Eko Ariwidodo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Eko Ariwidodo

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis (KLHS) Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Lingkungan Dan Relevansinya Bagi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup DI Indonesia

This research entitle Indonesia Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Environmental Phi... more This research entitle Indonesia Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Environmental Philosophy Perspective and Its Relevance to The Environmental Management Policy in Indonesia. SEA aimed at sustainable development in Indonesia does not have a full authority of environmental management vision of the future, so it requires a environmental philosophy foundation in the development of the SEA conception and the implementation reality. The paradigm of sustainable development in a comprehensive manner to date has not been made in view of mainstreaming the environment so that it becomes a structural problem. SEA has to become part of national development policies yet. The SEA has reached the level that is needed, and should be applied immediately in real terms as well as formalized in the context of national and regional policies. This research aims to: (1) finding the ontological foundation, epistemological, and axiological associated with environmental philosophy in the SEA con...

Research paper thumbnail of The Symbolic Interaction of Tandhe’ in Sumenep Madurese

Local culture everywhere presents meaning space as a guideline for people’s lives, even the prese... more Local culture everywhere presents meaning space as a guideline for people’s lives, even the presence of tradition can be a medium of social transformation. The tandhe’ as one of the local cultural treasures in Sumenep Madura, emerged as an appreciation of past civilizations that believe that tandhe’ is not a mere spectacle but also as a communication medium that contains the values of goodness. Signs implicitly or explicitly important to learn because it often contains the essence of da’wah which calls on humans to remember God. Tandhe’ as a manifestation of local wisdom will be an effective communication medium for building communities when properly packaged, because cultural anomalies can occur at any time. The researcher uses a qualitative approach in the form of field research so that researchers can directly make observations and even participate in contributing ideas as feedback from informants ideas. The presence of tandhe’ has until now experienced a shift in the function an...

Research paper thumbnail of CRITICAL THINKING ABOUT TRUTH IN TEACHING (An Educational Philosophy Perspective)

Pemikiran kritis harus disesuaikan dengan kebenaran yang sesuai dengan kapasitasnya. Boleh jadi b... more Pemikiran kritis harus disesuaikan dengan kebenaran yang sesuai dengan kapasitasnya. Boleh jadi beberapa pertimbangan tentang pemikiran dari tujuan pendidikan harus lebih dikhususkan sesuai dengan bidangnya, serta lebih berharga, yang selanjutnya disebut kritis, berhubungan dengan pertimbangan standar epistemic yang menginformasikan tentang filsafat Barat melalui Thales, lebih jelasnya sejak Socrates dan Plato. Tulisan ini akan lebih memfokuskan pada pertanyaan tentang mengajar kebenaran, pada saat pemikiran terbentuk di dalam suatu epistemologi kehidupan. Hal tersebut akan disertai pembelajaran tentang kebenaran, yang hanya terlihat sama kritisnya dengan pemikiran yang didapatkan.

Research paper thumbnail of Relevansi Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Lingkungan Dan Etika Lingkungan Dengan Partisipasinya Dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan

Berdasarkan realitas yang sering dijumpai bahwa kehidupan masyarakat Barurambat di kabupaten Pame... more Berdasarkan realitas yang sering dijumpai bahwa kehidupan masyarakat Barurambat di kabupaten Pamekasan, tentang partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemeliharaan atau pelestarian lingkungan masih tergolong rendah, tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dan lokasi tertentu yang terlihat kotor dan kumuh. Tujuan penelitiannya yaitu untuk mengetahui: (1) hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan hidup dengan partisipasi masyarakat Barurambat kabupaten Pamekasan dalam pelestarian lingkungan; (2) hubungan antara etika lingkungan hidup dengan partisipasi anggota masyarakat Barurambat dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup; dan (3) hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan dan etika lingkungan secara bersama-sama dengan partisipasinya dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup di Barurambat kabupaten Pamekasan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Sampel populasi penelitian ini adalah anggota masyarakat khu...

Research paper thumbnail of Shifting Paradigm of Modern Islam Fundamentalism as Islamized Space Autonomy in Indonesia

Idealism various groups of political Islam failed to change the political landscape of the Middle... more Idealism various groups of political Islam failed to change the political landscape of the Middle East and some other regions. Political Islam is not won power, while the old regimes are still in power. Western powers are increasingly plugging hegemony (political, economic, cultural) in the region. Political Islam is also not always successfully display the values contained in the ideals of fundamentalism in the form of the application of religious laws in politics. Islamic fundamentalists in some places only produce changes that are not significant in the fields of law, politics and economics. In this case, fundamentalism does emphasize the application of Sharia totally, but often do not care about the character of the political system. The variant of the traditional and modern fundamentalism fundamentalism can be seen also shift to the neo-fundamentalism. Orientation and strategy of neo-fundamentalism is the master of society through social action, far from being revolutionary, ne...

Research paper thumbnail of Kontribusi Pekerja Perempuan Sektor Rumput Laut DI Bluto Kabupaten Sumenep

Seaweed is one of the marine resources as capital for livelihood development in addition to the f... more Seaweed is one of the marine resources as capital for livelihood development in addition to the fishermen catch fish. Seaweed cultivation can support the survival of fishermen especially in Bluto Sumenep. Seaweed also can produce a wide variety of products that can provide benefits to the villagers. Seaweed farming activities is not only performed only by men, but women (or wives) can do as well. The purpose of this study is try to describe the characteristics of fishing seaweed; describe the division of labor between husband and wife fishing seaweed; analyze differences in access to and control over production resources between husband and wife; and the contribution of women to the household incomes of seaweed fishermen. The methods used quantitative method that is supported by qualitative method. The role and contribution of the wife can be seen from the amount of time devoted to each activity carried out both on productive activity, reproductive, and social activities. Wifes invo...

Research paper thumbnail of Pekerja Perempuan Pesisir Sektor Pembudidayaan Rumput Laut Dalam Perspektif Analisis Gender DI Pakandangan Tengah Kabupaten Sumenep

NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam, Dec 31, 2016

This study aims to describe the characteristics of seaweed fishermen ; to describe the division o... more This study aims to describe the characteristics of seaweed fishermen ; to describe the division of labor among husband and wife fishing seaweed, to analyse the differences in access to and control over production resources between husband and wife fishing seaweed, and to analyse the contribution of women towards seaweed fisherman family’s income in Laok Lorong village. This study is quantitative in design which is supported by qualitative one. Quantitative research is conducted by survey study and integrated with interview of qualitative. Wife's involvement in productive activities also contributes to her family's income. Wife’s income can cover the family expenses when the husband does not have any. Husband tends to play a role in the productive activity, whereas the wife plays her role in reproductive and social activities. The husband had access to the land of seaweed cultivation, cultivation equipment, the crab catcher, credit, livestock, and crab. Wife’s access tend to land for farming, the income of seaweed cultivation, and peeling crabs, as well as the crops of the fields. Husband’s control is almost all of the resources and benefits such as the land for cultivation, land for farming, cultivation equipment, the crab catcher, credit, livestock, labor, the cultivation of seaweed, crabs, and counseling. Contributions of the wife in this study is not only focused on the amount of income but also related to the amount of time she spends in productive, reproductive, and social activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Dengan Media Permaian Ulartangga

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan (JSP)

According to the Curriculum Based Competency, the objective of learning English is to master the ... more According to the Curriculum Based Competency, the objective of learning English is to master the communication competence, it means that the students should be able to express their idea and their feeling in communication activities even in oral or in written. So, English teacher should be able to assist their students to become effective participants in real life communication. We need to help them in any ways that motivate them to use the language as many times as possible. The main goal of teaching English to the secondary school is to developed their language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Based on experience as English teacher at secondary school (SMP Negeri 1 Bangli), most students still poor using the language in communication even in oral or in written. This problem appear because of some factors like; lack of vocabulary, poor in grammar, lack of practicing use the language, and boring because the teacher’s strategy in teaching is monotone, and never use...

Research paper thumbnail of Logosentrisme Jacques Derrida dalam Filsafat Bahasa

KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture

Tradisi filsafat Barat sepenuhnya didasarkan pada apa yang disebut sebagai logosentrisme atau 'me... more Tradisi filsafat Barat sepenuhnya didasarkan pada apa yang disebut sebagai logosentrisme atau 'metafisika kehadiran' (metaphysics of presence). Logosentrisme merupakan sistem metafisik yang mengandaikan logos atau kebenaran transendental di balik segala hal yang tampak di permukaan atau segala hal yang terjadi di dunia fenomenal. Makna tidak pernah hadir kecuali dalam intertekstualitas tanda. Derrida mengajak untuk melampaui bahasa seperti yang dihasilkan oleh sistem linguistik dan logika. Hubungan antara bahasa dan pikiran merupakan hubungan yang timpang. Pikiran selalu diperlakukan lebih tinggi danpada kata-kata, Pikiran menjadi sumber dari bahasa, sementara bahasa hanya kepanjangan tangan dari pikiran. Bahasa bertugas menyampaikan sesuatu yang ingin diekspresikan oleh pikiran. Derrida menolak supremasi pikiran sebagai fakultas tersendiri yang bebas dari bahasa, dan sebaliknya menegaskan bahwa pikiran juga terkontaminasi oleh bahasa dan diferensialitas tanda-tanda. Derrida mengoperasikan differance untuk membedah kelemahan internal dari metafisika Barat. Pengaruh dari differance juga melebar ke institusi-institusi pengetahuan lainnya yang membentuk nalar epistemik dari setiap pemikiran yang baku, tertutup, dan final. Differance menjadi anasir yang tak terelakkan dalam setiap disiplin keilmuan. Sistem-sistem pemikiran dibangun di atas 'teks' dan beroperasi dengan cara kerja teks, tak dapat menghindar dari differance. Kehadiran differance juga menggerakkan seluruh permukaan teks yang terlihat datar dengan memfungsikan kembali 'logika permainan' yang direpresi oleh logika yang dominan. Kebenaran, makna, atau referens dalam teks tidak menjadi prioritas utama yang dicari. Semua ini dialami lebih sebagai proses. Differance secara terusmenerus mempertanyakan asumsi-asumsi yang mapan dan mengujinya dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru yang lebih radikal, paradoksal, atau bahkan absurd.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Oto’-Oto’; Integrasi Sosial Masyarakat Urban Madura di Surabaya

Tradisi oto’-oto’ merupakan tradisi khas etnis Madura yang berjalan secara turun menurun, semakin... more Tradisi oto’-oto’ merupakan tradisi khas etnis Madura yang berjalan secara turun menurun, semakin lama semakin banyak pengikutnya dan semakin luas jangkauan wilayahnya hingga di kota Surabaya. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat yang berhimpun dalam kelompok organisasi informal. Prinsip dasar oto’-oto’ adalah setiap anggota menyerahkan sejumlah uang kepada yang lungguh (penyelenggara). Jumlah uang yang diserahkan tidak ditentukan besarannya dan uang yang telah diserahkan adalah “simpanan” dan baru bisa dinikmati ketika kelak dia lungguh. Penelitian difokuskan pada tiga hal, yaitu; Bagaimana pemahaman masyarakat urban Madura terhadap tradisi oto’-oto’; Bagaimana Sistem penyelenggaraannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat urban kota Surabaya yang sangat kompleks; dan bagaimana integrasi sosial masyarakat urban asal Madura melalui tradisi oto’-oto’ tersebut. Melalui tradisi ini masyarakat etnis Madura di Surabaya dapat mengekspresikan eksistensi dirinya dalam masyarakat majemuk. Mereka ...

Research paper thumbnail of Problematika dalam Belajar Listening Comprehension yang Dihadapi oleh Mahasiswa Semester III Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Pamekasan

Abstrak: Keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa inggris yang diucapkan secara verbal (Spoken English) m... more Abstrak: Keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa inggris yang diucapkan secara verbal (Spoken English) merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang ada dalam English Language Skills. Memahami kata atau kalimat bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan oleh penutur asli (Native Speaker) merupakan suatu persoalan yang sangat komplek yang dihadapi oleh yang belajar bahasa kedua khususnya mahasiswa semester III TBI STAIN Pamekasan. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu pertama, mendeskripsikan tekhnik yang digunakan dosen dalam mengajar Listening Comprehension. Kedua, merumuskan problematika yang dihadapi mahasiswa semester III TBI STAIN Pamekasan dalam belajar Listening Comprehension. Ketiga, merumuskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan dalam belajar Listening Comprehension. Keempat, merumuskan cara mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. Hasil Penelitian ini membahas tentang problematika pembelajaran Listening Comprehension pada mahasiswa semester III TBI STAIN Pamekasan karena pada kenyataannya hasil belajar mere...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pendekatan Scientific dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 di SMPN 1 Pamekasan

This article is a summary of a group research describing the implementation of scientific approac... more This article is a summary of a group research describing the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan. Scientific approach is an approach focusing on investigation techniques on phenomena, getting new knowledge, or correcting and relating the previous knowledge. Scientific approach is a new approach in teaching English. This research has three study focuses that is: 1) How the English teachers of the seventh grade plan English learning process by using scientific approach 2) How the implemntation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan 3) What problems or difficulties faced by the English teachers in implementing the scientific approach. The Research result shows the first, English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Pamekasan plan their English learning process by writing the lesson plan first. Second, the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013...

Research paper thumbnail of Technology, Truth and Language: The Crisis of Theological Discourse

The Heythrop Journal, 1991

The solution of the crisis of a discipline, and the question of whether it will survive or not, d... more The solution of the crisis of a discipline, and the question of whether it will survive or not, depends on the degree to which problems of common ques-tions, methods and modes of discourse can be established. If the very possibili-ty of discourse becomes the issue, then the crisis is ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis (KLHS) Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Lingkungan Dan Relevansinya Bagi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup DI Indonesia

This research entitle Indonesia Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Environmental Phi... more This research entitle Indonesia Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Environmental Philosophy Perspective and Its Relevance to The Environmental Management Policy in Indonesia. SEA aimed at sustainable development in Indonesia does not have a full authority of environmental management vision of the future, so it requires a environmental philosophy foundation in the development of the SEA conception and the implementation reality. The paradigm of sustainable development in a comprehensive manner to date has not been made in view of mainstreaming the environment so that it becomes a structural problem. SEA has to become part of national development policies yet. The SEA has reached the level that is needed, and should be applied immediately in real terms as well as formalized in the context of national and regional policies. This research aims to: (1) finding the ontological foundation, epistemological, and axiological associated with environmental philosophy in the SEA con...

Research paper thumbnail of The Symbolic Interaction of Tandhe’ in Sumenep Madurese

Local culture everywhere presents meaning space as a guideline for people’s lives, even the prese... more Local culture everywhere presents meaning space as a guideline for people’s lives, even the presence of tradition can be a medium of social transformation. The tandhe’ as one of the local cultural treasures in Sumenep Madura, emerged as an appreciation of past civilizations that believe that tandhe’ is not a mere spectacle but also as a communication medium that contains the values of goodness. Signs implicitly or explicitly important to learn because it often contains the essence of da’wah which calls on humans to remember God. Tandhe’ as a manifestation of local wisdom will be an effective communication medium for building communities when properly packaged, because cultural anomalies can occur at any time. The researcher uses a qualitative approach in the form of field research so that researchers can directly make observations and even participate in contributing ideas as feedback from informants ideas. The presence of tandhe’ has until now experienced a shift in the function an...

Research paper thumbnail of CRITICAL THINKING ABOUT TRUTH IN TEACHING (An Educational Philosophy Perspective)

Pemikiran kritis harus disesuaikan dengan kebenaran yang sesuai dengan kapasitasnya. Boleh jadi b... more Pemikiran kritis harus disesuaikan dengan kebenaran yang sesuai dengan kapasitasnya. Boleh jadi beberapa pertimbangan tentang pemikiran dari tujuan pendidikan harus lebih dikhususkan sesuai dengan bidangnya, serta lebih berharga, yang selanjutnya disebut kritis, berhubungan dengan pertimbangan standar epistemic yang menginformasikan tentang filsafat Barat melalui Thales, lebih jelasnya sejak Socrates dan Plato. Tulisan ini akan lebih memfokuskan pada pertanyaan tentang mengajar kebenaran, pada saat pemikiran terbentuk di dalam suatu epistemologi kehidupan. Hal tersebut akan disertai pembelajaran tentang kebenaran, yang hanya terlihat sama kritisnya dengan pemikiran yang didapatkan.

Research paper thumbnail of Relevansi Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Lingkungan Dan Etika Lingkungan Dengan Partisipasinya Dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan

Berdasarkan realitas yang sering dijumpai bahwa kehidupan masyarakat Barurambat di kabupaten Pame... more Berdasarkan realitas yang sering dijumpai bahwa kehidupan masyarakat Barurambat di kabupaten Pamekasan, tentang partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemeliharaan atau pelestarian lingkungan masih tergolong rendah, tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dan lokasi tertentu yang terlihat kotor dan kumuh. Tujuan penelitiannya yaitu untuk mengetahui: (1) hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan hidup dengan partisipasi masyarakat Barurambat kabupaten Pamekasan dalam pelestarian lingkungan; (2) hubungan antara etika lingkungan hidup dengan partisipasi anggota masyarakat Barurambat dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup; dan (3) hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan dan etika lingkungan secara bersama-sama dengan partisipasinya dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup di Barurambat kabupaten Pamekasan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Sampel populasi penelitian ini adalah anggota masyarakat khu...

Research paper thumbnail of Shifting Paradigm of Modern Islam Fundamentalism as Islamized Space Autonomy in Indonesia

Idealism various groups of political Islam failed to change the political landscape of the Middle... more Idealism various groups of political Islam failed to change the political landscape of the Middle East and some other regions. Political Islam is not won power, while the old regimes are still in power. Western powers are increasingly plugging hegemony (political, economic, cultural) in the region. Political Islam is also not always successfully display the values contained in the ideals of fundamentalism in the form of the application of religious laws in politics. Islamic fundamentalists in some places only produce changes that are not significant in the fields of law, politics and economics. In this case, fundamentalism does emphasize the application of Sharia totally, but often do not care about the character of the political system. The variant of the traditional and modern fundamentalism fundamentalism can be seen also shift to the neo-fundamentalism. Orientation and strategy of neo-fundamentalism is the master of society through social action, far from being revolutionary, ne...

Research paper thumbnail of Kontribusi Pekerja Perempuan Sektor Rumput Laut DI Bluto Kabupaten Sumenep

Seaweed is one of the marine resources as capital for livelihood development in addition to the f... more Seaweed is one of the marine resources as capital for livelihood development in addition to the fishermen catch fish. Seaweed cultivation can support the survival of fishermen especially in Bluto Sumenep. Seaweed also can produce a wide variety of products that can provide benefits to the villagers. Seaweed farming activities is not only performed only by men, but women (or wives) can do as well. The purpose of this study is try to describe the characteristics of fishing seaweed; describe the division of labor between husband and wife fishing seaweed; analyze differences in access to and control over production resources between husband and wife; and the contribution of women to the household incomes of seaweed fishermen. The methods used quantitative method that is supported by qualitative method. The role and contribution of the wife can be seen from the amount of time devoted to each activity carried out both on productive activity, reproductive, and social activities. Wifes invo...

Research paper thumbnail of Pekerja Perempuan Pesisir Sektor Pembudidayaan Rumput Laut Dalam Perspektif Analisis Gender DI Pakandangan Tengah Kabupaten Sumenep

NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam, Dec 31, 2016

This study aims to describe the characteristics of seaweed fishermen ; to describe the division o... more This study aims to describe the characteristics of seaweed fishermen ; to describe the division of labor among husband and wife fishing seaweed, to analyse the differences in access to and control over production resources between husband and wife fishing seaweed, and to analyse the contribution of women towards seaweed fisherman family’s income in Laok Lorong village. This study is quantitative in design which is supported by qualitative one. Quantitative research is conducted by survey study and integrated with interview of qualitative. Wife's involvement in productive activities also contributes to her family's income. Wife’s income can cover the family expenses when the husband does not have any. Husband tends to play a role in the productive activity, whereas the wife plays her role in reproductive and social activities. The husband had access to the land of seaweed cultivation, cultivation equipment, the crab catcher, credit, livestock, and crab. Wife’s access tend to land for farming, the income of seaweed cultivation, and peeling crabs, as well as the crops of the fields. Husband’s control is almost all of the resources and benefits such as the land for cultivation, land for farming, cultivation equipment, the crab catcher, credit, livestock, labor, the cultivation of seaweed, crabs, and counseling. Contributions of the wife in this study is not only focused on the amount of income but also related to the amount of time she spends in productive, reproductive, and social activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Dengan Media Permaian Ulartangga

Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan (JSP)

According to the Curriculum Based Competency, the objective of learning English is to master the ... more According to the Curriculum Based Competency, the objective of learning English is to master the communication competence, it means that the students should be able to express their idea and their feeling in communication activities even in oral or in written. So, English teacher should be able to assist their students to become effective participants in real life communication. We need to help them in any ways that motivate them to use the language as many times as possible. The main goal of teaching English to the secondary school is to developed their language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Based on experience as English teacher at secondary school (SMP Negeri 1 Bangli), most students still poor using the language in communication even in oral or in written. This problem appear because of some factors like; lack of vocabulary, poor in grammar, lack of practicing use the language, and boring because the teacher’s strategy in teaching is monotone, and never use...

Research paper thumbnail of Logosentrisme Jacques Derrida dalam Filsafat Bahasa

KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture

Tradisi filsafat Barat sepenuhnya didasarkan pada apa yang disebut sebagai logosentrisme atau 'me... more Tradisi filsafat Barat sepenuhnya didasarkan pada apa yang disebut sebagai logosentrisme atau 'metafisika kehadiran' (metaphysics of presence). Logosentrisme merupakan sistem metafisik yang mengandaikan logos atau kebenaran transendental di balik segala hal yang tampak di permukaan atau segala hal yang terjadi di dunia fenomenal. Makna tidak pernah hadir kecuali dalam intertekstualitas tanda. Derrida mengajak untuk melampaui bahasa seperti yang dihasilkan oleh sistem linguistik dan logika. Hubungan antara bahasa dan pikiran merupakan hubungan yang timpang. Pikiran selalu diperlakukan lebih tinggi danpada kata-kata, Pikiran menjadi sumber dari bahasa, sementara bahasa hanya kepanjangan tangan dari pikiran. Bahasa bertugas menyampaikan sesuatu yang ingin diekspresikan oleh pikiran. Derrida menolak supremasi pikiran sebagai fakultas tersendiri yang bebas dari bahasa, dan sebaliknya menegaskan bahwa pikiran juga terkontaminasi oleh bahasa dan diferensialitas tanda-tanda. Derrida mengoperasikan differance untuk membedah kelemahan internal dari metafisika Barat. Pengaruh dari differance juga melebar ke institusi-institusi pengetahuan lainnya yang membentuk nalar epistemik dari setiap pemikiran yang baku, tertutup, dan final. Differance menjadi anasir yang tak terelakkan dalam setiap disiplin keilmuan. Sistem-sistem pemikiran dibangun di atas 'teks' dan beroperasi dengan cara kerja teks, tak dapat menghindar dari differance. Kehadiran differance juga menggerakkan seluruh permukaan teks yang terlihat datar dengan memfungsikan kembali 'logika permainan' yang direpresi oleh logika yang dominan. Kebenaran, makna, atau referens dalam teks tidak menjadi prioritas utama yang dicari. Semua ini dialami lebih sebagai proses. Differance secara terusmenerus mempertanyakan asumsi-asumsi yang mapan dan mengujinya dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru yang lebih radikal, paradoksal, atau bahkan absurd.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Oto’-Oto’; Integrasi Sosial Masyarakat Urban Madura di Surabaya

Tradisi oto’-oto’ merupakan tradisi khas etnis Madura yang berjalan secara turun menurun, semakin... more Tradisi oto’-oto’ merupakan tradisi khas etnis Madura yang berjalan secara turun menurun, semakin lama semakin banyak pengikutnya dan semakin luas jangkauan wilayahnya hingga di kota Surabaya. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat yang berhimpun dalam kelompok organisasi informal. Prinsip dasar oto’-oto’ adalah setiap anggota menyerahkan sejumlah uang kepada yang lungguh (penyelenggara). Jumlah uang yang diserahkan tidak ditentukan besarannya dan uang yang telah diserahkan adalah “simpanan” dan baru bisa dinikmati ketika kelak dia lungguh. Penelitian difokuskan pada tiga hal, yaitu; Bagaimana pemahaman masyarakat urban Madura terhadap tradisi oto’-oto’; Bagaimana Sistem penyelenggaraannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat urban kota Surabaya yang sangat kompleks; dan bagaimana integrasi sosial masyarakat urban asal Madura melalui tradisi oto’-oto’ tersebut. Melalui tradisi ini masyarakat etnis Madura di Surabaya dapat mengekspresikan eksistensi dirinya dalam masyarakat majemuk. Mereka ...

Research paper thumbnail of Problematika dalam Belajar Listening Comprehension yang Dihadapi oleh Mahasiswa Semester III Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Pamekasan

Abstrak: Keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa inggris yang diucapkan secara verbal (Spoken English) m... more Abstrak: Keterampilan mendengarkan bahasa inggris yang diucapkan secara verbal (Spoken English) merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang ada dalam English Language Skills. Memahami kata atau kalimat bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan oleh penutur asli (Native Speaker) merupakan suatu persoalan yang sangat komplek yang dihadapi oleh yang belajar bahasa kedua khususnya mahasiswa semester III TBI STAIN Pamekasan. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu pertama, mendeskripsikan tekhnik yang digunakan dosen dalam mengajar Listening Comprehension. Kedua, merumuskan problematika yang dihadapi mahasiswa semester III TBI STAIN Pamekasan dalam belajar Listening Comprehension. Ketiga, merumuskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan dalam belajar Listening Comprehension. Keempat, merumuskan cara mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. Hasil Penelitian ini membahas tentang problematika pembelajaran Listening Comprehension pada mahasiswa semester III TBI STAIN Pamekasan karena pada kenyataannya hasil belajar mere...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pendekatan Scientific dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 di SMPN 1 Pamekasan

This article is a summary of a group research describing the implementation of scientific approac... more This article is a summary of a group research describing the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan. Scientific approach is an approach focusing on investigation techniques on phenomena, getting new knowledge, or correcting and relating the previous knowledge. Scientific approach is a new approach in teaching English. This research has three study focuses that is: 1) How the English teachers of the seventh grade plan English learning process by using scientific approach 2) How the implemntation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan 3) What problems or difficulties faced by the English teachers in implementing the scientific approach. The Research result shows the first, English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Pamekasan plan their English learning process by writing the lesson plan first. Second, the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013...

Research paper thumbnail of Technology, Truth and Language: The Crisis of Theological Discourse

The Heythrop Journal, 1991

The solution of the crisis of a discipline, and the question of whether it will survive or not, d... more The solution of the crisis of a discipline, and the question of whether it will survive or not, depends on the degree to which problems of common ques-tions, methods and modes of discourse can be established. If the very possibili-ty of discourse becomes the issue, then the crisis is ...