Olena Dashkovska - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Olena Dashkovska

Research paper thumbnail of Legal procedure and human rights

Ekonomìka, fìnansi, pravo, Nov 29, 2023

Проблемою сучасного права є обґрунтоване встановлення юридичних процедур у сфері прав людини та ї... more Проблемою сучасного права є обґрунтоване встановлення юридичних процедур у сфері прав людини та їх адекватна нормативноправова регламентація. Необґрунтоване ускладнення процедур, відсутність чіткості їх регламентації в законі негативно позначаються на правовій захищеності людини в суспільстві. Юридичні процедури реалізації прав людини у демократичному суспільстві повинні відповідати низці вимог: бути соціально обґрунтованими та відповідати принципам демократизму та верховенства прав людини; бути достатніми та зрозумілими для суб'єкта; бути закріпленими на рівні закону та містити мінімум відсильних норм; не створювати під час здійснення штучних перешкод реалізації прав; відповідати змісту прав, стосовно яких вони встановлені.

Research paper thumbnail of Конституційна відповідальність: методологічні засади дослідження


International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences"

The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the legal status of journalists du... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the legal status of journalists during international armed conflicts. It is emphasized that representatives of mass media who are on dangerous business trips belong to the category of civilians and enjoy the protection of international humanitarian law under the conditions, if they do not participate in military operations, with the exception of accredited military correspondents, who have a special legal status during coverage acts of military aggression. It is emphasized that the modern concept of "journalist" includes not only employees of traditional mass media, such as television, radio broadcasting, print media, as well as news agencies, but also the so-called new media: journalists of online media, bloggers, freelancers, employees of media communities, public activists and other media participants who communicate publicly with their audience Modern international humanitarian law does not provide for the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The features of the implementation of the sports law

Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 2021

Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing... more Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing of public interest in the sports sector inevitably. It entails the creating of sport's law as a separate branch of law associated with numerous scientific researches, legal practices and professional activities of athletes, sports industry' managers and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. The article is aimed to the theoretical analysis of certain aspects of the legal regulation of sports relations that form a new branch of sports law, determining its place in the national and international legal systems. The comparative legal analysis is the leading scientific approach of this study, which allows to discover the degree of scientific development of this issue with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of legal regulation of physical education and sports. An attempt was made to present sports law as an independent branch of law, resulting from a synthesis of international and national law that regulate relations in different industries through the lenses of public and private law. The specificity of this branch of law leads to a high degree of controversy in the question of determining its features, which are properly investigated in the work. Criteria of the features of the implementation of sports law are formulated: substantive capacity, external borders with other branches of law, national characteristics and international universality.

Research paper thumbnail of Gap in the Legislation and Ways to Overcome

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences", 2020

The article analyzes the concepts of "gaps in law" and "gaps in legislation",... more The article analyzes the concepts of "gaps in law" and "gaps in legislation", outlines the general features of these concepts, identifies the main causes of the emergence and existence of gaps in legislation and law. Emphasis is placed on the fact that gaps in the law take place in the legal regulation of only those social relations that have the character of legal. The main ways to eliminate and overcome gaps are considered, their differences are considered, it is concluded that gaps in law and legislation can be overcome by analogy of law and analogy of legislation. The main characteristics of the application of these means of overcoming gaps are determined. Attention is paid to the analogy of law as an exclusive means of legal influence. It is noted that by means of analogy the rights are not eliminated, but only gaps in the law are promptly overcome. It is concluded that it is used only when it is not possible to find such a legal norm. The analogy of the leg...

Research paper thumbnail of Social and political integrity and political and legal order

The article analyzes the essence and main characteristics of political integrity and political or... more The article analyzes the essence and main characteristics of political integrity and political order. It presents various interpretations and research positions related to the justification of the latter. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is domestic and foreign studies of political scientists, sociologists and lawyers. The paper uses ideological (phenomenological, sociocultural, systemic, etc.), general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc.), as well as concrete scientific (historical-political, the method of political modeling) approaches and methods. The authors argue that in the context of the interrelationship of state, legal, political integrity and order, it is necessary to use the concept of “political and legal order” as more adequate, since the latter allows to comprehensively present and investigate the institutional and normative organization of society, based on political, legal norms, ideas, values and ideals, that ensures the orderliness of...

Research paper thumbnail of Legal bases status quo children who were unafficiently carried out of Ukraine

Стаття присвячена аналізу міжнародних норм права і норм чинного цивільного законодавства України,... more Стаття присвячена аналізу міжнародних норм права і норм чинного цивільного законодавства України, які регламентують порядок вивезення дитини з країни постійного місця проживання. Досліджено зміст принципу врахування найкращих інтересів дитини, виявлено низку проблем, які на практиці можуть призвести до ухвалення необґрунтованих рішень про повернення дитини із закордону. Окремо зазначено, що дитина повинна зростати в умовах піклування та відповідального виконання батьками своїх обов'язків, в атмосфері любові, моральної і матеріальної забезпеченості; малолітня дитина, крім випадків, коли є виняткові обставини, не повинна розлучатися зі своїми батьками. В статті проаналізовано питання, які виникають при розгляді судом справ про «повернення дітей», коли окремі суди помилково визначають підсудність таких категорій справ і не звертають уваги на те, що суд може розглянути справу як за місцем перебування відповідача і дитини, так і за місцем розташування міністерства або його територіальних органів (альтернативна підсудність). Акцентовано увагу, що важливою проблемою у розгляді такої категорії справ є занадто тривалий відповідно до норм міжнародного права час вирішення спору щодо повернення дитини. Ці справи підлягають швидкому, розгляду, на практиці ж спостерігається порушення розумних строків розгляду справ. Україна, ставши учасницею Конвенції про цивільно-правові аспекти міжнародного викрадення дітей, взяла на себе зобов'язання вживати усіх необхідних заходів і долучатися до міжнародного механізму співпраці, що дозволяє вирішувати питання організації впорядкованого і швидкого повернення, незаконно вивезених або утримуваних за кордоном дітей, які постраждали від наслідків протиправної поведінки одного з батьків або інших родичів, діями яких порушуються права батьків щодо піклування про дитину, бо невідкладне повернення дитини дозволяє захистити її права, а також перешкодити завданню їй моральної шкоди і страждань Ключові слова: права дитини, незаконне вивезення дитини, принцип врахування найкращих інтересів дитини, механізм повернення дітей

Research paper thumbnail of The Right To Respect For Family Life: Legal Basis For State Interference

Revista San Gregorio, 2021

This article is dedicated to a theoretical and legal study of the concept of "the right to r... more This article is dedicated to a theoretical and legal study of the concept of "the right to respect for family life". It is based on legal analysis of Ukrainian legislation and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It has been argued that the legal bases for state interference in family life are: 1) interference committed under the law, 2) interference with the interests of the majority in a democratic society, 3) interference to prevent disorder, crime, health, morality , rights and freedoms of other citizens.

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary surrogate as a legal category: general theoretical characteristics

Economics. Finances. Law, 2021

The emergence of monetary surrogates is a consequence of the inability to comprehensively meet th... more The emergence of monetary surrogates is a consequence of the inability to comprehensively meet the public needs for servicing the turnover of various objects (property, rights, etc.) solely with the help of money. Bringing a short-term positive economic effect, monetary surrogates compete with state money, disrupting money circulation. An important role in limiting monetary surrogates is played by legal remedies, the effective use of which is possible only if the content of the legal category «monetary surrogate» is determined. At the same time, the norms of law do not disclose its content, and in the scientific community there is a discussion on this issue, while its vector is shifted towards understanding the monetary surrogate only as a means of payment, unnecessarily narrowing it. The reliability and validity of the results are achieved through the integrated application of the comparative legal method (when comparing the concepts of money and monetary surrogate, as well as othe...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation Of Human Rights Under The Influence Of Digitalization

Revista San Gregorio, 2021

The article shows that, throughout the evolution of human civilization, it shows that the list an... more The article shows that, throughout the evolution of human civilization, it shows that the list and scope of rights and freedoms demanded by society change with each new stage of technical and, consequently, economic development. With the formation of a digital civilization, a new round in the development of the human rights institution can be expected. In the research content, the authors highlight the threats and risks to the institution of human rights from the digital transformation of society's normative values and foundations.

Research paper thumbnail of Specifics of the Ukrainian election system

The paper considers the concept of the election process as an activity related to the exercise of... more The paper considers the concept of the election process as an activity related to the exercise of suffrage. The list of subjects of the election process has been determined. The formation of the institution of elections under the influence of external factors is explained. The formation of the electoral process in Ukraine since the XIX century is analyzed under the influence of foreign states such as the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary. The introduction of elections in the second half of the XIX century is considered in details in connection with the reform. The change of the electoral legislation in Ukraine from 1989 to 2004 is noted. The main types of electoral systems such as majority, proportional and mixed are analyzed. The peculiarities of the majority electoral system, which has been operating in Ukraine for a long time, and the proportional one, which is currently used in accordance with the Electoral Code of January 1, 2020, have been identified. The issue of choosing th...

Research paper thumbnail of The Rule of Law as a Fundamental Principle of the Legal System: Comparative Legal Aspect

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences", 2017

The article considers the concept of "rule of law", identifies the main features, clari... more The article considers the concept of "rule of law", identifies the main features, clarifies the ideological origins of the rule of law. The relationship between the concepts of "rule of law" and "rule of law" is analyzed. Attention is paid to the development of the doctrine of the rule of law in domestic legislation, the main stages of enshrining this principle in the system of national legislation are highlighted. It is noted that at this stage of development of the rule of law there is a problem of its insufficient regulation and definition of this concept in the system of Ukrainian law. The principle of the rule of law in the times of the Soviet Union and in the times of independent Ukraine is considered. It was concluded that many elements of the structure of the legal system were borrowed from the times of Soviet Ukraine. It was also found that the current state of the rule of law in Ukraine largely depends on the level of legal culture of the popu...

Research paper thumbnail of The features of the implementation of the sports law (Características de la implementación del derecho deportivo)

Retos, 2020

Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing... more Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing of public interest in the sports sector inevitably. It entails the creating of sport's law as a separate branch of law associated with numerous scientific researches, legal practices and professional activities of athletes, sports industry' managers and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. The article is aimed to the theoretical analysis of certain aspects of the legal regulation of sports relations that form a new branch of sports law, determining its place in the national and international legal systems. The comparative legal analysis is the leading scientific approach of this study, which allows to discover the degree of scientific development of this issue with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of legal regulation of physical education and sports. An attempt was made to present sports law as an independent branch of law, resulting from a synthesis of international and national law that regulate relations in different industries through the lenses of public and private law. The specificity of this branch of law leads to a high degree of controversy in the question of determining its features, which are properly investigated in the work. Criteria of the features of the implementation of sports law are formulated: substantive capacity, external borders with other branches of law, national characteristics and international universality.

Research paper thumbnail of The Right to Freedom of Speech vs the Right to Respect Religious Feelings: Legal Limits

International scientific journal Internauka Series Juridical Sciences, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Legal procedure and human rights

Ekonomìka, fìnansi, pravo, Nov 29, 2023

Проблемою сучасного права є обґрунтоване встановлення юридичних процедур у сфері прав людини та ї... more Проблемою сучасного права є обґрунтоване встановлення юридичних процедур у сфері прав людини та їх адекватна нормативноправова регламентація. Необґрунтоване ускладнення процедур, відсутність чіткості їх регламентації в законі негативно позначаються на правовій захищеності людини в суспільстві. Юридичні процедури реалізації прав людини у демократичному суспільстві повинні відповідати низці вимог: бути соціально обґрунтованими та відповідати принципам демократизму та верховенства прав людини; бути достатніми та зрозумілими для суб'єкта; бути закріпленими на рівні закону та містити мінімум відсильних норм; не створювати під час здійснення штучних перешкод реалізації прав; відповідати змісту прав, стосовно яких вони встановлені.

Research paper thumbnail of Конституційна відповідальність: методологічні засади дослідження


International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences"

The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the legal status of journalists du... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the legal status of journalists during international armed conflicts. It is emphasized that representatives of mass media who are on dangerous business trips belong to the category of civilians and enjoy the protection of international humanitarian law under the conditions, if they do not participate in military operations, with the exception of accredited military correspondents, who have a special legal status during coverage acts of military aggression. It is emphasized that the modern concept of "journalist" includes not only employees of traditional mass media, such as television, radio broadcasting, print media, as well as news agencies, but also the so-called new media: journalists of online media, bloggers, freelancers, employees of media communities, public activists and other media participants who communicate publicly with their audience Modern international humanitarian law does not provide for the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The features of the implementation of the sports law

Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 2021

Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing... more Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing of public interest in the sports sector inevitably. It entails the creating of sport's law as a separate branch of law associated with numerous scientific researches, legal practices and professional activities of athletes, sports industry' managers and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. The article is aimed to the theoretical analysis of certain aspects of the legal regulation of sports relations that form a new branch of sports law, determining its place in the national and international legal systems. The comparative legal analysis is the leading scientific approach of this study, which allows to discover the degree of scientific development of this issue with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of legal regulation of physical education and sports. An attempt was made to present sports law as an independent branch of law, resulting from a synthesis of international and national law that regulate relations in different industries through the lenses of public and private law. The specificity of this branch of law leads to a high degree of controversy in the question of determining its features, which are properly investigated in the work. Criteria of the features of the implementation of sports law are formulated: substantive capacity, external borders with other branches of law, national characteristics and international universality.

Research paper thumbnail of Gap in the Legislation and Ways to Overcome

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences", 2020

The article analyzes the concepts of "gaps in law" and "gaps in legislation",... more The article analyzes the concepts of "gaps in law" and "gaps in legislation", outlines the general features of these concepts, identifies the main causes of the emergence and existence of gaps in legislation and law. Emphasis is placed on the fact that gaps in the law take place in the legal regulation of only those social relations that have the character of legal. The main ways to eliminate and overcome gaps are considered, their differences are considered, it is concluded that gaps in law and legislation can be overcome by analogy of law and analogy of legislation. The main characteristics of the application of these means of overcoming gaps are determined. Attention is paid to the analogy of law as an exclusive means of legal influence. It is noted that by means of analogy the rights are not eliminated, but only gaps in the law are promptly overcome. It is concluded that it is used only when it is not possible to find such a legal norm. The analogy of the leg...

Research paper thumbnail of Social and political integrity and political and legal order

The article analyzes the essence and main characteristics of political integrity and political or... more The article analyzes the essence and main characteristics of political integrity and political order. It presents various interpretations and research positions related to the justification of the latter. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is domestic and foreign studies of political scientists, sociologists and lawyers. The paper uses ideological (phenomenological, sociocultural, systemic, etc.), general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc.), as well as concrete scientific (historical-political, the method of political modeling) approaches and methods. The authors argue that in the context of the interrelationship of state, legal, political integrity and order, it is necessary to use the concept of “political and legal order” as more adequate, since the latter allows to comprehensively present and investigate the institutional and normative organization of society, based on political, legal norms, ideas, values and ideals, that ensures the orderliness of...

Research paper thumbnail of Legal bases status quo children who were unafficiently carried out of Ukraine

Стаття присвячена аналізу міжнародних норм права і норм чинного цивільного законодавства України,... more Стаття присвячена аналізу міжнародних норм права і норм чинного цивільного законодавства України, які регламентують порядок вивезення дитини з країни постійного місця проживання. Досліджено зміст принципу врахування найкращих інтересів дитини, виявлено низку проблем, які на практиці можуть призвести до ухвалення необґрунтованих рішень про повернення дитини із закордону. Окремо зазначено, що дитина повинна зростати в умовах піклування та відповідального виконання батьками своїх обов'язків, в атмосфері любові, моральної і матеріальної забезпеченості; малолітня дитина, крім випадків, коли є виняткові обставини, не повинна розлучатися зі своїми батьками. В статті проаналізовано питання, які виникають при розгляді судом справ про «повернення дітей», коли окремі суди помилково визначають підсудність таких категорій справ і не звертають уваги на те, що суд може розглянути справу як за місцем перебування відповідача і дитини, так і за місцем розташування міністерства або його територіальних органів (альтернативна підсудність). Акцентовано увагу, що важливою проблемою у розгляді такої категорії справ є занадто тривалий відповідно до норм міжнародного права час вирішення спору щодо повернення дитини. Ці справи підлягають швидкому, розгляду, на практиці ж спостерігається порушення розумних строків розгляду справ. Україна, ставши учасницею Конвенції про цивільно-правові аспекти міжнародного викрадення дітей, взяла на себе зобов'язання вживати усіх необхідних заходів і долучатися до міжнародного механізму співпраці, що дозволяє вирішувати питання організації впорядкованого і швидкого повернення, незаконно вивезених або утримуваних за кордоном дітей, які постраждали від наслідків протиправної поведінки одного з батьків або інших родичів, діями яких порушуються права батьків щодо піклування про дитину, бо невідкладне повернення дитини дозволяє захистити її права, а також перешкодити завданню їй моральної шкоди і страждань Ключові слова: права дитини, незаконне вивезення дитини, принцип врахування найкращих інтересів дитини, механізм повернення дітей

Research paper thumbnail of The Right To Respect For Family Life: Legal Basis For State Interference

Revista San Gregorio, 2021

This article is dedicated to a theoretical and legal study of the concept of "the right to r... more This article is dedicated to a theoretical and legal study of the concept of "the right to respect for family life". It is based on legal analysis of Ukrainian legislation and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It has been argued that the legal bases for state interference in family life are: 1) interference committed under the law, 2) interference with the interests of the majority in a democratic society, 3) interference to prevent disorder, crime, health, morality , rights and freedoms of other citizens.

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary surrogate as a legal category: general theoretical characteristics

Economics. Finances. Law, 2021

The emergence of monetary surrogates is a consequence of the inability to comprehensively meet th... more The emergence of monetary surrogates is a consequence of the inability to comprehensively meet the public needs for servicing the turnover of various objects (property, rights, etc.) solely with the help of money. Bringing a short-term positive economic effect, monetary surrogates compete with state money, disrupting money circulation. An important role in limiting monetary surrogates is played by legal remedies, the effective use of which is possible only if the content of the legal category «monetary surrogate» is determined. At the same time, the norms of law do not disclose its content, and in the scientific community there is a discussion on this issue, while its vector is shifted towards understanding the monetary surrogate only as a means of payment, unnecessarily narrowing it. The reliability and validity of the results are achieved through the integrated application of the comparative legal method (when comparing the concepts of money and monetary surrogate, as well as othe...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation Of Human Rights Under The Influence Of Digitalization

Revista San Gregorio, 2021

The article shows that, throughout the evolution of human civilization, it shows that the list an... more The article shows that, throughout the evolution of human civilization, it shows that the list and scope of rights and freedoms demanded by society change with each new stage of technical and, consequently, economic development. With the formation of a digital civilization, a new round in the development of the human rights institution can be expected. In the research content, the authors highlight the threats and risks to the institution of human rights from the digital transformation of society's normative values and foundations.

Research paper thumbnail of Specifics of the Ukrainian election system

The paper considers the concept of the election process as an activity related to the exercise of... more The paper considers the concept of the election process as an activity related to the exercise of suffrage. The list of subjects of the election process has been determined. The formation of the institution of elections under the influence of external factors is explained. The formation of the electoral process in Ukraine since the XIX century is analyzed under the influence of foreign states such as the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary. The introduction of elections in the second half of the XIX century is considered in details in connection with the reform. The change of the electoral legislation in Ukraine from 1989 to 2004 is noted. The main types of electoral systems such as majority, proportional and mixed are analyzed. The peculiarities of the majority electoral system, which has been operating in Ukraine for a long time, and the proportional one, which is currently used in accordance with the Electoral Code of January 1, 2020, have been identified. The issue of choosing th...

Research paper thumbnail of The Rule of Law as a Fundamental Principle of the Legal System: Comparative Legal Aspect

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Juridical Sciences", 2017

The article considers the concept of "rule of law", identifies the main features, clari... more The article considers the concept of "rule of law", identifies the main features, clarifies the ideological origins of the rule of law. The relationship between the concepts of "rule of law" and "rule of law" is analyzed. Attention is paid to the development of the doctrine of the rule of law in domestic legislation, the main stages of enshrining this principle in the system of national legislation are highlighted. It is noted that at this stage of development of the rule of law there is a problem of its insufficient regulation and definition of this concept in the system of Ukrainian law. The principle of the rule of law in the times of the Soviet Union and in the times of independent Ukraine is considered. It was concluded that many elements of the structure of the legal system were borrowed from the times of Soviet Ukraine. It was also found that the current state of the rule of law in Ukraine largely depends on the level of legal culture of the popu...

Research paper thumbnail of The features of the implementation of the sports law (Características de la implementación del derecho deportivo)

Retos, 2020

Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing... more Development of physical culture and sports and updating of a healthy lifestyle lead to increasing of public interest in the sports sector inevitably. It entails the creating of sport's law as a separate branch of law associated with numerous scientific researches, legal practices and professional activities of athletes, sports industry' managers and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. The article is aimed to the theoretical analysis of certain aspects of the legal regulation of sports relations that form a new branch of sports law, determining its place in the national and international legal systems. The comparative legal analysis is the leading scientific approach of this study, which allows to discover the degree of scientific development of this issue with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of legal regulation of physical education and sports. An attempt was made to present sports law as an independent branch of law, resulting from a synthesis of international and national law that regulate relations in different industries through the lenses of public and private law. The specificity of this branch of law leads to a high degree of controversy in the question of determining its features, which are properly investigated in the work. Criteria of the features of the implementation of sports law are formulated: substantive capacity, external borders with other branches of law, national characteristics and international universality.

Research paper thumbnail of The Right to Freedom of Speech vs the Right to Respect Religious Feelings: Legal Limits

International scientific journal Internauka Series Juridical Sciences, 2018