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Teaching Documents by Erciyes Journal of Education

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Başlarken-Önsöz

Papers by Erciyes Journal of Education

Research paper thumbnail of Biyoloji Proje Çalışmalarının Üstün Zekâlı ve Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Bilimsel Tutumlarına Etkisi (The Impact of Biology Project Studies on the Scientific Attitudes of Gifted and Talented Students)

EJE 2(2), 2018

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of biology project work on the scientific at... more The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of biology project work on the scientific attitudes of gifted and talented students. This study was composed of pre-test and post-test experimental research design without control group. Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used for collecting data in the study. It was conducted with 46 gifted and talented students who were registered at two different centre of BİLSEM (Science and Art Centre) in the Marmara Region, and who carried out biology project work during the autumn semester of 2012-2013 academic year. Data was collected using pre-test and post-test research model and Scientific Attitude Scale. Semi-structured Interview Form was used after the project. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and descriptive analysis statistical methods were used to analyse the quantitative data of the study with the help of SPSS 20 software program. Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis method. The results of our study revealed that both of the pre-test and post-test scores of scientific attitudes of the students were high. It is also understood that biology project work did not show any statistically significant effect on the scientific attitudes of the students. In addition, it has been determined that the students experience several problems at BİSEM, such as inadequate study space for the biology projects, insufficient supply and use of materials and equipment, limited project completion period, the difficulty in finding the original and unique project topics.. Suggested Citation Özarslan, M. (2018). The impact of biology project studies on the scientific attitudes of gifted and talented students. Erciyes Journal of Education, 2(2), 75-93. * This research was drived from doctoral dissertation titled 'The thoughts of project partners on BİLSEM biology projects and the effect of these projects on the motivations of gifted and talented students towards learning biology and their scıentific attitudes' (Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülcan ÇETİN).

Research paper thumbnail of PICTES Türkçe Dil Yeterliklerine Yönelik Program ve Ölçek Geliştirme Çalıştayı Raporunun Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Program Regarding PICTES Turkish Proficiency and Scale Development Workshop Report)

EJE 2(2), 2018

"Promoting Integration of Syrian Children into Turkish Education System (PICTES), a two-year-prog... more "Promoting Integration of Syrian Children into Turkish Education System (PICTES), a two-year-program financed by European Community to integrate Syrian students into Turkish education system and develop their proficiency in Turkish, was started by MEB (Ministry of National Education) on October 03, 2016. Within this context, a workshop titled "The Program Regarding Proficiency of Syrian Students in Turkish and Scale Development Workshop" was held in Antalya between 13 and 17 December to measure and determine Syrian students' proficiency in Turkish and a final report was prepared. This study aims to evaluate the aforementioned Workshop Report depending on the observations made during the workshop and the final report. This study was conducted utilizing a qualitative research design. The data were collected using Observation and Document Analysis. For each age group, only the achievements in reading and writing skills were determined at the levels of A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and Speaking and Listening skills were not included. Considering that determining the criteria and application of the exams would be difficult for the process, testing speaking and listening skills for Turkish as a foreign language and studies to evaluate the students' achievements in these skills were not included in the report. Activities regarding the proficiency levels of the learners stated in the Workshop Report issued in January 2018, were carried out in the classrooms and their consequences were observed. It was found that the learners who made improvements in reading and writing were not successful in listening and speaking skills, which are the most basic language skills. This leads to the fact that the theoretical decisions taken in the Workshop were not effective in practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavındaki Öğretmenlik Alan Bilgisi Testlerine Yönelik Öğretmen Adaylarının Görüşleri (Opinions of teacher candidates towards the teaching field knowledge tests on the public personnel selection examination)

EJE 2(2), 2018

This study was carried out in order to determine the opinions of teacher candidates towards the T... more This study was carried out in order to determine the opinions of teacher candidates towards the Teaching Field Knowledge Tests (TFKT) on the Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE). For this purpose, an opinion form with 14 closed ended questions and sixteen questions including personal information was applied to the participants consisting of 306 teacher candidates in 16 branches. Except for two of the questions on the opinion form, the others are answered in two steps. While it is necessary to choose one of the options in the first stage, it is desirable to explain why they mark the option in the second stage. Analyses of the data were performed using content analyses. For this, answers by candidates to closed questions are presented in table forms in frequency and percentage rations according to sex. According to the findings obtained, the teacher candidates stated that graduation grades are sufficient to be assigned, they do not want to enter the examination, and if the examination is to be done, it should be made according to TFKT. The examination should also be done in such a way that it does not allow any doubt in candidates. It is recommended that candidates who are graduates of education faculty are assigned to their assignments according to the graduation notes or as a contribution to PPSE.

Research paper thumbnail of Müziksel Zeka Temelinde Hayat Bilgisi Dersi İşlemek: “Hem Öğreniyorum Hem De Eğleniyorum" (Teaching life studies course based on musical intelligence: "I am both Learning and Having Fun")

EJE 2(2), 2018

The purpose of the study is to de signate the opinions of students and te achers after a life stu... more The purpose of the study is to de signate the opinions of students and te achers after a life studie s course proce ss that is base d on musical inte llige nce. The study is appropriate for action re se arch. Participants of the study are 63 third grade stude nts and 7 te achers from a private school in Ze ytinburnu, İstanbul. Data was colle cte d through inte rviews and diarie s. Interviews we re made with 9 stude nts and 7 te achers. 26 stude nts and 2 te achers comple ted the diarie s. Content analysis we re applie d to data colle cted. In this study, musical inte llige nce-based life studies le ssons we re found "fun" and "instructive " by the stude nts and "atte ntion grabbing/inte resting" and "fun" by the te achers. In addition, via the imple me ntation, students' "le arning more e asily" and "starting to love the course more " are among the results of the study. Keywords: Life studie s, multiple inte llige nce s the ory, musical inte llige nce, constructivism. Erciyes University, Faculty of Education, Kayseri/TURKEY Erciyes Journal of Education (EJE)

Research paper thumbnail of Lise Öğrencilerinin Yaşam Doyumu Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi (Investigation of Life Satisfaction Levels of High School Students ın Terms of Various Variables)

EJE 2(2), 2018

The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most int... more The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most intense are also a time when important decisions are made. On one hand adapting to the physical emotional and intellectual developments, on the other hand deciding on the choice of the profession and furthermore being in a fight with the whole world, is making the period even more challenging Satisfaction from life in these stormy years can become more difficult than ever. The aim of this research is to investigate the factors that may affect life satisfaction in adolescence. Relational screening model was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 311 high school students from different high schools. Personal information form developed by researchers and Life Satisfaction Scale whose Turkish adaptation is made by Köker (1991) and Yetim (1993) is used as data collection tool. SPSS 20 program is used for analyzing the data. Statistical techniques to be used as a result of normality analysis were determined. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for determining the relationships between variables, t-test was used for examining binary variables, ANOVAwas used for three and more categorical variables. Survey results show that there is no significant difference in life satisfaction in terms of gender variable, school type, number of siblings and academic achievement. It has been found that there is a strong positive relationship between life satisfaction and family satisfaction. Also, as the class level increased, the level of life satisfaction decreased. The findings were discussed and interpreted in light of the literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Haydarâbâd Salar Jung Kütüphanesindeki Türkçe Öğretimi İle İlgili Yazma Eserler ve Bu Eserlerden Fazlullah Han Barlas Tarafından Yazılan “Lugat-ı Türkî”nin Çağatay Türkçesi Öğretimi Yöntemine Dâir Düşünceler (Manuscripts Related to Teaching Turkish in Hyderabad Salar Jung Library)

EJE 2(1)

Twenty-six Turkish writing works have been identified as a result of the research that we persona... more Twenty-six Turkish writing works have been identified as a result of the research that we personally conducted at the SalarJung Library in Hyderabad province of India. Eight of these relate directly to language teaching, and grammaticaldictionary, grammar and dictionary, aimed at teaching language only through grammar and dictionary method only. There are dictionary and dictionarygrammars which are prepared as verse in them, as well as those who have close formations. This shows that these works are based on the method of memorizing in language teaching. Moreover, these works are based on bilingual teaching method. Six of the eight works were written to teach Turkish with Persian, one to teach Turkish with Arabic and one to teach Persian with Turkish. Because most of these works we have studied are dictionary logic, someone who speaks Turkish can learn Farsi in this way. This also applies to other works written in ArabicTurkish or Turkish-Persian. We tried to describe these works and learn about their contents in the context of our personal work in the library. Moreover, although we wanted to receive the digital images of writing in Turkish, on condition that it was received in tribal terms, it was not allowed to take the full image of the works because of the difficult and intricate bureaucracy of India. However, it was possible for us to get only a few pages of images from each work as a result of our insistence on the library authorities. In our article, samples were given from the images we can get. This article has been considered as the first and main article for the introduction of 8 works in the Indian Salar Jung Library in the teaching of Turkish. Because here, seven of the eight works will be discussed and briefly discussed, and one's content and language teaching method will be examined in detail. As long as we have the opportunity, the remaining 7 works will be examined by individual articles and individual content and language teaching methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Fizik Öğretmeni Adaylarının Elektrik Konusunda Bazı Kavramlara Ait Metaforik Algıları (Metaphorical Perceptions of Physics Teacher Candidates about Some Concepts of Electricity)

EJE 2(1), 2018

Purpose of this study is to reveal the metaphorical perceptions of the Physics Teacher candidates... more Purpose of this study is to reveal the metaphorical perceptions of the Physics Teacher candidates regarding the 10 basic concepts of electricity. These concepts are "electron, proton, electric field, charge, conductor, non-conductor, semiconductor , flux, magnetic field and condenser." The research study was conducted in 2016-2017 academic year with the 3 rd grade Physics Teacher candidates studying in Education Faculty of a State University. Students were directed the open-ended question as "This concept is …Because…" with the aim of revealing their metaphorical perception and thy were expected to base their metaphorical perceptions in the because part. In the research carried out with 10 voluntary teacher candidates, descriptive method was used among the qualitative analysis techniques. The second part of this study consists of an interview which lasts 4 weeks. 4 teacher candidates, who were selected in terms of the consistency of their answers given in the first part, attended to the interview. In the interview, it is requested to deeply analyze the answers given by teacher candidates. Therefore, questions were presented by supporting them with sub-problems. Findings had been recorded for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, 93 metaphors were found. These metaphors were divided into 3 groups in terms of their ability to associate the features of the object, to associate the features of the person and to associate the features of the abstract concepts. The results of the research were compared to the researches done in our and other countries and similarities and differences had been revealed.

Research paper thumbnail of Akademik Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi Süreci İçerisinde Kavram Edinimi Ve Buna Yönelik Bir Eylem Araştırması (Acquisition of the Concept During the Process of Teaching Academic Turkish as a Foreign Language and an Action Study for This)

EJE 2(1), 2018

As a re sult of the re searcher's own obse rvations and late r inte rvie ws with the stude nts an... more As a re sult of the re searcher's own obse rvations and late r inte rvie ws with the stude nts and te achers as we ll as re searches in the fie ld, it has be en unde rstood that the fore ign stude nts, coming to Turke y for highe r e ducation, cannot acquire full academic and conce ptual knowle dge of the ir fie ld within the conte xt of language le arning and the refore the y e xperience some proble ms. From this point forth, in orde r to de te rmine the acade mic language needs of foreign stude nts and to de ve lop solutions, Turkish academic concept acquisition process for fore ign stude nts has been planned based on the fie ld re search and student needs. In order to te st the skills planne d in the proce ss and e nable the stude nts to gain them, academic te xts, course te aching plans, a list of skills / acquisition, academic conce pt lists and activitie s we re de veloped. A twe lve-we e k te aching process is planne d for the imple me ntation of the de veloped content. The imple mentation of the instructional package was carrie d out in the action re se arch mode l in the conte xt of qualitative re search. During the process analysis researcher's journals ide ntifie d as data colle ction tools, stude nt journals, course vide o re cordings, stude nt activity pape rs are used. When the data obtained during the course of the action we re subjected to the de scriptive analysis and inte rpreted; it has been seen that the te aching material and its conte nts are effective, stude nts make progress in conce pt acquisition and the y are ve ry satisfie d with the imple me ntation proce ss. It has be e n conclude d that the academic concept te aching process de ve lope d for the acade mic achie vements of foreign stude nts within the scope of the study is e xtre mely useful and ne cessary.

Research paper thumbnail of Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Türkçe Ders Kitaplarında Yer Alan Metinlere Yönelik Tutumlarının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Secondary School Students' Attitudes Towards Texts in Turkish Textbooks)

EJE 2(1), 2018

Reading skills are one of the most important goals that are aimed at bringing individuals into th... more Reading skills are one of the most important goals that are aimed at bringing individuals into the e ducational process. Be ing a good reader especially in society is the main aim of education systems. Acquisition of re gular re ading habits consists of a process that e xtends from the childhood. Re searchers indicate that pare nts' attitude s are influe ntial in winning this habit. It is also se e n that individuals pre fe r books more frequently in the range of spe cies the y enjoy in the future. In the re search process, the attitudes of middle school stude nts towards te xts in Turkish te xtbooks we re e xamined. For this purpose , a que stionnaire containing both qualitative and quantitative ite ms was de ve loped. Se mi-structure d inte rview and value surve y of qualitative research me thods are data colle ction tools used in this re se arch process. The obtaine d data we re e valuated by de scriptive analysis. In addition, the re sults obtained we re compared in terms of class le vels. As a re sult of the re search, it is se en that there are diffe rences at the class le vel. For e xample , while most of 5th grade students like d the tale , the 8th grade stude nts like d more informative te xts. It was se en that the students de ve lope d diffe rent criteria while e valuating the te xts in the Turkish te xtbooks. Particularly in the fifth a nd sixth classes, while e valuating the te xts, the e motional subje cts, which are more subjective and difficult to me asure, are used, while the se venth and e ighth classes have reached the result that the y use the criteria which are e asier and more subjective to me asure. For this re ason, it is sugge sted that te achers should coope rate with the stude nts in te rms of te xt e valuation me thods in orde r to provide more objective evaluations e specially in lowe r grade s.

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul ve Ortaokul Öğretmenlerinin Bilimsel Okuryazarlıklarının Odak Grup Görüşmeleriyle İncelenmesi (Investigation of Scientific Literacy of Primary and Secondary School Teachers with Focus Group Interviews)

EJE 2(1), 2018

In this study, it is aime d to inve stigate the scientific lite racy of the te achers who play an... more In this study, it is aime d to inve stigate the scientific lite racy of the te achers who play an active role in shaping the Turkish socie ty and in the training of the individuals. For this purpose , focus group inte rvie ws we re conducte d with the te achers who participate d in the study. Two focus group inte rvie ws were conducte d with 6 and 4 individuals re spectively. The group me mbers were composed of te achers working in various fie lds (scie nce, mathematics, English, Turkish, music and arts) in e le me ntary and junior high school and maximum dive rsity sampling was done. The inte rvie ws started with brie f introductions of the participants. The data we re colle cte d by voice re cording me thod. Te achers we re give n ne cessary e xplanations and aske d for the ir consent. The inte rviews laste d 60 and 97 minute s. The inte rvie ws we re based on 5 que stions. In the study, e ach question was formed to cover a theme. The the mes we re the needs of being scie ntifically lite rate , the ne cessities of be ing scie ntifically lite rate , the tasks of institutions and organizations in the case of scientific lite racy, the perspective of the te achers on academic studie s and the e valuation of the te achers own scie ntific lite racy. The validity of this study was e xamine d based on evide nce-based validity. As a re sult of the focus group inte rvie ws, it was de te rmine d that the te achers conside red the concept of "scientific lite racy" important and useful. It was observed that many te achers, e ven if at a minimum le ve l, we re inte re sted in academic studie s, but the ir inte re st fade d away due to the fact that it was not supporte d by the authoritie s.

Research paper thumbnail of Important Physical Characteristics for Quality Teacher Education: The Delphi Study

EJE 1(2), 2017

Physical environment in higher education has been of interest since especially the beginning of t... more Physical environment in higher education has been of interest since especially the beginning of the 21st century however very a few studies on this topic have been conducted for teacher education in Turkey. In this study, the main purposes were to identify the essential characteristics of physical environment to access quality teacher education and to discuss the importance and role of these physical characteristics for effective and efficient teacher education. A Delphi study with three phases was utilized as a research methodology. In the first phase of the study, data were obtained by one open ended question from 33 teacher candidates in three state and one private universities at Ankara and content analysis was used to analyze data. Then, the questionnaire developed according to the results of the first phase, was applied in two times in a one month interval. Data obtained by the second and the third phases of the study was analyzed by descriptive analysis and then, comparison between two applications was presented in the paper. As a result of the study, technology, ambient environment of the building and classrooms, the cleanliness of environment, the size of the classrooms, furniture and materials, spaces for social and academic activity were emerged as the most important physical characteristics. In discussion part, the importance and role of those places and physical characteristics for teacher education were discussed and presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomi Okuryazarlığı ve Eğitimine İlişkin Alan Uzmanı ve Öğretmen Görüşlerinin Belirlenmesi (An Investigation of the Views of Field Experts and Teachers related to Economic Literacy and Its Education)

EJE 1(2), 2017

This study was conducted to determine the views of economists, social studies education field exp... more This study was conducted to determine the views of economists, social studies education field experts, and social studies teachers on economic literacy and economics education in Turkey. The study was conducted with descriptive survey model. The study group consisted of 116 volunteer participants including experts working in the economics and social studies teacher education departments in the universities and social studies teachers working in the six counties of Istanbul. The data were collected through a demographic information form and two questionnaires. In the analysis of the data, frequency, percentage, and sum of ranking scores were used. According to the results, participants think that economic literacy level of Turkish society and economics teaching are insufficient. A majority of the participants regard economic literacy as a basic competency area for all citizens. Participants consider high school stage as the most appropriate education level for teaching economics, then middle school, undergraduate, primary, and kindergarten levels, respectively. In addition, approximately two thirds of participants believe that economics teaching should be designed based on the interdisciplinary approach in middle schools. A considerable proportion of the participants suggest that the interdisciplinar programs should be associated with current developments related to the country and world agenda, geography, and politics. The findings of the study show that economic literacy and economics education are seen as an important and necessary competency by different stakeholders in the field, also an inadequate area for all society.

Research paper thumbnail of Formasyon Programına Katılan Öğrencilerin Ölçme-Değerlendirme Dersine İlişkin Farkındalıkları (Awareness of the Measurement and Evaluation Course of the Participating Students in the Formation Program)

EJE 1(1), 2017

In the current study, pedagogical formation students' awareness of measurement and evaluation and... more In the current study, pedagogical formation students' awareness of measurement and evaluation and their views on the topics in the course were determined. The study aims to provide researchers with an careful into the process of restructuring of both pedagogical formation program and this course as part of the program. The research group of this descriptive research consists of 180 pedagogical formation program students from the departments of Turkish Language and Literature and Sociology in the 2014-2015 academic year. When the research group was determined, appropriate sampling method was used for non-arbitrary sampling methods. In the study, students' awareness on the various variables of the course in measurement and evaluation were collected through constructed responsequestions. The scope of the questions; basic concepts in measurement and evaluation (measurement-criterion-evaluation), ıtem types (true-false, long-responded, short-responded, paired and multiple-choice), problems in the course. To analyze the data, descriptive analysis methods were used. The reliability ratio between the researchers was found to be .85. At the end of the study, it was concluded that most students had some concern over this course at the beginning of the term. However, these worries decreased and the students started to consider the course beneficial to their own career development as they gain different points of view during the term. It is believed that the results and suggestions will increase effectiveness of the course and help researchers and program development specialists in the process of restructuring of the course in the scope of the program.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Ders Kitabındaki Metinlerin (5. Sınıf) Değerler Eğitimi Yaklaşımıyla İncelenmesi (An Investigation of Values in Turkish Textbook (5th Grade) a Valuable Education Approach)

EJE 1(1), 2017

Values are significant guide to make sense of individual's life. The individual decides on good a... more Values are significant guide to make sense of individual's life. The individual decides on good and bad whereby them. They act an important role in determining the standarts of individual's life and in their efforts to keep up with norms existing in society. Students gain the values in family, in environment, at school, on media. Recently existing of values in the textbooks ,which has been indispensable with the importance of values education, has become one of the curious topics. Today the aimed values given to the children are being tried to be acquired, especially in the textbooks at schools. In this study, the values in the textbook of 5th grade Turkish classroom were tried to be determined by the qualitative research methods. While textbook's sentences were being examined using document review, were benefited from values of codes made by Schwarts before. To obtain statistical knowledge of value, SPSS 22 programme was used. According to the result of the research, there is no homogeneous structure in the theme distribution of values. It is seen that whereas some values take place in specific theme, others do not. When we look at the values in the textbook, the most frequently used values are universalism, success and happiness.The least value in the book is power, fit and benevolence. According to the study result, it has been suggested that the values in the themes should be distributed homogeneously and the theme-value harmony should be more regular. Also,meanwhile the values presented in the book as a gain, it has been suggested that especially the general aims of Turkish National Education should be considered.

Research paper thumbnail of Performans Yönetimi Sorunsalı ve Okullar (Problematic of Performance Management and Schools)

EJE 1(1), 2017

Performance may be characterized as the execution of a purpose, duty or function. Studies on perf... more Performance may be characterized as the execution of a purpose, duty or function. Studies on performance; organizations have existed since the day it existed, and employees have met with various consequences according to their success status. In this context performance management is a sophisticated field of application where the corporate dimension as well as the individual dimension is continuously studied. Good and effective performance management work is related to all elements of the process of human resource development. Performance management is run through performance cycle that includes planning, implementation, monitoring and rewiewing steps. 360-degree feedback, also known as multiple feedback or multi-source feedback, can be defined as the heart of performance management. This type of feedback is a perspective tool that encompasses all dimensions of performance. Performance management is a comprehensive process that includes performance evaluation. Performance evaluation studies are stages that focus not only on the mistakes and deficiencies of individuals but also on their success. When the performance management process is carried out appropriately, it can provide individual and organizational incentives such as solving the need for success of the employees, contributing to the career plan. Also it can make it easier to see your personal situation in a holistic perspective. In schools where individuals spend a significant part of their lives, it is necessary to transform human resources into an effective force. Since renewed cultural values, environmental conditions, individual and organizational understandings have important effects on performance and outcomes, it is inevitable to examine the performances of schools. Performance management can provide professional support for school and teacher evaluation. It can guide how peak performances that employees and organizations can demonstrate and how to achieve them.

Research paper thumbnail of Topluma Hizmet Uygulamaları Dersine Yönelik Öğretmen Adayı Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi (An Investigation of Teacher Candidates' Perceptions on Community Service Practices (CSP) Course)

EJE(1)1, 2017

The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of the teacher candidates about the goals, i... more The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of the teacher candidates about the goals, implementation and outcomes of the Community Service Practices (CSP) Course and to propose suggestions for a more effective teaching of the course. This phenomenological study was carried out with seven teacher candidates in their 3rd year and taking the Community Service Practices (CSP) Course in Mersin University, Faculty of Education, English Language Teaching Department in spring term of 2014-2015 academic year. A form consisting of nine open ended questions which were prepared by the researchers and evaluated by two experts for their validity was used to collect data about research problems. The form also included closed-ended questions where participants were asked about their demographic characteristics. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis technique. The data were classified according to their contents and the themes were created. These themes were examined and compared by two experts of educational science and then their reliability was calculated using the formula "Reliability=(Number of Agreements/Total Number of Agreements and Disagreement) x 100". The reliability coefficient calculated as 18 / (18 + 3) * 100 = 85 shows that there is a reasonable consensus among the experts and therefore the internal consistency of the study (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The obtained data indicated that the course was overall implemented in line with its goals. As for the achievement of the goals of the course, many goals were considered to be attained because teacher candidates stated that they had the chance to get to know the society better and to integrate with it; cooperated with different institutions; strengthened the emotional dimension and spirituality of the teaching profession; developed self-confidence and socialized more. On the other hand, teacher candidates also reported some issues related to the course. Bearing these findings in mind, it can be concluded that teacher candidates found this course very useful, and that some suggestions about the issues should be taken into account so that the course could be implemented more productively.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Eşya Tarihini Araştırmak: Eşyanın da Tarihi mi Olurmuş (Investigation of The History of Material In Social Studies Courses: The History Of Material? What Next?)

EJE (1)1, 2017

In 2005 Social Studies Curriculum, it was seen that local, oral and family history, historical an... more In 2005 Social Studies Curriculum, it was seen that local, oral and family history, historical and geographical locations and museum trips are included within the framework of learning-out-of-school. This research aims to study on the history of material approach, one of the methods of out-of-school learning. The purpose of the present study is to implement the history of material method as a new research and learning approach, to evaluate the process of the approach by the students and reveal the views of the partners. The present study was planned in the line of qualitative paradigm where action research was the main research design. The research was carried out with a working group consisting of 5th grade students attending to a state school in Seyhan, Adana. 21 students (11 male and 10 female) participated in the study. The data was obtained from "history of material projects" prepared by the students. The interview forms with the students and teachers and a questionnaire about the process with Social Studies teacher of the chosen school and 4 students. In the present study, the students collected information about the history of a chosen material and prepared projects as a group of two or individually. They also supported the information with certain visuals and wrote a bibliography at the end of the project. Additionally, they were required to make interviews with 3 adults above 40 years old about the chosen material and make a report about the results. The results reveal that understanding 'the continuity' is relatively more difficult than understanding 'the change' for the students. The students were expected to make deductions from the first form of the material about past lives, make comparison between past and present and have an idea about the technological features of the materials in the past. They were also able to learn about the living conditions of adults and grow empathy with them.

Books by Erciyes Journal of Education

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Vol. 2, No. 2

Erciyes Journal of Education, 2017

The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most int... more The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most intense are also a time when important decisions are made. On one hand adapting to the physical emotional and intellectual developments, on the other hand deciding on the choice of the profession and furthermore being in a fight with the whole world, is making the period even more challenging Satisfaction from life in these stormy years can become more difficult than ever. The aim of this research is to investigate the factors that may affect life satisfaction in adolescence. Relational screening model was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 311 high school students from different high schools. Personal information form developed by researchers and Life Satisfaction Scale whose Turkish adaptation is made by Köker (1991) and Yetim (1993) is used as data collection tool. SPSS 20 program is used for analyzing the data. Statistical techniques to be used as a result of normality analysis were determined. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for determining the relationships between variables, t-test was used for examining binary variables, ANOVAwas used for three and more categorical variables. Survey results show that there is no significant difference in life satisfaction in terms of gender variable, school type, number of siblings and academic achievement. It has been found that there is a strong positive relationship between life satisfaction and family satisfaction. Also, as the class level increased, the level of life satisfaction decreased. The findings were discussed and interpreted in light of the literature.

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Vol. 2, No. 1

Erciyes Journal of Education, 2018

EJE yılda iki defa yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Biyoloji Proje Çalışmalarının Üstün Zekâlı ve Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Bilimsel Tutumlarına Etkisi (The Impact of Biology Project Studies on the Scientific Attitudes of Gifted and Talented Students)

EJE 2(2), 2018

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of biology project work on the scientific at... more The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of biology project work on the scientific attitudes of gifted and talented students. This study was composed of pre-test and post-test experimental research design without control group. Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used for collecting data in the study. It was conducted with 46 gifted and talented students who were registered at two different centre of BİLSEM (Science and Art Centre) in the Marmara Region, and who carried out biology project work during the autumn semester of 2012-2013 academic year. Data was collected using pre-test and post-test research model and Scientific Attitude Scale. Semi-structured Interview Form was used after the project. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and descriptive analysis statistical methods were used to analyse the quantitative data of the study with the help of SPSS 20 software program. Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis method. The results of our study revealed that both of the pre-test and post-test scores of scientific attitudes of the students were high. It is also understood that biology project work did not show any statistically significant effect on the scientific attitudes of the students. In addition, it has been determined that the students experience several problems at BİSEM, such as inadequate study space for the biology projects, insufficient supply and use of materials and equipment, limited project completion period, the difficulty in finding the original and unique project topics.. Suggested Citation Özarslan, M. (2018). The impact of biology project studies on the scientific attitudes of gifted and talented students. Erciyes Journal of Education, 2(2), 75-93. * This research was drived from doctoral dissertation titled 'The thoughts of project partners on BİLSEM biology projects and the effect of these projects on the motivations of gifted and talented students towards learning biology and their scıentific attitudes' (Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülcan ÇETİN).

Research paper thumbnail of PICTES Türkçe Dil Yeterliklerine Yönelik Program ve Ölçek Geliştirme Çalıştayı Raporunun Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Program Regarding PICTES Turkish Proficiency and Scale Development Workshop Report)

EJE 2(2), 2018

"Promoting Integration of Syrian Children into Turkish Education System (PICTES), a two-year-prog... more "Promoting Integration of Syrian Children into Turkish Education System (PICTES), a two-year-program financed by European Community to integrate Syrian students into Turkish education system and develop their proficiency in Turkish, was started by MEB (Ministry of National Education) on October 03, 2016. Within this context, a workshop titled "The Program Regarding Proficiency of Syrian Students in Turkish and Scale Development Workshop" was held in Antalya between 13 and 17 December to measure and determine Syrian students' proficiency in Turkish and a final report was prepared. This study aims to evaluate the aforementioned Workshop Report depending on the observations made during the workshop and the final report. This study was conducted utilizing a qualitative research design. The data were collected using Observation and Document Analysis. For each age group, only the achievements in reading and writing skills were determined at the levels of A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and Speaking and Listening skills were not included. Considering that determining the criteria and application of the exams would be difficult for the process, testing speaking and listening skills for Turkish as a foreign language and studies to evaluate the students' achievements in these skills were not included in the report. Activities regarding the proficiency levels of the learners stated in the Workshop Report issued in January 2018, were carried out in the classrooms and their consequences were observed. It was found that the learners who made improvements in reading and writing were not successful in listening and speaking skills, which are the most basic language skills. This leads to the fact that the theoretical decisions taken in the Workshop were not effective in practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavındaki Öğretmenlik Alan Bilgisi Testlerine Yönelik Öğretmen Adaylarının Görüşleri (Opinions of teacher candidates towards the teaching field knowledge tests on the public personnel selection examination)

EJE 2(2), 2018

This study was carried out in order to determine the opinions of teacher candidates towards the T... more This study was carried out in order to determine the opinions of teacher candidates towards the Teaching Field Knowledge Tests (TFKT) on the Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE). For this purpose, an opinion form with 14 closed ended questions and sixteen questions including personal information was applied to the participants consisting of 306 teacher candidates in 16 branches. Except for two of the questions on the opinion form, the others are answered in two steps. While it is necessary to choose one of the options in the first stage, it is desirable to explain why they mark the option in the second stage. Analyses of the data were performed using content analyses. For this, answers by candidates to closed questions are presented in table forms in frequency and percentage rations according to sex. According to the findings obtained, the teacher candidates stated that graduation grades are sufficient to be assigned, they do not want to enter the examination, and if the examination is to be done, it should be made according to TFKT. The examination should also be done in such a way that it does not allow any doubt in candidates. It is recommended that candidates who are graduates of education faculty are assigned to their assignments according to the graduation notes or as a contribution to PPSE.

Research paper thumbnail of Müziksel Zeka Temelinde Hayat Bilgisi Dersi İşlemek: “Hem Öğreniyorum Hem De Eğleniyorum" (Teaching life studies course based on musical intelligence: "I am both Learning and Having Fun")

EJE 2(2), 2018

The purpose of the study is to de signate the opinions of students and te achers after a life stu... more The purpose of the study is to de signate the opinions of students and te achers after a life studie s course proce ss that is base d on musical inte llige nce. The study is appropriate for action re se arch. Participants of the study are 63 third grade stude nts and 7 te achers from a private school in Ze ytinburnu, İstanbul. Data was colle cte d through inte rviews and diarie s. Interviews we re made with 9 stude nts and 7 te achers. 26 stude nts and 2 te achers comple ted the diarie s. Content analysis we re applie d to data colle cted. In this study, musical inte llige nce-based life studies le ssons we re found "fun" and "instructive " by the stude nts and "atte ntion grabbing/inte resting" and "fun" by the te achers. In addition, via the imple me ntation, students' "le arning more e asily" and "starting to love the course more " are among the results of the study. Keywords: Life studie s, multiple inte llige nce s the ory, musical inte llige nce, constructivism. Erciyes University, Faculty of Education, Kayseri/TURKEY Erciyes Journal of Education (EJE)

Research paper thumbnail of Lise Öğrencilerinin Yaşam Doyumu Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi (Investigation of Life Satisfaction Levels of High School Students ın Terms of Various Variables)

EJE 2(2), 2018

The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most int... more The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most intense are also a time when important decisions are made. On one hand adapting to the physical emotional and intellectual developments, on the other hand deciding on the choice of the profession and furthermore being in a fight with the whole world, is making the period even more challenging Satisfaction from life in these stormy years can become more difficult than ever. The aim of this research is to investigate the factors that may affect life satisfaction in adolescence. Relational screening model was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 311 high school students from different high schools. Personal information form developed by researchers and Life Satisfaction Scale whose Turkish adaptation is made by Köker (1991) and Yetim (1993) is used as data collection tool. SPSS 20 program is used for analyzing the data. Statistical techniques to be used as a result of normality analysis were determined. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for determining the relationships between variables, t-test was used for examining binary variables, ANOVAwas used for three and more categorical variables. Survey results show that there is no significant difference in life satisfaction in terms of gender variable, school type, number of siblings and academic achievement. It has been found that there is a strong positive relationship between life satisfaction and family satisfaction. Also, as the class level increased, the level of life satisfaction decreased. The findings were discussed and interpreted in light of the literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Haydarâbâd Salar Jung Kütüphanesindeki Türkçe Öğretimi İle İlgili Yazma Eserler ve Bu Eserlerden Fazlullah Han Barlas Tarafından Yazılan “Lugat-ı Türkî”nin Çağatay Türkçesi Öğretimi Yöntemine Dâir Düşünceler (Manuscripts Related to Teaching Turkish in Hyderabad Salar Jung Library)

EJE 2(1)

Twenty-six Turkish writing works have been identified as a result of the research that we persona... more Twenty-six Turkish writing works have been identified as a result of the research that we personally conducted at the SalarJung Library in Hyderabad province of India. Eight of these relate directly to language teaching, and grammaticaldictionary, grammar and dictionary, aimed at teaching language only through grammar and dictionary method only. There are dictionary and dictionarygrammars which are prepared as verse in them, as well as those who have close formations. This shows that these works are based on the method of memorizing in language teaching. Moreover, these works are based on bilingual teaching method. Six of the eight works were written to teach Turkish with Persian, one to teach Turkish with Arabic and one to teach Persian with Turkish. Because most of these works we have studied are dictionary logic, someone who speaks Turkish can learn Farsi in this way. This also applies to other works written in ArabicTurkish or Turkish-Persian. We tried to describe these works and learn about their contents in the context of our personal work in the library. Moreover, although we wanted to receive the digital images of writing in Turkish, on condition that it was received in tribal terms, it was not allowed to take the full image of the works because of the difficult and intricate bureaucracy of India. However, it was possible for us to get only a few pages of images from each work as a result of our insistence on the library authorities. In our article, samples were given from the images we can get. This article has been considered as the first and main article for the introduction of 8 works in the Indian Salar Jung Library in the teaching of Turkish. Because here, seven of the eight works will be discussed and briefly discussed, and one's content and language teaching method will be examined in detail. As long as we have the opportunity, the remaining 7 works will be examined by individual articles and individual content and language teaching methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Fizik Öğretmeni Adaylarının Elektrik Konusunda Bazı Kavramlara Ait Metaforik Algıları (Metaphorical Perceptions of Physics Teacher Candidates about Some Concepts of Electricity)

EJE 2(1), 2018

Purpose of this study is to reveal the metaphorical perceptions of the Physics Teacher candidates... more Purpose of this study is to reveal the metaphorical perceptions of the Physics Teacher candidates regarding the 10 basic concepts of electricity. These concepts are "electron, proton, electric field, charge, conductor, non-conductor, semiconductor , flux, magnetic field and condenser." The research study was conducted in 2016-2017 academic year with the 3 rd grade Physics Teacher candidates studying in Education Faculty of a State University. Students were directed the open-ended question as "This concept is …Because…" with the aim of revealing their metaphorical perception and thy were expected to base their metaphorical perceptions in the because part. In the research carried out with 10 voluntary teacher candidates, descriptive method was used among the qualitative analysis techniques. The second part of this study consists of an interview which lasts 4 weeks. 4 teacher candidates, who were selected in terms of the consistency of their answers given in the first part, attended to the interview. In the interview, it is requested to deeply analyze the answers given by teacher candidates. Therefore, questions were presented by supporting them with sub-problems. Findings had been recorded for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, 93 metaphors were found. These metaphors were divided into 3 groups in terms of their ability to associate the features of the object, to associate the features of the person and to associate the features of the abstract concepts. The results of the research were compared to the researches done in our and other countries and similarities and differences had been revealed.

Research paper thumbnail of Akademik Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi Süreci İçerisinde Kavram Edinimi Ve Buna Yönelik Bir Eylem Araştırması (Acquisition of the Concept During the Process of Teaching Academic Turkish as a Foreign Language and an Action Study for This)

EJE 2(1), 2018

As a re sult of the re searcher's own obse rvations and late r inte rvie ws with the stude nts an... more As a re sult of the re searcher's own obse rvations and late r inte rvie ws with the stude nts and te achers as we ll as re searches in the fie ld, it has be en unde rstood that the fore ign stude nts, coming to Turke y for highe r e ducation, cannot acquire full academic and conce ptual knowle dge of the ir fie ld within the conte xt of language le arning and the refore the y e xperience some proble ms. From this point forth, in orde r to de te rmine the acade mic language needs of foreign stude nts and to de ve lop solutions, Turkish academic concept acquisition process for fore ign stude nts has been planned based on the fie ld re search and student needs. In order to te st the skills planne d in the proce ss and e nable the stude nts to gain them, academic te xts, course te aching plans, a list of skills / acquisition, academic conce pt lists and activitie s we re de veloped. A twe lve-we e k te aching process is planne d for the imple me ntation of the de veloped content. The imple mentation of the instructional package was carrie d out in the action re se arch mode l in the conte xt of qualitative re search. During the process analysis researcher's journals ide ntifie d as data colle ction tools, stude nt journals, course vide o re cordings, stude nt activity pape rs are used. When the data obtained during the course of the action we re subjected to the de scriptive analysis and inte rpreted; it has been seen that the te aching material and its conte nts are effective, stude nts make progress in conce pt acquisition and the y are ve ry satisfie d with the imple me ntation proce ss. It has be e n conclude d that the academic concept te aching process de ve lope d for the acade mic achie vements of foreign stude nts within the scope of the study is e xtre mely useful and ne cessary.

Research paper thumbnail of Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Türkçe Ders Kitaplarında Yer Alan Metinlere Yönelik Tutumlarının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Secondary School Students' Attitudes Towards Texts in Turkish Textbooks)

EJE 2(1), 2018

Reading skills are one of the most important goals that are aimed at bringing individuals into th... more Reading skills are one of the most important goals that are aimed at bringing individuals into the e ducational process. Be ing a good reader especially in society is the main aim of education systems. Acquisition of re gular re ading habits consists of a process that e xtends from the childhood. Re searchers indicate that pare nts' attitude s are influe ntial in winning this habit. It is also se e n that individuals pre fe r books more frequently in the range of spe cies the y enjoy in the future. In the re search process, the attitudes of middle school stude nts towards te xts in Turkish te xtbooks we re e xamined. For this purpose , a que stionnaire containing both qualitative and quantitative ite ms was de ve loped. Se mi-structure d inte rview and value surve y of qualitative research me thods are data colle ction tools used in this re se arch process. The obtaine d data we re e valuated by de scriptive analysis. In addition, the re sults obtained we re compared in terms of class le vels. As a re sult of the re search, it is se en that there are diffe rences at the class le vel. For e xample , while most of 5th grade students like d the tale , the 8th grade stude nts like d more informative te xts. It was se en that the students de ve lope d diffe rent criteria while e valuating the te xts in the Turkish te xtbooks. Particularly in the fifth a nd sixth classes, while e valuating the te xts, the e motional subje cts, which are more subjective and difficult to me asure, are used, while the se venth and e ighth classes have reached the result that the y use the criteria which are e asier and more subjective to me asure. For this re ason, it is sugge sted that te achers should coope rate with the stude nts in te rms of te xt e valuation me thods in orde r to provide more objective evaluations e specially in lowe r grade s.

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul ve Ortaokul Öğretmenlerinin Bilimsel Okuryazarlıklarının Odak Grup Görüşmeleriyle İncelenmesi (Investigation of Scientific Literacy of Primary and Secondary School Teachers with Focus Group Interviews)

EJE 2(1), 2018

In this study, it is aime d to inve stigate the scientific lite racy of the te achers who play an... more In this study, it is aime d to inve stigate the scientific lite racy of the te achers who play an active role in shaping the Turkish socie ty and in the training of the individuals. For this purpose , focus group inte rvie ws we re conducte d with the te achers who participate d in the study. Two focus group inte rvie ws were conducte d with 6 and 4 individuals re spectively. The group me mbers were composed of te achers working in various fie lds (scie nce, mathematics, English, Turkish, music and arts) in e le me ntary and junior high school and maximum dive rsity sampling was done. The inte rvie ws started with brie f introductions of the participants. The data we re colle cte d by voice re cording me thod. Te achers we re give n ne cessary e xplanations and aske d for the ir consent. The inte rviews laste d 60 and 97 minute s. The inte rvie ws we re based on 5 que stions. In the study, e ach question was formed to cover a theme. The the mes we re the needs of being scie ntifically lite rate , the ne cessities of be ing scie ntifically lite rate , the tasks of institutions and organizations in the case of scientific lite racy, the perspective of the te achers on academic studie s and the e valuation of the te achers own scie ntific lite racy. The validity of this study was e xamine d based on evide nce-based validity. As a re sult of the focus group inte rvie ws, it was de te rmine d that the te achers conside red the concept of "scientific lite racy" important and useful. It was observed that many te achers, e ven if at a minimum le ve l, we re inte re sted in academic studie s, but the ir inte re st fade d away due to the fact that it was not supporte d by the authoritie s.

Research paper thumbnail of Important Physical Characteristics for Quality Teacher Education: The Delphi Study

EJE 1(2), 2017

Physical environment in higher education has been of interest since especially the beginning of t... more Physical environment in higher education has been of interest since especially the beginning of the 21st century however very a few studies on this topic have been conducted for teacher education in Turkey. In this study, the main purposes were to identify the essential characteristics of physical environment to access quality teacher education and to discuss the importance and role of these physical characteristics for effective and efficient teacher education. A Delphi study with three phases was utilized as a research methodology. In the first phase of the study, data were obtained by one open ended question from 33 teacher candidates in three state and one private universities at Ankara and content analysis was used to analyze data. Then, the questionnaire developed according to the results of the first phase, was applied in two times in a one month interval. Data obtained by the second and the third phases of the study was analyzed by descriptive analysis and then, comparison between two applications was presented in the paper. As a result of the study, technology, ambient environment of the building and classrooms, the cleanliness of environment, the size of the classrooms, furniture and materials, spaces for social and academic activity were emerged as the most important physical characteristics. In discussion part, the importance and role of those places and physical characteristics for teacher education were discussed and presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomi Okuryazarlığı ve Eğitimine İlişkin Alan Uzmanı ve Öğretmen Görüşlerinin Belirlenmesi (An Investigation of the Views of Field Experts and Teachers related to Economic Literacy and Its Education)

EJE 1(2), 2017

This study was conducted to determine the views of economists, social studies education field exp... more This study was conducted to determine the views of economists, social studies education field experts, and social studies teachers on economic literacy and economics education in Turkey. The study was conducted with descriptive survey model. The study group consisted of 116 volunteer participants including experts working in the economics and social studies teacher education departments in the universities and social studies teachers working in the six counties of Istanbul. The data were collected through a demographic information form and two questionnaires. In the analysis of the data, frequency, percentage, and sum of ranking scores were used. According to the results, participants think that economic literacy level of Turkish society and economics teaching are insufficient. A majority of the participants regard economic literacy as a basic competency area for all citizens. Participants consider high school stage as the most appropriate education level for teaching economics, then middle school, undergraduate, primary, and kindergarten levels, respectively. In addition, approximately two thirds of participants believe that economics teaching should be designed based on the interdisciplinary approach in middle schools. A considerable proportion of the participants suggest that the interdisciplinar programs should be associated with current developments related to the country and world agenda, geography, and politics. The findings of the study show that economic literacy and economics education are seen as an important and necessary competency by different stakeholders in the field, also an inadequate area for all society.

Research paper thumbnail of Formasyon Programına Katılan Öğrencilerin Ölçme-Değerlendirme Dersine İlişkin Farkındalıkları (Awareness of the Measurement and Evaluation Course of the Participating Students in the Formation Program)

EJE 1(1), 2017

In the current study, pedagogical formation students' awareness of measurement and evaluation and... more In the current study, pedagogical formation students' awareness of measurement and evaluation and their views on the topics in the course were determined. The study aims to provide researchers with an careful into the process of restructuring of both pedagogical formation program and this course as part of the program. The research group of this descriptive research consists of 180 pedagogical formation program students from the departments of Turkish Language and Literature and Sociology in the 2014-2015 academic year. When the research group was determined, appropriate sampling method was used for non-arbitrary sampling methods. In the study, students' awareness on the various variables of the course in measurement and evaluation were collected through constructed responsequestions. The scope of the questions; basic concepts in measurement and evaluation (measurement-criterion-evaluation), ıtem types (true-false, long-responded, short-responded, paired and multiple-choice), problems in the course. To analyze the data, descriptive analysis methods were used. The reliability ratio between the researchers was found to be .85. At the end of the study, it was concluded that most students had some concern over this course at the beginning of the term. However, these worries decreased and the students started to consider the course beneficial to their own career development as they gain different points of view during the term. It is believed that the results and suggestions will increase effectiveness of the course and help researchers and program development specialists in the process of restructuring of the course in the scope of the program.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Ders Kitabındaki Metinlerin (5. Sınıf) Değerler Eğitimi Yaklaşımıyla İncelenmesi (An Investigation of Values in Turkish Textbook (5th Grade) a Valuable Education Approach)

EJE 1(1), 2017

Values are significant guide to make sense of individual's life. The individual decides on good a... more Values are significant guide to make sense of individual's life. The individual decides on good and bad whereby them. They act an important role in determining the standarts of individual's life and in their efforts to keep up with norms existing in society. Students gain the values in family, in environment, at school, on media. Recently existing of values in the textbooks ,which has been indispensable with the importance of values education, has become one of the curious topics. Today the aimed values given to the children are being tried to be acquired, especially in the textbooks at schools. In this study, the values in the textbook of 5th grade Turkish classroom were tried to be determined by the qualitative research methods. While textbook's sentences were being examined using document review, were benefited from values of codes made by Schwarts before. To obtain statistical knowledge of value, SPSS 22 programme was used. According to the result of the research, there is no homogeneous structure in the theme distribution of values. It is seen that whereas some values take place in specific theme, others do not. When we look at the values in the textbook, the most frequently used values are universalism, success and happiness.The least value in the book is power, fit and benevolence. According to the study result, it has been suggested that the values in the themes should be distributed homogeneously and the theme-value harmony should be more regular. Also,meanwhile the values presented in the book as a gain, it has been suggested that especially the general aims of Turkish National Education should be considered.

Research paper thumbnail of Performans Yönetimi Sorunsalı ve Okullar (Problematic of Performance Management and Schools)

EJE 1(1), 2017

Performance may be characterized as the execution of a purpose, duty or function. Studies on perf... more Performance may be characterized as the execution of a purpose, duty or function. Studies on performance; organizations have existed since the day it existed, and employees have met with various consequences according to their success status. In this context performance management is a sophisticated field of application where the corporate dimension as well as the individual dimension is continuously studied. Good and effective performance management work is related to all elements of the process of human resource development. Performance management is run through performance cycle that includes planning, implementation, monitoring and rewiewing steps. 360-degree feedback, also known as multiple feedback or multi-source feedback, can be defined as the heart of performance management. This type of feedback is a perspective tool that encompasses all dimensions of performance. Performance management is a comprehensive process that includes performance evaluation. Performance evaluation studies are stages that focus not only on the mistakes and deficiencies of individuals but also on their success. When the performance management process is carried out appropriately, it can provide individual and organizational incentives such as solving the need for success of the employees, contributing to the career plan. Also it can make it easier to see your personal situation in a holistic perspective. In schools where individuals spend a significant part of their lives, it is necessary to transform human resources into an effective force. Since renewed cultural values, environmental conditions, individual and organizational understandings have important effects on performance and outcomes, it is inevitable to examine the performances of schools. Performance management can provide professional support for school and teacher evaluation. It can guide how peak performances that employees and organizations can demonstrate and how to achieve them.

Research paper thumbnail of Topluma Hizmet Uygulamaları Dersine Yönelik Öğretmen Adayı Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi (An Investigation of Teacher Candidates' Perceptions on Community Service Practices (CSP) Course)

EJE(1)1, 2017

The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of the teacher candidates about the goals, i... more The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of the teacher candidates about the goals, implementation and outcomes of the Community Service Practices (CSP) Course and to propose suggestions for a more effective teaching of the course. This phenomenological study was carried out with seven teacher candidates in their 3rd year and taking the Community Service Practices (CSP) Course in Mersin University, Faculty of Education, English Language Teaching Department in spring term of 2014-2015 academic year. A form consisting of nine open ended questions which were prepared by the researchers and evaluated by two experts for their validity was used to collect data about research problems. The form also included closed-ended questions where participants were asked about their demographic characteristics. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis technique. The data were classified according to their contents and the themes were created. These themes were examined and compared by two experts of educational science and then their reliability was calculated using the formula "Reliability=(Number of Agreements/Total Number of Agreements and Disagreement) x 100". The reliability coefficient calculated as 18 / (18 + 3) * 100 = 85 shows that there is a reasonable consensus among the experts and therefore the internal consistency of the study (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The obtained data indicated that the course was overall implemented in line with its goals. As for the achievement of the goals of the course, many goals were considered to be attained because teacher candidates stated that they had the chance to get to know the society better and to integrate with it; cooperated with different institutions; strengthened the emotional dimension and spirituality of the teaching profession; developed self-confidence and socialized more. On the other hand, teacher candidates also reported some issues related to the course. Bearing these findings in mind, it can be concluded that teacher candidates found this course very useful, and that some suggestions about the issues should be taken into account so that the course could be implemented more productively.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Eşya Tarihini Araştırmak: Eşyanın da Tarihi mi Olurmuş (Investigation of The History of Material In Social Studies Courses: The History Of Material? What Next?)

EJE (1)1, 2017

In 2005 Social Studies Curriculum, it was seen that local, oral and family history, historical an... more In 2005 Social Studies Curriculum, it was seen that local, oral and family history, historical and geographical locations and museum trips are included within the framework of learning-out-of-school. This research aims to study on the history of material approach, one of the methods of out-of-school learning. The purpose of the present study is to implement the history of material method as a new research and learning approach, to evaluate the process of the approach by the students and reveal the views of the partners. The present study was planned in the line of qualitative paradigm where action research was the main research design. The research was carried out with a working group consisting of 5th grade students attending to a state school in Seyhan, Adana. 21 students (11 male and 10 female) participated in the study. The data was obtained from "history of material projects" prepared by the students. The interview forms with the students and teachers and a questionnaire about the process with Social Studies teacher of the chosen school and 4 students. In the present study, the students collected information about the history of a chosen material and prepared projects as a group of two or individually. They also supported the information with certain visuals and wrote a bibliography at the end of the project. Additionally, they were required to make interviews with 3 adults above 40 years old about the chosen material and make a report about the results. The results reveal that understanding 'the continuity' is relatively more difficult than understanding 'the change' for the students. The students were expected to make deductions from the first form of the material about past lives, make comparison between past and present and have an idea about the technological features of the materials in the past. They were also able to learn about the living conditions of adults and grow empathy with them.

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Vol. 2, No. 2

Erciyes Journal of Education, 2017

The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most int... more The high school years that correspond to the period when the symptoms of adolescence are most intense are also a time when important decisions are made. On one hand adapting to the physical emotional and intellectual developments, on the other hand deciding on the choice of the profession and furthermore being in a fight with the whole world, is making the period even more challenging Satisfaction from life in these stormy years can become more difficult than ever. The aim of this research is to investigate the factors that may affect life satisfaction in adolescence. Relational screening model was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 311 high school students from different high schools. Personal information form developed by researchers and Life Satisfaction Scale whose Turkish adaptation is made by Köker (1991) and Yetim (1993) is used as data collection tool. SPSS 20 program is used for analyzing the data. Statistical techniques to be used as a result of normality analysis were determined. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for determining the relationships between variables, t-test was used for examining binary variables, ANOVAwas used for three and more categorical variables. Survey results show that there is no significant difference in life satisfaction in terms of gender variable, school type, number of siblings and academic achievement. It has been found that there is a strong positive relationship between life satisfaction and family satisfaction. Also, as the class level increased, the level of life satisfaction decreased. The findings were discussed and interpreted in light of the literature.

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Vol. 2, No. 1

Erciyes Journal of Education, 2018

EJE yılda iki defa yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir.

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Vol. 1, No. 2.

Erciyes Journal of Education, 2017

EJE yılda iki defa yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. EJE is published two times in a ... more EJE yılda iki defa yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. EJE is published two times in a year. This journal is an international peer-reviewed journal.

Research paper thumbnail of EJE Vol. 1, No. 1.

Erciyes Journal of Education, 2017