Eduardo Manuel Diaz Cedre - (original) (raw)


Papers by Eduardo Manuel Diaz Cedre

Research paper thumbnail of Stress determination in fillet weld, of a reinforced and pressurized pipe, employing elastic and elastic-plastic material models, through finite element analysis

Welding International, 2008

The three basic causes for the appearance of stresses in a tube for transporting hydrocarbons are... more The three basic causes for the appearance of stresses in a tube for transporting hydrocarbons are: a) the internal pressure applied to the fluid; b) the residual welding stresses; c) the stresses induced by the resistance characteristics of the earth in which the tubing is laid. The importance of estimating the magnitude of the stresses that act on the tube’s material lies in the advantages of predicting the possibility of failure from the point of view of the material’s resistance or tenacity. In the studies carried out, it has been proved that the potential sites for cracks in a tube that has been reinforced by means of a circumferential steel sleeve, which is the most common method for repairing tubes, are those shown in Figure 1(a). According to the postulations of fracture mechanics, load mode I, in which the principal load is applied normally to the plane of the crack (shown in Figure 1(b)), tending to open the crack, has the greatest practical importance, since the majority of the materials are more susceptible to fracture through normal traction stresses than through tangential stresses. Modes II and III generally do not lead to fracture. The cracks located in the HAZ of the tube (position 2 in Figure 1) suffer load mode I due to the action of the stresses in the direction of thickness. On the other hand, cracks situated in positions 1 and 4 suffer load mode I due to the action of the stresses in the axial direction. According to these specificities, in the present work the stress analysis will be carried out on cracks situated in position 2 and will also take into account the von Mises stress (equivalent tension), the tension in one direction conforms to the zone of the join between the tube and the sleeve, which is the subject of this study (direction of thickness). Stress determination in fillet weld, of a reinforced and pressurized pipe, employing elastic and elastic-plastic material models, through finite element analysis

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Research paper thumbnail of Calorific energy required during in-service welding of pipelines for petroleum transport

Welding International, 2010

The thermal behaviour during in-service repair welding of oil transportation pipes was studied us... more The thermal behaviour during in-service repair welding of oil transportation pipes was studied using finite element analysis in the present paper. Regression equations that relate peak temperature of the inner surface of the pipe and cooling time between 800 and 500°C in the heat-affected zone to the welding heat input, preheat temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient were obtained. The

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Research paper thumbnail of Energía calorífica necesaria, durante la soldadura en servicio de tuberías para el transporte de petróleo

Soldagem & Inspeção (Impresso), 2009

En el presente artículo, empleando el análisis por elementos finitos, se estudió el comportamient... more En el presente artículo, empleando el análisis por elementos finitos, se estudió el comportamiento térmico durante la soldadura de reparación, en condiciones de servicio, de un tubo que transporta petróleo. Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión que relacionan a la temperatura máxima en la superficie interna del tubo y al tiempo de enfriamiento desde 800 ºC hasta 500 ºC de un punto situado en la zona afectada por el calor (ZAC), parámetros que gobiernan la ocurrencia de perforaciones en la pared del tubo y agrietamiento en frío respectivamente, con el calor de entrada de la soldadura, la temperatura de precalentamiento y el coeficiente de transferencia de calor por convección, variables que definen el comportamiento térmico durante la ejecución del proceso de soldadura. Se probó la existencia de una zona en que se satisfacen simultáneamente las ecuaciones obtenidas, para diferentes combinaciones de las variables relacionadas. Se presentaron nomogramas con un importante valor práctico...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reparación por soldadura de tapas, agrietadas, de hierro fundido

Revista Facultad de …, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Influencia de la variación de la longitud libre en la geometría de la unión soldada con junta estrecha en domos de calderas de vapor

Centro Azucar, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of temperature dependent physical properties of steel in finite element simulation of welding process

Revista Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad De Antioquia, Jun 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelation methodology by means of ansys of the welding thermal history, stresses and strains

Revista De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Central De Venezuela, Jun 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

Revista Facultad De Ingenieria, Jul 24, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Metodología de modelación mediante ansys de la historia térmica, tensiones y deformaciones de soldadura

Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria

A modeling methodology of the evolution of thermal history, stresses and strains due to the weldi... more A modeling methodology of the evolution of thermal history, stresses and strains due to the welding process, using the general purpose finite elements software ANSYS Multiphysics release 9.0, is exposed. This methodology integrates existing information and new variants that, in occasions, provide better results than those previously published results. This methodology was applied to the three-dimensional modeling of automatic GMAW on 5083-O aluminum - magnesium alloy plates, which are frequently employed in the modern industry. Model results were validated against published experimental dates. The study allowed to define that for this alloy type the best results are obtain using a cut-off temperature similar to the metal solid temperature, employing the bilinear material models without hardening or using kinematics hardening, and activating welding elements when thermal source is right over them, during both thermal and mechanic races.

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Research paper thumbnail of Incerteza na medição dos parâmetros geométricos do cordão de solda

Soldagem & Inspeção (Impresso), 2011

Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para estimar a incerteza associada à medição dos parâmetr... more Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para estimar a incerteza associada à medição dos parâmetros que definem a geometria do cordão de solda, especificamente da área do cordão, de forma a atender à exigência estabelecida pela norma NBR ISO/IEC 17025. A qualidade geométrica dos corpos de prova utilizados durante as medições foi ainda avaliada através da medição dos desvios geométricos de planeza e de perpendicularidade. As seguintes etapas foram propostas e realizadas: identificação dos parâmetros que definem a geometria do cordão de solda; identificação e estudo das variáveis que afetam a medição destes parâmetros; adoção do modelo matemático para estimativa da incerteza de cada parâmetro; planejamento e execução dos experimentos para o levantamento dos dados, cálculo da incerteza e, finalmente, análise e discussão dos resultados. Através da análise dos resultados foi possível concluir que as incertezas provenientes da calibração do sistema de medição e relativa ao desvio de perpe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Incertidumbre de la medición de masa en la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue

Soldagem & Inspeção, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinación de la Incertidumbre de Medición de Masa Durante la Evaluación de Processos de Recargue

Soldagem & inspeção

Este trabajo presenta la evaluación de la incertidumbre de las mediciones realizadas para la dete... more Este trabajo presenta la evaluación de la incertidumbre de las mediciones realizadas para la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue, dando énfasis a la medición de masa. Para ello fueron realizados tres depósitos a tres niveles de corriente (120 A, 145 A y 160 A, respectivamente), registrándose el tiempo de soldadura, la longitud del cordón, así como la masa inicial y final de las probetas y de los electrodos. A partir de los datos anteriores fueron determinados los parámetros de consumo. Fue calculada la incertidumbre asociada a la masa de las probetas, a la masa consumida del electrodo, a la masa depositada y a los parámetros de consumo. Al finalizar el trabajo se comprobó que el rendimiento del depósito muestra un comportamiento decreciente con la corriente, siendo el mejor resultado de (74,12) % para una corriente de soldadura de 120 A. Los valores de incertidumbre expandida para el rendimiento varían entre 1,47 % y 2,41 %, para la tasa de consumo f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stress determination in fillet weld, of a reinforced and pressurized pipe, employing elastic and elastic-plastic material models, through finite element analysis

Welding International, 2008

The three basic causes for the appearance of stresses in a tube for transporting hydrocarbons are... more The three basic causes for the appearance of stresses in a tube for transporting hydrocarbons are: a) the internal pressure applied to the fluid; b) the residual welding stresses; c) the stresses induced by the resistance characteristics of the earth in which the tubing is laid. The importance of estimating the magnitude of the stresses that act on the tube’s material lies in the advantages of predicting the possibility of failure from the point of view of the material’s resistance or tenacity. In the studies carried out, it has been proved that the potential sites for cracks in a tube that has been reinforced by means of a circumferential steel sleeve, which is the most common method for repairing tubes, are those shown in Figure 1(a). According to the postulations of fracture mechanics, load mode I, in which the principal load is applied normally to the plane of the crack (shown in Figure 1(b)), tending to open the crack, has the greatest practical importance, since the majority of the materials are more susceptible to fracture through normal traction stresses than through tangential stresses. Modes II and III generally do not lead to fracture. The cracks located in the HAZ of the tube (position 2 in Figure 1) suffer load mode I due to the action of the stresses in the direction of thickness. On the other hand, cracks situated in positions 1 and 4 suffer load mode I due to the action of the stresses in the axial direction. According to these specificities, in the present work the stress analysis will be carried out on cracks situated in position 2 and will also take into account the von Mises stress (equivalent tension), the tension in one direction conforms to the zone of the join between the tube and the sleeve, which is the subject of this study (direction of thickness). Stress determination in fillet weld, of a reinforced and pressurized pipe, employing elastic and elastic-plastic material models, through finite element analysis

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Research paper thumbnail of Calorific energy required during in-service welding of pipelines for petroleum transport

Welding International, 2010

The thermal behaviour during in-service repair welding of oil transportation pipes was studied us... more The thermal behaviour during in-service repair welding of oil transportation pipes was studied using finite element analysis in the present paper. Regression equations that relate peak temperature of the inner surface of the pipe and cooling time between 800 and 500°C in the heat-affected zone to the welding heat input, preheat temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient were obtained. The

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Research paper thumbnail of Energía calorífica necesaria, durante la soldadura en servicio de tuberías para el transporte de petróleo

Soldagem & Inspeção (Impresso), 2009

En el presente artículo, empleando el análisis por elementos finitos, se estudió el comportamient... more En el presente artículo, empleando el análisis por elementos finitos, se estudió el comportamiento térmico durante la soldadura de reparación, en condiciones de servicio, de un tubo que transporta petróleo. Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión que relacionan a la temperatura máxima en la superficie interna del tubo y al tiempo de enfriamiento desde 800 ºC hasta 500 ºC de un punto situado en la zona afectada por el calor (ZAC), parámetros que gobiernan la ocurrencia de perforaciones en la pared del tubo y agrietamiento en frío respectivamente, con el calor de entrada de la soldadura, la temperatura de precalentamiento y el coeficiente de transferencia de calor por convección, variables que definen el comportamiento térmico durante la ejecución del proceso de soldadura. Se probó la existencia de una zona en que se satisfacen simultáneamente las ecuaciones obtenidas, para diferentes combinaciones de las variables relacionadas. Se presentaron nomogramas con un importante valor práctico...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reparación por soldadura de tapas, agrietadas, de hierro fundido

Revista Facultad de …, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Influencia de la variación de la longitud libre en la geometría de la unión soldada con junta estrecha en domos de calderas de vapor

Centro Azucar, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of temperature dependent physical properties of steel in finite element simulation of welding process

Revista Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad De Antioquia, Jun 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelation methodology by means of ansys of the welding thermal history, stresses and strains

Revista De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Central De Venezuela, Jun 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

Revista Facultad De Ingenieria, Jul 24, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Metodología de modelación mediante ansys de la historia térmica, tensiones y deformaciones de soldadura

Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria

A modeling methodology of the evolution of thermal history, stresses and strains due to the weldi... more A modeling methodology of the evolution of thermal history, stresses and strains due to the welding process, using the general purpose finite elements software ANSYS Multiphysics release 9.0, is exposed. This methodology integrates existing information and new variants that, in occasions, provide better results than those previously published results. This methodology was applied to the three-dimensional modeling of automatic GMAW on 5083-O aluminum - magnesium alloy plates, which are frequently employed in the modern industry. Model results were validated against published experimental dates. The study allowed to define that for this alloy type the best results are obtain using a cut-off temperature similar to the metal solid temperature, employing the bilinear material models without hardening or using kinematics hardening, and activating welding elements when thermal source is right over them, during both thermal and mechanic races.

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Research paper thumbnail of Incerteza na medição dos parâmetros geométricos do cordão de solda

Soldagem & Inspeção (Impresso), 2011

Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para estimar a incerteza associada à medição dos parâmetr... more Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para estimar a incerteza associada à medição dos parâmetros que definem a geometria do cordão de solda, especificamente da área do cordão, de forma a atender à exigência estabelecida pela norma NBR ISO/IEC 17025. A qualidade geométrica dos corpos de prova utilizados durante as medições foi ainda avaliada através da medição dos desvios geométricos de planeza e de perpendicularidade. As seguintes etapas foram propostas e realizadas: identificação dos parâmetros que definem a geometria do cordão de solda; identificação e estudo das variáveis que afetam a medição destes parâmetros; adoção do modelo matemático para estimativa da incerteza de cada parâmetro; planejamento e execução dos experimentos para o levantamento dos dados, cálculo da incerteza e, finalmente, análise e discussão dos resultados. Através da análise dos resultados foi possível concluir que as incertezas provenientes da calibração do sistema de medição e relativa ao desvio de perpe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Incertidumbre de la medición de masa en la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue

Soldagem & Inspeção, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinación de la Incertidumbre de Medición de Masa Durante la Evaluación de Processos de Recargue

Soldagem & inspeção

Este trabajo presenta la evaluación de la incertidumbre de las mediciones realizadas para la dete... more Este trabajo presenta la evaluación de la incertidumbre de las mediciones realizadas para la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue, dando énfasis a la medición de masa. Para ello fueron realizados tres depósitos a tres niveles de corriente (120 A, 145 A y 160 A, respectivamente), registrándose el tiempo de soldadura, la longitud del cordón, así como la masa inicial y final de las probetas y de los electrodos. A partir de los datos anteriores fueron determinados los parámetros de consumo. Fue calculada la incertidumbre asociada a la masa de las probetas, a la masa consumida del electrodo, a la masa depositada y a los parámetros de consumo. Al finalizar el trabajo se comprobó que el rendimiento del depósito muestra un comportamiento decreciente con la corriente, siendo el mejor resultado de (74,12) % para una corriente de soldadura de 120 A. Los valores de incertidumbre expandida para el rendimiento varían entre 1,47 % y 2,41 %, para la tasa de consumo f...

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