Eka Prihatinningtyas - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Eka Prihatinningtyas

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study between aluminium sulphate and Lemna perpusilla as coagulants for water treatment: case study Lake Cibuntu, West Java

IOP conference series, Aug 11, 2020

Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphat... more Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphate (alum) as inorganic coagulant and Lemna perpusilla as natural coagulant was assessed using standard jar test measurement. Both coagulants were evaluated with turbidity, Total Organic Matter (TOM) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) parameters. The results showed that both coagulants were able to remove 100 % of water turbidity with initial turbidity 13.56 NTU. However increasing the coagulants doses, also will increase the concentration of TSS. The use of alum and L. perpusilla as a coagulant will increase concentration of TSS by 12.68% and 252.11% respectively. Application of alum tends to reduce the concentration of TOM by 20.25%, while L. perpusilla will actually increase the concentration of TOM by 74.85%. Although not as effective as alum, L. perpusilla showed sufficient removal capability for treatment of turbid waters from Cibuntu Lake. The optimum dose of L. perpusilla should be considered to minimize side effects on produced water such as increasing TOM and TSS concentration.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of IPAG60 for the treatment of turbid water from Lake Cibuntu, Cibinong

IOP conference series, Aug 11, 2020

Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drink... more Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drinking, bathing, washing and other sanitation activities. The more population, the more activities that require water, so the greater the need for clean and or drinking water. Indonesian people require an average of 144 L/day/person of water. The level of clean water services in various regions in Indonesia is still relatively low, 45.85% in average, especially in the marginal area. Most of the water treatment plant in marginal areas cannot produce viable clean/drinking water, both in quality and quantity. Lake Cibuntu is a small artificial lake located in the Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong. It used as raw water for Peat Water Treatment Plant (IPAG60) and whose all measured parameters close to the required standard of the Regulation of Ministry of Health No 492/2010. This study aims to determine the performance of IPAG60 in treating water from Lake Cibuntu into clean water based on physical, chemical and biological parameters. Results showed that the quality of producing water meets the standards. The performance of efficiency achieved is 95% and can be maintained for 3 months of operations. Comparative studies between producing water from IPAG60 and local water company (PDAM) showed that the production water of IPAG60 has better quality. In case of water color, produced water from IPAG60 has a color level of 4 NTU, while tap water from PDAM has a color level of 11 NTU.

Research paper thumbnail of IPAG60 as Alternative Solution to Provide Clean Water in Peatland Areas

IOP conference series, Jun 9, 2020

Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw w... more Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw water. Peat water is acidic (pH 2-4), blackish brown in colour (250-600 TCU) and contains various other pollutants so it cannot be processed with conventional technology. The aim of this paper is to publish the capability of IPAG60 to treat raw peat water. This technology uses a simple and applicable process in producing processed water that is suitable for clean water and drinking water according to quality standards. The formulation of the purifying material applied was able to remove organic matter and other pollutants with high efficiency (more than 90%). The results of research conducted on several types of peat water coming from different locations such as Kalimantan and Sumatra show that IPAG60 is capable to treat peat water into clean water meeting the standards. The use of IPAG60 is not only limited to treating peat water, but also for various conditions of inland surface water. Keywords: clean water services, efficiency IPAG60, peat water, water quality 1. Introduction Water is the main component for living things including humans to carry on their lives. The important roles of water are as a source of water, living or habitat, transportation, fisheries and recreation, etc. Although Indonesia is one of the countrdiscovered by almost more than six percent of water resources, Indonesiastill has serious problem in term of clean water services level for the people. As noted by Sutapa [1], consumption of water increases significantly as population grows. Annual water demand is approximately 0.156 billion m³ in 2000, and will reach double in volume in 2015 0.356 billion m³ per year. The availability of clean water tends to be reduced because of environment pollution and degradation. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global development paradigms / platforms with 17 specific targets. Target number 6 from SDGs is to "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Based on the Report of the Secretary-General, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018[2], there is still too many people in lack access to safely managed water supplies and sanitation facilities. 29 per cent of the global population lacked safely managed drinking water supplies, and 61 per cent were without safely managed sanitation services in 2015. In addition, water scarcity, flooding and lack of proper wastewater management also hinder social and economic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Mahakam River Potency as Raw Water to Support Drinking Water Services and Sanitation in the New Territories of the State Capital, East Kalimantan

IOP conference series, Jul 1, 2022

The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Ja... more The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Java island to Penajam – Paser Utara in East Kalimantan provides new hope and challenges that must be faced. The pressure on the environment due to anthropogenic activities, industry, transportation, business, trade, tourism, etc., causes the Jakarta area not to have a good ecosystem and environmental carrying capacity. Some basic needs that have not been fully addressed so far are drinking water, sanitation, and health services for the community and need serious attention in the development planning of the new national capital. The limitations of raw water in terms of quality, quantity, and continuity are often the main obstacles to ensuring the fulfillment of drinking water and sanitation according to appropriate needs. East Kalimantan region has many surface water resources consisting of rivers, lakes, swamps, and springs. The Mahakam River is one of the major rivers in this region, which has a potential source of raw water to be processed into clean water and drinking water. This study aims to examine the potency of Mahakam river water as raw water to support drinking water and sanitation services availability. The results showed that the water of the Makaham river in the city of Samarinda experienced daily ups and downs with a difference in water level of 2 m. Meanwhile, the turbidity level of river water varies between 185 to 229 NTU. Mahakam river water is categorized as C - D quality, with sufficient quantity and continuity. A complete treatment system is needed to improve its quality to clean water or drinking water in accordance with the standards.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakterisasi Ekstrak Tapioka dan Tapioka Ionik sebagai Biokoagulan dalam Proses Pengolahan Air

Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Jul 31, 2018

The ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using artificial w... more The ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using artificial water. As turbidity was added as kaolin. This research aimed to determine the compounds and or groups that act as natural coagulant and to describe the mechanism of flocculation: extraction which yields tapioca extract and ion exchange which yields ionic tapioca. Coagulation process was performed at three different initial turbidities, i.e. 50 NTU (low turbidities), 150 NTU (middle turbidities) and 300 NTU (high initial turbidites). At the same condition (coagulant dose 20 ppmv, pH 5), ionic tapioca yield better turbidity removal compared tapioca extract i.e 11.2% at low initial turbidites; 2.4% at middle initial turbidities and 12.8% at high initial turbidities. FTIR analysis showed that tapioca extract and ionic tapioca contained of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups which can act as active components on coagulation process. The presence of those groups caused positive and negative charges (amphoter). Coagulation process ran efficiently at pH 5 because the isoelectric point is obtained at that condition.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Tepung Jagung Sebagai Koagulan Alami Untuk Mengolah Limbah Cair Tahu

Mahadi, Apr 1, 2012

Abstrak: Proses pembuatan tahu menghasilkan banyak sekali limbah cair yang mempunyai karakteristi... more Abstrak: Proses pembuatan tahu menghasilkan banyak sekali limbah cair yang mempunyai karakteristik kekeruhan, total padatan dan total padatan tersuspensi yang tinggi. Salah satu proses pengolahan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan koagulasi. Tepung jagung dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan alami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari kondisi optimum pengolahan limbah cair tahu dengan meggunakan koagulan alami yang terbuat dari tepung jagung. Ekstrak jagung dapat dibuat dengan cara melarutkan 5 gram tepung jagung dalam 100 ml NaCl dan diaduk selama 30 menit. Selanjutnya campuran tersebut dipisahkan dengan sentrifugasi. Supernatan yang diperoleh dinamakan ekstrak jagung. Jagung ionik diperoleh dengan cara melewatkan ekstrak jagung dalam kolom resin Amberlite. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jagung dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan alami karena bersifat polielektrolit. Adanya gugus karboksil, hidroksil dan amida menyebabkan larutan polielektrolit ini bermuatan negatif. Hasil koagulasi memberikan efisiensi penurunan kekeruhan yang cukup signifikan. Jagung ionik memberikan hasil penurunan kekeruhan yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan ekstrak jagung karena jagung ionik bersifat lebih negatif daripada ekstrak jagung. Proses koagulasi yang terjadi pada kekeruhan awal yang tinggi memberikan efisiensi penurunan kekeruhan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kekeruhan rendah. Proses koagulasi berjalan dengan efisien pada pH 5 karena pada titik tersebut diperoleh titik isoelektrik. Pada over flowrate kurang dari 0,03 m/menit, alum akan memberikan efisiensi penyisihan padatan tersuspensi yang lebih besar daripada ekstrak jagung. Sedangkan pada over flowrate lebih dari 0,03 m/menit kecepatan pengendapan kaolin dengan alum sama dengan ekstrak jagung. Kata kunci : koagulasi, koagulan alami, ekstrak jagung, jagung ionik. Abstract: Tofu industries produced amount of wastewater which characteristics of high in turbidity, total solid and total suspended solid. Coagulation can be done to reduce that parameters. Starch can be used as natural coagulant at this process. The aim of this research was found the optimum condition on tofu wastewater treatment using natural coagulant from maize. Maize extract made by dissolved 5 grams of maize into 100 ml NaCl and stirred 30 minutess to accomplish extraction and then separated by centrifugation. The supernatant named extract of maize. Extract of maize loaded onto column packed with Amberlite and produced ionic maize. The experimental results show that the maize can be used as a natural coagulant because they are polyelectrolytes. Presence of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups led to this solution are anionic polyelectrolytes. The results of the efficiency of coagulation provide a significant turbidity removal. Ionic maize yield better turbidity removal compared to extract of maize because ionic maize more negative than extract of maize. Coagulation processes that occur at high initial turbidity gave efficiency of turbidity removal better than low turbidity. Coagulation process runs efficiently at pH 5 because at that point obtained the isoelectric point. At over flowrate of more than 0.03 m/ min, the alum will provide efficiency of suspended solids removal greater than extract of maize. While the over flowrate less than 0.03 m / min, settling velocity of kaolin using alum and extract of maize are the same. Keywords : coagulation, natural coagulant, extract of maize, ionic maize.


Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Koagulan Alami Dari Tepung Jagung Dalam Pengolahan Air Bersih

Jurnal Teknosains: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi, Jun 22, 2013

Maize can be used as natural coagulant in water treatment process.The aim of this research was fi... more Maize can be used as natural coagulant in water treatment process.The aim of this research was find the optimum condition on water treatment using natural coagulant from maize. Maize extract made by dissolving 5 grams of maize into 100 ml NaCl. The solution separated by centrifugation. The supernatant named extract of maize. Extract of maize loaded onto column packed with Amberlite and produced ionic maize.The active components are carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups. Ionic maize yield better turbidity removal than extract of maize. Coagulation withh high initial turbidity gave high efficiency of turbidity removal than low turbidity. Coagulation process runs efficiently at pH 5 because at that point the isoelectric point was obtained. The flowrate less than 0.03 m/ min, the alum will provide the efficiency of suspended solids removal greater than extract of maize. While the over flowrate higher than 0.03 m / min, settling velocity of kaolin using alum and extract of maize are the same.

Research paper thumbnail of Mahakam River Potency as Raw Water to Support Drinking Water Services and Sanitation in the New Territories of the State Capital, East Kalimantan

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Ja... more The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Java island to Penajam – Paser Utara in East Kalimantan provides new hope and challenges that must be faced. The pressure on the environment due to anthropogenic activities, industry, transportation, business, trade, tourism, etc., causes the Jakarta area not to have a good ecosystem and environmental carrying capacity. Some basic needs that have not been fully addressed so far are drinking water, sanitation, and health services for the community and need serious attention in the development planning of the new national capital. The limitations of raw water in terms of quality, quantity, and continuity are often the main obstacles to ensuring the fulfillment of drinking water and sanitation according to appropriate needs. East Kalimantan region has many surface water resources consisting of rivers, lakes, swamps, and springs. The Mahakam River is one of the major rivers in this region, whi...

Research paper thumbnail of Phytoplankton Diversity in Jakarta Bay Estuary, Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Phytoplankton plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems and is one of the biological paramete... more Phytoplankton plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems and is one of the biological parameters that can be used as bioindicators to describe conditions, quality, and environmental changes. Jakarta Bay is polluted by various wastes originating from industry, domestic, and sea transportation for fishing activities, which causes a decrease in water quality in Jakarta Bay. This study aims to reveal the composition of phytoplankton and its relationship with the physical and chemical parameters of the waters that empty into Jakarta Bay. The study was conducted in September 2021 at three sampling stations in estuary areas. Station 3 was the most polluted area from industrial waste, only found phytoplankton from the group of Cyanophyta (61.57%) and Euglenophyta (38.43%). Meanwhile, station 2 with the highest concentration of chlorophyll-a, contaminated with domestic waste was dominated by Cyanophyta (29.26%), Euglenophyta (11.79%), Chrysophyta (39.74%), and Chlorophyta (19.21%) groups....

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh kepadatan Myriophyllum sp terhadap jumlah fecal coliform di Situ Cibuntu

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of IPAG60 for the treatment of turbid water from Lake Cibuntu, Cibinong

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drink... more Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drinking, bathing, washing and other sanitation activities. The more population, the more activities that require water, so the greater the need for clean and or drinking water. Indonesian people require an average of 144 L/day/person of water. The level of clean water services in various regions in Indonesia is still relatively low, 45.85% in average, especially in the marginal area. Most of the water treatment plant in marginal areas cannot produce viable clean/drinking water, both in quality and quantity. Lake Cibuntu is a small artificial lake located in the Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong. It used as raw water for Peat Water Treatment Plant (IPAG60) and whose all measured parameters close to the required standard of the Regulation of Ministry of Health No 492/2010. This study aims to determine the performance of IPAG60 in treating water from Lake Cibuntu into clean water based on physi...

Research paper thumbnail of Study of Physicochemical of Rivers in DKI Jakarta Province

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Most of inland water in DKI Jakarta Province are highly polluted caused by the increase in urbani... more Most of inland water in DKI Jakarta Province are highly polluted caused by the increase in urbanization, industrialization development and reclamation process. This research intend to conduct an initial characterization of the water quality in Jakarta. The survey was conducted in 9 location namely Kali Sunter 1, Kali Sunter 2, Cakung Drain, POM Vyle Pluit, Waduk Pluit, Museum Bahari, WTC Mangga Dua, Mookenvart and Pesanggrahan. Based on the level of salinity, the rivers are categorized into fresh water (Cakung Drain, WTC Mangga Dua, Mookenvart and Pesanggrahan) and brackish water (Kali Sunter 1, Kali Sunter 2, Pluit Village, Waduk Pluit, and Museum Bahari). The physicochemical measurement using Water Quality Checker reported turbidity and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) concentration were very high at all sampling locations. The Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) value can be used to determine the pollution status. Pesanggrahan is the only river with a positive ORP value of 22 mV. It c...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study between aluminium sulphate and Lemna perpusilla as coagulants for water treatment: case study Lake Cibuntu, West Java

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphat... more Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphate (alum) as inorganic coagulant and Lemna perpusilla as natural coagulant was assessed using standard jar test measurement. Both coagulants were evaluated with turbidity, Total Organic Matter (TOM) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) parameters. The results showed that both coagulants were able to remove 100 % of water turbidity with initial turbidity 13.56 NTU. However increasing the coagulants doses, also will increase the concentration of TSS. The use of alum and L. perpusilla as a coagulant will increase concentration of TSS by 12.68% and 252.11% respectively. Application of alum tends to reduce the concentration of TOM by 20.25%, while L. perpusilla will actually increase the concentration of TOM by 74.85%. Although not as effective as alum, L. perpusilla showed sufficient removal capability for treatment of turbid waters from Cibuntu Lake. The optimum dose of L. perpusilla should be co...


Pusat Penelitian Limnologi-LIPI, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Removal of turbidity in water treatment using natural coagulant from Lemna perpusilla

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

Lemna perpusilla (duckweed) is aquatic plant that easily to spread. This plant contains of high p... more Lemna perpusilla (duckweed) is aquatic plant that easily to spread. This plant contains of high protein. The ability of L. perpusilla to act as natural coagulants was tested using a synthetic turbid water. Active components were extracted from L. perpusilla using NaCl solution. Experiments was conducted in batch mode for initial turbidity such as 50 NTU (low turbidity), 150 NTU (medium turbidity) and 300 NTU (high turbidity). Jar test procedure with the coagulation time of 1 min and flocculation 15 min was optimized, irrespective of the initial turbidity. The optimum settling time for 300, 150, and 50 NTU water samples were 30 ppm. The influence of several parameters such as pH and coagulant dose and also its optimization were exploited. The highest value of turbidity removal were achieved at pH 11 and 30 ppmv in coagulant dose. This coagulant can removed 85.02% ; 88.98%; and 92.48% of turbidity from water having in turbidities of 50, 150 and 300 NTU, respectively. Thus, the natural coagulants extracted form L. perpusilla revealed to be effective for turbidity removal.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Penurunan Kekeruhan dengan Aplikasi Ekstrak Tapioka sebagai Koagulan Alam pada Pengolahan Air Bersih

Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri

Salah satu proses penting dalam pengolahan air bersih adalah koagulasi. Keberhasilan proses terse... more Salah satu proses penting dalam pengolahan air bersih adalah koagulasi. Keberhasilan proses tersebut sangat ditentukan oleh pemilihan koagulan dan penentuan dosis yang optimal. Tepung tapioka dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan alami dalam menurunkan kekeruhan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan limbah artifisial yang terbuat dari kaolin. Kaolin digunakan sebagai sumber pengkeruh yang merepresentasikan sumber air baku dalam pengolahan air bersih. Uji statistik ANOVA telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pH (tanpa variasi dosis koagulan), dosis koagulan (tanpa variasi pH) dan kombinasi keduanya terhadap proses koagulasi. Proses koagulasi dilakukan pada kekeruhan 150 NTU dengan variasi dosis koagulan (5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 ppm) dan 4 variasi pH (3,5,7 dan 9). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai p value untuk pH, dosis koagulan dan kombinasi keduanya masing-masing sebesar 0,00. Nilai p value kurang dari 0,05 mengindikasikan bahwa pH, dosis koagulan dan kombinasi keduanya berpengaruh signifikan dalam menurunkan kekeruhan. Fenomena tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya kenaikan nilai konduktivitas. Kenaikan nilai konduktivitas mengindikasikan terjadinya kenaikan gaya tarik-menarik antara ion-ion koagulan dan kaolin.

Research paper thumbnail of IPAG60 as Alternative Solution to Provide Clean Water in Peatland Areas

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw w... more Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw water. Peat water is acidic (pH 2-4), blackish brown in colour (250-600 TCU) and contains various other pollutants so it cannot be processed with conventional technology. The aim of this paper is to publish the capability of IPAG60 to treat raw peat water. This technology uses a simple and applicable process in producing processed water that is suitable for clean water and drinking water according to quality standards. The formulation of the purifying material applied was able to remove organic matter and other pollutants with high efficiency (more than 90%). The results of research conducted on several types of peat water coming from different locations such as Kalimantan and Sumatra show that IPAG60 is capable to treat peat water into clean water meeting the standards. The use of IPAG60 is not only limited to treating peat water, but also for various conditions of inland surface water. Keywords: clean water services, efficiency IPAG60, peat water, water quality 1. Introduction Water is the main component for living things including humans to carry on their lives. The important roles of water are as a source of water, living or habitat, transportation, fisheries and recreation, etc. Although Indonesia is one of the countrdiscovered by almost more than six percent of water resources, Indonesiastill has serious problem in term of clean water services level for the people. As noted by Sutapa [1], consumption of water increases significantly as population grows. Annual water demand is approximately 0.156 billion m³ in 2000, and will reach double in volume in 2015 0.356 billion m³ per year. The availability of clean water tends to be reduced because of environment pollution and degradation. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global development paradigms / platforms with 17 specific targets. Target number 6 from SDGs is to "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Based on the Report of the Secretary-General, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018[2], there is still too many people in lack access to safely managed water supplies and sanitation facilities. 29 per cent of the global population lacked safely managed drinking water supplies, and 61 per cent were without safely managed sanitation services in 2015. In addition, water scarcity, flooding and lack of proper wastewater management also hinder social and economic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakterisasi Ekstrak Tapioka dan Tapioka Ionik sebagai Biokoagulan dalam Proses Pengolahan Air

Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan

ABSTRACTThe ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using arti... more ABSTRACTThe ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using artificial water. As turbidity was added as kaolin. This research aimed to determine the compounds and or groups that act as natural coagulant and to describe the mechanism of flocculation: extraction which yields tapioca extract and ion exchange which yields ionic tapioca. Coagulation process was performed at three different initial turbidities, i.e. 50 NTU (low turbidities), 150 NTU (middle turbidities) and 300 NTU (high initial turbidites). At the same condition (coagulant dose 20 ppmv, pH 5), ionic tapioca yield better turbidity removal compared tapioca extract i.e 11.2% at low initial turbidites; 2.4% at middle initial turbidities and 12.8% at high initial turbidities. FTIR analysis showed that tapioca extract and ionic tapioca contained of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups which can act as active components on coagulation process. The presence of those groups caused positive and n...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Tepung Jagung Sebagai Koagulan Alami Untuk Mengolah Limbah Cair Tahu

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study between aluminium sulphate and Lemna perpusilla as coagulants for water treatment: case study Lake Cibuntu, West Java

IOP conference series, Aug 11, 2020

Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphat... more Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphate (alum) as inorganic coagulant and Lemna perpusilla as natural coagulant was assessed using standard jar test measurement. Both coagulants were evaluated with turbidity, Total Organic Matter (TOM) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) parameters. The results showed that both coagulants were able to remove 100 % of water turbidity with initial turbidity 13.56 NTU. However increasing the coagulants doses, also will increase the concentration of TSS. The use of alum and L. perpusilla as a coagulant will increase concentration of TSS by 12.68% and 252.11% respectively. Application of alum tends to reduce the concentration of TOM by 20.25%, while L. perpusilla will actually increase the concentration of TOM by 74.85%. Although not as effective as alum, L. perpusilla showed sufficient removal capability for treatment of turbid waters from Cibuntu Lake. The optimum dose of L. perpusilla should be considered to minimize side effects on produced water such as increasing TOM and TSS concentration.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of IPAG60 for the treatment of turbid water from Lake Cibuntu, Cibinong

IOP conference series, Aug 11, 2020

Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drink... more Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drinking, bathing, washing and other sanitation activities. The more population, the more activities that require water, so the greater the need for clean and or drinking water. Indonesian people require an average of 144 L/day/person of water. The level of clean water services in various regions in Indonesia is still relatively low, 45.85% in average, especially in the marginal area. Most of the water treatment plant in marginal areas cannot produce viable clean/drinking water, both in quality and quantity. Lake Cibuntu is a small artificial lake located in the Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong. It used as raw water for Peat Water Treatment Plant (IPAG60) and whose all measured parameters close to the required standard of the Regulation of Ministry of Health No 492/2010. This study aims to determine the performance of IPAG60 in treating water from Lake Cibuntu into clean water based on physical, chemical and biological parameters. Results showed that the quality of producing water meets the standards. The performance of efficiency achieved is 95% and can be maintained for 3 months of operations. Comparative studies between producing water from IPAG60 and local water company (PDAM) showed that the production water of IPAG60 has better quality. In case of water color, produced water from IPAG60 has a color level of 4 NTU, while tap water from PDAM has a color level of 11 NTU.

Research paper thumbnail of IPAG60 as Alternative Solution to Provide Clean Water in Peatland Areas

IOP conference series, Jun 9, 2020

Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw w... more Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw water. Peat water is acidic (pH 2-4), blackish brown in colour (250-600 TCU) and contains various other pollutants so it cannot be processed with conventional technology. The aim of this paper is to publish the capability of IPAG60 to treat raw peat water. This technology uses a simple and applicable process in producing processed water that is suitable for clean water and drinking water according to quality standards. The formulation of the purifying material applied was able to remove organic matter and other pollutants with high efficiency (more than 90%). The results of research conducted on several types of peat water coming from different locations such as Kalimantan and Sumatra show that IPAG60 is capable to treat peat water into clean water meeting the standards. The use of IPAG60 is not only limited to treating peat water, but also for various conditions of inland surface water. Keywords: clean water services, efficiency IPAG60, peat water, water quality 1. Introduction Water is the main component for living things including humans to carry on their lives. The important roles of water are as a source of water, living or habitat, transportation, fisheries and recreation, etc. Although Indonesia is one of the countrdiscovered by almost more than six percent of water resources, Indonesiastill has serious problem in term of clean water services level for the people. As noted by Sutapa [1], consumption of water increases significantly as population grows. Annual water demand is approximately 0.156 billion m³ in 2000, and will reach double in volume in 2015 0.356 billion m³ per year. The availability of clean water tends to be reduced because of environment pollution and degradation. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global development paradigms / platforms with 17 specific targets. Target number 6 from SDGs is to "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Based on the Report of the Secretary-General, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018[2], there is still too many people in lack access to safely managed water supplies and sanitation facilities. 29 per cent of the global population lacked safely managed drinking water supplies, and 61 per cent were without safely managed sanitation services in 2015. In addition, water scarcity, flooding and lack of proper wastewater management also hinder social and economic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Mahakam River Potency as Raw Water to Support Drinking Water Services and Sanitation in the New Territories of the State Capital, East Kalimantan

IOP conference series, Jul 1, 2022

The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Ja... more The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Java island to Penajam – Paser Utara in East Kalimantan provides new hope and challenges that must be faced. The pressure on the environment due to anthropogenic activities, industry, transportation, business, trade, tourism, etc., causes the Jakarta area not to have a good ecosystem and environmental carrying capacity. Some basic needs that have not been fully addressed so far are drinking water, sanitation, and health services for the community and need serious attention in the development planning of the new national capital. The limitations of raw water in terms of quality, quantity, and continuity are often the main obstacles to ensuring the fulfillment of drinking water and sanitation according to appropriate needs. East Kalimantan region has many surface water resources consisting of rivers, lakes, swamps, and springs. The Mahakam River is one of the major rivers in this region, which has a potential source of raw water to be processed into clean water and drinking water. This study aims to examine the potency of Mahakam river water as raw water to support drinking water and sanitation services availability. The results showed that the water of the Makaham river in the city of Samarinda experienced daily ups and downs with a difference in water level of 2 m. Meanwhile, the turbidity level of river water varies between 185 to 229 NTU. Mahakam river water is categorized as C - D quality, with sufficient quantity and continuity. A complete treatment system is needed to improve its quality to clean water or drinking water in accordance with the standards.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakterisasi Ekstrak Tapioka dan Tapioka Ionik sebagai Biokoagulan dalam Proses Pengolahan Air

Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Jul 31, 2018

The ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using artificial w... more The ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using artificial water. As turbidity was added as kaolin. This research aimed to determine the compounds and or groups that act as natural coagulant and to describe the mechanism of flocculation: extraction which yields tapioca extract and ion exchange which yields ionic tapioca. Coagulation process was performed at three different initial turbidities, i.e. 50 NTU (low turbidities), 150 NTU (middle turbidities) and 300 NTU (high initial turbidites). At the same condition (coagulant dose 20 ppmv, pH 5), ionic tapioca yield better turbidity removal compared tapioca extract i.e 11.2% at low initial turbidites; 2.4% at middle initial turbidities and 12.8% at high initial turbidities. FTIR analysis showed that tapioca extract and ionic tapioca contained of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups which can act as active components on coagulation process. The presence of those groups caused positive and negative charges (amphoter). Coagulation process ran efficiently at pH 5 because the isoelectric point is obtained at that condition.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Tepung Jagung Sebagai Koagulan Alami Untuk Mengolah Limbah Cair Tahu

Mahadi, Apr 1, 2012

Abstrak: Proses pembuatan tahu menghasilkan banyak sekali limbah cair yang mempunyai karakteristi... more Abstrak: Proses pembuatan tahu menghasilkan banyak sekali limbah cair yang mempunyai karakteristik kekeruhan, total padatan dan total padatan tersuspensi yang tinggi. Salah satu proses pengolahan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan koagulasi. Tepung jagung dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan alami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari kondisi optimum pengolahan limbah cair tahu dengan meggunakan koagulan alami yang terbuat dari tepung jagung. Ekstrak jagung dapat dibuat dengan cara melarutkan 5 gram tepung jagung dalam 100 ml NaCl dan diaduk selama 30 menit. Selanjutnya campuran tersebut dipisahkan dengan sentrifugasi. Supernatan yang diperoleh dinamakan ekstrak jagung. Jagung ionik diperoleh dengan cara melewatkan ekstrak jagung dalam kolom resin Amberlite. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jagung dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan alami karena bersifat polielektrolit. Adanya gugus karboksil, hidroksil dan amida menyebabkan larutan polielektrolit ini bermuatan negatif. Hasil koagulasi memberikan efisiensi penurunan kekeruhan yang cukup signifikan. Jagung ionik memberikan hasil penurunan kekeruhan yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan ekstrak jagung karena jagung ionik bersifat lebih negatif daripada ekstrak jagung. Proses koagulasi yang terjadi pada kekeruhan awal yang tinggi memberikan efisiensi penurunan kekeruhan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kekeruhan rendah. Proses koagulasi berjalan dengan efisien pada pH 5 karena pada titik tersebut diperoleh titik isoelektrik. Pada over flowrate kurang dari 0,03 m/menit, alum akan memberikan efisiensi penyisihan padatan tersuspensi yang lebih besar daripada ekstrak jagung. Sedangkan pada over flowrate lebih dari 0,03 m/menit kecepatan pengendapan kaolin dengan alum sama dengan ekstrak jagung. Kata kunci : koagulasi, koagulan alami, ekstrak jagung, jagung ionik. Abstract: Tofu industries produced amount of wastewater which characteristics of high in turbidity, total solid and total suspended solid. Coagulation can be done to reduce that parameters. Starch can be used as natural coagulant at this process. The aim of this research was found the optimum condition on tofu wastewater treatment using natural coagulant from maize. Maize extract made by dissolved 5 grams of maize into 100 ml NaCl and stirred 30 minutess to accomplish extraction and then separated by centrifugation. The supernatant named extract of maize. Extract of maize loaded onto column packed with Amberlite and produced ionic maize. The experimental results show that the maize can be used as a natural coagulant because they are polyelectrolytes. Presence of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups led to this solution are anionic polyelectrolytes. The results of the efficiency of coagulation provide a significant turbidity removal. Ionic maize yield better turbidity removal compared to extract of maize because ionic maize more negative than extract of maize. Coagulation processes that occur at high initial turbidity gave efficiency of turbidity removal better than low turbidity. Coagulation process runs efficiently at pH 5 because at that point obtained the isoelectric point. At over flowrate of more than 0.03 m/ min, the alum will provide efficiency of suspended solids removal greater than extract of maize. While the over flowrate less than 0.03 m / min, settling velocity of kaolin using alum and extract of maize are the same. Keywords : coagulation, natural coagulant, extract of maize, ionic maize.


Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Koagulan Alami Dari Tepung Jagung Dalam Pengolahan Air Bersih

Jurnal Teknosains: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi, Jun 22, 2013

Maize can be used as natural coagulant in water treatment process.The aim of this research was fi... more Maize can be used as natural coagulant in water treatment process.The aim of this research was find the optimum condition on water treatment using natural coagulant from maize. Maize extract made by dissolving 5 grams of maize into 100 ml NaCl. The solution separated by centrifugation. The supernatant named extract of maize. Extract of maize loaded onto column packed with Amberlite and produced ionic maize.The active components are carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups. Ionic maize yield better turbidity removal than extract of maize. Coagulation withh high initial turbidity gave high efficiency of turbidity removal than low turbidity. Coagulation process runs efficiently at pH 5 because at that point the isoelectric point was obtained. The flowrate less than 0.03 m/ min, the alum will provide the efficiency of suspended solids removal greater than extract of maize. While the over flowrate higher than 0.03 m / min, settling velocity of kaolin using alum and extract of maize are the same.

Research paper thumbnail of Mahakam River Potency as Raw Water to Support Drinking Water Services and Sanitation in the New Territories of the State Capital, East Kalimantan

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Ja... more The Indonesia Government’s decision to move the country’s capital city from DKI Jakarta on the Java island to Penajam – Paser Utara in East Kalimantan provides new hope and challenges that must be faced. The pressure on the environment due to anthropogenic activities, industry, transportation, business, trade, tourism, etc., causes the Jakarta area not to have a good ecosystem and environmental carrying capacity. Some basic needs that have not been fully addressed so far are drinking water, sanitation, and health services for the community and need serious attention in the development planning of the new national capital. The limitations of raw water in terms of quality, quantity, and continuity are often the main obstacles to ensuring the fulfillment of drinking water and sanitation according to appropriate needs. East Kalimantan region has many surface water resources consisting of rivers, lakes, swamps, and springs. The Mahakam River is one of the major rivers in this region, whi...

Research paper thumbnail of Phytoplankton Diversity in Jakarta Bay Estuary, Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Phytoplankton plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems and is one of the biological paramete... more Phytoplankton plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems and is one of the biological parameters that can be used as bioindicators to describe conditions, quality, and environmental changes. Jakarta Bay is polluted by various wastes originating from industry, domestic, and sea transportation for fishing activities, which causes a decrease in water quality in Jakarta Bay. This study aims to reveal the composition of phytoplankton and its relationship with the physical and chemical parameters of the waters that empty into Jakarta Bay. The study was conducted in September 2021 at three sampling stations in estuary areas. Station 3 was the most polluted area from industrial waste, only found phytoplankton from the group of Cyanophyta (61.57%) and Euglenophyta (38.43%). Meanwhile, station 2 with the highest concentration of chlorophyll-a, contaminated with domestic waste was dominated by Cyanophyta (29.26%), Euglenophyta (11.79%), Chrysophyta (39.74%), and Chlorophyta (19.21%) groups....

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh kepadatan Myriophyllum sp terhadap jumlah fecal coliform di Situ Cibuntu

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of IPAG60 for the treatment of turbid water from Lake Cibuntu, Cibinong

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drink... more Water is the main need of all beings. People need water to fulfil their daily needs such as drinking, bathing, washing and other sanitation activities. The more population, the more activities that require water, so the greater the need for clean and or drinking water. Indonesian people require an average of 144 L/day/person of water. The level of clean water services in various regions in Indonesia is still relatively low, 45.85% in average, especially in the marginal area. Most of the water treatment plant in marginal areas cannot produce viable clean/drinking water, both in quality and quantity. Lake Cibuntu is a small artificial lake located in the Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong. It used as raw water for Peat Water Treatment Plant (IPAG60) and whose all measured parameters close to the required standard of the Regulation of Ministry of Health No 492/2010. This study aims to determine the performance of IPAG60 in treating water from Lake Cibuntu into clean water based on physi...

Research paper thumbnail of Study of Physicochemical of Rivers in DKI Jakarta Province

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Most of inland water in DKI Jakarta Province are highly polluted caused by the increase in urbani... more Most of inland water in DKI Jakarta Province are highly polluted caused by the increase in urbanization, industrialization development and reclamation process. This research intend to conduct an initial characterization of the water quality in Jakarta. The survey was conducted in 9 location namely Kali Sunter 1, Kali Sunter 2, Cakung Drain, POM Vyle Pluit, Waduk Pluit, Museum Bahari, WTC Mangga Dua, Mookenvart and Pesanggrahan. Based on the level of salinity, the rivers are categorized into fresh water (Cakung Drain, WTC Mangga Dua, Mookenvart and Pesanggrahan) and brackish water (Kali Sunter 1, Kali Sunter 2, Pluit Village, Waduk Pluit, and Museum Bahari). The physicochemical measurement using Water Quality Checker reported turbidity and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) concentration were very high at all sampling locations. The Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) value can be used to determine the pollution status. Pesanggrahan is the only river with a positive ORP value of 22 mV. It c...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study between aluminium sulphate and Lemna perpusilla as coagulants for water treatment: case study Lake Cibuntu, West Java

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphat... more Coagulation is a key process in water treatment. The ability of two coagulants, aluminium sulphate (alum) as inorganic coagulant and Lemna perpusilla as natural coagulant was assessed using standard jar test measurement. Both coagulants were evaluated with turbidity, Total Organic Matter (TOM) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) parameters. The results showed that both coagulants were able to remove 100 % of water turbidity with initial turbidity 13.56 NTU. However increasing the coagulants doses, also will increase the concentration of TSS. The use of alum and L. perpusilla as a coagulant will increase concentration of TSS by 12.68% and 252.11% respectively. Application of alum tends to reduce the concentration of TOM by 20.25%, while L. perpusilla will actually increase the concentration of TOM by 74.85%. Although not as effective as alum, L. perpusilla showed sufficient removal capability for treatment of turbid waters from Cibuntu Lake. The optimum dose of L. perpusilla should be co...


Pusat Penelitian Limnologi-LIPI, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Removal of turbidity in water treatment using natural coagulant from Lemna perpusilla

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

Lemna perpusilla (duckweed) is aquatic plant that easily to spread. This plant contains of high p... more Lemna perpusilla (duckweed) is aquatic plant that easily to spread. This plant contains of high protein. The ability of L. perpusilla to act as natural coagulants was tested using a synthetic turbid water. Active components were extracted from L. perpusilla using NaCl solution. Experiments was conducted in batch mode for initial turbidity such as 50 NTU (low turbidity), 150 NTU (medium turbidity) and 300 NTU (high turbidity). Jar test procedure with the coagulation time of 1 min and flocculation 15 min was optimized, irrespective of the initial turbidity. The optimum settling time for 300, 150, and 50 NTU water samples were 30 ppm. The influence of several parameters such as pH and coagulant dose and also its optimization were exploited. The highest value of turbidity removal were achieved at pH 11 and 30 ppmv in coagulant dose. This coagulant can removed 85.02% ; 88.98%; and 92.48% of turbidity from water having in turbidities of 50, 150 and 300 NTU, respectively. Thus, the natural coagulants extracted form L. perpusilla revealed to be effective for turbidity removal.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Penurunan Kekeruhan dengan Aplikasi Ekstrak Tapioka sebagai Koagulan Alam pada Pengolahan Air Bersih

Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri

Salah satu proses penting dalam pengolahan air bersih adalah koagulasi. Keberhasilan proses terse... more Salah satu proses penting dalam pengolahan air bersih adalah koagulasi. Keberhasilan proses tersebut sangat ditentukan oleh pemilihan koagulan dan penentuan dosis yang optimal. Tepung tapioka dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan alami dalam menurunkan kekeruhan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan limbah artifisial yang terbuat dari kaolin. Kaolin digunakan sebagai sumber pengkeruh yang merepresentasikan sumber air baku dalam pengolahan air bersih. Uji statistik ANOVA telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pH (tanpa variasi dosis koagulan), dosis koagulan (tanpa variasi pH) dan kombinasi keduanya terhadap proses koagulasi. Proses koagulasi dilakukan pada kekeruhan 150 NTU dengan variasi dosis koagulan (5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 dan 100 ppm) dan 4 variasi pH (3,5,7 dan 9). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai p value untuk pH, dosis koagulan dan kombinasi keduanya masing-masing sebesar 0,00. Nilai p value kurang dari 0,05 mengindikasikan bahwa pH, dosis koagulan dan kombinasi keduanya berpengaruh signifikan dalam menurunkan kekeruhan. Fenomena tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya kenaikan nilai konduktivitas. Kenaikan nilai konduktivitas mengindikasikan terjadinya kenaikan gaya tarik-menarik antara ion-ion koagulan dan kaolin.

Research paper thumbnail of IPAG60 as Alternative Solution to Provide Clean Water in Peatland Areas

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw w... more Peatland areas generally have raw water with different characteristics compared to ordinary raw water. Peat water is acidic (pH 2-4), blackish brown in colour (250-600 TCU) and contains various other pollutants so it cannot be processed with conventional technology. The aim of this paper is to publish the capability of IPAG60 to treat raw peat water. This technology uses a simple and applicable process in producing processed water that is suitable for clean water and drinking water according to quality standards. The formulation of the purifying material applied was able to remove organic matter and other pollutants with high efficiency (more than 90%). The results of research conducted on several types of peat water coming from different locations such as Kalimantan and Sumatra show that IPAG60 is capable to treat peat water into clean water meeting the standards. The use of IPAG60 is not only limited to treating peat water, but also for various conditions of inland surface water. Keywords: clean water services, efficiency IPAG60, peat water, water quality 1. Introduction Water is the main component for living things including humans to carry on their lives. The important roles of water are as a source of water, living or habitat, transportation, fisheries and recreation, etc. Although Indonesia is one of the countrdiscovered by almost more than six percent of water resources, Indonesiastill has serious problem in term of clean water services level for the people. As noted by Sutapa [1], consumption of water increases significantly as population grows. Annual water demand is approximately 0.156 billion m³ in 2000, and will reach double in volume in 2015 0.356 billion m³ per year. The availability of clean water tends to be reduced because of environment pollution and degradation. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global development paradigms / platforms with 17 specific targets. Target number 6 from SDGs is to "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Based on the Report of the Secretary-General, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018[2], there is still too many people in lack access to safely managed water supplies and sanitation facilities. 29 per cent of the global population lacked safely managed drinking water supplies, and 61 per cent were without safely managed sanitation services in 2015. In addition, water scarcity, flooding and lack of proper wastewater management also hinder social and economic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakterisasi Ekstrak Tapioka dan Tapioka Ionik sebagai Biokoagulan dalam Proses Pengolahan Air

Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan

ABSTRACTThe ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using arti... more ABSTRACTThe ability of tapioca to act as natural coagulants (biocoagulants) was tested using artificial water. As turbidity was added as kaolin. This research aimed to determine the compounds and or groups that act as natural coagulant and to describe the mechanism of flocculation: extraction which yields tapioca extract and ion exchange which yields ionic tapioca. Coagulation process was performed at three different initial turbidities, i.e. 50 NTU (low turbidities), 150 NTU (middle turbidities) and 300 NTU (high initial turbidites). At the same condition (coagulant dose 20 ppmv, pH 5), ionic tapioca yield better turbidity removal compared tapioca extract i.e 11.2% at low initial turbidites; 2.4% at middle initial turbidities and 12.8% at high initial turbidities. FTIR analysis showed that tapioca extract and ionic tapioca contained of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amides groups which can act as active components on coagulation process. The presence of those groups caused positive and n...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Tepung Jagung Sebagai Koagulan Alami Untuk Mengolah Limbah Cair Tahu