Eduardo Herrero - (original) (raw)
Papers by Eduardo Herrero
El inmunodiagnostico en el ovino presenta problemas de sensibilidad y especificidad que limitan s... more El inmunodiagnostico en el ovino presenta problemas de sensibilidad y especificidad que limitan su aplicacion en sistemas de vigilancia de la enfermedad. El Objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar una tecnica sensible, especifica y economica para el diagnostico de la echinococcosis quistica en ovinos naturalmente infectados y evaluar la validez de la necropsia como prueba de referencia. 247 ovinos fueron estudiados en sala de faena confirmandose los diagnosticos parasitologicos mediante histologia. Los sueros obtenidos fueron procesados mediante enzimo inmuno ensayo con tres preparaciones antigenicas: LHT (liquido hidatidico total), S2B (fraccion purificada de LHT) y B y confirmados mediante western blot. EIE con las tres preparaciones antigenicas fue eficaz para discriminar E. granulosus de Cisticercos tenuicolis y Taenia spp. Sueros de ovinos negativos macroscopicamente resultaron reactivos a EIE y positivos a WB. La sensibilidad fue de 89.2% para LHT, 80.0% para S2B y 86.4% para B. ...
Revista Argentina de Microbiología, 2014
Resumen La equinococosis quística (EQ) es una enfermedad endémica en la provincia de Río Negro, A... more Resumen La equinococosis quística (EQ) es una enfermedad endémica en la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. El programa de control de esta afección desarrolla sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica basados en las técnicas de coproELISA/Western blot (WB) en muestras de heces de perros recolectadas del suelo, a fi n de determinar establecimientos ganaderos (unidades epidemiológicas o UE) con transmisión presente. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la prevalencia de EQ en establecimientos ganaderos y su relación con la presencia de casos de EQ en niños de 0 a 14 años. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente UE donde se obtuvieron muestras de materia fecal canina, las que fueron procesadas mediante coproELISA/WB. Asimismo, se identifi caron casos nuevos ocurridos en niños del rango etario señalado. Se obtuvieron 571 muestras de 278 UE; 37 (6,5 %) fueron positivas a coproELISA/WB de 37 (13,3 %) UE con transmisión presente. Las diferencias con el relevamiento efectuado en el período 2003-2004 resultaron no signifi cativas (p = 0,9), mientras que las diferencias con el relevamiento efectuado en UE de poblaciones originarias en 2009-2010 resultaron signifi cativas (p = 0,02). Con relación a la densidad animal en el área de trabajo, las UE que dieron un resultado negativo tuvieron un promedio de 2 (DE: 2,1) perros por UE, en las UE con infección presente el promedio fue de 3 (DE 4,2), esta diferencia fue estadísticamente signifi cativa (p = 0,02). Se diagnosticaron 12 casos en niños menores de 15 años. Se estableció que los casos de hidatidosis, en promedio, se situaron a menor distancia de los campos positivos a coproELISA/WB que de los campos negativos (p= 0,00307). La prueba de coproELISA/WB permitió identifi car la dispersión de EQ en establecimientos ganaderos y analizar su relación con la ocurrencia de casos en niños.
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2007
Person-to-person transmission of a hantavirus was first confirmed during a 1996 outbreak of hanta... more Person-to-person transmission of a hantavirus was first confirmed during a 1996 outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in southern Argentina, where Andes virus is endemic. To identify other episodes of secondary transmission, we reviewed reports of 51 cases of hantavirus infection from this region (November 1993-June 2005). Nine clusters involving 20 cases (39.2%) were found. Two patients, who had symptoms 3 weeks after they shared risks for rodent exposure, were considered a cluster. The other 8 clusters each began with an index case, which was almost always fatal, followed 19-40 days later by the illness of at least 1 person who had close and prolonged contact with the index case-patient. Person-to-person transmission was considered the probable source of these 8 clusters. The probability of initiating secondary cases was 41% for patients who died versus 4% for those who survived (p = 0.005). Interpersonal transmission of Andes virus infection should be considered even when rodent exposure cannot be definitively excluded.
La Equinococosis quistica es endemica en la provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina. Despues de 30 anos... more La Equinococosis quistica es endemica en la provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina. Despues de 30 anos de control usando praziquantel en perros, la velocidad de transmision a seres humanos y ovejas, se ha reducido significativamente, sin embargo persiste la transmision. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el impacto de la introduccion de la vacuna EG95 en el programa de control. La vacuna fue aplicada en una zona que comprende comunidades de pueblos originarios. Dos grupos diferentes fueron asignados a diferentes tipos de tratamiento. Un grupo de 71 productores de las regiones Blancura Centro y Lipetren, se establecieron como control sin vacunacion. El grupo tratamiento comprendio 79 productores de Anecon Grande, Mamuel Choique, Nahuel Pan y Rio Chico abajo en donde los corderos recibieron dos dosis con la vacuna EG95 seguido de un refuerzo cuando los animales tenian 1-1.5 anos de edad. La transmision de Echinococcus granulosus fue evaluada mediante necropsia de ovejas adultas. Tambien s...
Parasitologia, 2021
Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is an endemo-epidemic disease in the Rio Negro Province, República Arg... more Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is an endemo-epidemic disease in the Rio Negro Province, República Argentina. Due to the number of cases, the length of hospital stays after surgery and its associated mortality, it is a serious public health problem that generates high costs for the health system. Oriented towards its control, primary prevention activities have been carried out since 1980, based on the deworming of dogs and the vaccination of lambs; secondary prevention has consisted in the actively search for cases through serological or ultrasonographic screening; and tertiary prevention has been based on timely treatment, either by surgery or by medical treatment with albendazole. All these prevention activities have been carried out under the concept and strategies of the “One Health” model, through both inter-institutional and interdisciplinary work, as well as with the support, commitment and critical participation of the community. As a result, an important drop has been observed i...
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2019
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2018
Río Negro Province is endemic for cystic echinococcosis (CE). A CE control program includes early... more Río Negro Province is endemic for cystic echinococcosis (CE). A CE control program includes early diagnosis in humans. During 1980-1996, screening was done with serology and surgery was the unique choice of treatment. Since 1997, ultrasound (US) has been the method of choice for screening, and new choices of treatment for asymptomatic carriers are discussed in the CE guidelines. Between 1997 and 2016, 42 734 abdominal USs were performed, 192 new asymptomatic cases were diagnosed and underwent a protocol according to the size, location and type of cyst. Treatment options included active surveillance (US monitoring, 83 [43.3%]), antiparasitic (albendazole, 92 [47.9%]) and surgery (17 [8.8%], including percutaneous treatment). After 7.7 y of follow-up, of the cases under active surveillance, 28 (33.7%) had to change treatment: 5 (6%) to surgery and 22 (26.5%) to albendazole. Of the patients treated with albendazole, 3 (3.2%) were operated on and 13 (14%) were treated with a second cycle of albendazole. As a result of the present study, resolution of CE in a non-surgical way with albendazole is confirmed to be effective in asymptomatic carriers with CE1 or CE3b cysts. An update eliminates the strategy of active surveillance in type CE1 cysts <3 cm and is replaced by treatment with antiparasitic in all asymptomatic cases with CE1 or CE3b cysts <10 cm. The update also limits follow-up to 12-18 months to evaluate those cases with non-response to antiparasitic and switch to a surgical option.
Medicina, 2014
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is a disease of viral etiology that affects humans causing se... more Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is a disease of viral etiology that affects humans causing severe acute respiratory symptoms. In Patagonia the disease is caused by the Andes Virus (AND) and transmitted by the rodent Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. The aim of this study was to identify those human activities that increase the risk of exposure to rodents, what we call "contagious scenarios". A retrospective study was performed with data obtained from cases in Rio Negro, which included clinic-epidemiological records and ecological/environmental assessment reports. The following variables were considered: age, sex, season, percentage of urbanization, geographic location, human settlements in rodent infested areas, probable source of exposure, type of activity and level of sanitary development. In total 32 cases were studied. Exposure was verified in 18 (56.2 %) cases in rural areas and 10 cases (31.3%) in small rural towns. In relation to anthropogenic environment, 24 (75%) ca...
Medicina, 2006
The surveillance of infection for Echinococcus granulosus in the Province of Rio Negro during 198... more The surveillance of infection for Echinococcus granulosus in the Province of Rio Negro during 1980-2002 included serological and ultrasonographic screening in humans and arecoline test in dogs. In lieu of the limitations of the arecoline test the proposal was to supplant that test for the copro ELISA-copro/Western Blot complex applied to feces collected from the environment. The objective was to compare the pros and cons of the two tests and to evaluate the human and the canine infection prevalence. The working area encompassed 7 Departments with systematic canine parasiticide activities (Program Area) and 4 Departments, not endemic, as Control Area. The arecoline test was applied to the dogs in assembled groups with the voluntary participation of their owners (not randomized sampling). Samples for the detection of coproantigens were obtained from sheep farms selected at random and analyzed by the complex copro-ELISA /Western Blot. Prevalence in man was determined by screening the s...
Medicina, 2008
In Río Negro Province, Argentina, human cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) appeared in ... more In Río Negro Province, Argentina, human cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) appeared in the region of subantarctic forests. The Andes virus (ANDV) has been identified in the region both in Oligoryzomys longicaudatus rodents and in humans, with the main transmission being from rodents to humans but also showing the possibility of human to human transmission. Between 1996 and 2004, in 40 campaigns, 29.960 night-traps for capturing live rodents were set up. Blood samples were obtained from the rodents and processed using enzyme immunoassay with recombinant antigens made from ANDV. A total of 1767 rodents were captured, with a capture success of 5.9% and an antibody prevalence of 2.1%. Important differences were observed among the species captured from Andes and Steppe regions. Seropositive Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, Abrotrix olivaceus, Abrotrix xanhtothinus and Loxodontomus microtus were captured. During the 1993-2004 period, 40 HPS cases were registered.
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2003
En la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina, se presentaron casos humanos de síndrome pulmonar por ha... more En la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina, se presentaron casos humanos de síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus (SPH) en la región de la cordillera andino patagónica. El virus Andes ha sido identificado en la región, tanto en el roedor Oligoryzomys longicaudatus como en seres humanos, demostrándose la transmisión principalmente del roedor al hombre y la factibilidad de la transmisión de persona a persona. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar nueva información sobre especies de roedores portadores de hantavirus en Argentina, su prevalencia de anticuerpos para hantavirus (período 1999-2001) y la relación del tamaño de las poblaciones de roedores y su seroprevalencia con la ocurrencia de casos humanos (período 1996-2001). Para ello, se procedió a la colocación de 3973 trampas para captura viva de roedores, tipo sherman en seis operativos efectuados entre octubre de 1999 y mayo de 2001. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de los roedores las que fueron procesadas mediante enzimoinmunoen...
Boletín chileno de parasitología, 2000
La hidatidosis constituye un serio problema de Salud Pública en la Provincia de Río Negro, Argent... more La hidatidosis constituye un serio problema de Salud Pública en la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Los factores que han motivado esta situación incluyen una economía rural basada en la ganadería ovina extensiva, bajas condiciones socioculturales en una porción ...
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 1997
Early in 1995 the first case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome was serologically confirmed in El B... more Early in 1995 the first case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome was serologically confirmed in El Bolsón (Province of Río Negro, Argentina), corresponding to the third outbreak reported in Argentina. A total of 26 cases of HPS related to the Andean region of Rio Negro Province, were reported from 1993 to 1996, 17 in El Bolsón, 4 in San Carlos de Bariloche, and 5 in Buenos Aires. The incidence rate was 5.03 x 100000 with a mortality rate of 51.85 x 100. The occurrence of cases was mainly seasonal, with a significantly greater number in the spring, and the persons affected mainly lived in urban or periurban areas. In four cases, the affected individuals were members of a couple, spouses or live-in contacts. Seven cases were Health workers (physicians, nurses or administrative staff). Twelve cases were related among them, due to an outbreak of 80 days. Two of them did not visit the Andean region. A total of 139 rodents were captured and seven of them, Olygoryzomys longicaudatus, were fou...
Veterinary Parasitology, 2005
In 2000 Guarnera et al. proposed using ELISA in canine faeces collected from the ground to detect... more In 2000 Guarnera et al. proposed using ELISA in canine faeces collected from the ground to detect dogs infected with Echinococcus granulosus, thus determining sheep farms with active transmission. The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of E. granulosus infection in sheep farms of the Patagonia. Sheep farms were randomly selected in the Provinces of Río Negro, Chubut, Neuquén, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego (areas with control programs) and La Pampa (comparison area). From one to three samples of fecal matter were obtained for each sheep farm, which were processed by means of copro-ELISA test with confirmation of positive samples by copro-Western blot. A total of 1042 samples were obtained from 352 sheep farms, 26 (7.3%) proving positive. Of these 5 (6.3%) were from La Pampa, 9 (13.8%) from Neuquén, 4 (4.7%) from Río Negro, 2 (2.9%) from Chubut, 1 (5.9%) from Santa Cruz and 5 (13.9%) from Tierra del Fuego. The identification of parasitized dogs is an essential activity upon which rests the strategy of control and surveillance. Arecoline tests or coproantigen test with fecal matter obtained directly from the dog contribute information on individual prevalence, while the use of coproantigens detected in groundcollected samples transfers the dog unit of observation to units of greater epidemiological value. In the present experience, the technique employed seems promising for its application in systems of epidemiological surveillance of cystic echinococcosis and
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2012
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a chronic, complex and neglected disease caused by the larval stage... more Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a chronic, complex and neglected disease caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus. The effects of this neglect have a stronger impact in remote rural areas whose inhabitants have no chances of being diagnosed and treated properly without leaving their jobs and travelling long distances, sometimes taking days to reach the closest referral center. Background: In 1980 our group set up a control program in endemic regions with CE in rural sections of Rio Negro, Argentina. Since 1997, we have used abdominopelvic ultrasound (US) as a screening method of CE in school children and determined an algorithm of treatment. Objectives: To describe the training system of general practitioners in early diagnosis and treatment of CE and to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the field program. Materials and Methods: In 2000, to overcome the shortage of radiologists in the area, we set up a short training course on Focused Assessment with Sonography for Echinococcosis (FASE) for general practitioners with no previous experience with US. After the course, the trainees were able to carry out autonomous ultrasound surveys under the supervision of the course faculty. From 2000 to 2008, trainees carried out 22,793 ultrasound scans in children from 6 to 14 years of age, and diagnosed 87 (0.4%) new cases of CE. Forty-nine (56.4%) were treated with albendazole, 29 (33.3%) were monitored expectantly and 9 (10.3%) were treated with surgery. Discussion: The introduction of a FASE course for general practitioners allowed for the screening of CE in a large population of individuals in remote endemic areas with persistent levels of transmission, thus overcoming the barrier of the great distance from tertiary care facilities. The ability of local practitioners to screen for CE using US saved the local residents costly travel time and missed work and proved to be an efficacious and least expensive intervention tool for both the community and health care system.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2010
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2010
The rodent Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Bennett, 1832) (Rodentia, Cricetidae) inhabits southern fo... more The rodent Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Bennett, 1832) (Rodentia, Cricetidae) inhabits southern forests of Argentina and Chile, a region severely affected by glaciations during the Pleistocene–Holocene periods. We evaluate here the diversity of the mitochondrial control region to characterize the genetic structure of this species from forests and bushy areas of seven populations from Argentina and four populations from Chile. Statistical analyses showed shallow haplotype trees and mismatch distributions compatible with recent range expansions. The presence of “private” haplotypes indicates that current levels of gene flow among populations of each country would be low to moderate. Significant differences in haplotype frequencies were detected between eastern and western populations, indicating that the Andes mountains would be an effective geographic barrier for gene flow despite the existing valleys that could act as corridors for dispersion. A single clade containing all the haplot...
Arch. argent. …, 2002
Resumen Introducción . La hidatidosis o equinococosis quís-tica producida por el Echinococcus gra... more Resumen Introducción . La hidatidosis o equinococosis quís-tica producida por el Echinococcus granulosus es una enfermedad endémica en la provincia de Río Ne-gro, Argentina. Catastros ecográficos efectuados en la provincia de Río Negro en el año 1984 en tres ...
Acta Tropica, 2013
Cystic echinococcosis is endemic in the Rio Negro province of Argentina. After 30 years of contro... more Cystic echinococcosis is endemic in the Rio Negro province of Argentina. After 30 years of control using praziquantel in dogs the transmission rate to humans and sheep has decreased significantly, however transmission persists. The objective of the study is to assess the impact of the inclusion of the EG95 vaccine for sheep in the control program, including analysis of the vaccine's operative feasibility in field conditions. The vaccine was applied in an area comprising four communities of native people including 79 farms with 3146 lambs and 311 dogs in total. Seventy one farms were designated as control areas where no vaccinations were undertaken while vaccinations of lambs undertaken on 91 farms. Lambs received two vaccinations with the EG95 vaccine followed by a single booster injection when the animals were 1-1.5 years of age. Farm locations were defined using GPS coordinates for the houses. Evidence for Echinococcus granulosus transmission was monitored by coproantigen ELISA on samples of dog faeces, by E. granulosus-specific PCR using soil samples, and anti-E. granulosus antibody assessments in sera from 2-4 teeth lambs, purgation of dogs to detect E. granulosus worms and necropsy on adult sheep. Before the vaccine was introduced, 26.2% of sheep with 2-4 teeth were positive using ELISA/WB, the prevalence decreased to 7.8% at the third year following use of the vaccine. Necropsy of animals older than 6 years (not vaccinated) showed that 66.1% of animals were infected with E. granulosus. In dogs, 4% was found positive for E. granulosus using arecoline purgation and 24.7% of the farms were infected using coproELISA/WB. During the first year of vaccination 2721 lambs received the first vaccine dose and 2448 received a booster. In the second year 2138 lambs were initially vaccinated and 1745 received a booster, and 1308 animals received the third dose. During the third year 1110 lambs received the first dose from which 539 received a booster and 723 animals received the third dose. An analysis of advantages and limitations of the diagnostic techniques used and the ability of the geospatial analysis to detect risk area are included. Based in the immunodiagnostic techniques, the EG95 vaccine has been able to prevent the infection in animals up to 3 years old. Also, the difficulties in the field for the correct vaccine administration and the social features and habits that may impact on echinococcosis control are included in the analysis.
El inmunodiagnostico en el ovino presenta problemas de sensibilidad y especificidad que limitan s... more El inmunodiagnostico en el ovino presenta problemas de sensibilidad y especificidad que limitan su aplicacion en sistemas de vigilancia de la enfermedad. El Objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar una tecnica sensible, especifica y economica para el diagnostico de la echinococcosis quistica en ovinos naturalmente infectados y evaluar la validez de la necropsia como prueba de referencia. 247 ovinos fueron estudiados en sala de faena confirmandose los diagnosticos parasitologicos mediante histologia. Los sueros obtenidos fueron procesados mediante enzimo inmuno ensayo con tres preparaciones antigenicas: LHT (liquido hidatidico total), S2B (fraccion purificada de LHT) y B y confirmados mediante western blot. EIE con las tres preparaciones antigenicas fue eficaz para discriminar E. granulosus de Cisticercos tenuicolis y Taenia spp. Sueros de ovinos negativos macroscopicamente resultaron reactivos a EIE y positivos a WB. La sensibilidad fue de 89.2% para LHT, 80.0% para S2B y 86.4% para B. ...
Revista Argentina de Microbiología, 2014
Resumen La equinococosis quística (EQ) es una enfermedad endémica en la provincia de Río Negro, A... more Resumen La equinococosis quística (EQ) es una enfermedad endémica en la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. El programa de control de esta afección desarrolla sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica basados en las técnicas de coproELISA/Western blot (WB) en muestras de heces de perros recolectadas del suelo, a fi n de determinar establecimientos ganaderos (unidades epidemiológicas o UE) con transmisión presente. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la prevalencia de EQ en establecimientos ganaderos y su relación con la presencia de casos de EQ en niños de 0 a 14 años. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente UE donde se obtuvieron muestras de materia fecal canina, las que fueron procesadas mediante coproELISA/WB. Asimismo, se identifi caron casos nuevos ocurridos en niños del rango etario señalado. Se obtuvieron 571 muestras de 278 UE; 37 (6,5 %) fueron positivas a coproELISA/WB de 37 (13,3 %) UE con transmisión presente. Las diferencias con el relevamiento efectuado en el período 2003-2004 resultaron no signifi cativas (p = 0,9), mientras que las diferencias con el relevamiento efectuado en UE de poblaciones originarias en 2009-2010 resultaron signifi cativas (p = 0,02). Con relación a la densidad animal en el área de trabajo, las UE que dieron un resultado negativo tuvieron un promedio de 2 (DE: 2,1) perros por UE, en las UE con infección presente el promedio fue de 3 (DE 4,2), esta diferencia fue estadísticamente signifi cativa (p = 0,02). Se diagnosticaron 12 casos en niños menores de 15 años. Se estableció que los casos de hidatidosis, en promedio, se situaron a menor distancia de los campos positivos a coproELISA/WB que de los campos negativos (p= 0,00307). La prueba de coproELISA/WB permitió identifi car la dispersión de EQ en establecimientos ganaderos y analizar su relación con la ocurrencia de casos en niños.
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2007
Person-to-person transmission of a hantavirus was first confirmed during a 1996 outbreak of hanta... more Person-to-person transmission of a hantavirus was first confirmed during a 1996 outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in southern Argentina, where Andes virus is endemic. To identify other episodes of secondary transmission, we reviewed reports of 51 cases of hantavirus infection from this region (November 1993-June 2005). Nine clusters involving 20 cases (39.2%) were found. Two patients, who had symptoms 3 weeks after they shared risks for rodent exposure, were considered a cluster. The other 8 clusters each began with an index case, which was almost always fatal, followed 19-40 days later by the illness of at least 1 person who had close and prolonged contact with the index case-patient. Person-to-person transmission was considered the probable source of these 8 clusters. The probability of initiating secondary cases was 41% for patients who died versus 4% for those who survived (p = 0.005). Interpersonal transmission of Andes virus infection should be considered even when rodent exposure cannot be definitively excluded.
La Equinococosis quistica es endemica en la provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina. Despues de 30 anos... more La Equinococosis quistica es endemica en la provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina. Despues de 30 anos de control usando praziquantel en perros, la velocidad de transmision a seres humanos y ovejas, se ha reducido significativamente, sin embargo persiste la transmision. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el impacto de la introduccion de la vacuna EG95 en el programa de control. La vacuna fue aplicada en una zona que comprende comunidades de pueblos originarios. Dos grupos diferentes fueron asignados a diferentes tipos de tratamiento. Un grupo de 71 productores de las regiones Blancura Centro y Lipetren, se establecieron como control sin vacunacion. El grupo tratamiento comprendio 79 productores de Anecon Grande, Mamuel Choique, Nahuel Pan y Rio Chico abajo en donde los corderos recibieron dos dosis con la vacuna EG95 seguido de un refuerzo cuando los animales tenian 1-1.5 anos de edad. La transmision de Echinococcus granulosus fue evaluada mediante necropsia de ovejas adultas. Tambien s...
Parasitologia, 2021
Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is an endemo-epidemic disease in the Rio Negro Province, República Arg... more Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is an endemo-epidemic disease in the Rio Negro Province, República Argentina. Due to the number of cases, the length of hospital stays after surgery and its associated mortality, it is a serious public health problem that generates high costs for the health system. Oriented towards its control, primary prevention activities have been carried out since 1980, based on the deworming of dogs and the vaccination of lambs; secondary prevention has consisted in the actively search for cases through serological or ultrasonographic screening; and tertiary prevention has been based on timely treatment, either by surgery or by medical treatment with albendazole. All these prevention activities have been carried out under the concept and strategies of the “One Health” model, through both inter-institutional and interdisciplinary work, as well as with the support, commitment and critical participation of the community. As a result, an important drop has been observed i...
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2019
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2018
Río Negro Province is endemic for cystic echinococcosis (CE). A CE control program includes early... more Río Negro Province is endemic for cystic echinococcosis (CE). A CE control program includes early diagnosis in humans. During 1980-1996, screening was done with serology and surgery was the unique choice of treatment. Since 1997, ultrasound (US) has been the method of choice for screening, and new choices of treatment for asymptomatic carriers are discussed in the CE guidelines. Between 1997 and 2016, 42 734 abdominal USs were performed, 192 new asymptomatic cases were diagnosed and underwent a protocol according to the size, location and type of cyst. Treatment options included active surveillance (US monitoring, 83 [43.3%]), antiparasitic (albendazole, 92 [47.9%]) and surgery (17 [8.8%], including percutaneous treatment). After 7.7 y of follow-up, of the cases under active surveillance, 28 (33.7%) had to change treatment: 5 (6%) to surgery and 22 (26.5%) to albendazole. Of the patients treated with albendazole, 3 (3.2%) were operated on and 13 (14%) were treated with a second cycle of albendazole. As a result of the present study, resolution of CE in a non-surgical way with albendazole is confirmed to be effective in asymptomatic carriers with CE1 or CE3b cysts. An update eliminates the strategy of active surveillance in type CE1 cysts <3 cm and is replaced by treatment with antiparasitic in all asymptomatic cases with CE1 or CE3b cysts <10 cm. The update also limits follow-up to 12-18 months to evaluate those cases with non-response to antiparasitic and switch to a surgical option.
Medicina, 2014
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is a disease of viral etiology that affects humans causing se... more Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is a disease of viral etiology that affects humans causing severe acute respiratory symptoms. In Patagonia the disease is caused by the Andes Virus (AND) and transmitted by the rodent Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. The aim of this study was to identify those human activities that increase the risk of exposure to rodents, what we call "contagious scenarios". A retrospective study was performed with data obtained from cases in Rio Negro, which included clinic-epidemiological records and ecological/environmental assessment reports. The following variables were considered: age, sex, season, percentage of urbanization, geographic location, human settlements in rodent infested areas, probable source of exposure, type of activity and level of sanitary development. In total 32 cases were studied. Exposure was verified in 18 (56.2 %) cases in rural areas and 10 cases (31.3%) in small rural towns. In relation to anthropogenic environment, 24 (75%) ca...
Medicina, 2006
The surveillance of infection for Echinococcus granulosus in the Province of Rio Negro during 198... more The surveillance of infection for Echinococcus granulosus in the Province of Rio Negro during 1980-2002 included serological and ultrasonographic screening in humans and arecoline test in dogs. In lieu of the limitations of the arecoline test the proposal was to supplant that test for the copro ELISA-copro/Western Blot complex applied to feces collected from the environment. The objective was to compare the pros and cons of the two tests and to evaluate the human and the canine infection prevalence. The working area encompassed 7 Departments with systematic canine parasiticide activities (Program Area) and 4 Departments, not endemic, as Control Area. The arecoline test was applied to the dogs in assembled groups with the voluntary participation of their owners (not randomized sampling). Samples for the detection of coproantigens were obtained from sheep farms selected at random and analyzed by the complex copro-ELISA /Western Blot. Prevalence in man was determined by screening the s...
Medicina, 2008
In Río Negro Province, Argentina, human cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) appeared in ... more In Río Negro Province, Argentina, human cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) appeared in the region of subantarctic forests. The Andes virus (ANDV) has been identified in the region both in Oligoryzomys longicaudatus rodents and in humans, with the main transmission being from rodents to humans but also showing the possibility of human to human transmission. Between 1996 and 2004, in 40 campaigns, 29.960 night-traps for capturing live rodents were set up. Blood samples were obtained from the rodents and processed using enzyme immunoassay with recombinant antigens made from ANDV. A total of 1767 rodents were captured, with a capture success of 5.9% and an antibody prevalence of 2.1%. Important differences were observed among the species captured from Andes and Steppe regions. Seropositive Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, Abrotrix olivaceus, Abrotrix xanhtothinus and Loxodontomus microtus were captured. During the 1993-2004 period, 40 HPS cases were registered.
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2003
En la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina, se presentaron casos humanos de síndrome pulmonar por ha... more En la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina, se presentaron casos humanos de síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus (SPH) en la región de la cordillera andino patagónica. El virus Andes ha sido identificado en la región, tanto en el roedor Oligoryzomys longicaudatus como en seres humanos, demostrándose la transmisión principalmente del roedor al hombre y la factibilidad de la transmisión de persona a persona. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar nueva información sobre especies de roedores portadores de hantavirus en Argentina, su prevalencia de anticuerpos para hantavirus (período 1999-2001) y la relación del tamaño de las poblaciones de roedores y su seroprevalencia con la ocurrencia de casos humanos (período 1996-2001). Para ello, se procedió a la colocación de 3973 trampas para captura viva de roedores, tipo sherman en seis operativos efectuados entre octubre de 1999 y mayo de 2001. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de los roedores las que fueron procesadas mediante enzimoinmunoen...
Boletín chileno de parasitología, 2000
La hidatidosis constituye un serio problema de Salud Pública en la Provincia de Río Negro, Argent... more La hidatidosis constituye un serio problema de Salud Pública en la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Los factores que han motivado esta situación incluyen una economía rural basada en la ganadería ovina extensiva, bajas condiciones socioculturales en una porción ...
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 1997
Early in 1995 the first case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome was serologically confirmed in El B... more Early in 1995 the first case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome was serologically confirmed in El Bolsón (Province of Río Negro, Argentina), corresponding to the third outbreak reported in Argentina. A total of 26 cases of HPS related to the Andean region of Rio Negro Province, were reported from 1993 to 1996, 17 in El Bolsón, 4 in San Carlos de Bariloche, and 5 in Buenos Aires. The incidence rate was 5.03 x 100000 with a mortality rate of 51.85 x 100. The occurrence of cases was mainly seasonal, with a significantly greater number in the spring, and the persons affected mainly lived in urban or periurban areas. In four cases, the affected individuals were members of a couple, spouses or live-in contacts. Seven cases were Health workers (physicians, nurses or administrative staff). Twelve cases were related among them, due to an outbreak of 80 days. Two of them did not visit the Andean region. A total of 139 rodents were captured and seven of them, Olygoryzomys longicaudatus, were fou...
Veterinary Parasitology, 2005
In 2000 Guarnera et al. proposed using ELISA in canine faeces collected from the ground to detect... more In 2000 Guarnera et al. proposed using ELISA in canine faeces collected from the ground to detect dogs infected with Echinococcus granulosus, thus determining sheep farms with active transmission. The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of E. granulosus infection in sheep farms of the Patagonia. Sheep farms were randomly selected in the Provinces of Río Negro, Chubut, Neuquén, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego (areas with control programs) and La Pampa (comparison area). From one to three samples of fecal matter were obtained for each sheep farm, which were processed by means of copro-ELISA test with confirmation of positive samples by copro-Western blot. A total of 1042 samples were obtained from 352 sheep farms, 26 (7.3%) proving positive. Of these 5 (6.3%) were from La Pampa, 9 (13.8%) from Neuquén, 4 (4.7%) from Río Negro, 2 (2.9%) from Chubut, 1 (5.9%) from Santa Cruz and 5 (13.9%) from Tierra del Fuego. The identification of parasitized dogs is an essential activity upon which rests the strategy of control and surveillance. Arecoline tests or coproantigen test with fecal matter obtained directly from the dog contribute information on individual prevalence, while the use of coproantigens detected in groundcollected samples transfers the dog unit of observation to units of greater epidemiological value. In the present experience, the technique employed seems promising for its application in systems of epidemiological surveillance of cystic echinococcosis and
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2012
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a chronic, complex and neglected disease caused by the larval stage... more Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a chronic, complex and neglected disease caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus. The effects of this neglect have a stronger impact in remote rural areas whose inhabitants have no chances of being diagnosed and treated properly without leaving their jobs and travelling long distances, sometimes taking days to reach the closest referral center. Background: In 1980 our group set up a control program in endemic regions with CE in rural sections of Rio Negro, Argentina. Since 1997, we have used abdominopelvic ultrasound (US) as a screening method of CE in school children and determined an algorithm of treatment. Objectives: To describe the training system of general practitioners in early diagnosis and treatment of CE and to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the field program. Materials and Methods: In 2000, to overcome the shortage of radiologists in the area, we set up a short training course on Focused Assessment with Sonography for Echinococcosis (FASE) for general practitioners with no previous experience with US. After the course, the trainees were able to carry out autonomous ultrasound surveys under the supervision of the course faculty. From 2000 to 2008, trainees carried out 22,793 ultrasound scans in children from 6 to 14 years of age, and diagnosed 87 (0.4%) new cases of CE. Forty-nine (56.4%) were treated with albendazole, 29 (33.3%) were monitored expectantly and 9 (10.3%) were treated with surgery. Discussion: The introduction of a FASE course for general practitioners allowed for the screening of CE in a large population of individuals in remote endemic areas with persistent levels of transmission, thus overcoming the barrier of the great distance from tertiary care facilities. The ability of local practitioners to screen for CE using US saved the local residents costly travel time and missed work and proved to be an efficacious and least expensive intervention tool for both the community and health care system.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2010
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2010
The rodent Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Bennett, 1832) (Rodentia, Cricetidae) inhabits southern fo... more The rodent Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Bennett, 1832) (Rodentia, Cricetidae) inhabits southern forests of Argentina and Chile, a region severely affected by glaciations during the Pleistocene–Holocene periods. We evaluate here the diversity of the mitochondrial control region to characterize the genetic structure of this species from forests and bushy areas of seven populations from Argentina and four populations from Chile. Statistical analyses showed shallow haplotype trees and mismatch distributions compatible with recent range expansions. The presence of “private” haplotypes indicates that current levels of gene flow among populations of each country would be low to moderate. Significant differences in haplotype frequencies were detected between eastern and western populations, indicating that the Andes mountains would be an effective geographic barrier for gene flow despite the existing valleys that could act as corridors for dispersion. A single clade containing all the haplot...
Arch. argent. …, 2002
Resumen Introducción . La hidatidosis o equinococosis quís-tica producida por el Echinococcus gra... more Resumen Introducción . La hidatidosis o equinococosis quís-tica producida por el Echinococcus granulosus es una enfermedad endémica en la provincia de Río Ne-gro, Argentina. Catastros ecográficos efectuados en la provincia de Río Negro en el año 1984 en tres ...
Acta Tropica, 2013
Cystic echinococcosis is endemic in the Rio Negro province of Argentina. After 30 years of contro... more Cystic echinococcosis is endemic in the Rio Negro province of Argentina. After 30 years of control using praziquantel in dogs the transmission rate to humans and sheep has decreased significantly, however transmission persists. The objective of the study is to assess the impact of the inclusion of the EG95 vaccine for sheep in the control program, including analysis of the vaccine's operative feasibility in field conditions. The vaccine was applied in an area comprising four communities of native people including 79 farms with 3146 lambs and 311 dogs in total. Seventy one farms were designated as control areas where no vaccinations were undertaken while vaccinations of lambs undertaken on 91 farms. Lambs received two vaccinations with the EG95 vaccine followed by a single booster injection when the animals were 1-1.5 years of age. Farm locations were defined using GPS coordinates for the houses. Evidence for Echinococcus granulosus transmission was monitored by coproantigen ELISA on samples of dog faeces, by E. granulosus-specific PCR using soil samples, and anti-E. granulosus antibody assessments in sera from 2-4 teeth lambs, purgation of dogs to detect E. granulosus worms and necropsy on adult sheep. Before the vaccine was introduced, 26.2% of sheep with 2-4 teeth were positive using ELISA/WB, the prevalence decreased to 7.8% at the third year following use of the vaccine. Necropsy of animals older than 6 years (not vaccinated) showed that 66.1% of animals were infected with E. granulosus. In dogs, 4% was found positive for E. granulosus using arecoline purgation and 24.7% of the farms were infected using coproELISA/WB. During the first year of vaccination 2721 lambs received the first vaccine dose and 2448 received a booster. In the second year 2138 lambs were initially vaccinated and 1745 received a booster, and 1308 animals received the third dose. During the third year 1110 lambs received the first dose from which 539 received a booster and 723 animals received the third dose. An analysis of advantages and limitations of the diagnostic techniques used and the ability of the geospatial analysis to detect risk area are included. Based in the immunodiagnostic techniques, the EG95 vaccine has been able to prevent the infection in animals up to 3 years old. Also, the difficulties in the field for the correct vaccine administration and the social features and habits that may impact on echinococcosis control are included in the analysis.