Emmi R Nasution - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Emmi R Nasution

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Role of Regulations for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Technological Innovation on the Protection of Creativity in the Television Industry in Indonesia

West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 25, 2024

The Indonesian television industry is undergoing significant transformation fueled by technologic... more The Indonesian television industry is undergoing significant transformation fueled by technological innovation and evolving regulatory frameworks surrounding intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. This research investigates the regulatory role of IPR protection and technological innovation on creativity within the Indonesian television sector through quantitative analysis. A sample of 150 stakeholders representing various industry segments participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were employed to examine the relationships between IPR protection, technological innovation, and creativity. The findings reveal positive correlations between IPR protection, technological innovation, and creativity, with stronger IPR protection and greater technological innovation associated with higher levels of creativity. Regression analysis further demonstrates the predictive power of IPR protection and technological innovation on creative output within the industry. These results underscore the importance of supportive regulatory environments and technological advancement in fostering creativity and innovation within the Indonesian television industry.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department in the Spatial Plan Local Regulations of Asahan Regency

West Science Law and Human Rights, Jan 29, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of How to create Legal Protection for Debt Collateral in MSMEs in Indonesia

West Science Social and Humanities Studies, Dec 29, 2023

This study examines the legal protection available to debt collateral for Micro, Small, and Mediu... more This study examines the legal protection available to debt collateral for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia that are seeking financing from traditional banks. The study used a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative survey data, regression analysis, and qualitative insights to offer a thorough grasp of the issues and possible solutions. The results show a strong relationship between awareness and the belief in the efficacy of legal protection. Important obstacles included lengthy approval procedures, bureaucratic obstacles, and difficulties with collateralized financing. Policy recommendations for regulatory reform, industry cooperation, and awareness-raising are among the implications. Notwithstanding the cross-sectional design and sample representativeness constraints, this study adds to the development of effective legal protection tactics for MSMEs in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of Guarantees in Business Transactions in Indonesia in Indonesian Law

West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, Dec 21, 2023

Using a quantitative analytic methodology, this study examines how assurances are arranged in eco... more Using a quantitative analytic methodology, this study examines how assurances are arranged in economic transactions inside Indonesian legal frameworks. Based on a review of a variety of datasets, the study reveals that personal guarantees are the most common kind, followed by bank and corporate guarantees. Different industries' patterns of guarantee utilization show different frequency of use, with the real estate and finance sectors showing a greater reliance. While 75% of compliance is considered satisfactory, there are cases of noncompliance due to ambiguity in legal terms. These results highlight the need for sector-specific laws, improved legal clarity, and ongoing stakeholder education. This study offers policymakers and stakeholders useful information to improve the guarantee structure and provide a flexible and robust legal framework for business dealings in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pembeli Barang Hasil Lelang Eksekusi (Studi Pada Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara Dan Lelang (KPKNL)) Cabang Sumatera Utara

Citra Justicia: Majalah Hukum dan Dinamika Kemasyarakatan, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kepastian Hukum Jaminan Hak Atas Tanah Yang Tidak Terdaftar (Unregistered Land) Dalam Perjanjian Kredit Bank Di Sumatera Utara

Tony Honore menyatakan dalam bukunya about law an introduction, bahwa meskipun suatu negara yang ... more Tony Honore menyatakan dalam bukunya about law an introduction, bahwa meskipun suatu negara yang memiliki sistem hukum berbeda, akan tetapi sistem hukum yang ada tersebut pada umumnya terdiri atas: dipersandingkan (a) Constitutional or public law. This sets aout the principles on which the society rests. It lays down hoe power of the state is divided between legislators, government ministers, officials, judges and others. The constitution is often embodied in a written document, but in Britain it is largely unwritten. Constitutional or public law includes administrative law, which deals with the relations between officials and citizens and the ways in which people can object to official decisions, such as decisions about town planning. (b) Criminal law. This defines as crimes or offences wrongs that the state thinks it should take steps to prevent, such as treason, murder, theft and driving without a licence. The state treats these offences as its own concern even the victims are individuals, as the obviously are when someone is murdered or has his property stolen. Criminal law, which includes criminal procedure and punishment, lays down how these offences are to be investigated, prosecuted and tried, what sentences can be imposed on those found guilty, and how the sentences are to be carried out. (c) Private law. This deals with the rights and duties of individuals towards one another, such as the duty to carry out a contract or to avoid injuring another person by your negligence. Here the state leaves it to the individual whose rights have been infringed to take action, and lays down the steps, such as climing damages, that citizens can take to protect their interests. Privite law includes what is called civil procedure. This is the procedure for bringing a lawsuit to make good your rights or clim compensation. (Tony Honore, About Law An introduction, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), hal. 7-8). 108 Ajaran atau teori kedaulatan rakyat (volks-souvereniteit) lahir dari Jean Jaques Rousseau yang merupakan kelanjutan dari filsafatnya yang bersumber dari perasaan yang melekat pada diri sendiri manusia sebagai satu-satunya makhluk yang mempunyai peradaban (sivilisasi). Ajaran kedaulatan rakyat berpangkal tolak dari hasil penemuan Rousseau bahwa tanpa tata tertib dan kekuasaan, manusia tidak akan hidup aman dan pasti tidak tentram. Tanpa tata tertib, manusia merupakan binatang buas (homo homini lupus), dan kehidupan berubah menjadi perang antar-umat manusia (bellum omnium contra omnes). Inilah yang menyebabkan manusia bersepakat untuk mendirikan negara, dan untuk itu mereka mengadakan perjanjian masyarakat. (I Gde Pantja Astawa dan Suprin Na'a, Memahami Ilmu Negara & Teori Negara, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2009), hal. 113-114). 109 Teori atau ajaran kedaulatan hukum (rechtssouvereniteit) berprinsip bahwa hukumlah satu-satunya yang menjadi sumber kedaulatan. Semua manusia yang hidup di dunia ini, termasuk

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Hukum Pemerintah Desa Dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Dalam Pembangunan Desa (Studi Kasus Desa Pulo Bandring Kecamatan Pulo Bandring Kabupaten Asahan)

JURNAL PIONIR, May 20, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Perlindungan Bagi Perempuan yang Dipekerjakan Sebagai Pekerja Seks Komersil (PSK)

The high number of unemployed people in Indonesia has made people ignore the ban from the state n... more The high number of unemployed people in Indonesia has made people ignore the ban from the state not to commit a crime. Including trafficking in people. The target of victims in this crime are usually women. Women who are victims are mostly employed as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs). The modus operandi is used by various actors to run their business. Usually by luring work outside the city. The formulation of the problem to be discussed is regarding a general review of Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) and forms of legal protection for women employed as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs). The research method is normative with legal materials derived from laws and regulations, books or other scientific works as well as dictionaries that explain the problem. Procedure for collecting legal material by searching the Asahan University Faculty of Law library to find legal books and legislation relating to forms of protection for women employed as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) by analyzing existing l...

Research paper thumbnail of Kedudukan Anak Yang Lahir Di Luar Pernikahan Di Tinjau Dari Kompilasi Hukum Islam

De Lega Lata: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Jul 20, 2020

Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 99 menyatakan anak yang sah adalah anak yang Lashir dalam atau sebaga... more Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 99 menyatakan anak yang sah adalah anak yang Lashir dalam atau sebagai akibat perkawinan yang sah dan hasil pembuahan suami istri yang sah di luar rahim dan di lahirkan oleh istri tersebut yang artinya bahwa anak dikatakan sah apabila lahir dari perkawinan yang resmi. Bila dikatakan anak yang lahir akibat perkawinan yang sah tidak ada masalah, namun anak yang lahir dalam masa perkawinan yang sah ini akam menimbulkan suatu kecurigaan apabila pasal ini di hubungkan dengan pasal lain yang membolehkan wanita hamil karena zina menikah dengan laki-laki yang menghamilinya. Perkawinan perempuan hamil karena zina dengan pria yang menghamilinya adalah perkawinan yang sah. Dalam penulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang melakukan pendekatan secara undang-undang. Dalam penulisan ini juga mengangkat dua permasalahn hukum yang adalah bagaimana akibat hukum anak yang di lahirkan wanita hamil yang dinikahkan menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan bagaimana kedudukan anak luar nikah ditinjau berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI). Berdasarkan dari penulisan ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa anak yang lahir di luar pernikahan hanya memiliki hubungan nasab dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanggung Jawab Hukum Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungbalai Dalam Pengawasan Dan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (Studi Pada Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungbalai)

Penelitian ini meneliti tentang Tanggung Jawab Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Oper... more Penelitian ini meneliti tentang Tanggung Jawab Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) saat ini.Pada penelitian hukum ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris dan melakukan studi ke Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungbalai.Penelitian hukum ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer, yaitu : Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Bahan hukum sekunder, yaitu : buku-buku hukum. Bahan hukum tersier, yaitu : buku-buku non hukum. Pada penelitian ini, bahwa dalam pengelolaan Dana BOS, pihak perangkat dan komite sekolah bersama dengan Kapala Sekolah selalu membuat laporan pemasukan dan pengeluaran setiap penggunaan Dana BOS di SMP Negeri 4 Kisaran. Kata Kunci : Dana BOS, Pengawas, Tanggungjawab

Research paper thumbnail of Kepastian Hukum Tindakan Bank Dalam Melakukan Lelang Eksekusi Terhadap Objek Jaminan Kredit

Seminar Nasional Multi Disiplin Ilmu Universitas Asahan, Oct 16, 2020

ABSTRACT There are defaults in bank credit payments and efforts have been made to pay these debts... more ABSTRACT There are defaults in bank credit payments and efforts have been made to pay these debts, however, debt repayments from the debtors cannot be made. Therefore, the auction for the implementation of the HT decision is the last solution that can be carried out by the Creditors in their own power through a public auction. The problem is whether the execution auction conducted by the bank has legal certainty. In this case, the authority is given by the existing regulations to the first bank to make sales by auction in public against the collateral that becomes collateral because the borrower does not meet his performance (Article 6 UUHT). So it can be concluded that the regulation gives the creditor the authority to carry out the execution auction without the permission of the debtor. Therefore, the irah-irah written on the HT Certificate (Article 14 UUHT) is not actually directly related to auction in Article 6 UUHT. Keywords: Legal certainty, execution auction, mortgage (HT

Research paper thumbnail of Eksekusi Barang Jaminan Fidusia Yang Lahir Dari Perjanjian Kredit Bank (Studi Pada Bank-Bank Di Kota Medan)

Research paper thumbnail of Eksekusi Barang Jaminan Fidusia Yang Lahir Dari Perjanjian Kredit Bank

Research paper thumbnail of The Legal System of Social Security in Indonesia

The Legal System of Social Security in Indonesia has been leading Indonesia’s legal system of sec... more The Legal System of Social Security in Indonesia has been leading Indonesia’s legal system of security to a good direction. Good direction that is meant is the existence of a system in the form of regulations that regulate the guarantee, especially borrow money in the banking. Borrowing money in the banking is one part of the social guarantee systems in Indonesia. What matters is why it is important to know about the social legal system, especially in the banking. The outcome of this research is to give description that there a legal system of social security and to provide a good explanation of the social security/guarantee, especially in the lending and borrowing of money in the bank. The bottom line is: realizing legal system of social security is a certainty and compulsory for all parties particularly lawmakers. Keywords: System, Legal Systems, Social Security.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Role of Regulations for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Technological Innovation on the Protection of Creativity in the Television Industry in Indonesia

West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 25, 2024

The Indonesian television industry is undergoing significant transformation fueled by technologic... more The Indonesian television industry is undergoing significant transformation fueled by technological innovation and evolving regulatory frameworks surrounding intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. This research investigates the regulatory role of IPR protection and technological innovation on creativity within the Indonesian television sector through quantitative analysis. A sample of 150 stakeholders representing various industry segments participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were employed to examine the relationships between IPR protection, technological innovation, and creativity. The findings reveal positive correlations between IPR protection, technological innovation, and creativity, with stronger IPR protection and greater technological innovation associated with higher levels of creativity. Regression analysis further demonstrates the predictive power of IPR protection and technological innovation on creative output within the industry. These results underscore the importance of supportive regulatory environments and technological advancement in fostering creativity and innovation within the Indonesian television industry.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department in the Spatial Plan Local Regulations of Asahan Regency

West Science Law and Human Rights, Jan 29, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of How to create Legal Protection for Debt Collateral in MSMEs in Indonesia

West Science Social and Humanities Studies, Dec 29, 2023

This study examines the legal protection available to debt collateral for Micro, Small, and Mediu... more This study examines the legal protection available to debt collateral for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia that are seeking financing from traditional banks. The study used a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative survey data, regression analysis, and qualitative insights to offer a thorough grasp of the issues and possible solutions. The results show a strong relationship between awareness and the belief in the efficacy of legal protection. Important obstacles included lengthy approval procedures, bureaucratic obstacles, and difficulties with collateralized financing. Policy recommendations for regulatory reform, industry cooperation, and awareness-raising are among the implications. Notwithstanding the cross-sectional design and sample representativeness constraints, this study adds to the development of effective legal protection tactics for MSMEs in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of Guarantees in Business Transactions in Indonesia in Indonesian Law

West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, Dec 21, 2023

Using a quantitative analytic methodology, this study examines how assurances are arranged in eco... more Using a quantitative analytic methodology, this study examines how assurances are arranged in economic transactions inside Indonesian legal frameworks. Based on a review of a variety of datasets, the study reveals that personal guarantees are the most common kind, followed by bank and corporate guarantees. Different industries' patterns of guarantee utilization show different frequency of use, with the real estate and finance sectors showing a greater reliance. While 75% of compliance is considered satisfactory, there are cases of noncompliance due to ambiguity in legal terms. These results highlight the need for sector-specific laws, improved legal clarity, and ongoing stakeholder education. This study offers policymakers and stakeholders useful information to improve the guarantee structure and provide a flexible and robust legal framework for business dealings in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pembeli Barang Hasil Lelang Eksekusi (Studi Pada Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara Dan Lelang (KPKNL)) Cabang Sumatera Utara

Citra Justicia: Majalah Hukum dan Dinamika Kemasyarakatan, Apr 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kepastian Hukum Jaminan Hak Atas Tanah Yang Tidak Terdaftar (Unregistered Land) Dalam Perjanjian Kredit Bank Di Sumatera Utara

Tony Honore menyatakan dalam bukunya about law an introduction, bahwa meskipun suatu negara yang ... more Tony Honore menyatakan dalam bukunya about law an introduction, bahwa meskipun suatu negara yang memiliki sistem hukum berbeda, akan tetapi sistem hukum yang ada tersebut pada umumnya terdiri atas: dipersandingkan (a) Constitutional or public law. This sets aout the principles on which the society rests. It lays down hoe power of the state is divided between legislators, government ministers, officials, judges and others. The constitution is often embodied in a written document, but in Britain it is largely unwritten. Constitutional or public law includes administrative law, which deals with the relations between officials and citizens and the ways in which people can object to official decisions, such as decisions about town planning. (b) Criminal law. This defines as crimes or offences wrongs that the state thinks it should take steps to prevent, such as treason, murder, theft and driving without a licence. The state treats these offences as its own concern even the victims are individuals, as the obviously are when someone is murdered or has his property stolen. Criminal law, which includes criminal procedure and punishment, lays down how these offences are to be investigated, prosecuted and tried, what sentences can be imposed on those found guilty, and how the sentences are to be carried out. (c) Private law. This deals with the rights and duties of individuals towards one another, such as the duty to carry out a contract or to avoid injuring another person by your negligence. Here the state leaves it to the individual whose rights have been infringed to take action, and lays down the steps, such as climing damages, that citizens can take to protect their interests. Privite law includes what is called civil procedure. This is the procedure for bringing a lawsuit to make good your rights or clim compensation. (Tony Honore, About Law An introduction, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), hal. 7-8). 108 Ajaran atau teori kedaulatan rakyat (volks-souvereniteit) lahir dari Jean Jaques Rousseau yang merupakan kelanjutan dari filsafatnya yang bersumber dari perasaan yang melekat pada diri sendiri manusia sebagai satu-satunya makhluk yang mempunyai peradaban (sivilisasi). Ajaran kedaulatan rakyat berpangkal tolak dari hasil penemuan Rousseau bahwa tanpa tata tertib dan kekuasaan, manusia tidak akan hidup aman dan pasti tidak tentram. Tanpa tata tertib, manusia merupakan binatang buas (homo homini lupus), dan kehidupan berubah menjadi perang antar-umat manusia (bellum omnium contra omnes). Inilah yang menyebabkan manusia bersepakat untuk mendirikan negara, dan untuk itu mereka mengadakan perjanjian masyarakat. (I Gde Pantja Astawa dan Suprin Na'a, Memahami Ilmu Negara & Teori Negara, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2009), hal. 113-114). 109 Teori atau ajaran kedaulatan hukum (rechtssouvereniteit) berprinsip bahwa hukumlah satu-satunya yang menjadi sumber kedaulatan. Semua manusia yang hidup di dunia ini, termasuk

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Hukum Pemerintah Desa Dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Dalam Pembangunan Desa (Studi Kasus Desa Pulo Bandring Kecamatan Pulo Bandring Kabupaten Asahan)

JURNAL PIONIR, May 20, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Perlindungan Bagi Perempuan yang Dipekerjakan Sebagai Pekerja Seks Komersil (PSK)

The high number of unemployed people in Indonesia has made people ignore the ban from the state n... more The high number of unemployed people in Indonesia has made people ignore the ban from the state not to commit a crime. Including trafficking in people. The target of victims in this crime are usually women. Women who are victims are mostly employed as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs). The modus operandi is used by various actors to run their business. Usually by luring work outside the city. The formulation of the problem to be discussed is regarding a general review of Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) and forms of legal protection for women employed as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs). The research method is normative with legal materials derived from laws and regulations, books or other scientific works as well as dictionaries that explain the problem. Procedure for collecting legal material by searching the Asahan University Faculty of Law library to find legal books and legislation relating to forms of protection for women employed as Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) by analyzing existing l...

Research paper thumbnail of Kedudukan Anak Yang Lahir Di Luar Pernikahan Di Tinjau Dari Kompilasi Hukum Islam

De Lega Lata: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Jul 20, 2020

Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 99 menyatakan anak yang sah adalah anak yang Lashir dalam atau sebaga... more Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 99 menyatakan anak yang sah adalah anak yang Lashir dalam atau sebagai akibat perkawinan yang sah dan hasil pembuahan suami istri yang sah di luar rahim dan di lahirkan oleh istri tersebut yang artinya bahwa anak dikatakan sah apabila lahir dari perkawinan yang resmi. Bila dikatakan anak yang lahir akibat perkawinan yang sah tidak ada masalah, namun anak yang lahir dalam masa perkawinan yang sah ini akam menimbulkan suatu kecurigaan apabila pasal ini di hubungkan dengan pasal lain yang membolehkan wanita hamil karena zina menikah dengan laki-laki yang menghamilinya. Perkawinan perempuan hamil karena zina dengan pria yang menghamilinya adalah perkawinan yang sah. Dalam penulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang melakukan pendekatan secara undang-undang. Dalam penulisan ini juga mengangkat dua permasalahn hukum yang adalah bagaimana akibat hukum anak yang di lahirkan wanita hamil yang dinikahkan menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan bagaimana kedudukan anak luar nikah ditinjau berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI). Berdasarkan dari penulisan ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa anak yang lahir di luar pernikahan hanya memiliki hubungan nasab dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya.

Research paper thumbnail of Tanggung Jawab Hukum Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungbalai Dalam Pengawasan Dan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (Studi Pada Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungbalai)

Penelitian ini meneliti tentang Tanggung Jawab Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Oper... more Penelitian ini meneliti tentang Tanggung Jawab Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) saat ini.Pada penelitian hukum ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris dan melakukan studi ke Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tanjungbalai.Penelitian hukum ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer, yaitu : Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Bahan hukum sekunder, yaitu : buku-buku hukum. Bahan hukum tersier, yaitu : buku-buku non hukum. Pada penelitian ini, bahwa dalam pengelolaan Dana BOS, pihak perangkat dan komite sekolah bersama dengan Kapala Sekolah selalu membuat laporan pemasukan dan pengeluaran setiap penggunaan Dana BOS di SMP Negeri 4 Kisaran. Kata Kunci : Dana BOS, Pengawas, Tanggungjawab

Research paper thumbnail of Kepastian Hukum Tindakan Bank Dalam Melakukan Lelang Eksekusi Terhadap Objek Jaminan Kredit

Seminar Nasional Multi Disiplin Ilmu Universitas Asahan, Oct 16, 2020

ABSTRACT There are defaults in bank credit payments and efforts have been made to pay these debts... more ABSTRACT There are defaults in bank credit payments and efforts have been made to pay these debts, however, debt repayments from the debtors cannot be made. Therefore, the auction for the implementation of the HT decision is the last solution that can be carried out by the Creditors in their own power through a public auction. The problem is whether the execution auction conducted by the bank has legal certainty. In this case, the authority is given by the existing regulations to the first bank to make sales by auction in public against the collateral that becomes collateral because the borrower does not meet his performance (Article 6 UUHT). So it can be concluded that the regulation gives the creditor the authority to carry out the execution auction without the permission of the debtor. Therefore, the irah-irah written on the HT Certificate (Article 14 UUHT) is not actually directly related to auction in Article 6 UUHT. Keywords: Legal certainty, execution auction, mortgage (HT

Research paper thumbnail of Eksekusi Barang Jaminan Fidusia Yang Lahir Dari Perjanjian Kredit Bank (Studi Pada Bank-Bank Di Kota Medan)

Research paper thumbnail of Eksekusi Barang Jaminan Fidusia Yang Lahir Dari Perjanjian Kredit Bank

Research paper thumbnail of The Legal System of Social Security in Indonesia

The Legal System of Social Security in Indonesia has been leading Indonesia’s legal system of sec... more The Legal System of Social Security in Indonesia has been leading Indonesia’s legal system of security to a good direction. Good direction that is meant is the existence of a system in the form of regulations that regulate the guarantee, especially borrow money in the banking. Borrowing money in the banking is one part of the social guarantee systems in Indonesia. What matters is why it is important to know about the social legal system, especially in the banking. The outcome of this research is to give description that there a legal system of social security and to provide a good explanation of the social security/guarantee, especially in the lending and borrowing of money in the bank. The bottom line is: realizing legal system of social security is a certainty and compulsory for all parties particularly lawmakers. Keywords: System, Legal Systems, Social Security.