Endrawati Fatimah - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Endrawati Fatimah
Journal of Synergy Landscape, Feb 28, 2024
The presence of transportation infrastructure has a positive impact on increasing the mobility of... more The presence of transportation infrastructure has a positive impact on increasing the mobility of people and goods. Another impact that usually accompanies it is the acceleration of changes in land use or land cover. This research is motivated by the construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road (Permai) in Riau Province. The study area is focused around the South Duri Toll Gate, precisely in the Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. The selection of the study area is based on the consideration that this toll gate location is only 3 km away from the Balairaja Wildlife Sanctuary and the Sebanga Elephant Training Center Wildlife Sanctuary, which are categorized as areas that should be protected. The aim of this research is to identify the differences in land cover changes in the 5 years before (2012-2017) and 5 years after (2017-2022) the operation of the South Duri Toll Gate. The analysis methods used are spatial analysis and descriptive statistical methods. The results show that both before (2012-2017) and after (2017-2022) the operation of the South Duri Toll Gate, there has been a conversion of forest land at a rate of around 400 ha per year. The majority of forest land cover has changed to plantation and agricultural land. In other words, after 5 years of operation, the presence of the South Duri Toll Gate has not or has not yet had a significant impact on land cover changes in its vicinity.
Indonesian journal of urban and environmental technology, Feb 3, 2024
The United Nations Statistical Commission agreed in March 2020 to start using the Degree of Urban... more The United Nations Statistical Commission agreed in March 2020 to start using the Degree of Urbanisation as a method to delineate cities, urban, and rural areas to enable international statistical comparisons. The decision consequently promotes countries to change or align their classification and/or methods of urbanisation delineation. This is expected to increase the number of studies with "degree of urbanisation" or "urban classification" keywords around the world in line with the implementation of the method. Aim: This study aims to determine the research trends on the degree of urbanisation in the Scopus database from the year 2013 to 2022. Methodology and Results: The bibliometric method was applied through the VOSviewer software (version 1.6.18. Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands) for the analysis. The findings showed that the topics related to the degree of urbanization are under represented in terms of the number of publications and contributing nations though the trend in the number of articles published in the Scopus database has annually increased from 2017-2021. Conclusion, significance and impact study: This implies there is a lot of potential regarding the publication of studies on the concept of "degree of urbanization".
Juara : Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera, Jan 30, 2024
JPK : Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, Jul 29, 2023
Urbanization defines as a spatial and socioeconomic transformation process from rural to urban ar... more Urbanization defines as a spatial and socioeconomic transformation process from rural to urban areas. While urban sprawl is the process of propagation of the appearance of urban physical characteristics from the inner city toward the urban fringe area. Pekalongan City has grown from a small town to a medium-sized city with a population of 300,000 people. This study aims to identify the phenomenon of urban sprawl in Pekalongan City and its surroundings (Pekalongan and Batang Regency) and identify the urban environment quality based on the condition of the public services availability in these urban areas. The data used in this study were the 2019 Village Potential (PODES) from the Central Agency on Statistics (BPS) and a digital base map from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). The urban-rural classification scoring from the BPS was used to identify urban areas as the method in this study. The results showed that 111 out of 285 villages in Pekalongan Regency and 63 out of 248 villages in Batang Regency could already be classified as urban areas and formed an urban agglomeration with Pekalongan City. This study also showed that the environmental quality in urban areas with urban sprawl phenomenon has met the standards and criteria for urban public services compared to other areas.
Jurnal Abdimas dan Kearifan Lokal, Feb 29, 2024
Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan
Air adalah kebutuhan dasar untuk aktivitas manusia terutama untuk kebutuhan harian. Saat ini masi... more Air adalah kebutuhan dasar untuk aktivitas manusia terutama untuk kebutuhan harian. Saat ini masih ada rumah tangga di pesisir Jakarta Utara yang mengandalkan air non perpipaan sebagai sumber air bersih yang tidak layak akibat dorongan keadaan ekonomi. Sulitnya akses air bersih dan mahal, sehingga mereka menggunakan air tanah yang merugikan lingkungan yang menjadi penyebab penurunan tanah. Panen air hujan dapat menjadi solusi untuk permukiman nelayan sebagai sumber air bersih. Tujuan studi ini adalah meningkatkan aksesibilitas air di permukiman pesisir dengan potensi yang ada di lingkungan sekitarnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan eksperimen langsung terhadap SPAH (Sistem Pemanenan Air Hujan) dengan sampel survei sebanyak 266 responden. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat pesisir mengandalkan lebih dari satu sumber air. Setelah dilakukan eksperimen langsung, masyarakat menerima baik terhadap air hujan sebagai alternatif air bersih dan hal itu dapat mengurangi biaya pengeluaran masyarakat untuk air bersih. Pengujian terhadap kualitas air yang diandalkan dan air hujan dari sistem panen air hujan menunjukkan masih terkandung E.Coli. Kualitas air dan distribusi dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor seperti politik dan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai metode penyediaan air lainnya di permukiman pesisir.
Water is critical for long-term socioeconomic growth. Rainfall is one of the water sources.. Many... more Water is critical for long-term socioeconomic growth. Rainfall is one of the water sources.. Many factors contribute to disparities of rainfall patterns in Indonesia. The study aims to detect and map the implication of clustering annual rainfall patterns in each province in Indonesia using the annual provincial rainfall data 2011 to 2015. K Means Clustering using an unsupervised learning technique was applied for rainfall events by employing rainfall measurement data from one of Indonesia's rain stations in each province. The clustering results indicate that the two provinces in cluster I have very low water availability, cluster II has moderate rainfall with rainy days under 200 days, i.e. wet months of seven months, and cluster III has a very wide variation in maximum and minimal rainfall. The results demonstrate the trend of locations vulnerable to water availability in the provinces of Central and West Sulawesi. Rainfall should be managed as a potential water source in face...
IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021
Provincial Strategic Areas (PSA) are areas prioritized in spatial planning because of their signi... more Provincial Strategic Areas (PSA) are areas prioritized in spatial planning because of their significantly influence on economy, socio-culture, or environment perspectives. Solo-Selo-Borobudur is designed as one of Central Java PSAs. This PSA is expected to become a tourism corridor area and the sub areas within the PSA are expected to be equally developed and integrated as a single entity. In fact, there is a significant difference in the number of tourists visiting the three areas, which indicates an imbalance in the level of development. This study aims to examine the level of development of each sub-area and to identify the level of linkages between them in terms of their activities. The scoring method was used to identify the level of development in terms of attraction, accessibility, amenities and ancillary services (4A) aspects. A questionnaire survey was also conducted to explore tourism behaviour in order to identify linkages between the three tourism areas. The data obtained is analyzed by using spatial descriptive method. The result of this study shows the level of development of Solo and Borobudur tourism sub-areas can be classified high level, while Selo is still low (undeveloped). The study also found that the linkage between Solo - Borobudur tourism activities was stronger than between Solo - Selo and Selo - Borobudur. As the PSA, the linkage between the three tourism areas is still low. The findings are expected to be related to differences in the level of development between the three areas.
IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021
Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon that occurs in almost all metropolitan cities in the worl... more Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon that occurs in almost all metropolitan cities in the world. The UHI phenomenon also occurs in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, a metropolitan city with an area of 662 km2, 12 million inhabitants, and an average population density of 16,000 per km2. Previous research shows the area of UHI, areas with temperatures> 300, in Jakarta in 1989 reached 84.53 km2 or 0.1 % of the total area. Based on these facts, the aim of this study is to identify changes in the area of UHI areas from 2008 to 2018 and their relation to land use changes. Temperature data used in this study are from Landsat satellite images in 2008, 2013 and 2018, while the land use data used are from National Geospatial Information Agency. Similar to the previous research, the operational definition of UHI used in this study is that UHI is the area with surface temperature > 300. The method used is spatial analysis and comparison method. The results showed that the area of UHI in Jakarta had increased. The areas of UHI Jakarta were 36.5%, 84.7%, and 85.2% of the total areas respectively in 2008, 2013 and 2018. The increases of UHI’s area were in line with the increases of the built areas that respectively 79.2%, 82.9% and 85.2%. Land use for housing, commercial and services, industry and warehousing and transportation facilities seem to be more significantly affecting the increases of UHI area rather other land uses.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Place attachment refers to the formation of one’s inner bond with a place. Kampong Tenggumung is ... more Place attachment refers to the formation of one’s inner bond with a place. Kampong Tenggumung is a housing area located on the edge of Sidotopo Railroad and currently most of its inhabitants are the third descendants of the original owner. It indicates the formation of place attachment of Kampong’s residents toward their environment. Therefore, the research aims to identify the place attachment of Tenggumung’s community towards their residential environment. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The study was done by understanding the process of settling and the concept of housing in Kampong Tenggumung through interviews and visual observations of residential areas, supported by map data on regional development. Then, the level of place attachment of the community to their residence was determined. The results showed Tenggumung’s community who have formed a particular concept of dwelling, namely the orientation of West-East buildings, a house inhabited for up to 3 generati...
Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information
Land-use change is the main cause of high runoff compared to other factors. The type of land use ... more Land-use change is the main cause of high runoff compared to other factors. The type of land use also plays a role in determining the amount of runoff that occurs. The Upstream Ciliwung watershed is blamed as the main causes of the flood disaster in Jakarta, the capital city. The land use in the upper stream has changed and causes increasing of run off to be higher than the capacity of river to drain it. This study aims to explore the land use changes of the Upstream Ciliwung Watershed from 1996 to 2016 and their consequences on the stream run off. Furthermore, the study also recommends the efforts needed to reduce river water discharge. The land use changes are identified by using spatial analysis method. The calculation of run off uses the rational method. Average rainfall data for every ten years is calculated by use of Gumbell distribution formula. The study shows that in the period 1996 – 2016, there was a change in land use in the upstream Ciliwung watershed. The area that con...
Pada RIPPARPROV Riau 2021-2030, Kota Pekanbaru termasuk ke dalam Rencana Perwilayahan Pariwisata ... more Pada RIPPARPROV Riau 2021-2030, Kota Pekanbaru termasuk ke dalam Rencana Perwilayahan Pariwisata Provinsi Riau dan ditetapkan sebagai Kawasan Pengembangan Pariwisata Provinsi (KPPP). KPPP Pekanbaru menetapkan 3 kawasan Desa Wisata yaitu Desa Wisata Alam Buluh Cina, Kampung wisata Tebing Tinggi Okura dan Kampung Wisata Bandar. Desa Wisata merupakan salah satu bentuk pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui promosi produktivitas pedesaan yang dapat menciptakan pekerjaan, distribusi pendapatan, pelestarian lingkungan dan budaya lokal, meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat, menghargai keyakinan dan nilai-nilai tradisional. Perubahan menjadi desa wisata tentunya mempengaruhi perubahan penggunaan lahan dan ekonomi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dampak atas keberadaan desa wisata di Wilayah KPPP Provinsi Riau terhadap penggunaan lahan dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif dan analisis spasial. Teknik analisis ...
The Journal of Synergy Landscape
The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections mandates that Corre... more The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections mandates that Correctional Facility be established in every Regency and City. Meanwhile, several works of literature state that Correctional Facility must meet the criteria, namely having a certain distance or far from densely populated settlements to reasons for the safety and comfort of residents. This research was conducted in settlements around Cipinang Correctional Facility, DKI Jakarta. Cipinang Correctional Facility was initially established in 1912, located on the outskirts of Jakarta and far from residential areas. However, the Correctional Facility is currently located in the middle of a dense settlement. This study aims to identify the perception of the people living in the vicinity of the existence of the Cipinang Correctional Facility in terms of security and comfort. The security variable indicators include insecurity and anxiety, while the variable comfort indicator is a sense of being distu...
JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera
The community service aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of youth and high school stude... more The community service aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of youth and high school students regarding the role and urgency of spatial planning in creating a better living environment. The method used in this activity is in the form of counseling which targets high school students and young people in the community of RT 06/RW 08, Tomang Village, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. The counseling was carried out offline using a zoom which presented three main points, namely: (1) the definition of space, (2) the urgency of spatial planning, and (3) the role of spatial planning. In addition, an evaluation was also carried out through a google form to find out the increase in understanding gained from this activity. The result of this Community Service is that the community gains insight into the urgency and role of spatial planning. Implementing lecturers also representing the campus have succeeded in making this activity as a campus communication medium in disseminating ...
Public transport integration is the key to the success of the public transportation service syste... more Public transport integration is the key to the success of the public transportation service system in a region or city. Good integration can create effective development and increase society's interest in public transport. Dukuh Atas area is located in the Central Business District of Jakarta that dominated by office buildings and activities. This area is designated as a primary activity centre with an intermodal transfer centre based on Transit Oriented Development (TOD). It consists of several stops/stations such as Sudirman Commuter line Station, BNI City Airport Train Station, Dukuh Atas MRT Underground Station, Dukuh Atas 2 Transjakarta Bus Stop, and Tosari Bus Stop. Pedestrian paths are one of the physical integration forms that play a role in creating continuous connectivity. This study aims to measure the service level of pedestrian lane facilities in supporting intermodal integration in the Dukuh Atas area. The data used in this study are primary data gathered through o...
MAKALAH DOSEN-2020, Mar 5, 2021
Tidal flood due to sea level rise often occurs in the Rukun Warga (local community unit) 5 Utara,... more Tidal flood due to sea level rise often occurs in the Rukun Warga (local community unit) 5 Utara, Wonokerto Kulon located in costal area of Pekalongan Regency. The risk of tidal flooding is influenced by the physical vulnerability of the area. With the purpose to reduce the risk, it is necessary to carry out mitigation efforts by improving the physical conditions. This study aims to provide recommendation for mitigation efforts suitable for the area based on the levels of risk and physical vulnerability. To achieve the aim, the study identifies the level of hazard, the level of physical vulnerability and the level of risk by using Arc GIS spatial analysis and scoring techniques. The results show that around 44.38% of the area is classified as high-level tidal flood’s hazard. The level of hazards is identified based on height, frequency, and type of inundation. The physical vulnerability of this area is classified as in medium to high-level. The level of vulnerability is classified b...
Geoarea Wonogiri has many tourist objects and a large area, it needs integrated management, there... more Geoarea Wonogiri has many tourist objects and a large area, it needs integrated management, therefore it is necessary to study the potential of tourism, so this research aims to analyze the potential of these locations, therefore an analysis of the potential attractiveness in each district is needed. The research method used is Qualitative research after that used the analysis of scoring techniques. Based on the results of this study, Pracimantoro District is the most potential for the Development of Tourist Destinations in Geoarea Wonogiri because it has the advantage of potential analysis based on the 4A aspect (attraction, amenities, accesibitily, ancillary).
Journal of Synergy Landscape, Feb 28, 2024
The presence of transportation infrastructure has a positive impact on increasing the mobility of... more The presence of transportation infrastructure has a positive impact on increasing the mobility of people and goods. Another impact that usually accompanies it is the acceleration of changes in land use or land cover. This research is motivated by the construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road (Permai) in Riau Province. The study area is focused around the South Duri Toll Gate, precisely in the Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. The selection of the study area is based on the consideration that this toll gate location is only 3 km away from the Balairaja Wildlife Sanctuary and the Sebanga Elephant Training Center Wildlife Sanctuary, which are categorized as areas that should be protected. The aim of this research is to identify the differences in land cover changes in the 5 years before (2012-2017) and 5 years after (2017-2022) the operation of the South Duri Toll Gate. The analysis methods used are spatial analysis and descriptive statistical methods. The results show that both before (2012-2017) and after (2017-2022) the operation of the South Duri Toll Gate, there has been a conversion of forest land at a rate of around 400 ha per year. The majority of forest land cover has changed to plantation and agricultural land. In other words, after 5 years of operation, the presence of the South Duri Toll Gate has not or has not yet had a significant impact on land cover changes in its vicinity.
Indonesian journal of urban and environmental technology, Feb 3, 2024
The United Nations Statistical Commission agreed in March 2020 to start using the Degree of Urban... more The United Nations Statistical Commission agreed in March 2020 to start using the Degree of Urbanisation as a method to delineate cities, urban, and rural areas to enable international statistical comparisons. The decision consequently promotes countries to change or align their classification and/or methods of urbanisation delineation. This is expected to increase the number of studies with "degree of urbanisation" or "urban classification" keywords around the world in line with the implementation of the method. Aim: This study aims to determine the research trends on the degree of urbanisation in the Scopus database from the year 2013 to 2022. Methodology and Results: The bibliometric method was applied through the VOSviewer software (version 1.6.18. Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands) for the analysis. The findings showed that the topics related to the degree of urbanization are under represented in terms of the number of publications and contributing nations though the trend in the number of articles published in the Scopus database has annually increased from 2017-2021. Conclusion, significance and impact study: This implies there is a lot of potential regarding the publication of studies on the concept of "degree of urbanization".
Juara : Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera, Jan 30, 2024
JPK : Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, Jul 29, 2023
Urbanization defines as a spatial and socioeconomic transformation process from rural to urban ar... more Urbanization defines as a spatial and socioeconomic transformation process from rural to urban areas. While urban sprawl is the process of propagation of the appearance of urban physical characteristics from the inner city toward the urban fringe area. Pekalongan City has grown from a small town to a medium-sized city with a population of 300,000 people. This study aims to identify the phenomenon of urban sprawl in Pekalongan City and its surroundings (Pekalongan and Batang Regency) and identify the urban environment quality based on the condition of the public services availability in these urban areas. The data used in this study were the 2019 Village Potential (PODES) from the Central Agency on Statistics (BPS) and a digital base map from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). The urban-rural classification scoring from the BPS was used to identify urban areas as the method in this study. The results showed that 111 out of 285 villages in Pekalongan Regency and 63 out of 248 villages in Batang Regency could already be classified as urban areas and formed an urban agglomeration with Pekalongan City. This study also showed that the environmental quality in urban areas with urban sprawl phenomenon has met the standards and criteria for urban public services compared to other areas.
Jurnal Abdimas dan Kearifan Lokal, Feb 29, 2024
Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan
Air adalah kebutuhan dasar untuk aktivitas manusia terutama untuk kebutuhan harian. Saat ini masi... more Air adalah kebutuhan dasar untuk aktivitas manusia terutama untuk kebutuhan harian. Saat ini masih ada rumah tangga di pesisir Jakarta Utara yang mengandalkan air non perpipaan sebagai sumber air bersih yang tidak layak akibat dorongan keadaan ekonomi. Sulitnya akses air bersih dan mahal, sehingga mereka menggunakan air tanah yang merugikan lingkungan yang menjadi penyebab penurunan tanah. Panen air hujan dapat menjadi solusi untuk permukiman nelayan sebagai sumber air bersih. Tujuan studi ini adalah meningkatkan aksesibilitas air di permukiman pesisir dengan potensi yang ada di lingkungan sekitarnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan eksperimen langsung terhadap SPAH (Sistem Pemanenan Air Hujan) dengan sampel survei sebanyak 266 responden. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat pesisir mengandalkan lebih dari satu sumber air. Setelah dilakukan eksperimen langsung, masyarakat menerima baik terhadap air hujan sebagai alternatif air bersih dan hal itu dapat mengurangi biaya pengeluaran masyarakat untuk air bersih. Pengujian terhadap kualitas air yang diandalkan dan air hujan dari sistem panen air hujan menunjukkan masih terkandung E.Coli. Kualitas air dan distribusi dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor seperti politik dan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai metode penyediaan air lainnya di permukiman pesisir.
Water is critical for long-term socioeconomic growth. Rainfall is one of the water sources.. Many... more Water is critical for long-term socioeconomic growth. Rainfall is one of the water sources.. Many factors contribute to disparities of rainfall patterns in Indonesia. The study aims to detect and map the implication of clustering annual rainfall patterns in each province in Indonesia using the annual provincial rainfall data 2011 to 2015. K Means Clustering using an unsupervised learning technique was applied for rainfall events by employing rainfall measurement data from one of Indonesia's rain stations in each province. The clustering results indicate that the two provinces in cluster I have very low water availability, cluster II has moderate rainfall with rainy days under 200 days, i.e. wet months of seven months, and cluster III has a very wide variation in maximum and minimal rainfall. The results demonstrate the trend of locations vulnerable to water availability in the provinces of Central and West Sulawesi. Rainfall should be managed as a potential water source in face...
IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021
Provincial Strategic Areas (PSA) are areas prioritized in spatial planning because of their signi... more Provincial Strategic Areas (PSA) are areas prioritized in spatial planning because of their significantly influence on economy, socio-culture, or environment perspectives. Solo-Selo-Borobudur is designed as one of Central Java PSAs. This PSA is expected to become a tourism corridor area and the sub areas within the PSA are expected to be equally developed and integrated as a single entity. In fact, there is a significant difference in the number of tourists visiting the three areas, which indicates an imbalance in the level of development. This study aims to examine the level of development of each sub-area and to identify the level of linkages between them in terms of their activities. The scoring method was used to identify the level of development in terms of attraction, accessibility, amenities and ancillary services (4A) aspects. A questionnaire survey was also conducted to explore tourism behaviour in order to identify linkages between the three tourism areas. The data obtained is analyzed by using spatial descriptive method. The result of this study shows the level of development of Solo and Borobudur tourism sub-areas can be classified high level, while Selo is still low (undeveloped). The study also found that the linkage between Solo - Borobudur tourism activities was stronger than between Solo - Selo and Selo - Borobudur. As the PSA, the linkage between the three tourism areas is still low. The findings are expected to be related to differences in the level of development between the three areas.
IOP conference series, Apr 1, 2021
Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon that occurs in almost all metropolitan cities in the worl... more Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon that occurs in almost all metropolitan cities in the world. The UHI phenomenon also occurs in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, a metropolitan city with an area of 662 km2, 12 million inhabitants, and an average population density of 16,000 per km2. Previous research shows the area of UHI, areas with temperatures> 300, in Jakarta in 1989 reached 84.53 km2 or 0.1 % of the total area. Based on these facts, the aim of this study is to identify changes in the area of UHI areas from 2008 to 2018 and their relation to land use changes. Temperature data used in this study are from Landsat satellite images in 2008, 2013 and 2018, while the land use data used are from National Geospatial Information Agency. Similar to the previous research, the operational definition of UHI used in this study is that UHI is the area with surface temperature > 300. The method used is spatial analysis and comparison method. The results showed that the area of UHI in Jakarta had increased. The areas of UHI Jakarta were 36.5%, 84.7%, and 85.2% of the total areas respectively in 2008, 2013 and 2018. The increases of UHI’s area were in line with the increases of the built areas that respectively 79.2%, 82.9% and 85.2%. Land use for housing, commercial and services, industry and warehousing and transportation facilities seem to be more significantly affecting the increases of UHI area rather other land uses.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Place attachment refers to the formation of one’s inner bond with a place. Kampong Tenggumung is ... more Place attachment refers to the formation of one’s inner bond with a place. Kampong Tenggumung is a housing area located on the edge of Sidotopo Railroad and currently most of its inhabitants are the third descendants of the original owner. It indicates the formation of place attachment of Kampong’s residents toward their environment. Therefore, the research aims to identify the place attachment of Tenggumung’s community towards their residential environment. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The study was done by understanding the process of settling and the concept of housing in Kampong Tenggumung through interviews and visual observations of residential areas, supported by map data on regional development. Then, the level of place attachment of the community to their residence was determined. The results showed Tenggumung’s community who have formed a particular concept of dwelling, namely the orientation of West-East buildings, a house inhabited for up to 3 generati...
Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information
Land-use change is the main cause of high runoff compared to other factors. The type of land use ... more Land-use change is the main cause of high runoff compared to other factors. The type of land use also plays a role in determining the amount of runoff that occurs. The Upstream Ciliwung watershed is blamed as the main causes of the flood disaster in Jakarta, the capital city. The land use in the upper stream has changed and causes increasing of run off to be higher than the capacity of river to drain it. This study aims to explore the land use changes of the Upstream Ciliwung Watershed from 1996 to 2016 and their consequences on the stream run off. Furthermore, the study also recommends the efforts needed to reduce river water discharge. The land use changes are identified by using spatial analysis method. The calculation of run off uses the rational method. Average rainfall data for every ten years is calculated by use of Gumbell distribution formula. The study shows that in the period 1996 – 2016, there was a change in land use in the upstream Ciliwung watershed. The area that con...
Pada RIPPARPROV Riau 2021-2030, Kota Pekanbaru termasuk ke dalam Rencana Perwilayahan Pariwisata ... more Pada RIPPARPROV Riau 2021-2030, Kota Pekanbaru termasuk ke dalam Rencana Perwilayahan Pariwisata Provinsi Riau dan ditetapkan sebagai Kawasan Pengembangan Pariwisata Provinsi (KPPP). KPPP Pekanbaru menetapkan 3 kawasan Desa Wisata yaitu Desa Wisata Alam Buluh Cina, Kampung wisata Tebing Tinggi Okura dan Kampung Wisata Bandar. Desa Wisata merupakan salah satu bentuk pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui promosi produktivitas pedesaan yang dapat menciptakan pekerjaan, distribusi pendapatan, pelestarian lingkungan dan budaya lokal, meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat, menghargai keyakinan dan nilai-nilai tradisional. Perubahan menjadi desa wisata tentunya mempengaruhi perubahan penggunaan lahan dan ekonomi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dampak atas keberadaan desa wisata di Wilayah KPPP Provinsi Riau terhadap penggunaan lahan dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif dan analisis spasial. Teknik analisis ...
The Journal of Synergy Landscape
The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections mandates that Corre... more The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections mandates that Correctional Facility be established in every Regency and City. Meanwhile, several works of literature state that Correctional Facility must meet the criteria, namely having a certain distance or far from densely populated settlements to reasons for the safety and comfort of residents. This research was conducted in settlements around Cipinang Correctional Facility, DKI Jakarta. Cipinang Correctional Facility was initially established in 1912, located on the outskirts of Jakarta and far from residential areas. However, the Correctional Facility is currently located in the middle of a dense settlement. This study aims to identify the perception of the people living in the vicinity of the existence of the Cipinang Correctional Facility in terms of security and comfort. The security variable indicators include insecurity and anxiety, while the variable comfort indicator is a sense of being distu...
JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera
The community service aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of youth and high school stude... more The community service aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of youth and high school students regarding the role and urgency of spatial planning in creating a better living environment. The method used in this activity is in the form of counseling which targets high school students and young people in the community of RT 06/RW 08, Tomang Village, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. The counseling was carried out offline using a zoom which presented three main points, namely: (1) the definition of space, (2) the urgency of spatial planning, and (3) the role of spatial planning. In addition, an evaluation was also carried out through a google form to find out the increase in understanding gained from this activity. The result of this Community Service is that the community gains insight into the urgency and role of spatial planning. Implementing lecturers also representing the campus have succeeded in making this activity as a campus communication medium in disseminating ...
Public transport integration is the key to the success of the public transportation service syste... more Public transport integration is the key to the success of the public transportation service system in a region or city. Good integration can create effective development and increase society's interest in public transport. Dukuh Atas area is located in the Central Business District of Jakarta that dominated by office buildings and activities. This area is designated as a primary activity centre with an intermodal transfer centre based on Transit Oriented Development (TOD). It consists of several stops/stations such as Sudirman Commuter line Station, BNI City Airport Train Station, Dukuh Atas MRT Underground Station, Dukuh Atas 2 Transjakarta Bus Stop, and Tosari Bus Stop. Pedestrian paths are one of the physical integration forms that play a role in creating continuous connectivity. This study aims to measure the service level of pedestrian lane facilities in supporting intermodal integration in the Dukuh Atas area. The data used in this study are primary data gathered through o...
MAKALAH DOSEN-2020, Mar 5, 2021
Tidal flood due to sea level rise often occurs in the Rukun Warga (local community unit) 5 Utara,... more Tidal flood due to sea level rise often occurs in the Rukun Warga (local community unit) 5 Utara, Wonokerto Kulon located in costal area of Pekalongan Regency. The risk of tidal flooding is influenced by the physical vulnerability of the area. With the purpose to reduce the risk, it is necessary to carry out mitigation efforts by improving the physical conditions. This study aims to provide recommendation for mitigation efforts suitable for the area based on the levels of risk and physical vulnerability. To achieve the aim, the study identifies the level of hazard, the level of physical vulnerability and the level of risk by using Arc GIS spatial analysis and scoring techniques. The results show that around 44.38% of the area is classified as high-level tidal flood’s hazard. The level of hazards is identified based on height, frequency, and type of inundation. The physical vulnerability of this area is classified as in medium to high-level. The level of vulnerability is classified b...
Geoarea Wonogiri has many tourist objects and a large area, it needs integrated management, there... more Geoarea Wonogiri has many tourist objects and a large area, it needs integrated management, therefore it is necessary to study the potential of tourism, so this research aims to analyze the potential of these locations, therefore an analysis of the potential attractiveness in each district is needed. The research method used is Qualitative research after that used the analysis of scoring techniques. Based on the results of this study, Pracimantoro District is the most potential for the Development of Tourist Destinations in Geoarea Wonogiri because it has the advantage of potential analysis based on the 4A aspect (attraction, amenities, accesibitily, ancillary).