loyalty. This study strengthens several previous studies, emphasizing that fair complaint handling at companies and other institutions affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, universities should care for student satisfaction and loyalty by continuously improving service handling student complaints, both interactional, procedural, and distributive.
This study investigates the perceptions of scholars concerning transgender people's legal sta... more This study investigates the perceptions of scholars concerning transgender people's legal status on their Hajj ritual validity. In North Sulawesi, seven scholars are considered the opinion-makers and authorities following their understanding of Hajj ritual procedures in Islamic law. The data were analyzed using qualitative methods through interviews and the needs theory by al-Shāṭibī, Ibn Khaldun, and Maslow. The results showed that the gender status of those yet to transition remains original. In contrast, the transitioned transgenders’ status should change to the original law following the court's decision. Second, the scholars approved Hajj rituals for those yet to transition because they had their actual gender and sex. Furthermore, Hajj rituals for transgenders were also legally acceptable in Islamic law following the new status exception by the court. The transgenders' Hajj rituals are valid based on their initial gender or the court's decision. The hajj practi...
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2021
In addition, this study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic... more In addition, this study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic education and character subjects at State Senior High School 9 Manado using a qualitative descriptive method. Primary data were obtained from teachers of Islamic Education and Character through interviews and observations, while secondary data was collected through documentation from students' and teachers' books, Lesson Plans, and Syllabus for Islamic education and character subject of 2013 Curriculum. The result showed that teachers' implementation of religious moderation values in Islamic Education and Character subjects is carried out by teachers using an additive approach and developing indicators of achievement of Basic Competencies as outlined in the lesson plan and the syllabus. It is also associated with paying attention to the principles of relevance, consistency, and adequacy. This study also found that implementing religious moderation values is carried out through exemplary examples by teachers in schools and the community.
Al-Ahkam, 2021
This article aims to determine the enforcement of the MUI Fatwa Number 1 of 2003 concerning Copyr... more This article aims to determine the enforcement of the MUI Fatwa Number 1 of 2003 concerning Copyrights for Muslim merchants selling pirated VCDs and DVDs in Market 45, Manado City. A qualitative method with observation, interview, and documentation techniques was used to analyze the data. Of the six Muslim traders interviewed, the results showed that the MUI fatwa enforcement was ineffective due to the lack of socialization and evaluation of merchants. Also, the merchants did not stop selling pirated products because they lacked religious understanding and awareness and lived below the poverty line. At the same time, the authors' economic rights become a barrier to the public in accessing the product because it is valued beyond the ability of consumers. This study suggests that the MUI ought to pay attention to the economic balance between the authors' economic rights and the public, such as merchants.
Miqot, Aug 29, 2022
This study aims to analyze the considerations of judges in deciding two divorce cases due to apos... more This study aims to analyze the considerations of judges in deciding two divorce cases due to apostasy claims including Case Number 14/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Bitg and 17/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Bitg at the Bitung Religious Court, Bitung City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was conducted qualitatively through a descriptive-comparative approach with primary data obtained from informants including four judges using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation techniques, subsequently analyzed using an inductive analysis model. Meanwhile, secondary data were retrieved from decision documents. The results showed that the judge decided Case Number 14/Pdt.G/ 2019/PA.Bitg in fâsakh and Case Number 17/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Bitg in malâq ba'in sughra through the consideration of the subsidiary petitum. These decisions were observed to have legal consequences on hadhânah and the right of mutual inheritance between children and parents. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertimbangan hakim dalam memutuskan dua perkara perceraian dengan gugatan murtad, yakni Perkara No.
Journal of Islamic Education Policy, 2021
Abstrak: Resolusi Perdamaian dalam Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resolu... more Abstrak: Resolusi Perdamaian dalam Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resolusi perdamaian dalam pendidikan. Perdamaian tidak bisa dilihat sebagai substansi yang berdiri sendiri dan parsial. Kekerasan melibatkan banyak faktor yang sangat mungkin saling terkait, sehingga penanganannya membutuhkan kesabaran yang luar biasa. Beberapa kasus konflik dan kekerasan yang terjadi di Indonesia memberikan gambaran yang cukup jelas. Melalui penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pendidikan adalah solusi terbaik untuk membantu manusia melihat bagaimana seharusnya manusia dan bagaimana seharusnya hidup. Pendidikan harus menjadi cara hidup dalam penemuan cara hidup yang benar. Pendidikan dapat melakukan sesuatu untuk perdamaian setidaknya dalam dua cara: Pertama, Pendidikan mengambil strategi konservasi bahwa Pendidikan perlu diarahkan untuk merawat, memelihara, mempertahankan "aset agama dan budaya" pengetahuan, nilai, dan adat istiadat dari waktu ke waktu oleh sejarah d...
Peace can not be seen as a substance that stands alone and partially. Violence has involved many ... more Peace can not be seen as a substance that stands alone and partially. Violence has involved many factors that are highly likely to be intricately interconnected, so their handling requires tremendous patience. Some cases of conflict and violence that occurred in Indonesia provide a fairly clear illustration. Through research, it can be concluded that Education is the best solution to help people to see how human should be and how he should live. Education must be a way of life in the discovery of a righteous way of life. Education can do something for peace at least in two ways: First, education takes a conservation strategy that education needs to be directed to take care,mantaining ,defend"religious and cultural assets" of knowledgeable, values, and customs from time to time by history in order to retain human dignity and Secondly, education takes a restoration strategy that education is directed to improving and restoring religious and cultural assets that have been sub...
Greeting of peace and merry Christmas would be contradicted when it involved with the faith. As a... more Greeting of peace and merry Christmas would be contradicted when it involved with the faith. As a consequence, there would be an instruction to ban it. In contrast, it would be not in the same way when it related with the relationship context among human being as a fellow religion in a society. Greeting of merry Christmas could be not understood as a statement accepting and agreeing the Christian believe. The greeting regarded to be allowed as long as it regards as an expression of peace and appreciation in the society as a fellow religion. This is the same way when we come to the celebration for their great day. If a person believes that his faith would be not change, then he is allowed to come to the celebration. On the other hand, if the person afraid of changing his faith, then it would be forbidden to come to their celebration.
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2021
This study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic education an... more This study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic education and character subjects at State Senior High School 9 Manado using a qualitative descriptive method. Primary data were obtained from teachers of Islamic Education and Character through interviews and observations, while secondary data was collected through documentation from students' and teachers' books, Lesson Plans, and Syllabus for Islamic education and character subject of 2013 Curriculum. The result showed that teachers' implementation of religious moderation values in Islamic Education and Character subjects is carried out by teachers using an additive approach and developing indicators of achievement of Basic Competencies as outlined in the lesson plan and the syllabus. It is also associated with paying attention to the principles of relevance, consistency, and adequacy. This study also found that implementing religious moderation values is carried out through exemplary examples by teachers in schools and the community.