Edwirde Silva - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Edwirde Silva
Research, Society and Development
Introdução: A depressão, transtorno que atinge duas vezes mais o sexo feminino, mostra-se como um... more Introdução: A depressão, transtorno que atinge duas vezes mais o sexo feminino, mostra-se como uma questão preocupante no Brasil que atravessa o contexto social e o papel atribuído a mulher. Objetivos: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo que objetivou analisar o perfil de mortalidade de mulheres no Brasil em decorrência de um quadro depressivo. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma busca no sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e foi analisado segundo as categorias de classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10): transtorno depressivo recorrente e episódios depressivos (F33 e F32), examinando os dados a partir de gênero, raça, envelhecimento e estado civil. Resultados: Obteve-se o registro de 2.892 mortes entre o período de 2015 a 2019, onde cerca de 60% são mulheres. Entre as mulheres, as mais afetadas são as idosas, mulheres não brancas (pardas e negras) e mulheres viúvas e solteiras, as casadas possuem valores significativos, mas não maiores. Conclusões: Evidenciou-se uma divers...
INTRODUCTION: The extra-pulmonary form of tuberculosis is the one in which there is a compromisin... more INTRODUCTION: The extra-pulmonary form of tuberculosis is the one in which there is a compromising of other organs different from the lung.OBJECTIVE: To identify the profile of the cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis notified in the municipality of Campina Grande (PB), Brazil, from 2001 to 2010.METHOD: It is a retrospective, transversal study with quantitative approach. The data were submitted to the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies, incidences and application of χ2 test for association.RESULTS: The average incidence was of 5.3/100,000 inhabitants. The profile evidenced male (52,8%), age between 20 and 39 years old (48.4%), white race (44.4%) and with incomplete high school (39,3%), there was a strong association between indication to the Supervised Treatment and the variables schooling, accomplishment anti-VIH and presence of AIDS, the pleural and ganglionic peripheral attack the most prevalent among the cases.CONCLUSION: To know the profile and the clinical-epide...
Introducao : Mortalidade infantil e uma terminologia utilizada para designar todos os obitos de c... more Introducao : Mortalidade infantil e uma terminologia utilizada para designar todos os obitos de criancas menores de um ano ocorridos em determinada area em um dado periodo de tempo. Objetivo : Investigar o comportamento da mortalidade infantil no Estado da Paraiba no periodo de 2000 a 2012. Metodos: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos a partir de todos os registros de obitos em menores de 1 ano ocorridos na Paraiba nos anos de 2000 a 2012 notificados no Sistema de Informacoes de Mortalidade. Realizaram-se calculos de frequencia, bem como o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil para cada ano investigado. Tambem foi analisada uma reta de regressao linear (R) com fim de monitorizar o comportamento da mortalidade infantil na Paraiba e verificar a possivel tendencia em anos posteriores. Resultados : Os dados da pesquisa mostram uma queda brusca da mortalidade infantil na Paraiba, entre os anos 2000 e 2001 (32,17 para 21,22), seguid...
A estatistica multivariada tem sido utilizada em estudos de divergencias dentro de especies veget... more A estatistica multivariada tem sido utilizada em estudos de divergencias dentro de especies vegetais. A analise da similaridade ou dissimilaridade entre objetos e uma ferramenta importante no estudo das populacoes. Este trabalho visa apresentar os principais coeficientes de similaridade e dissimilaridade, bem como suas propriedades e a importância dos axiomas para o complemento da similaridade e para os metodos em analise de agrupamento. Foram avaliadas as alteracoes provocadas por cinco diferentes coeficientes de similaridade no agrupamento de 11 parcelas e 17 especies. Foram testados os coeficientes de Jaccard, Sorensen-Dice, Concordância simples, Russel e Rao e Rogers e Tanimoto sendo as comparacoes entre eles realizadas pelas correlacoes cofeneticas, Rand, Rand ajustado e estresse entre as distâncias obtidas pelo complemento destes coeficientes, e tambem pela avaliacao dos dendrogramas (inspecao visual), eficiencia da projecao no espaco bidimensional e grupos formados pelo metod...
Revista Cereus, 2015
O uso abusivo de substâncias não prescritas por profissionais de saúde, acidentes com animais peç... more O uso abusivo de substâncias não prescritas por profissionais de saúde, acidentes com animais peçonhentos e não peçonhentos, além do consumo ilegal de drogas caracterizam os principais motivos de intoxicações graves e possíveis óbitos. Esse artigo propôs a traçar o perfil epidemiológico das intoxicações notificadas no Estado da Paraíba, de 2009 a 2013. Foram utilizadas as fichas do Sinan dos dois únicos Centros de Controle de Intoxicação da Paraiba, localizados em João Pessoa (Ceatox-JP) e Campina Grande (Ceatox-CG). Foi observado que a população estudada é tipicamente feminina (56,14%), urbana (87%), na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos (20,1%) e de escolaridade intermediária, com 38,5% não tendo concluído o ensino fundamental. A circunstância mais
Revista Laborativa, Oct 19, 2021
1 2 Analise de agrupamento hierarquico e um metodo estatistico multivariado de classificacao auto... more 1 2 Analise de agrupamento hierarquico e um metodo estatistico multivariado de classificacao automatica dos dados. Usando a distância euclidiana formada pelas distâncias de 20 principais cidades paraibanas, e o metodo de agrupamento utilizado foi vizinho mais proximo revelou que determinadas distâncias entre estas cidades em quilometros foram similares em relacao as distâncias entre elas, ou seja, as cidades que apresentaram semelhantes distâncias entre as demais foram agrupadas. O resultado final do procedimento de agrupamento foi o dendrograma que revelou tres grupos de cidades paraibanas e tambem mostrou que algumas cidades nao foram similares com estes tres grupos. Assim, a principal diferenca de comprimento foi detectada na juncao dos grupos. Na etapa de validacao, para verificar se os grupos de municipios observados no dendrograma sao significativos, ou seja, se a solucao e representativa para o conjunto de distância das cidades analisadas. O valor da correlacao cofenetica foi...
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2014
Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge ... more Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge is to find effective solutions that facilitate adherence to the treatment. Objective: Describe the distribution of the adhesion markers scores to treat tuberculosis, related to aspects of programmatic vulnerability. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which included 39 patients with tuberculosis, developed in the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil. Data were collected in March 2015, through a structured interview with an instrument containing 32 adherence markers, applied in the reference clinic for tuberculosis or in the patient’s residence. A descriptive analysis was performed using 12 markers expressing programmatic vulnerability elements, divided into two areas: structure and dynamic aspects of health services organization, and implementation of actions. Results: It was observed similar patterns of scores distribution in the two axes of analysi...
Este artigo analisa a visao do professorado do quadro permanente e temporario do ensino medio da ... more Este artigo analisa a visao do professorado do quadro permanente e temporario do ensino medio da rede estadual da Paraiba sobre a qualidade da educacao publica. Aplicamos um questionario junto a uma amostra de 145 professores de matematica, fisica e quimica da 3a, 4a e 5a regioes de ensino. Utilizamos a estatistica descritiva e nao parametrica para analise dos dados. Observamos uma maior valorizacao dos aspectos positivos da educacao publica, por parte do quadro temporario, principalmente os vinculados a gestao educacional. Discutimos o lugar ocupado por esses diferentes quadros, considerando seus perfis sociais e as implicacoes para a melhoria da educacao.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology, 2016
Abstract Objectives To study the role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in oral squamous... more Abstract Objectives To study the role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), protein expression, gene amplification, and mutations were analyzed in OSCC as well as leukoplakia. Immunoreactivity of Ki-67 and K- Ras gene mutations were simultaneously evaluated. Material and methods Eighty-two OSCC and 10 leukoplakia specimens were immunohistochemically examined with antibodies against EGFR and Ki-67. Amplification of EGFR was evaluated by chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH). In 14 OSCC samples, EGFR exons 19, 21 and K- Ras exon 2 were analyzed by direct DNA sequencing. Results Immunohistochemical reactivity for EGFR and Ki-67 was detected in epithelial cells of leukoplakia and in carcinoma cells of OSCC. EGFR and Ki-67 immunoreactivity was significantly higher in OSCC than in leukoplakia. Leukoplakia showed no EGFR amplification, whereas OSCC exhibited low-level amplification in 19 cases and high-level amplification in 3 cases, respectively. OSCC cases with EGFR amplification showed slightly higher EGFR and Ki-67 immunoreactivity than those without amplification. In OSCC, EGFR immunoreactivity significantly correlated with the mode of invasion, invasion depth, as well as EGFR amplification significantly correlated with the degree of differentiation, mode of invasion, recurrence, and postoperative metastasis. Direct DNA sequencing of EGFR and K- Ras did not show any gene alterations in OSCC. Conclusion EGFR aberrations might contribute to carcinogenesis, invasion, metastasis as well as poor outcomes in OSCC. EGFR-targeting therapy with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody agents may be beneficial in OSCC patients.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2016
Introduction: Due to its frequency and morbidity, such as that caused by scorpions have achieved ... more Introduction: Due to its frequency and morbidity, such as that caused by scorpions have achieved public health importance in certain regions of the world. The present exploratory ecological study aimed to characterize the epidemiological profi le and spatial distribution of scorpion stings in Campina Grande, State of Paraíba in Northeastern Brazil. Methods: Geographical information system techniques were used to record the scorpion stings, and Google Earth software, Track Maker, and ArcGIS 10 Esri were used as geocoding databases. The Moran test was used to evaluate spatial correlation, and the Pearson chi-square test was used to analyze associations between scorpion stings and socioeconomic variables. Results: The study evaluated 1,466 scorpion stings. Envenomations were more frequent among women (n = 908, 61.9%), and most patients were aged 13-28 years (n = 428, 29.2%). The Southern region of the city had the largest number of registered cases (n = 548, 37.4%), followed by the Western region (n = 510, 34.8%). Conclusions: Spatial analysis of scorpionism revealed an irregular occurrence in Campina Grande. Further, no association was observed between the socioeconomic factors analyzed and the geographic location of the scorpion envenomations. Detection of spatial areas with an increased risk of scorpionism can help prioritize adoption of preventive measures in these regions to reduce the associated incidence and morbidity.
Matematica E Estatistica Em Foco, Nov 2, 2013
Matematica E Estatistica Em Foco, Oct 27, 2013
Revista Da Estatistica Da Universidade Federal De Ouro Preto, 2012
Proceedings of the 9th Wseas International Conference on Automatic Control Modelling and Simulation, 2007
This paper proposes an artificial neural network RBF to classification using feature descriptors.... more This paper proposes an artificial neural network RBF to classification using feature descriptors. The theoretical and practical aspects of theory F distributions with different degrees of freedom introduced. The distribution F densities are similar in shape, making it difficult to identify the differences between the two densities. This paper is concerned with separating these same probability densities with different degrees of freedom using feature descriptors, identified by pruning a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network using pivoted QLP decomposition generated for densities function, and its validity were evaluated by the rate of correct classification. The QLP method proves efficient for reducing the network size by pruning hidden nodes, resulting is a parsimonious model which identifies four main features (namely kurtosis and skewness and mean). The classification model induced by the methodology show, in general, good results.
International Archives of Medicine, 2015
Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge ... more Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge is to find effective solutions that facilitate adherence to the treatment. Objective: Describe the distribution of the adhesion markers scores to treat tuberculosis, related to aspects of programmatic vulnerability. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which included 39 patients with tuberculosis, developed in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil. Data were collected in March 2015, through a structured interview with an instrument containing 32 adherence markers, applied in the reference clinic for tuberculosis or in the patient's residence. A descriptive analysis was performed using 12 markers expressing programmatic vulnerability elements, divided into two areas: structure and dynamic aspects of health services organization, and implementation of actions. Results: It was observed similar patterns of scores distribution in the two axes of analysis, with higher medians and larger variations to score 3. The markers that showed more score 1, implying in a low adherence potential, were 'patient's residence visit', 'time for diagnosis' and 'treatment difficulty relative to the public health system'. The more positive contribution on the potential accession was the bond markers. Conclusion: The distribution of scores pattern shows to be related to the centralized attention model to tuberculosis adopted by the municipality, and suggests the interconnection of the markers.
Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, Jan 4, 2015
immunocompetent man presented with a 2-day history of painless central vision loss in his right e... more immunocompetent man presented with a 2-day history of painless central vision loss in his right eye. Immunocompetency was ascertained by his general physician. Chickenpox, confirmed by VZV immunoglobulin M (IgM) titres, had started 5 days prior. He claimed to have had chickenpox as a child, and VZV immunoglobulin G was also detected. Unaided visual acuity (VA) was 6/18, improving to 6/6 with pinhole OD, and 6/6 OS. Color vision and pupillary reflexes were normal in both eyes. On general examination, he had characteristic ‘pox-like’ skin lesions, and on ocular examination he had blurred disc margins with submacular fluid in the right eye, but no other signs of intraocular inflammation, ARN, PORN or vasculitis. The left eye was unremarkable. Submacular fluid was confirmed on optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography (FA; Fig. 1). A choroidal neovascularization was excluded on FA, which showed several areas of late pinpoint leakage infero-temporal to the disc and pooling in the area of the submacular fluid (Fig. 1). After the exclusion of other common causes of unilateral neuroretinitis such as syphilis and Bartonella infections, a diagnosis of unilateral neuroretinitis secondary to VZV was made. As there was no evidence of intraocular inflammation or retinitis and the patient’s general physician did not recommend systemic treatment for his chickenpox either, we chose to observe this patient. A month later, the vision had gradually improved as the subretinal fluid resolved without any notable lipid exudation. At the same time, a large nerve fibre layer (NFL) haemorrhage involving the disc margin appeared in the area of late pinpoint leakage present on FA at baseline (Fig. 1g–i). Six months later, the NFL haemorrhage resolved leaving an atrophic chorioretinal patch (Fig. 1j–l), and VA in the right eye improved to 6/6 unaided. Despite the dramatic initial appearance, the patient recovered with minimal loss of NFL over 6 months without any signs of intraocular inflammation. As (secondary) chickenpox is very rare in adults, the occurrence of an associated neuroretinitis is even rarer and is suspected to be from haematogenous spread. In cases like this, a natural course with a good prognosis may occur in the immunocompetent and if other ocular inflammation is absent. In this, it may resemble cat-scratch neuroretinitis which has a good prognosis even if untreated.
International Archives of Medicine, 2015
Research, Society and Development
Introdução: A depressão, transtorno que atinge duas vezes mais o sexo feminino, mostra-se como um... more Introdução: A depressão, transtorno que atinge duas vezes mais o sexo feminino, mostra-se como uma questão preocupante no Brasil que atravessa o contexto social e o papel atribuído a mulher. Objetivos: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo que objetivou analisar o perfil de mortalidade de mulheres no Brasil em decorrência de um quadro depressivo. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma busca no sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e foi analisado segundo as categorias de classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10): transtorno depressivo recorrente e episódios depressivos (F33 e F32), examinando os dados a partir de gênero, raça, envelhecimento e estado civil. Resultados: Obteve-se o registro de 2.892 mortes entre o período de 2015 a 2019, onde cerca de 60% são mulheres. Entre as mulheres, as mais afetadas são as idosas, mulheres não brancas (pardas e negras) e mulheres viúvas e solteiras, as casadas possuem valores significativos, mas não maiores. Conclusões: Evidenciou-se uma divers...
INTRODUCTION: The extra-pulmonary form of tuberculosis is the one in which there is a compromisin... more INTRODUCTION: The extra-pulmonary form of tuberculosis is the one in which there is a compromising of other organs different from the lung.OBJECTIVE: To identify the profile of the cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis notified in the municipality of Campina Grande (PB), Brazil, from 2001 to 2010.METHOD: It is a retrospective, transversal study with quantitative approach. The data were submitted to the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies, incidences and application of χ2 test for association.RESULTS: The average incidence was of 5.3/100,000 inhabitants. The profile evidenced male (52,8%), age between 20 and 39 years old (48.4%), white race (44.4%) and with incomplete high school (39,3%), there was a strong association between indication to the Supervised Treatment and the variables schooling, accomplishment anti-VIH and presence of AIDS, the pleural and ganglionic peripheral attack the most prevalent among the cases.CONCLUSION: To know the profile and the clinical-epide...
Introducao : Mortalidade infantil e uma terminologia utilizada para designar todos os obitos de c... more Introducao : Mortalidade infantil e uma terminologia utilizada para designar todos os obitos de criancas menores de um ano ocorridos em determinada area em um dado periodo de tempo. Objetivo : Investigar o comportamento da mortalidade infantil no Estado da Paraiba no periodo de 2000 a 2012. Metodos: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos a partir de todos os registros de obitos em menores de 1 ano ocorridos na Paraiba nos anos de 2000 a 2012 notificados no Sistema de Informacoes de Mortalidade. Realizaram-se calculos de frequencia, bem como o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil para cada ano investigado. Tambem foi analisada uma reta de regressao linear (R) com fim de monitorizar o comportamento da mortalidade infantil na Paraiba e verificar a possivel tendencia em anos posteriores. Resultados : Os dados da pesquisa mostram uma queda brusca da mortalidade infantil na Paraiba, entre os anos 2000 e 2001 (32,17 para 21,22), seguid...
A estatistica multivariada tem sido utilizada em estudos de divergencias dentro de especies veget... more A estatistica multivariada tem sido utilizada em estudos de divergencias dentro de especies vegetais. A analise da similaridade ou dissimilaridade entre objetos e uma ferramenta importante no estudo das populacoes. Este trabalho visa apresentar os principais coeficientes de similaridade e dissimilaridade, bem como suas propriedades e a importância dos axiomas para o complemento da similaridade e para os metodos em analise de agrupamento. Foram avaliadas as alteracoes provocadas por cinco diferentes coeficientes de similaridade no agrupamento de 11 parcelas e 17 especies. Foram testados os coeficientes de Jaccard, Sorensen-Dice, Concordância simples, Russel e Rao e Rogers e Tanimoto sendo as comparacoes entre eles realizadas pelas correlacoes cofeneticas, Rand, Rand ajustado e estresse entre as distâncias obtidas pelo complemento destes coeficientes, e tambem pela avaliacao dos dendrogramas (inspecao visual), eficiencia da projecao no espaco bidimensional e grupos formados pelo metod...
Revista Cereus, 2015
O uso abusivo de substâncias não prescritas por profissionais de saúde, acidentes com animais peç... more O uso abusivo de substâncias não prescritas por profissionais de saúde, acidentes com animais peçonhentos e não peçonhentos, além do consumo ilegal de drogas caracterizam os principais motivos de intoxicações graves e possíveis óbitos. Esse artigo propôs a traçar o perfil epidemiológico das intoxicações notificadas no Estado da Paraíba, de 2009 a 2013. Foram utilizadas as fichas do Sinan dos dois únicos Centros de Controle de Intoxicação da Paraiba, localizados em João Pessoa (Ceatox-JP) e Campina Grande (Ceatox-CG). Foi observado que a população estudada é tipicamente feminina (56,14%), urbana (87%), na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos (20,1%) e de escolaridade intermediária, com 38,5% não tendo concluído o ensino fundamental. A circunstância mais
Revista Laborativa, Oct 19, 2021
1 2 Analise de agrupamento hierarquico e um metodo estatistico multivariado de classificacao auto... more 1 2 Analise de agrupamento hierarquico e um metodo estatistico multivariado de classificacao automatica dos dados. Usando a distância euclidiana formada pelas distâncias de 20 principais cidades paraibanas, e o metodo de agrupamento utilizado foi vizinho mais proximo revelou que determinadas distâncias entre estas cidades em quilometros foram similares em relacao as distâncias entre elas, ou seja, as cidades que apresentaram semelhantes distâncias entre as demais foram agrupadas. O resultado final do procedimento de agrupamento foi o dendrograma que revelou tres grupos de cidades paraibanas e tambem mostrou que algumas cidades nao foram similares com estes tres grupos. Assim, a principal diferenca de comprimento foi detectada na juncao dos grupos. Na etapa de validacao, para verificar se os grupos de municipios observados no dendrograma sao significativos, ou seja, se a solucao e representativa para o conjunto de distância das cidades analisadas. O valor da correlacao cofenetica foi...
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2014
Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge ... more Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge is to find effective solutions that facilitate adherence to the treatment. Objective: Describe the distribution of the adhesion markers scores to treat tuberculosis, related to aspects of programmatic vulnerability. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which included 39 patients with tuberculosis, developed in the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil. Data were collected in March 2015, through a structured interview with an instrument containing 32 adherence markers, applied in the reference clinic for tuberculosis or in the patient’s residence. A descriptive analysis was performed using 12 markers expressing programmatic vulnerability elements, divided into two areas: structure and dynamic aspects of health services organization, and implementation of actions. Results: It was observed similar patterns of scores distribution in the two axes of analysi...
Este artigo analisa a visao do professorado do quadro permanente e temporario do ensino medio da ... more Este artigo analisa a visao do professorado do quadro permanente e temporario do ensino medio da rede estadual da Paraiba sobre a qualidade da educacao publica. Aplicamos um questionario junto a uma amostra de 145 professores de matematica, fisica e quimica da 3a, 4a e 5a regioes de ensino. Utilizamos a estatistica descritiva e nao parametrica para analise dos dados. Observamos uma maior valorizacao dos aspectos positivos da educacao publica, por parte do quadro temporario, principalmente os vinculados a gestao educacional. Discutimos o lugar ocupado por esses diferentes quadros, considerando seus perfis sociais e as implicacoes para a melhoria da educacao.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology, 2016
Abstract Objectives To study the role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in oral squamous... more Abstract Objectives To study the role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), protein expression, gene amplification, and mutations were analyzed in OSCC as well as leukoplakia. Immunoreactivity of Ki-67 and K- Ras gene mutations were simultaneously evaluated. Material and methods Eighty-two OSCC and 10 leukoplakia specimens were immunohistochemically examined with antibodies against EGFR and Ki-67. Amplification of EGFR was evaluated by chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH). In 14 OSCC samples, EGFR exons 19, 21 and K- Ras exon 2 were analyzed by direct DNA sequencing. Results Immunohistochemical reactivity for EGFR and Ki-67 was detected in epithelial cells of leukoplakia and in carcinoma cells of OSCC. EGFR and Ki-67 immunoreactivity was significantly higher in OSCC than in leukoplakia. Leukoplakia showed no EGFR amplification, whereas OSCC exhibited low-level amplification in 19 cases and high-level amplification in 3 cases, respectively. OSCC cases with EGFR amplification showed slightly higher EGFR and Ki-67 immunoreactivity than those without amplification. In OSCC, EGFR immunoreactivity significantly correlated with the mode of invasion, invasion depth, as well as EGFR amplification significantly correlated with the degree of differentiation, mode of invasion, recurrence, and postoperative metastasis. Direct DNA sequencing of EGFR and K- Ras did not show any gene alterations in OSCC. Conclusion EGFR aberrations might contribute to carcinogenesis, invasion, metastasis as well as poor outcomes in OSCC. EGFR-targeting therapy with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody agents may be beneficial in OSCC patients.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2016
Introduction: Due to its frequency and morbidity, such as that caused by scorpions have achieved ... more Introduction: Due to its frequency and morbidity, such as that caused by scorpions have achieved public health importance in certain regions of the world. The present exploratory ecological study aimed to characterize the epidemiological profi le and spatial distribution of scorpion stings in Campina Grande, State of Paraíba in Northeastern Brazil. Methods: Geographical information system techniques were used to record the scorpion stings, and Google Earth software, Track Maker, and ArcGIS 10 Esri were used as geocoding databases. The Moran test was used to evaluate spatial correlation, and the Pearson chi-square test was used to analyze associations between scorpion stings and socioeconomic variables. Results: The study evaluated 1,466 scorpion stings. Envenomations were more frequent among women (n = 908, 61.9%), and most patients were aged 13-28 years (n = 428, 29.2%). The Southern region of the city had the largest number of registered cases (n = 548, 37.4%), followed by the Western region (n = 510, 34.8%). Conclusions: Spatial analysis of scorpionism revealed an irregular occurrence in Campina Grande. Further, no association was observed between the socioeconomic factors analyzed and the geographic location of the scorpion envenomations. Detection of spatial areas with an increased risk of scorpionism can help prioritize adoption of preventive measures in these regions to reduce the associated incidence and morbidity.
Matematica E Estatistica Em Foco, Nov 2, 2013
Matematica E Estatistica Em Foco, Oct 27, 2013
Revista Da Estatistica Da Universidade Federal De Ouro Preto, 2012
Proceedings of the 9th Wseas International Conference on Automatic Control Modelling and Simulation, 2007
This paper proposes an artificial neural network RBF to classification using feature descriptors.... more This paper proposes an artificial neural network RBF to classification using feature descriptors. The theoretical and practical aspects of theory F distributions with different degrees of freedom introduced. The distribution F densities are similar in shape, making it difficult to identify the differences between the two densities. This paper is concerned with separating these same probability densities with different degrees of freedom using feature descriptors, identified by pruning a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network using pivoted QLP decomposition generated for densities function, and its validity were evaluated by the rate of correct classification. The QLP method proves efficient for reducing the network size by pruning hidden nodes, resulting is a parsimonious model which identifies four main features (namely kurtosis and skewness and mean). The classification model induced by the methodology show, in general, good results.
International Archives of Medicine, 2015
Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge ... more Introduction: Tuberculosis remains as a serious public health problem, and the current challenge is to find effective solutions that facilitate adherence to the treatment. Objective: Describe the distribution of the adhesion markers scores to treat tuberculosis, related to aspects of programmatic vulnerability. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which included 39 patients with tuberculosis, developed in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil. Data were collected in March 2015, through a structured interview with an instrument containing 32 adherence markers, applied in the reference clinic for tuberculosis or in the patient's residence. A descriptive analysis was performed using 12 markers expressing programmatic vulnerability elements, divided into two areas: structure and dynamic aspects of health services organization, and implementation of actions. Results: It was observed similar patterns of scores distribution in the two axes of analysis, with higher medians and larger variations to score 3. The markers that showed more score 1, implying in a low adherence potential, were 'patient's residence visit', 'time for diagnosis' and 'treatment difficulty relative to the public health system'. The more positive contribution on the potential accession was the bond markers. Conclusion: The distribution of scores pattern shows to be related to the centralized attention model to tuberculosis adopted by the municipality, and suggests the interconnection of the markers.
Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, Jan 4, 2015
immunocompetent man presented with a 2-day history of painless central vision loss in his right e... more immunocompetent man presented with a 2-day history of painless central vision loss in his right eye. Immunocompetency was ascertained by his general physician. Chickenpox, confirmed by VZV immunoglobulin M (IgM) titres, had started 5 days prior. He claimed to have had chickenpox as a child, and VZV immunoglobulin G was also detected. Unaided visual acuity (VA) was 6/18, improving to 6/6 with pinhole OD, and 6/6 OS. Color vision and pupillary reflexes were normal in both eyes. On general examination, he had characteristic ‘pox-like’ skin lesions, and on ocular examination he had blurred disc margins with submacular fluid in the right eye, but no other signs of intraocular inflammation, ARN, PORN or vasculitis. The left eye was unremarkable. Submacular fluid was confirmed on optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography (FA; Fig. 1). A choroidal neovascularization was excluded on FA, which showed several areas of late pinpoint leakage infero-temporal to the disc and pooling in the area of the submacular fluid (Fig. 1). After the exclusion of other common causes of unilateral neuroretinitis such as syphilis and Bartonella infections, a diagnosis of unilateral neuroretinitis secondary to VZV was made. As there was no evidence of intraocular inflammation or retinitis and the patient’s general physician did not recommend systemic treatment for his chickenpox either, we chose to observe this patient. A month later, the vision had gradually improved as the subretinal fluid resolved without any notable lipid exudation. At the same time, a large nerve fibre layer (NFL) haemorrhage involving the disc margin appeared in the area of late pinpoint leakage present on FA at baseline (Fig. 1g–i). Six months later, the NFL haemorrhage resolved leaving an atrophic chorioretinal patch (Fig. 1j–l), and VA in the right eye improved to 6/6 unaided. Despite the dramatic initial appearance, the patient recovered with minimal loss of NFL over 6 months without any signs of intraocular inflammation. As (secondary) chickenpox is very rare in adults, the occurrence of an associated neuroretinitis is even rarer and is suspected to be from haematogenous spread. In cases like this, a natural course with a good prognosis may occur in the immunocompetent and if other ocular inflammation is absent. In this, it may resemble cat-scratch neuroretinitis which has a good prognosis even if untreated.
International Archives of Medicine, 2015