Edy Setyawan - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Edy Setyawan
Mahkamah, Nov 8, 2021
The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concernin... more The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Friday Prayers and Jama'ah to prevent the transmission of the Covid 19 pandemic. In that case, every fatwa must be an opinion that has a strong argument and brings benefits to the people. The basic basis used as guidance in producing fatwas is the Koran, hadith, ijma', qiyas and other legal arguments. However, there is a problem in the fatwa, namely how to practice and practice al-ahkam in the fatwa. This paper explains the istinbathul ahkam analysis of the MUI fatwa above and what the implications of that fatwa are. This research is qualitative with the descriptive analysis method. This paper is the result of literature research.
Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural,... more Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural, and economic significance for the country. When tourism is well planned, it should be able to provide benefits to the community at a destination. Cirebon as a tourist city will face problems related to the development of the hotel business, in addition to the renovation of heritage sites or in the form of cultural heritage, and lack funds for infrastructure. On the other hand, the desire of tourists require the attention of the meeting the needs of businesses related to the completeness of the hotel, Cirebon also rich in tourism potential has not been a top choice for foreign tourists to visit tourist destinations. Research on the development of shariah in Cirebon tour is focused on two areas, namely tourist destinations in Cirebon and Cirebon. This study used a qualitative approach with the sample as snowball sampling technique. Informants were selected based on a number of research subjects to data collected tourist considered representative. Collecting data using in-depth interview techniques, exploration of events, news, and information from print and electronic media about in Cirebon, also data from relevant institutions related to tourism management policy. Then the data will be analyzed by processing the results of primary data by testing or examination of the degree of confidence of the data based on the technique of triangulation or checks through other sources, then formulated research conclusions. This study found that: Cirebon as a growing heritage tourism as the tourism industry. Tourism shari'ah is a form of development activity with a unique tour Cirebon as ne of the area for tourists who visit emphasizes excellent service to tourists in accordance with the provisions of shari'ah; shari'ah tourism development aims to increase economic activity in Cirebon with an integrated and holistic management with consideration destination attractiveness, transportation or accessibility aspects, aspects of the main and supporting facilities, and institutional aspects; tourist destinations in Cirebon still be an alternative destination or reapeter which is inversely proportional to Cirebon complete tourist treasures in the form of historical and cultural tourism, religious tourism, culinary tourism, and nature; and Cirebon as a tourist destination requires structuring local business centers as a form of creative economy that can improve the welfare of the community, the arrangement of the inn or hotel, and the arrangement of the area attractions are supported by an effective tourism marketing strategy, so as to promote Cirebon as a world tourist destination.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
This research aims to identify the impact of the change in legal policy on the protection of huma... more This research aims to identify the impact of the change in legal policy on the protection of human rights and gender equality. This research analyzes the relationship between the aspects influencing legal changes regarding the legal age of marriage in Indonesia from a gender perspective and the SDGs. This study employed a qualitative approach that is based on library research to identify the impact of changes in legal policy. This study also used a juridical approach to capture an overview of Indonesian family law policies as stipulated in the Law Number 16 of 2019 with maslahah theory and Philipus M. Hadjon’s theory of legal protection as the analytical framework. The research results: First, it was found that the issue of the minimum legal age of marriage is part of the legal discovery area, which resulted in the emergence of Law Number 16 of 2019. Second, the gender movement in Indonesia has played a significant role in changing the paradigm of family law towards a more progressi...
Sebagai salah satu segmen dengan pertumbuhan tercepat baik di sektor teknologi maupun keuangan, T... more Sebagai salah satu segmen dengan pertumbuhan tercepat baik di sektor teknologi maupun keuangan, Teknologi Finansial (Fintech) telah merevolusi dunia keuangan. Fintech menyatukan komunitas keuangan dan membuat layanan keuangan tersedia untuk semua orang dengan memanfaatkan prinsip-prinsip dasar teknologi Blockchain. Fintech memiliki implikasi luas untuk keuangan Islam, yang meliputi perbankan, investasi, asuransi (takaful), dan manajemen kekayaan. Buku ini memberikan pemeriksaan mendalam tentang bagaimana Fintech membentuk industri keuangan Islam di tiga bidang utama: digitalisasi, pengembangan, dan disrupsi. Buku ini akan memberikan informasi tentang Shariahtech (Fintech yang menganut prinsip Syariah) dan penerapannya di industri keuangan syariah. Buku ini juga memberikan ikhtisar tentang evolusi Blockchain dan Fintech, serta bagaimana mereka berfungsi sebagai dasar lanskap keuangan digital. Pembaca buku ini juga akan mendapatkan pemahaman menyeluruh tentang perspektif Islam tentang...
Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural,... more Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural, and economic significance for the country. When tourism is well planned, it should be able to provide benefits to the community at a destination. Cirebon as a tourist city will face problems related to the development of the hotel business, in addition to the renovation of heritage sites or in the form of cultural heritage, and lack funds for infrastructure. On the other hand, the desire of tourists require the attention of the meeting the needs of businesses related to the completeness of the hotel, Cirebon also rich in tourism potential has not been a top choice for foreign tourists to visit tourist destinations. Research on the development of shariah in Cirebon tour is focused on two areas, namely tourist destinations in Cirebon and Cirebon. This study used a qualitative approach with the sample as snowball sampling technique. Informants were selected based on a number of research subjects to data collected tourist considered representative. Collecting data using in-depth interview techniques, exploration of events, news, and information from print and electronic media about in Cirebon, also data from relevant institutions related to tourism management policy. Then the data will be analyzed by processing the results of primary data by testing or examination of the degree of confidence of the data based on the technique of triangulation or checks through other sources, then formulated research conclusions. This study found that: Cirebon as a growing heritage tourism as the tourism industry. Tourism shari'ah is a form of development activity with a unique tour Cirebon as ne of the area for tourists who visit emphasizes excellent service to tourists in accordance with the provisions of shari'ah; shari'ah tourism development aims to increase economic activity in Cirebon with an integrated and holistic management with consideration destination attractiveness, transportation or accessibility aspects, aspects of the main and supporting facilities, and institutional aspects; tourist destinations in Cirebon still be an alternative destination or reapeter which is inversely proportional to Cirebon complete tourist treasures in the form of historical and cultural tourism, religious tourism, culinary tourism, and nature; and Cirebon as a tourist destination requires structuring local business centers as a form of creative economy that can improve the welfare of the community, the arrangement of the inn or hotel, and the arrangement of the area attractions are supported by an effective tourism marketing strategy, so as to promote Cirebon as a world tourist destination.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2021
The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concernin... more The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Friday Prayers and Jama'ah to prevent the transmission of the Covid 19 pandemic. In that case, every fatwa must be an opinion that has a strong argument and brings benefits to the people. The basic basis used as guidance in producing fatwas is the Koran, hadith, ijma', qiyas and other legal arguments. However, there is a problem in the fatwa, namely how to practice and practice al-ahkam in the fatwa. This paper explains the istinbathul ahkam analysis of the MUI fatwa above and what the implications of that fatwa are. This research is qualitative with the descriptive analysis method. This paper is the result of literature research.
Abstrak Zakat merupakan salah satu rukun Islam. Selain melakukan perintah Allah dengan berzakat k... more Abstrak Zakat merupakan salah satu rukun Islam. Selain melakukan perintah Allah dengan berzakat kita juga dapat membersihkan harta dari hak fakir miskin. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, berkembang pula objek zakat, yang mana salah satunya adalah zakat yang dikenakan pada surat berharga seperti saham dan obligasi. Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai cara pengenaan kewajiban zakat saham dan obligasi menurut Yusuf Qardhawi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ijtihad para ulama tentang zakat saham dan obligasi terutama ijtihad Yusuf Qardhawi sebagai salah seorang ulama yang ahli dalam hukum Islam. Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan (library research), sehingga kajian difokuskan pada bahan-bahan kepustakaan dengan cara menelurusi dan menelaah literatur-literatur yang berhubungan dengan judul skripsi ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa para ulama menyatakan, saham dan obligasi diambil zakatnya apabila telah mencap...
The difference perspectives about endowment among fuqaha is closely related to the respective con... more The difference perspectives about endowment among fuqaha is closely related to the respective concept of property (mal). The difference is about property in terms of what can be used as endowments. Do the waqf objects do not move, or move. Then can the objects moves such as money be a property that can be endowments. What is the formulation of the problem are What is meant by money waqf according to Sayyid Sabiq and Law No. 41 of 2004? Why is there a difference between the money waqf law of Sayyid Sabiq and Law No. 41 of 2004? What is the relevance of money waqf in Indonesia by using the rupiah currenlcny? This thesis research is library research. The method used is a qualitative method with a normative - juridical approach. The goals to be achieved with qualitative analysis are to explain a situation, or to analyze the validity of money waqf according to Law No. 41 of 2004 and the invalidity of money endowments according to the views of Sayyid Sabiq. In data analysis, the writer us...
Cirebon has an element of completeness in tourism management. Religious, heritage and tourism is ... more Cirebon has an element of completeness in tourism management. Religious, heritage and tourism is a combination of three industry from the perspective of economics that play a role in the development of tourism and has the potential to encourage people's creativity in the economic sector. With a qualitative approach, this study confirms the religious heritage and the creative economy tourism the icon for Cirebon in developing the tourism industry, including travel and religious culture as well as a variety of culinary and crafts.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
Kedudukan antara laki-laki dan wanita seharusnya bukan suatu hal yang biasa, bahkan perbedaan ant... more Kedudukan antara laki-laki dan wanita seharusnya bukan suatu hal yang biasa, bahkan perbedaan antara laki-laki dan wanita dalam pekerjaan sudah tidak dipermasalahkan lagi, sehingga wanita tidak dianggap lagi, sehingga wanita tidak dianggap lagi sebagai sosok yang bertugas mengurus anak, suami dan rumah tangga saja. Seirirng dengan perkembangannya zaman membuat masyarakat merubah cara pandangnya terhadap peran dan posisi kaum perempuan yang berada di tengah-tengah masyarakat, maka kaum laki-laki dan perempuan saat ini banyak yang berkarir dalam kehidupan modern banyak perempuan dapat bekerja dan berkarir dengan baik dalam sosial, kultural, ekonomi dan politik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menjadi rumusan masalah: "bagaimana dampak wanita berkarir bagi keluarga perspektif hukum Islam." Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, data yang dikumpulkan dengan cara observasi, interview (wawancara), dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini: banyak sekali faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita berkarir salah satunya yaitu karena ingin membantu dalam masalah prekonomian dan kewajiban. adapula dampak negatif dan positif wanita karir bagi keluarga salah satu dampak negatif yaitu kurangnya waktu istri bersama keluarga, dan kurang bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sekitar. Dampak positifnya membantu dalam prekonomian, dan menamba wawasan. Islam tidak melarang wanita untuk berkarir selama tidak menimbulkan ke madaratan namun Jika wanita berkarir dengan alasan untuk menimbun kekayaan sebanyak-banyaknya sehingga tidak memperhatikan hal-hal yang dilarang oleh syari"at maka jelas wanita berkarir itu diharamkan.
Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade
This article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held i... more This article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held in Cirebon, Indonésia. The city, known as the ‘City of Guardians’, is very popular with religious tourism destinations that are branded for tourism products. Events and festivals that are held on an ongoing basis can become tourist attractions, used as a marketing place, and a strategy to create an image of the destination, thus attracting tourists' visits. The methodology used is the document review approach and trend analysis to observe and analyze the various events and festivals held from 2015 to 2019 and the shariah marketing mix that they apply. This article concludes that the shariah marketing mix in promoting events and festivals from various existing tourism segments, such as religious and traditional tourism, arts and cultural tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, and local economic tourism, has demonstrated a new concept for marketing tourism products, which emphasizes...
Ocean & Coastal Management
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Artikel ini menegaskan bahwa aktivitas pariwisata termasuk sentra religi, budaya dan ekonomi krea... more Artikel ini menegaskan bahwa aktivitas pariwisata termasuk sentra religi, budaya dan ekonomi kreatif di Cirebon berkembang secara terpisah dari sisi kebijakan pemerintah daerah, pelaksanaan program-program, dan strategi pengembangan kawasan wisata baik di kota dan kabupaten Cirebon. Dengan pendekatan trendanalysis, artikel ini berpijak pada data yang dikumpulkan melalui hasil wawancara, eksplorasi terhadap peristiwa, berita, dan informasi dari media cetak dan media elektronik, serta dokumen dari institusi penyelenggara pariwisata di Cirebon. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa Cirebon memposisikan diri sebagai salah satu destinasi bagi pengembangan wisata halal yang menjadi sentra industri pariwisata di masa mendatang.
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Cash waqf still raises the debate in terms of its management, because its utilization is feared w... more Cash waqf still raises the debate in terms of its management, because its utilization is feared will not last longer. To make the cash waqf eternal, it is necessary to discover a new longterm management manner, one of which is investment. Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust Syariah has high potential on achieve maximum investment returns. The main issues that will be discussed in this paper is regarding the potential application of wakaf investment through Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust Syariah in Indonesia according to positive law. The author using qualitative method and descriptive method in analyzing the issues. The data collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust Syariah as an investment for cash waqf has been legalized both according to positive law and Syariah, the high economic value still accompanied by high risk threat. But, waqf Investment can be done through balancing the real asset value and manage it in productive way with combining direct investment and indirect investment.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
Pelaksanaan pengelolaan wakaf saat ini dilakukan dengan inovasi baru oleh nadzir untuk lebih berm... more Pelaksanaan pengelolaan wakaf saat ini dilakukan dengan inovasi baru oleh nadzir untuk lebih bermanfaat dan produktif. Salah satu pengelolaan wakaf yang demikian dilakukan oleh yayasan Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah di Desa Luwungragi. Nadzir wakafnya mencoba mengembangkan tanah wakaf sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan pondok pesantrennya untuk mencapai kesejahteraan pondok pesantren. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dimana sifat penelitiannya deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara (interview), dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitiannya pengelolaan wakaf di Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah menurut syariat Islam sudah sesuai dimana pada prinsip syariat harta wakaf tidak boleh dijual, diwariskan dan dihibahkan. Prinsip tersebut telah dilakukan pada Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah dan dikelola dengan baik. Pendayagunaan tanah wakafnya sudah dimanfaatkan dengan baik sesuai dengan ikrar wakaf dimana tanah wakafnya didayagunakan untuk sawah sehingga lebih produktif dan berkontribusi maksimal untuk pengembangan pesantren.
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
The landless farmer chooses to enter into a muzara"ah coorporation with the landowner according t... more The landless farmer chooses to enter into a muzara"ah coorporation with the landowner according to custom, without knowing whether the agreement is appropriate or not with sharia economic law. As practice in the Gebang Kulon village, the agreement there is a continuous deviation resulting in the cancellation. Seeing the problem, the writer feels the need to study more deeply based on the review of Sharia economic law. The method used in this research is to use qualitative by utilizing the descriptive approach of Sharia economic law. Technique of collecting date that is done observation, interview and documentation. From the research results obtained the agreement is done orally on the basis of hel and trust. The agreement is termed maro, where the landowner and the tiller agre the result will be devided into two with the provisions of the landowner hand over land and production capital such as paddy and other, seeds while the cultivators provide tools and manpower. According to the review of Sharia economic law, the muzara"ah is done based on the terms and conditions, so that if the conditions of muzara"ah are fulfilled then the agreement is valid.
Mahkamah, Nov 8, 2021
The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concernin... more The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Friday Prayers and Jama'ah to prevent the transmission of the Covid 19 pandemic. In that case, every fatwa must be an opinion that has a strong argument and brings benefits to the people. The basic basis used as guidance in producing fatwas is the Koran, hadith, ijma', qiyas and other legal arguments. However, there is a problem in the fatwa, namely how to practice and practice al-ahkam in the fatwa. This paper explains the istinbathul ahkam analysis of the MUI fatwa above and what the implications of that fatwa are. This research is qualitative with the descriptive analysis method. This paper is the result of literature research.
Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural,... more Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural, and economic significance for the country. When tourism is well planned, it should be able to provide benefits to the community at a destination. Cirebon as a tourist city will face problems related to the development of the hotel business, in addition to the renovation of heritage sites or in the form of cultural heritage, and lack funds for infrastructure. On the other hand, the desire of tourists require the attention of the meeting the needs of businesses related to the completeness of the hotel, Cirebon also rich in tourism potential has not been a top choice for foreign tourists to visit tourist destinations. Research on the development of shariah in Cirebon tour is focused on two areas, namely tourist destinations in Cirebon and Cirebon. This study used a qualitative approach with the sample as snowball sampling technique. Informants were selected based on a number of research subjects to data collected tourist considered representative. Collecting data using in-depth interview techniques, exploration of events, news, and information from print and electronic media about in Cirebon, also data from relevant institutions related to tourism management policy. Then the data will be analyzed by processing the results of primary data by testing or examination of the degree of confidence of the data based on the technique of triangulation or checks through other sources, then formulated research conclusions. This study found that: Cirebon as a growing heritage tourism as the tourism industry. Tourism shari'ah is a form of development activity with a unique tour Cirebon as ne of the area for tourists who visit emphasizes excellent service to tourists in accordance with the provisions of shari'ah; shari'ah tourism development aims to increase economic activity in Cirebon with an integrated and holistic management with consideration destination attractiveness, transportation or accessibility aspects, aspects of the main and supporting facilities, and institutional aspects; tourist destinations in Cirebon still be an alternative destination or reapeter which is inversely proportional to Cirebon complete tourist treasures in the form of historical and cultural tourism, religious tourism, culinary tourism, and nature; and Cirebon as a tourist destination requires structuring local business centers as a form of creative economy that can improve the welfare of the community, the arrangement of the inn or hotel, and the arrangement of the area attractions are supported by an effective tourism marketing strategy, so as to promote Cirebon as a world tourist destination.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
This research aims to identify the impact of the change in legal policy on the protection of huma... more This research aims to identify the impact of the change in legal policy on the protection of human rights and gender equality. This research analyzes the relationship between the aspects influencing legal changes regarding the legal age of marriage in Indonesia from a gender perspective and the SDGs. This study employed a qualitative approach that is based on library research to identify the impact of changes in legal policy. This study also used a juridical approach to capture an overview of Indonesian family law policies as stipulated in the Law Number 16 of 2019 with maslahah theory and Philipus M. Hadjon’s theory of legal protection as the analytical framework. The research results: First, it was found that the issue of the minimum legal age of marriage is part of the legal discovery area, which resulted in the emergence of Law Number 16 of 2019. Second, the gender movement in Indonesia has played a significant role in changing the paradigm of family law towards a more progressi...
Sebagai salah satu segmen dengan pertumbuhan tercepat baik di sektor teknologi maupun keuangan, T... more Sebagai salah satu segmen dengan pertumbuhan tercepat baik di sektor teknologi maupun keuangan, Teknologi Finansial (Fintech) telah merevolusi dunia keuangan. Fintech menyatukan komunitas keuangan dan membuat layanan keuangan tersedia untuk semua orang dengan memanfaatkan prinsip-prinsip dasar teknologi Blockchain. Fintech memiliki implikasi luas untuk keuangan Islam, yang meliputi perbankan, investasi, asuransi (takaful), dan manajemen kekayaan. Buku ini memberikan pemeriksaan mendalam tentang bagaimana Fintech membentuk industri keuangan Islam di tiga bidang utama: digitalisasi, pengembangan, dan disrupsi. Buku ini akan memberikan informasi tentang Shariahtech (Fintech yang menganut prinsip Syariah) dan penerapannya di industri keuangan syariah. Buku ini juga memberikan ikhtisar tentang evolusi Blockchain dan Fintech, serta bagaimana mereka berfungsi sebagai dasar lanskap keuangan digital. Pembaca buku ini juga akan mendapatkan pemahaman menyeluruh tentang perspektif Islam tentang...
Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural,... more Tourism development is able to stimulate business activity to generate social benefits. cultural, and economic significance for the country. When tourism is well planned, it should be able to provide benefits to the community at a destination. Cirebon as a tourist city will face problems related to the development of the hotel business, in addition to the renovation of heritage sites or in the form of cultural heritage, and lack funds for infrastructure. On the other hand, the desire of tourists require the attention of the meeting the needs of businesses related to the completeness of the hotel, Cirebon also rich in tourism potential has not been a top choice for foreign tourists to visit tourist destinations. Research on the development of shariah in Cirebon tour is focused on two areas, namely tourist destinations in Cirebon and Cirebon. This study used a qualitative approach with the sample as snowball sampling technique. Informants were selected based on a number of research subjects to data collected tourist considered representative. Collecting data using in-depth interview techniques, exploration of events, news, and information from print and electronic media about in Cirebon, also data from relevant institutions related to tourism management policy. Then the data will be analyzed by processing the results of primary data by testing or examination of the degree of confidence of the data based on the technique of triangulation or checks through other sources, then formulated research conclusions. This study found that: Cirebon as a growing heritage tourism as the tourism industry. Tourism shari'ah is a form of development activity with a unique tour Cirebon as ne of the area for tourists who visit emphasizes excellent service to tourists in accordance with the provisions of shari'ah; shari'ah tourism development aims to increase economic activity in Cirebon with an integrated and holistic management with consideration destination attractiveness, transportation or accessibility aspects, aspects of the main and supporting facilities, and institutional aspects; tourist destinations in Cirebon still be an alternative destination or reapeter which is inversely proportional to Cirebon complete tourist treasures in the form of historical and cultural tourism, religious tourism, culinary tourism, and nature; and Cirebon as a tourist destination requires structuring local business centers as a form of creative economy that can improve the welfare of the community, the arrangement of the inn or hotel, and the arrangement of the area attractions are supported by an effective tourism marketing strategy, so as to promote Cirebon as a world tourist destination.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2021
The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concernin... more The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa Number 31 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Friday Prayers and Jama'ah to prevent the transmission of the Covid 19 pandemic. In that case, every fatwa must be an opinion that has a strong argument and brings benefits to the people. The basic basis used as guidance in producing fatwas is the Koran, hadith, ijma', qiyas and other legal arguments. However, there is a problem in the fatwa, namely how to practice and practice al-ahkam in the fatwa. This paper explains the istinbathul ahkam analysis of the MUI fatwa above and what the implications of that fatwa are. This research is qualitative with the descriptive analysis method. This paper is the result of literature research.
Abstrak Zakat merupakan salah satu rukun Islam. Selain melakukan perintah Allah dengan berzakat k... more Abstrak Zakat merupakan salah satu rukun Islam. Selain melakukan perintah Allah dengan berzakat kita juga dapat membersihkan harta dari hak fakir miskin. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, berkembang pula objek zakat, yang mana salah satunya adalah zakat yang dikenakan pada surat berharga seperti saham dan obligasi. Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai cara pengenaan kewajiban zakat saham dan obligasi menurut Yusuf Qardhawi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ijtihad para ulama tentang zakat saham dan obligasi terutama ijtihad Yusuf Qardhawi sebagai salah seorang ulama yang ahli dalam hukum Islam. Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan (library research), sehingga kajian difokuskan pada bahan-bahan kepustakaan dengan cara menelurusi dan menelaah literatur-literatur yang berhubungan dengan judul skripsi ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa para ulama menyatakan, saham dan obligasi diambil zakatnya apabila telah mencap...
The difference perspectives about endowment among fuqaha is closely related to the respective con... more The difference perspectives about endowment among fuqaha is closely related to the respective concept of property (mal). The difference is about property in terms of what can be used as endowments. Do the waqf objects do not move, or move. Then can the objects moves such as money be a property that can be endowments. What is the formulation of the problem are What is meant by money waqf according to Sayyid Sabiq and Law No. 41 of 2004? Why is there a difference between the money waqf law of Sayyid Sabiq and Law No. 41 of 2004? What is the relevance of money waqf in Indonesia by using the rupiah currenlcny? This thesis research is library research. The method used is a qualitative method with a normative - juridical approach. The goals to be achieved with qualitative analysis are to explain a situation, or to analyze the validity of money waqf according to Law No. 41 of 2004 and the invalidity of money endowments according to the views of Sayyid Sabiq. In data analysis, the writer us...
Cirebon has an element of completeness in tourism management. Religious, heritage and tourism is ... more Cirebon has an element of completeness in tourism management. Religious, heritage and tourism is a combination of three industry from the perspective of economics that play a role in the development of tourism and has the potential to encourage people's creativity in the economic sector. With a qualitative approach, this study confirms the religious heritage and the creative economy tourism the icon for Cirebon in developing the tourism industry, including travel and religious culture as well as a variety of culinary and crafts.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
Kedudukan antara laki-laki dan wanita seharusnya bukan suatu hal yang biasa, bahkan perbedaan ant... more Kedudukan antara laki-laki dan wanita seharusnya bukan suatu hal yang biasa, bahkan perbedaan antara laki-laki dan wanita dalam pekerjaan sudah tidak dipermasalahkan lagi, sehingga wanita tidak dianggap lagi, sehingga wanita tidak dianggap lagi sebagai sosok yang bertugas mengurus anak, suami dan rumah tangga saja. Seirirng dengan perkembangannya zaman membuat masyarakat merubah cara pandangnya terhadap peran dan posisi kaum perempuan yang berada di tengah-tengah masyarakat, maka kaum laki-laki dan perempuan saat ini banyak yang berkarir dalam kehidupan modern banyak perempuan dapat bekerja dan berkarir dengan baik dalam sosial, kultural, ekonomi dan politik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menjadi rumusan masalah: "bagaimana dampak wanita berkarir bagi keluarga perspektif hukum Islam." Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, data yang dikumpulkan dengan cara observasi, interview (wawancara), dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini: banyak sekali faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita berkarir salah satunya yaitu karena ingin membantu dalam masalah prekonomian dan kewajiban. adapula dampak negatif dan positif wanita karir bagi keluarga salah satu dampak negatif yaitu kurangnya waktu istri bersama keluarga, dan kurang bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sekitar. Dampak positifnya membantu dalam prekonomian, dan menamba wawasan. Islam tidak melarang wanita untuk berkarir selama tidak menimbulkan ke madaratan namun Jika wanita berkarir dengan alasan untuk menimbun kekayaan sebanyak-banyaknya sehingga tidak memperhatikan hal-hal yang dilarang oleh syari"at maka jelas wanita berkarir itu diharamkan.
Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade
This article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held i... more This article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held in Cirebon, Indonésia. The city, known as the ‘City of Guardians’, is very popular with religious tourism destinations that are branded for tourism products. Events and festivals that are held on an ongoing basis can become tourist attractions, used as a marketing place, and a strategy to create an image of the destination, thus attracting tourists' visits. The methodology used is the document review approach and trend analysis to observe and analyze the various events and festivals held from 2015 to 2019 and the shariah marketing mix that they apply. This article concludes that the shariah marketing mix in promoting events and festivals from various existing tourism segments, such as religious and traditional tourism, arts and cultural tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, and local economic tourism, has demonstrated a new concept for marketing tourism products, which emphasizes...
Ocean & Coastal Management
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Artikel ini menegaskan bahwa aktivitas pariwisata termasuk sentra religi, budaya dan ekonomi krea... more Artikel ini menegaskan bahwa aktivitas pariwisata termasuk sentra religi, budaya dan ekonomi kreatif di Cirebon berkembang secara terpisah dari sisi kebijakan pemerintah daerah, pelaksanaan program-program, dan strategi pengembangan kawasan wisata baik di kota dan kabupaten Cirebon. Dengan pendekatan trendanalysis, artikel ini berpijak pada data yang dikumpulkan melalui hasil wawancara, eksplorasi terhadap peristiwa, berita, dan informasi dari media cetak dan media elektronik, serta dokumen dari institusi penyelenggara pariwisata di Cirebon. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa Cirebon memposisikan diri sebagai salah satu destinasi bagi pengembangan wisata halal yang menjadi sentra industri pariwisata di masa mendatang.
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Cash waqf still raises the debate in terms of its management, because its utilization is feared w... more Cash waqf still raises the debate in terms of its management, because its utilization is feared will not last longer. To make the cash waqf eternal, it is necessary to discover a new longterm management manner, one of which is investment. Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust Syariah has high potential on achieve maximum investment returns. The main issues that will be discussed in this paper is regarding the potential application of wakaf investment through Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust Syariah in Indonesia according to positive law. The author using qualitative method and descriptive method in analyzing the issues. The data collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust Syariah as an investment for cash waqf has been legalized both according to positive law and Syariah, the high economic value still accompanied by high risk threat. But, waqf Investment can be done through balancing the real asset value and manage it in productive way with combining direct investment and indirect investment.
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
Pelaksanaan pengelolaan wakaf saat ini dilakukan dengan inovasi baru oleh nadzir untuk lebih berm... more Pelaksanaan pengelolaan wakaf saat ini dilakukan dengan inovasi baru oleh nadzir untuk lebih bermanfaat dan produktif. Salah satu pengelolaan wakaf yang demikian dilakukan oleh yayasan Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah di Desa Luwungragi. Nadzir wakafnya mencoba mengembangkan tanah wakaf sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan pondok pesantrennya untuk mencapai kesejahteraan pondok pesantren. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dimana sifat penelitiannya deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara (interview), dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitiannya pengelolaan wakaf di Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah menurut syariat Islam sudah sesuai dimana pada prinsip syariat harta wakaf tidak boleh dijual, diwariskan dan dihibahkan. Prinsip tersebut telah dilakukan pada Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah dan dikelola dengan baik. Pendayagunaan tanah wakafnya sudah dimanfaatkan dengan baik sesuai dengan ikrar wakaf dimana tanah wakafnya didayagunakan untuk sawah sehingga lebih produktif dan berkontribusi maksimal untuk pengembangan pesantren.
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
The landless farmer chooses to enter into a muzara"ah coorporation with the landowner according t... more The landless farmer chooses to enter into a muzara"ah coorporation with the landowner according to custom, without knowing whether the agreement is appropriate or not with sharia economic law. As practice in the Gebang Kulon village, the agreement there is a continuous deviation resulting in the cancellation. Seeing the problem, the writer feels the need to study more deeply based on the review of Sharia economic law. The method used in this research is to use qualitative by utilizing the descriptive approach of Sharia economic law. Technique of collecting date that is done observation, interview and documentation. From the research results obtained the agreement is done orally on the basis of hel and trust. The agreement is termed maro, where the landowner and the tiller agre the result will be devided into two with the provisions of the landowner hand over land and production capital such as paddy and other, seeds while the cultivators provide tools and manpower. According to the review of Sharia economic law, the muzara"ah is done based on the terms and conditions, so that if the conditions of muzara"ah are fulfilled then the agreement is valid.