Elmina Tampubolon - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Elmina Tampubolon

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Primigravida Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan DI PMB Meliana

Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Medik, May 5, 2024

Anxiety is a normal condition that occurs in various circumstances, such as growth, new experienc... more Anxiety is a normal condition that occurs in various circumstances, such as growth, new experiences (Heriani, 2016). Anxiety is a feeling of fear that has no clear cause and is not supported by the existing situation. Anxiety can be felt by everyone if they experience deep pressure and feelings that cause psychiatric problems and can develop over a long period of time. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychiatric disorders. According to the National Comority Study report, one in four people meet the diagnostic criteria for at least one anxiety disorder. Anxiety symptoms are different for each individual. Symptoms of anxiety can include restlessness, heart palpitations, tremors, and more. Pregnancy is a source of stress and anxiety, especially for mentally unstable pregnant women. In general, pregnant women experiencing pregnancy for the first time will feel happy and increasingly curious about their changes as well as the development of the fetus. But at the same time, pregnant women also feel worried. This type of research is analytical survey research with a cross-sectional approach where data relating to the independent variable and dependent variable are collected simultaneously or at the same time. This method was used by researchers to determine the perception of the level of anxiety of primigravida mothers in facing the birth process. Based on the results of age research on the perception and anxiety of primigravida pregnant women in the age group <20 years, totaling 13 people, of which 5 people (38.5%) had a good perception of childbirth and 8 people (61.5%) had a bad perception. towards childbirth. Meanwhile, in the 20-35 year age group, there were 20 people, of whom 15 people (75.0%) had a good perception, and 5 people (25.0%) had a bad perception. According to the results of anxiety levels in people under 20 years old, 7 people (53.8%) felt mild anxiety, 2 people (15.4%) felt moderate anxiety, 3 people (23.1%) felt) severe anxiety and 1 person (7.7%) panicked.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (Imd) Dengan Kejadian Perdarahan Post Partum DI Puskesmas Onan Hasang Tahun 2023

Jurnal Penelitian Kebidanan dan Kespro, May 5, 2024

The Ministry of Health (2008) states that IMD involves pressing the newborn up against the mother... more The Ministry of Health (2008) states that IMD involves pressing the newborn up against the mother's chest or stomach, let him to wiggle about in search of the nipple, and then nursing him until he is full. At least the first hour following the baby's birth is dedicated to this procedure. This kind of study uses a cross-sectional design and is descriptive correlative in nature. It measures both the independent and dependent research variables concurrently throughout the course of one time period. The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage at the Onan Hasang Community Health Center in 2023 and the Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD). There were 26 persons (81.3%) postpartum. Respondents who did not initiate early breastfeeding (IMD) represented the minority with postpartum hemorrhage, i.e. 3 (9.4%). Based on the study results obtained, there is a relationship between early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) and the incidence of postpartum bleeding at Onan Hasang Community Health Center in 2023, which from the main trial Fisher's exact test, the obtained p value is 0.008, which is less than 0.05. This means that the earlier you start breastfeeding (IMD), the less postpartum bleeding you will have. We note that the majority of respondents who completed Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) did not experience postpartum bleeding, i.e. 26 (81.3%). The majority of respondents who did not initiate early breastfeeding (IMD) had postpartum hemorrhage, i.e. 3 (9.4%). Fisher's exact test results showed a p-value of 0.008 < 0.05. This means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study is accepted, i.e. there is an association between early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage at community health centers. Onan Hasang coin in 2023.


Jurnal Penelitian Kebidanan dan Kespro, May 5, 2024

Antenatal Care (ANC) is the visit of pregnant girls to fitness care centers to receive ANC servic... more Antenatal Care (ANC) is the visit of pregnant girls to fitness care centers to receive ANC services in line with established requirements. The Antenatal Care coverage inside the running region of Deli Tua network medical institution in 2023 become K1 = 73.2% and K6 = sixty eight.eight%, whilst the goal turned into eighty five%. There have been 5 dominant factors causing noncompliance with ANC examination, specifically age, schooling, mindset, understanding, and husband's guide. Theaims of the study is to look at the relationshipbetween five dominant of the elements and the examination Compliance The Antenatal Care which the issue ofthe maximum related to The Antenatal Care exam Compliance. The kind of the research used analytic survey with a cross-sectional layout. The information of the evaluation used chi-square test and binary logistic regression with a pattern length of ninety four pregnant ladies who met the inclusion standards. The outcomes of the take a look at has been regarded that the dominant factors associated toThe Antenatal Care exam Compliance are information and husband's help, while the dominant factors not related toThe Antenatal Care examination Compliance have been age, education, and mindset, and the maximum associated dominant factor to The Antenatal Care examination Compliance within the operating vicinity of Deli Tua network clinic became know-how with (p = 0.000) and (aRP = five.211-132.401). From the effects of the study, it's far recommended to medical experts at Deli Tua community sanatorium to boom the intensity of providing facts and training to pregnant ladies and their partners through counseling activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Persepsi Tentang Pelayanan Prima Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien DI Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun 2018

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, Oct 24, 2018

The development of health services, especially in health community centers was made health care q... more The development of health services, especially in health community centers was made health care quality in health community centers was easily overlooked. This study aims to analyze the relationship between patient satisfaction based on responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiable variables with the quality of service in the Sumbul health center in Dairi district. The study population was 69 respondents. The method used in this study is cross sectional, using analytical survey methods, and using a questionnaire for data collection. Data were analyzed by chi square test. Data using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between perceived reliability (p=0,000), responsiveness (p=0,000), assurance (p=0,000), empathy (p=0,000), and tangiable (p=0,000). So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the variable responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiability with patient satisfaction Sumbul community health center Dairi district in 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Upaya Kesehatan Sekolah Dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Pada Siswa Kelas IV, V, VI SDN 043936 Merk Situngaling Tahun 2018

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, Oct 24, 2018

The method used is the analytical correlation with a transversal approach. The population of this... more The method used is the analytical correlation with a transversal approach. The population of this study consisted of grade IV, V, V1 students in SDN 043936, for a total of 56 students sampled by simple random sampling technique. The independent variables in this study were the role of School Health Companies (UKS) and the dependent variable was the application of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) in grades IV, V, VI. Data collection via questionnaire. Data processing by editing, coding, scoring and tabulation with the Spearman Rank statistical test. The results of this study indicate that 56 respondents who performed well in the UK were 56 respondents (26.8%), while nearly half of the PHBS respondents were up to 15 respondents (6.9%). Sperman Rank test results obtained pylt; 0.05, p = 0.013, so H1 was accepted. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the role of the School Health Unit (UKS) and the implementation of clean and healthy behavior (PHBS) in students of grades IV, V, VI. Schools are expected to suggest that schools can increase UKS activities to raise student awareness of the importance of PHBS.

Research paper thumbnail of Promosi Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Prima dan KaitannyaTerhadap Kepuasan Pasien di Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun 2018

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Dec 22, 2021

Kesehatan adalah salah satu unsur dalam kesejahteraan umum yang harus diwujudkan. Peningkatan kes... more Kesehatan adalah salah satu unsur dalam kesejahteraan umum yang harus diwujudkan. Peningkatan kesehatan dibutuhkan adanya informasi mengenai kesehatan yang dapat diperoleh dari promosi kesehatan dengan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 585/MENKES/SK/V/2007 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Promosi Kesehatan di Puskesmas. Dalam suatu implementasi kebijakan promosi kesehatan di dalam puskesmas dan diluar puskesmas adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan bidang kesehatan diwilayah kerjanya serta meningkatan kepuasan pasien yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas guna untuk meningkatkan layanan prima di Puskesmas. Promosi kesehatan yang dilaksanakan di Puskesmas merupakan strategi pemberdayaan, bina suasana dan advokasi yang dengan didukung oleh adanya media promosi untuk dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pasien yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas untuk meningkatkan layanan kesehatan yang prima di Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi. Pelayanan prima (service excellent) itu sendiri adalah bentuk pelayanan yang memenuhi standar kualitas. Standar kualitas yang dimaksud adalah pelayanan yang sesuai dengan harapan dan kepuasan pelanggan/masyarakat. Dari implementasi promosi kesehatan di Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi dengan untuk meningkatkan layanan kesehatan yang prima memerlukan keterlibatan petugas khusus promosi kesehatan yang mendapatkan pelatihan untuk promosi kesehatan dan media pendukung hasil dari petugas puskesmas. Walaupun begitu terdapat pula penghambat dalam implementasi promosi kesehatan, seperti pemberdayaan masyarakat yang masih belum optimal yang dilihat dari keterangan petugas mengenai daerah yang belum terdapat kader kesehatan untuk lebih memudahkan dalam memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Implementasi Kebijakan Mutu Untuk Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan DI Puskemas Deli Tua

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Dec 22, 2021

Implementasi kebijakan adalah mentransfer kebijakan kedalam program dan tindakan aksi sehingga me... more Implementasi kebijakan adalah mentransfer kebijakan kedalam program dan tindakan aksi sehingga membutuhkan berbagai kondisi yang berkaitan dengan bentuk masalah yang hendak dipecahkan dengan implementasi kebijakan itu sendiri, kondisi lingkungan yang ikut mempengaruhi implementasi, organisasi pelaksanaan dan sumber daya pelaksanan serta sumber daya yang teralokasi. Selain memberikan pembinaan kesehatan komunitas, puskesmas juga memiliki tugas pokok dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Pelayanan kesehatan adalah pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik atau belum menurut masyarakat. Pelayanan kesehatan harus senantiasa ditingkatkan mutunya. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan mutu adalah dengan menjaring umpan balik dari masyarakat pelangggan atau pengguna pelayanan. Untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan sebagai pengguna layanan dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Deli Tua diperlukan survei kepuasan pelanggan.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Pentingnya Simrs Dalam Penerapan Rekam Medik Elektronik Terintegrasi DI Rumah Sakit Umum Sembiring

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Jan 10, 2024

The objective of this community service is to increase the understanding of the role of Hospital ... more The objective of this community service is to increase the understanding of the role of Hospital Management Information Systems (SIMRS) and how they contribute to the implementation of integrated Electronic Medical Records (RME) in hospitals. Key stakeholders, such as medical record personnel, IT staff, and hospital management, were involved in the counseling through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) showed that the application of SIMRS while implementing RME improved the quality of healthcare services and operational efficiency of the hospital. Key advantages found included better interdepartmental collaboration, accurate data management, and quick and easy patient access. Stakeholders agreed that education is the best way to maximize the benefits of this system. Medical personnel require specialized training to master the use of SIMRS and RME. The final conclusion of this community service activity is that the utilization of electronic medical records at the Sembirin Hospital facility in Deli Serdang Regency will facilitate employee activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Determinan Stunting pada Balita di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pirak Timu Kabupaten Aceh Utara

Jurnal Informatika dan Multimedia/Jurnal kesehatan komunitas (Journal of community health), Nov 30, 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has prevented several basic health services, especially Posyan... more The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has prevented several basic health services, especially Posyandu, from being carried out, which can hinder the achievement of the 2024 national target, which is to reduce the stunting rate to 14%. The aim of the study was to analyze the determinants of stunting in toddlers during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Pirak Timu Community Health Center, North Aceh District. This type of research is quantitative analytic. The sample of this study was stunted toddler mothers who lived in the working area of the Pirak Timu Health Center, North Aceh Regency, totaling 65 people. Data collection was carried out using the interview method using a questionnaire carried out from December 2021 to January 1 st, 2022. Data analysis was univariate, bivariate, and multivariate using a multiple logistic regression test. Variables related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers are history of exclusive breastfeeding, diet, knowledge, and income. Meanwhile, the variable that is not related to the incidence of stunting is parity. The conclusion obtained is that there is a relationship between a history of exclusive breastfeeding, diet, knowledge, and

Research paper thumbnail of Determinan Faktor Rendahnya Kepemilikan Jamban Keluarga dengan Regresi Logistik di Desa Penen, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara


Menuju tahun 2025, kesehatan di Indonesia menuju kepemilikan semua warga memiliki sanitasi dasar ... more Menuju tahun 2025, kesehatan di Indonesia menuju kepemilikan semua warga memiliki sanitasi dasar atau kegiatan yang lesanitasi total berbasis masyarakat. Dengan program tersebut sangat penting didukung pentingnya program untuk meningkatkan kesadaran kepemilikan jamban keluarga. Di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, pada Kecamatan Biru-Biru, Desa Penen merupakan salah satu desa yang penghasilan warga dari sektor pertanian memiliki 40% jamban keluarga. Angka persentase ini merupakan angka yang kecil. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga dan menentukan faktor terbesar rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga dengan analisis mutivariat yaitu regresi logistik. Regresi logistik merupakan regresi yang memiliki ciri khusus dari analisis regresi linier yang tujuannya samasama melakukan nilai prediksi. Regresi logistik banyak digunakan dalam penerapan faktor penyebab dari beberapa variabel, untuk menganalisis hubungan satu atau beberapa variabel independen dengan sebuah variabel dependen yang bersifat binary atau dikotomus. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk yaitu pengetahuan, status ekonomi, sikap, perilaku, dan peran tenaga kesehatan, untuk mencari faktor penyebab rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga di Desa Penen. Desain penelitian menggunkan cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 76 Kepala Keluarga, dengan pengambilan sampel secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel pengetahuan (p-value =0,000), status ekonomi (p-value=0,001), sikap (p-value=0,008), perilaku (p-value=0,008), dan peran tenaga kesehatan (p-value=0,03). Hasil akhir dari regresi logistik, variabel yang menjadi faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga yaitu pengetahian dengan Odd Ratio sebesar 80,947. Nilai probabilitas (p) sebesar 0,0038 atau 0,38 % dengan persamaan model regresi yang dibentuk yaitu Y =-17,719 + 4,394 (Pengetahuan) + 2,272 (Sikap) + 1,34 (Perilaku) + 4,14 (Peran Tenaga Kesehatan). Kata kunci⎯ regresi logistik, jamban keluarga, odd ratio ABSTRACT-Towards 2025, health in Indonesia is moving towards having all citizens have basic sanitation or community-based total sanitation activities. With this program it is very important to support the importance of programs to increase awareness of family latrine ownership. In Deli Serdang Regency, in the Biru-Biru District, Penen Village is one of the villages whose residents income from agricultural sector has 40% of the family's latrines. This percentage figure is a small number. For this reason, this study aims to determine the factors that influence low family latrine ownership and determine the biggest factor for low family latrine ownership by means of multivariate analysis, namely logistic regression. Logistic regression is a regression that has special characteristics from linear regression analysis which has the same goal of predicting value. Logistic regression is widely used in the application of the causal factors of several variables, to analyze the relationship of one or more independent variables with a dependent variable that is binary or dichotomous. The variables used in this study are knowledge, economic status, attitudes, behavior, and the role of health workers, to find the factors that cause low family latrine ownership in Penen Village. The research design used cross sectional with a sample of 76 heads of families, with random sampling. The results showed that the variable knowledge (p-value = 0,000), economic status (p-value = 0.001), attitude (p-value = 0,008), behavior (p-value = 0,008), and the role of health workers (p-value = 0,03). The final result of the logistic regression, the variable which is the biggest factor influencing the low family latrine ownership is knowledge with an Odd Ratio of 80,947. The probability value (p) is 0.0038 or 0.38% with the regression model equation formed, namely Y =-17,719 + 4,394 (Knowledge) + 2,272 (Attitude) + 1,34 (Behavior) + 4,14 (Role of Health Workers) Keywords⎯ logistic regression, family latrine, odds ratio

Research paper thumbnail of Association of Socioeconomic Factors and Medication Compliance Among Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Implementasi Program Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk Pada Anak Balita DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Medan Labuhan, Kota Medan Tahun 2008 (Analysis of the Implementation of Children Undernutrition Improvement Program in Working Area Medan Labuhan Health C

The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research, 2012

ABSTRACT Medan Labuan Health Centre has the highest number of severe underweight children among t... more ABSTRACT Medan Labuan Health Centre has the highest number of severe underweight children among the other health centrein Medan City, North Sumatera Province. The study performed t o analyze the implementation of children undernutrition improvement programme. This research is descriptive qualitative study conducted in February-May 2009. The subjects of the research are h ead of h ealth c entre, nutritionist, and 25 cadre leaders of Posyandu. The data from in-depth interviews i s process ed using the EZ -Tex , presented in a matrix, and d ata is analyzed using c omparison methods of Fixed (constant comparative method) . Nutritionist is only found one person for 2 villages with 25 subvillages, while many cadres are not active , frequently changing and less skilled. The infrastructure is limited , the scales are not standardized and there are no tools for body length/height measurements . One of two villages does not undertake 5 tables Posyandu . Growth monitoring of underfive children are still low . A chievement of toddler weight gain (N/D) from January to December 2008 is 34.58 percent to 69.35 percent of the target coverage of 80 percent. Complementary feeding distribution is not in accordance with the guidelines . The feeding that is only purposed to undernutrition children from poor families are also given to all the children who come to Posyandu. C overage of exclusive breastfeeding between January-November 2008 is 1.45 to 6.36 percent , rather than the target coverage of 80 percent. These problems are caused by insufficient knowledge and awareness of community about child car ring pattern and the lack of cadres participation in Posyandu . From input, process, or output perspective , the of malnutrition improvement programme implementation in Medan Labuan health care is not good enough . Keywords: undernutrition, children under-fives, program, implementation ABSTRAK Puskesmas Medan Labuhan merupakan Puskesmas yang memiliki jumlah balita gizi buruk paling besar dibandingkan dengan Puskesmas lainnya di kota Medan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan program penanggulangan gizi pada anak balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Medan Labuhan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif bersifat kualitatif dilakukan bulan Februari hingga Mei 2009. Sebagai informan adalah pimpinan Puskesmas, petugas gizi dan 25 orang ketua kader Posyandu. Data penanggulangan gizi buruk diolah menggunakan EZ-Text, disajikan dalam bentuk matriks, dianalisis dengan metode perbandingan tetap ( constant comparative method ). Tenaga gizi hanya satu orang untuk dua kelurahan dengan 25 lingkungan, sementara kader banyak yang tidak aktif dan sering berganti serta kurang terampil. Sarana dan prasarana terbatas, timbangan tidak terstandar, dan tidak ada alat ukur panjang dan/atau tinggi badan. Satu dari dua kelurahan di wilayah Puskesmas tidak melaksanakan kegiatan Posyandu 5 meja.Hasil penimbangan masih rendah, capaian balita yang naik berat badannya (N/D) dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2008 sebesar 34,58 sampai 69,35 persendari target cakupan 80 persen. Distribusi MP-ASI tidak sesuai dengan pedoman, selain diberikan kepada bayi kurang gizi dari keluarga miskin, MP-ASI diberikan kepada semua balita yang datang ke Posyandu. Demikian pula cakupan ASI Eksklusif, bulan Januari-November 2008 hanya 1,45 sampai 6,36 persen dari target 80 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan masih rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pola asuh anak dan kurangnya partisipasi kader dalam kegiatan Posyandu. Implementasi program penanggulangan gizi buruk ditinjau dari segi input, proses dan output di Puskesmas Medan Labuhan masih kurang baik. [ Penel Gizi Makan 2012, 35(1): 70-77] Kata kunci : gizi buruk, anak balita, program penanggulangan, implementasi

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Household Contact with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indonesia Investigation of Household Contact with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indo Investigation of Household Contact with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indone...



Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, May 5, 2024

The focus on improving public nutrition in Indonesia remains centered on addressing the nutrition... more The focus on improving public nutrition in Indonesia remains centered on addressing the nutritional status of Indonesian children. According to the 2014 Global Nutrition Report (GNR), Indonesia is one of 17 out of 117 countries facing the triple burden of stunting, wasting, and overweight among infants or toddlers within the first days of life. Despite efforts, exclusive breastfeeding rates in Indonesia have not met the targeted 80%. In 2016, exclusive breastfeeding rates for infants aged 0-5 months were at 54.0%, while only 29.5% were exclusively breastfed up to 6 months. Although South Sumatra province has surpassed the national average with a rate of 60.4%, it still falls short of the desired 80%. Researchers focused on the Sargiati Amd clinic, particularly exploring the correlation between parenting styles, exclusive breastfeeding, and infant nutritional status. Among the 19 respondents, the majority exhibited a certain parenting style. Among them, 11 individuals had good nutritional status (36.7%), while 8 had poor nutritional status (36.7%). Only a minority (6.7%) had poor nutritional status. Surprisingly, among those with good parenting habits, the majority had poor nutritional status (23.3%), while the minority had good nutritional status (13.3%). Statistical analysis using a chi-square test with a significance level of 0.05 yielded a p-value of 0.256 (P > 0.05), indicating acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ho) and rejection of the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Thus, no significant relationship was found between parenting style and nutritional status. However, there was a significant relationship between parents' eating habits and healthy habits with nutritional status (p = 0.014; p = 0.006).

Research paper thumbnail of The role of the head of room in supervising the icu room of Sembiring Delitua general hospital

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

Nursing services are a subsystem in health services in hospitals, of course they have an interest... more Nursing services are a subsystem in health services in hospitals, of course they have an interest in maintaining service quality, moreover, nursing services are often used as a benchmark for the image of a hospital so that it demands the professionalism of implementing nurses and managing nurses. Optimal contribution in realizing quality health services is carried out through the leadership style of the head of the room. The leadership style carried out by the head of the room will have a close impact on the nurse's performance. The formulation of the problem in this research is how is the role of the head of the room in supervising the ICU room at the Sembiring Delitua General Hospital?. The data obtained through interviews with the results of the analysis using the Triangulation method can be concluded: Input (HR), Process (knowledge, skills and leadership), Output (democratic leadership style) carried out on informants. The results in this study that the leadership in the ICU room is good because the head of the room applies democratic leadership.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Implementasi Program Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk Pada Anak Balita DI Puskesmas Jakenan Kabupaten Pati

Jurnal Litbang: Media Informasi Penelitian, Pengembangan dan IPTEK, 2019

ENGLISHCommunity Health Center in Jakenan has implemented a malnutrition prevention program but t... more ENGLISHCommunity Health Center in Jakenan has implemented a malnutrition prevention program but the number of malnutrition cases is still high. The purpose of the study was to describe the implementation of a malnutrition prevention program at the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) of Jakenan, Pati Regency. The research used qualitative approach. The focus of this research was on the aspects of input, process and output of the program. Data collection was conducted by using interview, field event observation and document-observation. Informants were selected through purposive sampling. This study results showed: Regarding the input aspect, Puskesmas Jakenan had lack of the number of nutrition officers. Meanwhile, the facilities, and infrastructures were sufficient. However, the funding for recovery program has not been sufficient yet. The program has been running but there were several obstacles, namely: 1) the lack of nutrition workers, 2) inadequate knowledge and skills of Integr...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Ekspektasi Usaha Dan Ekspektasi Kinerja Dengan Pemanfaatan Rekam Medik Elektronik DI Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Umum Cut Meutia Kabupaten Aceh Utara Tahun 2022

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy

The implementation of RME will be able to provide effective and efficient management of patients,... more The implementation of RME will be able to provide effective and efficient management of patients, doctors and clinics as well as improve good outcomes for hospitals. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between business expectations and performance expectations with the use of electronic medical records by outpatient installation officers at the Cut Meutia General Hospital, North Aceh Regency in 2022. The type of research is quantitative research, the nature of the research is cross-sectional. This research was conducted at the outpatient installation of the Cut Meutia General Hospital, North Aceh. The study population was all employees in the outpatient installation, totaling 337 people. The sample in the study amounted to 185 people. The results showed that there was a relationship between business expectations and the use of electronic medical records in the outpatient installation of the Cut Meutia General Hospital, North Aceh. There is a relationship betwe...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Mutu Pelayanan Keluarga Bencana Terhadap Peningkatan Akseptor KB Dan Status Gizi Anak Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 DI Puskesmas Bandar Durian Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Utara

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

This study aims to analyze the quality of family planning services during the Covid-19 pandemic t... more This study aims to analyze the quality of family planning services during the Covid-19 pandemic to increase family planning acceptors and children's nutritional status at the Bandar Durian Health Center. This study uses quantitative research methods with the number of respondents 90 women of childbearing age who have toddlers. The results of the study concluded that the quality of family planning services during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Bandar Durian Health Center was very good, the results of the analysis of the quality of family planning services had a significant effect on increasing family planning acceptors and children's nutritional status. It is hoped that the Bandar Durian Health Center will improve the quality of family planning services by always paying attention to the completeness of infrastructure, providing quality counseling to patients, always being responsive and thorough in providing family planning services, increasing the competence of health workers ...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan DI Rsu Mitra Medika Amplas Medan Tahun 2021

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, 2021

Factors Associated with the Quality of Public Health Services at Mitra Medika Amplas General Hosp... more Factors Associated with the Quality of Public Health Services at Mitra Medika Amplas General Hospital Medan in 2021. Thesis, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Deli Husada Delitua Health Institute. This study aims to analyze the relationship of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy with the quality of health services at RSU Mitra Medika Amplas Medan. The population of this study were patients at Mitra Medika Amplas Hospital, Medan. In the sample can be 99 respondents. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The method used in this study was analyzed by Chi-Square test. The results of the research on tangible variables in the good category reached 79.3%. The reliability variable obtained 80.3%. The responsiveness variable was obtained 78.5%. Assurance variable obtained 80.5%. Empathy variable obtained 78.9%. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Petugas Sistem Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas DI Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Aug 7, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Primigravida Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan DI PMB Meliana

Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Medik, May 5, 2024

Anxiety is a normal condition that occurs in various circumstances, such as growth, new experienc... more Anxiety is a normal condition that occurs in various circumstances, such as growth, new experiences (Heriani, 2016). Anxiety is a feeling of fear that has no clear cause and is not supported by the existing situation. Anxiety can be felt by everyone if they experience deep pressure and feelings that cause psychiatric problems and can develop over a long period of time. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychiatric disorders. According to the National Comority Study report, one in four people meet the diagnostic criteria for at least one anxiety disorder. Anxiety symptoms are different for each individual. Symptoms of anxiety can include restlessness, heart palpitations, tremors, and more. Pregnancy is a source of stress and anxiety, especially for mentally unstable pregnant women. In general, pregnant women experiencing pregnancy for the first time will feel happy and increasingly curious about their changes as well as the development of the fetus. But at the same time, pregnant women also feel worried. This type of research is analytical survey research with a cross-sectional approach where data relating to the independent variable and dependent variable are collected simultaneously or at the same time. This method was used by researchers to determine the perception of the level of anxiety of primigravida mothers in facing the birth process. Based on the results of age research on the perception and anxiety of primigravida pregnant women in the age group <20 years, totaling 13 people, of which 5 people (38.5%) had a good perception of childbirth and 8 people (61.5%) had a bad perception. towards childbirth. Meanwhile, in the 20-35 year age group, there were 20 people, of whom 15 people (75.0%) had a good perception, and 5 people (25.0%) had a bad perception. According to the results of anxiety levels in people under 20 years old, 7 people (53.8%) felt mild anxiety, 2 people (15.4%) felt moderate anxiety, 3 people (23.1%) felt) severe anxiety and 1 person (7.7%) panicked.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (Imd) Dengan Kejadian Perdarahan Post Partum DI Puskesmas Onan Hasang Tahun 2023

Jurnal Penelitian Kebidanan dan Kespro, May 5, 2024

The Ministry of Health (2008) states that IMD involves pressing the newborn up against the mother... more The Ministry of Health (2008) states that IMD involves pressing the newborn up against the mother's chest or stomach, let him to wiggle about in search of the nipple, and then nursing him until he is full. At least the first hour following the baby's birth is dedicated to this procedure. This kind of study uses a cross-sectional design and is descriptive correlative in nature. It measures both the independent and dependent research variables concurrently throughout the course of one time period. The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage at the Onan Hasang Community Health Center in 2023 and the Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD). There were 26 persons (81.3%) postpartum. Respondents who did not initiate early breastfeeding (IMD) represented the minority with postpartum hemorrhage, i.e. 3 (9.4%). Based on the study results obtained, there is a relationship between early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) and the incidence of postpartum bleeding at Onan Hasang Community Health Center in 2023, which from the main trial Fisher's exact test, the obtained p value is 0.008, which is less than 0.05. This means that the earlier you start breastfeeding (IMD), the less postpartum bleeding you will have. We note that the majority of respondents who completed Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) did not experience postpartum bleeding, i.e. 26 (81.3%). The majority of respondents who did not initiate early breastfeeding (IMD) had postpartum hemorrhage, i.e. 3 (9.4%). Fisher's exact test results showed a p-value of 0.008 < 0.05. This means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study is accepted, i.e. there is an association between early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage at community health centers. Onan Hasang coin in 2023.


Jurnal Penelitian Kebidanan dan Kespro, May 5, 2024

Antenatal Care (ANC) is the visit of pregnant girls to fitness care centers to receive ANC servic... more Antenatal Care (ANC) is the visit of pregnant girls to fitness care centers to receive ANC services in line with established requirements. The Antenatal Care coverage inside the running region of Deli Tua network medical institution in 2023 become K1 = 73.2% and K6 = sixty eight.eight%, whilst the goal turned into eighty five%. There have been 5 dominant factors causing noncompliance with ANC examination, specifically age, schooling, mindset, understanding, and husband's guide. Theaims of the study is to look at the relationshipbetween five dominant of the elements and the examination Compliance The Antenatal Care which the issue ofthe maximum related to The Antenatal Care exam Compliance. The kind of the research used analytic survey with a cross-sectional layout. The information of the evaluation used chi-square test and binary logistic regression with a pattern length of ninety four pregnant ladies who met the inclusion standards. The outcomes of the take a look at has been regarded that the dominant factors associated toThe Antenatal Care exam Compliance are information and husband's help, while the dominant factors not related toThe Antenatal Care examination Compliance have been age, education, and mindset, and the maximum associated dominant factor to The Antenatal Care examination Compliance within the operating vicinity of Deli Tua network clinic became know-how with (p = 0.000) and (aRP = five.211-132.401). From the effects of the study, it's far recommended to medical experts at Deli Tua community sanatorium to boom the intensity of providing facts and training to pregnant ladies and their partners through counseling activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Persepsi Tentang Pelayanan Prima Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien DI Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun 2018

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, Oct 24, 2018

The development of health services, especially in health community centers was made health care q... more The development of health services, especially in health community centers was made health care quality in health community centers was easily overlooked. This study aims to analyze the relationship between patient satisfaction based on responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiable variables with the quality of service in the Sumbul health center in Dairi district. The study population was 69 respondents. The method used in this study is cross sectional, using analytical survey methods, and using a questionnaire for data collection. Data were analyzed by chi square test. Data using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between perceived reliability (p=0,000), responsiveness (p=0,000), assurance (p=0,000), empathy (p=0,000), and tangiable (p=0,000). So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the variable responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiability with patient satisfaction Sumbul community health center Dairi district in 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Upaya Kesehatan Sekolah Dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Pada Siswa Kelas IV, V, VI SDN 043936 Merk Situngaling Tahun 2018

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, Oct 24, 2018

The method used is the analytical correlation with a transversal approach. The population of this... more The method used is the analytical correlation with a transversal approach. The population of this study consisted of grade IV, V, V1 students in SDN 043936, for a total of 56 students sampled by simple random sampling technique. The independent variables in this study were the role of School Health Companies (UKS) and the dependent variable was the application of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) in grades IV, V, VI. Data collection via questionnaire. Data processing by editing, coding, scoring and tabulation with the Spearman Rank statistical test. The results of this study indicate that 56 respondents who performed well in the UK were 56 respondents (26.8%), while nearly half of the PHBS respondents were up to 15 respondents (6.9%). Sperman Rank test results obtained pylt; 0.05, p = 0.013, so H1 was accepted. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the role of the School Health Unit (UKS) and the implementation of clean and healthy behavior (PHBS) in students of grades IV, V, VI. Schools are expected to suggest that schools can increase UKS activities to raise student awareness of the importance of PHBS.

Research paper thumbnail of Promosi Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Prima dan KaitannyaTerhadap Kepuasan Pasien di Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun 2018

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Dec 22, 2021

Kesehatan adalah salah satu unsur dalam kesejahteraan umum yang harus diwujudkan. Peningkatan kes... more Kesehatan adalah salah satu unsur dalam kesejahteraan umum yang harus diwujudkan. Peningkatan kesehatan dibutuhkan adanya informasi mengenai kesehatan yang dapat diperoleh dari promosi kesehatan dengan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 585/MENKES/SK/V/2007 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Promosi Kesehatan di Puskesmas. Dalam suatu implementasi kebijakan promosi kesehatan di dalam puskesmas dan diluar puskesmas adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan bidang kesehatan diwilayah kerjanya serta meningkatan kepuasan pasien yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas guna untuk meningkatkan layanan prima di Puskesmas. Promosi kesehatan yang dilaksanakan di Puskesmas merupakan strategi pemberdayaan, bina suasana dan advokasi yang dengan didukung oleh adanya media promosi untuk dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pasien yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas untuk meningkatkan layanan kesehatan yang prima di Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi. Pelayanan prima (service excellent) itu sendiri adalah bentuk pelayanan yang memenuhi standar kualitas. Standar kualitas yang dimaksud adalah pelayanan yang sesuai dengan harapan dan kepuasan pelanggan/masyarakat. Dari implementasi promosi kesehatan di Puskesmas Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi dengan untuk meningkatkan layanan kesehatan yang prima memerlukan keterlibatan petugas khusus promosi kesehatan yang mendapatkan pelatihan untuk promosi kesehatan dan media pendukung hasil dari petugas puskesmas. Walaupun begitu terdapat pula penghambat dalam implementasi promosi kesehatan, seperti pemberdayaan masyarakat yang masih belum optimal yang dilihat dari keterangan petugas mengenai daerah yang belum terdapat kader kesehatan untuk lebih memudahkan dalam memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Implementasi Kebijakan Mutu Untuk Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan DI Puskemas Deli Tua

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Dec 22, 2021

Implementasi kebijakan adalah mentransfer kebijakan kedalam program dan tindakan aksi sehingga me... more Implementasi kebijakan adalah mentransfer kebijakan kedalam program dan tindakan aksi sehingga membutuhkan berbagai kondisi yang berkaitan dengan bentuk masalah yang hendak dipecahkan dengan implementasi kebijakan itu sendiri, kondisi lingkungan yang ikut mempengaruhi implementasi, organisasi pelaksanaan dan sumber daya pelaksanan serta sumber daya yang teralokasi. Selain memberikan pembinaan kesehatan komunitas, puskesmas juga memiliki tugas pokok dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Pelayanan kesehatan adalah pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik atau belum menurut masyarakat. Pelayanan kesehatan harus senantiasa ditingkatkan mutunya. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan mutu adalah dengan menjaring umpan balik dari masyarakat pelangggan atau pengguna pelayanan. Untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan sebagai pengguna layanan dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Deli Tua diperlukan survei kepuasan pelanggan.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Pentingnya Simrs Dalam Penerapan Rekam Medik Elektronik Terintegrasi DI Rumah Sakit Umum Sembiring

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Jan 10, 2024

The objective of this community service is to increase the understanding of the role of Hospital ... more The objective of this community service is to increase the understanding of the role of Hospital Management Information Systems (SIMRS) and how they contribute to the implementation of integrated Electronic Medical Records (RME) in hospitals. Key stakeholders, such as medical record personnel, IT staff, and hospital management, were involved in the counseling through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) showed that the application of SIMRS while implementing RME improved the quality of healthcare services and operational efficiency of the hospital. Key advantages found included better interdepartmental collaboration, accurate data management, and quick and easy patient access. Stakeholders agreed that education is the best way to maximize the benefits of this system. Medical personnel require specialized training to master the use of SIMRS and RME. The final conclusion of this community service activity is that the utilization of electronic medical records at the Sembirin Hospital facility in Deli Serdang Regency will facilitate employee activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Determinan Stunting pada Balita di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pirak Timu Kabupaten Aceh Utara

Jurnal Informatika dan Multimedia/Jurnal kesehatan komunitas (Journal of community health), Nov 30, 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has prevented several basic health services, especially Posyan... more The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has prevented several basic health services, especially Posyandu, from being carried out, which can hinder the achievement of the 2024 national target, which is to reduce the stunting rate to 14%. The aim of the study was to analyze the determinants of stunting in toddlers during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Pirak Timu Community Health Center, North Aceh District. This type of research is quantitative analytic. The sample of this study was stunted toddler mothers who lived in the working area of the Pirak Timu Health Center, North Aceh Regency, totaling 65 people. Data collection was carried out using the interview method using a questionnaire carried out from December 2021 to January 1 st, 2022. Data analysis was univariate, bivariate, and multivariate using a multiple logistic regression test. Variables related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers are history of exclusive breastfeeding, diet, knowledge, and income. Meanwhile, the variable that is not related to the incidence of stunting is parity. The conclusion obtained is that there is a relationship between a history of exclusive breastfeeding, diet, knowledge, and

Research paper thumbnail of Determinan Faktor Rendahnya Kepemilikan Jamban Keluarga dengan Regresi Logistik di Desa Penen, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara


Menuju tahun 2025, kesehatan di Indonesia menuju kepemilikan semua warga memiliki sanitasi dasar ... more Menuju tahun 2025, kesehatan di Indonesia menuju kepemilikan semua warga memiliki sanitasi dasar atau kegiatan yang lesanitasi total berbasis masyarakat. Dengan program tersebut sangat penting didukung pentingnya program untuk meningkatkan kesadaran kepemilikan jamban keluarga. Di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, pada Kecamatan Biru-Biru, Desa Penen merupakan salah satu desa yang penghasilan warga dari sektor pertanian memiliki 40% jamban keluarga. Angka persentase ini merupakan angka yang kecil. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga dan menentukan faktor terbesar rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga dengan analisis mutivariat yaitu regresi logistik. Regresi logistik merupakan regresi yang memiliki ciri khusus dari analisis regresi linier yang tujuannya samasama melakukan nilai prediksi. Regresi logistik banyak digunakan dalam penerapan faktor penyebab dari beberapa variabel, untuk menganalisis hubungan satu atau beberapa variabel independen dengan sebuah variabel dependen yang bersifat binary atau dikotomus. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk yaitu pengetahuan, status ekonomi, sikap, perilaku, dan peran tenaga kesehatan, untuk mencari faktor penyebab rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga di Desa Penen. Desain penelitian menggunkan cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 76 Kepala Keluarga, dengan pengambilan sampel secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel pengetahuan (p-value =0,000), status ekonomi (p-value=0,001), sikap (p-value=0,008), perilaku (p-value=0,008), dan peran tenaga kesehatan (p-value=0,03). Hasil akhir dari regresi logistik, variabel yang menjadi faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi rendahnya kepemilikan jamban keluarga yaitu pengetahian dengan Odd Ratio sebesar 80,947. Nilai probabilitas (p) sebesar 0,0038 atau 0,38 % dengan persamaan model regresi yang dibentuk yaitu Y =-17,719 + 4,394 (Pengetahuan) + 2,272 (Sikap) + 1,34 (Perilaku) + 4,14 (Peran Tenaga Kesehatan). Kata kunci⎯ regresi logistik, jamban keluarga, odd ratio ABSTRACT-Towards 2025, health in Indonesia is moving towards having all citizens have basic sanitation or community-based total sanitation activities. With this program it is very important to support the importance of programs to increase awareness of family latrine ownership. In Deli Serdang Regency, in the Biru-Biru District, Penen Village is one of the villages whose residents income from agricultural sector has 40% of the family's latrines. This percentage figure is a small number. For this reason, this study aims to determine the factors that influence low family latrine ownership and determine the biggest factor for low family latrine ownership by means of multivariate analysis, namely logistic regression. Logistic regression is a regression that has special characteristics from linear regression analysis which has the same goal of predicting value. Logistic regression is widely used in the application of the causal factors of several variables, to analyze the relationship of one or more independent variables with a dependent variable that is binary or dichotomous. The variables used in this study are knowledge, economic status, attitudes, behavior, and the role of health workers, to find the factors that cause low family latrine ownership in Penen Village. The research design used cross sectional with a sample of 76 heads of families, with random sampling. The results showed that the variable knowledge (p-value = 0,000), economic status (p-value = 0.001), attitude (p-value = 0,008), behavior (p-value = 0,008), and the role of health workers (p-value = 0,03). The final result of the logistic regression, the variable which is the biggest factor influencing the low family latrine ownership is knowledge with an Odd Ratio of 80,947. The probability value (p) is 0.0038 or 0.38% with the regression model equation formed, namely Y =-17,719 + 4,394 (Knowledge) + 2,272 (Attitude) + 1,34 (Behavior) + 4,14 (Role of Health Workers) Keywords⎯ logistic regression, family latrine, odds ratio

Research paper thumbnail of Association of Socioeconomic Factors and Medication Compliance Among Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Implementasi Program Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk Pada Anak Balita DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Medan Labuhan, Kota Medan Tahun 2008 (Analysis of the Implementation of Children Undernutrition Improvement Program in Working Area Medan Labuhan Health C

The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research, 2012

ABSTRACT Medan Labuan Health Centre has the highest number of severe underweight children among t... more ABSTRACT Medan Labuan Health Centre has the highest number of severe underweight children among the other health centrein Medan City, North Sumatera Province. The study performed t o analyze the implementation of children undernutrition improvement programme. This research is descriptive qualitative study conducted in February-May 2009. The subjects of the research are h ead of h ealth c entre, nutritionist, and 25 cadre leaders of Posyandu. The data from in-depth interviews i s process ed using the EZ -Tex , presented in a matrix, and d ata is analyzed using c omparison methods of Fixed (constant comparative method) . Nutritionist is only found one person for 2 villages with 25 subvillages, while many cadres are not active , frequently changing and less skilled. The infrastructure is limited , the scales are not standardized and there are no tools for body length/height measurements . One of two villages does not undertake 5 tables Posyandu . Growth monitoring of underfive children are still low . A chievement of toddler weight gain (N/D) from January to December 2008 is 34.58 percent to 69.35 percent of the target coverage of 80 percent. Complementary feeding distribution is not in accordance with the guidelines . The feeding that is only purposed to undernutrition children from poor families are also given to all the children who come to Posyandu. C overage of exclusive breastfeeding between January-November 2008 is 1.45 to 6.36 percent , rather than the target coverage of 80 percent. These problems are caused by insufficient knowledge and awareness of community about child car ring pattern and the lack of cadres participation in Posyandu . From input, process, or output perspective , the of malnutrition improvement programme implementation in Medan Labuan health care is not good enough . Keywords: undernutrition, children under-fives, program, implementation ABSTRAK Puskesmas Medan Labuhan merupakan Puskesmas yang memiliki jumlah balita gizi buruk paling besar dibandingkan dengan Puskesmas lainnya di kota Medan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan program penanggulangan gizi pada anak balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Medan Labuhan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif bersifat kualitatif dilakukan bulan Februari hingga Mei 2009. Sebagai informan adalah pimpinan Puskesmas, petugas gizi dan 25 orang ketua kader Posyandu. Data penanggulangan gizi buruk diolah menggunakan EZ-Text, disajikan dalam bentuk matriks, dianalisis dengan metode perbandingan tetap ( constant comparative method ). Tenaga gizi hanya satu orang untuk dua kelurahan dengan 25 lingkungan, sementara kader banyak yang tidak aktif dan sering berganti serta kurang terampil. Sarana dan prasarana terbatas, timbangan tidak terstandar, dan tidak ada alat ukur panjang dan/atau tinggi badan. Satu dari dua kelurahan di wilayah Puskesmas tidak melaksanakan kegiatan Posyandu 5 meja.Hasil penimbangan masih rendah, capaian balita yang naik berat badannya (N/D) dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2008 sebesar 34,58 sampai 69,35 persendari target cakupan 80 persen. Distribusi MP-ASI tidak sesuai dengan pedoman, selain diberikan kepada bayi kurang gizi dari keluarga miskin, MP-ASI diberikan kepada semua balita yang datang ke Posyandu. Demikian pula cakupan ASI Eksklusif, bulan Januari-November 2008 hanya 1,45 sampai 6,36 persen dari target 80 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan masih rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pola asuh anak dan kurangnya partisipasi kader dalam kegiatan Posyandu. Implementasi program penanggulangan gizi buruk ditinjau dari segi input, proses dan output di Puskesmas Medan Labuhan masih kurang baik. [ Penel Gizi Makan 2012, 35(1): 70-77] Kata kunci : gizi buruk, anak balita, program penanggulangan, implementasi

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Household Contact with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indonesia Investigation of Household Contact with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indo Investigation of Household Contact with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in West Papua, Indone...



Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, May 5, 2024

The focus on improving public nutrition in Indonesia remains centered on addressing the nutrition... more The focus on improving public nutrition in Indonesia remains centered on addressing the nutritional status of Indonesian children. According to the 2014 Global Nutrition Report (GNR), Indonesia is one of 17 out of 117 countries facing the triple burden of stunting, wasting, and overweight among infants or toddlers within the first days of life. Despite efforts, exclusive breastfeeding rates in Indonesia have not met the targeted 80%. In 2016, exclusive breastfeeding rates for infants aged 0-5 months were at 54.0%, while only 29.5% were exclusively breastfed up to 6 months. Although South Sumatra province has surpassed the national average with a rate of 60.4%, it still falls short of the desired 80%. Researchers focused on the Sargiati Amd clinic, particularly exploring the correlation between parenting styles, exclusive breastfeeding, and infant nutritional status. Among the 19 respondents, the majority exhibited a certain parenting style. Among them, 11 individuals had good nutritional status (36.7%), while 8 had poor nutritional status (36.7%). Only a minority (6.7%) had poor nutritional status. Surprisingly, among those with good parenting habits, the majority had poor nutritional status (23.3%), while the minority had good nutritional status (13.3%). Statistical analysis using a chi-square test with a significance level of 0.05 yielded a p-value of 0.256 (P > 0.05), indicating acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ho) and rejection of the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Thus, no significant relationship was found between parenting style and nutritional status. However, there was a significant relationship between parents' eating habits and healthy habits with nutritional status (p = 0.014; p = 0.006).

Research paper thumbnail of The role of the head of room in supervising the icu room of Sembiring Delitua general hospital

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

Nursing services are a subsystem in health services in hospitals, of course they have an interest... more Nursing services are a subsystem in health services in hospitals, of course they have an interest in maintaining service quality, moreover, nursing services are often used as a benchmark for the image of a hospital so that it demands the professionalism of implementing nurses and managing nurses. Optimal contribution in realizing quality health services is carried out through the leadership style of the head of the room. The leadership style carried out by the head of the room will have a close impact on the nurse's performance. The formulation of the problem in this research is how is the role of the head of the room in supervising the ICU room at the Sembiring Delitua General Hospital?. The data obtained through interviews with the results of the analysis using the Triangulation method can be concluded: Input (HR), Process (knowledge, skills and leadership), Output (democratic leadership style) carried out on informants. The results in this study that the leadership in the ICU room is good because the head of the room applies democratic leadership.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Implementasi Program Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk Pada Anak Balita DI Puskesmas Jakenan Kabupaten Pati

Jurnal Litbang: Media Informasi Penelitian, Pengembangan dan IPTEK, 2019

ENGLISHCommunity Health Center in Jakenan has implemented a malnutrition prevention program but t... more ENGLISHCommunity Health Center in Jakenan has implemented a malnutrition prevention program but the number of malnutrition cases is still high. The purpose of the study was to describe the implementation of a malnutrition prevention program at the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) of Jakenan, Pati Regency. The research used qualitative approach. The focus of this research was on the aspects of input, process and output of the program. Data collection was conducted by using interview, field event observation and document-observation. Informants were selected through purposive sampling. This study results showed: Regarding the input aspect, Puskesmas Jakenan had lack of the number of nutrition officers. Meanwhile, the facilities, and infrastructures were sufficient. However, the funding for recovery program has not been sufficient yet. The program has been running but there were several obstacles, namely: 1) the lack of nutrition workers, 2) inadequate knowledge and skills of Integr...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Ekspektasi Usaha Dan Ekspektasi Kinerja Dengan Pemanfaatan Rekam Medik Elektronik DI Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Umum Cut Meutia Kabupaten Aceh Utara Tahun 2022

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy

The implementation of RME will be able to provide effective and efficient management of patients,... more The implementation of RME will be able to provide effective and efficient management of patients, doctors and clinics as well as improve good outcomes for hospitals. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between business expectations and performance expectations with the use of electronic medical records by outpatient installation officers at the Cut Meutia General Hospital, North Aceh Regency in 2022. The type of research is quantitative research, the nature of the research is cross-sectional. This research was conducted at the outpatient installation of the Cut Meutia General Hospital, North Aceh. The study population was all employees in the outpatient installation, totaling 337 people. The sample in the study amounted to 185 people. The results showed that there was a relationship between business expectations and the use of electronic medical records in the outpatient installation of the Cut Meutia General Hospital, North Aceh. There is a relationship betwe...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Mutu Pelayanan Keluarga Bencana Terhadap Peningkatan Akseptor KB Dan Status Gizi Anak Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 DI Puskesmas Bandar Durian Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Utara

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

This study aims to analyze the quality of family planning services during the Covid-19 pandemic t... more This study aims to analyze the quality of family planning services during the Covid-19 pandemic to increase family planning acceptors and children's nutritional status at the Bandar Durian Health Center. This study uses quantitative research methods with the number of respondents 90 women of childbearing age who have toddlers. The results of the study concluded that the quality of family planning services during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Bandar Durian Health Center was very good, the results of the analysis of the quality of family planning services had a significant effect on increasing family planning acceptors and children's nutritional status. It is hoped that the Bandar Durian Health Center will improve the quality of family planning services by always paying attention to the completeness of infrastructure, providing quality counseling to patients, always being responsive and thorough in providing family planning services, increasing the competence of health workers ...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan DI Rsu Mitra Medika Amplas Medan Tahun 2021

Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy, 2021

Factors Associated with the Quality of Public Health Services at Mitra Medika Amplas General Hosp... more Factors Associated with the Quality of Public Health Services at Mitra Medika Amplas General Hospital Medan in 2021. Thesis, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Deli Husada Delitua Health Institute. This study aims to analyze the relationship of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy with the quality of health services at RSU Mitra Medika Amplas Medan. The population of this study were patients at Mitra Medika Amplas Hospital, Medan. In the sample can be 99 respondents. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The method used in this study was analyzed by Chi-Square test. The results of the research on tangible variables in the good category reached 79.3%. The reliability variable obtained 80.3%. The responsiveness variable was obtained 78.5%. Assurance variable obtained 80.5%. Empathy variable obtained 78.9%. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Petugas Sistem Pencatatan Dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas DI Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau, Aug 7, 2021